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Messages - CrazyDave

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Modding / Re: Naysmyth Armouries - An update??!? [v0.3.1] [31/12/16]
« on: December 31, 2016, 09:04:44 PM »
But... What happened to the new style you were working on?

It looked so cool even if a tad too close to Diable Avionics.

You think so? I was exploring a new idea/style, but i thought it came out a too high tech for what i was looking for in this mod. I've restarted my sprites from scratch so many times... I'd like to put a tick next to it, even it's crude and uninteresting.

Naysmyth? Any relation to Miles Naismith?

Nope, none.

Modding / Re: Naysmyth Armouries - An update??!? [v0.3.1] [31/12/16]
« on: December 31, 2016, 02:35:14 AM »
An update? Truly, this is an unusual day! ::)

Download Version 0.3.1

What's new? What's cool? I can't say this is both, but here's what's changed:
> Sprites are all redone! Still only 5 of them so far, but 4 more in the works. Yes, I'm churning these out at an impressive sprite per 4ish months.
> A brand-spanking-new star system! It even has planets and things like that. Still a little under construction and needs quite a bit of work, but it's there and it's working and stuff.
> Probably some other stuff like balancing and whatnot, I don't recall.

Modding / Re: Spriters judgement thread [non-sprite art allowed]
« on: November 19, 2016, 03:16:48 AM »
I can't be the only one that thinks that looks like a guy squatting...

Modding / Re: Spriters judgement thread [non-sprite art allowed]
« on: August 24, 2016, 06:44:54 PM »
Hey chaps and chapettes, guess who's (mostly) not dead! :D

Heres something i scribbled up. I'm not sure what i was going for, i think it was supposed to be a redone Scorpio-class...?

Bit of a mess, but i think im slooooowwly getting better...

Modding / Re: Spriters judgement thread [non-sprite art allowed]
« on: March 04, 2016, 02:29:10 AM »
I normally don't sprite or mod much, but I decided to throw my hand at it. I kitbashed/pixel-drew a midline heavy fighter/bomber. Not really sure which it should be. I'm also sort of indecisive on the engine, and the ship's name.
Engine 1:
Engine 2:

Mace-Class? Just one off the top of my head, dont know if someones using it or not

Discussions / Re: Backstories Anyone?
« on: February 10, 2016, 06:03:43 AM »
Contrary to popular belief, I didn't actually copy PvZ's Crazy Dave for my username. Nope. It came about from friends telling me that I'm crazy. Something along the lines of "David, you're crazy you know that?", to which i would probably reply with something stupid while having a giant grin on my face.

Then in high school i joined a computer games club, which basically just consisted of about 50 students playing a Brood War tournament over the course of a semester or 2, so i needed a username. I don't remember exactly, but someone probably said something about how crazy i was am while i was picking a username, and so CrazyDave was born! Nobody actually calls me Dave (apart from online friends for obvious reasons) but CrazyDavid seemed a little bit too much of a mouthful so i shortened it.

Modding / Re: Spriters judgement thread [non-sprite art allowed]
« on: February 09, 2016, 11:49:07 PM »
Tbh, i really like the necklace on the old one, although the texture on the top looks better. I like the eyes as well, but the new feathers look kinda mechanical rather than fiber-like. Still, good work, that's better than anything i can do xD

Little more work on the Zheleza. I'm kinda stuck on it though, so pointers would be great!

Modding / Re: Spriters judgement thread [non-sprite art allowed]
« on: February 05, 2016, 11:06:06 PM »
Experimenting with a different style again! xD

Old for reference.

Obviously not finished, but I figured it might be a good idea to shy away from the greebly mess i seem to had found myself in previously.

Discussions / Re: Rate the Avatar of the Person Above You
« on: February 05, 2016, 02:38:01 PM »
It's from Avatar i think...

6/10. I like the form, but i can't tell what it is.

Modding / Re: Spriters judgement thread [non-sprite art allowed]
« on: December 30, 2015, 07:56:58 AM »
It's late and I'm tired, but i swear that just burned holes in both my eyes. UUuughh so bright!!

Modding / Re: System Map of the known Modiverse - 0.7a
« on: December 29, 2015, 06:08:46 PM »
You look second map, if you look down, then you look  all numero say per players, ah ah.

The second map is out dated. The newer map has more space and more locations to choose from.

Modding / Re: Spriters judgement thread [non-sprite art allowed]
« on: December 27, 2015, 06:15:11 PM »

Just a quick 5-minute edit of your stuff. It's good and has potential to be awesome, but you gotta shade!

Hot damn the difference that makes. I personally had a shaded version that that is so much better than mine...

Modding / Re: Spriters judgement thread [non-sprite art allowed]
« on: December 26, 2015, 05:56:01 PM »
For your ship, second one. However i'm not sure about those flat, veiny armor plates.

mmm they do seem a little too flat. Let's see what i can do about that...

For the portrait, it's a step in the right direction. David's portraits always had very high contrast. However as Piemanlives said, it feel a bit too much like a vector image. Using the blur tool would help. Also, i felt like doing my own tweek on your work.

Second one have blurred shadows, third one is a more contrasted version, an attempt at imitating David's style (the fourth portrait). I'm not sure if it's actually good but... Well, i'm experimenting new stuffs.

Ah yes, i see what you mean. I like how the cybernetic eye stands out a lot more in the third one. I'll have to work some more on it :D

Modding / Re: System Map of the known Modiverse - 0.7a
« on: December 26, 2015, 04:18:11 AM »
Calling double dibs on 57 (15000, -18000) for Naysmyth Armouries.

Modding / Re: Spriters judgement thread [non-sprite art allowed]
« on: December 26, 2015, 04:03:58 AM »
First design screams "close-up-maneuvering-jets-unload-in-your-face"

Second one fits as a standoff missile lobber, but seems kinda weak, since I highly doubt those mounts on the sides are medium-sized missile hardponts.

Anyways, this little fellow seems like the ship you know it just needs maneuvering jets system ;D

Well that's a good thing coz this little ship is designed to be nimble enough get in behind a front-heavy ship and blow them to hell. I believe i have a note for this ship somewhere that says "onslaughts beware".

Anyway, this ship is only a frigate so all of the missile mounts are going to be small either way. I'd rather not have the Balance Police knocking on my door in the middle of the night and 'talking' some sense into me, eh? Some thought is still required...

Also, I've touched up an old portrait to make it look extra snazzy. Whatiyathink?

Actually, i think it switched genders somewhere along the way... xD

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