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Starsector 0.97a is out! (02/02/24); New blog post: Anubis-class Cruiser (12/20/24)

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Messages - Avanitia

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I think we are all forgetting about one crucial thing. New player knows almost nothing about all of these ships and how many ship systems work (or even exist). There is the tutorial that goes over ship controls and all that, but I don't really remember what it tells the player (as I have not played it in years).

I think player should have 3 options in combat ship selection and maybe others - give player choice between low tech, midline and high tech vessels.

Why? Because these 3 are different ship design philosophies, each with their own strengths and weaknesses. I imagine Lasher, Brawler and Wolf would work. Maybe a short description of the ship's system + short clip or something like that would let player pick what they want?

Now for reasoning - I don't like the Wolf (or high tech), so I have other 2 options of Lasher and Brawler for combat flagship. Letting player choose what they want to play is a good idea imo, as if you skip the tutorial, makes building up a certain fleet easier. Maybe.

I think it is also important for starting choices to tell player that all 3 design types are more or less equal in combat capabilities overall - because new player sees "low tech" and "high tech" and can easily assume that "high tech" is obviously better looking at knowledge from other games and all (changing these design type names could be nice, but who knows if it that is a viable approach).

Announcements / Re: Starsector 0.95.1a (In Development) Patch Notes
« on: November 05, 2021, 06:54:50 PM »
Heavy Mauler:
Now fires bursts of 3 shots with a long cooldown
Overall slightly lower DPS than before
Reduced flux/shot to 200 (was: 225)
Significantly increased accuracy

This change doesn't make much sense to me - Mauler felt fine to me the way it was. With this change, it feels like it doesn't synergise with Hypervelocity Driver and Heavy Autocannon both.

Hmm, you mean as far as it having reduced ability to put on sustained pressure, forcing shields to stay up more? My impression of the Mauler doesn't match yours, though; I could be off about it but it didn't seem like it was actually all that useful. This version is more about having some ability to burst down armor, at long range and with good accuracy, which feels like it might be more of a niche. But, open to being wrong about that.

I thought it was an intentional balance point for it - as long range constant pressure weapon, it matched Hypervelocity Driver in that range bracket. Also kept it from being oppressive due to how common medium slots are - if Mauler will be very accurate, doesn't it sort of nullify purpose of Heavy Mortar too? They will be very similar, only difference being that Mauler has way better accuracy, better damage, more range... making it so much more AI-friendly and usable in general despite higher cost. If anything, in my opnion, maybe Heavy Mortar could use some love or something?

Announcements / Re: Starsector 0.95.1a (In Development) Patch Notes
« on: November 05, 2021, 06:02:33 PM »
Heavy Mauler:
Now fires bursts of 3 shots with a long cooldown
Overall slightly lower DPS than before
Reduced flux/shot to 200 (was: 225)
Significantly increased accuracy

This change doesn't make much sense to me - Mauler felt fine to me the way it was. With this change, it feels like it doesn't synergise with Hypervelocity Driver and Heavy Autocannon both.

Mods / Re: [0.95a] Arma Armatura 1.5.2e (9/16/2021)
« on: September 18, 2021, 06:03:22 AM »
unfortunately nothing I can do about that without a crash log of some sort  :'( especially since I cant reproduce on my end

EDIT: Actually do you have Quality Captains?

Yeah sorry I didn't have a crash log cause I had already moved past it. Yes, I do have quality captains. I didn't have the time last night to troubleshoot :(

Update Quality Captains, it should fix the crash.

Suggestions / Re: Make Explorarium Drones 'free' for Automated Ships
« on: June 01, 2021, 02:57:16 PM »
What if they all got... Rugged Construction built-in?

Sounds pretty good - if they are going to explode (and they definitely will), they would get a lot of d-mods, so that helps.
Maybe even some kind of EMP resistance, even if small, to prevent them from being utterly destroyed by single Ion Cannon? Not sure about this one to be fair.

General Discussion / Re: Automated Ships skill sucks
« on: April 23, 2021, 06:25:31 AM »
From my personal experience, Automated Ships skill is really good at 60 points (which I changed with this mod), because it allows you to use destroyers and cruiser or two without CR dropping to sub-50%.

From frigates, I have used Glimmers - Ion Pulser, 2x PD Laser, 2x Sabot, add Reinforced Bulkheads or Heavy Armor as s-mods, Expanded Missile Racks are a good idea too. Max vents, maybe capacitors too. Gamma Core as officer, picked uh, Energy Weapon Mastery, Reliability Engineering, Shield Modulation, Helmsmanship. I don't remember the exact build really, it was few runs ago, but that's the gist of it.

It was extremely effective due to not backing down and being able to shut down enemy ships, it could break armor with High Energy Focus, so it was pretty good against cruisers and smaller ships. A chunk of my fleet is mobile enough to make use of openings like that.

From destroyers, well, Fulgent is only real option. Scintilla has access to non-crewed wings only, which makes it... kinda worthless. Especially with its system (maybe add a hullmod that allows usage of crewed wings? who knows) which doesn't benefit most of wings you can put on it anyway.
Anyway, back to Fulgent. My personal favourite is 2x Typhoon Reaper in synergy turrets, because why not. Put Sabots in half of small synergies, Heavy Blaster in medium hardpoint, accompanied with 2x Ion Cannon, use rest of the slots for PD Lasers. Expanded Missile Racks / Heavy Armor / Hardened Shields as s-mods, max vents. Similar skills to the Glimmer officer.

Works quite well as damage dealer and for finishing off overloaded ships. 2 Reapers is nothing to laugh at... especially if you're overloaded and in range of these things...

Overall the skill would benefit from increase of possible points to 60 and have Radiant's DP set to 60 instead. That makes smaller ships more viable while still allowing player to run a Radiant if they so desire. That might even make some Explorarium ships somewhat viable? I did try Sentries with stuff like Salamanders and Harpoons. Kinda funny to see a lot of Salamanders just flying across the battlefield. They still died easily though, maybe I should have put Safety Overrides on them and nothing else and use the power of annoying AI against itself  :D

Title and image show everything you need:

Judging from the API, this is deliberate (there's a param in FleetEncounterContext.prepareShipForRecovery for whether S-mods should be kept)

Though given how hard these fights are, letting the player have a shiny or two in return would be real nice.
Maybe a ship with 3 S-mods should be guaranteed to keep one on recovery, and below that there's a % chance?

I do have to agree, even getting at least one s-mod would be real nice. Not getting any feels like a bug, not a feature. And yea, battle itself was really hard, but somewhat enjoyable. Harder than some of bounties I've done in the run that had multiple cruisers and whatnot.

As the title says.
I got the bounty for a fleet full of ships with built-in hullmods. I checked mid-combat and all the ships had them.

Unfortunately, after painful fight...
None of these ships have built-in hullmods anymore.

Audio Plus
Settings.json changes of my own making (increased max zoom, increased max player fleet size, disabled whiteout)
Captain's Log
Combat Chatter
Commissioned Crews
Console Commands
Diable Avionics
Practice Targets
Remnant Control Transfer
SCY Nation
Secrets of the Frontier
Seeker UC
Tahlan Shipworks
Trailer Moments
Unknown Skies
Upgraded Rotary Weapons
Vayra's Ship Pack

Bug Reports & Support (modded) / [0.95a RC10] Save corruption
« on: March 27, 2021, 09:38:13 PM »
Saved the game when in Magnetic Field of a Gas Giant; there's pirate fleet orbiting a frozen planet next to it (a bounty) and they are using the Interdiction Pulse. Game fails to load, backup doesn't work either.
Required files:
Error from the log

Bug Reports & Support / [0.95a RC10] Weird fleet behaviour
« on: March 27, 2021, 08:57:13 PM »
Entered system with Black Hole, research station was orbiting it. When salvaging, I see the text about tripping a trap and that it sent a signal. Pirate fleet spawned as it should, but it is outnumbered, so it stays away... or at least it should. When I got close, it rushed at me and activated emergency burn.

And a short clip:

Bug Reports & Support / [0.95a RC9] Weird graphical glitch
« on: March 26, 2021, 07:24:12 PM »
Image should explain this:

There's a black line next to ships without any d-mods or hullmods built-in with story points, my Tempest has 2 of latter. Affects ships on fleet preview screen as well, fighter wings affected on fleet preview too.

As title says, I can't store the Automated Ships in Abandoned Terraforming Platform around Asharu, game shows "Illegal to sell" text. Doesn't matter if ship has core slotted in or not.


Mods / Re: [0.9.1a] Tahlan Shipworks 0.4.1
« on: March 01, 2021, 07:49:12 AM »
Not sure if it's me or not, but is anyone having a bug with this mod (and other mods that have new Remnant ships) where the Remnant only use the new ships for their fleet instead of using the vanilla Remnant ships and other mods that include new Remnant ships??
I keep encountering Nameless-Class Drone Fleets instead of encountering any vanilla Remnant ships and other mod Remnant ships?

If you have HHE Fighter Expansion mod - disable it, that's the mod causing this issue (it wipes "known ships" list for Remnants and some of stuff for other factions as well).

Mods / Re: [0.9.1a] Industrial.Evolution 1.8.c - Colony content expansion
« on: February 02, 2021, 02:43:48 PM »
You are most welcome, and thank you for your polite interaction. It's a breath of fresh air on these forums where even the most simple feedback that isn't fawning admiration results in insults of character and parentage.

If it's not going to change, I really don't see myself using them. None of them are really useful enough to pursue, and when they appear it's more useful to put other things in the slots. Since 3 out of the 4 different options require one-another to work, and the 4th has no major use by itself, why even bother?

Simply put, the blueprints are too easy to find to make forge templates useful if they are making sub-par ships.

Well, one potential use of that system is to get more of rare / one-off ships. I can see why you might not want to bother though.

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