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Messages - Doctorhealsgood

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 48
Suggestions / Re: Large missiles feels lacking in options
« on: October 01, 2024, 09:38:07 AM »
Making the gazers somewhat stronger damage wise than a regular graviton beam might help them a bit because if you ask me i don't see much point in using a limited uses graviton beam when you could just use gravitons.

Suggestions / Re: Just my shower thought on officer limit
« on: September 29, 2024, 11:07:40 PM »
officers affect the DP limit, so immediately stacking more officers on weaker ships would allow you to more easily clutch the enemy's deployment capabilities...

tbh, I solve this issue by limiting the officers by economy. Making officers more expensive and creating more merc officers around the Core Worlds makes it so that you can technically exceed officer limit and deploy them on less key ships giving them a tactical edge similarly to how NPCs do it... But only if u have a very large income, therefore a reason to man such a potent fleet... This is further reinforced by other economic changes to make this viable as a solution...

Going for a DP restrictor imo feels like an overcomplex solution that could potentially simply reverse the issue, and create more problems than it should... Like with the previously mentioned DP system.
Then tweak the officer DP shenanigans too

General Discussion / Re: Officers have issues because they're weird
« on: September 29, 2024, 12:11:46 PM »
Core multipliers being lower would be great too yeah

General Discussion / Re: Commander! You've rained on my glorious parade!
« on: September 29, 2024, 12:09:08 PM »

General Discussion / Re: Officers have issues because they're weird
« on: September 27, 2024, 08:16:33 PM »
Just let me spec them like AI cores. Come up with something else cool for the cores.
Bump up the levels of each grade by one is a quick bandaid. Makes ordos scarier but some are into that.

Suggestions / Re: QoL map requests
« on: September 27, 2024, 08:13:03 PM »
i would prefer if scavenging stations wouldn't make them disappear from the map and instead make them remain there for the remainder of the game. They add a lot of personality to the systems, and can actually help me realise to what places I've already been...

Plus they look cool.

And like what? Am I scavenging the whole freaking fifty square kilometres of a station? What am I freaking... Freaking... Freaking scavengeman?
Spawned debris fields already remain so i don't really get why can't they.
Hell they could be free infrastructure if you decided to set up in that area

Suggestions / Re: Large missiles feels lacking in options
« on: September 26, 2024, 06:39:08 AM »
Sabot miss, because enemy is dead. It is the good kind of miss.
Hypothetically, if I make an OP weapon that launch 1000 reaper at once that kill any enemy, it will have high miss rate, because enemy would be super dead after like 10 reapers, all 990 will miss. That dont make it a poor weapon. You want the enemy to die.

Sabot is a burst weapon lile that. Its very nature means enemy might die before all submunition connects.

Better to have 'overkill' miss in sabot case than actual missing tickle damage like Squall.
But sabots pop shields not hulls

Suggestions / Re: Large missiles feels lacking in options
« on: September 25, 2024, 03:05:48 PM »
Sabot miss, because enemy is dead. It is the good kind of miss.

Suggestions / Re: Large missiles feels lacking in options
« on: September 23, 2024, 07:13:42 PM »
(not gazers, those suck)
Considering the fact that gazers are pretty much gravitons but with limited ammo they really could need something to be better... like being super graviton beams? Because as they stand now i see no reason to not use the proper beams

Suggestions / Re: Buff Remenents
« on: September 22, 2024, 07:47:13 PM »
If anything the Remnant should be nerfed because there's a chasm in difficulty between human fleets and a full-sized Ordo. Human fleets can be reliably beaten by any half-decent fleet with half-decent fits, while Ordo all but requires max level officers, S-mods, max player level and general minmaxing.

Unless of course Remnant being significantly stronger than everyone else is the point.
Renmants at least before seemed to be intended to be that.

Suggestions / Re: Buff Remenents
« on: September 19, 2024, 07:28:23 PM »
---Fulgent: 300>330 flux dissipation, 5000>5500 flux, 11>10 DP.

Arguably worst Remenent ship. It is seriously under fluxed. For a 11 DP high tech ship it has less than a shrike, who is not even high. Max flux around same as some low techs. Even after buff, still DP inefficient. 10 DP is just 1 drop, but reach break point when using automated ships. Good enough.
Don't let those large arc medium synergies and energy coherer fool you.  It's a missile ship.  That's why the flux is low.  It also has 15 more OP to spend over the Shrike.  Double medium Reapers + double small sabots on a destroyer that has .6 starting shield base.  MMmmm.   My fulgents run with sub .4 shields after s-mods. 
Then i need to question why put a coherer on a ship that isn't designed to use it properly

General Discussion / Re: Phase Ships aren't really scary
« on: September 19, 2024, 07:15:07 PM »
Sure but if it doesn't try to not get close it would work better

General Discussion / Re: Phase Ships aren't really scary
« on: September 19, 2024, 08:31:47 AM »
I have been checking the stats and apparently a Doom has better armor than it (Marginally by 50 points) and it confuses me a bit considering how a grendel has neither range or speed.
Maybe a bump in armor could help?
But yeah Grendel AI needs some specific tweaking

General Discussion / Re: Phase Ships aren't really scary
« on: September 19, 2024, 03:56:22 AM »
Burn drive on Grendel? That's boring.
I know, but it has to get into position somehow? I have no idea what to do with this ship... If I wanted to make it more self-reliant in NPC hands. Cause currently if I just gave it ITU, it would have to cost 25 DP, but it doesn't have the durability to do that. It would basically turn into a glass cannon... I guess in its current form it is an interesting ship... But it lacks... It needs to be more dumbproof... Grendel feels kinda like a pvp ship. It would be very good design for a human... But not very good for... The current availabilities of the NPCs. But I feel like that is the issue with a lot of ships in the game. And as someone who never pilots ships, it bothers me very deeply. It's so... Complex. Complex beyond belief.
All grendel needs to approach is to not get focused and the best way to do that is to simply throw the grendel alongside something else to the target you want dead.
I know how to use it... I just want the enemy to be able to use it against me too... I suppose.
What are the current grendel autofits? Maybe tweaking those would help. Do any of them have adaptive phase coils?

General Discussion / Re: Phase Ships aren't really scary
« on: September 18, 2024, 03:21:33 PM »
Burn drive on Grendel? That's boring.
I know, but it has to get into position somehow? I have no idea what to do with this ship... If I wanted to make it more self-reliant in NPC hands. Cause currently if I just gave it ITU, it would have to cost 25 DP, but it doesn't have the durability to do that. It would basically turn into a glass cannon... I guess in its current form it is an interesting ship... But it lacks... It needs to be more dumbproof... Grendel feels kinda like a pvp ship. It would be very good design for a human... But not very good for... The current availabilities of the NPCs. But I feel like that is the issue with a lot of ships in the game. And as someone who never pilots ships, it bothers me very deeply. It's so... Complex. Complex beyond belief.
All grendel needs to approach is to not get focused and the best way to do that is to simply throw the grendel alongside something else to the target you want dead.

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