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Messages - Alex

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Suggestions / Re: Fighter Capstone
« on: Today at 06:59:41 PM »
... combined with some questionable-at-time target selection/pathing, let skilled enemies just shrug off bomber strikes and while their friends around them delete the wings.

That reminds me - this aspect of it might be better, at least; I remember making some changes to improve target selection, especially with regard to not picking something that's too deep in the enemy formation and protected by escorts that would shred the fighters/bombers on the way.

Right now I'm trying comparative testing of 2 Condors in the early game, one with Khopesh, the other with Warthogs. So far Khopesh is winning by a lot, which really surprises me, but I'll see how that changes with more fights. I also just got support doctrine, so we'll see how 100% CR and a tiny bit of extra speed does in making them viable.

Re: Condors and Drovers, hmm. The Condor is just kind of supposed to be a pile of junk that gets you easy access to fighters. I could see making the Drover a bit cheaper - maybe 12 DP? and cheaper to buy, though.

what restricts Omega weapons from being sold on the black market?
Is it the restricted tag?
Can I remove the restricted and then use HIDE_IN_CODEX to prevent them from being displayed in codex instead? (never mind that's dumb. I shouldn't do that. I'll do it for Kinetic Blaster and Gigcannon though)


What are the different types of sound filters in the game?
Referring to these things

Just that one.

Is there a way to change the colour of shields in a skin file?

No, it's part of a hull style, not a ship definition.

Would moving Umbra to a different system break the Usurpers mission? I'm gonna try doing that. And tell you what happens if you don't know

I'm not actually sure!

if I increase Ziggurat's cost to 50 million dollas instead of 1, then will the Tri-Tachyon proposal update? (sorry should have probably figured that out on my own. Still haven't will report soon on it hopefully)

I don't know that one either :) It might be hardcoded in rules, so there's a solid chance it won't.

What is fleet.isStationMode() in CampaignFleetAPI??

Are they fleets orbiting a station? or the station itself?

That's the station itself, yeah.

Thank you for the report! Are you able to reproduce this somehow? I haven't had much luck with that so far. (I suspect the issues might be related, but it's a very strange one.)

Suggestions / Re: Fighter Capstone
« on: January 20, 2025, 07:05:32 PM »
It cannot be spammed (easily) because it is limited by officer count.

Hmm, to me it feels like this is a conceptual deal-breaker - 8-10 officers, plus potentially mercenaries, feels like an ample number for spamming purely carriers, or very nearly so. I don't think it's anywhere near sufficient to rein in the disproportional increase in power fighters get from being better in some way. Consider that the current skills cap out at 8 wings, where for officered ships it's... way, way more than that, even if you don't put them into Astrals.

Maybe if the skill carried some kind of scaling with the number of fighter bays benefitting from it, hmm. But at that point it might almost be another fleetwide skill/effect. And, also: if we're adding a new skill, some other skill needs to be removed, since we've got 10 per aptitude all filled up!

(Also do think that +1 wing size is an awkward bonus because of how disproportionate it is... and it doesn't lend itself to scaling down if that's the approach.)

Edit: thinking about this a bit more, it feels like the least disruptive way to do this would be through just tuning up the existing fighter fleet-wide skills a bit. I'm not sure if that's truly necessary or not, though. I feels like fighters can already be part of an effective composition?

Bug Reports & Support / Re: Pirate Raid with No Pirates: Successful?
« on: January 19, 2025, 09:59:24 AM »
Ahh, yeah, I guess it did work "correctly" in this case, though it should probably use EB (or just not bother about the objective) in cases like this. Thank you for the save!

Bug Reports & Support / Re: Is there no other way to pay?
« on: January 19, 2025, 08:56:46 AM »
Hi! Just wanted to say that BMT Micro is likely to be looking at payment methods specific to Indonesia (e.g. Dana) in the near future. PayPal should really work, though - if the order failed, could you send an email to orders [at] bmtmicro [dot] com? They should be able to tell you what went wrong with it and hopefully how to address it.

Bug Reports & Support / Re: Pirate Raid with No Pirates: Successful?
« on: January 18, 2025, 11:15:00 PM »
Oh, weird! Yeah, if you could email me the save, I'd love to check it out. In theory it should keep track of where the fleets are etc so it being alive but somewhere else shouldn't count as a "win", but, well, that's why they call them bugs.

fractalsoftworks [at] gmail [dot] com, if you don't mind!

I had another question, is there some way to modify the color/transparency of the special contrail omega mode engines have? The..line kinda thing?

I tried ShipEngineControllerAPI.getShipEngines().getEngineSlot().setContrailColor(), which doesn't seem to have any effect at all on these engines, and setColor changes the engine color as expected but also doesn't alter this contrail either.  :(

I don't think that's going to work for normal engines either, the color needs to be set before the ship/engines are created, iirc. So it should work if you set this via the hull style definition.

does changing officerQuality affect passive Remnant fleets?
I know bounty ones are hard-coded to have a swarm of Alpha Cores, so I'm asking about the ones you find roaming marked systems

I don't think that setting affects remnant fleets at all. But you can take a look at the code that generates cores for remnant fleets by searching the API for where "baseFPPerAICore" is used.

How can I make a custom smoke trail for missiles? I tried with default stuff and best I managed to get is the left pic in the attachment, and what I'm trying to do is the right pic
I.e. randomly rotated custom sprites being left by the engine, varying in both X and Y coordinates (otherwise it looks too patterned)

The sprite part is fine I can create it from scratch, I just don't know the code part :sob: but I will try to look into rift torpedo code, I think that one has what I'm looking for but hidden in the code

That - looking at the rift torpedo code - sounds like a good idea, yeah. The answer to this sort of question is - in all seriousness - "spending a bunch of time tweaking it until it looks right". Always takes me forever!

do TriStar mercenaries use Tri-Tachyon doctrine in specific cases? Or do they use the mercenary one?
I wanted to dump a bunch of ELITE variants that utilise the s-mod function to direct their s-mod spending a bit. But I'm unsure if they don't use the Tri-Tachyon doctrine instead. Thus making that kinda pointless.

Depends on the specific fleet in question. However, I don't think setting s-mods in goal variants is going to do anything, I don't *think* that the autofit plugin cares about that. At least, not as far as I can remember - but maybe I'm wrong about that.

Thank you for the report! Sorry it took me a few days to get to this.

Was able to reproduce this and I *think* it's fixed, though it's actually hard to be completely sure with this sort of thing, since you're just rolling the dice to see if you get an issue or not - for example, when trying to reproduce this, the first 3 portraits produced the same layout and tesseract variants, but the 4th didn't. (I couldn't just use the seed you've provided because too many things changed and it wouldn't give the same result anymore.)

Suggestions / Re: anti-phase ship behaviour might be too extreme
« on: January 18, 2025, 09:48:28 AM »
I think the issue here is it not properly detecting that there's an enemy station deployed; this would actually only happen for the tier-1 stations, I think. Should be fixed up!

Bug Reports & Support / Re: Java Crash on Linux
« on: January 17, 2025, 10:57:40 PM »
Thank you for the info! FWIW, this looks like a crash in the graphics driver, so trying a different set of drivers might yield different results.

Bug Reports & Support / Re: Slow jump after a certain time has passed
« on: January 17, 2025, 10:01:49 AM »
Hmm it sounds like the only thing this leaves is some kind of graphics driver issue. Might be worth trying a different version of the driver, if it's enough of a bother in-game to warrant it!

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