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Starsector 0.97a is out! (02/02/24); In-development patch notes for Starsector 0.98a (2/8/25)

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Messages - superjosh250

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Modding / Re: Star Trek Eras [0.96]
« on: December 12, 2023, 10:01:35 AM »
@Angel963 Honestly I couldn't remember. I had to check the files to be sure. No, she isn't. When I was redoing the mod to make it closer to vanilla, I had just left some things behind. I probably didn't think that the ENT-E should've been at the Sol system at the time. She didn't really have that many interactions with the Earth in Canon. (I.E a specialized Dockyard) But you're most certainly right, she should make an appearance.

SIDENOTE FOR EVERYONE: Sorry its been so long. I hadn't checked the forum in a couple of months. Nor have I been working on the mod. I've been a bit distracted by other proclivities. I've been playing around with Stable Diffusion, building Lora models. Its time consuming. That and I had been redoing textures for old 3D models for another game. So, Star Trek Eras had been put on the backburner.

But I never forget. I'll probably start working on it again early next year. I'll just finish out the rest of December, quietly pecking away at other things. But if you're just curious as to my work with Stable Diffusion, you can look me up on CivitAI. Just search brassen250 to see what I've done.

The 3D models rework isn't on a public forum. If they ever pop up, I'll share something about it. But for now, it think that's about it. Hope everyone has a wonderful end of the year! Be safe, be good, and be well!

Modding / Re: Star Trek Eras [0.96]
« on: November 06, 2023, 09:46:01 AM »
@Lazyturtle69hahfunynumbe Heh... Whelp, I guess I could remove some of the stations. That's what's causing the issue. Each of the stations are populated with a military force. I don't really have direct control of how many fleets spawn there. But lowering the amount of populated entities or removing military patrols show lower the amount of fleets when you spawn at earth. Alternatively, I could just change the starting system as well.

Just a side note: The infrastructure of the earth star system is the way it is, to reflect canon material. That and to make it impossible to conquer earth.

Modding / Re: Star Trek Eras [0.96]
« on: September 27, 2023, 11:07:24 AM »
Twenty days to finally create small patch. I feel a bit ashamed. I had every intention to do so earlier but didn't.
Well, anyways, @trekkie5249, I've blueprint package for the Federation done. For the other released races, I don't. And that's a good thing.

During my play through to check for missing items or ideas, I found that raiding a Federation station in the sol sector is absolutely impossible for any fleet. Which is fine. Its supposed to be nearly impossible to conquer earth.

Well in my raid, I went looking for blueprints. (Obviously I had to use Console Commands to have enough marines. Just a hint. You're going to need at least 4000 to raid the shipyards in the Sol System). I was able to get blueprints, that immediately crashed the game.

Apparently, I accidentally added wings to the blueprint data, which led to the game looking for hull of the wings. They don't exist because the wingID isn't a hull. Well, I course corrected. But that means its possible that other species have the wrong tag data.

So I'm going to have to peer through and check.

Anywho, I've added the weapons BP for the Federation. I hate that you'll needed to download the entire Federation mod again, but that's where the fix is.

Modding / Re: Star Trek Eras [0.96]
« on: September 08, 2023, 08:41:52 PM »
@trekkie5249, Thank you for the response! I will get right on a weapons BP Package. That's not a problem to patch it in. Your explanation helps me to define where I need to look in order to accomplish the task @ hand. It might be a few days before I post a patch for this specifically. I'm helping out with another Star Trek mod @ the moment (not for Starsector).

As for the Nexerlin thing, I'll have to recreate the issue. I don't play with random sector, ever. So I would not have ever come across that issue.

@LordKhorne Not sure what the issue is. I thought I made it abundantly clear that the mod would stomp all over vanilla factions, with no mercy. I'm talking pirates parts and luddic organs scattered all over the sector... The mod itself is balanced against itself. If you're flying a single Galaxy class starship up against a Cardassian fleet or Romulan fleet and winning that fight, then I seriously need to go back and take a look at the balancing. But I'm highly doubtful that's happening. But a critique is a critique and always valid to at least take a look at. So I will take a pause and look over fleet point issue.

As far as spawn rates, the spawn rate, that I can definitely take seriously. I've never really understood how the game calculates a hull spawn rate. A little time looking over that and minor adjustments might be needed. In my playthrough, it never felt like it was over the top in how many capitals would spawn per a fleet, but then again, my rng luck for all my life is has been pretty bad.

Last but not least, I am so sorry if you're experiencing lag! I play and build the mod itself on some pretty powerful hardware.

AMD 6800XT
T-Force 32GB 3200Mhz Ram, blah, blah, blah.

So I'm never hurting for resources when it comes to my PC. Or even on my test PC's. My laptop is a 10th gen i5 with intergrated graphics and I never experience any lag. My secondary desktop is another 10th gen i5 with a 5700xt and my secondary work PC is an i5-3460 with a Nvidia 1650. Still no lag. Imma have to dig through my old hardware lying around and see if I can get one of those pieces of junk to work. I can try to test the fleet battle's effect on it.

I apologize for the inconvenience you're experiencing due to a possible oversight and lack of thought on my part. 

Modding / Re: Star Trek Eras [0.96]
« on: September 07, 2023, 01:01:53 PM »
@trekkie5249, That's an interesting point. I don't have a direct BP for Starfleet's weapons but thought it'd be natural to find a BP package for weapons through normal gameplay. Not sure what the drop chance is for a Fed BP package is but I didn't alter any drop chances. Should be the same as the base game.

It'd help if you would walk me through the steps you too to get/find BP packages for the Federation. That'd clue me in better on what is possibly missing. Please let me know @ your earliest convenience.

Modding / Re: Star Trek Eras [0.95.1a]
« on: August 30, 2023, 01:31:36 PM »
What a day, what a day. I’ve been so anxious about releasing; I’ve just decided to go ahead and push out what I’ve got despite a few nuances I wanted to put in place. So, here we are!  I suppose the first thing to bring out, is that I’ve reduced ship and weapon’s values significantly when compared to the 0.95.1 versions of Star Trek Eras. This makes it possible for some compositions of vanilla fleets to overwhelm the weaker ships of the Trek universe.

This however does not mean, that its apples-to-apples comparison. For those looking for a clean vanilla experience will be disappointed in this mod. It’s just not how I work or balance.
This of course puts pressure on me to make it possible for whichever Star Trek faction you play to feel the heat. So instead of my usual release parameters of one other faction, I’ve decided to go ahead and add two major factions to this release.

So, we have the Cardassians, which was built off the previous version of the Cardassian TNG mod. And now the Romulans. These two factions alone are enough to make life hard for any Federation captain. But it wasn’t enough. Like 0.95.1, I also to decided to put in place minor factions. Bajorans, Maquis, and Remans. (REMAN faction are included with the Romulan stand alone pack.) Bajorans vs Cardassains. Maquis vs Cardassians & Fed. Remans, allied with Romulus. Adds some interesting difficulty for Federation lovers. (Me, basically)

Obviously, I’m never satisfied with what I’ve manage to build. There’s tweaking that needs to be done. Some missing easter eggs that were supposed to be placed. And perhaps some missing sounds or descriptions that were missed in the testing process. But hey, I’m working and playing with it. I’m bound to find those little things, that really I’d be the only one to miss.

One said thing that is missing, on purpose, is the usual vanilla integration with creating a new game. I usually input a custom start in RULES to allow a player to start in a Star Trek ship when creating a new game for vanilla only. I’ve forgone this, since I didn’t feel like jumping into rules this time. Plus, most people know of Nexerlin. It’s so much easier to just use that for a custom start. It’s on my to-do list however… eventually. There might be that one person out there who says no to Nexy…

So what new features are making an appearance? ZERO! I still can’t write a single line of code without some major assistance. I honestly can’t find the time to sit down and learn. (Make time you say?) I’m being totally honest. If I had the time, I’d squeeze it in. As it is, it’s difficult to take time to make one ship and balance it against its contemporaries. If I ever… and I do mean, if I ever get time. I will place it as a priority.

FEATURES I’D LIKE: (Hypothetical… not happening!)
DEFLECTOR BURST to cripple shields
SAUCER SEPARATION for a Galaxy Class. The player pilots the stardrive section and the saucer is AI
ASSIMILATION: Borg tech that basically cuts enemy CR by 10% every usage
CLOAK: Star Trek’s traditional cloak, where the enemy disappears from sensors
SPECIAL OFFICER RECRUITMENT: Officers like Picard, Riker, Troi, and others with specializations. Nearly had but unfortunately, the Visual Studio Code IDE setup kept giving me error messages on export/compilation, with a snippet of code some allowed to borrow
SELF-DESTRUCT: A blast wave killing the user and possible disabling or destroying other ships in the blast radius
TRACTOR BEAM: Holds enemies in place for up to 10 seconds before flux overload. Useful for pounding shields.
BORG TRACTOR BEAM: Holds enemies in place for up to 10 seconds whilst doing flux damage on enemy shields
CUSTOM INDUSTRIES with CUSTOM Supplies/Demand: Such as Latinum, Phasers/Phaser Rifles, Deuterium Production, Dilithium Production, MACO instead Marines,
And of course a few other things that aren’t coming to mind at the moment.

But the most important feature it does come with, is the love & time I’ve put into it to try and get it right. You’re not getting just a Star Trek mod, but you’re getting the imagination that created this Star Trek mod and how it fits in the Starsector universe.

Starsector is beautiful for what it does and I just felt, instantly, that Star Trek would flourish within its engine in how it plays and works. So, I thank Alex for this beautiful idea that allows me to put some of what I love into it.

In finality to this long-drawn-out little message, have fun! If you come across some issues, let me know. I’ll fix them ASAP. I won’t be distracted by further development for the next few days. So use this time test and see.

As usual, you will find the download links on the first page. So check it out when you get the time!

Modding / Re: Star Trek Eras [0.95.1a]
« on: August 29, 2023, 11:05:42 AM »
It's been a while since I've added any tidbit of info on this page. Just wanted to ensure that I remind everyone interested in Star Trek Eras, that as long as I'm breathing... or at least until I become involved in other life events, I'm going to be putting some type of work into this project.

I've got some work done for Star Trek Eras. I'm anxious to release what I've got thus far, but I want to ensure that its as good as I can possibly get it. It's so close, save for a few tweaks here and there. I want to note that I'm very imperfect, with bouts of brain fog. (Possibly caused by two factors. A cracked skull when I was younger and the poisoning of processed sugars over a long period of time. Not trying to preach or shove my opinions about processed food. I love my candy now, but there's a notable difference in my brain's processing speed when compared to my earlier years. Information recall that isn't long term memory is at an all time low for me. Trying to change some habits or reduce intake of adapted tastes to see if it'll make a difference.)

Mistakes are bound to occur and appear when it comes to Star Trek Eras. I ask that everyone following and interested just work with me and forgive me for the errors. I try very hard to minimize such events.

That said, keep an eye for any updates or tidbits that appear. Something new could be released a few hours from now or a few days from now, depending on how the checking process and plans go. Thank you all for your kind attention. And keep boldly going, where no man has gone before.

I had a quick query. When I was looking through the mission definition java, I noticed that that planet's could be accessed and placed into the mission. I was curious as to whether or not a custom entity could be accessed and placed into a mission definition file like the planet.

EXAMPLE: api.addPlanet(0, 0, 500f, "aurorian", 300f, true); is it possible to use api.customEntity (x,x,xxx,"xxx",xxx,true) or however it should be put in.

Modding / Re: Star Trek Eras [0.95.1a]
« on: June 23, 2023, 10:46:34 PM »
@Angel963, thanks.

As for the TNG playthrough, I'm hoping the vanilla rework will make it somewhat more difficult to literally steamroll through an entire fleet without any resistance. If you play a fleet of Excelsior's and Nova's they can hold out but it's not going to be easy at all.

Once you get up to Nebula weight class and above, then it gets kinda steam rolly, but definitely should play better, even if you roll all over the Hegemony and Tri-Tach... (my personal Vanilla favorite). We'll see. I just keep working at it a while longer before its ready for release.

Modding / Re: Star Trek Eras [0.95.1a]
« on: June 23, 2023, 12:32:42 PM »
Oh boy, @Angel963. I keep making rookie mistakes here. The error is being caused by misspelling phaseCannon as phaserCannon in the United Earth faction. Imma fix it up. That was a huge mistake on my part and I apologize for the delay you've had to experience because I didn't check my work, like I should have.

Also, loading your save? I wasn't aware that the add-on would show up in a previous save. Its never worked that way in my experience.

Also, try one more gin, like my nephew used to say. If you could try to download again. Hopefully, and I really, really hope so, there shouldn't be an error this time. But dear god, I will start pulling hair if I made another idiot mistake, after checking it over this time.

Modding / Re: Star Trek Eras [0.95.1a]
« on: June 22, 2023, 08:37:21 PM »
@Angel963, try downloading it now. Should have the missing image. That was an oversight on my part.

Modding / Re: Star Trek Eras [0.95.1a]
« on: June 22, 2023, 09:58:02 AM »
@Angel963, I've added the Confederation class to the roster. It's simply a patch in job, quick and easy. The vessel itself is pretty comparable to the Yorktown in terms of stats. It does come pre-equiped with experimental (for this time period) weapons. (There's no special script for the new weapons. It's just lore-wise, they're new.)

I'm not posting this particular add-on to the front page. I'll post it here, since its nothing major and just a special request. If others find it and use it, more power to you. Glad you were able to find the elusive Confederation class.

Modding / Re: Star Trek Eras [0.95.1a]
« on: June 20, 2023, 01:52:59 PM »
I figured it was the Confederation class you were talking about @Angel963. That's why I posted the Federation version instead of the Terran. The Imperius class is simply the Terran class name for the Confederation. They are the same ship. (not exactly the same but yeah, the same.)

As I said before, I kind of chose the Sub-Constitution class instead of inputting the Confederation class but it'd be fairly easy to integrate the Confederation class into the ENT era. I do believe that I'd rather wait to integrate the ship though, into the full ENT era mod. I do have plans to modify the Era eventually. But if you would like to fly it around I could do a quick patch for it and send you a personal link.

Modding / Re: Star Trek Eras [0.95.1a]
« on: June 19, 2023, 12:40:37 AM »
@mrpras, I'm not certain what he means by Imperius class either. Unless he's talking about the Confederation class below this message. If that's what he's talking about, there's a version of the Confederation already available. I mistakenly named it the Sub Constitution. (A version before the actual Constitution class) It wouldn't be terribly hard to input the Confederation in though. And yes, the Confederation would serve be sufficient to serve as an alternate Dreadnought.

Modding / Re: Star Trek Eras [0.95.1a]
« on: June 16, 2023, 10:52:01 AM »
@Angel963 Technically, that's what the Yorktown is in the first place. It's a Capital Cruiser or Dreadnought depending on the situation. Honestly the ENT era needs a rework in the first place. It's technically three years old. I've done a lot of streamlining to my process since then and its behind.

Regardless, @ the moment, the Yorktown is the Dreadnought of that era.

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