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Starsector 0.97a is out! (02/02/24); New blog post: Planet Search Overhaul (07/13/24)

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Messages - Xzaven

Pages: [1] 2
Mods / Re: [0.96a] Interstellar Imperium 2.6.0
« on: June 08, 2023, 03:41:15 PM »
Hmmm, that Invictus Rename makes it not safe compatible I guess. :(
True... would have been nice to have an explicit warning about current saves being invalidated by said name change, Dark.Revenant.

However! IF replacing all instances of 'invictus' with 'triarius' in a saved game (make a copy/backup and use case-sensitive Find/Replace, just to be sure) current saves will at least load, but whether it will crash at some point? Debatable; and I haven't yet had the time to test it out in-depth.
I thought about doing that, but then had the same concerns about whether this might break anything further down.

Also luckily not a big issue thanks to mod manager allowing me to have multiple versions of a mod installed and can just switch back if something like this happens.

Mods / Re: [0.96a] Interstellar Imperium 2.6.0
« on: June 08, 2023, 03:22:12 PM »
Hmmm, that Invictus Rename makes it not safe compatible I guess. :(

Mods / Re: [0.96a] Underworld 1.8.1
« on: May 30, 2023, 01:56:59 AM »
Thank you so much for that fast response, month end crash isn't happening any more :)

Mods / Re: [0.96a] Underworld 1.8.0c
« on: May 29, 2023, 04:03:24 PM »
I am experiencing a CTD currently seconds after I saved, with the following error. It seems to be related to Underworld Cabal. I won't rule out it is a conflict with another (not yet updated) mod though.

Can anyone help with this?
206059 [Thread-3] ERROR com.fs.starfarer.combat.CombatMain  - java.lang.NullPointerException
at data.scripts.campaign.fleets.UW_PalaceFleet.getRandomCabal(
at data.scripts.campaign.fleets.UW_PalaceFleet.canSpawnFleetNow(
at data.scripts.campaign.fleets.UW_PalaceFleet.advance(
at com.fs.starfarer.campaign.CampaignEngine.advance(Unknown Source)
at com.fs.starfarer.campaign.CampaignState.advance(Unknown Source)
at com.fs.starfarer.BaseGameState.traverse(Unknown Source)
at com.fs.state.AppDriver.begin(Unknown Source)
at com.fs.starfarer.combat.CombatMain.main(Unknown Source)
at com.fs.starfarer.StarfarerLauncher.o00000(Unknown Source)
at com.fs.starfarer.StarfarerLauncher$ Source)
Stelnet Log - Mod List
Java version: 1.8.0_372
Java vendor: Red Hat, Inc.

pantera_ANewLevel25-25 2.1: A New Level of Confidence
adjustable_skill_thresholds-1.2.0: Adjustable Skill Thresholds
advanced_gunnery_control_dbeaa06e-1.11.1: AdvancedGunneryControl
AttunedDriveField-0.1.1: Attuned Drive Field Hullmod
automatedcommands-1.3: Automated Commands
lw_autosave-1.2b: Autosave
timid_admins-1.86: Better Colonies
Csp-1.2.1: Caymon's Ship pack
combatactivators-1.0.5: Combat Activators
cmutils-0.4.0: Combat Misc Utils
timid_commissioned_hull_mods-1.999999ggg: Commissioned Crews
lw_console-2023.5.05: Console Commands
timid_cum-1.13: Content Unlocking Missions
DetailedCombatResults-5.3.3: Detailed Combat Results
diableavionics_ornate-1.0: Diable Addon - ORNATE
diableavionics-2.7.0rc3: Diable Avionics
Diktat Enhancement-1.2.1e: Diktat Enhancement
dynamictariffs-1.4: Dynamic Tariffs
exoticatechnologies-1.5.3: Exotica Technologies
a111164_ExtendPack-3.19rc2: FSF Miltary Company - [a111164_ExtendPack]
fast_engine_rendering-1.1.2: Fast Engine Rendering
fleetsizebydp-1.0.2b: Fleet Size By DP
sun_flux_reticle-1.2.1: Flux Reticle
HexShields-1.3.1: Hexagonal Shieldidgeridoos
hte-1.4.13: High Tech Expansion
Imperium-2.5.2: Interstellar Imperium
kadur_remnant-3.2.3: Kadur Remnant
keruvim_shipyards-0.6.1: Keruvim Shipyards
LTA-0.6.5d: LTA
largerZoomOut-1.1.0: Larger Zoom Out
lw_lazylib-2.8: LazyLib
leadingPip-1.9.2: Leading Pip
ArkLeg-v1.9.12: Legacy of Arkgneisis
lockedAndLoaded-0.13.0: Locked and Loaded
logisticsNotifications-1.4.5: Logistics Notifications
luddenhance-1.2.6b: Luddic Enhancement
lunalib-1.7.5: LunaLib
MagicLib-1.1.1-rc02: MagicLib
Mayasuran Navy-10.0.0 RC1: Mayasuran Navy
MoreBarMissions-0.0.1: More Bar Missions
wisp_NeutrinoDetectorMkII-1.4.1: Neutrino Detector Mk.II
sun_new_beginnings-1.3.0: New Beginnings
nexerelin-0.11.0: Nexerelin
objects_analysis-002: Objects Analysis
officerExtension-0.5.0: Officer Extension
pay- Play as Yourself
progressiveSMods-0.10.0: Progressive S-Mods
pt_qolpack-1.1: QoL Pack
assortment_of_things-1.4.1: Random Assortment of Things
rebalanced_doom-v1.0: Rebalanced Doom
scalartech-0.9: ScalarTech Solutions
scan_those_gates-1.5.5: Scan Those Gates
SCY-1.6.6rc3: Scy Nation
SEEKER-0.5.3rc1: Seeker - Unidentified Contact
holdsforall-1.0: Shielded Holds For All
PT_ShipDirectionMarker-1.3.1: Ship Direction Marker
swp-1.14.0: Ship/Weapon Pack
speedUp-1.0.0: SpeedUp
sun_starship_legends-2.3.0: Starship Legends
stelnet-3.0.0: Stellar Networks
timid_supply_forging-1.41: Supply Forging
tahlan-1.1.1: Tahlan Shipworks
presmattdamon_takenoprisoners-0.16.1: Take No Prisoners
underworld-1.8.0c: Underworld
vayrashippack-1.2.3: Vayra's Ship Pack
WEAPONARCS-1.7.0: Weapon Arcs
whichmod-1.2.2: WhichMod
unpackblueprints-2.1: Yunru's Unpack Blueprints
shaderLib-1.7.0: zz GraphicsLib
ShipCatalogVariantEditor-1.8.0: ~Ship Catalogue / Variant Editor

Mods / Re: [0.96a] More Military Missions (v0.0.4)
« on: May 27, 2023, 09:08:02 PM »
Seeing the previous post, if there would be a toggle in the mod to use the public list, or all factions, that would work too I suppose?

And just leave the standard setting on the public factions.

And don't get me wrong, I still enjoy this mod, just think that it would improve on it :)

Mods / Re: [0.96a] More Military Missions (v0.0.3)
« on: May 27, 2023, 05:45:59 PM »
I do think that the credit reward should be halved or lowered even further though.

Thank you for your feedback. You can tweak the rewards by modifying MoreMilitaryMissions\data\config\modSettings.json yourself, particularly the DmCreditRewardPerFpparameter.  I will not make it the default because the most common feedback I'm getting is you want me to fight that fleet for only this much credit?  Can't please everyone I suppose.

Oh I get that. When I got one of the Redacted fleets to fight, the reward did seem rather small for the challenge. But for common fleets it feels high, in comparison to bounty fleets at least.

Will just change the value myself then. I admit I didn't even go an look if there was a config file, my bad.

So, something that you're getting a lot of negative feedback on elsewhere comes from the fact that a mod like this should really operate on a whitelist, rather than a blacklist, and that the list should be a separate file in config for ease of use by other modders to keep track of the data.

I disagree; the most important user for this mod is myself, and the biggest reason I made this mod is to introduce some variety to the default Starsector experience. Getting to fight a variety of fleet types is an important reason why I made this mod.

The choice to use a whitelist instead of a blacklist shouldn't have any influence on the fleet types you get as long as the proper factions are allowed? If a whitelist would ease interaction with other mods and you can modify it, I would agree that this sounds like a good idea.

Mods / Re: [0.96a] More Military Missions (v0.0.3)
« on: May 26, 2023, 05:30:18 AM »
I am really enjoying these missions as it is an easy way to get some challenging fights.

I do think that the credit reward should be halved or lowered even further though.
In comparison I am currently getting 600k for defeating 2 fleets with station support when difficult bounties are 200-300k worth for me, including having to fight alone and travel far out into space. So 200k would be more in line with what I would expect as a reward here currently.

Maybe the scaling of the credit reward is just off when you get more difficult encounters? Cause the preview image shows something slightly smaller than what I am currently fielding, but also shows half of the rewards my last missions gave.

  • Optional check for fleet being in comm array sensor range
  • Optional difficulty increases (like option to remove military grade ships from open markets, since the mod can make it TOO easy to build a fleet in vanilla or lightly modded games)
All configurable (and changeable) on the fly via LunaLib settings menu.

I love this mod and I try to restrict myself in using it to just buy everything.
Would it be possible to put a cooldown on the query refresh? Like only being able to refresh 1 query per month? (as an optional setting)

Aww the Reaver ships have been purged after all. And here I was frantically searching for the mod that added those ships as I was really enjoying them.

Is there any chance you could release them just as a little pirate addon somehow? Would love to continue playing with the reaver ships :)

I will hence continue enjoying the main part of the mod!

Mods / Re: [0.95.1a] Better Deserved S-Mods 1.54
« on: November 22, 2022, 01:15:01 PM »
I have two questions about the way the modifiers from Blast Doors are implemented.

From what I can tell the -10% Armor Damage Taken is added upon the existing modifier, for example if there is Impact Mitigation already. So with Blast Doors built in this should result in -35% or 0.65 modifier? This seems very powerful, maybe instead of deducting another 10 it might be better to multiply with 0.9?

And is the - 25% HE Damage Taken applied before the armor calculation to affect the impact of weapons, or after for the damage calculation only?

Both of these together seem to provide a lot of value to armor ships.

Mods / Re: [0.95.1a] Tahlan Shipworks 0.8.666a
« on: November 18, 2022, 07:50:40 PM »
When starting as a Knights Errant I noticed that my Enforcer(GH) had the Forced Overdrive Hullmod installed. Is there any way to get the blueprint for this hullmod in the game? Stellar Networks doesn't list it in the market query for hullmods, so I assume it cannot be bought?
First time I see this hullmod so I am wondering if it is starting ship only maybe.

Mods / Re: [0.95.1a] Exotica Technologies v1.1.5 - UI Update
« on: August 13, 2022, 05:46:42 AM »
First of all, thanks for making this mod, and offering new additional ways to specialize ships!

I just have one question/request (maybe i am just too dumb):
Is there no way to choose which level of chip to use instead of the highest level (as the tooltip says)? I had circumvented this by moving only the wanted chips to my inventory. But while the crate has significantly reduced the chips cluttering my inventory, it also made this circumvention more tedious by needing to go through the extra crate inventory window.

If it would prioritize chips in the inventory over ones in the crate that would be a nice way to do it maybe?

yeah haven't found a good solution to it yet unfortunately. the ideal is you get to pick from a list, but i'm already using up most of the screen real estate that i have on the smallest screen size supproted by the game (1280x768 or something). i'll think of something eventually, but if you or anyone elsse has ideas that would help, then feel free.

I don't know if this is possible: Maybe cycling through the chips with arrow keys while hovering over the Upgrade Chip button?

Else what I mentioned before, if it could prioritize chips in the fleet inventory over the crate, that would be a help too.

Mods / Re: [0.95.1a] Exotica Technologies v1.1.5 - UI Update
« on: August 12, 2022, 02:10:38 PM »
First of all, thanks for making this mod, and offering new additional ways to specialize ships!

I just have one question/request (maybe i am just too dumb):
Is there no way to choose which level of chip to use instead of the highest level (as the tooltip says)? I had circumvented this by moving only the wanted chips to my inventory. But while the crate has significantly reduced the chips cluttering my inventory, it also made this circumvention more tedious by needing to go through the extra crate inventory window.

If it would prioritize chips in the inventory over ones in the crate that would be a nice way to do it maybe?

For me I only ever use SO in the early game, once fleets get larger and battles take longer it shows its weakness. If I want a glass cannon that can be taken off the field fast, I can as well build a missile burst ship.
Most cruisers are still rather slow with SO and UI, so with their short weapon range they feel much less intimidating than a 200spd destroyer.

I felt it could be overpowered when you could still use SP to make it a S-Mod, but since that got denied I feel it is in an ok spot.

Mods / Re: [0.95a] Stellar Networks 1.2.1 - collection of intel boards
« on: November 09, 2021, 02:45:15 PM »
Hey, first of all thanks for adding all the options to search for stuff being sold everywhere.

When using the market viewer to look at ships being sold, the sort options don't seem to work correctly though. There are ships that don't seem to be sorted into a category of warship/carrier/civilian, so searching for any of these types is hard when it is cluttered with the non sorted ones.

I do have other mods running, so I hope it's not a conflict causing this. There are mainly vanilla ships causing the issue though.

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