Mods / Re: [0.96a] ED Shipyards 2.6.2 (2023-07-18)
« on: August 23, 2023, 02:02:19 AM »Thank you for the feedback on the Wugandal!
For the Wugandal acquisition mission, generally speaking it's an end-game activity where the challenge of battling the fleet is supposed to be a fun and unique encounter. That you give up 1M and take a rep hit at the end of the game is IMO largely irrelevant at that stage of the game. The goal of the consequences is that you remember what you did and it appears to be working.
This is well and good but the end game can last as long as you want, and building back indie rep is unquestionably not fun.
Balance wise it sounds like it's working as intended. It's a high tech ship with 6 large mounts and a ton of support weapons and fighters for the OP cost of just a bit less than two Paragons. In addition it's main cannon can destroy entire fleets / turn the tide of battle in a single shot if the situation is ideal. But it's not invincible, not even close; if it gets surrounded it can get blown to pieces pretty fast. This is the game balance I'm going for.
It also takes way too long to actually reach the battle (reduced 0-flux), which might already be lost by then since most of your DP is taken up by this single ship.
Most of the issues you point out can be overcome with S-mods and it turns the wurg into an absolute terror. It's a lot of s-mods on a vanilla-ish play through but if you use something like the excellent Progressive S Mods it's not quite as bad. Some people have shared their excellent wurg builds on the Discord, but they're pretty different than the base Wurg, but a lot of the fun in this game is figuring out the best way to equip a ship so the base Wurg is by design sub-optimal.
Requiring s-mods to make a super ship feel super seems kinda contrary to the whole idea, no? Recommending another mod to remedy this issue also seems kinda weird.
To your point about the operational cost, again this is gotten at the end-game where economic concerns are largely irrelevant to the player.
It may be irrelevant in the form of cash, but not time. I still need to carry additional supplies that take additional space and require additional time to get and haul around. This doesn't feel good when the ship arguably doesn't justify the increased cost.