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Starsector 0.97a is out! (02/02/24); New blog post: Planet Search Overhaul (07/13/24)

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Messages - Legendsmith

Pages: [1] 2
Blog Posts / Re: Colony Crises
« on: November 24, 2023, 03:29:10 PM »
Oh good. These are very welcome changes.
There's a few unmentioned factors here that make the current Colony Threat feel extra bad:
  • The player has no warning about it. New players or players who are not used to colony management are taken by surprise.
  • Death Spiral: Since the progress is based on the colony's status, a worse colony invites worse threat. (Why would they raid someone that poor anyway?)
  • The player feels helpless in the death spiral, killing fleets barely makes a dent in the progress, even if you basically clear our your system and blow up pirate bases.
I know plenty of players who simply edited it out of the game.

Modding / [Mod Bounty] Archipelago Integration
« on: July 14, 2023, 04:20:29 AM »
Beginning extraction of Soul of a Crystal Sage... .

Domain databanks located, decrypting automation technology code Factorio [...]

Archipelago, whats that? is a multi-world multi-game multiplayer randomizer.
From the site:
This is a cross-game modification system which randomizes different games, then uses the result to build a single unified multi-player game. Items from one game may be present in another, and you will need your fellow players to find items you need in their games to help you complete your own.

If you are familiar with randomizers for other games such as the various Zelda games, Super Metroid, Dark Souls and more, it's the same idea, except that it's multi world, multi game and multi player. Multi world means multiple instances, multi game means that the instances are not necessarily the same game, and multi player means different people are playing these worlds.

Items, and locations are called checks. These checks are thrown into a large pile and randomized, according to rules that allow them to be accessed (so the BLUE KEY can't be behind a door that directly or indirectly requires the BLUE KEY to open). There is logic so the game is complete-able, and server side archipelago commands that can be run to release items too.
Items aren't always direct "items" such as the Master Sword or Super Missiles, Factorio uses technology as its items: Your Railway tech? That's in another player's Dark Souls game now, and you'll be researching the Master Sword to give to Link, who can find the Dark Souls player's boss soul in Hyrule.

Archipelago has a general client, though not every game uses this. Some games such as Slay the Spire directly talk to the Archipelago server with an installed Archipelago mod, while Factorio needs an Archipelago client as a middleman for the Factorio server to talk to in addition to a mod.

As the subject states, this is a bounty. I have some money to spare. $400 USD to anyone who achieves this integration of the Minimum Viable product detailed below, or equivalent.. If multiple people contribute, it'll be split, I'm not made of cash, I just have some spare from my own commission work. I understand that this is really a pitiful compensation compared to what the work is truly worth, but it is all I can offer up financially. I do however, have python experience so I can help with the integration side of that.

Archipelago documentation
Archipelago is written in python, and the ap_world that every integrated game requires is written in python.
I know python, but my knowledge of Java is rudimentary.
Adding Games
Network Protocol
World API
Archipelago Java client
Archipelago Discord Server (has dev channels)
So what are we randomizing anyway?
Starsector doesn't have a set progression system unlike other games, but there's still lots to randomize, many things could be checks.
The following are my ideas:
  • Skills
  • Fixed rewards such as Alpha site
  • Relations with certain factions (starts unusually low and/or is capped until the check is done)
Additionally some Rewards could be:
  • Credits
  • Ships
  • Skills
  • AI Cores
  • Officers

The world api allows a kind of 'ranking' of these things; so that weaker but useful early game rewards such as destroyers and low amounts of credits can be set earlier in the progression and more powerful rewards can be found and unlocked later. Different rewards and checks can be flagged as critical to progression as well, such as docking rights.

But where is the player going to find the items that are randomized?
Missions and Exploration
I am envisaging a station in a relatively accessible location, henceforth Archipelago Station. This is where Archipelago bounties are given and cashed in, and the storage thereof is where item/ship rewards are delivered.

Things marked critical for progression should be done as missions.
'trash', trap, and items merely 'useful' could be found via exploration.
(Trap items are special items that some worlds define. In Factorio for example, trap items can be enabled, when a player in another world finds a Trap, it triggers a Biter attack on the factorio player!)

This design outline is just my take on how I'd go about implementing this, it doesn't have to be this way.
I think the Minimum Viable Product is:
  • Faction relation checks in the multiworld
  • Money, ship rewards in the multiworld
  • Bounties at archipelago station checks for stuff in the multi world

General Discussion / Re: Colony Threat event
« on: June 05, 2023, 10:34:14 PM »
I read Frint's post above and I agree.
I also agree with SpaceDrake's earlier, he laid out a lot too.
What occurs to me is that there's a kind of weird lack of progression for the player, though. I think the reset on colony threat with the final event is good.

The ideal kind of gameplay for colonies should mirror the rest of the game.
At the start of the game, you have to be very careful, every pirate fleet is a threat. Every hostile can wreck you. You just live in the moment and accumulate credits. As the game progresses and you have a larger fleet, you start to take a longer view, planning your fleet and ventures. Your fleet power is such that you're not worrying about every single enemy that enters your sensor range. Instead you're figuring out how to take on the big boys.

Colony Threat doesn't work like that. It stays 'whack a mole' forever, or you simply deal with it to prevent it becoming a problem if you already have worked out the ideal way. So it's either crushingly oppressive, or something you negate. That's a bad system.
I think it should mirror the general gameplay. Where you have to babysit your colonies to start due to many threats but then later you don't, because they can defend themselves. And instead what you have to worry about is like a hegemony invasion, or a mega pirate "patrol buster" raid that they build up to get you. The kind of thing where you're planning your fleet to take them on in advance.

However as it is, it's a kind of all or nothing, and not an intuitive one at that. It's whack a mole forever and as others have said, items that *seem* like they should give progression either don't or actively harm you You never get to the point where the colony game become that kind of long view.


Yeah that's the issue fixed by the UAF .jar linked in this thread.

sad, but it isn't. At least for me
Did you put that UAF.jar in the UAF folder?
Not the Nexerelin folder.

Mods / Re: [0.9.1a] Blackrock Drive Yards
« on: May 20, 2023, 12:35:48 AM »
It already has that? Unless it's somehow nonfunctional, but I checked the data files and it has alignment, indeed it already has corporate and technocratic, among some slight others.

Mods / Re: [0.95a] Rebalanced Pilums 2.0
« on: November 19, 2021, 12:25:26 AM »
Is reducing their agility really that necessary? Those skills are supposed to make missiles quite scary.

Suggestions / Re: Flagship camera options?
« on: November 11, 2021, 11:35:45 AM »
I know this is ANCIENT but can we review this option? The "Dogfight camera" as gimbal called it (where the camera rotates with the ship so the ship's bow is always "up" on the screen) as an option would be really good. A friend of mine has a visual-spatial processing disability so he can't play games like this unless they have that option.  He bought the game already, but I watched him play and it was painful to watch him attempt to fly a ship, to say the least.
I'd also like to have it personally as I find it easier even though I don't suffer from that disability.

Blog Posts / Re: Of Slipstreams and Sensor Ghosts
« on: October 20, 2021, 08:20:33 AM »
So much in this post, I love it. The slipstreams are something I've been wishing for basically from the moment the larger hyperspace map was added; travel was so boring, I know myself and others ended up just flying straight through storms and deep hyperspace after a bit because there was nothing to interact with. Just hold shift to go slower through storms, that's all you have to do. Nothing interactive. No 'trade lanes' to ambush freighters on. No fast routes to brave, or get raided by pirates on.
But that seems to be changing now! I really hope that the pirate base interaction mechanics lead to pirates ambushing freighters often, and that threat to players. I want that to be a real consideration when a player departs a port. Because at the moment it feels like you don't need to consider escorts if you just avoid flying through actual pirate territory. This is also why trade, I assume, has had such 60% combined tariffs; because there's no risk involved otherwise.

Blog Posts / Re: A Tale of Two Tech Levels
« on: May 28, 2021, 10:44:16 PM »
I actually *have* been thinking about a built-in hullmod to give small ballistics a bit more range - not for the Vanguard, but for the Lasher. One could advance the same argument against it, though, I think - that it's sidestepping the "inherent weakness" of small ballistics, and so on.
Short range isn't an inherent part of small ballistic weapon design; the Railgun has quite a respectable range. Weapons have different ranges, it's not an inherent weakness. It's a weakness but it's not inherent. The railgun doesn't feel like "not a small ballistic weapon" because it's got superior range.
I don't think we're going to get anywhere with this though.

Blog Posts / Re: A Tale of Two Tech Levels
« on: May 28, 2021, 09:10:55 PM »

I get the conceptual appeal of this, I really do! The main sticking point is that I don't think having an entire range of ships not engage with core mechanics like "using flux for both defense and offense" and "being able to be overloaded" is a good idea.

A smaller but still non-starter issue would be stuff like beams, which all of a sudden become capable of chewing these ships up with impunity, albeit slowly. The game is really built around normal ships having shields. An exception here and there is good, but I think it's important to avoid getting carried away!
I agree strongly with this.

Ah, ... no? A bunch of low tech ships have burn drive; per the blog post, it's literally meant to be a crucial piece of what makes them work. And "having better than usual non-replenishable toughness" is also a core low-tech hull property.

(Edit: I apologize for the borderline snark, there, btw. I'm just genuinely confused.)
No worries. Now, the thing is that you've basically defined a frigate's role as practically synonymous with the high tech doctrine. Just because you've given it a burn drive, a signature subsystem of low tech, doesn't change this. By your own admission low tech frigates are bad (at least in fleet combat) because they don't play to low-tech strengths. It feels like instead of designing a heavy or elite tier frigate that actually does play to low tech strength you've tried to assemble the frigate style. Giving them ways to sidestep those weaknesses is just denying they fit the doctrine, and that's fine. Outliers don't have to fit the doctrine but that needs to be admitted.
The fact is as far as I can see this might not play precisely like Tempest but it's still trying to fill the role of one in the same way of being a "premium frigate" by the given definition (which is basically HT doctrine), rather than being something that actually fits with low tech doctrine. Hopefully this makes it more clear.

Blog Posts / Re: A Tale of Two Tech Levels
« on: May 28, 2021, 07:49:49 PM »
It's still a kind of high tech philosophy, which is my point.

Blog Posts / Re: A Tale of Two Tech Levels
« on: May 28, 2021, 07:09:02 PM »
I like the changes to burn drive; it'll be great to see the AI actually using those because as it is they basically never do.
But the Vanguard? This has missed the mark absolutely.
Well, the idea that low-tech ships are more focused on armor and weapons than speed and shields "Doesn't work for frigates" and like... Yes, correct.
This "solution" of "How do we make a frigate fast and tough without making it fast and tough?"
"Well we make it fast and tough, of course."

You can change the name of shields and engines but their effects are the same. Giving the high-tech model a low tech coat of paint is wrong. I seriously have to contest this decision.
For example; The idea of the torpedo boat did not work in history until the advent of powerful enough engines and weapons that could be installed on a small vessel that enabled it to be a threat to a larger one. It is a similar situation here, and thus the Vanguard is an anachronism within Starsector itself.

Furthermore, the sniper frigate idea was clearly not given adequate consideration. What other frigates fill this role? Missile frigates do not count here; missiles are not sniper, they are missiles. The Brawler? Well it can mount the Heavy Mauler and Hypervelocity drivers. I suppose that is what you were getting at. But that's somewhat incidental.
This was a huge missed opportunity. There was so much more in the design space other than "A tempest, but brown."
An actual 'torpedo' boat could even have been a possibility. Or a low tech ship with a kind of "Small ballistic intergration" that gives a large range boost to small ballistic weapons, or maybe medium ones. Or even making something that's like the Mudskupper Mk II except not terrible; perhaps with a built in hullmod that changes the behavior of the large ballistic weapons mounted to it.

Finally, the Eradicator seems alright, but does the pirate variant of nearly everything HAVE to be bad? Pirates should be pirates, not barbarians who just want to kill you, in space. The Falcon (P) is a great example of pirate design.

Good to see this is still getting updates. It's my understanding that raiding is currently very OP in the early game and since part of the point of this mod is to 'smooth out' any particular unusually prime strategy, that could be addressed in the next major update. Looking forward to it regardless.
Also, why was the special integration removed? Was that just for the barebones compatibility?

So I am defending my colony against a Diktat fleet, my puny allied space force gets wiped out in the first 2 engagements. However they somehow maneuver for another engagement, and so do the Sindrian forces, in spite of them having NO warships left. it's not game breaking but it seems a bit wrong.
However it gets worse because I can't salvage or recovery ships at the end of the battle, because the battle didn't and and wasn't won properly. I can only leave, with no salvage or recovery.


Blog Posts / Re: Fighter Redesign
« on: August 28, 2016, 03:53:08 AM »
Well I'm quite hyped for this. I haven't touched starsector for a while since I played the hell out of it a bit too much, but this update sounds real good. Once again I can run Thunder wings without feeling like I'm gimping myself.

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