« on: July 14, 2024, 04:30:28 PM »
If Hegemony want the ship, they can:
1. Say the magic word "PAY"
2. Make it the ticket of employment -> Hegemony put you on their payroll -> salary in addition to commission fee. -> Permanent relation that can not be severed short of Sat bombing Hegemony planet, actively attacking Hegemony asset -> Hegemony view everyone in the sector their citizen, you look capable enough, You did something that is very helpful to them.... -> you become a Hegemony officer with a perk to show. -> who know? Maybe they will allow you to keep the ship as long as you fly their color
3. Make it a donation and they now like you very much.
4. Only when they don't like you enough (Say under 20 relation) -> Highly trained professional "Pirate" attack you in hyperspace -> But Hegemony are willing to negotiate -> expect to get some call here and there
5. When they really don't like you (Say under -50) -> Overt strike fleet which power increase proportional to their hate toward you.
I imagine they will try to negotiate because they can risk destroying thing that they don't want to destroy. Plus Hegemony still pretend to a government so they can't just rob their citizen.