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Topics - maffo

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Bug Reports & Support / ship launched into space?
« on: November 03, 2014, 04:53:22 AM »
Hello Alex and the rest reading.

I did not really know of a good title, but i hope it will become more clear with some explanation. I was fighting a luddic church detachement in hyperspace near the eos fringe jump point. I am on the latest patch and running the following mods:

It all went well untill i had practically beaten the fleet, when i got "pinged" into space. I was piloting a shade and near some other ships when this happened:

Notice the extreme speed and the friendly ship markers on the right. I have no clue what might have caused this, and it has never happened to me before. I you need more information let me know.

So right now i am working on the 3th set of ships for my mod, and these screens should show this: in action.
However, it is only showing this:

(spoilers because big images)

Ghost ships might be fun to do, but it is not what i wanted right now:)
Could anyone help me?

Title says what is wrong. In everything i made the code look like the other wings in the ship data file i have, but it is still seen as a independent ship. Pictures:

Ship data:

Wing data:

and the hull data of the perpetrator:

Can anyone see what i did wrong? A nudge in the right direction would help me greatly.

Modding / help why is it suddenly giving me errors!
« on: April 08, 2013, 10:27:50 AM »
I was busy trying to take out some errors in my code when suddenly it stopped recognizing ships (the .hull files)! I didnt even touch those files and they worked perfectly fine before.

7726 [Thread-6] INFO  com.fs.starfarer.loading.SpecStore  - Loading variant [D:\Starsector\starsector-core\..\mods\Parlay 0.6\data\variants\parlay_ballast_fighter.variant]
7726 [Thread-6] INFO  com.fs.starfarer.loading.LoadingUtils  - Loading JSON from [D:\Starsector\starsector-core\..\mods\Parlay 0.6\data\variants\parlay_ballast_fighter.variant]
7759 [Thread-9] INFO  com.fs.starfarer.loading.scripts.ScriptStore  - Class [data.scripts.plugins.CharacterCreationPluginImpl] already loaded (perhaps from jar file, or due to a reference from another class), skipping compilation.
7804 [Thread-9] INFO  com.fs.starfarer.loading.scripts.ScriptStore  - Class [data.scripts.plugins.LevelupPluginImpl] already loaded (perhaps from jar file, or due to a reference from another class), skipping compilation.
7851 [Thread-9] INFO  com.fs.starfarer.loading.scripts.ScriptStore  - Class [data.scripts.plugins.TestCombatPlugin] already loaded (perhaps from jar file, or due to a reference from another class), skipping compilation.
7889 [Thread-9] INFO  com.fs.starfarer.loading.scripts.ScriptStore  - Compiling script []
7933 [Thread-9] INFO  com.fs.starfarer.loading.scripts.ScriptStore  - Class [] already loaded (perhaps from jar file, or due to a reference from another class), skipping compilation.
7933 [Thread-9] INFO  com.fs.starfarer.loading.scripts.ScriptStore  - Compiling script []
7933 [Thread-9] INFO  com.fs.starfarer.loading.scripts.ScriptStore  - Class [] already loaded (perhaps from jar file, or due to a reference from another class), skipping compilation.
8079 [Thread-9] INFO  com.fs.starfarer.loading.scripts.ScriptStore  - Class [data.missions.turningthetables.MissionDefinition] already loaded (perhaps from jar file, or due to a reference from another class), skipping compilation.
8128 [Thread-9] INFO  com.fs.starfarer.loading.scripts.ScriptStore  - Class [data.missions.forthegreaterlud.MissionDefinition] already loaded (perhaps from jar file, or due to a reference from another class), skipping compilation.
8182 [Thread-9] INFO  com.fs.starfarer.loading.scripts.ScriptStore  - Class [data.missions.thewolfpack.MissionDefinition] already loaded (perhaps from jar file, or due to a reference from another class), skipping compilation.
8242 [Thread-9] INFO  com.fs.starfarer.loading.scripts.ScriptStore  - Class [data.missions.ambush.MissionDefinition] already loaded (perhaps from jar file, or due to a reference from another class), skipping compilation.
8319 [Thread-9] INFO  com.fs.starfarer.loading.scripts.ScriptStore  - Class [data.missions.hornetsnest.MissionDefinition] already loaded (perhaps from jar file, or due to a reference from another class), skipping compilation.
8362 [Thread-9] INFO  com.fs.starfarer.loading.scripts.ScriptStore  - Class [data.missions.thelasthurrah.MissionDefinition] already loaded (perhaps from jar file, or due to a reference from another class), skipping compilation.
8399 [Thread-6] ERROR com.fs.starfarer.combat.D  - java.lang.RuntimeException: Ship hull spec [parlay_ballast] not found!
java.lang.RuntimeException: Ship hull spec [parlay_ballast] not found!
   at com.fs.starfarer.loading.F.o00000(Unknown Source)
   at com.fs.starfarer.loading.SpecStore.super(Unknown Source)
   at com.fs.starfarer.loading.specs.HullVariantSpec.<init>(Unknown Source)
   at com.fs.starfarer.loading.SpecStore.ô00000(Unknown Source)
   at com.fs.starfarer.loading.SpecStore.Ò00000(Unknown Source)
   at com.fs.starfarer.loading.H.super(Unknown Source)
   at Source)
   at com.fs.starfarer.combat.D.o00000(Unknown Source)
   at com.fs.starfarer.StarfarerLauncher$ Source)

Or it happens with parlay_earl. It was working just fine, didnt change any id or anything yet this suddenly happened.

Please help me because i was going strong but now i lost my mood and hope.

The files that give trouble now:

The hidden base, tavern "VentFlux" cycle 207. Since the Hegemony had effectively shut off outside world contact.The hidden base was the only sign that piracy was still there in corvus.
Raiding was reduced to a suicide endavour, left to only the very brave, or desperate.

Two pirate captains sit in the corner. The bar is filled with shady folk, brimming with unhappiness.
"This is ridiculous captain Thrax." the other pirate looks up from the watery whiskey before him. "How are we to do, what we do?! Even the most honest raid is a trip to the locker now." The pirate remained silent, settled a little better,looking at his cup. " Relax my friend, now that the whiskey is getting watered i think action is required.

Sent out a message to all pirates in the sectors around us. It is time for a parlay."
And the pirate lords responded:

From the North:
The pirates of trade sector Trianon.

The pirates from Trianon get their ships just like they do in corvus: buying up the lowtech ships from wherever they can. Corrupt hegemony officers are well seen guest to these pirates, providing them with ships and info on convoys alike.Their ships are very similar to the corvus pirates in all ways, cheap and unremarkable, yet effective.
capital "parrot"                        cruiser "Wrath"    destroyer "Saint-Bernard"       fighter "Tachy"
From the East:
The scrapjackers from waste sector 1B.

The core world's waste sector hones the most creative pirates. They dont use standard autofactory ships, but make them from scrap, nicely delivered to them by the hegemony convoys. Their ships are heavily armored, but as soon that is gone the hull soon follows, as the ship structure is not the most solid.

cruiser "Queen"                           destroyer "duke"                      destroyer "earl"  fighter "squire"
From the South:

The Buccaneers from the terraformed sector Hether.

These  fine gents make their booze by holding hostage food convoys to force payment. Sometimes they just take it, because even pirate got to eat. They use mostly smaller ships with big front hardpoints ballistic weapons and missiles. these guys are hard nuts to crack, and know what they are doing.

cruiser "Nomad" cruiser "coyote" destroyer ''valkyrial'' fighter "firefly"

From the West:


Parlay aims to crate a better experience by adding more ships to the pirate faction. After all, who isnt the favorite punchbag of all factions, young and old alike? More ships to fight as player, and its will give the pirates more punch against other factions.

Uses sprites from medikohl,Thule and happyfache. Special thanks to Medikohl again, as i used his pirate faction in starsector plus as a lead.

I would like someone to give me a hand looking at my code as i am doing this the first time, much appreciated.

*WARNING* this is still a work in progress!

version 0.4 (old)
-First version of the mod, only has the trianon pirates in the game as of now.
- 14 more ships and a few weapons have been added to the pirate faction for your pleasure

version 0.5
- The Scrapjackers have now been added to the pirates
- Added descriptions to the ships that still missed them
- Added missing shipsystem causing errors with the barnacle.
- re balanced fleet spawns as to many scouts where spawning.

version 0.6
- Additional changes to the fleets
- Hulls (should) are now being delivered by the pirate plunder fleet
- The Duke lost his shield, got 2000 flux in return.

version 0.6a

- Fixed squire fighter being seen as independent ship, givings errors.
- downplayed amount of fighters/bombers being delivered by the plunder fleet

version 0.65

- added more variants to all ships in this mod. All ships now have at least 2, mostly 3 variants.

version 0.7
-buccaneers added! Featuring a very hefty fighter force, and mostly front weaponry based ships.
-some changes to fleet spawns again.
-all fleets will now properly spawn with all the new ships (thanks lazywizard and upgradecap!).
- the hidden base now has a variety of the new ships added to its inventory at the start of the game
-fixed errors with simulation with ghost ship giving crash.

version 0.7b

- Beagle lost his shield, got 100 armor and 200 flux capacity in return
- piker weapons arcs nerfed, will now perform better
- scouts will no longer hang around the hidden base like the lazy scum they are, but actually scout.
- some other minor things to ships

version 0.75

- The black market arrives!
- sometimes instead of a normal plunder fleet a black market trader pops up, who will deliver weapons from all factions in corvus to the hidden base. is now working properly.

version 0.8

-A big amount of changes to almost all ships in the game.

Balanced with codex 16 from Apophis
                                        Made to work with:
                                                 (warning, Uomoz has nothing do to with this mod, if you have                                            
                                                 problems with the mod, post it here, not in Uomoz' corvus thread.)

Need opinions/ reports on:
-  errors
- (im)balance
- The pitbull, is it to weak right now with only one in a wing? Should i leave it as is or add a second one?
- fleet composition, Do you guys prefer mixed fleets, so all styles mixed or all as separated as possible?

And thank you, for taking your time reading all this, giving me feedback and of course, downloading this mod!

Modding / hull.spec error driving me crazy
« on: May 10, 2012, 12:22:38 PM »
So im working on my first ship and gettign it to work ingame but i keep getting stuck on this error:

4195 [Thread-6] INFO  com.fs.starfarer.loading.SpecStore  - Loading variant [C:\Program Files (x86)\Fractal Softworks\Starfarer\starfarer-core\data\variants\coffin.variant]
4195 [Thread-6] INFO  com.fs.starfarer.loading.LoadingUtils  - Loading JSON from [C:\Program Files (x86)\Fractal Softworks\Starfarer\starfarer-core\data\variants\coffin.variant]
4206 [Thread-10] INFO  com.fs.starfarer.loading.scripts.ScriptStore  - Compiling script []
4334 [Thread-10] INFO  com.fs.starfarer.loading.scripts.ScriptStore  - Compiling script [data.missions.turningthetables.MissionDefinition]
4373 [Thread-10] INFO  com.fs.starfarer.loading.scripts.ScriptStore  - Compiling script [data.missions.forthegreaterlud.MissionDefinition]
4405 [Thread-10] INFO  com.fs.starfarer.loading.scripts.ScriptStore  - Compiling script [data.missions.thewolfpack.MissionDefinition]
4441 [Thread-10] INFO  com.fs.starfarer.loading.scripts.ScriptStore  - Compiling script [data.missions.hornetsnest.MissionDefinition]
4483 [Thread-10] INFO  com.fs.starfarer.loading.scripts.ScriptStore  - Compiling script [data.missions.thelasthurrah.MissionDefinition]
4542 [Thread-10] INFO  com.fs.starfarer.loading.scripts.ScriptStore  - Compiling script [data.missions.direstraits.MissionDefinition]
4604 [Thread-10] INFO  com.fs.starfarer.loading.scripts.ScriptStore  - Compiling script [data.missions.predatororprey.MissionDefinition]
4646 [Thread-6] INFO  com.fs.profiler.Profiler  - ID     Calls   Duration    Percent
4646 [Thread-6] INFO  com.fs.profiler.Profiler  - --------------------------------
4647 [Thread-6] ERROR com.fs.starfarer.combat.D  - java.lang.RuntimeException: Ship hull spec [coffin] not found!
java.lang.RuntimeException: Ship hull spec [coffin] not found!
   at com.fs.starfarer.loading.E.super(Unknown Source)
   at com.fs.starfarer.loading.SpecStore.o00000(Unknown Source)
   at com.fs.starfarer.loading.specs.HullVariantSpec.<init>(Unknown Source)
   at com.fs.starfarer.loading.SpecStore.Ø00000(Unknown Source)
   at com.fs.starfarer.loading.SpecStore.o00000(Unknown Source)
   at com.fs.starfarer.loading.G.o00000(Unknown Source)
   at com.fs.oOOO.A.Ò00000(Unknown Source)
   at com.fs.starfarer.combat.D.o00000(Unknown Source)
   at com.fs.starfarer.StarfarerLauncher$ Source)

I bet this just beginner mistake but i would still greatly appreciate someone helping me out.
If you need more info just ask.

Modding / Some fighters i kitbashed (for exp and giggles)
« on: May 09, 2012, 05:29:04 AM »
Hello Starfaring modders.

After playing mini-mash and helping out a little bit with making some descriptions for it, i found that i wanted to make some ships myself. Just starting out,i have some things i need to ask/ find out to get this all working in game, but i didnt want to withhold you all from my awesome kit bashed little fighters* couch*.

Finicker mk1 interceptor

this on merc. order made interceptor is a middle tech fast interceptor which features some slick aerodynamics. Its weaponry features:
(this is just some testing and seeing what is best guys, say what you see fit best:)
-  double assault gun(really focused on smaller craft, also unshielded frigates etc)
-  double light flak gun( from the new weapons pack, just experimental, really focused on fighters)
-  assault gun and and light autocannon (mixed weapons)

hull: 450
armor: 50
no shield
3 per wing
price: around 8700( A bit higher than broadsword)

Thresher mk1 assault fighter

this expensive mid-tech assault fighters features the best tech the merc have to offer,
nicknamed headbutt for its ability to fly in with no regard for its own and come out alive.
- 2 light machine guns and a assault gun (good all around)
- 2 autocannon and a assault gun (more firepower)

hull: 750
armor: 100
shield with 50 degrees 0,6 damage/flux
flux: 1200
2 per wing
price: 11600 (like the warthog?)

kruell mk1 Bomber

this beast strikes, destroys, and eat destroyers for breakfast.
2 charger torpedoes give it good strike power and shields do the rest.
- 2 charger torpedoes, light dual autocannon(of new weapons pack)

hull: 450
armor: 75
shield with 90 degrees 0,4 flux/damage
3 per wing
price: 12000

suggestions are welcome. Also can someone tell em how to make parts transparant? i just cant get it to work so tips on that are welcome.
Thanks for your look on my humble possessions and i hope to see some reactions under here!

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