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Starsector 0.97a is out! (02/02/24); New blog post: Planet Search Overhaul (07/13/24)

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Topics - StriderGunship

Pages: [1]
Had two normal and one modded playthroughs in total (not including the current one). Never had any problems, build/playstyle more or less the same. Aggressive officers get themselves surrounded in a way they never did before and die. Same goes to Glimmers. A Radiant build that literally NEVER once died in my previous playthroughs that can 1v3 three capitals easily gets itself surrounded by three cruisers and I actually had to save it from dying, that was the last straw. During sim testing it also often sits on its Skimmer charges instead of disengaging and venting. Ship AI died such easily avoidable deaths extremely rarely and was very competent and reliable in all my previous playthroughs. They also drop their shield all the time for no reason and get easily avoidable damage.

Also, that thing when ships turn their fresh armor absolutely murders some of the ships that have a lot of fixed hardpoints, and in other cases it leads to ships taking damage they wouldn't get if they just kept shooting.

Heard but not tested myself that reckless officers became worse too.

The last version before this patch I played is [0.95.1a-RC6]

Mods list:

Modding / Turn Tech-Mining into structure [0.95.1a]
« on: June 12, 2022, 06:58:09 AM »
Yeah, so I wanted to turn tech-mining industry into structure. I don't know how to make proper mods, and I'm too dumb and lazy to understand it. But to turn it into structure just go to D:\Starsector\starsector-core\data\campaign and open industries with WordPad and find techmining,Tech-Mining,30,45,,2,,,"techmining, industry, industrial" and change it into techmining,Tech-Mining,30,45,,2,,,"techmining, structure, industrial"

No idea how it will affect other mods or what will happen if you already have tech-mining installed on any of your colonies, so make backups if you want to use my file or just change your own.

If anyone feels like making a normal mod out of my crappy post, just do it.

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