When you return from exploration 5days from the core with lets say 20-40% CR left on most ships(after a battle against some auto defences) and about 10 days in supplies, and full repair would consume twice the supplies you have, so far common early situation.
The current action would be stop repairs.
Now every few seconds you get struck by an hyper storm, reducing the CR of one logistic ship to 0% allowing accidents, so every few seconds you have to open the fleet screen and resume the repairs for one ship and an in game day later stop them again, a micro hell.
I want an option to limit the amount of CR maximally repaired.
If the implementation is the only issue here I have an idea.
The existing suspend repairs feature becomes a restrict repairs feature.
There is a fleet wide repairs limiter setting that gives a maximum CR and a maximum Hull Percentage for repairs default setting both are set to 0 so engaging the limit repairs is the old suspend repairs feature on default. So the fleet screen only needs to little number fields.
A ship set to restrict repair will only repair/recover if one value is below the threshold, and stop as soon as the threshold is reached.
@SonnaBanana, @ubuntufreakdragon: A lot of that is indeed off-topic; I'm happy to answer, but I'd appreciate it if further discussion of those did not take place in this thread.
Are there any plans for more repair options than full and no repairs?
When you return from exploration 5days from the core with lets say 20-40% CR left on most ships(after a battle against some auto defences) and about 10 days in supplies, and full repair would consume twice the supplies you have, so far common early situation.
The current action would be stop repairs.
Now every few seconds you get struck by an hyper storm, reducing the CR of one logistic ship to 0% allowing accidents, so every few seconds you have to open the fleet screen and resume the repairs for one ship and an in game day later stop them again, a micro hell.
I want an option to limit the amount of CR maximally repaired.
Hmm, no plans for that, no. Perhaps worth noting: you can avoid storm strikes by moving slowly (though of course when you're low on supplies that's not ideal). But I mean you can also avoid storms in the first place.
Just overall, I understand that this can be annoying, but I don't think it comes up often enough to warrant adding a relatively complex UI that will also invite further micromanagement at *other* points in the game. I think this would run the risk of being worse than the original problem, which, honestly - in my personal playtesting, that's happened to me maybe a couple of times total? There are lots of ways to manage things so it doesn't happen, and you can also just absorb an accident or two, since we're usually talking about the home stretch of an expedition returning to core (as you say) so...
I mean, one storm hit, that can happen, but if you're getting ping-ponged by storms strikes every couple of seconds, that's generally something you chose to have happen, right.
I never get ping ponged, if the storms try to I use emergency burn.
You loose more supplies on moving slowly than repairing some CR on the hit ship would cost.
And you often get in those situations unexpected in the early game, there is no realistic preparation option.