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Starsector 0.97a is out! (02/02/24); New blog post: Anubis-class Cruiser (12/20/24)

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Messages - JamesTripleQ

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Very nice, I might add a few of these to Unknown Skies.

Mods / Re: [0.97a] Unknown Skies 2.0.2
« on: December 01, 2024, 07:58:46 AM »

Mods / Re: [0.97a] Unknown Skies 2.0.2
« on: November 30, 2024, 07:36:47 PM »
Hey all. First off, love the mod, big thanks for the effort and keeping it alive. However, I'm trying to start a drug lord campaign and wanted to do some private tinkering of the file to make the stability debuff of the psychedelic fungus less punishing (changing the penalty from -3 to -1 instead). Of course, it wasn't as simple as just changing "STABILITY_MALUS = -1" in that file. I'm assuming there may be other stuff going on with the various API's that calculate this, but I have no java experience. How might I go about editing the relevant files to make that debuff less crazy, or even increase the amount of drugs produced from say 2 units to 3? (I know this is very unbalanced, it is more me trying to do some roleplay). Thanks in advance for anyone who may know.

Hi, yes, on paper it's as simple as editing that value but editing the source code won't actually do anything if you don't recompile the jar file.

Mods / Re: [0.97a] Unknown Skies 2.0.2
« on: November 30, 2024, 07:11:48 AM »
Thank you! That worked like a charm!
Happy to help

Mods / Re: [0.97a] Unknown Skies 2.0.2
« on: November 30, 2024, 03:26:29 AM »
Hi, I'm trying to add some of the Unknown Skies conditions to a custom star system but whenever I try to add it with perun2_market.addCondition(Conditions.US_elevator); I get an error stating that US_elevator isn't in campaign.ids.conditions. I'm thinking I need to import something but I don't know what. Would you have any idea what the issue is?

Hi, no the issue is much simpler than that, the class only contains vanilla contions. US doesn't have its own class with all conditions IDs so you need to manually input the string from market_conditions.csv.

In your case it should be:

Also be sure to check that the mod is enabled before adding the condition.

Mods / Re: [0.97a] Unknown Skies 2.0.2
« on: November 27, 2024, 06:24:37 AM »
Bro, I can't thank you enough for bringing this beautiful mod back, I keep telling Alex this needs to be baked in core game! LOL!

Thanks so much and looking forward to see what you might do with it to make it even better, gg

Glad you're enjoying the mod. I'm guessing the main reason that this wasn't integrated into vanilla is that it's decently demanding in terms of vram (for starsector mods at least) and is mostly cosmetic meaning it would probably cause issues on weaker PCs. As for the future, I do have some concepts but I've been very out of the loop with the game so I'm not actively working on anything atm.

Mods / Re: [0.97a] Unknown Skies 2.0.2
« on: November 09, 2024, 04:59:43 AM »

Is there anyone who has a full list of the conditions that this generates?

I know it's in the mod config, but I can only find the descriptions - not the actual effects. Apologies if I am missing something

Hi, sorry for the late reply, you can find the effect strings in the strings.json file however those won't contain the actual effect values. I don't have a list om hand atm but in general most conditions either reduce hazard, increase access or increase population growth. Some have stronger effects with a downside like locking hazard at 100% but reducing growth instead. There's the military base which improves ship quality for every other military base you have, there's also the crystals condition which only spawns on toxic planets and gives them a slight luxury goods buff.

Then there's 4 unique conditions and four unique planets each with various special effects.

Mods / Re: [0.97a] Unknown Skies 2.0.2
« on: October 19, 2024, 07:25:49 AM »
Released a small update fixing the generation bugs mentioned here and adding a helper class for modders (and a few other minor things, all changes are detailed in the changelog). Save compatible but most changes will only apply on new saves.

Mods / Re: [0.97a] Unknown Skies 2.0.1
« on: October 01, 2024, 07:17:49 AM »
While I wasn't affected: Thank you and thank you for maintaining and further developing the mod, I really love the mod. <3 :3

I'm glad you're enjoying it, I really try to polish things as much as I can and to make this mod as vanilla adjacent as possible. I have the resources and a decent idea for another major update but I'm busy irl and lacking in willpower to work on it unfortunately as I haven't been playing the game much so idk when I'll actually be able to develop it.

Mods / Re: [0.97a] Unknown Skies 2.0.1
« on: October 01, 2024, 04:11:14 AM »
I think I get it, I guess those are the limitations of not being able to actually create these new categories like "cat_hab" and such. Would still be nice to get a review on these vanilla sector generated planets with inconsistent conditions for a potential next update.

Technically I could probably add my own category however handling it would be a lot more complex than just "hijacking" a part of cat_hab1 to behave differently. As for the conditions, I will implement a fix for it on my end for US planets, however idk if that will be a minor patch or part of a bigger update.

Mods / Re: [0.97a] Unknown Skies 2.0.1
« on: September 30, 2024, 02:53:55 PM »
Wow, this went into an interesting direction. Any reason why Hyceans are being classified as Frozen and then overridden? Even if the basic procgen mechanism requires you to hack something that makes useof vanilla archetypes and then overrides it afterwards, why not use the Water archetype as the basis?

Ah this is a very interesting question and was one of my favorites to figure out when implementing Hyceans.

A quick correction first: see it's been a while and I made a mistake, Hyceans aren't classified as Frozen worlds but rather as cat_hab1 (which corresponds to Barren-Desert).

Now an important thing to note is that planets in this game have two important values:
- a unique ID (for example frozen2 for one of the vanilla Frozen worlds),
- a non-unique category (cat_frozen for that same world);
Both of these values determine procgen condition odds.

The reason I didn't assign Hyceans to the Water world category is becasue Water worlds don't have their own category, rather they use cat_hab3 (used by Jungles, Tundras, etc.). Now for my purposes cat_hab3 has a few issues:
- it has a lot of planets meaning it's very hard to get the weights just right to make Hyceans rare without making the other planets too unlikely to spawn,
- it's existing condition pool isn't really what I'm looking for Hyceans (granted this doesn't matter since I override all conditions anyway but I wanted to mention this).

As such cat_hab3 really isn't a good pick but oddly enough it's not the main reason I picked cat_hab1.

Now most conditions are determined by planet category and/or ID but there are a few that are actually also determined by other external factors. The main ones that are relevant here are Hot, Cold and Gravity (note that Hot and Cold are separate and not a single "Temperature" type). These conditions are affected by distance from the star and planet radius BUT they can also be affected by category (all Frozen planets always have Very Cold regardless of distance). This means that ideally Hyceans should be in a category where all these conditions have neutral spawn odds rather than the modified ones. cat_hab1 is the only non-common category that falls under this criteria and that's why I used it. As such, Hyceans have no incorrect condition bias from existing categories.

I really hope this made sense as the system behind how the game handles procgen is fairly complex. In short I use a different category to both avoid condition weights getting muddled and to more easily handle the planet rarity.

Mods / Re: [0.97a] Unknown Skies 2.0.1
« on: September 30, 2024, 07:16:26 AM »
Hey, just wanted to chime in on this. The random proc-gen planets in Core World systems are, believe it or not, a vanilla thing - as far as I know, nearly all Core systems also get proc-gen planets and terrain in addition to their usual features. The most notable example is the Duzahk system (the Starsector patch notes mention habitables being prevented from spawning in the system), but I also checked the Aztlan system in two separate vanilla saves, and those saves had differing numbers and types of planets within Aztlan. So, random proc-gen planets/terrain in Core systems is definitely an intentional feature in vanilla Starsector and, therefore, something that should be accounted for in mods.

Ah I see, I'll keep note of that and implement fixes to make sure that procgen planets in core worlds get the right conditions. This does cause a bit of a weird issue where hyceans (that are internally marked as frozen planets but with the spawn rates of water worlds) can spawn in the core worlds meaning they could actually outclass some of the existing planets in terms of quality.

Mods / Re: [0.97a] Unknown Skies 2.0.1
« on: September 29, 2024, 05:11:32 PM »
Hey, great mod!
Just a thing, I have some planets that were generated with weird conditions that I would imagine wouldn't be possible in vanilla. Let me give you two examples.

I got aztlan's III-B from the vanilla core sectors overloaded by an hycean world that actually seems to keep the original's characteristics.
I also got a jungle world with both Hot and Mild Climate at the same time, I would imagine these to be mutually exclusive.

Hi, yes something very interesting is actually going on here, see hyceans are generated by procgen but their conditions are applied AFTER procgen since they use a special condition pool. The bit of code that applies the conditions is inside a bigger section that ignores all non-procgen systems. This was mainly done for simplicity and to speed up load times. However it seems that some mod calls a procgen method on aztlan at some point causing it to generate more planets. If this happened during procgen then it means that my condition code won't run as aztlan is marked as not procgen. If this happens at any point after then my code has likely already exectued and the conditions will never be applied. On paper the best solution is to just skip the procgen tag check on my end and just apply hycean conditions to all hyceans regardless of system (though keeping a tag that prevents conditions from being overridden might be useful for modders) though I am curious as to what mod adds procgen planets to vanilla systems.

Mods / Re: [0.97a] Unknown Skies 2.0.1
« on: September 11, 2024, 01:59:30 AM »
Loving the mod so far, is there compatibility between this and Terraforming and Station Construction? For example I wanna terraform my capital into an Archipelago world and so on.

Glad you're enjoying it, unfortunately atm there is no TASC compatibility in US itself but TASC has some integrated  compatibility. This means you can terraform US planets (idk if it includes the ones I added in 2.0) to vanilla planets but not viceversa. If you want you can use the console to swap the planet type.

Mods / Re: [0.97a] Unknown Skies 2.0.1
« on: August 22, 2024, 04:34:56 PM »
Oh yeah, speaking to the colony item and gas giant with fluorescence, it does work with regular mining but if you have industrial evolution it does not work with the upgrade "fracking" or the other big upgrade that requires a mantle bore, at least not in my save if it works for you then sweet.

Yeah indevo specializations are broken with conditions atm (it's mentoned in the known issues section but I don't blame you for not noticing dw). Apparently SirHartley managed to fix that in dev and the next indevo update will hopefully fix it whenever that is...

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