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Starsector 0.97a is out! (02/02/24); In-development patch notes for Starsector 0.98a (2/8/25)

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First of all i hope this is the right forum section to post under zzz

alas. i got zero coding knowledge i just changed a few numbers here and there.

what it does is depending on hull size you get corresponding op.
for battleships that would be 50 additional op.
vent rate gains 25%
flux dissipation gains 25%.
weapon range does not get nerfed.
speed bonus is fairly small to make the mod at least ''somewhat'' balanced zzz
0 flux speed boost still applies at all times.
peak time gets expanded by x3 or smth
can be installed from start of new run.

should be save to add to mid game however i do not know the consequences if removed mid game.
ai does not use that hullmod.

hope someone will have some fun with this dumb hullmod )

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