Mods / Re: [0.9.1a] Ship Direction Marker 1.1.0
« on: August 17, 2020, 02:15:22 AM »
Love the idea, is it possible to extend the line the closer it is, so you can have a vague idea on how close are you just with the marker?
Starsector 0.97a is out! (02/02/24); In-development patch notes for Starsector 0.98a (2/8/25)
QuoteI can't seem to change my factions color
Not entirely true. Although, you can't do this in game, you can edit "color":[170,222,255,127], in starsector-core\data\world\factions\player.faction file.
I believe, that should be in-game, tho'
{"name":"fleetIcon1", "imageDir":"data/graphics/icons/image1.png", "FP":50},
{"name":"fleetIcon2", "imageDir":"data/graphics/icons/image2.png", "FP":100},
{"name":"fleetIcon3", "imageDir":"data/graphics/icons/image3.png", "FP":150}
{"FactionId":"player", "name":"fleetIcon1", "imageDir":"data/graphics/icons/image1.png", "FP":50},
{"FactionId":"independent", "name":"fleetIcon2", "imageDir":"data/graphics/icons/image2.png", "FP":100},
{"FactionId":"independent", "name":"fleetIcon3", "imageDir":"data/graphics/icons/image3.png", "FP":150}
is this for 0.62 or 0.65? didnt see any mention about what version its for