A good read, I appreciate your reply!
Personally, I haven't found the maneuverability debuff to be crippling on smaller ships, but that may be due to my tendency to have them staffed by officers with relevant maneuverability skills.
Still, it's definitely something to consider. It essentially locks the XIII ships into a more committed version of Hegemony Doctrine - relentless assault with a wall of unyielding metal. I admittedly do play a game wildly divergent to Vanilla Starsector, so my perception may be warped, in that regard.
On the topic of doctrine: I do suppose it makes some sense to operate differing tech levels to fulfill purposes not covered by standard doctrine (As demonstrated by the Hegemony Wolf, which seems to be a post-collapse adaptation into Hegemony fleet doctrine for specifically this reason). Aesthetically, I feel the Condor would fit better into XIII fleets than the Drover, though its origins as (potentially post-collapse) conversion of the Tarsus makes use in Domain Battlegroups dubious at best. And the Mora, well, it's just plain boring. The Heron fits very well in my opinion.
Regardless, this is your mod, and you should work on fulfilling your vision for it, not what others wish it to be.
That said, do you think you might add an (improved) XIII BG version of the Tarsus? I adore that ship, but it's simply not worth using compared to more economical alternatives.
Edit: Oh, and by the way, XIII Weapons seem to all cost 200 Credits to manufacture.