Suggestions / ships with burn drive should use it liberally when under direct retreat order
« on: August 28, 2019, 05:30:07 AM »
this is my biggest pet peeve as of now as it makes tarsus a otherwise good and speedy cargo hauler a poor choice since it doesn't use it when there's ships nearby. i understand that on some circumstances it could be risky to burn drive straight forward as you could burn drive into enemy ships but that should really be up to the player to decide if it ought to burn drive straight ahead (direct retreat) or be cautious (normal retreat).
there's also the thing that the reason direct order became a thing was iirc precisely because of ships that have forward movement abilities
so if those ships won't use those abilities properly when given the direct order then direct order is essentially useless imo
there's also the thing that the reason direct order became a thing was iirc precisely because of ships that have forward movement abilities
so if those ships won't use those abilities properly when given the direct order then direct order is essentially useless imo