I've had Scy Nation in my mod list for a over a year maybe 2 now. At first to me it was just an added faction to fight with that ascetically still fitted with the the look of the vanilla factions.
First real exposition tot he faction was to it's anti-fighters miniguns which at the time were not only good for killing fighters but also for shield pressure. (think they dealt hardflux back then, not sure but they were more effective vs shields back then than now from what I recall.)
Plus my fights against the SCY fleets were always a challenging, but my first 2 attempts at playing with the SCY nation ships and weapons were quite misserable failures. However my 3rd and most recent attempt went very differently when I decided to use Manticores with with the Missile cruiser and beam cruisers together. It was spectacular! Adding siege Carriers latter only push the whole thing over the edge into ROFLSTUMP territory.
Did play with the singularity weapon many times always super powerful, always a double edge sword for AI fleets so I always opted out of using it. (just happy AI fleets don't spwn with it, as far as I know)
However so far I am having an issue with making builds that use the Kacc and hemor weapons. Not so much issue with KAcc but HEmor is like WTH was the concept? Because right now I am trying to make exploration fleet with cheap to fit Hemors on Corocotta cruisers and it is just not working yet. The range is short, the projectiles are slow, accuracy seems so so, flux to fire seems high for what it does. Also looking into the Dracanae cruiser, golly gee if you don't have a captain with the right skills and right hull mods when ever it'S ability activate 80% of the weapons go offline!!!!
Siren I just hate the AI can't handle. But I get it.
The Geryon I love for early game fights but since It cannot Reload missiles later on I have to discontinue it'S use.
The easy thing to do is to give it Missile-auto forge skill, but that's been done a lot, wouldn't it be possible to make it dock to a ship can can replenish missiles to make it reload or maybe create a new capital ship hull dedicated to that, or maybe a special modual for the Xanthus to do that? Sometime like this would also greatly help the Lealaps which after experimentation I tossed aside. In one of you post you said you felt the SCY navy felt pretty complete and didn't know what you could add that would not be excessive I think something that fills this role could be it. I could write chapters on ideas of different ways off iteration for this, contact me if you want concept ideas.
Orion artilleries loved them on other faction ships, Find them expensive on SCY ships.
Ricochet guns are nice.
Laser torps feel underwhelming but maybe i just have not experimented with that enough yet.
Super charge Pulse beams, Meh, Think I need to try them again just with MORE of them.
Nano needlers feel good, but i miss it flux pressure it had on enemy shields from before but I get it.
Zone Scorchers from the simulation testing I have done could be OP, have not yet tried using them in Mass since they also killed your missiles and Strike-crafts which my fleets have always been heavy on, but If I can't get the Hemor and Kacc fleet working I'll switch to trying it out.
Cluster missiles and the Ker bombers I kinda both dislike for how it deploys, don't get me wrong I can see that full hits of those weapons are powerful, but they often miss or get destroyed before full deployment and are very ineffective vs mobile targets. Essentially that are good for nuking starbases and super fat lumbering capitals.
Coasting missiles, love em, why not large and small variants?
Arc missiles, useful in mass, but not amazing, Large swarm launcher version would be nice I think.
Oh dang I could go on but this is getting long. Dont expect you to answer everything, but Would really like you design idea and intended method of use for the Hemors and Kaccs, esspecialy the Hemors.