« on: February 20, 2023, 07:46:30 PM »
Currently, ships that are unreliable and have delicate components like Hyperion and [Very Redacted] are given high CR per Deployment values among other stats and tough reliable ships have low CR/D.
The problem I have with this is that due to how recovery and repairs are done, this makes recovering destroyed or derelict ships cheaper for unreliable ships and expensive for reliable ships when it should be the other way. I also don't like how after PPT runs out, every ship (excluding phase ships) last the same amount of time.
So what I want to do is instead of every ship having different CR/D and the same malfunction threshold. Every ship will have 15% CR/D and then have different CR/D depending on their original CR/D with other stats also being adjusted to fit.
The malfunction threshold will be changed so that every ship can last the same number of back to back battles as they could before from 70% to 40% CR which is 30% divided by CR/D. The minimum threshold is 10% which requires CR/D less than 7.5% which only derelict frigates have.
CR recovered per day is multiplied by 15% / CR/D so that time to recover between battles is kept the same.
The critical malfunction threshold will be 15% below the normal malfunction threshold (or at 0% CR).
Low CR penalties start at malfunction threshold +15% and finish at -30% (or at 0% CR).
Missile ammo starts reducing at malfunction threshold and finishes at -30% (or at 0% CR).
High CR bonuses stay the same though they may overlap with penalties in which case they add together.
[Very Redacted] with 50% CR/D has a malfunction threshold of 61%.
Hyperion with 40% CR/D has a malfunction threshold of 58.75%.
Ships with 20% CR/D threshold is 47.5%.
Default 15% CR/D threshold stays at 40%.
Ships with 12% CR/D threshold is 32.5%.
Ships with 10% CR/D threshold is 25%
Gemini with 9% CR/D has a threshold of 20%
Derelict frigates with 5% CR/D have the minimum threshold of 10%
Implications of this:
The cost to recover destroyed or derelict ships will be deployment recovery cost times 4 2/3 rather than recovery cost divided by CR/D. This will make most reliable ships 1/3 or 1/4 cheaper to recover and most unreliable ships 1/3 more expensive.
More reliable ships can last longer after PPT and vise versa. This feels right though PPT times may need adjusting.
Phase ships and soon the Hyperion won't need delicate machinery as the malfunction threshold reduces their post PPT endurance, may increase phase ships CR/D from 20% to 30%.
Max CR increasing skills will make every ships be able to fight more back to back battles which will benefit very unreliable ships proportionally more which feels right to me.
With automated ships, derelicts and frigates have CR/D below 15% and so will have lower malfunction thresholds and so more can be used. The Scintilla is the only one with CR/D >15%.
With all this said, I am unexperienced dealing with big programs and APIs so I don't know how to figure out the classes, methods and variables that I need to call and interact with. Any hints there would be greatly appreciated.