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Starsector 0.97a is out! (02/02/24); New blog post: Planet Search Overhaul (07/13/24)

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Messages - Talkie Toaster

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That something is you. When you loot probes and survey ships, sometimes they send out a signal which prompts other probes and survey ships to reinforce their defense fleets.
It's certainly believable the Domain could have originally designed derelicts to ping each other and reallocate resources from probe creations to defence, but I think that's why we then get the explicit mention that masses and internal configurations have shifted in opposition to Domain standards. To explicitly call out that this level of reactivity is not what you would expect - implying an outside agent has tampered with them.

Suggestions / Re: Orbital Fusion Lamp ways too expensive to upkeep
« on: May 15, 2024, 02:48:03 AM »
It's weird interaction, and I still feel like it shouldn't consume 2 fuel plants worth of volatiles to have a glorified space heater on.
So to be clear - it doesn't consume two fuel plants worth of volatiles. Supplies of a resource aren't consumed and don't stack. You could have 2 colonies each supplying 6 volatiles and they won't meet a 10 volatiles demand. Equally, a single colony supplying 6 volatiles can meet any number of colonies demands as long as they're 6 or less.

The idea is supplies are logarithmic, so 'supply 6' is millions of units/month (10^6, i.e. 1,000,000) and can satisfy a bunch of 'demand 6's that're on the order of millions of units, but could never satisfy a single 'demand 7' for tens of millions.

W.r.t. it being a space heater... it's an orbital fusion reactor that provides enough heat and light to cover an entire planet. It's not meant to be efficient, it's a showcase for how absolutely insane the tech-level of the Domain was. The 'efficient' way of just turning up the radiators is the upkeep penalty for higher hazard.

You have to manage 3 resources; credits, fuel, and supplies. This suggestion, consumable items replacing story points, would add at least 10 I can think of offhand; combat escape, quick repair before combat (which could possibly be reused for difficult recoveries but then why do you only need one for both when the former can repair several ships at once?), stable point generation, stealthy raids, elite skills, skill respecing, officer mentoring/retraining, smodding, colony improvements, AI core integration. This is ignoring all the various story story point uses like having sword training or talking your way out of a fight or the upcoming hostile activity escalation. And what about mods? Now they have to add their own items for their own story point uses.
Plus if all these different things are their own resource, then fundamentally they all just collapse down to 'money' (whether to buy them or buy cargo space for them) and end up conflicting with all the other things you want to spend on. Sure, you could buy a stack of anti-pursuit mines, but you want the cargo space for loot and you want the money for a new cruiser, you don't want to spend on a thing you shouldn't need if you 'just' play well. Then when you do have enough money and cargo space, they suddenly all become non-issues and you can just buy your way out of everything, and it becomes a chore to manage all your different items.

There's a reason most tabletop RPGs these days have a Story Point-esque mechanic. It's just so much easier to have this kind of orthogonal resource you only use for Cool Things.

Oh wow, this is amazing! I imagine there's no way to switch from Progressive S-Mods to this, but just disabling the Progressive S-Mods features and enabling this won't have any odd interactions, right? Any more so than adding Ship Mastery to a save with existing S-Modded ships in your fleet?

Suggestions / Clear indication of fleets operating independently
« on: March 31, 2024, 04:50:31 AM »
It's quite hard to tell which fleets in your colony system are just regular independent mercs and prospectors and which are commerce raiders. The same goes for a bunch of other specialist fleets, in quests etc.
It'd be helpful if there was a clearer way to identify which fleets are 'non-faction-faction' ones. Some kind of modification to the border, a floating icon beneath or over the centre of the fleet, or something like that would be helpful.

Mods / Re: [0.97a] Ashes of The Domain
« on: March 26, 2024, 12:08:29 PM »
Running into a bug when I encounter the cryosleeper (2.0.2):
Then a crash about 15-20 seconds later with the following log:
227443 [Thread-3] ERROR com.fs.starfarer.combat.CombatMain  - java.lang.ClassCastException: com.fs.starfarer.api.impl.campaign.CryosleeperEntityPlugin cannot be cast to com.fs.starfarer.api.impl.campaign.AoTDCryosleeperEntityPlugin
java.lang.ClassCastException: com.fs.starfarer.api.impl.campaign.CryosleeperEntityPlugin cannot be cast to com.fs.starfarer.api.impl.campaign.AoTDCryosleeperEntityPlugin
I'm only using Cryosleeper Options, and added it after the game started - does it now change the entity that the cryosleeper is generated as?

Thanks for updating this to 0.97 - it's one of my favourite mods. Particularly because it encourages me to cycle ships out of my fleet once they get max S-mods to avoid 'wasting' XP.

Mods / Re: [0.97a] Arma Armatura v3.0.5 BETA [2/8/24]
« on: March 15, 2024, 08:44:17 AM »
Anyone have any tips for getting 1-size wing pilots to level up? With a wing size of 1, all losses are wing leader losses and so the squadron just doesn't seem to get XP at any rate. Even ships with Recall Devices don't seem to help.

seems to be a bug, since the most OP combo with wingcom is usually some strong modded 1-wing superfighter. I will investigate
Thanks! It fixed after I moved the officer to a different ship, so it was easy enough to get around.

Mods / Re: [0.97a] Arma Armatura v3.0.5 BETA [2/8/24]
« on: March 09, 2024, 04:29:31 PM »
Anyone have any tips for getting 1-size wing pilots to level up? With a wing size of 1, all losses are wing leader losses and so the squadron just doesn't seem to get XP at any rate. Even ships with Recall Devices don't seem to help.

General Discussion / Re: new phase is absolutely horrible
« on: March 08, 2024, 03:31:11 PM »
I wonder if you could get the same effect without the 'frustration' of the escalating time dilation (where when you make a mistake and overextend you sort of slowly crawl towards your doom). What if the flux cost of cloaking ramped up the longer you were phased? You'd still get the same "Can't zoom in from halfway across the map, shoot, then retreat unharmed" effect, but without changing time dilation.

Modding / Re: Adding Abyssal events?
« on: March 08, 2024, 11:42:47 AM »
Alternatively, you could have a single creator that gets added to the list in onApplicationLoad() (which gets called once when the game launches), then have that do the checking for what encounters should be allowed to spawn when the player is actually in-game.

hopefully my ramblings make sense
Fab, thanks! I think I'd probably do that, as that seems more in line with how Alex's done his. Though interestingly it seems to work by removing options from the enums on AbyssalRogueStellarObjectEPEC. Is there anything I have to do ensure those changes persist across saves? I'd have assumed that each load adding a new AbyssalRogueStellarObjectDireHintsEPEC to the EncounterManager.CREATOR array would have default values for everything again, but I don't remember re-visiting abyssal encounters across loads. Though maybe you do, and I just haven't rolled doubles yet.

Modding / Adding Abyssal events?
« on: March 08, 2024, 07:42:41 AM »
I'd like to try adding some new possible spawns into Abyssal Hyperspace - but it doesn't look like the info on how has made it onto the wiki yet. From a quick poke, I'm assuming the process goes:

  • Create a new EncounterCreator, probably starting from a copy of AbyssalRogueStellarObjectDireHintsEPEC
    • This extends AbyssalRogueStellarObjectEPEC which generates the base system.
    • If you want to do custom systems, rather than just adding an encounter to a default random system, copy AbyssalRogueStellarObjectEPEC.
  • Create your own enums containing the list of encounters you want (or for a 'linear' quest chain a public static intwith quest_stage or similar).
  • Edit the addSpecials methods to write the encounters for your new enums/quest stages/whatever.
  • Register your new creator with EncounterManager.CREATORS.

I guess there's two bits I'm not quite sure on:
  • How to determine the frequency of your new encounters compared to the base Abyssal encounters.
    • The getFrequencyForPoint method calls AbyssalFrequencies.getAbyssalRogueStellarObjectDireHintsFrequency to get it.
    • This then refers to a hard-coded HyperspaceAbyssPluginImpl.DEPTH_THRESHOLD_FOR_XXX in HyperspaceAbyssPluginImpl.
    I'm not entirely sure if adding a new Abyssal EncounterManager without editing the base AbyssalFrequencies public static floats will end up upping the total number of encounters, or just add a new set to the pool?
  • Where to register your new creator with the vanilla EncounterManager (though this is probably just a 'I'm not a Java programmer so I don't know best practise' thing).

The basic outline of what I want to do is e.g.
  • Add a pool of 3 encounters
  • Once you've encountered all of them and they've removed themselves, add another 3 encounters to the pool.
  • Then probably do a single final encounter and zero the frequency of this new EncounterManager type (remove it from the EncounterManager.CREATORS array?)

Modding / Re: [0.97a-RC11] Decivilized Recivilised (7/3/2024)
« on: March 07, 2024, 10:49:14 AM »
Right, updated.

Suggestions / Re: Built-in Drones should not be Fighter Wings
« on: March 07, 2024, 02:15:01 AM »
okay, but isn't you complaining about the fact that shepherd's drag your carrier skill is like complaining that you can't have a Radiant in your fleet, because you have 10 sentries? Like, why not just remove the Shepherds and Ventures. If you are doing this kind of character skill, then the solution is to just tweak yourself rather than the game. Like, a better example of this would be you using Gremlins along a Doom. And saying that Gremlins are such bad phase ships that they shouldn't take the phase thingy. Like... Shepherds are carriers. Tempests aren't, cause Tri-Tachyon needs to have 0 in carriers and yet use Tempests, but whatever. They're supposed to benefit from these skills. And if they wouldn't, then it would be pretty weird.

Imagine a new player going like "omg, I'm going to take a Shepherd at the start of the game and take carrier doctrine, this is going to be so cool and weird" and then the game goes like "haha, nope!".
Because Shepherds are a logistics ship you'll never deploy outside of the first hour of the game. They have a role even in fairly late-game fleets as fast sources of survey and scavenging buffs.

I consider the strict answer to this question to be undefined or, if you like, "anti-canon".

FWIW though, considering the Domain's ideology of centralization,  I would expect Gate Haulers not to come from sectors that could be considered anything like a frontier.
Interesting, thanks! Given how foreboding we've found the Abyss is, the punishment of the XIV seems dramatically worse if they've slowboated their way from the Orion arm! I guess it's interesting to leave that open.

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