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Starsector 0.97a is out! (02/02/24); New blog post: Anubis-class Cruiser (12/20/24)

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Messages - Neldonax

Pages: [1] 2
Blog Posts / Re: New music for Galatia Academy
« on: June 30, 2024, 03:22:33 AM »
I don't think the new music fits stylistically with the other tracks, or the game.
It feels like videogame OST, not like my schizo head playing music on its own, like the older OST.

Suggestions / Re: Kumari aru wording problem
« on: May 18, 2024, 01:08:34 PM »
I do not like the use of "incomprehensible".
A benevolent deity is never described with such negative connotation, it's God not cthulu.
I would rather it be "glorious", "beautiful", or "divine", not only does it sound less sinister, it's wording an actual religious person would use.

I think it's referring to the xenolife, not a god.  And I'm not miffed if it is.  Religious awe is very close to terror.
If it were referring to the aliens, they wouldn't be incomprehensible, they are just flesh and space blood. If it is referring to the storm, you are seeing (and thus comprehending) it with your own eyes.
"religious terror" is only for the blind masses, those who must fear God, not someone like the player.

I do not like the use of "incomprehensible".
A benevolent deity is never described with such negative connotation, it's God not cthulu.
I would rather it be "glorious", "beautiful", or "divine", not only does it sound less sinister, it's wording an actual religious person would use.
What, exactly, is the negative connotation of "incomprehensible" that you're referring to here? "Beyond your (limited human) understanding" is absolutely a descriptor that religious people can and do use to describe their own deities.

I firmly believe and i would never dare use such a profane word to describe God. Unless i skiped a dialogue option or missed something because i only picked the most logically extreme options, it's the only point where God is (indirectly?) described like this.

I generally do not like how the luddic campaign tells me how to feel about it, I don't feel like my character is just absorbing, i feel like i am being lectured by a false inner monologue.

I like the characters you meet, though, most are believable and their faith feels real, like the quaint little places you visit.

Suggestions / Kumari aru wording problem
« on: May 18, 2024, 04:48:17 AM »
I do not like the use of "incomprehensible".
A benevolent deity is never described with such negative connotation, it's God not cthulu.
I would rather it be "glorious", "beautiful", or "divine", not only does it sound less sinister, it's wording an actual religious person would use.

Announcements / Re: Starsector 0.96a (Released) Patch Notes
« on: November 02, 2023, 06:33:29 AM »
i do see your point, but rustling jimmies is always part of good worldbuilding. I like the luddics, they're the only faction i really *get*, i mean how can i not? they are the only ones who make any normal sense to me, they ain't lying to themselves, they are living the truth while the rest of the sector is in denial. I just want to see them be fully realised, sure it doesn't have to have my main man JC, but i'd like it.

Announcements / Re: Starsector 0.96a (Released) Patch Notes
« on: October 31, 2023, 12:11:49 AM »
Luddics are NOT Christians. Nor are they any other modern or historic religion.
yes they are. Ludd is the second coming of christ, it is organized like the catholic church, even has a papal states, preaches about the end times, and is populist. The whole thing is very much a christian denomination and if the dev has the same view as you then i weep for the wasted potential. The ludds should go full christ, have an actual connection to the past, be the exception in a society of confused vagabonds, thieves and fascists. I get a lot of you have hate-boners for the church and can't imagine a world without "religion le bad" but i am a man of faith and i see the great potential the luddics can have if only the dev stopped tip-toeing to appease people like you. Faith is so complex and faith is something people today are sleeping on, they just don't get it and refuse to get it and that's just a bummer cause open your eyes mannnn stop being a little kid about faith.

Announcements / Re: Starsector 0.96a (Released) Patch Notes
« on: October 30, 2023, 11:49:46 AM »
I prefer the Luddic Church to lean more toward the demonic cult of heretics that they are, so player can purge them like any other group of evil cultists elsewhere.  Luddic Church is insidious (especially after I meet their Baird knockoff after the pilgrimage), while the Path is at least open about it.
want to know how i can tell that you don't get it?

Announcements / Re: Starsector 0.96a (Released) Patch Notes
« on: October 30, 2023, 01:16:10 AM »
More focus on luddic faith, way more, make Jesus Christ the Son of God part of it in a meaningful way, more dialogue options even if they don't change anything, it sucks that the "faithful" lines are super generic all things considered. Not enough christ, or iconography to speak of. I doubt the luddics would be aniconic. Icons speakasy if you pray, you can hear them. I understand if the dev does not believe, but faith is something magical and it can really only be written by someone who is faithful. I want luddic icons i can design luddic icons if it is needed i just want a space game that does faith right.
also "amen" should just be a generic end dialogue option for when you speak to anyone spiritually more uplifted

Announcements / Re: Starsector 0.96a (Released) Patch Notes
« on: October 30, 2023, 01:10:56 AM »
More focus on luddic faith, way more, make Jesus Christ the Son of God part of it in a meaningful way, more dialogue options even if they don't change anything, it sucks that the "faithful" lines are super generic all things considered. Not enough christ, or iconography to speak of. I doubt the luddics would be aniconic. Icons speakasy if you pray, you can hear them. I understand if the dev does not believe, but faith is something magical and it can really only be written by someone who is faithful. I want luddic icons i can design luddic icons if it is needed i just want a space game that does faith right.

Blog Posts / Re: The Pilgrim's Path
« on: July 23, 2022, 03:37:18 PM »
Very much looking forward to the update, and seeing if taking a pilgrim's tour can change my mind about the Luddic Church faction (my current view of them dimensional, I guess is the best way to put it). That said is the mechanic where Luddic Church/Pather worlds will install colony items (fusion lamp, mantle bore, etc.) as readily as any other faction, only without suffering from pather cells because of pather interest, changed at all? If not I'm foreseeing the possibility of ironic text if, for example, one of the shrine keepers talks about the destructive side of the old Domain terraforming practices/projects while the planet is currently using a mantle bore to generate more resources.

You can get the Pathers to leave you alone if you make the Pathers friendly to you too.  That's the reason that the church isn't targeted by Pather cells, they start the game with a high opinion of one another.
I was not aware that was a mechanic, testing that immediately.

...No, even at 100 relationship with the Path I'm still getting an active cell, which church/pather planets don't get if they get 8+ interest. Do I need 100 relationship with the church as well or something else?
pather cells and pather faction are two different unrelated things, think of it like being friends with ISIS but that doesn't stop terrorism cause most terrorists aren't directly affiliated with ISIS. But yeah the chances for cells should still get reduced, are you still using AI cores and stuff on your colony, brotha?

Blog Posts / Re: The Pilgrim's Path
« on: July 23, 2022, 01:59:25 PM »

i believe you said quite a number of other things that (imo) paint a pretty clear picture of your issue with it
including but not limited to arguing against the piety of the catholic church, describing gothic architecture as "a middle finger to god", explicitly describing any culture other than small eastern european nations as never having placed faith highly, insisting on the idea that actually it's visually complex architecture that's advanced and not holy and visually simple (but no less complex or, arguably, ostentatious) architecture is great and pious (even though understated-but-grand architecture is still plenty showy, just in a different way), and also outright admitting that it's probably just your headcanon

spoiler: it is in fact your headcanon, yes

my gripe personally isn't with you wanting them to be different in a certain way - everyone wants some part of just about anything to be different in some fashion
it's with you awkwardly masking it behind weird proxy arguments about piety and religious architecture when it's just not liking them not fitting the mental image you had for them in all respects (which is an especially odd decision when you're talking about a group that explicitly don't have a truly centralised standard, and whose faith is shaped heavily by location and local populace)
Because if i just outright say i don't like it i need to provide a reason, so i provided my reason. If i don't provide a reason i get harped for not doing that, i don't get the issue.
Yeah i may have gone too far with my opinions, but it all plays into the fact that the luddic church has way more potential than just being the space papacy.
I am mostly translating in my head so if something comes off wrong i can't really re-learn english all over again. I can make up misstranslation excuses but what does that really mean
I didn't insult anyone, i stated my honest opinion on something, maybe i should've just not kept on explaining the same thing over and over again, i'll admit wrong there.
Including my views on real religion is reasonable here because if the world of starsector wants to feel real, it needs real elements, writing fiction from real example just makes it feel more real in general.
Your headcanon about the church might differ from mine, it might align with the devs views, but i payed full price for this game and i get to have a voice if i feel it's going in the wrong direction.
I like the luddics and i don't want them to go in the complete opposite direction of what i wanted them to be

Why do you insist on the developer submitting to your ideas when you could draw them up yourself and mod them in? If your idea's as cool as you're trying to make us believe, convince us. (And no, spamming googled images doesn't count, nor do arguments)
it's different when it's official, sure i can just make my own illustrations but that's just not the same.

Don't want to argue, just voicing what i think and elaborating when asked

Blog Posts / Re: The Pilgrim's Path
« on: July 23, 2022, 01:20:59 PM »
If you want my honest opinion, the new church lore feels like it was written by a westerner, someone who doesn't live in a society that actually holds the Church and religion very highly, here the idea of a church shooting up to the sky was almost heresy until just 200 years ago

have you considered that different cultures and societies may show their high regard for the church in different ways
"only x region REALLY values the church, everywhere else has always been degenerate sinners" is the most milquetoast form of religious elitism and applying it to videogame architecture because you headcanon them as Chad Ultra Orthodox Traditionalists(tm) is pretty funny, if not exactly productive
All i'm saying is this new luddic *** is turnung out generic and am offering different examples to how it can be better

Blog Posts / Re: The Pilgrim's Path
« on: July 23, 2022, 11:52:19 AM »
Why would the planets and factions of a fictional space society parallel historical earth?
Because it's cool as ***
Also the world of starsector just gives off huge fall of rome vibes, even the first lore blog says that

Blog Posts / Re: The Pilgrim's Path
« on: July 23, 2022, 11:48:15 AM »
Church of Saint Donat isn't what I would describe as humble but more, recycled.

But yeah anything and everything could appear to be more humble then a cyberpunk dystopian Domain planetwide city. Which could include every modern day city on earth in it.

So I don't really see what the difference is between the Church in Starsector using the old Domain cities and not expanding them, and Croatia recycling old Roman temples and forums into new churches.

Like that isn't humble, it's more just cheap.
Ok so there is no need to be insulting.
You get what i mean, i'll assume you've never been to any of those places, but it's this awesome mix of roman/medieval architecture and modern wires, pipes, antenna and stuff on top. Sure it sjouldn't look as old, but it should look inspired by it, cause imo those places are just so cool and it's a shame the only famous things shot there are game of thrones and like 2 minutes of one of the new star wars movies. Maybe i'm project nationalism here, but it's cool and underappreciated architecture that deserves a real spotlight.
Imo starsector hss the problem of just being kinda generic, the church has the most potential to not he generic and the lord of the rings stuff just bothers me. It's honestly a unique faction in general, in any scifi fiction, it should parade that instead of snuffing it. I just like the whole second coming of christ vibes

Blog Posts / Re: The Pilgrim's Path
« on: July 23, 2022, 11:36:01 AM »
From what I can see you have a real penchant for the Pre-Romanesque and Romanesque architecture, with one of the examples presented being described as being Baroque (Church of St. Euphemia, Rovinj) which is hilarious as that style is FAR from being humble with all the embroidery and paintings.

Gothic architecture is just the evolution of this style of this construction anyway built in places that didn't see the development of Romanesque architecture as they weren't the core parts of the Roman Empire. Not that I am saying we can't or shouldn't have it mind, but one of the reasons we even had Romanesque architecture wasn't because it was supposed to be humble, but more because people didn't know how to build stuff any taller then it was.

It's just the change of style over time by the people who lived and in and took part in the faith and wanted to emulate the styles used by the former Roman Empire.

By extension to Starsector, would they be building Domainesque architecture? Who knows really. Gothic or Romanesque are not too removed from one another really, just styles of building a really big building as it took people at the time, not greater or lesser.
I was reffering to the church of saint donat
You get my point bro, it's simpler, a direct contrast to domainesque architecture, which is tall metal spires and huge megacities.
It just makes sense imo for a faction meant to be contra to the morals of the domain, a throwback to a simpler time. It would also just be so cool to have that

Blog Posts / Re: The Pilgrim's Path
« on: July 23, 2022, 11:23:24 AM »
What is this wacky timeline when I'm hearing about my (mostly) Dalmatian cities in a game forum that's talking about a blog post which gives more lore to the religious fanatics of said game. It would be hilarious if one of the arts in the game reminded me of a building I see almost every day...
Odakle si

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