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Messages - Jotun

Pages: [1]
Consistent crash on 0.95.1a on Admin training in the academy. as they gain 'adminSalaryTier3' which does not exist anymore and causes a crash.

Use this if like me you can't progress anymore

Ah! So that was the fix!

I just ended up adding a tiers 3 salary (same as tiers 2) row in one of the game files (can't remember which one) and it worked ok after that.

Mods / Re: [0.95.1a] Tahlan Shipworks 0.7.6 - Flakky Wideboi
« on: January 27, 2022, 08:24:01 AM »
Ok, in my save I'm currently occupying their home worlds and I let them take back the fortress in the system. I'm not sure how much of a difference I noticed in fleet strength, but when I was taking Luciforn they did sue for a cease fire as I was invading so I guess it did something. Maybe to help with the tediousness I'll try sending out fleets to do part of the work, especially the invasion bit as I find that the most tedious

You're kinda meant to take full advantage of Nex's features in dealing with them, yeah.

Fair enough :P but I only learned about the fleets thing a few days ago lol it's been kinda handy for guarding things while they get their defenses back up, but I've it used it for anything else yet. I've just been doing everything myself until now

It is fantastic to take down stations when you may not have quite the right ships at hand but lots of money sitting on your bank account.

I have to say, I was very salty about Legio BS in this run but it is very nice to have to use all the options in Nex to take them down (I guess I'm just not a huge fan of Chad pirates being the faction to take out that way but YMMV). Especially the sabotaging shields with an operative.

Mods / Re: [0.95.1a] Tahlan Shipworks 0.7.6 - Flakky Wideboi
« on: January 27, 2022, 05:37:41 AM »
So I've been having a problem for a little while with Legio eating the entire sector for breakfast while I'm busy with other things, Sindia is already long gone and Tri Tach isn't looking too healthy in my save atm. Is there some setting or other I can tweak to make it a bit easier for factions to defend themselves against Legio in particular? So far all other fleets seem to be acting normal in that there seems to be a 50/50 chance that they may or may not conquer whatever planet they're invading, but unless I'm there with my entire fleet of multiple capitals and support craft, the Legio fleets flatten the defenders every time and take over their planet. I've tried simply taking back everything, but tedium aside, this results in Saturation bombardments reducing the colonies to ash, so it's ultimately futile. So is there anything I can do to balance them out a bit other than going planet to planet and taking them out? I'd rather not face that process again. I've been loving the mod otherwise, and really don't want to just turn off LI since they're one of the few factions I take seriously when fighting.

I had a similar issue. My way to deal with it in game was simply to take their toys: go to Lucifron, use an operative to disable the shields, invade, take all the cores and the forge, keep the colony or give it to another faction. Rinse and repeat for the entire system. After that, Legio just crumbled and never recovered. It is extremely tedious though (it does give you some nice loot for your trouble).

Caveat: it may be already too late in your game (especially if they already have several massive markets with pristine nanoforge).

@Nox: You are completely misunderstanding what the Mess is and why they behave the way they do. No Mess ship could ever be boarded safely by a human being. Frankly it's almost a little hard to believe that weapons can be salvaged off of them.

At no point should the Mess ever be salvageable. If you'd like some automated ships that are semi-disposable (or at least "intended" to be used in a more disposable way than most ships), the Domain Derelicts of .95.1 and certain ships in the Dassault-Mikoyan Engineering mod are designed like that.

You're making a bunch of declarative statements based on some assumption of lore.  On that point, I completely disagree.  I'm using them because my crew has learned to adapt and adopt drones.  I'm not going to do fan fiction here to justify having fun in a game, and I'm not going to accept fan fiction as an argument.

Since when lore arguments aren't valid arguments? It's not "fan fiction" when the author of the lore for the mod tells you it's non canon (assumption on my part here, I assume the lore surrounding the mess runs counter to your interpretation). Actually, your version of "mess = drone" is the fanfic.

Feel free to argue that drenching your crew that is immune to poison into a pool of Ebola virus makes sense though. However these are two different beasts entirely, just like The Mess is very different from drones or REDACTED.

General Discussion / Re: Carriers in 0.95
« on: January 25, 2022, 01:52:03 AM »
I'd say that two main things need to happen to help fighters become well-balanced:

1) Non-PD weapons should have no collision and no targeting with all fighters and bombers - same as missiles.

And thus making space station battles absolute hell (and the doritos)? Please no. As someone that loves flying a destroyer, that sounds like a terrible idea. Having to back off and focus most of your fire power against fighters is enough already, getting instantly deleted because "LOL not enough PD" isn't particularly fun. What do you do against space stations then? Because it's a zero sum game: don't bring PD at all and get instantly deleted. Survive because you have enough PDs but the fight gets extremely slow because you had to sacrifice fire power for PD. Ofc I see your answer to this "bring more carriers" which... would just bring us back to boring carrier and missile spam (which still is viable as of now, just not as broken OP).

Full disclosure: I don't like carriers very much and just have a couple in my fleet every run and never capitals. I think this should remain a valid playstyle.

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