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Starsector 0.97a is out! (02/02/24); New blog post: Anubis-class Cruiser (12/20/24)

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Topics - Wriath

Pages: [1]
Modding / [0.8a] Interstellar Federation Legacy (V 0.5)
« on: May 14, 2017, 11:11:12 AM »
Click the image below for download.

This is the First version of Interstellar Federation Legacy mod. It's an update of the classic IF mod by Keptin that was discontinued a few years back.

So far I have converted all the ships, weapons, item descriptions, and ship systems. The ships and weapons have been added to the independent fleets and markets as part of a demo versison of the mod while I work on integrating them as their own faction. A lot of the lore doesn't really line up with that of starsector, and I'm not really planning on expanding on the 'Jardain' aliens mentioned in the lore and a few teaser images by Keptin. I'm still brainstorming the specifics of the lore, faction relations, etc.
The ships and equipment are still in an early state of balance, many of their stats were either nonexistant in previous versions of the game, or have completely changed, I've given things a once over but there are still a number of oddities. If people want to start trying the ships and gathering information on what's broken with that stuff I can focus more on the other work that's going on, and it would be appreciated.

Released under with permission from the original author.

Special thanks to
Keptin for creating all the content. None of this would have been possible without what must have been countless hours of work on his part, and he definitely goes at the top of the list
Tartiflette and Mshadowy for inspiring me to get into mod creation in this game and some tips along the way.
Alex for making Starfare... sector and giving us such a great, versatile platform to express ourselves on.
Many folks in the Discord who I bounced ideas off of, asked questions, and just in general were very welcoming.

Modding / [0.8a]Wriath's Ship Addition Mod V.7
« on: May 01, 2017, 09:30:51 PM »
Hey there, I remade a ship from an old mod. the Weapons Pack by Apophis. The sprite was created by Medikohl. It's a midline destroyer with good shields and armour, but somewhat light armament.

A note on the Assassin, the weapons are all inbuilt to further simulate the behaviors of fighter type ships.

EDIT: Any advice on balancing, optimizing campaign integration, etc. is extremely welcome. This is the first time I've published anything on here and I don't really know what I'm doing!

Forgot to remove rules.csv for testing. re-uploaded.
V. .5 Adjusted some stats, less armour, changed description a bit, decreased shield radius a bit.
V. .6 Added a light carrier, stats are probably going to be changed, I just finally got a working draft going that isn't crashing.
V. .61 Fixed engines, shields, stat issues with dachsund. Added it to markets and patrols. Set barrage to foreward shield to better fit lasher style, changed weapon system to ammo accel.
Known Bugs, fixed, let me know if you find any.
V. .7 Added Assassin heavy fighter, playable 2 ship fighter squad, further changes to stats. Changed name of Barrage destroyer to Thrasher, changed mod name (would love a name for the mod that isn't... this)
V. .7a changed Assassin graphic.

To do:
Normalize dachsund skin with hound/cerberus. Make D versions of both ships, possibly add more ships, waiting on a sprite for a third one. Possibly further tone down stats except speed on barrage to put it into more of a light destroyer role, not sure about this. open to thoughts.
Sharpen up the Assassin sprite, figure out a way to make it so the secondary ship won't dock for repair and re-arm.

[attachment deleted by admin]

Suggestions / Keyboard control of menus?
« on: September 07, 2012, 07:09:03 AM »
Is there any chance that we could manipulate menus such as the ones that come up when running into another fleet with the keyboard? It'd be a nice bit of nostalgia and it would also be very very convenient to avoid auto resolving battles if you have a mouse which tends to doubleclick when you singleclick. (fubard micocontroller in a logitech mx series to be exact)

Suggestions / Mule Balance
« on: August 14, 2012, 02:16:59 PM »
I feel that the Mule class ship (when compared to dedicated freighters like the tarsus) has a bit too much cargo capacity. The Mule is capable of carrying almost as much fuel and cargo, is better armed, and is only a few thousand more credits than it's purely civilian counterpart.  I can't really imagine ever using the dedicated freight ships when this thing is the Millennium Falcon by comparison.

Modding / Missile Support Cruiser
« on: July 09, 2012, 10:19:18 AM »
Made this earlier, it's a mod ship with mod weapons, but it was an entertaining enough setup that I thought I'd post it.

Modding / Station Alternate Sprites
« on: March 02, 2012, 12:51:14 PM »
Hey, this is pretty self explanatory, and granted I haven't really done anything on the code end, but can we make stations use an alternate map-sprite from the standard one?

Bug Reports & Support / Sunder Destroyer
« on: March 01, 2012, 10:17:54 PM »
Not 100% sure this is a bug per se, but it's way way too easy to bait the sunder into turning around backwards firing it's main laser at the player (in a frigate or something) thus leave it open to bomber ownage. Might wanna change that up a bit.

General Discussion / Buffalo II For the Ages
« on: February 26, 2012, 09:18:37 PM »
Step 1, swap out all missiles with swarmer srms.
Step 2, switch the energy weaps for tac lasers, the ballistics for railguns, and slap on an engine upgrade
Step 3, ?????

Just my two bits on trying to give a pretty weak ship some teeth... well at least you won't get killed by that single lasher.

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