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Starsector 0.97a is out! (02/02/24); In-development patch notes for Starsector 0.98a (2/8/25)

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Messages - Nuuki

Pages: [1] 2
General Discussion / Re: First steps, advice please :)
« on: June 09, 2024, 07:11:16 AM »
If you want to fight things, you should venture beyond the core worlds and scavenge the wild expanse of the Persean sector. Alternatively, you don't just have to fight pirates. If you want, you can turn your transponder off and go on a crusade against some of the Hegemony's former enemies.

Also, do bounties. Those are a guaranteed way to make some nice cash whilst crushing pirates.

Mods / Re: [0.97a] Arma Armatura v3.0.6 BETA [4/3/24]
« on: May 28, 2024, 12:09:50 AM »
Yo yo yo. I'm not really sure where to ask this, but I was wondering if anyone else running this mod also ran any mod that allowed various AA Fighter wings (and/or frigates of any kind) to land on their carriers? I used to have a mod like that a loong time ago but lost it since and even if I found it I highly doubt it'd be up to date. Okie, that's all :3

General Discussion / Re: When is Shield Shunt worth it?
« on: May 25, 2024, 05:17:45 AM »
For me, the Enforcer is the absolute peak of armor shunted ships. It's not amazing, but it strikes the perfect balance between being wildly powerful, maneuverable enough to not just get mobbed the moment they burn into combat and disposable enough to keep losing it when you inevitably over-extend them.
*immediately dies to High Intensity Laser*

Or Tachyon Lance. Or torpedoes. Or DEM missiles. Or bombers.

Nightstrasza got it right - and almost one year ago. Why would you dig up this thread with such a pointless message...

I dunno, it might be because shield shunt gets a worse rep then it deserves? Maybe because I've been using it a lot recently and found myself having loads of fun with it? Hell, maybe both!
Honestly though, shield shunt is not quite as bad as everyone seems to think it is. Would it benefit from a buff? Yes. Does it need that buff to be usable? No. If you think torpedoes, bombers, plasma bolts, EMP damage or what have you render the shield shunt "literally unusable" then you should try to use it yourself. I haven't had any excessive issues with it (and when I did, I was already under so much sustained fire that shields would only have prolonged my life by a few seconds) and honestly, found myself having more fun than I've had with the game in a long time. Seriously, if you ever get bored of the fleet you're currently using you should try using a few shield shunted low tech ships. They're more fun than you think.

General Discussion / Re: When is Shield Shunt worth it?
« on: May 24, 2024, 11:56:10 PM »
For me, the Enforcer is the absolute peak of armor shunted ships. It's not amazing, but it strikes the perfect balance between being wildly powerful, maneuverable enough to not just get mobbed the moment they burn into combat and disposable enough to keep losing it when you inevitably over-extend them.
*immediately dies to High Intensity Laser*
those are some harsh words for someone in heavy machine gun range
for real though, HI-lasers aren't actually as good as you make them sound. I use them on my Sunders and unless you have two or three of them focused on one target with energy focus turned on they really don't do that much damage. They're amazing fly swatters though, I gotta give them that

General Discussion / Re: What is your Flagship named?
« on: May 24, 2024, 01:42:42 PM »
Fighting Lady
Every time.
I play the song whenever I'm in battle too

General Discussion / Re: Using Mods In Different Version
« on: May 24, 2024, 01:38:54 PM »
yeah just go into the mod_info.txt file and change the game version to the one you're using :3

The crashes are but a part of the modded experience

General Discussion / Re: Ssethtzeentach!
« on: May 24, 2024, 01:36:36 PM »
yeah, I only got into this game because of Sseth. Usually I have a pretty good nose for great underground games but I'm ashamed to admit I never, ever, heard about this game before Sseth made that video.
It's honestly kind of shocking how unknown this game was. Even back then, it was basically a nerd's wet dream, yet nobody was talking about it. The fact that it went under the radar of most people honestly seems like a stroke of bad luck more than anything. A rare W for videogame reviewers everywhere

General Discussion / Re: When is Shield Shunt worth it?
« on: May 24, 2024, 01:10:12 PM »
Don't listen to these HATERS!!! Shield shunt (S Mod) (+ Armored Weapon Mounts (S Mod) + Heavy Armor) is an incredibly good and !!!COMPLETELY VALID!!! combination. On XIVth Battlegroup ships this combo goes especially hard and lets you spit so much lead downrange you can just burst down anything and everything before it even has the chance to scratch you. I, personally, absolutely love my pure armor ships not because they are optimal (though the 14th Battlegroup Onslaught with the right officer is almost there), but because they are fun.

For me, the Enforcer is the absolute peak of armor shunted ships. It's not amazing, but it strikes the perfect balance between being wildly powerful, maneuverable enough to not just get mobbed the moment they burn into combat and disposable enough to keep losing it when you inevitably over-extend them.

If you plan on using mods with your shield shunted ships, the ones I'd recommend are the VIC for those delicious mods that enhance ballistics and HMI Supervillains so you can use the Fang Society ships which lean heavily into the "kamikaze" lifestyle of the average armor shunter

Mods / Re: [0.96] Arma Armatura v2.3.6 BETA [1/1/24]
« on: January 19, 2024, 08:03:18 AM »
so, there's a screenshot in the OP that shows your pilots' dispositions and thoughts but I can't find it??? What button do I have to press to access their personas

Suggestions / Re: Rework spysat missions
« on: November 04, 2023, 12:34:40 PM »
you're meant to do spysat missions if you have a stealthy fleet. Stealth missions need a low profile in the same way that trade missions need a large cargo bay and bounties need a strong fleet. If you can't do them, don't do them.

Of course, you still CAN accomplish spysat missions with a big fleet, but it's not easy and relies as much on luck as it does skill

You can equip modules related to armor/hull, shields, engines, etc in the same way we currently equip weapons. Each ship has certain slots, of certain varieties, in certain locations. The modules drop as loot, get sold at stations, and are produced at colonies with heavy industry just as weapons are.
Sounds fun, but also fundamentally going against vanilla IMO. It'd be interesting to see if it's possible to mod in "weapons" that could raise your shields, sensor ranges etc. I doubt you could do that, but if you could that would be a really interesting mod
It would become invincible.

Believe it or not, enabling God Mode in most games is not beneficial, and the novelty of it wears thin pretty quickly.
* Nuuki seethes in monitor

Suggestions / Re: Why is "Ground Support Package" a unremovable modifcation
« on: November 04, 2023, 12:22:10 PM »
The description says it's a bunch of sensors, datalink etc to make sure the ship's weapons can hit ground targets, why wouldn't a normal ship be able to equip it :-\  Or is it more than that?
That means it's more specialized than survey equipment or high resolution sensors?
I would say so, yeah. The fact that high-res sensors and surveying equipment can just be added or removed implies that they're surface-level modifications. Same with heavy armor, reinforced bulkheads, etc. They're modifications either added on top of existing structures or only lightly modifying them.

I imagine that the ground support package is something that is fundamentally built into the hull, something that's woven into the ship systems themselves. Specialized weapons and comms systems that can pierce the atmosphere/ground defenses/ECM, a hull sturdy enough to enter the atmosphere, etc.. Therefore, you couldn't really add the ground support package to a ship without having to rebuild it from scratch. 

Modding / Re: I love the Versant-Class from Diable Avionics but...
« on: November 02, 2023, 07:58:39 AM »
This is absolutely amazing. Has anyone ever managed to get the files for this project or is it lost to the sands of time forever?

General Discussion / Re: Tighter leash?
« on: November 01, 2023, 02:29:55 AM »
Cautious pilots + long range weapons

I found that to work somewhat well too, but even then it's not great and kinda leaves escorts to be specialized sniper cowards, even when I want them to escort brawlers and bruisers
escort command

that one's a given, yeah. It just kinda sucks ngl

General Discussion / Tighter leash?
« on: November 01, 2023, 01:44:20 AM »
So, I'm playing with Diable Avionics (two Versants with Neural Interface) but this questions extends to vanilla aswell.
How does one keep their escorts on a TIGHTER LEASH? I desperately want my escorts to ACTUALLY ESCORT my bigger ships and whilst some can do it quite well, others are...They just *** off and get *** off of the mortal plain!

Like I said, SOME ships have been made to be escorts, omens for example. Many other ships though, they don't fare so well as escorts. Take my (modded) Versants for example. Great ships, very fast, very squishy. In their "speedy" form they have no shields and no backward thrust. Therefore, when my versant buddy flies a 1000SU away from me off my screen, she VERY OFTEN gets blown to bits in one or two shots. That's not good. I want my escort to stay very close to me, because that way I can exert greater control over it, but whenever I'm piloting one, the other desperately tries to kill itself.
This behavior of "exposing" themselves or the ship they escort extends to many other ships aswell. If I set a Vanguard to guard a Sunder, because I configured my Vanguard to be a PD boat, it's immediately gonna leave the Sunder and go do it's own thing. This happens with pretty much any ship I set to escort another ship.
They easily get separated and I really hate that. Therefore, I once again ask you all
Recommend mods, ways to edit the source files, I don't care. I want my ships to actually do what I want them to do and not just fly to the other side of the map because a goddamn mudskipper wedged itself between my escorter and the escorted

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