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Starsector 0.97a is out! (02/02/24); New blog post: Planet Search Overhaul (07/13/24)

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Topics - ElPresidente

Pages: [1] 2
General Discussion / How if Ai vs AI fleet fight calculated?
« on: June 11, 2021, 04:26:48 AM »
I've seen several 500 fleet point fleets jam packed with cruisers destroyed by a fleet a fraction of their size. I'm curious as how how are battles calculated.

Suggestions / Skill suggestion
« on: June 07, 2021, 11:51:21 PM »
A skill that allows overloaded ship to continue operating, but with a 50% penalty on everything.
OR EMP-ed weapons to continue shooting at 50% penalty.
AI cannot have this. Rationale?

Fleshy meatbag crew is immune to EMP and if properly trained, can use manual controls, direct overrides, analog secondaries, etc..  in emergency. Won't be as effective, but....
They would be also the ones to flip circut brekers, replace burnt out circuits, etc.. A skill that ONLY human officers can have makes sense.

General Discussion / Balance is WAAAY off
« on: June 07, 2021, 12:00:59 AM »
in 0.91 I had no real issues with high-level bounties or even REDACTED. I could win most battles without losses, and when I did have losses they were nothing major.

In 0.95 we now have up to 3 permantnet built-in hullmods, which should make your fleet objectively more powerful. Yet I find I'm losing far more ship than ever before. ESPECIALLY against REDACTED.

Mind you, I'm playing with some beefy ships adn weapons that are often better than vanilla. I'm playing with a 20 officer player limit and with 40 ships per fleet (player and AI). I should be steamrolling them. But I'm not.

And I can see it come down to two things:
1) The AI fleet points bonus - I am ALWAYYS outnumbered. The enemy can always deploy more ship than me, and REDACTED* make that advantage even more absurd. This is bad enough in itself, but it only makes the next problems worse!

2) holding obejctive points - my AI is terrible at this, always retreating. And given the AI gets more ship, it makes it far easier for the AI to grab control of points. It has ships to spare.

*I also swear they now have far better EMP ressitance. This should be their weakenss? Am I tripping? I am bombarding them with EMP weapons, but they shrug it off.
Could it be that the officer bonuses compeltley negate their one supposed weakness?

Suggestions / Fine tuning ship/fleet behavior?
« on: June 02, 2021, 12:04:15 AM »
With 3 parameters that can be set per ship - and preferably changed during combat

Missile usage:
opportunistic - only fire when the enemy is overloaded/vulnerable or high flux
permissive - whenever you can get a good shot off, but never on a target that isn't already engaged (to prevent long-range missile waste)
liberal - any time, anywhere

Desired Range:
Up close and personal - as close as possible. IN YOUR FACE
Shortest weapon range - into the range of your shortest ranged weapon
Mid range - in the range of your best weapons
Max Range - in the range of the longer ranged weapon on the ship

None - we do not care for damage over here!
Hurt me plenty - I can take it, and then some!
Balanced - hit me once, shame on you. hit me twice, shame on me!
Cautious - you didn't think hitting me would be that easy?
My life is sacred - not a sratch on my new hull!

Why this? Because the AI tends to act really differently depending on officer, skills, weapon loadout, etc, etc.. and all of that makes their behavior unrealiable.

A way to override all of that so the player has better control would be desireable.

General Discussion / I feel the need
« on: June 01, 2021, 10:11:10 AM »
The need for speed!

I think I may have overdid it! This thing also has a burn drive :P

[attachment deleted by admin]

Suggestions / Cargo handling
« on: June 01, 2021, 04:22:10 AM »
1) Guns and weapons take WAAAY to little inventory space. A frigate shouldn't really be able to carry 20 LARGE guns that are almost as big as it. But guns should also sell at full price.

2) Transfer All button for storage, so I don't have to click 1 million times when I have a storage full of different weapons.

3) Hire Transfer Fleet button, that will enable you to move everything from one storage to another with a click of a button.

General Discussion / Super-mobilty on capital ships is annoying
« on: May 30, 2021, 11:51:01 PM »
Especially [REDACTED].

Why? Because the  main advantage of smaller ships - speed - is rendered null and void.
A capital ship has greater weapon range, damage output and durability. Now give it the "teleports behind you, nothing personel kid!" ability and it deletes your frigates and destroyers and cruisers because they CANNOT ESCAPE.
They cannot leave the weapons range fast enough, and if they do, the enemy in question teleports after it, completely skipping your other screening ships.

Aside from capital spam, the only real counter is using the same cheese - phasing/teleporting ships.

And using a swarm of such frigates is not helped by AI that keeps bumping into each other and blocking each others lines of fire. I lost count of the times such a frigate teleports/moves between my battleship (that is in range and shooting) and the enemy.


General Discussion / Ship size vs weapon size
« on: May 28, 2021, 04:43:18 AM »
Kinda funny how absolutely tiny the smaller ships are. The weapons are bigger than them.
Some of them look like clown cars, only instead of being stuffed with clowns, they are stuffed with weapons.

One of the reason I cannot stand most of the vanilla small ships. Far too small...or the weapons too big for them.
Bigger ships are OK.
Is it just me, or are there other people who think the same?

General Discussion / HAs it even happened to you?
« on: May 28, 2021, 12:31:00 AM »
The "PERFECT" playtrough, ruined?

Find some really rare ship and tech, find a perfect system (7+ planets, has everything you could ever want), even the faction wars go how you'd want them...

And then due to update os SS or mods or some glitch, the save breaks. You have to start again. And you seek that perfect experience again, but it's all wrong. The systems you find are garbage. None of the rare ships you found seem to appear this time. And it just gnaws on you till you re-start.

General Discussion / Instant actions feel wrong
« on: May 28, 2021, 12:21:32 AM »
Combing trough an entire debris field and brining useful stuff back - takes 0 seconds
Repairing your ship - takes 0 seconds.
Searching trough vast ruins, carting things back up - takes 0 seconds.
Surveying a planet - takes 0 seconds.

I could do all of those things and the fleet that chased me wouldn't have moved 1 mm closer to me in that time. It just feels wrong to me.
Passage of time ceases to exist.

Modding / AI and missile use question
« on: May 25, 2021, 01:56:03 AM »
One thing I'm confused about.
I got the AI to use a missile boat that loaded with LR missiles.

But the AI uses them in the stupidest of manners - he simply start unloading as soon as the enemy is in range, until he's out of ammo. He's not waiting for that ship to be under attack by a friendly, at high flux or drops shields.

Seems weird.

Could it be the missile weapon in question? I'm not sure how missile tags work, and I'm sure these missiles have the "STRIKE" attribute.

Suggestions / Bounty rewards - better way to calculate?
« on: May 24, 2021, 02:23:16 AM »
Whey not just use a fraction of the total cost of the ships in the enemy fleet? Like 10% of the total fleet value?
That way the bounty would scale better with the threat level.

Bug Reports & Support (modded) / Game freeze/crash during survey
« on: May 19, 2021, 11:24:46 PM »
Things worked fine while I was on RC12.
I switched to RC15, moved the mod folder over and started a new game.

Now when my fleet makes contact with a unsurveyed planet, I get a game freeze.

FYI - I'm using ship/faction mods + Nexrillien + terraforming. AFAIK, none of those mess with survey in any way.

There is nothing in the log too, so I have no idea where to even begin to look for a problem.

EDIT: This is bizzare.

1st try: Load game, start new game, crash during sector gen - economy sim bit

2nd try: Game hang on load, crash when load bar reaches 100%

3rd try: game loads, new game generates, planet survey works

4th try: same as 3rd.. for now.

Suggestions / We need a "Hold This Point AT ALL COST" comand
« on: May 19, 2021, 11:23:02 PM »
The AI behavior when holding strategic point is driving me crazy. Even if I assign my ENTIRE fleet to hold a single point, even if it's several battleships, side-by-side, against weaker enemies - the stupid buggers keep puling back, which ends up me loosing that point.

If it's a command point, that means the enemy just got reinforcement and if I loose a ship I won't be able to re-inforce.

We need a new command that will make it clear to the AI that it must NOT let the enemy get that point, regardless of risks.

Modding / Very Specific Beam cannon woes
« on: May 15, 2021, 12:24:51 AM »
I'm trying to basically re-create this, and thus have certain requirements that just...don't work ATM.

The issue is the 9 second charge seqence and long cooldown. The problem with the charge sequence is two fold
- the animation. I really only need several frames for the entire sequence, but they have to repeat themselves. Standard method would mean I would have to have far to many repeating sprites. I know it's possible to customize with code, but I'm terrible at java. I learn best trough exampled. Any example code of something similar?

- the sequence itself. It should charge for 9 seconds, then fire at full strength; instead if starts fireing a weak beam that grows bigger, wider and reached max power after 9 seconds. Any way to change that?

- MAX beam duration. Any way to control it? Flux cost is unreliable.

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