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Starsector 0.97a is out! (02/02/24); In-development patch notes for Starsector 0.98a (2/8/25)

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Messages - supremequesopizza

Pages: [1]
Mods / Re: [0.97a-RC11] What we left behind 4.0.0
« on: November 04, 2024, 02:11:46 AM »
Nice update! I just wanted to confirm per the "not save compatible."
If I already have 3.10 and haven't finished Galatia/am *somewhat* early in my playthrough, is it likely to be a problem if I update to 4.0?

Mods / Re: [0.95.1a] Adjustable Skill Thresholds 1.2.0
« on: December 27, 2022, 10:19:30 PM »

     By any chance, do you think Neural Link can be modified to support more than 2 ships ? I keep looking into, and and I can't seem to identify where that limit is set...

I'm thinking a play-through with 4 Wunder Wanzer Virtuous skirmishers (diable avionics modular mecs) and having a working neural interface for all of them would be awesome (having them each with different load-outs) :D

It's not a limit, in the mechanics of the skill it says it looks for the first ship in the list deployed and will swap to that.
It's a consequence of the toggle nature of the script vs scrolling.

General Discussion / Re: Ludic path .95
« on: June 05, 2021, 11:04:27 AM »
I was wondering how long it would take for someone else to also notice Luddic Path gave you bounties on Remnant Nexuses.

Now, if only both the Vanilla Path and Luddic Church did not get absolutely butchered by terrible ship variety/performance and Ill Advised Modifications wasn't crippling enough to make Ludd himself cry from the heavens, normal people would almost be tempted to make a Church/Path themed campaigns...

To be fair, lore wise, they do this to themselves, canonically. They're literally luddites that refuse to use anything good and high tech. That is going to - and should- result in a lower ship quality. Their whole schtick from the get-go is using numbers to get you, not good ships.
Any faction that hates technology in a game that's about spaceships and technology is going to suffer if they don't have some sort of special space-magic/space jesus intervening for them, naturally.

Hey! Is there a way to get older versions of the mod? the shipyard components thing is interesting but I have some more obscure/undeveloped factions that are suffering because of the lack of salvage yards. I love the change overall though!

Same question, actually. I missed out on 2.1.c sadly :( so missing out on those upgrades and can't upgrade to 2.2 without crashes in my current game.
Not sure if it's currently recommended based on the fixes in 2.2.a and b though.

Seeing as the OP was edited and no response was given to my concerns, I'm gonna make a new statement. There's no reason to be modifying vanilla industries, especially with something that intentionally makes them less good or otherwise less mod-compatible. Even more so when said functionality is not easy to configure and would require me to recompile the mod in order to edit it.

The addition of new functionalities to the game should not come at the cost of the functionality that was already there.

If ship component exports from heavy industry were to be equal their required import then this issue could probably be sidestepped, however at that point they do indeed appear to be a bloat commodity.

ngl as someone who loves seeing fresh new takes like SirHartley's mods, this is the kind of comment I hate. Entitled attitudes like this kill motivation towards continuing mods and have killed some of my favorite faction mods on this very site. It's his take on on industries and personally I love it. There are always going to be things that someone out there disagrees with. If it's such a gamebreaker for ya, then don't use the mod - make your own or ask if it'd be fine to make a "lite" version and guidance to do so. Stuff like "no response was given to my concerns" is ridiculous in response to mod're entitled to nothing at the end of the day aside from possibly assurances that it isn't malware. That's about it.

This mod looks epic but is it compatible with Nexerelin? I got a lot of conflicting answers.

I also seem to be unable to download from bitbucket. Redirects me to this link that just gives a "This site can%u2019t be reached" error.

This is actually one of my favorite mods to use alongside Nexerelin. Highly recommend it. I think in the past there may have been some initial hiccups but that was like...years ago.

Announcements / Re: Starsector 0.95a (Released) Patch Notes
« on: May 11, 2021, 06:25:26 PM »
Sorry if this is the wrong spot to report a minor bug, but I caught a typo during the search for Scylla plotline that I thought I'd bring up. sprawling spelled as spawling.

Just so you know, the mod says it requires magicLib in the mods screen, though it doesn't mention it on the front page when it mentions requiring LazyLib.
Thanks so much for the mod! Looking forward to playing it on the new update!

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