Mods / Re: [0.97a] Star Lords- Mount & Blade Campaign in Space v0.2.3
« on: October 03, 2024, 01:13:28 AM »Having a crash if/when I destroy a lord's fleet.
Fatal: Cannot Invoke 'com.fs.starfarer.api.campaign.CampaignFleetAPI.getMembersWithFightersCopy()' because the return value of
'starlords.person.Lord.getFleet()' is null.
Happens every single time. So far otherwise i've had no issues. (other than barely interacting with any of them...)
Hey, this bug has been reported a couple times, but I've never been able to reproduce it myself so it's been difficult to fix. Is there any way you could send a copy of your save over to me? That would be super useful for debugging this.
I did some private testing. Its from a fork of Take No Prisoners that hasn't been updated to work the same way as the version on the forums does. I tested with both the fork and the version of the mod on the forums with the exact same modlist otherwise and there are no crashes when defeating the enemy lords. So anyways, it explains the relative radio silence considering the fork. I'd then say its not your mod's fault and that the other, unnamed mod should probably catch up to the current standard of Take No Prisoner's functionality and methods.