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Starsector 0.97a is out! (02/02/24); In-development patch notes for Starsector 0.98a (2/8/25)

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Messages - Daredevil

Pages: [1]
Mods / Re: [0.97] Kon's Multi-Pack v.3.3.3 - Player Faction Expansion
« on: April 11, 2024, 06:27:19 AM »
I'll get to the rest one of these days, but the new update includes a Tarsus, that one looked small enough to do, ended up doing a rather large design change. I'm not sure if you'll like the new midline aesthetic, but hopefully it lands?

It's certainly... interesting. It vaguely reminds me of a Conquest (I think you used that as a template?) which got a Domain Explorarium drone makeover, then was painted red.

That said, I am a little interested in making some skins for myself. Do you have any recommendations on which programs to use, and some guides on colouring ships you'd recommend?

Mods / Re: [0.97] Kon's Multi-Pack v.3.3.3 - Player Faction Expansion
« on: April 08, 2024, 04:25:00 AM »

K: Hmm, given that thought, what would you recommend to help bring it in line so that the choice is more interesting? I could think of a couple debuffs, more crew required to staff, higher cost for supplies, could increase shield upkeep but that one is especially dangerous.

A good question, and one not easily answered. Perhaps lean further into the Decisive Battle doctrine?
Some suggestions: Keep the armor and speed buffs. Increase damage taken by the engines, but (if possible on a technical level) reduce the debuff to acceleration - or even go as far as turning it into a buff, but significantly increase the debuff to deceleration. Keep the rest of the maneuvarability debuff as it is. Give XIII ships front shields exclusively, but increase shield efficiency and give them a higher shield upkeep. Remove the buff to flux dissipation and double the flux capacity buff instead.
These changes would make for a fleet doctrine that does not lend itself to breaking off from an engagement, while also allowing for XIII ships to catch up and give chase. The front shields would make them vulnerable to flanking, requiring a proper battle line, and would additionally make it riskier to turn and burn away from an enemy to negate the deceleration debuff.
Not sure about all of this, what do you think?

K: I think, I might have a couple ideas. Maybe I should separate the two into Pre-Collapse and Post-Collapse, in the case of the wolf, that one is labeled as an auxiliary ship and not necessarily of the 13th Battlegroup make, inducted after the collapse. I’ll have to think on it.

Indeed, auxilliary units to cope with the loss of Domain infrastructure and the change in doctrine across the sector would seem to make sense. Though those would likely not be able to sport modifications to the baseline designs without some performance tradeoffs. Modifications to design chips are stated to come with an increase in D-Mods.

D: That said, do you think you might add an (improved) XIII BG version of the Tarsus? I adore that ship, but it's simply not worth using compared to more economical alternatives.

K: Hmm, that one might be easy to do, let me see what I can do.

On that note, the Codex mentions combat refits of the Tarsus, alongside uparmored variants.

Thanks for all your work!

Edit: fixed formatting.

Mods / Re: [0.97] Kon's Multi-Pack v.3.2.2 - Player Faction Expansion
« on: April 07, 2024, 05:21:13 AM »

A good read, I appreciate your reply!
Personally, I haven't found the maneuverability debuff to be crippling on smaller ships, but that may be due to my tendency to have them staffed by officers with relevant maneuverability skills.
Still, it's definitely something to consider. It essentially locks the XIII ships into a more committed version of Hegemony Doctrine - relentless assault with a wall of unyielding metal. I admittedly do play a game wildly divergent to Vanilla Starsector, so my perception may be warped, in that regard.
On the topic of doctrine: I do suppose it makes some sense to operate differing tech levels to fulfill purposes not covered by standard doctrine (As demonstrated by the Hegemony Wolf, which seems to be a post-collapse adaptation into Hegemony fleet doctrine for specifically this reason). Aesthetically, I feel the Condor would fit better into XIII fleets than the Drover, though its origins as (potentially post-collapse) conversion of the Tarsus makes use in Domain Battlegroups dubious at best. And the Mora, well, it's just plain boring. The Heron fits very well in my opinion.

Regardless, this is your mod, and you should work on fulfilling your vision for it, not what others wish it to be.

That said, do you think you might add an (improved) XIII BG version of the Tarsus? I adore that ship, but it's simply not worth using compared to more economical alternatives.

Edit: Oh, and by the way, XIII Weapons seem to all cost 200 Credits to manufacture.

Mods / Re: [0.97] Kon's Multi-Pack v.3.2.2 - Player Faction Expansion
« on: April 04, 2024, 07:46:39 AM »
Hey Kon, a few things:

1. Do you think you could give XIII-Weapons the "XIII Battlegroup" Design-Type designation rather than the "Common" one?

2. The Hephaestus AG (XIII) does not regenerate its ammunition.

3. The Thumper (XIII) does not display its damage the same way the vanilla Thumper does (Vanilla is 100 x 20, XIII should display it as 90*30 (I think)). I have also found that phase ships will generally not phase when under attack by one or two of these, likely because the low damage-per-hit makes them register the weapon as a non-threat, even though it shreds Gremlins, Afflictors and other weakly armored phase ships.

4. The Mining Laser (XIII) is identical in stats to the vanilla one.

5. Do you think you could add the Light AC and Light Dual AC as well as the HMG and the Chaingun in (XIII) variants?

6. The Buffalo (XIII) has, for some reason, Delicate Machinery as an integrated hullmod instead of the Insulated Engine Assembly usually found on XIII logistics ships. Might be intentional, but I figured I might bring it to your attention in case it is not.

7. The Eradicator (XIII) costs 18 DP, the same as the Eradicator (P), despite having the AAF found on regular Eradicators.

8. As it stands, XIII BG ships are basically better than XIV BG ones in every regard. The armor buff is better, they get a speed bonus rather than a malus, and while the maneuverability penalty does hurt the ships a little bit, I feel they remain uncontested when compared to XIV ships. Additionally, I feel like, with the addition of more High Tech and Midline ships, Fleet Doctrine starts falling apart from a thematic POV.

Still, it's a great mod and I'm having a lot of fun, thank you for creating it!

Mods / Re: [0.97] Kon's Player Faction Bundles v.2.2
« on: March 05, 2024, 12:26:59 PM »
Hey Kon, love the new ships (and the mod in general), but I have a question:

Why does the XIII Hammerhead have HEF instead of AAF? Are you supposed to put AM-Blasters into the two small front hybrid mounts?
It also has 10 less OP than the base Hammerhead.
Was this done for balancing reasons or is this something you accidentally adopted from what I assume to have been your template, the LG Hammerhead?

I checked both the codex and the ship refit for the enforcer (XIII), both of them had the 13th Battlegroup hullmod and were benefitting from it through armor and top speed. However, the flux capacity and vent rate only appeared once they were in-game which I think is fairly normal. I have tested both a ship that was bought from the market and built through custom production and they had similar results.

Those flux buffs are likely related to character skills.
If you start a fresh game with a 0 skills PC and cheat in the relevant hulls, you'll see that the flux bonus from the Thirteenth Battlegroup Hullmod is not applied for any XIII ships.
See Screenshots:

Base Variant

XIV Variant

XIII Variant

BA-Pod + Venture + Fast Missile Racks = Fun Times

It also annihilates your framerate if you keep spawning more of them, naturally.

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