Modding / Re: [WIP] [0.8.1] TIC - Triton Invasion Coalition
« on: August 29, 2018, 11:57:07 AM »
Yes? No? Maybe so? It'll definitely not be tea time when they pop in the sector that's for sure lol
Starsector 0.97a is out! (02/02/24); In-development patch notes for Starsector 0.98a (2/8/25)
If it might help, when I made my mod (starting with no skill), I started with integrating sprite in the game (usable by vanilla factions). Then I learned (and struggled) to create a hull mod. Then a ship system. Finally I create new stellar systems, at first inhabitated. Then I added new markets. Next step is create a new faction.
The way I see it, by doing bit by bit, you are sure to control origin of any error and crash happening.
Some much teasing! Can we have a little bit more of informations? I guess there will be a new faction?
How are you doing the "video pic" aspect? Is that a filter on Photoshop or something like that?
The teal parts of the body are a lot better there! See if you can also define the orange areas
That's a little better, but you want stronger indications of height
RedManta: Those are fun little designs!
Here's some critique, in the form of a rework:
Specific critique:Spoiler1. The first thing I noticed about the sprite was that it was lit from the left; Starsector sprites are generally lit from the top, with just a teeny emphasis forward.
2. The second thing I noticed about the sprite was that it felt pretty flat. Adding some height with lighter shades really helped a lot.
3. The outlines were a little too 8-bit; using shades of color, instead of black, really helped soften edges and make the shading feel better.
4. Adding specific highlights to a few pixels to bring out the shapes brought out the neat design- I like how it's a Space Turtle.
5. For a few areas where the edges could feel less pixelated, I used an erasor set to 25% to clean them up, zooming out a lot after each pass.[close]