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Starsector 0.97a is out! (02/02/24); New blog post: Anubis-class Cruiser (12/20/24)

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Messages - wilki24

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Mods / Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
« on: September 18, 2021, 06:33:28 PM »
And if SkipProb is set about 0.0 that there is still a chance that the contellation won't be themed "Remnant" even if it was "chosen" by the process?
To be honest, i don't remember what this one does exactly. I believe it just makes remnant systems more 'spread out', so they won't spawn 'in clusters'. Default value is 0.25.

I don't think that's quite right. Looking at the loop where it's used, it's looping from 0 to the number of remnant themed constellations. And that number is chosen by random between the min/max values in the settings.

While going through that loop, it does a random roll 0-1.0, and checks if it's less than the skipProb. If it is, then the loop just continues, doing absolutely nothing to that constellation. But, it's "consumed" one of the potential remnant themed constellations.

So, if sectorConstellationRemnantMin = 90, and sectorConstellationRemnantMax = 120, and sectorConstellationRemnantSkipProb = 0.25, then you could expect roughly between 67 and 90 actual remnant systems, since ~25% of the min/max would be skipped.

Interestingly, it's also picking constellations in order of distance from vector 0,0 (map center), as per the API: getSortedAvailableConstellations() (it uses the List returned in reverse order, so it becomes ascending by distance).

I'm guessing this is why we find remnant systems closer to the core? And, it's also true that increasing sectorConstellationRemnantSkipProb does spread the remnant constellations out, since it adds gaps, but it also reduces the total number of remnant themed constellations as well.

So, I think you'd need to adjust the min/max to account for whatever skipProb is set to, or you'll end up with less remnant constellations than intended.

Oh, and while diffing the code, I noticed that it's missing the changes Alex made later in April, RC14 and 15 (mostly 14).

Mods / Re: [0.9.1a] Vayra's Sector 3.2.1 - D&DSECTOR 2021-03-25
« on: September 18, 2021, 01:06:23 PM »
...I personally wouldn't mind at all if someone posted a bootleg version of my mod on one of my mod's postings, if I am not actively developing it anymore. Matter a fact, I'd be quite happy about it. Less work for me...

I found the programmer! :-)

Seriously, though, these bootleg updates have kept me playing with all the great content they add. In fact, I just ordered a 3070 so I'll have more video memory to add even more (the 970 isn't cutting it anymore...)

So, thank you to the original authors, the people who update on the side, and especially the authors who are cool with it. After all, at the end of the day, this is all just for fun, and what's more fun than more content for our favorite game!

Mods / Re: [0.95a] Audio Plus 1.1.3
« on: September 18, 2021, 01:31:29 AM »
Love this mod! So much so that I added more mods' music to it, so I can enjoy even more variety.

One suggestion: the market music that plays when you're docked and messing around with ship loadouts, etc, gets quite old after awhile, since there are only two variations of the same track.

So, what I did was copy the campaign music list you made, and duplicated it for friendly and neutral markets. So much better now!

Mods / Re: [0.95a] Industrial.Evolution 2.2.f - Campaign content expansion
« on: September 17, 2021, 06:11:19 PM »
Would it be possible to make the Salvage Yard hull-picking dialog scrollable?

I'm currently looking at this:

I know I have a much larger fleet size than normal, but I thought I'd ask in case it's not too difficult.

Mods / Re: [0.95a] Industrial.Evolution 2.2.f - Campaign content expansion
« on: September 08, 2021, 03:17:56 PM »
Where do you install a relay hypertransmitter?

I have one, but haven't found a way to actually use it.

General Discussion / Re: I don't pilot my own ship in combat
« on: August 26, 2021, 11:36:11 PM »
The AI better at ships that require you to pay attention to a lot of different variables at once, but I've found that I'm much better at positioning.

So, what I do is pilot something fairly fast and maneuverable, but also tanky, and usually lots of PD. That way I can stick by my flagship and protect it from flanking.

Earlier today, I saw my flagship taking heavy damage up front, but its flux was almost maxed. The AI was moving in to take advantage, and I managed to save the situation by dropping my shields and quickly getting out in front where I raised my shields and took the fire while my flagship recovered.

I love stuff like that, and if I didn't pilot, it'd never happen (except on accident haha)

Mods / Re: [0.95a] ScalarTech Solutions 0.8 - I forgot to update this
« on: August 26, 2021, 05:13:42 PM »
Awesome mod, really enjoying the ships.

I did notice that when the AI is flying the Hem frigate, it doesn't seem to use the chain skimmer at all. It's a cool little ship, but I've watched it die to things that it should have easily avoided.

General Discussion / How do you deal with bright backgrounds?
« on: August 24, 2021, 05:43:07 PM »
Take a look at this battle I'm in right now:

I have a slow turreted weapon on my ship, but I can just barely make out where it's pointed. Is there someway to remove the bright nebula backgrounds, or make the targeting arc more pronounced?

I am running mods, so I'm not sure if the background is from a mod or not, but either way, I'd like to figure out a solution.


Mods / Re: [0.95a] Adjusted Sector
« on: August 14, 2021, 12:39:25 PM »
What does the setting "AdjustedSectorRndArcs" do?

Edit: I just discovered the source and API docs lol

So, editor.clearArc clears nebula from the map based on the params? I see it's used to clear space around stars themselves. So, I suppose increasing AdjustedSectorRndArcs adds more clear space to the map?

I wish this code had more comments on why it's doing what it's doing.

Sorry for the necro, but I found this because I want to do this exact same thing.

Every game I play, I remap inv to B.

In my case, I unbound all the combat hotkeys because I kept hitting things on accident, so B isn't used for anything at all. But even if it was, letting the user have the freedom to setup their control scheme however they want is a big plus.

Edit: Also, all the other campaign keys on the bottom are within reach of WASD, so you don't have to lift your hand off the mouse or off the WASD keys to reach them. I is the only outlier.

Thanks for listening! :-)

General Discussion / Neutrino detector has a cool little detail
« on: August 07, 2021, 07:19:49 PM »
I was flying along with my neutrino detector on, chasing down a signal that had a steady period between "flashes". Got all the way to the edge of the system, and realized that no matter which way I went, it always pointed in the same direction.

Looked on the map, and it's pointing directly at a neutron star 2ly away.

I just thought that was a cool little detail to run across randomly.  :)

Suggestions / Re: Feedback from a New Player
« on: August 06, 2021, 02:32:04 PM »

I did discover that go dark is basically a perma slow move, but it also turns your transponder off, as you mentioned. Not so great if you want to maybe take a bite of a sandwich while your ship traverses a couple asteroid belts in an inhabited system.

I really just prefer toggles for pretty much any kind of "state change" in a game. (Or the ability to switch between the two, e.g. Zooming your weapon in Destiny 2)

I've barely played with phase ships so far. I did notice they slowed down time, but I thought the phase out to move anywhere while being invulnerable was the main selling point. That was pretty cool! There's so much in this game to try out for me still! :-) In any case, it really comes down to personal preference, and since the ability to change speeds already exists, giving the player that choice is a nice to have. I'm fine with the mod, it's enough for what I want.

Maybe it's because I'm playing in a nearly 4k window, but the highlighting around small entities is hard for me to see at a glance. The lines are super thin, almost transparent. I could live with just a tooltip on mouseover.

I appreciate the responses!

Suggestions / Feedback from a New Player
« on: August 06, 2021, 11:31:06 AM »
Hello! First off, thank you to the developers of this game. It's got that old SSI "Warp Factor"/"Cosmic Balance" feel to it that I loved as a little kid on the Apple ][+. Throw in some Pirates! style gameplay, and I've been having a lot of fun!

Anyhow, here is a list of things that I've kept track of over my first week or so of play. To give you an idea of what I've experienced so far, I still haven't founded a colony, and the largest ship I own is a cruiser. I haven't done a lot of the story missions so far, but I do like them. Some added direction in a sandbox game is good!

Campaign mode:

- In campaign mode, slow down should be a toggle. Sometimes I want to use my left hand for something else while I'm going slowly through a large patch of storms.

- Cargo capacity should be displayed in campaign mode. A simple x/xx would be sufficient.

- In campaign mode, you should be able to right-click (shift-click? etc) on a jump point/star/etc to bring up that system's info page, just like from map view. When manually piloting, sometimes I get to a system and I'm not sure which jump point to use to get closest to my target. Or, just how far out is that fringe jump point, etc.

Combat mode:

- Combat mode needs time adjustment. Speeding up would be nice for pursuits, but what would be really useful is to be able to slow time down to 50% and 25% of normal. This would let the player watch and understand what's going on during complex battles. I'd be fine with the Paradox standard of the + - keys incrementing and decrementing speed, as the default. Yes, I downloaded the SpeedUp mod, but it'd be nice to have it built into the game.

- There should be some easy to understand visual aid to quickly, at a glance, be able to dertermine if that small thing moving through space is friendly or not, and whether or not it's a missile/fighter/etc.

- When you mouse over an object in combat mode, there should be a small tooltip that indicates what it is. For example, that ship is a Mule CBT Freighter, and that is a Talon interceptor, a Sabot missile, etc.

- In combat mode, targeting your own friendly ships and looking at their info doesn't show their loadout, just their mounts. However, you can see enemies' loadouts. I'm at that age where memory isn't as good as it used to be, so I often can't remember what that awesome blue beam is coming from one of my ships, and I have no way to find out during combat. Then I forget to look after combat, or I do look and then forget what I saw! lol

General UI:

- Ship refitting screen should display cargo capacity, burn level, etc. Basically any visible stat that can be modified by an action in the refit window. I know you can look at the more info window, but it'd be nice to have it all right there.

- When inspecting ships with More Info, there should be a key that toggles all bonuses off so that you can see the base hull stats. It should default to the current behavior. Alternatively, just show the base stats: 300/450(+150) Actually, this might be the better idea.

- When you mouse over a stack of items, add the value of the entire stack to the tooltip.

- For the "owned" count on weapon tooltips, add in a count of weapons in storage everywhere. Include free storage. Perhaps, x/y/z => mounted or cargo/stored in the thing I'm docked at/stored somewhere else.

- There needs to be a way to see what you have in free storage, remotely. Or, even that you have stuff in free storage somewhere.

- More ship names. A lot more ship names! It's very immersion breaking to see the same names over and over.

- Consider a list view for inventories. In particular, I have to mouse-over every type of weapon to see what it is.
--Or-- add a toggle to display below the icon however many letters of the item's name string that can fit.

- Anywhere that there is an accept button for a mission, there should be a map view of the location(s) involved. On mouse-over, this location should display known info about that location.

- For procurement missions, add a stack size * default unit value for the item being requested. Then the player can make an informed decision without having to back out of the entire conversation tree to check the unit value.

- For missions that have you go to a planet/station somewhere, indicate the faction that it belongs to.

- It took me about 40 hours of play before I realized that holding down the left mouse button would make my fleet follow the cursor. Maybe I missed the info in the tutorial? If not, please add it.

- I know that zoom is tied to balancing combat... with that said: Set the max zoom to be one unit higher in both combat and campaign mode. Especially in combat mode. If you're really worried about losing the "fog of war" effect, then consider lowering the tether distance for the camera from the active ship as the zoom moves further out.

Mods / Re: [0.95a] SpeedUp 0.7.1
« on: August 05, 2021, 11:13:52 AM »
Edit: Ok, so "toggleMouse":3 lets me use the other side button on my Logitech mouse. I would have expected that to be middle click, but since I don't want to use that for anything anyhow, no problem.

Awesome mod, everything works as advertised.

Is there some way to use mouse button 5?

"toggleMouse":4 works, but "toggleMouse":5 does not.

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