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Topics - BaBosa

Pages: [1] 2
Suggestions / Sentinel Invictus
« on: August 14, 2023, 12:23:25 AM »
I want to experience the horror of an alpha Invictus with quad Mjolnirs obliterating anything in front of it or Guass shooting across the entire battlefield. Throw in some eradicators of both variants and manticores to complete the fleet.

General Discussion / DEM missiles weapon_data
« on: June 20, 2023, 03:30:49 AM »
I was looking at the DEMs in the weapon_data file and I am confused. Like the gazer weapon is listed as having 200 damage instead of 1000 (the gazer_payload has the expected 100 dps).

Then the dps and burst lengths look weird;
Gorgon_payload has 800 dps but a burst of 0.9
Hydra_payload has 500 dps but a burst of 0.9 (x6)
Dragon_payload has 8000 dps but a burst of 0.25
Gazer_payload has 100 dps with a burst of 10.

The gazer looks right and makes it clear that the burst is the time the laser lasts but then it looks like the dragon does only 2000 damage instead of 4000, that gorgon only does 720 damage and hydra only does 2700 damage.

Also the dragonfire and gorgon have a delay between getting into range and firing. Dragon takes like 5 seconds and Gorgons 2. Where do I find this number?

Suggestions / Add end game bounties to the mission screen.
« on: June 20, 2023, 12:19:36 AM »
Basically as the tile says, could all the end game bounties and hand crafted fleets be added to the mission list?

General Discussion / Fast missile racks and missile autoloader
« on: June 15, 2023, 08:27:53 AM »
I’m not able to test this myself right now but I’m wondering if anyone has noticed if fast missile racks remove the extended refire rate that comes from autoloader? This would only apply to the venture in vanilla but it’s be cool for modded ships if they can build in autoloader and not worry about the 10 sec delay penalty if they have fast missile racks.

Suggestions / Missile autoforge - missile autoloader
« on: June 05, 2023, 05:38:54 AM »
I just tested what happens when you use the Gryphons autoforge when your autoloader is empty and it didn’t do anything. Now the Gryphon is already overpowered when using the correct meta but I think autoloader should still be refilled by the autoforge. It feels right and for normal use it’s fine.

As in the title. I found an officer that started with missile specialisation.

Bug Reports & Support / Combat freeze crash
« on: May 24, 2023, 01:09:05 AM »
Lately, I have had the game freeze during combat a couple of times and not on just one save. It is also weird how when I tab away and then try open it, it flashes between the game screen from a couple of minutes ago and the desktop.

Suggestions / Missile dmod
« on: May 20, 2023, 05:40:05 PM »
As you can probably guess, there is currently no dmod that affects missile weapons while the others get reduced range.
I saw someone else mention this and I’m thinking if there should be a health and top speed penalty in either a seperate dmod or combined with the other weapon one.

Suggestions / Help get more dmods on ships for Derelict Operations
« on: April 05, 2023, 02:51:07 AM »
So I have been trying Derelict Operations after talking about it on another thread and I have found that it is just really frustrating to use. You really want most if not every ship to have 5 dmods or the skill is not really worth it but getting 5 dmods on most of your fleet is really tedious even with cheats let alone without.
Getting a pirate or LP fleet is slightly easier as they tend to have about 3~4 dmods after killing them but that's still not 5 and most of their cruisers and capitals were unrecoverable, also you can't really buy their cruisers and capitals as most of them are just not available and those that are have few or no dmods (at least when I checked once with cheats). It is worse with normal ships as they tend to have 1~2 dmods and there aren't many heavily dmodded good cruisers and capitals for sale.
So it's really hard to get proper cruisers and capitals with 5 dmods but getting more dmods is also really hard. I found that every single time I recovered one of my own ships, they always just got one more dmod. So you need to destroy almost every cruiser and capital 3 or so times and that means each fight you have to wait 5 or so minutes for your weaponless ships to get destroyed before you bring in other ships to kill the enemy fleet and you have to do this more than 3 times as you have to keep those other ships alive to kill the enemy and you have to pay a huge amount of supplies to repair capitals fully after each fight. Even with cheats so I could just use the kill and nuke commands, this was tedious and the supply cost was like 1000 per fight.

So a recovered ships have more dmods but require 5% less supplies to repair per dmod effect is really needed for the Derelict Operations skill.

The ability to lock in dmods so dock restoration and hull restoration ignore them would also be cool. Maybe on the smod screen.

Suggestions / Expand difficulty settings
« on: March 30, 2023, 02:06:07 AM »
A lot of player complaints that I have seen have been about difficulty. Some people saying the game is too hard or they don't feel strong or some aspects of the game drag down the rest or the game is too easy or only the redacted are difficult or the campaign layer is too easy and industry skills are useless.

Currently there is just normal and easy mode with easy mode giving you some bonuses. I think an even easier mode called experimental or similar with campaign bonuses (like being able to recover ships even after losing a battle) would be good for people learning or wanting to try stuff and a harder mode with a DP and max CR penalty.
Even better would be to also be able to customize the settings so you could choose like unlimited command points but every enemy fleet is 50% bigger, to make the each part of the game the right level of difficulty. Though these detailed settings shouldn't be thrown at new players.
Being able to change the settings mid game would be pretty important as people get better during a game and need more difficulty but don't want to start over again.

General Discussion / DEM bombers?
« on: March 25, 2023, 12:40:48 AM »
Will there be new bombers for the new DEMs? In particular the Gazer and Hydra? Currently the only kinetic bomber are the longbows so it’d be nice to see another one. A fighter version of the Hydra sounds really cool as it’ll be like the swarmer but more useful which I think will look awesome.

General Discussion / Do factions use the hostile activity feature?
« on: March 20, 2023, 01:58:07 PM »
Is it only the player faction that uses the hostile activity major event system or do the other factions use it as well?
I’m asking because I noticed the commerce industry will give out a bounty when hostile activity it high and it’d be nice to have semi permanent system bounties early game instead of them randomly popping up.

Modding / (Very WIP) Variable malfunction thresholds
« on: February 20, 2023, 07:46:30 PM »
Currently, ships that are unreliable and have delicate components like Hyperion and [Very Redacted] are given high CR per Deployment values among other stats and tough reliable ships have low CR/D.
The problem I have with this is that due to how recovery and repairs are done, this makes recovering destroyed or derelict ships cheaper for unreliable ships and expensive for reliable ships when it should be the other way. I also don't like how after PPT runs out, every ship (excluding phase ships) last the same amount of time.

So what I want to do is instead of every ship having different CR/D and the same malfunction threshold. Every ship will have 15% CR/D and then have different CR/D depending on their original CR/D with other stats also being adjusted to fit.

The malfunction threshold will be changed so that every ship can last the same number of back to back battles as they could before from 70% to 40% CR which is 30% divided by CR/D. The minimum threshold is 10% which requires CR/D less than 7.5% which only derelict frigates have.
CR recovered per day is multiplied by 15% / CR/D so that time to recover between battles is kept the same.

The critical malfunction threshold will be 15% below the normal malfunction threshold (or at 0% CR).
Low CR penalties start at malfunction threshold +15% and finish at -30% (or at 0% CR).
Missile ammo starts reducing at malfunction threshold and finishes at -30% (or at 0% CR).
High CR bonuses stay the same though they may overlap with penalties in which case they add together.

[Very Redacted] with 50% CR/D has a malfunction threshold of 61%.
Hyperion with 40% CR/D has a malfunction threshold of 58.75%.
Ships with 20% CR/D threshold is 47.5%.
Default 15% CR/D threshold stays at 40%.
Ships with 12% CR/D threshold is 32.5%.
Ships with 10% CR/D threshold is 25%
Gemini with 9% CR/D has a threshold of 20%
Derelict frigates with 5% CR/D have the minimum threshold of 10%

Implications of this:
The cost to recover destroyed or derelict ships will be deployment recovery cost times 4 2/3 rather than recovery cost divided by CR/D. This will make most reliable ships 1/3 or 1/4 cheaper to recover and most unreliable ships 1/3 more expensive.
More reliable ships can last longer after PPT and vise versa. This feels right though PPT times may need adjusting.
Phase ships and soon the Hyperion won't need delicate machinery as the malfunction threshold reduces their post PPT endurance, may increase phase ships CR/D from 20% to 30%.
Max CR increasing skills will make every ships be able to fight more back to back battles which will benefit very unreliable ships proportionally more which feels right to me.
With automated ships, derelicts and frigates have CR/D below 15% and so will have lower malfunction thresholds and so more can be used. The Scintilla is the only one with CR/D >15%.

With all this said, I am unexperienced dealing with big programs and APIs so I don't know how to figure out the classes, methods and variables that I need to call and interact with. Any hints there would be greatly appreciated.

Suggestions / Mothball ship capture
« on: February 18, 2023, 03:25:38 AM »
Someone has suggested this before but it always feels bad when I have to destroy the ships that are being transported as mothballed ships. With other commodities we can capture them but not ships.
It would be nice if your ships ignored mothballed ships mostly and you could claim victory if there’s only mothballed ships left and then capture them.

Modding / AI captain
« on: February 07, 2023, 07:34:40 PM »
I want to make it so I can have automated ships in my fleet but not normal ships until I get the automated human ships skill.

The idea I had to do this was to make a human ship hullmod to put on every ship and have it act like the automated ship hullmod. The problem I have is that I either need to make it only apply to the players fleet and not other factions or to give every enemy fleet a admiral with the human ships skill without messing with the other skills they should have.

I don't know how to do either so does anyone have a hint?

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