« on: September 07, 2012, 07:48:49 AM »
The 3-shot laser, I believe it's just called the Laser Cannon, that is good at PD, but if it's not already aiming at a missile, it seems to have real difficulty in tracking a missile. It's wonderful for most missiles, but for things like the Eel, which (jerkily) swerves around to hit you in the ass, it will almost never take them out. Alien weapons are wonderfully OP. A Michigan, with the basic alien laser in all small mounts, the alien laserbeam in the mids, and russian turbolasers in the 4 larges makes for a exceptionally dangerous ship. Bigger, slower ships have to withstand the onslaught of the turbolasers, the alien laserbeams can shutdown a ship that's caught off guard with it's shields down, and the small alien lasers rip apart missiles, and if there's no missiles, they rip apart ships equally well. That said, the ship is awfully flux-heavy, with something in the region of 4-5000 flux/s.