Funnily enough, I knew about the bonus xp thing coming with using SP a certain way, but it never clicked that it made it not a consumable. I'm a dum-dum sometimes

And it's not like I'm running short on them, I rarely go under 20 after midgame. My reluctance to use them is definitely irrational territory

But I think I'm using some of those "100% xp back". Is fleeing one of those? Oh, promoting a crew member to an officer is one, isn't it? I tend to use those 2 a fair bit, and sometimes mentor officers too.
Anyway, you're spot on with the player being expected to create his little explanation. It occured to me quickly after writing my previous message, this "game-y" action can indeed easily fit into the game universe: you're just opening comms to the enemy boss and insulting his mom. It is, in fact, the only possible scenario. And it does make the whole thing better

Thank you for the code reference. So, the idea is that I'd write another setup() to get called in place of the original by the basegame? And just return the object with the adjusted relevant values? Sorry for the basic questions, I went from learning C in CLI straight to javascript fullstack web development, I'm missing the big piece in the middle, basically everything about modern native appplications ^^'
As much as it makes sense in universe (as long as the team they send to raid is doing its job, why would they escalate?), there's the gameplay related issue, where you're "rewarded" with more time by doing nothing. For my playthrough, because I setup a colony with so little money, I really had to create opportunities to make money by exploring or doing bounties, else I wouldn't have been able to afford more industries and upgrades on top of financing my fleet. Had many months around the 10k creds mark, at least one time going in debt.
What I'm getting to is that time is precious, it's a valuable ressource if you didn't "overprepare" for your colony. And yeah, I shouldn't be given more of that for free. As it is, there's the narrative part, "I'm cleaning the part of the sector I want to make my own", and the gameplay part, where fighting is rewarded with more time to grow.
Riding that line was most of what I really enjoyed with this update, and also why I'm worried the nerf were a little too much. Without tension, there's no line, you're just off playing normal starsector waiting for the big fights to come. I think it's cool that the process of carving your place in the sector is a more involved process now, with a narrative element to it and some "bosses" that ultimately leads to you being finally free to go explore or do whatever.
So yeah, I don't think your idea would work because of that, but it's still a very interesting one, it does make more sense in universe, I think.