I've been testing this mod in my current playthrough. Overall it's a beautiful mod, and some of the Polaris ships are absolutely gorgeous. The
Celestial Object Scholar is an absolute standout.
So I went to test it, and I was fairly underwhelmed. I couldn't really find a build I was happy with, and I'm usually very good at this sort of thing.
Has anyone found a good build for this that I've missed?tl;dr: It's too slow to be a Battlecarrier, its burn drive of 7 is too low for a 20-OP cruiser, it doesn't quite have enough OP to go around.Also the Subobject Bombers don't work at all--seem bugged.
I saw the large missile slot and 2x medium energy turrets and I thought,
Safety Overrides. Let's have some fun. It's not really meant to be a Battlecarrier, but I've been able to use a lot of ships that way through clever loadout selection and I don't see another way to make use of those medium energy slots. Fill those with a medium-range high-DPS weapon, and the missile slot with either Sabots or a finisher, add Integrated Targeting Unit, and... there's not much OP left to work with.
For a build like this you want capacitors and vents, and then you can't really place anything in the fighter bays. I tried the 0-OP
Subobject Bombers, which the info box claims is what the ship uses anyway. Except they don't do anything. The Subobject Bombers literally don't do anything. They just kind of hover near your ship without ever launching their torpedoes. Seems to be a bug.
So, okay, there aren't a lot of good 0 OP wings to choose from. I went with a few modded drones, but they didn't add much. I fought a few 20+ OP ships, and I spent a lot of time managing my flux in a way that I never have to do in other overdriven cruisers. It's too slow to flank properly, so it's always in the line of fire, and it doesn't have the capacitors to stay there. Strike Drone also costs a lot of flux to use and has a long cooldown, and I found myself either wishing they were off cooldown or being unable to use them at all because I couldn't quickly disengage to a safe distance.
As a final hurrah, I tried going with 3x Wasps to draw some more attention, but that's still 15 OP spent and now your max capacitors is 19. A few basic 25-OP cruisers in the simulator instantly overloaded me, so I went back to the refit screen, realized I hadn't even added PD to my ship yet, and gave up.
So I went for the fallback: Build it like a Mora or a Heron. Longbow + Trident + Trident, or Longbow + Scoralis + Scoralis if using Tahlan Shipworks. Add a Pilum or a finisher missile of some kind, add Expanded Deck Crew, Nav Relay, maybe Expanded Missile Racks if using something like Tornadoes. I also added a pair of Tac Lasers, but they didn't really get used much. Well, now it feels like a prettier Mora, and the AI actually wants to attack. Which is a benefit if your fleet is winning, and a problem otherwise. The Mora or the Heron are happy to stay in the back ranks, and assault from a much safer spot. The C.O.S. wants more DPS, and wants to get in range to use any lasers you give it. So, if it gets flanked by a cruiser, it's just dead, meaning you need to babysit it a fair bit more.
The next problem is that the Striker Drone active is not very effective against the kinds of fast cruisers you're likely to be up against in the early game, and it
usually often misses. The AI is also not very good at using them, opting to send them in first rather than trying to hit the shields with Longbows first.
As for its competitors? Well, it's slower than the Heron--45 vs 80. The Mora is just as slow, but that ship has two missile slots. I think the Strike Drone is supposed to make up for a lot of that, but again, it's fairly ineffective against destroyers and rather uneven against fast cruisers.
So you give it a high-OP missile system to compensate, drop the missile racks and up the capacitors a bit, and even though it's mediocre, you convince yourself to keep the C.O.S. anyway because it's so pretty. And then you notice that your whole fleet is now much slower.
Wait. 7 burn drive? The thing has a top speed of 7? For a 20-OP cruiser hull? What in the world? Every single equivalent--the Mora, the Heron, the Eos from Ship and Weapon Pack, hell,
every single Cruiser-sized Battlecarrier, everything has 8 or more.
So now you
need Augmented Drive Field, because you're still in the early midgame where fielding 20 OP cruisers is useful, but your speed--the one good thing about early-game fleets--is gimped by this one ship. Now you have to drop Expanded Missile Racks, and drop the Capacitors by an additional 5, and if you're trying to run Longbow + Trident + Trident? Better drop Nav Relay, too.
I can appreciate a 20-OP ship not being
better than a Heron because I do love that bird, but the C.O.S. doesn't quite work, design-wise, as a competitor. Here's the best build I was able to come up with, and I always wonder if I should bring a pair of Herons instead and enjoy that extra bit of Nav Relay.
God, is it ever pretty though.