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Starsector 0.97a is out! (02/02/24); In-development patch notes for Starsector 0.98a (2/8/25)

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Messages - Codyrex123

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Mods / Re: [0.97a] Star Lords- Mount & Blade Campaign in Space v0.2.3
« on: October 03, 2024, 01:13:28 AM »
Having a crash if/when I destroy a lord's fleet.
Fatal: Cannot Invoke 'com.fs.starfarer.api.campaign.CampaignFleetAPI.getMembersWithFightersCopy()' because the return value of
'starlords.person.Lord.getFleet()' is null.
Happens every single time. So far otherwise i've had no issues. (other than barely interacting with any of them...)

Hey, this bug has been reported a couple times, but I've never been able to reproduce it myself so it's been difficult to fix. Is there any way you could send a copy of your save over to me? That would be super useful for debugging this.

I did some private testing. Its from a fork of Take No Prisoners that hasn't been updated to work the same way as the version on the forums does. I tested with both the fork and the version of the mod on the forums with the exact same modlist otherwise and there are no crashes when defeating the enemy lords. So anyways, it explains the relative radio silence considering the fork. I'd then say its not your mod's fault and that the other, unnamed mod should probably catch up to the current standard of Take No Prisoner's functionality and methods.

Mods / Re: [0.97a] Star Lords- Mount & Blade Campaign in Space v0.2.3
« on: October 02, 2024, 07:20:22 AM »
Having a crash if/when I destroy a lord's fleet.
Fatal: Cannot Invoke 'com.fs.starfarer.api.campaign.CampaignFleetAPI.getMembersWithFightersCopy()' because the return value of
'starlords.person.Lord.getFleet()' is null.
Happens every single time. So far otherwise i've had no issues. (other than barely interacting with any of them...)

Mods / Re: [0.95.1a] Terraforming and Station Construction (v8.2.1)
« on: May 11, 2023, 03:54:58 PM »
Iv never actually used any mods for Starsector before, but this one looks really interesting. Quick question though: Can I add it mid game or am I going to need to restart?

For this mod in particular you probably won't miss much by not starting a new game, as it mainly adds structures you can build and abilities you can use.

Mods / Re: [0.95.1a] Battlesize based skill DP values v0.2.0
« on: August 01, 2022, 03:55:27 PM »
So does this make it so if you mod your battlesize up it will adjust somewhat or what does this fully mean? Admittedly, this does probably mean if you increased your ship cap it won't solve that problem, but I'm just curious on precisely how this is suppose to be working.

Mods / Re: [0.95a] Industrial.Evolution 2.2.g - Campaign content expansion
« on: September 30, 2021, 12:16:38 AM »
After some very helpful people explained the purpose of the Relay Hypertransmitter, I can't shake that the description for its effects is pretty uninformative for actually how useful it is.

What I've gathered is that its placed in a Military Base or High Command and from there on, anywhere in the sector with a colony you control you can build a Military Relay without the need of a Military Base in the system that colony is in.

But its tooltip while being placed in a Military Base or High Command doesn't convey this very well and I suggest trying something more like 'Allows Military Relays to be built in systems across the sector that do not have Military Bases constructed'

Mods / Re: [0.95a] Transfer All Items v1.2 (2021/03/27)
« on: May 14, 2021, 09:27:14 AM »
I registered to comment here. This mod has also saved my life, so hoping it gets fixed soon.

On a different note, I saw Nemo using a different method: I think he held a key and sold everything he hovered the mouse over. Does anyone know what mod he was using?

I believe control + click does that, base game function I'm pretty sure. This mod didn't work stable for me either but I presume it was because I play in a windowed mode rather then fullscreen plus needing the right resolution, when it did work, it was great but I've by now gotten used to the quick move in the game already even if its by a massive margin slower.

Mods / Re: [0.9.1a] Player Station Construction (v2.1.0)
« on: December 22, 2019, 07:47:10 AM »
If the size was to be limited strictly for this mod's stations, I feel there should be a way to bypass/remove such a condition eventually, whether or not that requires a specific skill in like, industry or something, or just lots and lots of money and resources is beyond me, but hard limits on things that theoretically already capable in the universe of the game just because 'the player' digs into me a little!
I don't deny its funny to think a station thats orbiting a gas giant though has more people living on it then a wealthy, if harsh, barren mining planet would! Maybe the station can grow bigger (if its possible to change token sizes on campaign map after the token has been added...) on the campaign map to at least give a feeling that 'yeah maybe several million people can live on here.'

Mods / Re: [0.9.1a] Boggled's Terraforming Mod (v2.3.2)
« on: December 22, 2019, 07:41:50 AM »
Not trying to be pushy, as I do kinda agree with the whole thing (Though I would like a way to terraform planets without a easy source of water, maybe converted tankers transporting massive amounts of fluid water or something, as a expensive, extremely slow way, like putting out a trade request or something) about trivializing the process. However, water exists as ice in a lot of comets and asteroids so its not really 'out there' as an idea. Whether or not flinging large amounts of clumped water-ice at a planet is a good idea notwithstanding, it would be logical enough. So heres what I'd say, if its an idea that is implemented, instead of making it part of a colony, instead make it its own campaign map token, 'Intersystem Mass Driver' or something, and make it expensive as all hecc, taking in account that the structure on its own would need to power itself, protect itself from asteroids and propel itself so the force of its payload being launched doesn't make it a one-use tool. Maybe it can have a small market for antimatter fuel, worn machinery or something, but unlike a colony, it has a negative growth strike making it unlikely to ever get above 3-4 size without intensive effort by the player, Theoretically it should probably have some ore capabilities too though for mining? Just some ideas to toss in if it was to be added.

Isn't the description of a ring system involve talking about some of them being ice at least? Maybe, but just thought I'd say what I thought on the whole matter.

In any case, I dropped by to say that so far I haven't had any issues, but I haven't had much time to try it out and to see how Ismara's sling works on the FDS planets that I've been having the issues with!

Mods / Re: [0.9.1a] AI Core Production Industry (v1.0.0)
« on: December 19, 2019, 12:39:05 AM »
What AI cores does it train? Or is it a mix of all of them? Would be neat if you required an AI core to overview it to choose which it made, though that doesn't make complete sense seeing how an Alpha would probably react to such a thing.

Either way, I'm definitely downloading and trying this out, its exactly the kinda issue I have with the game at the moment, maybe I can finally stop keeping techmining broken!

Mods / Re: [0.9.1a] Boggled's Terraforming Mod (v2.3.0)
« on: December 19, 2019, 12:36:14 AM »
Ah ha! Fringe Defense Syndicate!

Finally we can maybe put this entire issue to rest, thank you for 'essentially' patching your mod to help figure out this issue!

Modding / Re: Long range fighters & bombers - Can it be done?
« on: December 17, 2019, 02:41:06 AM »
I like it, but I understand why its a big deal. PD in Starsector is... really meh overall on most ships, most ships can't handle a entire wing of heavy fighter/interceptors, and will insistently get harassed by them constantly, the PD is definitely more calibrated to dealing with ordinances or fragile bombers rather than heavier, staying power of interceptors and pests like them

My suggestion is if you want long range fighter craft, ensure they're strikecraft rather than interceptor/harass craft. Thats the simpliest and probably still unbalanced thing you could do. Now if you want long range interceptors, make them more support based, PD or shield/kinetic focus. I run a typically heavy carrier fleet and already with what we have can find my fleet easily overwhelming bigger ships because their PD just isn't strong enough, their armor keeps them safe for only so long before enough of the shots are getting through and the strikecraft has managed to get into a cycle of keeping their flux up so they don't shield.

Mods / Re: [0.9.1a] Boggled's Terraforming Mod (v2.2.0)
« on: December 17, 2019, 02:31:56 AM »
I've found another cryo-volcanic planet that has the same issue

If its super likely to be anything other than a faction mod possibly, it would be Secrets Of The Frontier which hasn't been released on the forums yet so if it is clashing then I wouldn't be surprised. Otherwise as far as I know other mods  I have installed shouldn't change/effect or create new types of planets. Whats really odd is the fact that the previous planet I was allowed to make a sling on it, but this new one I'm not allowed to that, despite it being as far as I can tell, the exact same planet type.

And something to note is that its a little odd that we're able to make Solar shades and stellar mirrors without a spaceport first, Convenient, but 'logically' its weird. I know in effect without a space port they wouldn't likely get the imports needed to work, but its just something to note.

does the terraforming device work on any planet or just ones recognized by the mod? I'm just curious to know if this might be somehow remediable in its current state until the next update.

Found another odd one! Planet isn't hot, only negative condition it has (after I had cleared the decivilized sub population) was extreme tectonic plates

Mods / Re: [0.9.1a] Boggled's Terraforming Mod (v2.2.0)
« on: December 16, 2019, 08:12:58 AM »
I installed this in the middle of a save so thats almost certainly it, but I'd thought I might as well show this off as maybe a thing that could be prepared for?
Its only for that specific device (The one to heat up the planet), the solar shade says the planet is too cold like it should.


Otherwise, enjoying your mod greatly! I'm personally on the fence about limiting the amount of items the player can get a hold of in the sector, I don't really like it, even if it fits with the lore, so I'd like a way to get them once you've fully explored a given sector. I'd suggest through a special event in the dockside bar or something for a very high price or something.

Mods / Re: [0.9.1a] Cari's Minimal UI
« on: December 15, 2019, 12:59:23 PM »
I gotta ask, can the differentiated colors found in the base game UI be shown more clearly?
Such things as the increased burn speed being green while your normal maximum burn speed being yellowish orange. Or health and CR bars in combat? Or is that something not possible? I was using the grey theme and it was all just a little too dark and hard to see with the dark backdrops.

Found a small 'error' in the starting dialogue after creating your character. When selecting what type of start you'll have the 'back' button is 'null. back'. It still works though so not a big deal.

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