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Starsector 0.97a is out! (02/02/24); New blog post: Planet Search Overhaul (07/13/24)

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Messages - Ericus

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Re: Why don't my ships follow orders ?
« on: July 31, 2021, 07:15:46 PM »
it will. if micromanaging your ships is viable then players will feel pressured to do so, even if they don't want to and even if they never actually do it. just it being available will lessen the experience for everybody except people who want to micromanage their ships, which is just straight up not the game that it is

The feature is available in the game. therefore it should work as reasonably expected.
If the player makes a tactical decision to complement the fleet routines as they are now (and they are good, this wasn't the object of my post), that is not micro managing, that is simply being the commanding officer with the appropriate information in the field.

I don't believe you get to decree what the game is for people ...

General Discussion / Re: Why don't my ships follow orders ?
« on: July 30, 2021, 12:06:54 AM »
To be honest, that is also what I read.

General Discussion / Re: Why don't my ships follow orders ?
« on: July 29, 2021, 09:41:07 PM »
I see everybody going on in their command pushing their idea or what is happening or not or the reason this is happening like that.
Which can be informative.

In my case, which I posted about, a cruiser I ordered to pursue a bigger ship in the south east quadrant of the map just kept on pursuing another less important target to the north.
There was no flux problem, the officer was steady, my side was winning the battle with no emergencies anywhere.

I spent 3 points of commands repeating the order to said ship to change target, it never did and went all the way north when I needed the support south west to finish a cruiser kept busy by 2 frigates.
There was no apparent or logical reason for it not to do what I was asking the ship to do.

Some answers seem out of line to me in both directions (it's awful, it's great).

General Discussion / Why don't my ships follow orders ?
« on: July 28, 2021, 11:48:23 PM »
I had a battle recently, and expressly ordered a Falcon Cruiser to engage another ship.
Alas, the order, repeated multiple times, was ignored each time, with the ship choosing to engage another ship.

Is that normal behavior ?

One thing I have been wondering for a while: in February there was a forum post from Stian with a mention of incoming new music, it is coming in a future version or did I miss that in 0.95?

About music, there is a mod that gathers plenty of existing mod's music in itself.
It's a blessing. When I started, the same music was always playing and driving me crazy already.

I'm with the other people, the game is not complex enough or its complexity is not an issue.
The lack of transparency and available data is an issue though.

Blog Posts / Re: Skill Changes, Part 2
« on: July 20, 2021, 12:39:40 AM »

Would it be possible to have officers placed 'in reserve' (unusable and you pay their salary but they are not removed or altered) if the skill is respecced out of? Also, the same thing for ships with s-mods (CR is set to 0) would be nice.

Hmm - things are really not set up for doing that easily, unfortunately.

This is really too bad and I really wish a future development would allow us to use them in colonies, or even store them in a flight school or something.
I have this Harbinger pilot that stayed with me since I began my campaign. At some point, when I will switch to using a doom myself, this dude will have to go. And I got really attached to the persona of this officer.

When colonies get reworked somehow, having the ability to keep some officers in reserve sounds like a genuinely necessary feature to have in the game.
Not only for being able to field various fleet configurations, but also simply because as a player, I get attached to the characters.
Fingers crossed.

General Discussion / Re: New player feedback
« on: July 16, 2021, 04:30:16 PM »
Map controls Wait what? but clicking on a star does quickly give you access to the start map. Holding left click opens a drop menu that includes "show star map" as option 1. I routinely hit that button accidentally. I'm a little baffled you have trouble with that. The button to go back is a visible button at the top left of the map as well. Maybe it's a bit small and easy to miss, but thats being charitable. Maybe put them on the bottom right so -all- map controls at below and easier to find? Honestly sounds like it isn't a bad idea.

I was writing about the intel screen in the passage you refer to, not the sector map.
And how having 3 different keys and screens for the same type of data is not optimal to use, and how being able to click the star to access their local map in the intel screen would be good.

General Discussion / Re: New player feedback
« on: July 16, 2021, 04:37:44 AM »
It's my second game and I explored maybe 75% of the systems as of now.
I definitely did not go to the hardest stuff as I am still exploring but can already aim for the 200k bounties without issues with just that exploration fleet and 8 officers.

For whatever reason, I keep my exploring fleet under 120 and it goes like :
- 1 apogee
- 1 harbinger
- 2 afflictors
- 1 monitor
- 4 omens
- 1 supertanker
- 2 atlas
- 3 salvage rigs

Goes nicely to 119.
Anyway, not that it matters a lot to stay under 120, just more of a roleplay thing I guess.

To get back on the subject, I really did not have any issue finding weapons, of course it takes a bit of time to build up a stash but the black markets have everything you could wish for and more and once you begin fighting the bigger fleets and the fleets you can find in yellow systems and some fleets of the red ones, it's like a dragon's hoard.
I began by building a fleet of 10 P mules to smuggle stuff and trade until I had a couple millions already.

Having the free storage of the abandoned stations without any threat or rent or consequence is too gamey and too tempting not to use right now ! :)

Maybe it indeed depends on one's experience in gaming, and though I am not nowhere near a great magician of the mouse keyboard, I guess I am used to systems in place in games.

So, I would like for the game to be a bit more gritty for sure.
Maybe getting more starting options along with a tightly controlled weapon technology could satisfy both sides of the viewpoint on the subject.
Balance is a b... and some players obviously like the very easy access to ships as it is now.

To me, it kinda breaks my immersion and I didn't even bother playing with the more basic ships when I could right away get 4 tempest 4 omens and quickly a few afflictors.

General Discussion / Re: New player feedback
« on: July 15, 2021, 09:31:58 PM »
To quickly answer one question asked, here is what I mean on the UI.
The details don't concern the combat UI really (though some easier info could be given there by color coding some elements maybe ? Now that you make me think about it).

Interface, part 1 Can I ask for an example? I'm drawing a blank on what information you're talking about.

In the ship refit interface :
- Characteristics for the abilities (range, cool down, flux cost etc.)
- All characteristics impacted by mods as some already appear in () already for some ship systems ; extended to weapons (sorry to the dev having to do that : that seems like a lot of ungrateful work to develop if has to be done manually for each item and not a template)

In fleet selection in stations :
- In the fleet selection window, the cost for each ship to bring in the fleet (only way I saw how to do that is add the ship, hover the fleet composition or like, doing maths, remove the ship if I just wanted the information).

In mission attribution by contacts :
- Where is the mission besides 20 light years away ? Either a map or a simple compass or just a 8 direction arrow in the text showing the direction would be immensely helpful.

In trade window :
- Item scarcity or abundance (green / red) should be apparent on each item with a dot or what not so the player does not have to hover each item individually to see what is interesting to trade.
- The detailed trading information (F1) should have an optional toggle function, I mean I always want to see that information when I am trading.

In Maps and Intel :
- Ideally, all these interfaces should be unified somehow, I mean it's working as it is, just, would be nice not to have to juggle between 3 keys constantly to access all the various map data presented in various screens, Just having star map and intel together AND local system map would simplify thing (well for the player, not the developer who would have to do that). Not that it should be a priority.
At least being able to zoom to the local map when clicking a star in the intel map would be great already.

I didn't put much thought into the fighting interface, it felt pretty good already and keeps things simple, I like the mod showing my flux level on the tip of the aiming reticle as I otherwise always forget about it.
Though :
- I wish it would be easier to find / select ships on the map view of the battlefield as they are sometimes mushed together even at the lowest zoom level.
- Maybe switching the color of the weapons without ammo or disabled in orange / red would be good to quickly see the missile availability, and yellow when some weapons are recharging like the antimatter blasters ? Haven't really found that info without having to switch to the concerned weapon to check availability so maybe I am just not used to it yet.

Just some quick details / examples about what I meant in my post.
I am not asking for any of it really, these are just the small things / grips that appeared to me when I used the game a lot over these last weeks.

ps: I play at 3440x1440 so that probably impacts my view on things.

General Discussion / Re: New player feedback
« on: July 14, 2021, 08:52:43 PM »
Is there a structure for exploration content ?
As, what is possible to do in terms of writing and conditions ?
Dialog trees, requirements in terms of resources but also stuff like sensor strength / salvage level and % chance based result ? Chance to attract a fleet when back on the map screen etc ?

Do we need java programming skill to try and do some in a mod ?

Also, it sure looks like I get easily confused with age.

General Discussion / New player feedback
« on: July 14, 2021, 07:43:55 PM »

So I got the game only a couple weeks ago and played it extensively though not reaching endgame.
Might be a bit early for feedback as it is but ...

First I want to say I thoroughly enjoy the game. My first computer was a Mac and of course Escape Velocity was on the menu. Also a fan of science fiction literature.
I might seem to focus on what I think is missing / perfectible in the current game, but this is already a gem of a game to me.

I also only played 0.95a so have no history with what was before.
I say this aloud : this is just all opinions.

- Progression : things are too easy.
I am not writing that in terms of battles but in terms of accessibility of the ships and their prices.
  • Bigger and more advanced ships should be exponentially more expensive to really put them out of reach of the player beginning the game. Cruiser at the million or three credits value (and not just 2-4 times the price of a frigate). Capitals at 6-10 milions etc.
    It feels weird to accomplish a couple of basic missions and being able to acquire a cruiser size ship already. And considering how easy it is to make money trading / smuggling (should be harder really), this would give more meaning and impact to the progression of the player. Though I get it would just mean more busy work for a while, as it is, it felt too easy.
  • Ship accessibility should be more restrictive. By that I mean the availability of military ships to the global market, and even more so for advanced top of the line ships. Military ships of advanced design should only rarely be available on the black market (at an exorbitant price) while open market should not have them (or being locked behind opening a license for them based on reputation + credits in the millions range maybe).
    I used the mod that informs where ship / items / officers are available on the market which would work well with a scarcer economy if you had a cost associated with it.

- Officers : the system is great but could be better.
  • I wish you could manage more of them once you reach a certain point, having a colony and starbase could mean being able to double your recruitment capacity and have them be useful to you defending the colony. This would allow more flexibility for switching fleets for the player. The number you are able to field at a given time in your fleet would stay the same.
    They level pretty fast, with this system they could level slower too.
  • Officer personality : well I tried with steady officers and they were useless. So I only recruited aggressive ones from there.

- Interface : perfectible for some stuff.
  • Some information is missing (cooldown for ship abilities, range etc.). Also I wish I could see the modified values for weapon ranges etc once you apply mods.
  • I found out about the alt key move by random chance, this should be enabled by default in the settings json.
  • I keep on not finding where to fire an administrator !
  • The map system (tab + q to get on global map) and the task (intel) system is confusing / cumbersome to use. Clicking on a star system in the task (intel) map should switch to the solar system map at least. This gets very annoying over time.
  • I still get confused on when to use left / right click to navigate depending if I am on the map or not. Not sure if it's just me being confused or the lack of consistency for what each buttons do on different screens.

- Skills : well the current system is not satisfying but there has been a blog post about it already.
  • Being able to switch between 2 sets of skills locked behind some Neural Matrix Personality Storage you could find exploring would be great for when you get a colony and want to go from your Doom to your non phased ship.

- Exploration : Could use some more variety in events and loot (rarer weapons with lowered requirements / some eventual drawbacks). But that is "just" content.

Thank you for the game and can't wait to see what comes next with the new skills and all !

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