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Starsector 0.97a is out! (02/02/24); New blog post: Planet Search Overhaul (07/13/24)

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Topics - KDR_11k

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You need some HM for salvaging and of course surveying, how much should you ideally bring? I think I'm overdoing it by aiming for 100 units.

Suggestions / Remember last assigned officer when stashing a ship
« on: June 13, 2023, 12:35:00 PM »
I have some ships I only want to bring out when I'm heading for combat but every time I store them at my base their officers of course get unassigned and when I later pull them out again for the next use I have to assign officers again. Would be nice if a ship remembered the last officer it had assigned and if that officer is free when that ship is retrieved the officer automatically captains it.
Another nice thing would be having "fleet loadouts" that let you quickly stash and unstash ships for different mission profiles but I suppose that would be a lot more work.

The number of support craft is increasing, especially once mods get involved but the categories on the refit screen are only "interceptor", "fighter" and "bomber".

Suggestions / List "you have X" column in production view
« on: June 09, 2023, 09:11:58 AM »
Would be neat if we could not only see at a glance how many of each thing we have and quickly put in orders for things we're missing but also sort by how many we have in stock.


The virus spreads to any other JARs on your computer so there's a risk if one of the modders for Starsector were to be infected they might get their mods infected too. Not too sure about the mechanics but it seems like something we should look out for.

The readout on the bottom left only tells us the current total consumption, for planning it'd be much more useful to have it separate out the maintenance costs (that we'll be paying forever) and the recovery/repair costs that only last until the recovery is done. Ideally I'd like the latter to be the total left to complete CR recovery and repairs so I can budget for them.
When I see 100 -2/day, -40 I can estimate that I'll last 30 days with the supplies I have instead of seeing something like 100 -8/day with no idea how long it'll stay at -8 and what it'll drop down to after that.

Also I find it a bit odd that the fleet screen lists only daily consumption while the detailed ship stats only list monthly consumption.

It's a bit awkward to figure out when exactly you can launch your next raid, since it's a 1 day cooldown the game never really tells you anything but "less than a day" so it's a matter of clicking on the planet, seeing whether it's still greyed out, leaving, repeat or guesstimating based on the day progress bar. Would be much nicer if it just said "your marines are ready for their next raid".

Suggestions / Let us declare a distance for an order
« on: May 29, 2023, 06:05:09 AM »
Orders seem to have a certain leash distance to them. However in some situations that leash is too long (e.g. when you want to push into a capture point or when assaulting a station, being closer tends to be safer there) so please give us a distance modifier for commands where we can tell units to be much tighter or looser about them. Or maybe even tell ships to keep a certain distance while attacking something.

I tend to avoid broadside ships because they're pretty incompatible with rotating towards the cursor (especially with omni shields so you can't even point the cursor to the side). Would be nice if we could somehow set the ship to point a specific side towards the cursor in battle. Even better if it could rotate the directions of WASD too but that may be asking too much.

Suggestions / Include Atlas MkII and Prometheus MkII in BP packages
« on: May 19, 2023, 02:16:42 PM »
Capital ships aren't included in BP packages, makes sense that they're special loot since they're so valuable. But for the two improvised capital ships I'd suggest including them in the pirate and LP BP packs: That way the chance is high that the first capital ship the player can build is one of these makeshift ships. Right now the lottery of BP drops often hands you something more advanced before you get these junkers and unless you want to try something really unusual you'll probably never build them.

It's pretty frustrating to jump into a neutron star system and end up showing up in the middle of the beam, burning up a ton of supplies. Since we get warnings about enemy fleets on the other side of the jump point can we get one about the neutron star's beam too? AFAIK there's no indicator in hyperspace which way the star is currently facing.

General Discussion / How many units of heavy machinery do you carry?
« on: August 09, 2021, 10:44:58 PM »
Some tasks just require you to have a stock of heavy machinery, dunno why since that's not difficult to get past the first hour or so and doesn't take up that much space in anything except a pure frigate fleet with no freighters but it means you can't just sell your whole stack of HM, you gotta split it and keep some.

Personally I carry 200 units with me at all times but I forgot how I arrived at that number. Could probably drop that to 100 or so?

That would produce genuinely AI-designed ships rather than having humans guess what an AI might make.

In this game Sindria declared an expedition with a saturation bombardment over fuel export market shares (is that even a vanilla thing? I've never had that happen before) at a starting rep of around +40. Because I was offended by that I parked in orbit of Sindria with the intention of annihilating as many of their fleets in the skirmish as possible. I fought the two fleets of the expedition separately since they trundled in there one by one. After the second fleet plus a lot of other guards were defeated the remains (like 1-2 ships) of the expedition fleet engaged me again, I wiped the floor with them and everybody they ever loved again but after the battle and the pursuit I get the rep penalty as if I had declared war. Even though the start of the battle told me there would be no rep penalty and it didn't ask me about declaring war either.

Personal theory: There were no ships of the actual expedition force left by the time the pursuit happened so the pursuit counted as a battle against the regular forces?

While this game is modded I think this was a result of the base game's mechanics.

The log doesn't seem to contain anything useful.

Suggestions / Asteroid navigation sensor hullmod
« on: July 27, 2021, 03:38:49 AM »
Decreases the odds of an asteroid strike while in an asteroid belt based on how many of your total DP are equipped with the hull mod. Should probably top out at something like 1/10th of the DP since it should be enough to outfit the logistics ships of the fleet with such a sensor. Though realistically I expect people will demand more benefits than just asteroid avoidance from a hull mod, like how solar shielding also gives -20% energy damage in combat?

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