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Starsector 0.97a is out! (02/02/24); New blog post: Anubis-class Cruiser (12/20/24)

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Messages - Don Jorm

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Re: Transfer planet = open market?
« on: August 21, 2024, 10:31:04 AM »
Thank you, Hiruma Kai, for well-detailed answer! Got now a better grasp on the system.

Pretty sure in Nex you can still sell off expensive industries and so forth.
I could sell industries and gain 25% of their initial price. So we talk about hundreds of thousands what I could profit by selling industries. I had only 100 000 dollars on my account when I invaded the planet - maybe not enough money. So I am thinking should I just sell all industries and then hand over the planet to Hegemony - if I wanted to maximize my gains, at least in short-term..

General Discussion / Transfer planet = open market?
« on: August 21, 2024, 05:59:19 AM »

I just invaded lvl 6 planet. Its "resource storage" was quite empty after the invasion. But when I transferred the planet to Hegemony, immediately it's now "open market" and is filled with loads of fuel and supplies.

I am wondering why is it happening? How those supplies and fuels came there - out of the blue..? I am using Nexerelin mod.

I was also wondering why should I pay for my "own" goods when I am in control of the planet? It says I will have to pay at the "end of the month" - but my industry produced those goods. Why I am paying for them?

I was struggling with planet's negative income (-86k per month) so that's why I was wondering if I should transfer it to Hegemony or keep on myself...

Modding Resources / Re: [0.97a] GraphicsLib 1.9.0
« on: August 15, 2024, 12:54:57 AM »
I used to play Nexerelin mod with 16x anti-alias with 185% UI scaling and now when I am without anti-aliasing, I can't really see difference. It's not blurry on 185% scaling on my 1440p monitor - which is a good thing I suppose.

Just wondering if it becomes blurry "later" in different kind of scenario. But so far works well without anti-aliasing and 185% scaling option.

Suggestions / Re: Dead drop fleet engagement
« on: August 14, 2024, 03:42:08 AM »

found this old thread and I encountered the same situation as the OP. I did dead body drop and now Luddic Church are asking for its coordinates.

My question is: Why are they asking for its coordinates and what is my loss/benefits if I tell them dead body's coordinates? I have done the mission already and gained money so I don't see what I could lose if I told them. Only little reputation loss with a person and faction (Midnight Dissonant -2 and Remnants -1) but that's it.. Unless reputation with Remnants here plays a big part?

I am using Nexerelin mod.


any idea why I have an ability like Transverse Jump enabled right at the start of the game even without choosing "Navigation" skill? In vanilla, I don't get Transverse Jump until I actually activate "Navigation" skill.

It seems to happen only when I enable "randomized core world" in the initial settings.

Discussions / Re: please add a way to unsubscribe from a discussion
« on: August 11, 2024, 12:23:21 PM »
I have enabled "notify" on some threads (clicked it once, so now there reads "REPLY UNNOTIFY" etc.), but I only get notification on my email which I rarely open. Kinda wishing there was a forum notification for new posts in threads I am interested. So I could see notifications here on forum.

I will probably forget to open this thread again if there are any new - helpful - posts...

Mods / Re: [0.96] QoL Pack 1.2.0
« on: August 08, 2024, 07:06:22 AM »
When I am trying to use 0.96 QoL pack on 0.97a game version, the clock time overlaps with the month ("March", or any other month in the game time). So I can't see which month it is in the game time. I am using max UI scale, and when I lower UI scale, the clock time goes below the month. But then the text is too small...

Any ideas how to fix it? If I could move the clock time just little bit downwards, it would be better.  :)

General Discussion / AI and weapon groups in 2024
« on: August 08, 2024, 02:03:54 AM »
Hello, pretty new StarSector player here.  :)

I was reading some old topics about AI and their weapon groups. I don't know if they have been changed ever since so I am looking for confirmation.

In the weapon group settings, it basically says that "autofire option has no effect for AI-controller ships". Then when I am looking at tooltip of firemode title, the tooltip roughly says "if a weapon group is on autofire, the group's fire mode has no effect".

Does this basically mean that autofire and firemode settings don't basically matter at all when AI is controlling the ship? Or if it matters, what are recommended settings for them for AI-controller ships?

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