Fractal Softworks Forum

Starsector => Mods => Modding Resources => Topic started by: Trylobot on September 27, 2011, 10:37:17 PM

Title: [0.8.1a] STARSECTOR Ship&Weapon Editor (v2.7.4)
Post by: Trylobot on September 27, 2011, 10:37:17 PM
Download latest stable version v2.7.4 ( (


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Here's Deathfly's fork:
I will try to keep this post in-sync with Deathfly's post as much as I can, and cross-post releases. I will tag my releases with [Trylobot], and presumably Deathfly will tag his similarly.

editor version 2.7.4 (starsector 0.8.1a) [Deathfly & Trylobot]

- Variant: added "wings" mode (add/remove fighter wings from variant)
- Ship/Variant: renders fighter wing sprites and available slots
- Ship/Variant: prevents adding more wings than ship has capacity for
- Variant: warns if adding more variant wings than variant has OPs for
- Variant: added "goalVariant", "quality" to details (strings) editor

- Ship: saves coversColor


editor version 2.7.3 (starsector 0.8.1a) [Trylobot]

  press "1" (ship mode), "D" (load), "N" (built-in wings submodule)

- skeleton code / boilerplate necessary for Skin editing has been added,
    but this mode doesn't do anything yet (so don't get too excited if you see it in the menus)
- heavy code maintenance / cleanup / refactoring

editor version 2.7.2 (starsector 0.8.1a) [Trylobot]

- Fixed bug #17 "Weapon Group changes in variant mode not saving."
- Added goalVariant, permaMods fields to TStarfarerVariant.type.bmx
- Fixed bug #15 "Selected weapon slot not displayed during weapon group assignment (variant mode)"
- Also moved the weapon groups list to the left side of the screen, so that the selected weapon can be seen more easily.
- Added a keyboard help entry in variant mode for toggling autofire with "A"

editor version 2.7.1 (starsector 0.7.2a) [Deathfly]

- Fix up the "Clear Data"(or say “Create New Data”?) function.
- In ship edit mode it will no make the sprite display freeze anymore.
- In variant edit mode it will now try to create an empty new variant called "New" for edit.
- In weapon edit mode, it will create an new weapon file.
editor version 2.7.0 (starsector 0.7.2a)

- Add menu bar.
- Make editor resizable while running.
- Add an "Unsaved changes warning" when you may discards your unsaved changes.

- Will consider a serial string editing actions as one step due to it is too annoying to capture every keys.

- Left Mouse Click now can only used for set center.
- Ctrl + Left Mouse Click now can used to set radius without reset the center frist.

- Ctrl + Left Mouse Click always add a new launch bay.
- Hold down Shift will lock on the nearest launch bay.
- Shift + Left Mouse Click will add a new launch port to the locked lauch bay.
- Remove the Right Mouse Click function.

- Ctrl + Left Mouse Click now will try to insert new bound vertex between the nearest bound segment ends.

- Same as "Built-in Weapon Edit Mode", but for decorative weapons.

- Can render all build-in and deco weapons in ship edit mode. And render all weapons in variant edit mode.
- Hit "F5" can toggle weapon renderer from "render in 100% opacity", "render in 50% opacity", and "do not render".
- Can use F6, F7, and F8 to Play, Stop and Reset all weapon animations, if there any.
- In "Weapon Slots Edit Mode", "Built-in/Deco weapon Edit Mode", and "Variant Edit Mode", arrow keys can use to control weapon animation on selceted slot.(See on screen help.)

- Will properly parse and recode a .wpn file.
- Will display weapon offsets properly. For hardpoint and turret, both.
- Will display cursor coordinate properly.
- Make the glow on weapon more closer to in game visual.
- String editor for weapon now will provide accessibility to most weapon parameters.
- Guides will mark the weapon's pivot point out.

- Add SYNERGY and COMPOSITE weapon slots support.
- Add "coversColor" support.
- Improve the performance for Preview All function.
- Replace the default background with a less obscure one.
- Add a filter that can fit out deco weapons when place weapon in non-deco slot.
- Enable language localisation.

- Add "custom_bg_image" that can set path for using custom background.
- Add "performance_mode", set to 1 can simplify some drawing process and result a better performance.
- Add "fluxmod_limit_override", set to 1 can override the 10/20/30/50 max flux vants/caps limit in variant edit mode.
- Add "scale_help_UI", set to 1 can enable help UI zooming for extreme resolution ratio.(Or you can set "font_size" instead.)
- Add "scale_help_UI_scale_level". If it set to 0, help UI will auto zoom.
- Add "custom_FONT" that can set path for custom font.
- Add "UTF8_support", set to 1 to enable UTF-8 support, to decode UTF-8(without BOM) data file.
- Add "localization_file" that can set path for LanguageDefinition file.

- Make engine flames looks more close to in game visual.
- Rework String data editing console. Make insert characters practical.
- Rework all "item selector" to fit some way too looong item list.
- Guides precision increase to 0.5.

- Can safely remove weapon slots with built-in weapon in it.
- Simplified help UI text drawing method for better performance.
- Fixed a crash when try to remove a weapon slot/engine/launch bay while there isn't anyone.
- When rename a weapons slot, the built-in weapon in that slot will got removed now.
- Fixed a issue that the rjson core will mistakenly discard "0" for integer output.

editor version 2.6.4 (starsector 0.7.1a)
- credit to zaphide for pull request!
- support for HYBRID weapon types
- support for longer weapon lists
editor version 2.6.3 (starsector 0.7a RC1)
- ship variants will no longer assign DECORATIVE, SYSTEM or LAUNCH_BAY weapons
editor version 2.6.2 (starsector 0.6.1a)
- full support for built-in hull mods
- silently ignores trailing "f" in JSON floating-point number literals
- rows starting with '#' in .csv files will now be skipped
- ship data csv columns updated
editor version 2.6.1 (starsector 0.54.1a)
- added support for "DECORATIVE" weapon/slot types
editor version 2.6 (starsector 0.54.1a)
- weapon editor can modify offsets (possibly buggy)
- weapon editor can set images
- weapon editor can switch between turret/hardpoint mode
- tilde [~] now toggles vanilla data on/off and forces a reload of all data
- compatible with "Starsector" name change
editor version 2.5 (starfarer 0.53.1a RC5)
- added weapon editor prototype (incomplete)
- added more detailed logging in sf-ship-ed.log
- fixed: custom engines output with incorrect field name 'type_'
editor version 2.4.5 (starfarer 0.53.1a RC5)
- fixed: strange data corruption bugs on main ship and variant string editors
editor version 2.4.4 (starfarer 0.53.1a RC5)
- fixed: +/- keys not working
- fixed: synchronization of hull/variant/csv names
editor version 2.4.3 (starfarer 0.53.1a RC5)
- fixed: incorrectly encoding weapon slots (fatal error)
editor version 2.4.2 (starfarer 0.53.1a RC5)
- fixed: weapon groups list misbehaving
editor version 2.4.1 (starfarer 0.53.1a RC5)
- fixed: variant data incompatible with ship data if certain ship data changed
- fixed: empty JSON containers  {} [] ""  always being encoded as null
- fixed: cannot load vanilla data in Linux (probably)
- fixed: quoted newlines in CSV data
- fixed: can't set hullmods in variant if ship has no weapon slots
- misc: HOME key is now equivalent to ESCAPE key
- feature: direct value entry for weapon arcs and angles (press T on a weapon)
editor version 2.4.1a (starfarer 0.53.1a RC5)
PRE-RELEASE: more bugfixes coming soon!
- fixed: can't set weapons for newly-added built-in ship weapon slots
- fixed: variant weapon list stays open after assigning a weapon
- enhanced: in mode 1, when loading existing ship data, all other modes
  are automatically populated with data associated with the loaded hull
- feature: in mode 1, press CTRL+ALT+[N] to clear out all JSON/CSV data
- some other misc. bug fixes
editor version 2.4 (starfarer 0.53.1a RC5)
- added support for fighter wings (wing_data.csv) editing: mode [4]
  with graphical formation preview!
editor version 2.3 (starfarer 0.53.1a RC5)
- added support for BUILT_IN and SYSTEM weapons
  includes being able to set the weapon from *.SHIP mode
  and includes not being able to modify the built-in weapons in *.VARIANT mode
  and includes not counting OPs from built-in weapons in *.VARIANT mode
- added support for Custom Engine STYLE ID:
  this is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED to use over the STYLE SPEC per-engine.
  But to use it, you must first define your Engine Style ID in the following:
- fixed bug in CSV Loader to properly quote fields containing commas
editor version 2.2.3 (starfarer 0.53a)
- bugfix for a crash related to custom engines
editor version 2.2.2 (starfarer 0.53a)
- added support for CUSTOM engines; press T while in Engines mode
editor version 2.2.1 (starfarer 0.53a)
- added support for Starfarer 0.53a:
  - csv mode: added explicit support for PHASE as a shield type, and declared
    'system id' as a string type so it won't try to graph it.
editor version 2.2 (starfarer 0.52a)
- ship: in bounds mode, weapons, engines and launch bays modes,
  you can now hold CTRL+ALT while RIGHT-CLICK dragging to drag all
  the entities on-screen at once.
- weapon slots: weapon slots are now assigned names with zero-padded numbers
  so that they can be sorted more easily
editor version 2.1 (starfarer 0.52a)
- ship: launch bay mode; press L to use
- variant: weapon group autofire attribute added; press A to toggle
- variant: max weapon groups increased to 5
editor version 2.0.3 (starfarer 0.51a)
- fixed bug with shield-center Y-coordinate being interpreted incorrectly
editor version 2.0.2 (starfarer 0.51a)
- fixed bug with not always saving collision radius and shield radius
editor version 2.0.1 (starfarer 0.51a)
- fixed bug with string editing that prevented some characters from being
  entered sometimes
- fixed bug with CSV editing (new data template)
- fixed bug where variant OP max was not observing the current CSV data
editor version 2.0 (starfarer 0.51a)
- can now edit single rows of ship_data.csv, and save into an existing file
  (find and update existing row by ID, else insert new row) or into a new file
- all known statistical data from all loaded ship CSV data is shown in a
  handy bar graph so you can see where your ship falls in the grand scheme
- corresponding CSV row attempted to be auto-loaded when loading a *.ship
- made ship darker when editing weapon slots or strings
- smoother zooming (continually integrated easing)
- fixed long-standing bug (since version 0.1) with global overlay
  positions when panning & zooming
editor version 1.9.7 (starfarer 0.51a)
- displays more information in *.variant mode
- fixed bug where small weapons were being allowed in large slots, and also
  restricted universal slots to exact weapon size-match
editor version 1.9.6 (starfarer 0.51a)
- mirrored-pair editing of weapon-slots and engine-slots has been implemented
- improved help text; added status bar; reduced clutter
- altered ghost-previews for all modes to make more sense contextually
- bugfixes related to validating weapon-sizes and -types for variant mode
- fixed bug where variant was not being notified when weapon slot is removed
- misc polish & improvements internally
editor version 1.9.3 (starfarer 0.51a)
- added default enum values for when no data is loaded (to prevent crash)
- fixed bug that caused a crash when editing weapons
- fixed bug that allowed weapon slots to be created with duplicate ids
editor version 1.9.2 (starfarer 0.51a)
- fixed bug that caused invalid *.csv files to crash the editor
  now they are ignored
- editor automatically creates "sf-ship-ed.log" that shows what's being loaded
editor version 1.9.1 (starfarer 0.51a)
- users of editor in a Mac OS running Wine can now provide the starfarer
  install dir with success
- variant hullID updated automatically
- ship image loaded automatically when ship data is loaded
- if an image is manually loaded, the editor will search upwards for a
  "graphics" directory; if it is found, the path to the image will be inserted
  into the ship data; otherwise it will remain unmodified
- default save-file-names for *.ship and *.variant
editor version 1.9 (starfarer 0.51a)
- string editing is made faster for values that are enums; instead of typing
  them, use arrow left/right to choose a value from the list of acceptable
  values. the field is updated immediately.
- can now open, edit and save *.variants - use [1] and [2] to toggle between
  *.ship mode and *.variant mode; still use [D] and [V] to open/save
- click a weapon slot to assign a weapon from the list of weapons that are
  valid to occupy that slot; filters based on size & type of slot from
  currently loaded *.ship data
- press M to load a mod; it will be noted in the settings data so that it is
  auto-loaded on next startup of the editor; this will add the mod's data
  to the stock data for weapon slot selection and OP cost analysis & validation
- While in variant mode:
  Press T to edit variant string-data
  Press G to edit weapon groups
  Press F & C to increment flux mods. Shift+F & Shift+C to decrement. They
    will cap out at the limit for your ship's hull size
  Press H to select hull mods
    If you exceed the OP max specified in the ship CSV for the ship's hullID,
    it will be red-coloured but it will not otherwise prevent you
- WARNING: it is now REQUIRED that Starfarer be installed on the computer
  where the editor is being used, as the vanilla data is automatically loaded
  to speed up selection of multi-select values, and to prevent the editor
  from needing to be explicitly updated when Starfarer adds new such values
- fixed bug with key states after opening system dialogs in windows
editor version 1.2 (starfarer 0.51a)
- can now use +/- as alternative to mousewheel for zooming
editor version 1.1 (starfarer 0.51a)
- made zoom feature not ***
- added mirrored-mode adding of weapons & engines
- auto-saves last-used path for images and data (finally)
editor version 1.0 (starfarer 0.51a)
- added string data editor [T]
- to edit strings for weapons and engines, press [T] from weapon or engine
  editing modes [W] or [E] which will allow you to edit the strings for that
  specific instance
- added weapons and engine locations to preview mode [P]
- when creating weapons and engines, automatically duplicates properties
  of nearest to speed up creation of similar slots
- more reasonable defaults for certain values
- preview cursor more context-sensitive
editor version 0.4 (starfarer 0.51a)
- added engine slot editor
editor version 0.3 (starfarer 0.51a)
- added weapon slot editor, per request
- strengthened JSON decoder; ignores # comments and performs implicit type-
  conversion and uses reflection to automatically encode/decode from/to plain
editor version 0.2 (starfarer 0.35a preview rc2)
- fixed bug; data view not updating when you press "N" (new data)
  or "I" (load ship image)
- fixed bug; empty arrays being encoded as empty objects
- improved data view; added column-wrap and reduced font size
  to fit more information on screen
- program icon (windows only)
- added collision radius mode
- added preview all mode
editor version 0.1 (starfarer 0.35a preview rc2)
- initial release



  • version 2.7.4 (Deathfly & Trylobot) (
  • version 2.7.3 (Trylobot) (
  • version 2.7.2 (Trylobot) (
  • version 2.7.1 (Deathfly) (
  • version 2.7.0 (Deathfly) (
  • version 2.6.4 (Trylobot) (
  • version 2.6.3 (Trylobot) (
  • version 2.6.2 (
  • version 2.6.1 (
  • version 2.6 (
  • version 2.5 (
  • version 2.4.5 (
  • version 2.4.4 (
  • version 2.4.3 (
  • version 2.4.2 (
  • version 2.4.1 (
  • version 2.4.1a (
  • version 2.4 (
  • version 2.3 (
  • version 2.2.3 (
  • version 2.2.2 (
  • version 2.2.1 (
  • version 2.2 (
  • version 2.1 (
  • version 2.0.1 (
  • version 2.0 (
  • version 1.9.7 (
  • version 1.9.6 (
  • version 1.9.3 (
  • version 1.9.1 (
  • version 1.0 (
  • version 0.4 (
  • version 0.3 (
  • version 0.2 (
  • version 0.1 (


Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Thana on September 27, 2011, 11:17:00 PM
I'll have to try this!

No time for it today, however, but I'll get back to you on this.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Alex on September 28, 2011, 08:21:34 AM
This looks great! I really like how the UI is shaping up. The starry background is an especially nice touch :)

Confirmed to work on Windows XP. I do get a dialog with "EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION" (and nothing else) on exit, but that's not exactly a big issue.

Btw, if you installed SF in the default location, just change the settings to
"images_dir": "/Program Files/Fractal Softworks/Starfarer/starfarer-core/graphics/ships/",
"data_dir": "/Program Files/Fractal Softworks/Starfarer/starfarer-core/data/hulls/",

Did I mention that this is awesome?

Edit: stickied.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Psiyon on September 28, 2011, 08:36:13 AM

You sir, are a God.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Trylobot on September 28, 2011, 09:58:30 AM
Haha thanks for the feedback guys :) I had fun making it. Took ~1 day. BlitzMax is freaking awesome.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Avan on September 28, 2011, 11:01:16 AM
Hehe, this is nice. Might get me motivated to implement all those ships I have lying around >.> (I was otherwise waiting till .55)
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: aerandir on September 28, 2011, 11:55:46 AM
Great stuff, already eagerly awaiting future updates
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Trylobot on September 28, 2011, 10:38:59 PM
Update; version 0.2; see original post
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: mendonca on September 28, 2011, 11:42:42 PM
Nice work! You're the best, Trylobot.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Thana on September 28, 2011, 11:56:15 PM
Okay, this looks promising!
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: WarStalkeR on March 17, 2012, 02:25:46 AM
Links, maybe somebody here have this tool and can upload it?
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: XpanD on March 17, 2012, 03:16:07 AM
Fear my 1337 Google skillz.

But yeah, I have no idea if this even works anymore. Might be worth a try, though. Have fun.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Psiyon on March 17, 2012, 11:42:39 AM
I must ask, Trylobot, do you plan to develop this utility any further? Even with its limited functionality, I use it over the other ship editor for one reason: precision. Being able to see the coordinates for any location by simply moving your mouse over it is extremely helpful, and allows new ships to be made with dead accuracy, rather than just eyeballing it.

One feature that would really make it great would be the ability to add in weapon slots, and adjust their angles and arcs, specifically. Engine slots and other misc attributes can be easily copy-pasted in from another .ship file, so if you do plan to do any more work on this, I'd make these a low priority.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Trylobot on March 17, 2012, 01:59:23 PM
Yeah I'm working on it right now lol
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Psiyon on March 17, 2012, 03:02:19 PM
Yeah I'm working on it right now lol
Most excellent.  ;D

Feel free to ask me if you need it to be tested.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Trylobot on March 17, 2012, 11:50:45 PM
New version up ~
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Flare on March 17, 2012, 11:54:41 PM
~ And there was much rejoicing.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Psiyon on March 18, 2012, 09:16:59 AM
Works wonderfully, many thanks!

One thing I might suggest for weapon slots (and in the future, engine slots) is having the ability to mirror them. Say a weapon is located at (35,10) with an angle of 90. If the user presses a button, then a new weapon slot will be created at (35,-10) with an angle of -90, keeping the same arc as the parent. Doesn't sound like it would be that hard to add in, and it would save people who are making symmetrical ships potentially a lot of time.

Oh, and I almost forgot: when you export the ship data, all the weapon slots have the same ID of WS 001. While this wasn't a problem as I had to renumber them after copy-pasting all the weapon data to mirror them anyway, if you choose to include the mirroring functionality, having weapon slots ID'd correctly would be pretty important.

Again, thanks for this awesome utility.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Trylobot on March 18, 2012, 10:01:03 AM
Hey, good suggestions. The weapon ID stuff was definitely planned (string editing), and mirrored editing should be relatively easy (I already implemented mirrored mode for bounds coordinates).

Not sure if I'll be able to get to it this weekend though, but if that's the case probably next weekend.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Trylobot on March 19, 2012, 09:37:10 PM
Added support for engines

String editing is coming.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Upgradecap on March 20, 2012, 08:05:47 AM
Yes! This is what i need, since i fell the online editor is just too.... clucky for my taste. Thanks for it :D
(just so you know, i've added it to my mod, will be up in the next release ;))
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: silentstormpt on March 20, 2012, 08:15:58 AM
3 versions already, u sir are on a roll here
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Trylobot on March 20, 2012, 11:19:18 AM
Version 1.0 released; halting further development for now to work on mods, except for bugfixes, unless there is wild & rampant demand.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: megal00t on March 20, 2012, 11:40:16 AM
hmm yes very nice... the only thing that kinda annoys me is that it zooms in way to close or way to far. I can't really get a zoom that I find comfortable.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Psiyon on March 20, 2012, 12:31:52 PM
Trylobot, I love you.

A way to mirror weapons would still be lovely, though.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Upgradecap on March 20, 2012, 01:00:50 PM
I have to admit, it takes some time to learn all the shortkeys, but once you figure them all, this editor is so much better than redbulls (atleast for me :D)
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: medikohl on March 20, 2012, 02:15:42 PM
Consider this to be my wild rampant demand
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Verrius on March 20, 2012, 05:17:28 PM
Ahhh, I suppose I should get off my butt and do something  now that an editor is back up.
/yawn Maybe tomorrow!

Looks nice xD
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Trylobot on March 20, 2012, 06:48:25 PM

For the record, redbull's editor is also up again~
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Levik on March 20, 2012, 11:06:33 PM
thank you
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Plasmatic on March 21, 2012, 09:02:30 AM
I'm not sure why, but I cannot seem to login to your editor anymore, nor register..

Neither button do anything when I click them.

Maybe I'm just doing it wrong, Anybody else having trouble?
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Trylobot on March 21, 2012, 10:22:45 AM
I'm not sure why, but I cannot seem to login to your editor anymore, nor register..

Neither button do anything when I click them.

Maybe I'm just doing it wrong, Anybody else having trouble?

For the record, the web-based one is Redbull's. So you'll have to ask him.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: arcibalde on March 21, 2012, 10:38:03 AM
Trylobot !  You could troll him little bit... Are you ok? Flu maybe?
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Plasmatic on March 21, 2012, 11:10:37 AM
I'm not sure why, but I cannot seem to login to your editor anymore, nor register..

Neither button do anything when I click them.

Maybe I'm just doing it wrong, Anybody else having trouble?

For the record, the web-based one is Redbull's. So you'll have to ask him.

Oh Shoot, sorry, totally wrong thread.. :P
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: CrashToDesktop on March 21, 2012, 06:18:06 PM
Umm, I'm using a laptop and I can't use the mouse wheel to zoom in or out.  Can I remap that in any way?
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Trylobot on March 21, 2012, 06:20:44 PM
Umm, I'm using a laptop and I can't use the mouse wheel to zoom in or out.  Can I remap that in any way?

editor version 1.2 (starfarer 0.51a)
- can now use +/- as alternative to mousewheel for zooming
editor version 1.1 (starfarer 0.51a)
- made zoom feature not ***
- added mirrored-mode adding of weapons & engines
- auto-saves last-used path for images and data (finally)
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: medikohl on March 21, 2012, 06:48:38 PM
looking good, now just need to add monkeys, or ninjas.
monkey ninjas?

in all seriousness, I like it.  really helps with finetuning
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: megal00t on March 22, 2012, 09:20:01 AM
yaaay zoom option and mirrored weapons ;D if you get the hang of it it's super fast. perfect!
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: CrashToDesktop on March 22, 2012, 11:38:19 AM
Yay!!!  I can use the plus and minus buttons!  Thanks.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Zilerrezko on March 22, 2012, 07:57:43 PM
What if I'm making a fighter? and I would like to have a set of them in a wing or squad. How would I go about doing that?
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Trylobot on March 22, 2012, 09:46:10 PM
@Zilerrezko - First you create the ship, as you would any other. But you make sure to use FIGHTER for the size where appropriate. Then you create a variant (required step) for the fighter, giving it weapons and such. I don't think hullmods ever apply here to fighters, but am not sure. Lastly, you go to "wing_data.csv" and add info about your fighter wing, what variant it is, how many in a wing, wing formation, value, etc. And then when writing missions java code and such, you use FIGHTER_WING instead of the other one, appropriately.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Zilerrezko on March 22, 2012, 10:30:11 PM
Ah thanks man a big help. btw do you know anything about making turrets past making the sprite for one and a custom beam with all that, or even custom colored engines?
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Trylobot on March 22, 2012, 10:44:25 PM
Sorry the beams and engines are procedural, can only set variable inputs for them but no custom graphics
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Zilerrezko on March 22, 2012, 11:11:18 PM
oh darn, oh well, back to the drawing board haha
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Trylobot on March 24, 2012, 11:18:20 PM
editor version 1.9 (starfarer 0.51a)
- string editing is made faster for values that are enums; instead of typing
  them, use arrow left/right to choose a value from the list of acceptable
  values. the field is updated immediately.
- can now open, edit and save *.variants - use [1] and [2] to toggle between
  *.ship mode and *.variant mode; still use [D] and [V] to open/save
- click a weapon slot to assign a weapon from the list of weapons that are
  valid to occupy that slot; filters based on size & type of slot from
  currently loaded *.ship data
- press M to load a mod; it will be noted in the settings data so that it is
  auto-loaded on next startup of the editor; this will add the mod's data
  to the stock data for weapon slot selection and OP cost analysis & validation
- While in variant mode:
  Press T to edit variant string-data
  Press G to edit weapon groups
  Press F & C to increment flux mods. Shift+F & Shift+C to decrement. They
    will cap out at the limit for your ship's hull size
  Press H to select hull mods
    If you exceed the OP max specified in the ship CSV for the ship's hullID,
    it will be red-coloured but it will not otherwise prevent you
- WARNING: it is now REQUIRED that Starfarer be installed on the computer
  where the editor is being used, as the vanilla data is automatically loaded
  to speed up selection of multi-select values, and to prevent the editor
  from needing to be explicitly updated when Starfarer adds new such values
- fixed bug with key states after opening system dialogs in windows

Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: mendonca on March 25, 2012, 12:11:16 AM
Wow, nice work Trylobot. :)
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Upgradecap on March 25, 2012, 01:24:56 AM
Trylobot.......... You are the king of awesomeness, congrats to it ;), (and do you mind if o incorporate this editor into my mod, with proper credit, ofcourse)
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: arcibalde on March 25, 2012, 01:28:11 AM
Bloody éll this is AWESOME!  Hey, i got idea for you  :P Would it be possible for you to make weapon editor like this?
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Upgradecap on March 25, 2012, 01:35:13 AM
Bloody éll this is AWESOME!  Hey, i got idea for you  :P Would it be possible for you to make weapon editor like this?

That would be.................... Awesomesauce ;D
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: arcibalde on March 25, 2012, 01:39:57 AM
Shhhhhh let him think... @Upgradecap dude c'mon lets buy lots of candy, milka chocolate, mocart and rafaelo thingys and ofter him like tribute... Hehehehehe perfect plan, who can resist tons of candy! :P

Unless he dont like candy! :o
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: InfinitySquared on March 25, 2012, 02:33:45 AM
*me bows down to his new deity*

This is amazing dude! I've got a few suggestions though: I feel that the HullId could be calculated automatically in the variant tab, since you're already working with a ship loaded. Also, can we have the ship image be loaded automatically?
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Archduke Astro on March 25, 2012, 10:32:07 AM
Firstly: thank you, Trylobot!  :)

Version 1.9 of this editor reportedly now has to be placed in the same directory in which Starfarer is, right?

On a Mac, which folder would that be in??? Because when I open to look inside, there is no subdirectory within it called "starfarer-core" -- that seems to be a Windows-only filenaming convention for the game.

If the editor's .exe needs to live in the same folder where all of the primary moddable data of interest lives (subfolders for hulls, variants, weapons, etc.), in Mac Starfarer that directory path is:

If this is wrong, then what is the proper location in which to place the editor before running it? Every time I try running the editor, it says there is no copy of starfarer-core at whichever location I try pointing it towards. Is it simply looking for a folder with that exact title? If so, it'll never find one in the Mac version of the game. But there have reportedly been Mac Starfarer players who say they've gotten this ship editor to run, so I figure it must be possible, somehow...

Or is there some other aspect of Mac Starfarer's guts that the ship editor needs to be pointed to instead of the above? If so, which?

Crossover Games (which includes Wine) opens the ship editor just fine, though. Now, it's just a question of pointing it to the place where it expects to find what it requires to run. Please help!  Thanks.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Trylobot on March 25, 2012, 11:33:53 AM
Would it be possible for you to make weapon editor like this?
I've thought about it, and it is of course possible. Just an issue of time, really, and how many aspects of the weapon data would be directly editable. It would probably be sort of a gradual thing. Starting off with very few moddable attributes and slowly increasing. There's some other stuff I want to do first, not least of which is directly editing/updating/creating *.csv data. I have an idea there to show mean/median/average among loaded balance data so that you can more easily choose a "balanced" value for each column.

the HullId could be calculated automatically in the variant tab, since you're already working with a ship loaded.
Yep, this is coming soon.

Also, can we have the ship image be loaded automatically?
Yep, this is also coming soon.  8)

If the editor's .exe needs to live in the same folder where all of the primary moddable data of interest lives (subfolders for hulls, variants, weapons, etc.), in Mac Starfarer that directory path is:
Good catch: I indeed coded it to look for "starfarer-core/" which I improperly assumed was universal. I will put some Mac-specific code branch to instead look for the directory you've provided above. Patch forthcoming sometime today.

Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Archduke Astro on March 25, 2012, 11:49:03 AM
If the editor's .exe needs to live in the same folder where all of the primary moddable data of interest lives (subfolders for hulls, variants, weapons, etc.), in Mac Starfarer that directory path is:
Good catch: I indeed coded it to look for "starfarer-core/" which I improperly assumed was universal. I will put some Mac-specific code branch to instead look for the directory you've provided above. Patch forthcoming sometime today.
Thanks for the quick reply. This forum post ( from Alex should be of help in getting started. Trying to smooth the way for you; after all, I reeeeeally want to try out your ship editor!  ;D
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Zilerrezko on March 25, 2012, 06:34:03 PM
Tried to start up the program, and I get "Exception_access_violation". fixes anyone?
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Trylobot on March 25, 2012, 06:49:48 PM
I reeeeeally want to try out your ship editor!  ;D
OP updated with live d/l link to 1.9.1. Changes:

editor version 1.9.1 (starfarer 0.51a)
- users of editor in a Mac OS running Wine can now provide the starfarer
  install dir with success
- variant hullID updated automatically
- ship image loaded automatically when ship data is loaded
- if an image is manually loaded, the editor will search upwards for a
  "graphics" directory; if it is found, the path to the image will be inserted
  into the ship data; otherwise it will remain unmodified
- default save-file-names for *.ship and *.variant

Tried to start up the program, and I get "Exception_access_violation". fixes anyone?
Alex has also told me he sees this, when he closes the editor on Windows XP. I have yet to see it. I can't really debug something if I can't reproduce it, but I can speculate: Are you trying to run the program from somewhere where it doesn't have sufficient access rights? For instance, Program Files? On Windows 7, only Administrators can write to that directory, so hopefully it's that. IF IT IS, then you should be able to fix it by moving it somewhere like your Desktop, or running the program as administrator. If that still doesn't work, please PM me and I'll send you a debug version with further instructions, if you're interested.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Zilerrezko on March 25, 2012, 07:17:12 PM
Alex has also told me he sees this, when he closes the editor on Windows XP. I have yet to see it. I can't really debug something if I can't reproduce it, but I can speculate: Are you trying to run the program from somewhere where it doesn't have sufficient access rights? For instance, Program Files? On Windows 7, only Administrators can write to that directory, so hopefully it's that. IF IT IS, then you should be able to fix it by moving it somewhere like your Desktop, or running the program as administrator. If that still doesn't work, please PM me and I'll send you a debug version with further instructions, if you're interested.

Nah I extracted the zipped file to a folder on the desktop, then I made a shortcut on the desktop itself. It did that while I was trying to put in fighters, then I tried opening it several times, gave up, and said my comment here, but it's back to normal now.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Trylobot on March 25, 2012, 07:39:37 PM
Back to Normal = it works, or Back to Normal = it doesn't work? I don't know if it ever worked for you, lol.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Zilerrezko on March 25, 2012, 07:42:43 PM
yeah I ment it was working... but now it's not, it's an on/off thing I guess.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Trylobot on March 25, 2012, 08:29:04 PM
So it was working, and now it's not again. I'm going to post a debug version for you, and if the console window is still up when it crashes, press "T", then Enter, and copy and paste as much of the info it gives back to me. (
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Trylobot on March 25, 2012, 08:44:16 PM
Can you also try the debug version then? Also, what operating systems are you guys on?
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Zilerrezko on March 25, 2012, 08:44:53 PM
so, I did the t and enter thing before I even opened the editor, and then I opened the debug again and did it after the crash, and it literally was the same thing on both debug screens.

If it matters, it's doing it right at start up, like 1/4 of a second after the loading screen pops up saying "loading..." then BAM! annoying microsoft ding noise.

Windows XP
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Zilerrezko on March 25, 2012, 08:48:14 PM
I think your editor may also be making problems with me and trying to get a fighter to be recognized by starfarer. I have a post on it, don't know if it matters. One difference I notice is the spacing on your editor is different than the .ship (or.variant) style. Don't know if that makes a difference. But, yeah.

*edit* I feel like we're in a war room and it's like all of a sudden our whole nation is under invasion and everyone is freaking out, bombs are dropping, and stressness. Just puttin that out der.

*edit edit* yeah I'm getting the same thing Maseo is.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Zilerrezko on March 25, 2012, 08:56:16 PM
yup i found it its not his editor, when i first opened your wing file i didnt have "seperated by semicolon" on it shouldnt need to be on
and when i opened it i got this

Huh, I just did the same thing but I actually see my ship, don't know why it's not showing up in your's. But I think this should have been posted in my thread and not trylobot's >.>

ill fix this just a sec. yup that did it, ill send the fix to your email.

Alright thanks
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Trylobot on March 25, 2012, 09:01:09 PM
Wait so when you have a wing data csv like what you posted, the editor crashes, but if you take the file out, it's fine?
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Maseo on March 25, 2012, 09:01:34 PM
i went ahead and removed all my comments sense the problem didn't have anything to do with your editor. awesome editor by the way i would be LOST without it. xD
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Maseo on March 25, 2012, 09:02:18 PM
Wait so when you have a wing data csv like what you posted, the editor crashes, but if you take the file out, it's fine?
yup everything is hunky dori now thanks for trying to help us out though!
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Trylobot on March 25, 2012, 09:07:27 PM
On that note; if anyone has data that crashes the editor, post it - I'll fix it if I'm able.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Zilerrezko on March 25, 2012, 09:26:01 PM
WAIT!!! how what why? how does whatever just happened, replacing that CSV file just fix it?
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Trylobot on March 25, 2012, 09:37:37 PM

editor version 1.9.2 (starfarer 0.51a)
- fixed bug that caused invalid *.csv files to crash the editor
  now they are ignored
- editor automatically creates "sf-ship-ed.log" that shows what's being loaded

@Zilerrezko: Can you please run again with 1.9.2 and if you are still having problems, post your sf-ship-ed.log that it now creates?
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Zilerrezko on March 25, 2012, 09:46:23 PM
Maseo found the problem being that the comma's in the CSV files were all ";" ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;, once he sent me back the files all replacing the semi colons, I retried the 1.9.1 and it worked!


I'm using openoffice, and it has option to use spacing in the table it makes with either Comma's or Semi Colons (and other stuff), I had Comma and Semi Colon checked, and somehow the commas were replaced with semi colons by open office. Might be a bug in open office. But I tried to chenged one comma to a semi colon and tried the 1.9.2 and it worked! (then immediately changed it back to a comma)
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: InfinitySquared on March 25, 2012, 10:39:19 PM

Hmm, I've got a few more suggestions if you don't mind. There should be a control that snaps the turret rotation by 45 or 5 degrees. Also a mirror button that copies the slots on top and pastes them on the bottom. So, say I set only the weapon or engine slots on top, and press a button so that the editor copies and flips the slots to the bottom (like Battleships Forever's ship maker, for reference).
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: CrashToDesktop on March 26, 2012, 11:31:25 AM
Jeez, Trylobot.  You're making new versions faster than I can make new ships with this! :D
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: arcibalde on March 26, 2012, 11:46:12 AM


I entered weapon mod with W then i pres T to change weapon settings and i get this message, and editor closes  :(
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Zilerrezko on March 26, 2012, 11:50:35 AM
and you have the new 1.9.2 version?
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: arcibalde on March 26, 2012, 12:01:24 PM
Yes. And i did make 1 custom weapon. I did make *.wpn file and enter values in weapon_data.csv BUT when i did load custom mod data while in weapon mod (i make path to weapons dir in my mod dir) and switch it to .ship .VARIANT mode and presing T while in weapon mod a got "EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION"
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Zilerrezko on March 26, 2012, 12:03:48 PM
may I see the .CSV? you can send it to me through Email.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: arcibalde on March 26, 2012, 12:04:49 PM
weapon csv?

Nah no need for email here it is:

name,id,tier,base value,range,damage/second,damage/shot,emp,impact,turn rate,OPs,ammo,type,energy/shot,energy/second,chargeup,chargedown,burst size,burst delay,min spread,max spread,spread/shot,spread decay/sec,beam speed,proj speed,launch speed,flight time,proj hitpoints,hints,number
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: arcibalde on March 26, 2012, 12:12:53 PM
So how i can make editor see my custom weapon so i can chose it from list?

aha THIS is in log
5135388 Error: relics_evaporater.wpn  Error: expected comma or semicolon or close-square-bracket character at position 477
20,5 24,0,
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Zilerrezko on March 26, 2012, 12:15:26 PM
how about your .variant, show me a couple lines of that, after all I'm guessing that's where the problem took place.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: arcibalde on March 26, 2012, 12:26:40 PM
.variant of ship? I didn't make that yet
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: arcibalde on March 26, 2012, 12:31:39 PM
Hmmmm something is wrong in *.wpn file but i can't figure it out.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Zilerrezko on March 26, 2012, 01:00:40 PM
what happened for me, is that there was a problem in my ship.CSV and wing.CSV. And when the loader tried to load it (im guessing again) it couldn't read it (in my case all the commas that seperate the data were all semicolons, my program I used probably changed it on accident.) So it gave that error. But maybe it is in the .wpn file, I would have to see it to make a guess at what it is. However I think Trylobot can make a better guess at it.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: arcibalde on March 26, 2012, 01:15:55 PM
Now, i didn't load anything and i set over 40 weapons arcs and angles and then i press T and "EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION"... Back to Redbull editor :( And i like this one... Dude fix it plz
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Upgradecap on March 26, 2012, 01:23:16 PM
Now, i didn't load anything and i set over 40 weapons arcs and angles and then i press T and "EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION"... Back to Redbull editor :( And i like this one... Dude fix it plz
Did you happend to set the bounds prior to pressing "t"?
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: arcibalde on March 26, 2012, 01:28:02 PM
I set Center then collision radius, then shield center, then shield radius and then weapons. So, no, i didn't set bounds.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Upgradecap on March 26, 2012, 01:29:10 PM
Then I don't know really. I have had this error aswell, but i solved it by not setting bounds prior to editing with t. Must be some kind of glitch.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: arcibalde on March 26, 2012, 01:34:10 PM
Ill give it one more try with lots of SAVES  ;D

Trylobot is it possible to mirror arcs and angles on weapons?
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Trylobot on March 26, 2012, 02:19:08 PM


I entered weapon mod with W then i pres T to change weapon settings and i get this message, and editor closes  :(

If you're using 1.9.2, please post your sf-ship-ed.log
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Trylobot on March 26, 2012, 02:20:17 PM
Trylobot is it possible to mirror arcs and angles on weapons?

Yes, press spacebar to toggle mirrored mode on weapons; weapon slots will be added two-at-a-time, reflected across y-axis with opposite facing angles.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: arcibalde on March 26, 2012, 02:50:23 PM
Yes but i must first make weapon slot put angle and arc and then delete it and then put mirror mod one and place 2 new weapon slot that will be set as first one. I was thinking something like when you place them with mirror mode (they are all 0 arc and 0 angle) and change ones arc or angle angle and arc changes on other one so you can fine tune both of them in same time.

As for log i deleted it star again and this time no crash.

Now im struggling with weapon groups. Cant make them :(  When i press G all i get is long list of weapons (that is placed in slots) where i can change one of them with arrows (this is in .variant editor)
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Trylobot on March 26, 2012, 03:55:38 PM
where i can change one of them with arrows (this is in .variant editor)

Use left and right arrows to change the weapon group for each weapon.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Trylobot on March 26, 2012, 06:47:00 PM
Now, i didn't load anything and i set over 40 weapons arcs and angles and then i press T and "EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION"... Back to Redbull editor :( And i like this one... Dude fix it plz

Yeah, arcibalde, I'm going to need more than that to go on. And comments like "Dude fix it plz, back to other editor" don't really inspire me to spend hours of my time on you. Let's try to keep this civil. And when I tell you to post a log file, post the damn log file.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: arcibalde on March 27, 2012, 12:48:14 AM
Well i DIDNT use other editor :P Like i told you i did use yours again with lots of saves but crash never happend. Strange, i could swear that i delete log. Here it is:
15679195 Loading STARFARER-CORE Data (Vanilla)
15679200 LOADED apogee.ship
15679210 LOADED astral.ship
15679213 LOADED atlas.ship
15679218 LOADED aurora.ship
15679220 LOADED brawler.ship
15679221 LOADED broadsword.ship
15679223 LOADED buffalo.ship
15679227 LOADED buffalo_mk2.ship
15679230 LOADED condor.ship
15679239 LOADED conquest.ship
15679240 LOADED dagger.ship
15679245 LOADED dominator.ship
15679247 LOADED dram.ship
15679251 LOADED eagle.ship
15679255 LOADED enforcer.ship
15679258 LOADED falcon.ship
15679261 LOADED gemini.ship
15679262 LOADED gladius.ship
15679265 LOADED hammerhead.ship
15679266 LOADED hound.ship
15679269 LOADED hyperion.ship
15679271 LOADED lasher.ship
15679272 LOADED longbow.ship
15679276 LOADED medusa.ship
15679277 LOADED mining_drone.ship
15679283 LOADED odyssey.ship
15679285 LOADED omen.ship
15679294 LOADED onslaught.ship
15679304 LOADED paragon.ship
15679305 LOADED piranha.ship
15679307 LOADED shuttle.ship
15679308 LOADED shuttlepod.ship
15679312 LOADED sunder.ship
15679313 LOADED talon.ship
15679315 LOADED tarsus.ship
15679316 LOADED tempest.ship
15679318 LOADED thunder.ship
15679319 LOADED trident.ship
15679321 LOADED valkyrie.ship
15679325 LOADED venture.ship
15679326 LOADED vigilance.ship
15679328 LOADED warthog.ship
15679329 LOADED wasp.ship
15679331 LOADED wolf.ship
15679332 LOADED xyphos.ship
15679333 LOADED apogee_Balanced.variant
15679334 LOADED astral_Elite.variant
15679334 LOADED atlas_Standard.variant
15679335 LOADED aurora_Balanced.variant
15679335 LOADED brawler_Assault.variant
15679335 LOADED brawler_Starting.variant
15679336 LOADED buffalo2_FS.variant
15679336 LOADED buffalo_Standard.variant
15679336 LOADED condor_FS.variant
15679337 LOADED condor_Strike.variant
15679337 LOADED conquest_Elite.variant
15679338 LOADED dominator_Assault.variant
15679338 LOADED dominator_Outdated.variant
15679339 LOADED dominator_Support.variant
15679339 LOADED dram_Light.variant
15679340 LOADED eagle_Assault.variant
15679340 LOADED eagle_Balanced.variant
15679341 LOADED enforcer_Assault.variant
15679341 LOADED enforcer_Balanced.variant
15679342 LOADED enforcer_CS.variant
15679342 LOADED enforcer_Outdated.variant
15679343 LOADED enforcer_Support.variant
15679343 LOADED falcon_Attack.variant
15679344 LOADED falcon_CS.variant
15679344 LOADED gemini_Standard.variant
15679344 LOADED hammerhead_Balanced.variant
15679345 LOADED hammerhead_Elite.variant
15679345 LOADED hound_Assault.variant
15679346 LOADED hyperion_Strike.variant
15679346 LOADED lasher_Assault.variant
15679347 LOADED lasher_CS.variant
15679347 LOADED lasher_PD.variant
15679348 LOADED lasher_Standard.variant
15679349 LOADED lasher_Starting.variant
15679349 LOADED lasher_Strike.variant
15679349 LOADED medusa_Attack.variant
15679350 LOADED medusa_CS.variant
15679350 LOADED medusa_PD.variant
15679351 LOADED odyssey_Balanced.variant
15679351 LOADED omen_PD.variant
15679352 LOADED onslaught_Elite.variant
15679353 LOADED onslaught_Outdated.variant
15679353 LOADED onslaught_Standard.variant
15679354 LOADED paragon_Elite.variant
15679354 LOADED shuttle_Attack.variant
15679355 LOADED shuttle_PD.variant
15679355 LOADED shuttle_Standard.variant
15679356 LOADED sunder_CS.variant
15679356 LOADED tarsus_Standard.variant
15679356 LOADED tempest_Attack.variant
15679357 LOADED tempest_Balanced.variant
15679357 LOADED valkyrie_Elite.variant
15679357 LOADED venture_Balanced.variant
15679358 LOADED vigilance_AP.variant
15679358 LOADED vigilance_FS.variant
15679358 LOADED vigilance_Standard.variant
15679359 LOADED vigilance_Starting.variant
15679359 LOADED vigilance_Strike.variant
15679359 LOADED wolf_Assault.variant
15679360 LOADED wolf_CS.variant
15679360 LOADED wolf_PD.variant
15679361 LOADED wolf_Starting.variant
15679361 LOADED wolf_Strike.variant
15679362 LOADED amblaster.wpn
15679363 LOADED annihilator.wpn
15679364 LOADED annihilatorpod.wpn
15679365 LOADED arbalest.wpn
15679365 LOADED atropos.wpn
15679366 LOADED atropos_single.wpn
15679367 LOADED autopulse.wpn
15679368 LOADED bomb.wpn
15679369 LOADED chaingun.wpn
15679369 LOADED clusterbomb.wpn
15679370 LOADED cyclone.wpn
15679371 LOADED dualflak.wpn
15679371 LOADED flak.wpn
15679372 LOADED fragbomb.wpn
15679373 LOADED gauss.wpn
15679373 LOADED gravitonbeam.wpn
15679374 LOADED guardian.wpn
15679375 LOADED harpoon.wpn
15679376 LOADED harpoonpod.wpn
15679376 LOADED harpoon_single.wpn
15679377 LOADED heatseeker.wpn
15679378 LOADED heavyac.wpn
15679378 LOADED heavyblaster.wpn
15679379 LOADED heavyburst.wpn
15679380 LOADED heavymauler.wpn
15679381 LOADED heavymg.wpn
15679382 LOADED heavyneedler.wpn
15679383 LOADED hellbore.wpn
15679383 LOADED hephag.wpn
15679384 LOADED hil.wpn
15679385 LOADED hurricane.wpn
15679386 LOADED hveldriver.wpn
15679387 LOADED ioncannon.wpn
15679387 LOADED irpulse.wpn
15679388 LOADED lightac.wpn
15679389 LOADED lightag.wpn
15679390 LOADED lightdualac.wpn
15679390 LOADED lightdualmg.wpn
15679391 LOADED lightmg.wpn
15679392 LOADED lightmortar.wpn
15679393 LOADED lightneedler.wpn
15679393 LOADED lrpdlaser.wpn
15679394 LOADED miningblaster.wpn
15679395 LOADED mininglaser.wpn
15679396 LOADED mjolnir.wpn
15679397 LOADED multineedler.wpn
15679397 LOADED pdburst.wpn
15679398 LOADED pdlaser.wpn
15679399 LOADED phasebeam.wpn
15679399 LOADED phasecl.wpn
15679400 LOADED pilum.wpn
15679401 LOADED plasma.wpn
15679402 LOADED pulselaser.wpn
15679402 LOADED railgun.wpn
15679403 LOADED reaper.wpn
15679404 LOADED sabot.wpn
15679404 LOADED sabotpod.wpn
15679405 LOADED sabot_single.wpn
15679406 LOADED salamanderpod.wpn
15679407 LOADED shredder.wpn
15679407 LOADED swarmer.wpn
15679408 LOADED tachyonlance.wpn
15679409 LOADED taclaser.wpn
15679410 LOADED typhoon.wpn
15679410 LOADED vulcan.wpn
15679411 LOADED ship_data.csv
15679412 LOADED wing_data.csv
15679414 LOADED weapon_data.csv
15679414 LOADED hull_mods.csv
15679414 Loading MOD Data: C:\Igre\Starfarer\mods\relics\data\weapons/
15679415 Loading MOD Data: C:\Igre\Starfarer\mods\relics\data\hulls/
15679415 Loading MOD Data: C:\Igre\Starfarer\mods\relics\data/
15679415 Loading MOD Data: C:\Igre\Starfarer\mods\relics\data\weapons/
15679415 Loading MOD Data: C:\Igre\Starfarer\mods\relics/
15679422 LOADED parrot.ship
15679437 LOADED relics_extinctioner.ship
15679462 LOADED relics_faithoper.ship
15679463 LOADED parrot_assault.variant
15679464 LOADED relics_extinctioner_Standard.variant
15679464 LOADED relics_faithoper_Standard.variant
15679465 Error: relics_evaporater.wpn  Error: expected comma or semicolon or close-square-bracket character at position 47720,5 24,0,     ^
15679465 LOADED ship_data.csv
15679466 LOADED weapon_data.csv
15679466 Loading MOD Data: C:\Igre\Starfarer\mods\relics\data\weapons/
15679466 Loading MOD Data: C:\Igre\Starfarer\mods\relics/
15679472 LOADED parrot.ship
15679487 LOADED relics_extinctioner.ship
15679517 LOADED relics_faithoper.ship
15679518 LOADED parrot_assault.variant
15679519 LOADED relics_extinctioner_Standard.variant
15679519 LOADED relics_faithoper_Standard.variant
15679520 Error: relics_evaporater.wpn  Error: expected comma or semicolon or close-square-bracket character at position 4720,5 24,0,     ^
15679520 LOADED ship_data.csv
15679521 LOADED weapon_data.csv
15679521 Loading MOD Data: C:\Igre\Starfarer\mods\relics/
15679527 LOADED parrot.ship
15679543 LOADED relics_extinctioner.ship
15679572 LOADED relics_faithoper.ship
15679573 LOADED parrot_assault.variant
15679574 LOADED relics_extinctioner_Standard.variant
15679575 LOADED relics_faithoper_Standard.variant
15679575 Error: relics_evaporater.wpn  Error: expected comma or semicolon or close-square-bracket character at position 47720,5 24,0,     ^
15679576 LOADED ship_data.csv
15679576 LOADED weapon_data.csv
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Trylobot on March 27, 2012, 05:45:18 AM
I found and fixed a bug that will cause a crash if you don't load the vanilla data, and it will happen if you press T, so I'm pretty sure that was it. Just make sure and load the vanilla data for now like you already are, and that specific crash shouldn't happen again.

This fix will be included in 1.9.3 whenever I can get around to finishing some other minor things
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Zilerrezko on March 27, 2012, 03:47:24 PM
Hey Trylobot, do you think this could work with missiles? having engines and all. Also with weapons (let's say we have a triple barrel gun of triple barrelness) can we have points where the projectile will shoot out of? and In a sequence? (left discharge with flare "animation", middle discharge with flare "animation, right discharge with flare "animation"), can this be done with your editor?
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Trylobot on March 27, 2012, 04:57:54 PM
For weapons and engines, you can definitely load up the images to get coordinates from them, and I'm pretty sure you'd be able to use those coordinates for things like barrel offsets and engine locations yeah.

Basic weapons & missiles editing is under consideration.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Zilerrezko on March 27, 2012, 05:06:10 PM
sweet stuff! Thanks! :D
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Trylobot on March 27, 2012, 09:01:16 PM
Bugfix update, 1.9.3

This is particularly for you, arcibalde~
Sorry you've been having so many crashes.

As always folks, send me bug reports with as much detail as you're able to muster and I'll try and fix bugs
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: arcibalde on March 28, 2012, 03:06:33 AM

And to keep it civil  :P

Tnx dude and i did manage to make my ship with your's editor as it is you know. Just didnt manage to make weapon groups ( i did them manualy). But with next ship ill try to do what you write...

And what about mirror turret adjustment AFTER you place turrets? Arc and angle? *blink* *blink* pretty please *blink* blink*

Ethical question to my self: Can I have 2x sensei?
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: arcibalde on March 28, 2012, 05:55:24 AM
Trylobot i abuse your editor little bit, load custom data (1 weapon only), load .ship and .variant and all systems are GO  ;D Everything is on its place. It load my weapon and it's in the list when i choose which weapon i want to place in slot .
Great work mate. :D
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Trylobot on March 28, 2012, 07:44:19 AM
Glad to hear it. And yes, the mirrored status of weapon- and engine-mounts (and mirrored editing of them after placing) is coming soon. You can in fact already do it with Bounds coordinates.

As for setting weapon groups, Press G, then Arrow Left/Right. To verify that the output is what you want it to be, press F2 to see the raw data preview.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: arcibalde on March 28, 2012, 09:20:25 AM
Yeah, yeah, yeah i already mastered weapon grouping  ;D  I'm getting gooood in this.  :P
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: MrDavidoff on March 28, 2012, 06:29:56 PM
Hey I didnt want to mix this up in my topic, since its related entirely to your editor. I come accross two things, that I would need to verify-

When I assign a weapon mount to be medium for example - I cannot mount light weapons on it in game, or assign it to be Large, but cannot use medium tier weapons, it is only posible to mount a weapon of the same tier, which makes sense, since I picked it in editor, but I think Starfarer does allow us to mount a weapon one tier down on med/large slot.


The universal mount - doesnt appear to allow rockets to be assigned to it in game. Which I honestly dont know if even Starfarer allows that.

Is it the current version and is it suposed to be like that or am I missing a feature ?


Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Trylobot on March 28, 2012, 07:00:45 PM
Hey I didnt want to mix this up in my topic, since its related entirely to your editor. I come accross two things, that I would need to verify-

When I assign a weapon mount to be medium for example - I cannot mount light weapons on it in game, or assign it to be Large, but cannot use medium tier weapons, it is only posible to mount a weapon of the same tier, which makes sense, since I picked it in editor, but I think Starfarer does allow us to mount a weapon one tier down on med/large slot.


The universal mount - doesnt appear to allow rockets to be assigned to it in game. Which I honestly dont know if even Starfarer allows that.

Is it the current version and is it suposed to be like that or am I missing a feature ?

Thanks for reminding me of this, I had forgotten about it.

My intent for the next version will be:
UNIVERSAL slot = weapon "type" completely ignored (ENERGY, BALLISTIC, etc)
LARGE slot = weapon sizes LARGE, MEDIUM, SMALL
MEDIUM slot = weapon sizes MEDIUM, SMALL
SMALL slot = weapon size SMALL only
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Trylobot on March 28, 2012, 10:04:33 PM

editor version 1.9.6 (starfarer 0.51a)
- mirrored-pair editing of weapon-slots and engine-slots has been implemented
- improved help text; added status bar; reduced clutter
- altered ghost-previews for all modes to make more sense contextually
- bugfixes related to validating weapon-sizes and -types for variant mode
- fixed bug where variant was not being notified when weapon slot is removed
- misc polish & improvements internally

Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Zilerrezko on March 28, 2012, 10:31:39 PM
wwoah, did you just become a moderator? I think I just noticed.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Upgradecap on March 28, 2012, 10:33:35 PM
Congrats on your promotion, Trylobot ;)
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Trylobot on March 28, 2012, 10:46:14 PM
Thanks guys. Here's to the Starfarer modding community!  (
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Tarran on March 28, 2012, 11:00:34 PM
Really nice program. No, seriously, for a one man team, I cannot really complain about basically anything about this.

Oh, and congratulations on becoming a mod.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Zilerrezko on March 28, 2012, 11:01:04 PM
uh.... cheers!!! :D

[attachment deleted by admin]
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: MrDavidoff on March 28, 2012, 11:40:43 PM

Thanks for reminding me of this, I had forgotten about it.

My intent for the next version will be:
UNIVERSAL slot = weapon "type" completely ignored (ENERGY, BALLISTIC, etc)
LARGE slot = weapon sizes LARGE, MEDIUM, SMALL
MEDIUM slot = weapon sizes MEDIUM, SMALL
SMALL slot = weapon size SMALL only

Thats real noice! You release the versions fatser than i can download  :D great work
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: arcibalde on March 28, 2012, 11:52:49 PM
Thanks guys. Here's to the Starfarer modding community!  (

Senseiiiiii  ;D  Drink is ok but what what about candyzzzzzzzzzzzz, cake (big one with lots of chocolateeeee). C'mon, we must celebrate  8)

P.S. And if you know what is baklava, Turkish sweet bring it on   ;D
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Apophis on March 29, 2012, 01:25:26 AM
My intent for the next version will be:
UNIVERSAL slot = weapon "type" completely ignored (ENERGY, BALLISTIC, etc)
LARGE slot = weapon sizes LARGE, MEDIUM, SMALL
MEDIUM slot = weapon sizes MEDIUM, SMALL
SMALL slot = weapon size SMALL only

In large slots you cant mount small weapons
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Trylobot on March 29, 2012, 06:20:51 AM
In large slots you cant mount small weapons

Fixed for next release
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: arcibalde on March 29, 2012, 06:52:54 AM
 ??? Nobody here likes sweets???? Wtf people!?

Yes yes yes i know off topic.... grpljf... partybrakers... nocandylovers... meateaters...
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Uomoz on March 29, 2012, 07:07:16 AM
Wtf people!?
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Trylobot on March 29, 2012, 07:54:35 AM
Wtf people!?

Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Upgradecap on March 29, 2012, 07:57:16 AM
Wtf people!?


I simply have no words for that.......................................................
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Uomoz on March 29, 2012, 08:08:20 AM
Whoa you guys didn't see Tropic Thunder?!?
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Alex on March 29, 2012, 09:06:50 AM
My intent for the next version will be:
UNIVERSAL slot = weapon "type" completely ignored (ENERGY, BALLISTIC, etc)
LARGE slot = weapon sizes LARGE, MEDIUM, SMALL
MEDIUM slot = weapon sizes MEDIUM, SMALL
SMALL slot = weapon size SMALL only

Minor correction: you can only slot weapons one size smaller. So, no SMALL for a LARGE slot. Also, UNIVERSAL trades this flexibility for being able to use any type - so, for UNIVERSAL slots, the size must match exactly.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Trylobot on March 29, 2012, 09:22:03 AM
Got it! Thanks for the clarification, I'll make sure this is reflected next release.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: MrDavidoff on March 29, 2012, 09:37:56 AM
Also, UNIVERSAL trades this flexibility for being able to use any type - so, for UNIVERSAL slots, the size must match exactly.

damm... there goes my ships advantage.. actually making it balanced  :o
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Trylobot on March 29, 2012, 09:51:48 PM

editor version 1.9.7 (starfarer 0.51a)
- displays more information in *.variant mode
- fixed bug where small weapons were being allowed in large slots, and also
  restricted universal slots to exact weapon size-match
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: rada660 on March 30, 2012, 09:00:12 AM
I wonder if its a possibility that when you do the .ship when doing the engine, that the program can show you how the engine trail will look exactly, would be nice, but I bet its impossible
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Zilerrezko on March 30, 2012, 01:57:27 PM
I wonder if its a possibility that when you do the .ship when doing the engine, that the program can show you how the engine trail will look exactly, would be nice, but I bet its impossible

yeah, actually that would be pretty cool
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Trylobot on March 31, 2012, 01:30:46 AM
editor version 2.0.1 (starfarer 0.51a)
- fixed bug with string editing that prevented some characters from being
  entered sometimes
- fixed bug with CSV editing (new data template)
- fixed bug where variant OP max was not observing the current CSV data
editor version 2.0 (starfarer 0.51a)
- can now edit single rows of ship_data.csv, and save into an existing file
  (find and update existing row by ID, else insert new row) or into a new file
- all known statistical data from all loaded ship CSV data is shown in a
  handy bar graph so you can see where your ship falls in the grand scheme
- corresponding CSV row attempted to be auto-loaded when loading a *.ship
- made ship darker when editing weapon slots or strings
- smoother zooming (continually integrated easing)
- fixed long-standing bug (since version 0.1) with global overlay
  positions when panning & zooming

Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Zilerrezko on March 31, 2012, 01:55:41 AM
this ship editor is becoming very very amateur friendly. I love it, though I haven't used it very much yet >.>
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: MrDavidoff on March 31, 2012, 09:27:53 AM
Thank you for the new version. Posible idea for next version - would it be possible to have pre-set angles?

like 45°, 90°, 120°, 180°, 360° ? or to have an option to type in the digit, so the numbers would be absolute and exact? Like the drag system, but 360-ty is an exceptional pain in the ass for example.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Psiyon on March 31, 2012, 10:02:01 AM
This just keeps getting better and better. Keep up the awesome work.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Zilerrezko on April 01, 2012, 04:32:55 PM
alright, I'm getting that same error as before, but this time it happens when I try to assign a weapon to a weapon group. I was working on getting a fighter's variant.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Archduke Astro on April 01, 2012, 05:11:54 PM
Thank you for the new version. Posible idea for next version - would it be possible to have pre-set angles?

like 45°, 90°, 120°, 180°, 360° ? or to have an option to type in the digit, so the numbers would be absolute and exact? Like the drag system, but 360-ty is an exceptional pain in the ass for example.
^^ THIS. Pre-set angles would be extremely helpful. What would be even more helpful would be MrDavidoff's idea of a floating textbox in which one could type the desired numeric value on a per-turret basis. From a precision standpoint, that would completely rule. Please consider adding these features! Thanks.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Trylobot on April 01, 2012, 07:37:10 PM
alright, I'm getting that same error as before, but this time it happens when I try to assign a weapon to a weapon group. I was working on getting a fighter's variant.

If you can post detailed, reliable steps-to-reproduce, I can fix bugs. If external data is required to produce the bug, post that as well.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Zilerrezko on April 01, 2012, 08:06:45 PM
here is all I have to do to reproduce the bug. Alright it's very simple.

-Import image
-Mark the weapon hardpoints (just slap it on there, no changes)
-press 2 to go to variant mode
-Press G for weapon groups.
-Finally move the right arrow key to reproduce the bug. (this happens by doing these steps in complete order, or going ahead and doing anything else then trying to change the weapon group [as far as I've tried it])
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Trylobot on April 01, 2012, 09:07:48 PM
@Zilerrezko: Confirmed, I can reproduce it. Thanks for the bug report. It will be fixed in the next release.

In the meantime, don't press G to assign weapon groups, until you have at least one weapon assigned to a slot.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Zilerrezko on April 01, 2012, 09:20:05 PM
In the meantime, don't press G to assign weapon groups, until you have at least one weapon assigned to a slot.

Ah okay, odd how it sees it as something to flip out and cause an error about it.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Trylobot on April 01, 2012, 10:49:28 PM
I'm not going to lie - this code is a slap-job. Don't worry about it.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Zilerrezko on April 02, 2012, 01:12:23 PM
alright, though wouldn't it being "nice and neat" fix a lot of bugs? But cost a lot of time to do something like that?
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Trylobot on April 02, 2012, 02:11:45 PM
@Zil: My intent is to fix all the bugs. We just have to find them first, and I have to find time to get stuff done. I recently had more free time than usual so I got a lot done, but at the moment work is crazy so it will be a little bit til I can get back in it. But I made a note of it, was able to reproduce and have a good idea how to fix it.

If you find more bugs, report them the same way and they'll all get bundled together into whenever the next release is, k?
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Zilerrezko on April 02, 2012, 02:15:37 PM
sounds good, till then
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Cordacc on April 02, 2012, 02:25:04 PM
what does the range option in the .csv data do?
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Trylobot on April 02, 2012, 02:55:10 PM
If you're talking about weapons CSV data, it sets the range of the weapon if it is energy or ballistic. If you have a range field in the editor.... something is wrong, because ships don't have a "range"
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Cordacc on April 02, 2012, 03:00:09 PM
its in your ship editor, there is a range thing that you can set which is automatically at 50.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Upgradecap on April 02, 2012, 03:01:19 PM
You're wrong, Trylobot, since ships do have the "range", but It's not used. In the ship_data.csv
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Trylobot on April 02, 2012, 06:51:27 PM
Oh oh you mean for fuel consumption - that has to do with interstellar travel, later on. It's like "size of gas tank."

The ranges for all your ships will be taken into account, as well as fuel units per light year, when using the hyperlight drives to travel between stars  8)
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Cordacc on April 02, 2012, 07:01:49 PM
oh okay good, I thought it might increase the range of every weapon you have equipped or something like that.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Durendal5150 on April 04, 2012, 01:24:17 AM
Just started using your editor today, instead of the online one from redbull. Have to say it's streamlined the process a hundredfold. I do miss the ability to type in variables for certain things, but that's mostly do to my mouse being overly sensitive.

o.o If you really add in the weapon editing bits, I may never sleep again.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Zilerrezko on April 04, 2012, 01:29:14 AM
durendal, you best be getting you chips and beer ready, cause you're about to the the all nighter every night, all year, sooner, or later. :P
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Trylobot on April 04, 2012, 07:42:43 AM
Thanks all, for the kind words regarding the editor. The best compliment you can pay me is to create your own ships and mods with it, and contribute to our growing community  ;)
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Uomoz on April 04, 2012, 07:52:59 AM
The Scourge is entirely made on Trylobot ship editor. All but graphics (MAN YOUR EDITOR SUCKS IT DOESN'T  DRAW FOR ME). Really, good job.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: WKOB on April 05, 2012, 04:13:41 AM
Thanks, very easy to pick up program.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: keptin on April 05, 2012, 07:33:45 AM
Big thanks Trylobot, your editor is fantastic and has a ton of nice features to bust out ships.  One of my favorites is the large zoomable interface that really makes placement a breeze.  Keep up the great dev work!
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Trylobot on April 05, 2012, 10:45:43 AM
Such kind words.. thanks you guys. It's been a very rewarding process  8)
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Upgradecap on April 05, 2012, 10:47:11 AM
I really don't have much to say. Your editor has helped me out so much that anything other than not crediting you would be horrible.
 Kudos to you, good sir ;)
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Trylobot on April 05, 2012, 05:53:13 PM

editor version 2.0.2 (starfarer 0.51a)
- fixed bug with not always saving collision radius and shield radius
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Nanostrike on April 05, 2012, 10:38:10 PM
So far this thing is amazing.  I have a question and a couple suggestions, though.

1) Default a new ship's Variant to "Hull" or something similar, so you can easily save a hull variant.  Since the Variant starts out plain, this shouldn't be too hard.
2) Somehow let the program link to the Descriptions file where you can input the ship's description for the codex and such.  Currently this has to be done manually.
3) Some sort of failsafe so you don't override your main game files and screw something up would be nice.  Not that I did that.  Nope.  Totally didn't.

1) Is there any way to give a ship more side-to-side maneuverability?  I want to make a ship that "Strafes" a lot.  But currently I'm not seeing anything about that as an option.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Trylobot on April 05, 2012, 11:16:19 PM
Hull variants are generated procedurally by the game, according to Alex.

It's doubtful I will ever add description editing to this tool, as its simply too easy to edit them in notepad right now, and my platform lacks basic GUI elements so it would be a disproportionate amount of work to put this feature in. I might anyway, in the future, but it's probably the lowest on my list.

Strafing is hardcoded via a formula based on the overall thrust, and modulated according to the ship size; frigates get a bunch of strafe. cap ships get practically none. I was actually asking Alex myself about this last week  8)
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Durendal5150 on April 06, 2012, 12:07:53 AM
1) Is there any way to give a ship more side-to-side maneuverability?  I want to make a ship that "Strafes" a lot.  But currently I'm not seeing anything about that as an option.

Strafing is hardcoded via a formula based on the overall thrust, and modulated according to the ship size; frigates get a bunch of strafe. cap ships get practically none. I was actually asking Alex myself about this last week  8)

Is it not possible to purposefully misclassify a ship to adjust that then? Does it affect anything else? Might give it a try.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: cp252 on April 06, 2012, 12:20:40 AM
Make your ship bigger than its sprite suggests, but that would affect... Everything.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Nanostrike on April 06, 2012, 01:21:11 AM
Strafing is hardcoded via a formula based on the overall thrust, and modulated according to the ship size; frigates get a bunch of strafe. cap ships get practically none. I was actually asking Alex myself about this last week  8)

Awwww.  That's disappointing.  I wonder if we'll be able to change that somewhere down the road...
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Trylobot on April 08, 2012, 04:00:34 PM

editor version 2.0.3 (starfarer 0.51a)
- fixed bug with shield-center Y-coordinate being interpreted incorrectly

Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Upgradecap on April 10, 2012, 07:01:38 AM
When are launch bays going to get implemented at last?
I really wish it's in the next update.........
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Ralkern on April 10, 2012, 08:30:36 AM
hi i just started to use this editor but i'm trying to make a wing_data file for my fighter wing but every time i try i can't save the file. i don't know if i'm doing something wrong but could someone tell me how to make a wing_data file?
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: K-64 on April 10, 2012, 08:31:59 AM
Just copy and paste the one that's in the core data, delete the records and start from there. Though you may need to tweak the separators in the spreadsheet application to just use commas and nothing else
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Ralkern on April 10, 2012, 08:56:59 AM
i fixed it, but didnt use the editor at all
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: arcibalde on April 13, 2012, 12:11:43 AM
Is it possible for you to make mirror editing of weapons angle and arcs after loading .ship? Now is possible after putting on ship but using already made .ship mirror editing is not possible.

Dude (Trylobot) don't look at me like that i'm just asking... Errr? What you gonna do with tha....!!!!  HEEEEEEEEEEELLLLLLPPPPPPP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   I got cookies? NO? Heeeeeellllllllpppppppppppppppp!!!!

edit: After using editor for modifying ships:   At one point i did trigger mirror modification of weapon slots on loaded .ship file... On some slots mirror modification works on some not. Why? I don't know...
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Trylobot on April 13, 2012, 11:23:21 AM
@arcibalde: Unfortunately, the problem you are seeing is that to edit in mirrored mode, the slots or engines have to be exactly mirrored for them to be detected. Some of the existing vanilla ships are "eyeballed" and so are treated as unique slots.

You have to move the slots that are "close to mirrored" around until the positions exactly match up; from that point on, they should move together.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: arcibalde on April 13, 2012, 11:35:31 AM
 :D Heheheh ok tnx
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: CrashToDesktop on April 30, 2012, 05:50:05 PM
Any updates?  I'm looking forward to launch bay support!
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Trylobot on April 30, 2012, 07:00:40 PM
None yet, haven't been doing starfarer stuff lately. Expect an update shortly after the next update to the main game.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: CrashToDesktop on April 30, 2012, 07:03:03 PM
Okeedokee, good luck!
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: keptin on May 01, 2012, 10:42:18 AM
This tool is so awesome, I want to support it.  If you make a little 250x70px "made with Trylobot's ship editor" banner tag, I'd be happy to put it in my mod's OP and link the image to your thread.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Uomoz on May 01, 2012, 11:15:31 AM
This tool is so awesome, I want to support it.  If you make a little 250x70px "made with Trylobot's ship editor" banner tag, I'd be happy to put it in my mod's OP and link the image to your thread.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Trylobot on May 02, 2012, 12:40:19 AM
Here's a banner, for those who wish to use it (I do not mind if you do not use it):  ( (

Also: launch bay support will be in the next version.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Upgradecap on May 02, 2012, 05:42:39 AM
Here's a banner, for those who wish to use it (I do not mind if you do not use it):  ( (

Also: launch bay support will be in the next version.

When can we expect the next version to come out?
C(please say It's this weekend :D)
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Trylobot on May 05, 2012, 10:42:56 PM
Latest Changes
editor version 2.1 (starfarer 0.52a)
- ship: launch bay mode; press L to use
- variant: weapon group autofire attribute added; press A to toggle
- variant: max weapon groups increased to 5

OP updated with download link; I also feel I should explain how launch bays work, because I only recently was corrected by Alex himself and had previously misunderstood how they work.

Apparently, every launch bay is merely a collection of points, and fighters enter/exit those locations when the whole wing needs to dock for repairs. The number of total launch bays determines the total number of simultaneous wings that can be docked. The editor reflects this.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: keptin on May 05, 2012, 11:36:17 PM
Awesome, thanks for the update, can't wait to use it!
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: CrashToDesktop on May 06, 2012, 05:36:23 AM
Oh-ra, baby!  Thanks for updating it!
When you place a launch bay, does it also play the specific effects when the fighter goes in? e.g. the sparks and welding where the point was?
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Erick Doe on May 06, 2012, 05:41:39 AM
5 weapon groups? Handy! Thanks, Trylobot!
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Upgradecap on May 06, 2012, 05:42:09 AM
This editor is the best.  Hats off to you, sir :)
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: arcibalde on May 07, 2012, 08:27:09 AM
Oh-ra, baby!  Thanks for updating it!
When you place a launch bay, does it also play the specific effects when the fighter goes in? e.g. the sparks and welding where the point was?

When yours fighters land every dot you put in launch bay make spark, some go on some go off etc. So sparking is connected with doting :)
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: silentstormpt on May 07, 2012, 09:02:28 AM
Can something like a weapon editor be done, for example, it allows to visualize the changes (view the fire animations and the weapon projectile/beam color/aspect) while you add the proprieties, seems that the only editor that hasn't been made that would prove very useful.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: EnderNerdcore on May 07, 2012, 09:40:20 AM
Can something like a weapon editor be done, for example, it allows to visualize the changes (view the fire animations and the weapon projectile/beam color/aspect) while you add the proprieties, seems that the only useful editor that hasn't been made that would prove very useful.
I was wondering the same thing!  That said a simple weapon editor might not be too hard to put together if it's mostly checklists and number-entry boxes.

Visualizing the changes is going to be a lot more difficult.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Trylobot on May 07, 2012, 01:33:44 PM
@silentstormpt, @EnderNerdcore: It is of course possible. It's even planned. But as you may expect, it's an issue of how much time can I find to devote to it.

If you get impatient, but consider yourself a competent programmer, I'd be more than willing to open up the codebase and post it on Github, so that you can add the functionality yourself and request me to merge it in.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: EnderNerdcore on May 07, 2012, 03:43:40 PM
@silentstormpt, @EnderNerdcore: It is of course possible. It's even planned. But as you may expect, it's an issue of how much time can I find to devote to it.

If you get impatient, but consider yourself a competent programmer, I'd be more than willing to open up the codebase and post it on Github, so that you can add the functionality yourself and request me to merge it in.
Don't worry, I work at Amazon, I know that even "simple" things can take quite a bit of time to program, particularly when they are hobby projects or on our free-time!

I would volunteer to help but unfortunately I don't think I'm reliable enough with my time or effort to assist. Instead, I'll simply be quite grateful to you and others who help make modding this game so easy for the rest of us.  :)
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: silentstormpt on May 07, 2012, 05:55:15 PM
Im not a competent programmer, i can is probably make something out of other programs code, what you can call a scavenger.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: maffo on May 09, 2012, 09:42:30 AM
it is eluding me for now, but how do you set the size of weapons slots? i just cant seem to find it. PS: i love it, this is the frst time i'm fiddling around with making a ship(fighter wing), but with this it comes rather natural.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Trylobot on May 09, 2012, 10:35:26 AM
how do you set the size of weapons slots?

Press T while hovering near the weapon slot. This'll give you a submenu to edit the properties of that slot. You then use the arrow keys to move up and down, and left/right to change enumerated values like size.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: FlashFrozen on May 21, 2012, 09:07:23 PM
I finally noticed a little thing that was bothering and figured out the reason.

I noticed that with the editor it lists the weapons in numerical order right?
it's nice and all up until the point it reaches ten, where it'll list anything beginning with a 1 in front of even single digit weapons

for example it would preferably be like this

WS 1
WS 2
WS 10
WS 11

But instead it's currently like

WS 1
WS 10
WS 11
WS 2
WS 3


Just a little thing that will hopefully be fixed :)
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Trylobot on May 22, 2012, 07:54:27 AM
Good catch; undoubtedly the reason why Alex used a convention of leading zeroes in his naming. I will fix this in the next release.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Archduke Astro on June 02, 2012, 05:34:58 PM

I need to ask a favor of you regarding some new functionality in the next revision of your ship editor. I'm badly in need of new commands within Ship Mode which will allow one to perform "select all" and then "drag all" when working with the entire boundaries polygon, engine glows, weapon slots & carrier flight decks. Here's why...

I'm performing delicate surgery upon a ship sprite of mind-bending complexity; one which another player authored and brought to completion. This hull has a major known issue which is a consequence of the ship's mass centerpoint being much too far off center when compared to the sprite graphic. ??? (Hey, we're all human here.) This otherwise-fun hull's mass offset issue makes it significantly difficult to work with in the game's Refit screen, so I decided to take action to repair it via your amazing ship editor.

Sadly, I was stunned and defeated when I realized that relocating the mass centerpoint not only moves everything else, but also that there is not yet any convenient fast and precise way to, one data-set at a time, drag all of those other ship elements (bounds polygon, engineglows, turrets & fighter bays) by an identical amount so that everything on the newly-overhauled ship now matches again. Is this functionality feasible for you to add? Please advise -- thanks!

"Help me, Trylo-Bot Kenobi; you're my only hope." :)
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: CrashToDesktop on June 02, 2012, 05:40:13 PM
Oi, same here.  There's be that odd moment for me when I have to move my center point after I do everything else (naturally, I do everything else before the center point. ;D) and It's a paint to move all the bounds and weapon, especially if it's not mirrored.
+1 Archduke. ;D
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: keptin on June 02, 2012, 07:40:18 PM
I'm performing delicate surgery upon a ship sprite of mind-bending complexity; one which another player authored and brought to completion.

You shouldn't be going much beyond 20 collision points as the more dense the collision mesh becomes, the greater the performance impact.  The collision box exists so you can have a much simpler collision shape for physics than the visual object itself.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Archduke Astro on June 02, 2012, 09:22:18 PM
I'm performing delicate surgery upon a ship sprite of mind-bending complexity; one which another player authored and brought to completion.

You shouldn't be going much beyond 20 collision points as the more dense the collision mesh becomes, the greater the performance impact.  The collision box exists so you can have a much simpler collision shape for physics than the visual object itself.

I'm already aware of this, though it's still good advice. Like I said, it's neither my sprite nor my ship design. ;) I'm just a Good Samaritan caught firmly in the no-mans'-land between the original creation's modder and the rest of the playing community.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Trylobot on June 03, 2012, 01:02:28 AM
Sure Astro. A good idea for a feature, and ridiculously easy to put in. I'll make sure it gets in the next release.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Archduke Astro on June 03, 2012, 01:27:52 AM
Sure Astro. A good idea for a feature, and ridiculously easy to put in. I'll make sure it gets in the next release.

Thanks, mate -- very kind of you! ;D I'll stay tuned here for future developments.

I'm relieved to hear it's not a hassle for you to implement my requested additions. Since I'm attempting to work on someone else's hull file which was spec'd with close to 30 engine glows and well over 100 bounds-polygon points, your affirmative reply is sincerely welcome. I'm sure that the additional functionality will help other modders as well.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Upgradecap on June 03, 2012, 01:29:39 AM
Archduke, what kind of ship are you building exactly?
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: arcibalde on June 03, 2012, 02:42:38 PM
I think it's Omega  8)
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Archduke Astro on June 05, 2012, 03:31:06 PM
Archduke, what kind of ship are you building exactly?

I think it's Omega  8)

[zen calm] I can neither confirm, deny, answer or refute such speculations at this time. [/zen calm]

I am, however, discovering that making a functional carrier flight deck is a real pain in the neck. :-\ First time I've ever attempted such. I know that launch-bay support is a brand-new feature in Trylobot's hull editor, but the implementation is less than intuitive for me. I keep going around in circles and am still unsure of the required workflow.

And the lack of a single (not spread through a dozen threads) conclusive, step-by-step tutorial for launch-bay creation on this modding forum just makes things worse.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: FlashFrozen on June 05, 2012, 04:08:08 PM
really? I just hit L and then shift+clicking until I have enough landing bays, lol
might also be why it doesn't matter where I click since they all land in the middle of the ship regardless

Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: CrashToDesktop on June 06, 2012, 11:54:19 AM
really? I just hit L and then shift+clicking until I have enough landing bays, lol
might also be why it doesn't matter where I click since they all land in the middle of the ship regardless

Not really.  I've had a whole bunch of different spots on a ship and they all land in the appropriate positions.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Sproginator on June 08, 2012, 03:12:22 AM
So i am trying to see within the ship editor as to how to change the type of mount, such as energy to ballistic, Missile and from turrets to hardpoints etc, Any tips? and what do i need to do to make the ship be able to be incorporated into a mod?
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: mendonca on June 08, 2012, 08:03:51 AM
You need to be in the first edit mode (hull-mode, I think) and then in weapon edit mode ('W', I think).

Hover the mouse nearby to a turret / hardpoint and then press 'T' (I think :D) for the string-edit option.

This then brings you in to the edit dialog for that point. It SHOULD be pretty straightforward from there (clue: use the arrow keys :))

To make the ship incorporated in to a mod, you just save it out (press 'V') whilst in Hull-mode, then make a variant and save that out, than edit the CSV data and save that out. Make sure the directory structure and basic files for where these files are is in keeping with the standard structure as posted by Alex in his examples ( (or just follow any of the others) and you should be laughing.

You'll need to actually make the ship appear in either a mission or the campaign, which involves a bit more java editing, but we can cross that bridge in more detail when it comes to it if you are struggling.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Sproginator on June 08, 2012, 08:31:05 AM
You need to be in the first edit mode (hull-mode, I think) and then in weapon edit mode ('W', I think).

Hover the mouse nearby to a turret / hardpoint and then press 'T' (I think :D) for the string-edit option.

This then brings you in to the edit dialog for that point. It SHOULD be pretty straightforward from there (clue: use the arrow keys :))

To make the ship incorporated in to a mod, you just save it out (press 'V') whilst in Hull-mode, then make a variant and save that out, than edit the CSV data and save that out. Make sure the directory structure and basic files for where these files are is in keeping with the standard structure as posted by Alex in his examples ( (or just follow any of the others) and you should be laughing.

You'll need to actually make the ship appear in either a mission or the campaign, which involves a bit more java editing, but we can cross that bridge in more detail when it comes to it if you are struggling.
Great advice, we need to incorporate this into an official thread, Like a "Noobs guide to modding!"
Lesson 1:
Spriting -
Etc, Anyone up for it?
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Sproginator on June 08, 2012, 08:48:14 AM
Started the thread guys, if you have any helpful information for it, please pm me, I'd gladly hear it :D
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: hadesian on June 09, 2012, 07:34:10 AM
Dammit. Not OS X compatible.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: CrashToDesktop on June 09, 2012, 07:46:25 AM
Err, Trylobot, are you still adding things to this editor?  You said that you would add the option to make weapons editing (I don't expect that to come anytime soon), but I'm just wondering. ;D
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Archduke Astro on June 09, 2012, 12:55:47 PM
Dammit. Not OS X compatible.

Fellow Mac user here. You clearly didn't read the first post of this thread very closely. :P

I've been using CrossOver for more than three years to run various Windows games through a VM. It also runs Trylobot's ship-editor program perfectly.

The program was formerly known as CrossOver Games, and it has Wine as its core. Older versions of CrossOver Games will also do the trick; I use v10.2, the latest is v11, which is also now known just as CrossOver.

I specifically mentioned ( to Trylobot ages ago that the Wine method works, which is why it's mentioned right at the top of his first post -- so that Mac users don't erroneously assume that they've been left out in the cold. 8)

Or run Wine directly, if that's your preference. Regardless, enjoy this editor - go forth and mod.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: hadesian on June 09, 2012, 01:15:07 PM
Dammit. Not OS X compatible.

Fellow Mac user here. You clearly didn't read the first post of this thread very closely. :P

I've been using CrossOver for more than three years to run various Windows games through a VM. It also runs Trylobot's ship-editor program perfectly.

The program was formerly known as CrossOver Games, and it has Wine as its core. Older versions of CrossOver Games will also do the trick; I use v10.2, the latest is v11, which is also now known just as CrossOver.

I specifically mentioned ( to Trylobot ages ago that the Wine method works, which is why it's mentioned right at the top of his first post -- so that Mac users don't erroneously assume that they've been left out in the cold. 8)

Or run Wine directly, if that's your preference. Regardless, enjoy this editor - go forth and mod.
I'll BOOTCAMP. It's small enough.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Vandala on June 09, 2012, 01:18:33 PM
Wine is a finicky thing to get working just right. For me it doesn't work.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: hadesian on June 09, 2012, 01:19:06 PM
Where's the OS X download for Wine?
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Archduke Astro on June 09, 2012, 01:23:10 PM
I'll BOOTCAMP. It's small enough.

Or Parallels, or whatever. Any of those emulators should get the ship editor running, too.

Wine is a finicky thing to get working just right. For me it doesn't work.

As I'm nearly certain you're attempting to do so via Linux, I'm doubly sorry to hear that. All of us non-Windows folks have our respective crosses to bear. FWIW, I have no experience of Linux but I'm glad it's out there as an option.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: hadesian on June 09, 2012, 01:24:37 PM
Wine is a finicky thing to get working just right. For me it doesn't work.

As I'm nearly certain you're attempting to do so via Linux, I'm doubly sorry to hear that. All of us non-Windows folks have our respective crosses to bear. FWIW, I have no experience of Linux but I'm glad it's out there as an option.
I've always wanted to try Linux and Ubuntu. Is it possible to partition the hard disk for an install of one of those, and then boot them up by holding alt as you turn on?
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Archduke Astro on June 09, 2012, 01:32:29 PM
Wine is a finicky thing to get working just right. For me it doesn't work.

As I'm nearly certain you're attempting to do so via Linux, I'm doubly sorry to hear that. All of us non-Windows folks have our respective crosses to bear. FWIW, I have no experience of Linux but I'm glad it's out there as an option.
I've always wanted to try Linux and Ubuntu. Is it possible to partition the hard disk for an install of one of those, and then boot them up by holding alt as you turn on?

I don't see why a multi-boot setup wouldn't work on a Mac. I haven't personally tried it, though, so be governed accordingly. Google around before you do anything hasty.

Having to do a complete restart is rather a time-suck, though; especially when you've got a strong workflow going and you suddenly need something from the Windows side of the line. The frequency of that would put me into full-time rage mode.

BTW that was one of the major attractions which led me to buy Parallels -- realtime switching between OS's without reboot. And its Coherence mode absolutely rocks.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Vandala on June 09, 2012, 01:34:33 PM
I've always wanted to try Linux and Ubuntu. Is it possible to partition the hard disk for an install of one of those, and then boot them up by holding alt as you turn on?
There was a way to test Linux without the need to even install it, you can run Ubuntu as an operating system from CD. I think it was called a Live CD. Not all Linux distro's have it, Ubuntu does.

If you already have a Windows version installed you can add a Linux install to it, multiple actually, as long as you have the disk space for it. Linux usually comes for a boot-loader program that allows you to pick which operating system to run at startup, you can switch as much as you want.

I don't know anything about Mac's, other then that they are in fact a version of Linux underneath it all.

EDIT: Parallels looks a lot like a Virtual Desktop, are they related by any chance?
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: hadesian on June 09, 2012, 01:39:56 PM
I've always wanted to try Linux and Ubuntu. Is it possible to partition the hard disk for an install of one of those, and then boot them up by holding alt as you turn on?
There was a way to test Linux without the need to even install it, you can run Ubuntu as an operating system from CD. I think it was called a Live CD. Not all Linux distro's have it, Ubuntu does.

If you already have a Windows version installed you can add a Linux install to it, multiple actually, as long as you have the disk space for it. Linux usually comes for a boot-loader program that allows you to pick which operating system to run at startup, you can switch as much as you want.

I don't know anything about Mac's, other then that they are in fact a version of Linux underneath it all.

EDIT: Parallels looks a lot like a Virtual Desktop, are they related by any chance?
Interesting... then it'll be a super dooper bootcamp.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Trylobot on June 15, 2012, 08:35:47 PM

Latest Changes
editor version 2.2 (starfarer 0.52a)
- ship: in bounds mode, weapons, engines and launch bays modes,
  you can now hold CTRL+ALT while RIGHT-CLICK dragging to drag all
  the entities on-screen at once.
- weapon slots: weapon slots are now assigned names with zero-padded numbers
  so that they can be sorted more easily

Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Trylobot on June 15, 2012, 08:38:33 PM
Interesting sidenote: it can be quite amusing (and satisfying) to watch all the coordinates change if you press F2 to preview the raw data as you drag  8)
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Upgradecap on June 16, 2012, 01:57:20 AM
I think this is a bug, but if you hold down the shift to place a new weapon, and then, the instant before you place it down using left-click, it'll crash. Don't know how often this can reproduced, though.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: ClosetGoth on June 16, 2012, 05:34:46 AM
Did you accidentally a word? :P I assume you meant that it crashes if you let go of shift the moment before clicking.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Upgradecap on June 16, 2012, 06:04:18 AM
I assume you meant that it crashes if you let go of shift the moment before clicking.

That's exactly what i meant.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: CrashToDesktop on June 16, 2012, 06:09:19 AM
Uh-ra, 2.2 is out! ;D
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Trylobot on June 21, 2012, 01:08:38 PM
Couple of announcements:

1. I will be making a tutorial video for my editor, narrated by me. A lot of new folks have been messaging me asking me how to use my editor, and I think it has reached a level of complexity where the side bar help and context help are no longer sufficient.

2. I will be starting work on a weapons editor.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Upgradecap on June 21, 2012, 01:11:43 PM

2. I will be starting work on a weapons editor.

w00t! :D
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: FlashFrozen on June 21, 2012, 01:17:08 PM
Double woot! I can finally make some multi barrelled monstrosity without the headaches!

Only thing that I can think of for improving now how the zoom function works, since it works kinda strangely atm,

When you want to zoom in on a part it'll always scale up the whole image and it tends to slide the camera back towards the center of the sprite instead of enlarging your current view's centerpoint.
Kinda similar to the problem the refit screen has

Bah Idk, maybe supreme commander has just spoiled me with zooming goodness :P
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Trylobot on June 21, 2012, 01:27:13 PM
... improving now how the zoom function works ...

Believe me, I already know exactly what you're talking about. I played Supreme Commander as well, quite a bit, and I did try to implement it. Something went horribly wrong with my math though, and I bollocks'd it up quite a bit so I shelved it for now, but it does bug me also. It makes working zoomed in quite annoying, when you're towards the outside of a large sprite. I do plan to fix it.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Aratoop on June 30, 2012, 05:15:51 AM
 It doesn't work :(
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: MrDavidoff on June 30, 2012, 05:17:46 AM
It doesn't work :(

What do you mean ?
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Aratoop on June 30, 2012, 06:02:23 AM
 When I click on the ship editor icon, it does not work and just creates an empty notepad :p.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Upgradecap on June 30, 2012, 06:34:55 AM
When I click on the ship editor icon, it does not work and just creates an empty notepad :p.

You sure you didn't mess something up in your system? It's an .exe and should work instantly on windows...

Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: MrDavidoff on June 30, 2012, 06:41:39 AM
When I click on the ship editor icon, it does not work and just creates an empty notepad :p.

You sure you didnt do something wrong ? What system r u on? Win? Any other similar problems with different programs ?
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Aratoop on June 30, 2012, 07:12:01 AM
Nope, none :(. I'm on windows 7,btw.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Sproginator on June 30, 2012, 07:39:56 AM
I'm not too sure, But its worth a shot, Do you have the Java Development Kit installed? Maybe that is why? I really can't understand why it doesn't work
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Aratoop on June 30, 2012, 08:30:02 AM
 I think the problem might be that it automaticly opens up a temporary folder and I don't even select 'save', or even see the screen saying 'download'.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Sproginator on June 30, 2012, 08:48:53 AM
I'm not sure mate
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: MrDavidoff on June 30, 2012, 09:05:13 AM
I think the problem might be that it automaticly opens up a temporary folder and I don't even select 'save', or even see the screen saying 'download'.

Wait, you say you didnt download it right ?
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Aratoop on June 30, 2012, 10:42:16 AM
 I did :p. If you mean hittting the blue link, then I shall go through:
drobox tab appears, but clicking on it produces a blank page.
 the option to run, or save flashes up for a tiny amount of time
 A folder labelled temporary opens with 2 notepads and 2 other files.
That's all I know.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: MrDavidoff on June 30, 2012, 10:59:04 AM
I did :p. If you mean hittting the blue link, then I shall go through:
drobox tab appears, but clicking on it produces a blank page.
 the option to run, or save flashes up for a tiny amount of time
 A folder labelled temporary opens with 2 notepads and 2 other files.
That's all I know.

What kind of a browser you have man?

Well.. are those notepads and other files you describe, by any chance, named:

readme & changes

? If so, just copy them from your temp. folder to where you want the editor to be - for OSD - I put them in Fractal softworks and created Trylobots editor folder.

If thats not it - could you make a screenshot of whats happening ?
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Aratoop on July 01, 2012, 07:10:39 AM
I only have one ship-ed file, one ship-ed settings, a readme and a changes. How do I move the temp.folder though?
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: MrDavidoff on July 01, 2012, 08:35:28 AM
I only have one ship-ed file, one ship-ed settings, a readme and a changes. How do I move the temp.folder though?

Select the files, copy them to whatever folder you want the editor to be.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: MrDavidoff on July 02, 2012, 04:26:39 PM
Im sorry for the double post, but i dont know, if this has been brought up yet - for soem reason my editor all of a sudden started naming weapon slots(IDs) instead of WS 1, WS 2 etc.. like WS00001 and WS00002 etc... ever since Ive been stuck with it and i get a "slot is null - make sure weapon slot id is correct", problem is, even renaming the slots to the native format doesnt fix this. ..

How did this happen in first place ? (I know it had to be me doing some magic, by total accident, but im  totally unaware of...  ::) )
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Trylobot on July 10, 2012, 06:01:43 PM
I did change the naming to be similar to the native format, but it shouldn't have caused any problems. Can you tell me more? Did you get the error from the editor, or from Starfarer? Do you have a *.ship file that will reliably reproduce the problem?
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: MrDavidoff on July 11, 2012, 04:15:30 AM
Hey Try, I have made a topic about this problem I had (Here ( Ive solved it by simply making a new .ship file and then .variants from it, with the latest version and everything is Ok. I sadly already got rid of the old files, but when i have time I will try to download my own demo and use the files in there and do, what i did last time and see, if i get the same result - sadly i dont remember exactly what I did the first time around.

It seems to me, that there may be a problem if you open an old .ship file with the latest version (whichever started to rename the WS in 000XX format) and "temper" with it. By tempering I mean deleting, adding new/old WS. But I cannot confirm it, its just a hunch.  :)

Edit - Managed to get the same error, when you try to make a new .variant, from a "clean" .ship file and overwrite the old .variant (that you may leave behind). Just a tip  -delete all the unused avriants, if your gonna name other variants the same way. Do not just over-write - will for some reason leave most WS blank, but will count all the OP - like the ship had the weapons, but the slots are empty.

Edit II  - for consisntency Im adding a post I made in the original error report topic.

Ive already replied in your editor topic, we should keep it in one place, in case anyone runs into same problem. I already posted, what I found there. I honestly dont know, WHAT causes the problem.

But I did get the same error today, while making a new ship. (aka no old X new version of the editor conflict would have anything to do with it) -

My work flow is allways the same.

I set the Center of the ship

Set the shields.

Bound polygons.

Add engines (edit engines  right, after their placed)

Add weapons slots (first add all of them, then point, then set the weapon arcs.

Preview - Ship details, set the ID, name etc.


Exactly like this I make every ship and today I got a the same error. So I redid everything (deleted ship files, started over). Once I made the variants I saved it over and old variant(from the first attempt), which had the same name (forgot to delete  it - just this one). So I over-written it. And.. then got another error, about the variant. SO I checked and as I stated in your topic-  it had the OP 155/155, but had only two weapons on it. So I deleted the variant and made a new one - that worked.

So conclusion - I cannot reproduce the "glitch" that causes this behaviour. But its either a bad corruption from the ship file (last time making new and new variants from the "corrupted" .ship file gave me the same resulting error). Or it can (also) be problem while saving/creating the variant.

But its very strange, that Im the only one reporting this.. (could be my bad - but as I say, i use the above method over and over..)

Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Trylobot on July 11, 2012, 08:00:28 PM
OK I'll look into this; sounds like it's consistent enough to be a legitimate bug.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: MrDavidoff on July 12, 2012, 02:12:15 AM
Ive tried to reproduce the first error - did not happen this time.

You can try, maybe youll be lucky. The first time Ive noticed I accidently put two small WS on top of each other at the front of the Vulture. So I went to the editor and removed it form the ship file - and thus got the error. (the Vulture was made by older version, I reopened it in the newest).

And this time - no problem, the game would crash either once you howered mouse over the mission window or displaying the vulture variant.

Sorry I wasnt much of a help, next time Ill send you the files as soon as it happens.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Trylobot on July 12, 2012, 08:56:20 AM
Ah. Yes, deleting weapon slots from a ship will definitely cause problems in the associated variant. That's by design. So perhaps, no bug on this issue in particular?

In any case, let me know if you do see it or anything like it again.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: keptin on July 12, 2012, 12:01:40 PM
2.2 seems fine to me, any problems I've run into with the ship editor were attributed to user error
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: MrDavidoff on July 13, 2012, 05:17:00 AM
Like i said before - weird noone would have run into it, so it might have been soemthing i managed to pull out unintetionally. About the weapon slots - its possible that last time i was unlucky and deleted a WS, that was used by the variant, this time i tried - i was lucky - got rid of the "empty" one - so no error there. However, still dont know, why all other variants made after deelteing the old WS gave same error. Otherwise Im happy for the editor  :)
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: MrDavidoff on July 25, 2012, 02:29:56 AM
Oki, check these out.

Link (

Edit -

Hmm.. weird, the ship file cannot be opened again in Trys editor (crashes it-closes instantly), crashes the game (gives the error as in the log), but I found out, that its caused by putting "" marks in the name of the ship. (not the ID, but name of the ship - it didnt have this problem, when I was making the ship the first time, just a heads up).
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: CrashToDesktop on August 02, 2012, 02:06:06 PM
Updating for ship systems?
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Trylobot on August 02, 2012, 02:33:46 PM
Lol 0.53a was literally just released :D

Yes I'll update and release the new editor in the next 48 hours or so  ;D
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: CrashToDesktop on August 02, 2012, 02:36:21 PM
Yea, I know.  Just want to make sure. ;D
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Sproginator on August 02, 2012, 05:05:24 PM
I had an idea, which i believe could be rather useful, A mission editor

Whereby, you load the custom mod data, if you had any(By the way you may wish to add a way to clear that using the editor's GUI)
You set the dimensions of the battlefield
You then either drag and drop in nebula/Asteroids Etc, or you just do it the same way with the weapon slots and such, but add a preview screen you can use, to view what it would look like in game, The coding (In extreme theory) Shouldnt be too hard i think, but i know not of that sort of thing yet
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: CrashToDesktop on August 02, 2012, 05:49:28 PM
I can't believe it, Trylobot your editor has the power to update itself.  It already added all the ship system information (SYSTEM weapon slot, in both the weapons and .cvs) and the phase .cvs slot.  The phase .png for the .ship file is the only thing missing.  Congratz!
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: K-64 on August 02, 2012, 05:56:59 PM
The phase.png thing isn't even needed. Just have the phase glows called <shipsprite>_glow1.png and <shipsprite>_glow2.png, with <shipsprite> being the name of the ship file itself, without the file extension, and in theory that should work
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Alex on August 02, 2012, 06:04:16 PM
The phase.png thing isn't even needed. Just have the phase glows called <shipsprite>_glow1.png and <shipsprite>_glow2.png, with <shipsprite> being the name of the ship file itself, without the file extension, and in theory that should work

Yep, that's exactly how it works. The phase glow layers aren't referenced in the .ship file in any way.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Trylobot on August 03, 2012, 07:42:40 AM
I can't believe it, Trylobot your editor has the power to update itself.  It already added all the ship system information (SYSTEM weapon slot, in both the weapons and .cvs) and the phase .cvs slot.  The phase .png for the .ship file is the only thing missing.  Congratz!

In a manner of speaking, you are correct. That's one of the main advantages to having it load all of the available vanilla and user-mod data: it gets to create a database containing all the values it has seen, and treat those as a sort of "codex of reasonable things likely to work in-game." When the vanilla data added more values, those new values get loaded at startup automatically. 8)
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: keptin on August 03, 2012, 10:05:07 AM
those new values get loaded at startup automatically. 8)

It made it that much easier to release an update day-1.  Thanks!  8)
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: CrashToDesktop on August 03, 2012, 10:52:02 AM
Yup.  Systems added to all my ships, made it a whole lot easier. :)
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Trylobot on August 03, 2012, 11:00:52 PM
OK, editor officially updated to support 0.53a. Let me know if you find any new bugs etc. Surprisingly little needed to change, as Alex seems to have restricted the data file format changes to the CSV only (ship related data, anyway). So I don't anticipate any bugs related to this, but you never know. Download is in OP
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: keptin on August 03, 2012, 11:12:51 PM
Sweet, thanks for the timely update!
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Sproginator on August 04, 2012, 02:58:37 AM
OK, editor officially updated to support 0.53a. Let me know if you find any new bugs etc. Surprisingly little needed to change, as Alex seems to have restricted the data file format changes to the CSV only (ship related data, anyway). So I don't anticipate any bugs related to this, but you never know. Download is in OP
This is why we worship you
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Starlight on August 04, 2012, 04:20:19 AM
Man, I'm way behind (mod working, no systems,) it's good to know that I can count on the editor after all (I thought we'd be waiting a week or two for this.)

Though erm... Trylobot, please say you've added something to control the autofire status of weapon groups.  Seems a bit daft that we have your slick, swift editor for almost everything except some simple boolean values which we have to go into every variant file with Notepad++ to set up.  z: )
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Sproginator on August 04, 2012, 04:30:55 AM
Man, I'm way behind (mod working, no systems,) it's good to know that I can count on the editor after all (I thought we'd be waiting a week or two for this.)

Though erm... Trylobot, please say you've added something to control the autofire status of weapon groups.  Seems a bit daft that we have your slick, swift editor for almost everything except some simple boolean values which we have to go into every variant file with Notepad++ to set up.  z: )

There already is haha, Go to Weapon groups, Go to a weapon in the group you want to change, And hit "A". A for Autofire, Handy eh? :P
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Starlight on August 04, 2012, 04:37:50 AM
It is!  That could have saved me some time, had I known that.  z: j
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Trylobot on August 04, 2012, 08:40:36 AM
I probably should have documented that somewhere


Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: silentstormpt on August 04, 2012, 11:21:02 AM
Hum did you add the new CUSTOM engine styles on the editor?
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Trylobot on August 04, 2012, 08:32:21 PM
Nope! totally forgot. I'll post back when I've got that taken care of.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Cosmitz on August 05, 2012, 12:45:43 AM
I have a weird issue. Just starting up on a mod for the game and running into issues with the editor. Basically it does not refresh. I mean, it stays at 'loadin' even though i can press to load a sprite after which it does show me the ship, but if for example i pan the view right or zoom or do anything else, i have to minimize and restore the window. I don't any changes, even though they happen, until i minimize and restore. This is on a fairly fresh copy of WinXP Sp3 but with Framework/java/etc installed.

As it is, it's unworkable for me.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Psiyon on August 05, 2012, 04:14:16 PM
Just to report: the editor seems to automatically close whenever it tries to open a ship with a CUSTOM engine style.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Trylobot on August 08, 2012, 10:22:47 PM

editor version 2.2.2 (starfarer 0.53a)
- added support for CUSTOM engines; press T while in Engines mode
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: keptin on August 08, 2012, 11:34:09 PM
HELL YES, you rock!  This tool is essential to modding; dozens of ships wouldn't exist if I had to spend time coding it all manually.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Trylobot on August 08, 2012, 11:50:45 PM

I'm glad it is saving you time.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Cosmitz on August 09, 2012, 02:32:16 AM
Now if only we'd know what each individual attribute does. :)
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Arrath on August 10, 2012, 01:01:41 AM
Just to report: the editor seems to automatically close whenever it tries to open a ship with a CUSTOM engine style.

To add to this, it'll close silently whenever I try to open a ship I've made with the editor even with stock engines. The log has this:

Quote from: ShipDesigner Log
Error: an object is desired, but something else was found: 0x00000000

The cause seems to be the ""styleSpec": null" tag added to engine entries. Deleting all instances of this tag in the .ship file will let the editor open the ship without crashing.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Sproginator on August 10, 2012, 05:14:51 AM
Just to report: the editor seems to automatically close whenever it tries to open a ship with a CUSTOM engine style.

To add to this, it'll close silently whenever I try to open a ship I've made with the editor even with stock engines. The log has this:

Quote from: ShipDesigner Log
Error: an object is desired, but something else was found: 0x00000000

The cause seems to be the ""styleSpec": null" tag added to engine entries. Deleting all instances of this tag in the .ship file will let the editor open the ship without crashing.
Just had that problem, Trylobot, You may want to fix this :P
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Trylobot on August 10, 2012, 08:43:18 AM
That's what I get for doing things in a hurry. Update forthcoming.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Sproginator on August 10, 2012, 01:41:45 PM
That's what I get for doing things in a hurry. Update forthcoming.
Okay :P
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: silentstormpt on August 10, 2012, 02:19:12 PM
Something wanted to ask, could u add a small "Square" with the color of the custom engine, so the square color is based on the input i place and shows me the current color i got there

Hope you understood what i meant lol :S
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Trylobot on August 10, 2012, 02:21:53 PM
I understand; you're asking for a proper Color Picker.

We'll see  ;)
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: keptin on August 10, 2012, 02:30:13 PM
A color picker would be sweet, but it's not too tough to just use Photoshop or any other software to find the RGB values I want.  Btw, I've been using 2.2.2 quite a bit the last couple days and didn't run into any issues yet.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Trylobot on August 10, 2012, 04:42:42 PM
OK. v2.2.3 is up. Fixed the crash: you'd see it if you saved a ship with any engines and then re-opened it with the editor.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Trylobot on August 15, 2012, 09:32:42 PM
Opened the source to the public, since I've now had several PM's about it.

View Application Source on GitHub (
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Sproginator on August 16, 2012, 02:23:47 AM
Opened the source to the public, since I've now had several PM's about it.

View Application Source on GitHub (

Sweet! Now someone can make a Weapons editor with this code rather easily, replace the ship csv with weapon csv, etc etc :D
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: medikohl on August 17, 2012, 12:27:41 PM
new update, can set built-in weapon hardpoints, but can't assign weapons to them
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Sproginator on August 17, 2012, 12:49:55 PM
new update, can set built-in weapon hardpoints, but can't assign weapons to them
Oh bum
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: WKOB on August 17, 2012, 07:16:23 PM
That's fairly easy to add without the editor though, it's a single line at the end of the .ship.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Tarran on August 17, 2012, 07:31:32 PM
I'm pretty sure it would be the .variant to assign weapons, not .ship. The hull files don't contain the weapons choices, they contain the weapon slots.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Verrius on August 17, 2012, 07:32:36 PM
You assign Built-In weapons in .ship
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: K-64 on August 17, 2012, 07:34:04 PM
And there's a line at the bottom of the .ship to say what weapon is in the built-in slot
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Tarran on August 17, 2012, 07:36:49 PM
Ah, you're (both) right. My mistake.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Trylobot on August 17, 2012, 08:53:11 PM
Even if it works partially, I still plan to go in and make doubly sure everything is good to go for all the changes in 0.53.1a RC5. There could definitely be some bugs
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: K-64 on August 18, 2012, 02:47:22 AM
Are you going to have the built-in weapon sprites show up in the ship editor? Just so that it's easier to check if the weapon will blend in nicely with the hull?
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: MrDavidoff on August 18, 2012, 03:15:28 AM
Are you going to have the built-in weapon sprites show up in the ship editor? Just so that it's easier to check if the weapon will blend in nicely with the hull?

I would second that, its not essential, but indeed it would help fine-tune the weapon placemnt without the need to save-open game-check in game-close-open editor-make adjustment-open game... etc.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Sproginator on August 18, 2012, 06:07:25 AM
Are you going to have the built-in weapon sprites show up in the ship editor? Just so that it's easier to check if the weapon will blend in nicely with the hull?

I would second that, its not essential, but indeed it would help fine-tune the weapon placemnt without the need to save-open game-check in game-close-open editor-make adjustment-open game... etc.
Yeh, and If that was included, how about making that work with other weapon sprites?
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Trylobot on August 18, 2012, 09:02:22 AM
I've been in the middle of a massive rewrite of my JSON parsing/stringifying library, but once I'm done it will be many times easier to deal with the more complex weapon data format. Fighter Wings, Weapons and Projectiles are all in the cards. Showing weapon sprites is pretty trivial to do, so I don't see why not. The rewrite is at the point where it's now as feature complete as the old library, but there are still one or two parsing bugs; but I also have a more complete test suite that I borrowed from, which should reduce the likelihood of data related bugs once I squash some of the current test failures.

Patience ;)
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: CrashToDesktop on August 18, 2012, 09:48:56 AM're making your editor be able to make weapons now?  What will my job be then? :(
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Trylobot on August 18, 2012, 09:57:28 AM
Probably the same as before, except your superiors will demand 20X the output. Isn't it nice
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: CrashToDesktop on August 18, 2012, 10:29:14 AM
Meh. ;D
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: arcibalde on August 19, 2012, 10:40:38 AM're making your editor be able to make weapons now?  What will my job be then? :(
dude i don't want to burst your bubble but he is an EPOCH! One simply cannot compete with that  ;D
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: CrashToDesktop on August 19, 2012, 10:52:26 AM
In my signiture.  No problem. 8)
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: arcibalde on August 19, 2012, 11:05:36 AM
I know  8)
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Sproginator on August 19, 2012, 01:29:27 PM
Back on topic, Can you please do a patch for Built In Weapons, They are such a pain in the ass, Thanks :P
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Trylobot on August 20, 2012, 12:29:03 AM
Latest Changes

editor version 2.3 (starfarer 0.53.1a RC5)
- added support for BUILT_IN and SYSTEM weapons
  includes being able to set the weapon from *.SHIP mode
  and includes not being able to modify the built-in weapons in *.VARIANT mode
  and includes not counting OPs from built-in weapons in *.VARIANT mode
- added support for Custom Engine STYLE ID:
  this is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED to use over the STYLE SPEC per-engine.
  But to use it, you must first define your Engine Style ID in the following:
- fixed bug in CSV Loader to properly quote fields containing commas

Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Sproginator on August 20, 2012, 03:44:19 AM
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: CrashToDesktop on August 20, 2012, 07:07:21 AM
Yay! :)
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: arcibalde on August 20, 2012, 03:20:47 PM
Traylobot i got this in my ship file in all Weapons code:

      "angle": -90,
      "arc": 90,
      "id": "WS0002",
      "locations": [
      "mount": "TURRET",
      "position": null,
      "size": "SMALL",
      "type": "ENERGY"

What is that: "position": null,   ?
I use last version 2.3
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: FlashFrozen on August 20, 2012, 03:57:35 PM
Just as a possible way to make the editor even more extensive, why not make the engine slot tool also be able to make an engine as a maneuvering jet? (IE like the conquest)

Oh, I was wondering when someone would ask that. You set the otherwise-unused "contrailSize" field to 128 to flag the engines as hidden (let's be kind to me and call it a "creative use of an existing, unused field for binary flags" - rather than an "awful hack"). They'll be activated by any system that modifies the engine glow.

Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Trylobot on August 20, 2012, 05:32:18 PM
@arcibalde: is it causing a crash?

@FlashFrozen: I didn't even know about that. I'll add it to my to-do list.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Sproginator on August 20, 2012, 05:36:07 PM
@arcibalde: is it causing a crash?

@FlashFrozen: I didn't even know about that. I'll add it to my to-do list.
I must say, you sir are a genius
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Avan on August 20, 2012, 06:28:39 PM
I noticed that once you load a line in the CSV mode, you can't set the line being edited to a blank one (if there is a way, it wasn't clear, or I was blind and failed to see <.>)

Also would it be possible to allow us to type in values for the angle & firing arcs on weapons? It can be very hard to find the exact pixels that yield a perfect 360.0 when using a weird base angle.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Trylobot on August 20, 2012, 07:29:23 PM
@Avan: Excellent suggestions. To-do'ed

As a workaround 'til then, set the arc to 360 degrees first. Then, clone that turret a bunch. Then set the angle. Ta-da
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Avan on August 20, 2012, 07:48:38 PM

Also I didn't realize we could clone them - that's useful :D
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: arcibalde on August 21, 2012, 12:42:42 AM
@arcibalde: is it causing a crash?

Well i don't know. Mod isn't finished yet. I'll try this on finished mod and report what is happen.

EDIT: ok i putted line in one weapon slot code, played mission with ship that have that WS, use weapon, NO CRASH everything is ok.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: xenoargh on August 21, 2012, 05:50:37 AM
Heyas, tried this out and I love it, especially the Mirror feature and zooming; just a couple of hopefully-minor things that I'd like to see improved:

1.  If you edit a CSV, it consolidates the CSV, getting rid of blank lines I've left to keep myself organized.  Can you get it to respect blanks, and, if we assign a ship an index number that is +1 for a sequence (say, 212, which would put it right after Vanilla's Shade) can it insert the line right after that number?  Both changes would save some manual editing.

2.  I love how this loads the custom mod data; if you've edited a mod before, can you make it save that and prompt the user whether they want to "keep working on your mod" and if they click yes, then reload the mod data?  Would save some clicks every time we load up.

3.  When it's time to be picky and get everything down to final adjustments, it'd be nice to be able to edit the numbers for things like weapon placement manually, which doesn't seem to be possible atm (sorry if there's a way, I just couldn't figure it out).  It'd also be nice if, when zoomed, it shows me the placement position as exactly as possible.

4.  Engine width in-game is maybe half the width that it appears in the editor.  It'd be nice to have a superimposed flame in Preview that was close to the in-game scale, look and size to make sure that's a good fit.  Just a minor issue ofc, but it's one or two more trips through the editing cycle and reloading the game :)

5.  It'd be really handy to have a preview of a phase ship in phased and unphased mode.

Anyhow, this is great, really looking forward to a PROJ / WPN editing mode :)
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Sproginator on August 21, 2012, 07:18:27 AM
Heyas, tried this out and I love it, especially the Mirror feature and zooming; just a couple of hopefully-minor things that I'd like to see improved:

1.  If you edit a CSV, it consolidates the CSV, getting rid of blank lines I've left to keep myself organized.  Can you get it to respect blanks, and, if we assign a ship an index number that is +1 for a sequence (say, 212, which would put it right after Vanilla's Shade) can it insert the line right after that number?  Both changes would save some manual editing.

2.  I love how this loads the custom mod data; if you've edited a mod before, can you make it save that and prompt the user whether they want to "keep working on your mod" and if they click yes, then reload the mod data?  Would save some clicks every time we load up.

3.  When it's time to be picky and get everything down to final adjustments, it'd be nice to be able to edit the numbers for things like weapon placement manually, which doesn't seem to be possible atm (sorry if there's a way, I just couldn't figure it out).  It'd also be nice if, when zoomed, it shows me the placement position as exactly as possible.

4.  Engine width in-game is maybe half the width that it appears in the editor.  It'd be nice to have a superimposed flame in Preview that was close to the in-game scale, look and size to make sure that's a good fit.  Just a minor issue ofc, but it's one or two more trips through the editing cycle and reloading the game :)

5.  It'd be really handy to have a preview of a phase ship in phased and unphased mode.

Anyhow, this is great, really looking forward to a PROJ / WPN editing mode :)
Some fantastic ideas I must say, maybe the ability to preview the ship with its weapons, that'd be handy
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: WKOB on August 21, 2012, 08:51:03 AM
I've got a suggestion too.

Donate button.

I'm flattered! ~T
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Trylobot on August 21, 2012, 11:24:42 AM
Added some To-Do's. Thanks for the input!

Heyas, tried this out and I love it, especially the Mirror feature and zooming; just a couple of hopefully-minor things that I'd like to see improved:
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Trylobot on August 21, 2012, 11:33:24 AM
@xenoargh: Regarding the automatic reloading of custom mod data; this is already the case. If you're having to re-pick the mod folders every startup, it most likely means the editor is not able to save its settings file.

If you're running this from "Program Files" or "Program Files (x86)", move it somewhere else. Like the Desktop or to the Starfarer folder. It has to be able to save its settings file (and a log file as well), and it always saves it adjacent to the program's executable.

If you're not doing that but still getting the prompts, can you reply and attach your sf-ship-ed-settings.json file and *.log file?
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: WKOB on August 22, 2012, 08:21:22 AM
Sent you a tenner, I've had issues with PayPal in the past, can you confirm?
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: xenoargh on August 22, 2012, 02:22:17 PM
@Trylobot:  I got it working, sorry to bother you about that issue :)

A couple more little things that came up:

1.  I'm finding it difficult to set up Variants with multiple weapon groups / linked / alternating / autofire.  What's the right workflow?

2.  When loading a new Graphic, I don't suppose it could bring up a prompt about whether or not we'd like to start a new .ship, and if so, auto-update the Variant data?  For example, Alex uses a standard naming convention of "name_of_hull", "name_of_hull_name_of_Variant", so if we've uploaded a new graphic, the prompt would ask if I want to start a new ship, if yes, then erase all the current weapons, hit polygon etc., and would auto-name the Variant to reflect that.  So, for example, if I name the new ship's hull "kestrel", a new, blank Variant would be started with "kestrel" and "kestrel_Standard", so that we don't have to remember to re-type all that stuff.  Sorry if this is a major pain to code, it's just a workflow thing :)

Other than these two minor things, I'm really loving this program, it's made working with new ships mainly about text tweaks and getting the graphics ready :)
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Trylobot on August 22, 2012, 03:30:43 PM
Variants with multiple weapon groups / linked / alternating / autofire
Admittedly, it's not obvious. I'm working on ways to make this better. But here's what I reccomend in the current release version:
  Click to assign all your weapons to slots;
  Press G to assign all the weapons to Groups;
  Press A (while still in Groups mode) to toggle between Autofire modes for the group to which the highlighted weapon belongs;
  Esc out of that and press T to choose Linked/Alternating for each of the groups (up to 5).

When loading a new Graphic ... new .ship, ... auto-update the Variant data ... workflow thing :)
Definitely. Added a to-do for this.

Something to note also is that when you load images and variants and ships and so on, it already (to some degree) sets the ids of various things to match the conventions you mentioned. I just don't have anything tied to the "load image" event specifically. But definitely good ideas here.

Thanks for the input! And I'm glad it's helping you be more productive.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Trylobot on August 22, 2012, 10:46:22 PM
Latest Changes
editor version 2.4 (starfarer 0.53.1a RC5)
- added support for fighter wings (wing_data.csv) editing: mode [4]
  with graphical formation preview!

Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: medikohl on August 23, 2012, 12:49:51 AM
when is the weapon editor due?
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: arcibalde on August 23, 2012, 03:09:50 AM
Trylobot in variant mode when click on weapon slot you get list of weapons but when you click on any weapon list of weapon stays... I switch between weapons but list stays...
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: xenoargh on August 23, 2012, 04:21:36 AM
Another minor issue:

If you've defined a .ship that has BUILT_IN weapons and assign said weapons, the next .ship you build will have the BUILT_IN weapons assigned, even if you've wiped out all of the weapon slots. 

This would get resolved by the "do you want to start a new ship" dialogue idea.  Just thought I'd mention that it's happening, as it causes crashes if they were assigned to weapon slots that no longer exist, which may mystify some people :)
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Uomoz on August 23, 2012, 04:36:51 AM
Small "bug": If you build a ship, then its variant, then you go back to ship editor and remove a gun, back to the variant editor, save both (all slots are correctly filled with guns), it seems everything's ok but that variant is actually broken because it still count the removed weapon as existing.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: WKOB on August 23, 2012, 05:52:23 AM
Sorry, I don't actually understand how to set up Built-In weapons.

I've made a turret slot, set it as built-in and when I hit 'U' there's... nothing. No dialog, nothing to click. Am I missing something really obvious?
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: CrashToDesktop on August 23, 2012, 08:19:38 AM
Well, this isn't your life's work (or is it?), so take your time.  I find that showing the wing formation is already a bit too much for me to use, but it's nice nonetheless.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Sendrien on August 23, 2012, 09:11:05 AM
Trylobot - In the ship variant screen, when I press H for hull mods, nothing happens any more. Is this idiosyncratic to my installation or version-wide?
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Veronw on August 23, 2012, 06:14:33 PM
Hello, recently started using your editor and I believe I have found a bug. I am unable to use the escape key to exit out of any of the interface options such as weapon editing or hull editing, I am stuck on those screens. I am curious if this is just on my end or if it could be an issue with the program.

Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: TurgotZ on August 23, 2012, 07:38:56 PM
Something I noticed not sure if it was mentioned already, if a variant is created with out any weapons assigned this is generated "weaponGroups": null rather than "weaponGroups": [] the null crashes Starfarer with org.json.JSONException: JSONObject["weaponGroups"] is not a JSONArray.

great tool you have created.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Sendrien on August 23, 2012, 10:25:06 PM
Something I noticed not sure if it was mentioned already, if a variant is created with out any weapons assigned this is generated "weaponGroups": null rather than "weaponGroups": [] the null crashes Starfarer with org.json.JSONException: JSONObject["weaponGroups"] is not a JSONArray.

great tool you have created.

Yes, I experienced the same issue.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Trylobot on August 23, 2012, 10:55:41 PM
@medikohl: It's done when it's done.

@arcibalde: Thanks, I'll look into why that's happening.

@xenoargh: Just because I didn't include your suggestion in this release, doesn't mean I've ignored you xeno. It's still on the list.

@Uomoz: Good catch, I'll definitely look into keeping them better synchronized.

@Austupaio: It should be as as easy as that. I might have made a last-second change that somehow broke it, I'll look into it.

@Sendrien: I'll look into it for sure. Could have sworn I tested this, but given everything else that's gone wrong, I can't really be surprised.

@Veronw: I'll test this out, but I'm pretty sure I haven't had any issues with the escape key. I wonder what's going on there. I'll think on this and see if I can come up with a solution for you. Maybe an alternate key or something.

@TurgotZ: Thank you for the bug report, I'll include a solution for this in the next release for sure.

I'll try and get a bugfix release out ASAP, folks. Version 2.4 has been a rocky road for us, but I promise I'll get this sorted. Heck, I have to use this darned thing myself!
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: medikohl on August 24, 2012, 12:41:19 AM
but I want it now!

I know how that goes.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Trylobot on August 24, 2012, 01:32:13 AM
Actually medikohl I think it's in a state that is more solid than it was, but I still have more bugs to fix.
I can't stay awake any longer, so I'll just release this as an "alpha" version. Full bugfix release to come when I can finish it up.

Latest Changes
editor version 2.4.1a (starfarer 0.53.1a RC5)
PRE-RELEASE: more bugfixes coming soon!
- fixed: can't set weapons for newly-added built-in ship weapon slots
- fixed: variant weapon list stays open after assigning a weapon
- enhanced: in mode 1, when loading existing ship data, all other modes
  are automatically populated with data associated with the loaded hull
- feature: in mode 1, press CTRL+ALT+[N] to clear out all JSON/CSV data
- some other misc. bug fixes

ALSO: Since the 2.4 release was so terrible, I have added links to all previously released versions. It's in a spoiler tag in the original post of this thread. Basically it's insurance against this happening again; If I screw things up royally, just go back to the older one that worked better for a while.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Sproginator on August 24, 2012, 04:51:41 AM
Actually medikohl I think it's in a state that is more solid than it was, but I still have more bugs to fix.
I can't stay awake any longer, so I'll just release this as an "alpha" version. Full bugfix release to come when I can finish it up.

Latest Changes
editor version 2.4.1a (starfarer 0.53.1a RC5)
PRE-RELEASE: more bugfixes coming soon!
- fixed: can't set weapons for newly-added built-in ship weapon slots
- fixed: variant weapon list stays open after assigning a weapon
- enhanced: in mode 1, when loading existing ship data, all other modes
  are automatically populated with data associated with the loaded hull
- feature: in mode 1, press CTRL+ALT+[N] to clear out all JSON/CSV data
- some other misc. bug fixes

ALSO: Since the 2.4 release was so terrible, I have added links to all previously released versions. It's in a spoiler tag in the original post of this thread. Basically it's insurance against this happening again; If I screw things up royally, just go back to the older one that worked better for a while.

Sweet update man, thanks
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Thaago on August 24, 2012, 10:23:18 AM
Wow... I just used this editor for the first time and I am very impressed! I'm running it on Ubuntu 10.04 under wine - the only bugs are that alt-click drags screens by default (this is probs something I could change on the wine/ubuntu settings if I felt like it) so setting weapon arcs must be done in the .ship, and that it doesn't detect the starfarer game at startup. I especially love the editor for ship bounds!
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Sproginator on August 24, 2012, 10:24:47 AM
Wow... I just used this editor for the first time and I am very impressed! I'm running it on Ubuntu 10.04 under wine - the only bugs are that alt-click drags screens by default (this is probs something I could change on the wine/ubuntu settings if I felt like it) so setting weapon arcs must be done in the .ship, and that it doesn't detect the starfarer game at startup. I especially love the editor for ship bounds!
It's really useful, great for new people :D
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Trylobot on August 24, 2012, 12:22:08 PM
Thanks for the feedback! I'm glad you are finding it helpful.

... it doesn't detect the starfarer game at startup.

I'm assuming that it pops up with a request folder dialog, you select the starfarer dir, and it fails to load it anyway? If that's the case, I may not have properly accounted for the Linux starfarer folder structure. Could you send me a listing of your files and directories from your current starfarer installation? It will help me help you and others like you (there's a pretty significant number of you running this in Wine).

If you are agreeable, please send me the output of the following command (after changing directory to wherever you've installed starfarer):

find .

Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Thaago on August 24, 2012, 10:37:54 PM

I'm assuming that it pops up with a request folder dialog, you select the starfarer dir, and it fails to load it anyway? If that's the case, I may not have properly accounted for the Linux starfarer folder structure. Could you send me a listing of your files and directories from your current starfarer installation? It will help me help you and others like you (there's a pretty significant number of you running this in Wine).

If you are agreeable, please send me the output of the following command (after changing directory to wherever you've installed starfarer):

find .

You are correct. I piped the output to a file, which is attached below - I hope it helps. Thanks for taking the time to make this tool, its going to make modding a lot easier for me (and a lot of other people already, I'm sure).

[attachment deleted by admin]
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: FlashFrozen on August 25, 2012, 10:35:18 AM
Only one little bug that still seems persistent,

The editor now doesn't deal well with extra weapon groups / modified weapon groups on older variants, and once you've saved said corrupt .variant, you will not be able to open it back up in the editor to fix, you'll need to maunally edit said file to get it back working. A weapon group without a weapon produces the Null and this can be if a weapon group previously had a weapon but the weapon is moved into another group, the old group will still remain but with the crash inducing null.

Something I noticed not sure if it was mentioned already, if a variant is created with out any weapons assigned this is generated "weaponGroups": null rather than "weaponGroups": [] the null crashes Starfarer with org.json.JSONException: JSONObject["weaponGroups"] is not a JSONArray.

great tool you have created.

Yes, I experienced the same issue.

Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Trylobot on August 25, 2012, 11:27:17 AM
@FlashFrozen: I'll add this workflow to my to do list and make sure that it also is fixed with the rest of the bugs related to "null" in place of "[] or {}". In version 2.4, I completely re-wrote my JSON library from scratch, so I'm surprised there aren't more bugs actually.

In the meantime, I recommend you switch back to version 2.3. It's in the spoiler tag on the original post, and it doesn't have this same issue.

The editor now doesn't deal well with extra weapon groups / modified weapon groups on older variants, and once you've saved said corrupt .variant, you will not be able to open it back up in the editor to fix, you'll need to maunally edit said file to get it back working. A weapon group without a weapon produces the Null and this can be if a weapon group previously had a weapon but the weapon is moved into another group, the old group will still remain but with the crash inducing null.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: FlashFrozen on August 25, 2012, 11:58:23 AM
Oh it's fine, I like the additional functionality, and nothing a bit of notepad++ won't fix  ;D
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: FlashFrozen on August 25, 2012, 10:45:40 PM
Ahhh, seems like the weapon group editor in the variant just got broke again xD

Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Trylobot on August 25, 2012, 11:47:44 PM
This release should address the rest of the bugfixes that I had planned to do. There's still the never-ending list of features and enhancements, but at least this should be usable for actual modding work again.

@Avan: You can now set angles and arcs of weapon slots manually, in the T menu for that weapon (mode 1)

@FlashFrozen: Can you re-test against your "extra weapon groups / modified weapon groups on older variants" and "opening corrupted variants" bug? And if you're stilling getting the bug, can you please send me an example variant for me to work with on fixing this? Also the weapon groups editor works now so you should be able to re-test. (LOL)

@Thaago: I have looked at the file you gave me, and it would appear as though the directory structure for linux is very similar to that of windows, save that the "starfarer-core" directory I am used to seeing isn't there, and instead it appears that its contents are located at the root directory itself. So, I have added this attribute to the list of directories I scan for the vanilla data and it should now work; though I don't have a Linux install to test it on. So, you're going to have to try it out for me, and let me know if it works for you.

@TurgotZ, @Sendrien: You should notice that you can save variants without weapon groups now, and it will properly encode the [].

@Veronw: I have added functionality to support the HOME key as an alternative to ESCAPE, just for you. I'm assuming you have this key?

@Uomoz: I have added some pretty complex functions to ensure that regardless of what changes are made to the ship data, that the currently loaded variant remains compatible with it. Let me know if you run across any issues with this.

@xenoargh: The built-in weapons bug you found seems to have been fixed. Also, you can now press CTRL+ALT+[N] to start a new set of data (everything is cleared).

Latest Changes
editor version 2.4.2 (starfarer 0.53.1a RC5)
- fixed: weapon groups list misbehaving
editor version 2.4.1 (starfarer 0.53.1a RC5)
- fixed: variant data incompatible with ship data if certain ship data changed
- fixed: empty JSON containers  {} [] ""  always being encoded as null
- fixed: cannot load vanilla data in Linux (probably)
- fixed: quoted newlines in CSV data
- fixed: can't set hullmods in variant if ship has no weapon slots
- misc: HOME key is now equivalent to ESCAPE key
- feature: direct value entry for weapon arcs and angles (press T on a weapon)
editor version 2.4.1a (starfarer 0.53.1a RC5)
PRE-RELEASE: more bugfixes coming soon!
- fixed: can't set weapons for newly-added built-in ship weapon slots
- fixed: variant weapon list stays open after assigning a weapon
- enhanced: in mode 1, when loading existing ship data, all other modes
  are automatically populated with data associated with the loaded hull
- feature: in mode 1, press CTRL+ALT+[N] to clear out all JSON/CSV data
- some other misc. bug fixes

Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Veronw on August 26, 2012, 12:48:04 AM
Thank you for the added home key functionality! Works like a charm now, should finally give me the opportunity to get my ships in game!  ;D
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: WKOB on August 26, 2012, 01:14:14 AM
With all these johnny-on-the-spot patches I'll have to throw you another tenner, srsly.

You are too kind!! ~T
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: FlashFrozen on August 26, 2012, 12:51:47 PM
Seems like the null issue is gone ( for now ) great work on all these patches, must be killer having to fix all this up. xD
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: CrashToDesktop on August 26, 2012, 01:18:17 PM
I'm getting an error from making a new ship.  I've attached the .log to my post.

Seems as if it's a result of your editor.  singled out everything else, and the one new fighter I made seems to crash the game.

[attachment deleted by admin]
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Trylobot on August 26, 2012, 07:22:14 PM
@The Soldier: You should be good to go now. Not sure how I missed this one, but it definitely would have made any *.ship files saved with version 2.4.2 incompatible with Starfarer.

If anyone else ran across this error, please download 2.4.3, open your ship data, and simply re-save. That should be enough to fix this issue.

editor version 2.4.3 (starfarer 0.53.1a RC5)
- fixed: incorrectly encoding weapon slots (fatal error)

Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: CrashToDesktop on August 26, 2012, 08:01:14 PM
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Thaago on August 27, 2012, 03:21:09 PM
Tried the new version, it loads everything correctly and I haven't found any other bugs under wine. In case anyone else runs into it, changing the drag key away from alt on ubuntu 10.04 is done via System>Preferences>Windows>Movement Key.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Trylobot on August 27, 2012, 05:55:46 PM
Thaago: You just made my day, buddy. Here's to teamwork (
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Trylobot on August 27, 2012, 06:56:21 PM
Posted a vid for the nubs: (
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: medikohl on August 29, 2012, 12:41:04 PM
Logging a bug.

I seem to be unable to change the flux vents and capacitors on the variant screen anymore
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Trylobot on August 29, 2012, 05:52:52 PM
I just tested it on the v2.4.3 download, and I have no problems.

Start -- [2] --> [F],[F],[F],[F],[F],[Shift + F],[Shift + F],[Shift + F] --> [C],[C],[C],[C],[Shift+C],[Shift+C]
Result is as expected: Vents = 2, Caps = 2

Can you run this same test for me?

Maybe try deleting your existing settings file and re-running?
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: MrDavidoff on September 03, 2012, 06:28:12 AM
Hey, just wanted to say two things - keep up the good work :) love the progress you made with the editor ever since I can remember to start using it, it has walked a loong line. :)

One thing I would like to suggest/ask for though - if possible, could the weapons still blink, when selected in the Weapon Groups menu? I like that they dont jump off now when moved
in a different group, but occasionly I need to be sure which of weapon I have selected, for example when I wanna make a broadside group. (Ive browsed over last two pages quickly and
I didnt see anyone mention it, but Im sorry if it was already mentioned).

Thats my thought on using the 2.4.3, otherwise no problem and only awesomeness instead  8)
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Trylobot on September 03, 2012, 09:25:54 AM
MrDavidoff that's a really great idea, and I'll add that to my list.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: xenoargh on September 03, 2012, 09:47:45 PM
One small issue I'm having with 2.4.3 (which is better in every other way) is that +/- no longer appear to zoom.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Trylobot on September 04, 2012, 07:57:08 AM
I'll look into this. Thanks for the report.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: xenoargh on September 04, 2012, 08:04:48 AM
Would be handy, my middle-mouse wheel is purposefully disabled :)
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Okim on September 05, 2012, 01:41:34 AM
Having problems with weapons list. Can you add some pgdn/pgup keys for scrolling the list up/down? Also those keys could be used to select upper, middle, lower weapons. Huge weapon lists make it a headache to select the weapon put in its end.

Also an option to completely turn off vanilla weapons would be nice for those of us who a focused on total convertions.

Nevertheless that`s an incredibly useful and helpful tool. Nice work :)
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Trylobot on September 05, 2012, 09:06:15 AM

I am aware of the problems that arise with long lists, and am working on a couple of things to resolve that. I believe my first attempt involves "zooming out" the list to some degree, though I'm not sure if that made it into 2.4.3 or not.

As for turning off vanilla weapons, you can do this already to some degree. In your settings file there is an entry for Starfarer's directory; change this value to null. The editor will of course prompt you every time thereafter, but if you cancel the dialog it will not try to load the vanilla data at all. Let me know if this doesn't work for you.

I should also probably add a mod-manager-esque list that allows folks to enable/disable mods in the editor, including vanilla data, so that manual editing of settings file isn't necesary.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Ghoti on September 05, 2012, 09:49:56 AM
you can just let the user type a partial name, that would work.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Trylobot on September 05, 2012, 11:56:20 AM
Not a bad idea
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: TheHappyFace on September 06, 2012, 12:59:46 AM
one issue i have is that i cant set a built-in weapons...
or am i doing it wrong...
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: LazyWizard on September 06, 2012, 01:28:31 AM
one issue i have is that i cant set a built-in weapons...
or am i doing it wrong...

In Hull Mode, hit W to edit weapon slots, highlight the slot you want to be built-in and press T. Change ship.weapon.type to BUILT_IN, then press U to switch to editing built-in weapons. You should be able to set the weapon used there.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: TheHappyFace on September 06, 2012, 01:52:47 AM
one issue i have is that i cant set a built-in weapons...
or am i doing it wrong...

In Hull Mode, hit W to edit weapon slots, highlight the slot you want to be built-in and press T. Change ship.weapon.type to BUILT_IN, then press U to switch to editing built-in weapons. You should be able to set the weapon used there.

thanks for the help, i'll look at it asap
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Trylobot on September 08, 2012, 01:54:36 PM
Latest Changes
editor version 2.4.4 (starfarer 0.53.1a RC5)
- fixed: +/- keys not working
- fixed: synchronization of hull/variant/csv names
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: xenoargh on September 08, 2012, 02:01:47 PM
Yay, will test it out pronto, I have many ships to implement :)
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Sproginator on September 09, 2012, 01:33:50 AM
Sweet, any new features coming up?
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Piroton on September 09, 2012, 02:04:33 AM
Uh, I'm not sure if this has come up before, but how do I implement custom weapons in ShipEd? Or is this as-of-yet unimplemented?

Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: LazyWizard on September 09, 2012, 04:39:16 AM
Uh, I'm not sure if this has come up before, but how do I implement custom weapons in ShipEd? Or is this as-of-yet unimplemented?


You need to load your mod data with M first, then your weapons will show up in the weapon select menus. :)
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Trylobot on September 09, 2012, 03:10:25 PM
I think he means actually making new weapons, LW.

sproginator, Piroton: the next feature is the weapon editor. But as to when it will be released, I don't know. You are welcome to view the source repository to see what I've been doing lately with it, and progress is being made, but it's not ready for prime time yet.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Okim on September 10, 2012, 01:40:58 AM
 Press (C) to enter "Set Shield Center" mode
    Then, Click to set a center
    Then, Click again to set a shield radius
    IMPORTANT: The shield area should be entirely within the collision area

Typo in readme: should be S instead of C :)
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Uomoz on September 11, 2012, 10:08:14 AM
And once again, I find myself abusing of this amazing tool without even noticing. TY Trylobot.

EDIT: latest version have some messed up code (I rolled back to 2.4.3). Naming the Variant and\or assigning ALTERNATING\LINKED (all the things you do with T in variant mode) were very messed up (ex. it was putting the variant name in the weapon group mode "slot").
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Trylobot on September 12, 2012, 12:05:46 AM
Whoa... I'll look into this right away Uomoz. Thanks for the report

edit: Can you give me some steps to reproduce? I'm having trouble with it
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: DelicateTask on September 12, 2012, 12:21:43 PM
Okay, so I looked into using Wine to run this on my Mac, and saw the steps it would take...

Aww, hell no.

I actually thought about trying to set up Wine, but it turns out that Xcode is no longer available for 10.6, which is stupid because there are lots of people still using Snow Leopard (I strongly dislike 10.7). Considering all of the programs, libraries and tweaking that would be required (not to mention finding backdated versions of programs), I decided not to waste my life on what would likely end with no progress and a ton of random files all over my computer.

Can someone eventually figure out a way to show some non Windows users some love, please? I'm getting frustrated when my attempts at modding fall flat on their faces, while I just stare in dismay and try to figure out what I could've possibly missed.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Uomoz on September 12, 2012, 12:23:47 PM
Whoa... I'll look into this right away Uomoz. Thanks for the report

edit: Can you give me some steps to reproduce? I'm having trouble with it

Ehrrr, it was a modded ship. Can't say much else! While saving it moved values i set (like variant name and variant ID) around, in the ALTERNATING and LINKED "slots". While i was writing\setting em in the program they seemed fine.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Trylobot on September 12, 2012, 01:43:15 PM
Can someone eventually figure out a way to show some non Windows users some love, please?

This editor is open-source, and BlitzMax programs compile on Mac. I simply don't own a Mac of my own to test it on.
Download the source here: (

Download BlitzMax (choose the "TRY NOW" link for either Intel or PPC Mac): (

If you have issues with the app itself, I'll try to fix them based on your description of what went wrong. Just try to keep in mind, this is donationware.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: FlashFrozen on September 13, 2012, 03:20:04 PM
Idk, but just as personal thing, the custom engine is kinda annoying since with one accidental arrow key, it'll basically reset the custom engine ( if you left/right arrow key the engine type from the custom class)

Anyway to sorta preserve the last known custom configuration?
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Trylobot on September 13, 2012, 03:24:36 PM
It's actually best to externally define your custom engine types that you intend to re-use, then reference them by id instead. I made a note of it in the changelog.

This isn't to say you're wrong (because you have a very valid point), but I don't think I'll be messing with that behavior anytime soon (or I may just enforce the use of the below method programmatically with auto-named styles or some other such wizardry)

Custom Engine STYLE ID:
  this is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED to use over the STYLE SPEC per-engine.
  But to use it, you must first define your Engine Style ID in the following:
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: xenoargh on September 14, 2012, 05:44:23 PM
Tested 2.4.4; +/- works again, thanks very much :)
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: xenoargh on September 14, 2012, 06:02:30 PM
Whoops, found a weird bug; when you go and name things, then come back to the Ship/Variant details, it appears that a lot of strings are getting corrupted.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Trylobot on September 14, 2012, 06:14:38 PM
Yeah, Uomoz said the same thing. I've not had a minute to spare this week but I'm gonna try and find some time this weekend to address this.

And hey, if anyone wants to take a crack at my source code, fork me and request a pull I'd be happy to review it. But the code's pretty much a horrific mess so I'm not holding my breath on that.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Trylobot on September 15, 2012, 12:30:01 AM
Latest Changes
editor version 2.4.5 (starfarer 0.53.1a RC5)
- fixed: strange data corruption bugs on main ship and variant string editors

Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Uomoz on September 15, 2012, 12:16:48 PM

Ty man, always a pleasure to support you!
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Dragar on September 15, 2012, 04:29:18 PM
hmm, no matter what I do I keep getting this error when trying to make my own ship(that uses the onslaught as the sprite for now but still)

Thread-6] ERROR com.fs.starfarer.combat.String  - java.lang.RuntimeException: Ship hull variant or fighter wing with id: [lenko_myship_variant] not found!
java.lang.RuntimeException: Ship hull variant or fighter wing with id: [lenko_myship_variant] not found!
   at com.fs.starfarer.loading.FleetCreationSpec.o00000(Unknown Source)
   at com.fs.starfarer.loading.SpecStore.Ò00000(Unknown Source)
   at com.fs.starfarer.loading.SpecStore.super(Unknown Source)
   at com.fs.starfarer.loading.G.o00000(Unknown Source)
   at Source)
   at com.fs.starfarer.combat.String.o00000(Unknown Source)
   at com.fs.starfarer.StarfarerLauncher$ Source)

It says that the variant file is not found but I'm looking at it right now and its in the right place.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: medikohl on September 16, 2012, 02:20:45 AM
How's the progress on the weapon editor?
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: CrashToDesktop on September 16, 2012, 05:41:35 AM
Everyone wants that, don't they?
Be a man, do it with code like me! ;D
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Ghoti on September 16, 2012, 08:41:39 AM
Everyone wants that, don't they?
Be a man, do it with code like me! ;D
NO  >:(
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Sproginator on September 16, 2012, 10:21:19 AM
Everyone wants that, don't they?
Be a man, do it with code like me! ;D
NO  >:(
That's just fantastic :P
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Trylobot on September 16, 2012, 06:07:27 PM
I'm almost done with the loading and rendering of images, but I realized I also have to implement projectiles as well to some degree to be able to show any missile weapon properly.

TL;DR: not much.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: medikohl on September 17, 2012, 09:15:35 PM
I'm almost done with the loading and rendering of images, but I realized I also have to implement projectiles as well to some degree to be able to show any missile weapon properly.

TL;DR: not much.
good, been waiting on this so I can start making a few custom built in weapons
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Uomoz on September 17, 2012, 09:21:33 PM
I'm almost done with the loading and rendering of images, but I realized I also have to implement projectiles as well to some degree to be able to show any missile weapon properly.

TL;DR: not much.
good, been waiting on this so I can start making a few custom built in weapons

It's very easy, really ;).
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: medikohl on September 17, 2012, 10:00:15 PM
I'm almost done with the loading and rendering of images, but I realized I also have to implement projectiles as well to some degree to be able to show any missile weapon properly.

TL;DR: not much.
good, been waiting on this so I can start making a few custom built in weapons

It's very easy, really ;).

True, but I'm lazy
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Trylobot on September 18, 2012, 07:48:43 AM
I'll probably release some kind of partial weapons editor at some point that allows editing in such a way that is easy for me to code and probably quite awkward to use.

Then I will identify what are hardest parts of weapon editing to "guess at." And try to come up with ways to make those things more intuitive.

If you have any suggestions for these kinds of things (parts of weapon editing that would benefit most from encoded rules and visualizations), feel free to let me know in this thread and I will try and prioritize them.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: WKOB on September 18, 2012, 08:26:54 AM
The only thing I find annoying to do manually about weapons is the barrel offsets. So if you did that, and that alone, I'd be elated.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: xenoargh on September 18, 2012, 10:29:47 AM
Yeah, barrel offsets and the graphical distances. 

The way it works in the game atm is really awkward; really should ask Alex if it'd be possible to just add in a displacement variable for barrels on the Y axis, so that turret / barrel graphics could be as small as possible and not waste huge amounts of space.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Ghoti on September 18, 2012, 11:12:53 AM
... ?

That's a pretty strange place to optimize.

For example.

Here is my flare PD launcher:
Here it is in a 2000*2000 image at the center.

1.08KB vs 16.4KB

Of course loading it into memory is another matter, but trimming images is better done on Alex's side.

[attachment deleted by admin]
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: xenoargh on September 18, 2012, 11:24:08 AM
It just seems really weird and un-natural to me, to waste 40*24 pixels of an image in order to center a turret, is all. 

If the quad's trimmed down to the actual size somehow, no biggie, but if not, it's wasting a lot of texel operations, too.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Alex on September 18, 2012, 02:45:58 PM
It just seems really weird and un-natural to me, to waste 40*24 pixels of an image in order to center a turret, is all. 

Makes it easier to draw barrels as another layer in the same PS file, I'd imagine. It's also easier to specify the weapon file manually - one less set of coordinates to worry about. The only "waste" here is of video memory, and it's negligible. It'd take 100+ different large-ish weapons to take up 1 meg of video memory (note that trimming barrels down would not take it down to 0). For comparison, a single Onslaught takes up about that much.

If the quad's trimmed down to the actual size somehow, no biggie, but if not, it's wasting a lot of texel operations, too.

It's not trimmed down - those texel operations are likely cheaper than computing an extra pair of coordinates on the CPU, though neither is much to worry about.

This is exactly the kind of optimization that's just not worth doing, until it becomes a clear bottleneck. Actually, pretty much all optimizations fall in that category. This one is just so minor that I don't see it ever being worth it, though - never mind that it's not a clear optimization, but a tradeoff - and introduces added complexity in a few places.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Ghoti on September 18, 2012, 03:05:18 PM
I'm noting no one has downloaded my 2000*2000 flare PD graphic.  ;D
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Alex on September 18, 2012, 03:15:34 PM
Heheh. That would be a problem in-game, btw :)
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: xenoargh on September 18, 2012, 04:44:45 PM
It's not trimmed down - those texel operations are likely cheaper than computing an extra pair of coordinates on the CPU, though neither is much to worry about.
Oh; I figured you were just magically resizing it down to the nearest un-clear pixel +1 when building the display list for each quad so it was just a few texels per quad.

Anyhow, you're obviously right, the game's not exactly choking on draw calls.  It just seems weird to me after all these years of working on stuff where texture space / memory / etc. was considered to be a really big deal :)
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: ValkyriaL on September 20, 2012, 03:11:58 PM
Trylobot, about your editor, is it possible for you to add a scrolling feature to the weapon group assignment list? because you can't see what you are doing if your ship has more than 51 weapons, anything above that number will be outside the editor window.  ;)
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Trylobot on September 20, 2012, 07:02:59 PM
Yes - but in the meantime, increase your resolution in the settings file, and likewise in the settings file reduce your font size
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Erick Doe on September 21, 2012, 07:44:26 AM
Trylobot, is the custom engine feature broken? When I add a custom engine myself I'm having no problems, but when I do it through the editor, it gives me a [type] missing error.

Fatal: Key [type] is required

"style": "CUSTOM",
      "styleSpec": {
        "type_": "GLOW",
        "engineColor": [
        "contrailColor": [
        "contrailParticleSizeMult": 0.5,
        "contrailParticleDuration": 0.5,
        "contrailMaxSpeedMult": 0.5,
        "contrailAngularVelocityMult": 0.5
      "width": 79.0

Type is set to "GLOW". Is it perhaps the underscore after "type_": ?
In my custom engines I don't have an underscore after "type":

                  "type":"GLOW" # GLOW or SMOKE
      "width": 10.0
      "angle": 180.0,
      "contrailSize": 30.0,
      "length": 30.0,
      "location": [
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: silentstormpt on September 21, 2012, 11:41:05 AM
Yeah i noticed, seem to be a typo.

Anyway as always thanks for your work Trylobot
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: ValkyriaL on September 21, 2012, 12:37:34 PM
Should have put this in the last comment, but can you also add so that you can add a bound between 2 existing bounds? so you wont have to remove half the ship worth of bounds for a new bound you want somewhere halfway on the ship.

And the weapon modes and more options really helped allot, keep up the good work man.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Sproginator on September 21, 2012, 01:08:21 PM
Should have put this in the last comment, but can you also add so that you can add a bound between 2 existing bounds? so you wont have to remove half the ship worth of bounds for a new bound you want somewhere halfway on the ship.

And the weapon modes and more options really helped allot, keep up the good work man.
Great suggestion
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: medikohl on September 21, 2012, 01:46:26 PM
things I'd look for in a weapon editor

projectile/beam settings and editor

barrel and a the main part displayed simultaneously,

marker for the recoil

projectile offsets

weapon_data.csv editor
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Trylobot on September 21, 2012, 02:02:24 PM
I'll see if I can get an update together this weekend. Keep the bug reports and feature requests coming; your feedback is what keeps this interesting for me :D
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: medikohl on September 21, 2012, 02:30:18 PM
other than the scrolling of lists, (I have the problem when it comes to the sheer number of ships I have in the csv, as I tend to pick one with similar stats to what I'm needing then tweak accordingly)
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Archduke Astro on September 22, 2012, 02:33:22 PM
Trylobot, I wanted to thank you yet again for your amazingly full-featured ship editor. In all seriousness, if it did not exist I am unsure I would have returned to this game before it was much closer to version 1.0. To me, the moddability of a game is more than half of the interest it offers, and your program makes such modding vastly easier. Thanks for your persistence and hard work on our behalf!
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: xenoargh on September 22, 2012, 07:18:11 PM
Yeah, it's awesome.  Haven't messed with the nascent gun editor yet; so long as it shows the barrels / missiles and the main turret and allows us to define the barrel positions / angles, it's pretty much golden, most of the other stuff is easy to do.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: medikohl on September 22, 2012, 10:49:24 PM
Yeah, it's awesome.  Haven't messed with the nascent gun editor yet; so long as it shows the barrels / missiles and the main turret and allows us to define the barrel positions / angles, it's pretty much golden, most of the other stuff is easy to do.

the csv editor would be nice
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: ValkyriaL on September 23, 2012, 05:48:49 AM
weapon.csv is already there or planned to be, its number 6 that is grey right now "Weapon stats mode"
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: medikohl on September 24, 2012, 08:42:13 PM
wouldn't say no to that
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: CrashToDesktop on September 25, 2012, 12:02:48 PM
Anddd my job on the forums as a weapons smith is slowly being crumbled by Trylobot. ;D
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: medikohl on September 25, 2012, 01:30:44 PM
Anddd my job on the forums as a weapons smith is slowly being crumbled by Trylobot. ;D
You still owe me a small pilum launcher. lol
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: CrashToDesktop on September 25, 2012, 01:36:45 PM

Questions?  I made that just now. 8)
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: medikohl on September 28, 2012, 01:16:17 PM
*checks trylobot's pulse*
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: medikohl on September 28, 2012, 09:18:23 PM
He's dead Jim
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: arcibalde on September 29, 2012, 02:14:06 AM
Then summon him as zoooombieeeeeeee  ;D
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Trylobot on September 29, 2012, 11:49:04 AM

In the middle of a job-change, and currently facing a mountain of paperwork; insurance, identity, applications et cetera. I'll try and birth an update as soon as my paperwork peristalsis is complete.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: xenoargh on September 29, 2012, 12:01:42 PM
Sounds like it'll be a minute, just keep in touch, this is something we're all going to begging for an update to when 0.54 is released, I suspect :)
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: medikohl on October 05, 2012, 04:25:52 PM
I'm begging in advance
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Trylobot on October 13, 2012, 09:30:39 PM
Sorry guys! I had totally planned to work on this, this weekend; but as it turned out, my new co-workers are in some kind of whack crisis so I helped out over the weekend. To top it off, I have a freelance client also expecting some deliverables this weekend so I'm pretty well swamped.

I will be back on this just as soon as I am able to, though. I haven't abandoned you!
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: CrashToDesktop on October 14, 2012, 05:15:12 AM
What kind of job do you have? ;D
Anyways, any news always resets the begging timer. ;D
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: medikohl on October 18, 2012, 10:40:11 AM
What kind of job do you have? ;D
Anyways, any news always resets the begging timer. ;D
*resets timer to 0*

*begins the begging*
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Hyph_K31 on October 18, 2012, 12:36:53 PM
He's dead Jim

On topic:

Yay :3 - When will the weapon mode be functional(ETA)? if it is already, I must have an old version.

In any case, your editor is very good! And it can only get better :)

There is one thing I would ask for though; would it be possible to add something like a "standard model" for different ship types? that's with the CSV mode, but I do find I often just copy an existing CSV line, which doesn't make for very unique ships on my part. and even when I make adjustments, it still feels weird.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: medikohl on October 23, 2012, 09:23:02 PM
Why hath thou forsaken me?
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Upgradecap on October 24, 2012, 12:00:58 AM
Why hath thou forsaken me?

For thee is not worthy of thou holy grail.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: medikohl on October 24, 2012, 01:00:39 AM
Why hath thou forsaken me?

For thee is not worthy of thou holy grail.
I will settle for an editor of divine weapon development.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: medikohl on November 02, 2012, 09:42:35 PM
Missing person's report:


Last seen:

slaving away for our benefit.

If you have any knowledge of this individuals whereabouts, please let us know so we can chain him to his computer so he doesn't escape again.

(We miss you)
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.4.5)
Post by: Sproginator on November 07, 2012, 05:15:01 PM
Where is the talented soab
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.5)
Post by: Trylobot on November 17, 2012, 03:04:57 PM
editor version 2.5 (starfarer 0.53.1a RC5)
- added weapon editor prototype (incomplete)
- added more detailed logging in sf-ship-ed.log
- fixed: custom engines output with incorrect field name 'type_'

The weapon editor is going to be an iterative feature, much like the editor itself was. If you want to help me prioritize features for it, feel free to suggest things.

At the moment, the next couple things I'm planning on adding to it are:
Toggle between turret / hardpoint modes, Add/Remove barrel endpoint coordinates, Assign images (image sequences already working), Simulate firing (multistep, iterative process) by first showing the visual recoil with a nominal reload speed, then showing the glow image, then auto-dividing barrels for Alternating barrel mode, then allowing you to change the barrel mode. Finally I want to actually load the reload speed from the weapon data CSV, and then instantiate an actual projectile and "launch it". I do not have any short-term plans for projectile editing, but I don't see any major difficulty with loading projectiles + images for the sake of this weapon-fire-preview feature.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.5)
Post by: arcibalde on November 17, 2012, 03:20:52 PM
^^Nice  ;D And thank you  :D
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.5)
Post by: CrashToDesktop on November 17, 2012, 03:55:57 PM
NOOO!!! my carrer...

Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.5)
Post by: Sproginator on November 21, 2012, 04:16:49 AM
Damn shame I cant play with this, Curse not having a PC!
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.5)
Post by: ValkyriaL on November 21, 2012, 04:59:29 AM
I don't understand how the weapon part of the editor works, i can load one of the weapons i already have, all its data is there if i press F2, but i cant do anything to it, have i installed it wrong?

EDIT, i cant use any vanilla weapons to fit my ships either after i installed 2.5, how do i get them back in the lists of available weapons?
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.5)
Post by: xenoargh on November 25, 2012, 02:17:31 PM
Heya, just wanted to give a shout-out; without this program, there's no way I would have been able to get done with so much, so fast :)

A couple of things I'd like to see in future releases, if you have time:

1.  I'd like to be able to edit the description text for ships and weapons, preferably with a guide that will show me if my opening paragraph's too big for that part of the UI (it hasn't changed much in three builds, I'm guessing it'll stay stable).  This is one of the biggest things that I still have to do by hand and I'd much rather do one-stop shopping in SfEd.

2.  I'd like to see "Variant" replaced by "(Stock)" for the default name of a Variant.  While yes, it'd be great to come up with a clever name for each variant, when we're putting lots of ships together as fast as possible... well, that first build is usually (going by Alex's somewhat loose conventions) named hullname_Standard.  "Standard" doesn't work well in the Variant UI, imo; "(Stock)" is a better description of how the ship is equipped when it's initially delivered. 

For fighters, it'd be nice if that text was "", because there's literally no good reason to put text in that field 99% of the time, since we can't customize them in-game and very few mods have the same fighter's art used for multiple variants.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.5)
Post by: Sproginator on November 26, 2012, 01:57:04 AM
Heya, just wanted to give a shout-out; without this program, there's no way I would have been able to get done with so much, so fast :)

A couple of things I'd like to see in future releases, if you have time:

1.  I'd like to be able to edit the description text for ships and weapons, preferably with a guide that will show me if my opening paragraph's too big for that part of the UI (it hasn't changed much in three builds, I'm guessing it'll stay stable).  This is one of the biggest things that I still have to do by hand and I'd much rather do one-stop shopping in SfEd.

Agreed, this would be an excellent feature

2.  I'd like to see "Variant" replaced by "(Stock)" for the default name of a Variant.  While yes, it'd be great to come up with a clever name for each variant, when we're putting lots of ships together as fast as possible... well, that first build is usually (going by Alex's somewhat loose conventions) named hullname_Standard.  "Standard" doesn't work well in the Variant UI, imo; "(Stock)" is a better description of how the ship is equipped when it's initially delivered.  

Agreed, Variant auto-naming to Stock would be great

For fighters, it'd be nice if that text was "", because there's literally no good reason to put text in that field 99% of the time, since we can't customize them in-game and very few mods have the same fighter's art used for multiple variants.

Disagreed, Would still be nice to add Codex wise and Lore wise to add more depth :)
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.5)
Post by: xenoargh on November 26, 2012, 05:38:47 AM
Disagreed, Would still be nice to add Codex wise and Lore wise to add more depth :)
Yeah, but nobody bothers, lol.  That, and if I did it, I'd at least change the paint-job, so that players would be like, "oh, that's the one that carries Guided Spoon launchers, not the Bee Gun Cannon" ;)
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.5)
Post by: Sproginator on November 26, 2012, 06:32:44 AM
Disagreed, Would still be nice to add Codex wise and Lore wise to add more depth :)
Yeah, but nobody bothers, lol.  That, and if I did it, I'd at least change the paint-job, so that players would be like, "oh, that's the one that carries Guided Spoon launchers, not the Bee Gun Cannon" ;)


Paint jobs would be a fun feature to suggest, but i did read it here someone a long while ago
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.5)
Post by: xenoargh on November 30, 2012, 08:08:09 AM
Any idea when we'll be able to edit weapon fire points?
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.5)
Post by: arcibalde on December 08, 2012, 03:32:22 AM
I got crash. This is version i'm using: editor version 2.5 (starfarer 0.53.1a RC5)

So i did: ship center, and shield center, and bounds and 4x launch bays. Then i started another editor and load ship from another mod to see something. Then i turn out that second editor and in first one i tried to put first weapon slot. After shift+lclick it crashed. -.-

I tried it again and now works ok.  ;D
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.5)
Post by: ThePinkPanzer on December 08, 2012, 08:22:13 PM
No idea why, but it refuses to allow me to load one of my ships up.

Edit: Never mind, everything randomly fixed itself.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.5)
Post by: CrashToDesktop on December 09, 2012, 05:15:56 AM
Even being pretty good at making weapons, appearently I can't figure out how to work this thing! ;D A little help?
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.5)
Post by: Trylobot on December 11, 2012, 04:22:34 PM
The weapon editor can't yet modify anything, but there's a good bit of code that needed (and still needs) to be written around weapons. The  simple fact that it can read and display the weapon information properly is a pretty big chunk of it, and most of my work was spent validating that yes, in fact, the weapon displays the same way it would if it were in-game. I still need to load projectiles' data and images if for no other reason than the missile launchers won't look right until I do.

The first couple editable properties should be pretty simple, and I'll see if I can put some time in this week to get that out to everyone.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.5)
Post by: xenoargh on December 12, 2012, 03:19:35 PM
Great, really looking forward to being able to intuitively place offsets instead of having to do it in Photoshop :)
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.5)
Post by: Trylobot on December 17, 2012, 03:41:36 PM
Not finished yet, but progress is being made.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.5)
Post by: xenoargh on December 18, 2012, 04:38:03 PM
Beautiful!  Merry Christmas :)
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.5)
Post by: oranoron on December 19, 2012, 06:19:11 AM
Maybe I have missed something and the thread is too long to check over but I can only seem to place medium energy turrets. How do I change this?

I figured that out. How do I get the ship to show up for sale in the game?
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.5)
Post by: Okim on December 19, 2012, 08:00:17 AM
Using your exceptionally helpful editor, but the amount of weapons that my mod has makes it difficult to pick them in the list - the list has no scrollbar or other means to move to the top/bottom of the list.

Also it would be a great thing to switch off the original game data. I`m modding a total convertion project and i would be very glad to remove the stuff that i`m not using (this would even remove the first problem that i have!).
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.5)
Post by: Trylobot on December 19, 2012, 03:49:12 PM
How do I get the ship to show up for sale in the game?
You'll need to write a script to accomplish this. My editor doesn't cover it. Poke around in the vanilla data for examples, it's very straightforward.

the list has no scrollbar or other means to move to the top/bottom of the list.

Also it would be a great thing to switch off the original game data.
These are both planned features, but I'll definitely prioritize #2 before #1.

Also try using this config file instead, I've optimized it to provide as much space as possible for an HD monitor with smaller fonts and such as well; you'll need to add your mod with [M] after you load this the first time, but after that it should be no vanilla data. But for now it will prompt you for vanilla and you cancel each time (sorry):

------------ BEGIN FILE ------------
  "font_size": 12,
  "data_font_size": 8,
  "starfarer_base_dir": null,
  "mod_dirs": [],
  "data_dir": null,
  "images_dir": null,
  "variant_dir": null,
  "weapon_dir": null,
  "width": 1920,
  "height": 1080
----------- END FILE ---------

Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.5)
Post by: xenoargh on December 19, 2012, 09:20:38 PM
+1 on being able to drop Vanilla data, it's causing some issues over here.

The "replace" statements in the mod loader config JSON might be a good way to do this, or just a switch in the config files.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.5)
Post by: ValkyriaL on January 05, 2013, 05:45:30 AM
I guess your gonna have to add new weapon slot types now with the decorative slots that was unveiled, I want blinking lights. ^_^
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.5)
Post by: Trylobot on January 06, 2013, 10:45:39 AM
I will weigh in soon with regards to a compatibility update and probably put the weapon editor on hold until I'm sure the ship editing functionality is once again up to snuff; apparently there have been numerous moddability improvements so I'll evaluate what I can do to support them with what I've got right now.

You'll hear from me again shortly.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.5)
Post by: Sproginator on January 06, 2013, 12:21:12 PM
I will weigh in soon with regards to a compatibility update and probably put the weapon editor on hold until I'm sure the ship editing functionality is once again up to snuff; apparently there have been numerous moddability improvements so I'll evaluate what I can do to support them with what I've got right now.

You'll hear from me again shortly.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.5)
Post by: CrashToDesktop on January 06, 2013, 02:07:35 PM
Compatibility update?  You mean changing Starfarer in the sf-ship-ed-settings.json to Starsector?  Kidna easy if you ask me. ;D LOL
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.5)
Post by: ValkyriaL on January 06, 2013, 04:13:57 PM
Just click M inside the editor and go into starsector instead of starfarer, done.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.5)
Post by: Okim on January 12, 2013, 03:37:05 AM
So, when will we get an updated version that supports DECORATIVE weapons?  ;)

Also Starsector name is causing problems with editor not being able to locate 'Starfarer' in game folder. And this means that there is no access to vanilla hull mods (the only original stuff Ironclads are still using).

Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.5)
Post by: CrashToDesktop on January 12, 2013, 04:41:49 PM
So, can get a version that works with Starsector? I kinda lost my "fixed" version (either that, or it just stopped working) and I can't load any weapons/images etc.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.5)
Post by: Romeo_One on January 13, 2013, 02:37:42 PM
Just edit the settings json and change the directories, add you mod afterwards, at least that does work for me.

Oh and it DOES support the decoartive weapon type.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.5)
Post by: Okim on January 13, 2013, 08:50:07 PM
You have probably installed starsector in the same dir as starfarer. This way ship editor sees a 'starfarer.exe' in the root and loads up all the original staff.

I`m using a fresh install that uses starsector.exe.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.5)
Post by: Romeo_One on January 14, 2013, 11:53:48 AM
So do I.

my settingsfile
  "data_dir": "D:/Fractal Softworks/Starsector/mods/Rejection/data/hulls/",
  "data_font_size": 10,
  "font_size": 14,
  "height": 768,
  "images_dir": "D:/Fractal Softworks/Starsector/mods/Rejection/graphics/ships/",
  "mod_dirs": [
    "D:\\Fractal Softworks\\Starsector\\mods\\Rejection/"
  "starfarer_base_dir": "/",
  "variant_dir": "D:/Fractal Softworks/Starsector/mods/Rejection/data/variants/",
  "weapon_dir": "",
  "width": 1024
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.5)
Post by: Okim on January 15, 2013, 12:07:03 PM
In my case i have no access to any of the original data. And this means that there are no hullmods to add to variants.

As a temporal workaround i`m forced to include the original hullmod file into my mod.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.5)
Post by: Sproginator on January 18, 2013, 08:36:13 AM
Can someone upload their copy of the editor that has selected the Starsector directory? i need to start modding and mine wont work
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.5)
Post by: Okim on January 18, 2013, 08:53:07 AM
Well, mine is working now. I had to put hull mods file into the mod though. And i renamed starsector.exe to starfarer.exe, so edior no longer barks at me on launch.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.5)
Post by: Romeo_One on January 18, 2013, 08:59:05 AM
Thats strange, since my editor does point to the starsector.exe and does not bark at me o.O
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.5)
Post by: Sproginator on January 18, 2013, 10:57:47 AM
Mine wont :P
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.5)
Post by: Trylobot on January 20, 2013, 04:52:38 PM
Sorry for the delay, my updates to the weapon editor got irrevocably mixed in with my updates for the Starfarer --> Starsector name change and I don't yet feel comfortable releasing it... but rest assured, I have been working on it. Hopefully get an update out to you folks tomorrow or the next day.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.5)
Post by: Sproginator on January 21, 2013, 12:27:49 AM
Sorry for the delay, my updates to the weapon editor got irrevocably mixed in with my updates for the Starfarer --> Starsector name change and I don't yet feel comfortable releasing it... but rest assured, I have been working on it. Hopefully get an update out to you folks tomorrow or the next day.
Yay! Can you just release a quick patch so it checks for Starsector as apposed to starfarer? I'd really appreciate it
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.6)
Post by: Trylobot on January 21, 2013, 08:20:23 PM
Latest Changes
editor version 2.6 (starsector 0.54.1a)
- weapon editor can modify offsets (possibly buggy)
- weapon editor can set images
- weapon editor can switch between turret/hardpoint mode
- tilde [~] now toggles vanilla data on/off and forces a reload of all data
- compatible with "Starsector" name change

Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.6)
Post by: Okim on January 21, 2013, 08:53:43 PM
While toggle on/off for vanilla data is good - i suspect that it turns of all data? Not that is 'replaced' by the mod, right?

And a small feature request - currently editor supports decorative mount type, but it does not allow us to select weapons for it.
And it removes any built-in weapons if one of them is put on a decorative mount.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.6)
Post by: Trylobot on January 21, 2013, 10:22:49 PM
While toggle on/off for vanilla data is good - i suspect that it turns of all data? Not that is 'replaced' by the mod, right?

When it's off, it means the vanilla data is not loaded. In your case, you want to remove all the mods except your mod, and vanilla data off... that would have the same effect as "replacing" the vanilla data, which I assume is what you want.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.6)
Post by: Okim on January 21, 2013, 10:45:54 PM
My 'Ironclads' replaces ship hulls and weapons, but uses original hull mods. So if i turn off the vanilla data i`ll get my hulls, my weapons and original hull mods or a blank list of hull mods?

I assume that if no data is loaded than i`ll have to copy/paste original hull mods file into my mod`s folder to make them available in editor (exactly what i`m doing now with editor not able to find Starfarer in 2.5).
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.6)
Post by: Trylobot on January 21, 2013, 11:01:52 PM
Yes, you'll have to 'add back in' any data from vanilla you want to keep. I'm not planning on changing that behavior.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.6)
Post by: Sproginator on January 22, 2013, 02:33:43 AM
Latest Changes
editor version 2.6 (starsector 0.54.1a)
- weapon editor can modify offsets (possibly buggy)
- weapon editor can set images
- weapon editor can switch between turret/hardpoint mode
- tilde [~] now toggles vanilla data on/off and forces a reload of all data
- compatible with "Starsector" name change

<3. Will work on my mod again tonight!. Expect a new kind of weapon here guys >:)
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.6)
Post by: medikohl on January 23, 2013, 09:42:22 PM
hmmmm Should I start placing my kitbash expertise into weaponry now?
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.6)
Post by: Sproginator on January 24, 2013, 12:30:24 AM
hmmmm Should I start placing my kitbash expertise into weaponry now?
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.6)
Post by: CrashToDesktop on January 24, 2013, 12:09:37 PM
hmmmm Should I start placing my kitbash expertise into weaponry now?
That's either extremely good or extremely bad for me. ;D
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.6)
Post by: ValkyriaL on January 24, 2013, 12:11:10 PM
Well, if you feel like you lost your job, you could always make some weapon sounds for me. ;D
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.6)
Post by: Okim on January 26, 2013, 06:49:39 AM
Not mean to push or anything, but what about 2.7 version with support for decorative weapons? Its a bit irritating to be forced to copy/paste all built-in weapons everytime i make changes.

A small reminder - if you have a built-in weapon and decorative weapon and assign weapon for the first - you`ll lose it when you save the hull file. If you later manually set all the decorative and built-in weapons and edit the file in the editor - it will remove all built-in weapons when saving.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.6.1)
Post by: Trylobot on February 01, 2013, 09:28:53 PM
Here you go, Okim ;)

Latest Changes
editor version 2.6.1 (starsector 0.54.1a)
- added support for "DECORATIVE" weapon/slot types
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.6.1)
Post by: WhoopieMonster on February 06, 2013, 07:32:31 AM
Thanks for the time and effor you have put into this Trylobot, a little confusing to start with; but a very powerful tool now that I know what I'm doing (more or less) :)
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.6.1)
Post by: Trylobot on February 06, 2013, 03:14:03 PM
Hey you're welcome. I have to apologize in advance to any newcomers to the tool, I'm not a UI expert. It makes a lot more sense if you've ever tried to go do these things by hand. The original layout and UI was strictly for setting bounds coordinates on the ship hull bounding polygons, because that was the biggest timesink for me and other modders.

Unfortunately, every other feature that's been added is just stuff I crammed into that existing codebase, and some of it rather forcefully. Feature-creep it's called, it's almost gotten out of control at this point.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.6.1)
Post by: Sproginator on February 06, 2013, 06:07:54 PM
Hey you're welcome. I have to apologize in advance to any newcomers to the tool, I'm not a UI expert. It makes a lot more sense if you've ever tried to go do these things by hand. The original layout and UI was strictly for setting bounds coordinates on the ship hull bounding polygons, because that was the biggest timesink for me and other modders.

Unfortunately, every other feature that's been added is just stuff I crammed into that existing codebase, and some of it rather forcefully. Feature-creep it's called, it's almost gotten out of control at this point.
Try a redesign?
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.6.1)
Post by: WhoopieMonster on February 07, 2013, 03:52:05 AM
Hindsight is a wonderful thing Trylobot :)
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.6.1)
Post by: WhoopieMonster on February 09, 2013, 05:26:57 PM
New question, on the Weapon Mode(5) should I be able to add an image so I can create the weapon? Currently I can't seem to find out how, but when I open an existing weapon the image displays.

Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.6.1)
Post by: Trylobot on February 11, 2013, 12:24:57 AM
Nah; that's a work in progress. The existing images works because the first thing I did was make sure I could parse and interpret all the existing weapons files.

So, making weapons is still very much a by-hand process. Seems like The Soldier is still very much in business!
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.6.1)
Post by: WhoopieMonster on February 11, 2013, 02:02:15 AM
Ah ok, thanks for the response.

I shall continue to create it by-hand then :)
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.6.1)
Post by: Arumac on March 01, 2013, 03:52:29 PM
I just want to say I use and love this editor. Can't wait for the other features to come out, but as it stands now, it's already awesome. Thanks for your time!
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.6.1)
Post by: Cycerin on March 02, 2013, 08:34:59 AM
What I'm looking forward to the most with the Weapon/projectile editor is to properly set center values, size values and barrel offsets. That is the main thing that is problematic/requires tons of reloading without using any tools.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.6.1)
Post by: Uomoz on March 02, 2013, 09:13:11 AM
This tool is the best thing happened to SS since the release (on the community side). Kudos Trylobot.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.6.1)
Post by: phyrex on March 06, 2013, 11:59:51 PM
so err...on someone's suggestion i found your editor, and after dabbling into it a little (ok, a lot, i think i spent 3 hours straight trying to get a viable ship done)
so now i got this neat ship i crafted with your program...

but i have absolutely no clue how to make it work into the game. i thought it would be a simple matter of putting the .ship file in the folder where all the other .ship files are, but turn out its not so simple.

help !
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.6.1)
Post by: ValkyriaL on March 07, 2013, 02:48:47 AM
if you have done it properly, add it to the hegemony station ( make a backup of the core files first, for the love of god! ) and then buy it.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.6.1)
Post by: phyrex on March 07, 2013, 10:23:53 AM
if you have done it properly, add it to the hegemony station ( make a backup of the core files first, for the love of god! ) and then buy it.

but how do i do that ? i keep looking around in the core file but i cant find something related to the space stations. (also, is making it available in the tri-tachyon station the same thing ? im hostile with the hegemony)

on an midly related note. i need to figure out how to mod weapons since i trylobot's editor dosent do it yet. even if it means using old visual assets. my ship's gonna look ugly decked out with random stuff
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.6.1)
Post by: CrashToDesktop on March 11, 2013, 03:24:44 PM
Modding weapons is still an art. :) So far, I'm the only one here that knows how to make a good weapons quickly.  If you need help, there's a link in my signature.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.6.1)
Post by: phyrex on March 11, 2013, 06:05:28 PM
Modding weapons is still an art. :) So far, I'm the only one here that knows how to make a good weapons quickly.  If you need help, there's a link in my signature.

so i saw. i learned the gist of it but some part still puzzle me (like, why is the entry for the sound effect never the same name as the actual sound file in the related folder. its confusing me)
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.6.1)
Post by: CrashToDesktop on March 12, 2013, 03:01:33 PM
The sound file should be the same.  They may be named differently according to the code, however.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.6.1)
Post by: WKOB on May 10, 2013, 08:56:40 PM
Awesome to see you're still keeping up with this, thanks for the contribution Trylobot.

Also, neat, you've put in the weapons editor! That'll save me some hassle.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.6.1)
Post by: maximilianyuen on May 25, 2013, 10:32:06 AM
big thanks again for the update
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.6.1)
Post by: Gotcha! on June 02, 2013, 10:24:53 AM
Just dropping in to give you a big thanks, Trylobot.
I now have the missile destroyers I so badly wanted. :)
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.6.1)
Post by: ValkyriaL on June 08, 2013, 02:37:24 PM

Whhhyyyyyyyy and what does it meeean? =(
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.6.1)
Post by: Teh_Wolf on June 08, 2013, 03:39:33 PM
I get that sometimes, I just re-install/re-un-zip/re-toast/re-whatever the editor.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.6.1)
Post by: ValkyriaL on June 09, 2013, 04:16:45 PM
And now i have the usual "WS_ _ on This variant does not have this specific weapon mounted so f*** you"  how do i fix this? because i can't remove them in the editor and deleting the files does not help either, and the weapons cannot be replaced with anything else in game either because the slot is apparently a hidden slot unless its got this specific gun mounted... did i finally break starsector?

EDIT: Actually, i fixed it, but i almost had to remake half the .ship file by hand, this bug or whatever it is is very annoying to say the least.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.6.1)
Post by: xenoargh on June 16, 2013, 12:17:58 PM
Heyas, just wanted to say that I've finally gotten around to testing the new build.  Major kudos; a lot of the "little stuff" has been fixed up and it's a joy to use :)
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.6.1)
Post by: xenoargh on August 21, 2013, 09:28:57 PM
Bug report.

1.  Found bug in custom engines read from JSON, where Starsector works but SsEd breaks.

This is fine in both places:
"type":"SMOKE" # GLOW or SMOKE

This breaks SsEd, but not Starsector.
"type":"SMOKE" # GLOW or SMOKE

2.  If there is a WPN defined in data/weapons, but no corresponding CSV entry, the selection list for putting weapons on gets borked.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.6.1)
Post by: Az the Squishy on September 17, 2013, 03:22:45 PM
This also works under linux as well through wine- if you've no allready been told... Least, as far as i know, hopefully i can make a ship an start my own thread here an get involved with the comunity more.

Albeit slowly... =3=;
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.6.1)
Post by: Okim on September 17, 2013, 11:45:32 PM
This cool editor needs an update with support for built_in hull mods that were introduced with 0.6a.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.6.1)
Post by: NITROtbomb on September 18, 2013, 01:21:40 AM
for the wineskin version for the mac the weapon editor doesn't work, the buttons used to access that section are blacked out.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.6.1)
Post by: Pelly on September 18, 2013, 03:10:53 PM
for the wineskin version for the mac the weapon editor doesn't work, the buttons used to access that section are blacked out.
ah...first of send that to me in the mac version thread i made, ill have a look at it.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.6.1)
Post by: Trylobot on September 21, 2013, 08:04:44 PM
I'll be doing a 0.6a pass on the editor soon, to make sure that all the new features introduced are supported. It's been a long time since I touched the codebase though, and I program for a living, so none of it's in my head anymore; but, it definitely helps me if you do find an error, attach the data files that caused your problem and a description of how to reproduce it, and I'll make sure it gets addressed.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.6.1)
Post by: WKOB on October 08, 2013, 03:08:11 PM
Hey uh, out of curiosity, is this still a viable way to make ships or is it somewhat out-dated?

No offense, Trylobot, love that you kept this going for as long as you did.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.6.1)
Post by: Trylobot on October 08, 2013, 06:56:11 PM
I've been using it all week. It's fine. The only thing you can't do in here at the moment is, specifically, built-in hullmods. Everything else still works.

And I'll be updating even that, soon.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.6.1)
Post by: WKOB on October 08, 2013, 08:23:05 PM
Ah, very cool. Thanks!
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.6.1)
Post by: Okim on October 09, 2013, 09:59:01 PM
You also have to manually remove decorated weapons from variants saved by it. But otherwise its a nice and extremely helpful tool.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.6.1)
Post by: ValkyriaL on October 12, 2013, 08:53:02 AM
I'm getting an Exception_access_Violation every single time i try to start the editor, waaaaaaaaaaaiiiiiiii :'(
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.6.1)
Post by: Okim on October 12, 2013, 11:20:22 AM
Just reinstall it. It happens from time to time.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.6.1)
Post by: Okim on October 16, 2013, 01:23:41 AM
Starsector 0.6a introduced an ability to customise ships explosion, shield etc. colours (taken from a file like custom engines). Would be great to have this in your editor.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.6.1)
Post by: Trylobot on October 23, 2013, 08:10:10 AM
There is feature with the ship editor that is missing. If you have built in weapons, the delete the weapon mounts, it fails to delete the built in weapons line in the .hull. Also, the weapon editor would be nice!

Sorry for the slight derail...
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.6.1)
Post by: maximilianyuen on October 23, 2013, 08:13:44 AM
I'm getting an Exception_access_Violation every single time i try to start the editor, waaaaaaaaaaaiiiiiiii :'(

finally find a fix for that. well not a fix, a work around....

delete the sf-ship-ed-settings.json and
don't point it to the CORRECT starsector path ever again will solve it.

yeah you will have to load the image and .ship file yourself, and not able to easily choose built in weapon in a dropdown but at least now you can set the ship boundary and so on a lot more easier, which again need to thanks Trylobot once again (he's hearing to much of it i am afraid lol)
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.6.1)
Post by: Trylobot on October 23, 2013, 01:57:36 PM
You know what's weird about that exception_access_violation is that I can reproduce it on my development machine, but only in the "Release" build. In the debug build, there's no error.

I'm tempted to say eff it and just make the debug one the release one, even thought the binary is bigger, just because I don't care enough to really fix it if there's an easy workaround.

Very soon though I will be returning this editor to a 100% correct state when it comes to ship editing, but I'm not sure about weapon editing.

After the aforementioned maintenance update for the existing editor, I've been playing with the idea of a full re-write for this editor, but doing it in a way that is more multi-platform-friendly and also more user-friendly.

I thought about using LWJGL/Java, much like Alex uses for the actual game, even to the point of simply importing the same *.jar files as the game itself, for a level of guaranteed compatibility.

I've also considered doing the re-write in C#/Mono/GtkSharp because it has all the same multi-platform benefits, but it's much more familiar to me as a developer because my day job deals with C#.

I'll start a poll for this, since it potentially affects all the modders.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.6.1)
Post by: xenoargh on November 08, 2013, 10:28:45 AM
One hopefully-minor request for this last maintenance build; allow us to edit viewOffset :)
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.6.1)
Post by: NanoMatter on November 12, 2013, 02:54:40 PM
I am confused when it says "STARFARER" Directory. I dunno which one to click, im making variants for a really awesome mod.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.6.1)
Post by: ValkyriaL on November 17, 2013, 01:40:21 PM
Not sure if neccesary, but having the editor rename the ID of a weapon slot, if you say, have 10 weapons and you remove num 3 and 4, the editor would take 5 and 6 and rename them 3 and 4 and 7 and 8 would become 5 and 6 instead and so on, i think that would fix some of those "weapon ID ** is missing ****** weapon in ****** variant"
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.6.1)
Post by: Cyan Leader on November 28, 2013, 03:24:06 PM
The change to support decorative mounts is great, but please allow us to toggle them when editing mounts. It can be very confusing in ships that are very detailed to look at the weapons mounts or to make variants. Also, a feature I'd like to request is to please scan the .ship file to see if it has any shipmod pre-built. The editor will erase that information when saving on those ships, and it doesn't support its addition either.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.6.1)
Post by: Trylobot on December 04, 2013, 08:13:35 AM
No worries, all. Maintenance release is coming.  SoonTM
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.6.1)
Post by: Xalendi on December 12, 2013, 04:11:38 AM
How do I make it so that when selecting a weapon from the drop-down list, that my custom weapons are included?
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.6.1)
Post by: xenoargh on December 12, 2013, 07:43:50 AM
They should just show up, provided you're pointed at the right mod directory.  If they don't show up, you have a problem in your JSONs/CSVs that you need to find and fix :)
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.6.1)
Post by: Xalendi on December 12, 2013, 12:53:39 PM
Ah. I was unaware of needing to point to my mods directory. I figured it out. Thanks for the help!
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.6.1)
Post by: Death_Silence_66 on December 17, 2013, 03:52:38 PM
can you explain how to get this to work on a mac?
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.6.1)
Post by: Trylobot on December 18, 2013, 08:43:59 AM
I've been told by other Mac Users that Wine works for this. I don't know anything about it beyond that, as I don't own one.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.6.2)
Post by: Trylobot on December 20, 2013, 03:16:36 PM
Download version 2.6.2 ( (

Latest Changes
editor version 2.6.2 (starsector 0.6.1a)
- full support for built-in hull mods
- silently ignores trailing "f" in JSON floating-point number literals
- rows starting with '#' in .csv files will now be skipped
- ship data csv columns updated

Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.6.2)
Post by: Gothars on December 20, 2013, 04:44:17 PM
Does the fact that you are updating this editor mean anything for the planned new trylobox editor?
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.6.2)
Post by: Trylobot on December 20, 2013, 06:44:49 PM
I'm just trying to get off my ass and follow through. Been unmotivated lately; which, I've noticed, is fairly typical for the winter season.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.6.2)
Post by: xenoargh on December 20, 2013, 07:12:25 PM
Awesome, an update!

As for Trylobox, totally understand; the winter blues make finding motivation hard sometimes.  I tend to resort to making plans and task-lists to help give me a ladder to climb when I'm feeling slow, it usually helps to make your goals concrete :)
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.6.2)
Post by: Vinch on January 05, 2014, 06:09:24 AM

I just dl your tool but i can't make it run: I puted the files in stasector-core folder and when i open the exe, the boxe asking to point starsector directory close before i can do anything and nothing else hapend. Plus the processus remain active but its "unkillable"  :-\

I tried to edit the setting manually but that dont help ( or more likely i didnt type the good folder).

Oh and i use windows 7 !
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.6.2)
Post by: Trylobot on January 07, 2014, 07:39:12 AM
whenever the tool runs it creates a log file; can you send that to me?
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.6.2)
Post by: xenoargh on January 07, 2014, 01:20:31 PM
Found a minor bug; Decorative weapons automatically get assigned in the Groups menu, instead of being ignored.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.6.2)
Post by: XpanD on February 12, 2014, 03:54:08 AM
This may be a silly question, but... how do you change a weapon mount away from the "Medium Energy Turret" default?
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.6.2)
Post by: Tecrys on February 12, 2014, 04:21:59 AM
Hover over the mount and press "t" that will pop up a selection menue.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.6.2)
Post by: XpanD on February 12, 2014, 04:28:41 AM
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.6.2)
Post by: Lcu on March 08, 2014, 02:09:22 AM
Uhh, how do you use the weapon editor?
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.6.2)
Post by: Trylobot on March 18, 2014, 03:31:16 PM
weapon editor doesn't work, and it probably never will; the amount of work wasn't worth the return.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.6.2)
Post by: Toxcity on April 17, 2014, 11:23:41 AM
Whenever I create a ship with launch bays, the fighters always go to the center of the ship to heal.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.6.2)
Post by: ValkyriaL on April 17, 2014, 11:25:34 AM
you have to put landing markers down, otherwise they will indeed land in the middle of the sprite.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.6.2)
Post by: Az the Squishy on May 09, 2014, 11:48:33 AM
This is more of a question, but i've been playing aound with the ship-editor, and i'm a bit confused on some of the things in it, and read me only gives to much help... SO, has anyone made a written manual of sorts for the editor to better enable people to use it? as that's probably the only obstelcle to heave over.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.6.2)
Post by: ValkyriaL on May 09, 2014, 10:55:04 PM
there are multiple tutorials for it on youtube made by various users.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.6.2)
Post by: Toxcity on May 17, 2014, 12:06:43 PM
This isn't really a problem with the editor, but I didn't think a new thread would be appropriate.

 1. Fighters always go to the center of the ships I create to repair, no matter where I put the Fighter Bays.

 2. How do you make ship jets only appear when they use their ship system (Maneuvering Jets in this case).
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.6.2)
Post by: Sundog on May 17, 2014, 12:52:15 PM
2. How do you make ship jets only appear when they use their ship system (Maneuvering Jets in this case).

See this post (

Not sure about the fighter bay thing

Edit: Also, The most appropriate place for questions like that is probably this one (
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.6.2)
Post by: ValkyriaL on May 31, 2014, 02:42:49 AM
The Error_Exeption_Violation is getting worse by the day, i have to replace the editor files after every ship i make or change now. :-\
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.6.2)
Post by: xenoargh on June 05, 2014, 12:32:49 PM
Heyas.  Can you please exclude Decorative weapons from not being auto-assigned to a Group?  They should never get written to a Group.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.6.2)
Post by: Okim on June 22, 2014, 01:03:47 PM
Yeah, that makes it a bit difficult to modify packs of ships with decorative dishes and etc...
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.6.2)
Post by: joe130794 on July 27, 2014, 07:51:55 AM
could it be made to automatically place ship files in the respective files because i tried to make a ship before and had no idea where to put any of the files or how to incorporate it into the mods so i could buy it
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.6.2)
Post by: ValkyriaL on July 28, 2014, 10:05:36 AM
Many moders have their mods structured differently, so making that process automatic would only cause problems. :-\
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.6.2)
Post by: joe130794 on July 28, 2014, 10:48:08 AM
ah bummer
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.6.2)
Post by: Xalendi on August 07, 2014, 02:53:10 AM

Recently I've had an odd problem with your editor. Previously, it worked great, other than the odd Exception error.

Lately, however, no matter what I do, when I open it, it's just a blank black window. I can press I, and load a ship image, at which point the stars and my ship will appear. But that's it. The interface seems to freeze, though the window does not - the actual window can be moved/closed etc, just fine. But if I try to zoom in on my ship, or move it around, or use any of the keyboard commands other than I to load a ship, nothing happens.

Any ideas what could be causing this?
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.6.2)
Post by: Debido on August 07, 2014, 03:32:00 AM

Recently I've had an odd problem with your editor. Previously, it worked great, other than the odd Exception error.

Lately, however, no matter what I do, when I open it, it's just a blank black window. I can press I, and load a ship image, at which point the stars and my ship will appear. But that's it. The interface seems to freeze, though the window does not - the actual window can be moved/closed etc, just fine. But if I try to zoom in on my ship, or move it around, or use any of the keyboard commands other than I to load a ship, nothing happens.

Any ideas what could be causing this?

A similar bug happens to me, all 3 of my screen go completely black until I exit the editor. Possibly a nVidia thing? I assume this uses OpenGL or something?
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.6.2)
Post by: Debido on August 08, 2014, 05:59:05 AM
Actually feature request:

When you're adding weapons, the weapons selection box is capped to 80% the height of the window. When you have around 100 weapons or so, they don't all fit....
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.6.2)
Post by: maximilianyuen on August 10, 2014, 11:00:00 PM
quick bug report:

if your rgb value is [120,120,120,120]
it will end up being [12,12,12,12]

any value with 0 end will be cut away
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.6.2)
Post by: Lucian Greymark on August 20, 2014, 02:10:32 AM
Ughhhh I was so confident this was going to work, could someone walk me though exactly what I'm seeing in this error report?


EDIT: Might have fixed it myself, stand by

EDIT2: I actually just fixed it, it's cool. On a brighter note I'm modding now *Grin* so you can expect to see an alpha state build of my mod on the forums soonish with full campaign functionality and a whole new faction of kit bashed sprites. Basic for now, but we'll see where we go with it.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.6.2)
Post by: Trylobot on August 26, 2014, 01:20:07 AM
Looks like I need to spend some time bugfixing the ol' editor. Some of these sound pretty serious. Sorry for not being as watchful.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.6.2)
Post by: biotic on September 18, 2014, 01:10:01 AM
Your editor is awesome, really.
You have my respect.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.6.2)
Post by: Okim on September 26, 2014, 12:15:44 AM
Guess you`ll have a bit of extra work after the 0.65a comes out. I hope to see an option to create/modify skins with your editor :)
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.6.2)
Post by: WKOB on November 09, 2014, 04:14:50 PM
Actually, wait, before I confirm this... your donation button still works, right? Like it's connected to your active paypal account and all?
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.6.2)
Post by: Trylobot on November 09, 2014, 06:26:58 PM
Of course  ;D
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.6.2)
Post by: WKOB on November 09, 2014, 06:36:29 PM
Well, there you go, let me know if you received it. I always try to make sure with PayPal since it can be finnicky.

Edit; Hope you did, it's probably a little late to rescind the PayPal charge now. :P
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.6.2)
Post by: joe130794 on January 10, 2015, 04:43:38 AM
just wondering why do i get "exception_access_violation" pop up a lot when using the editor?
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.6.2)
Post by: Tartiflette on January 10, 2015, 05:58:21 AM
Happens sometimes because the mod paths in the settings get corrupted: open sf-ship-ed-settings.json and either remove or correct the paths to your mod. Often it's written like
"data_dir": "C:\\Starsector\\mods\\YourMod\\data\\hulls\\",
and must be changed to
"data_dir": "C:/Starsector/mods/YourMod/data/hulls/",
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.6.2)
Post by: joe130794 on January 10, 2015, 07:23:54 AM
i couldn't find that part in settings. when i started the program it came up with finding a file or something and i pressed cancel and now it doesnt pop up. not sure why. thanks for the quick reply
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.6.2)
Post by: xenoargh on June 01, 2015, 08:49:56 PM
Will this ever support .skin files?
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.6.2)
Post by: Lucian Greymark on June 03, 2015, 08:34:00 PM
It sounds like a fairly daft request but could someone send me a tutorial (or point me to one) of how to edit weapons in the editor? I've tried idk, how many times but I can't get it to work.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.6.2)
Post by: FasterThanSleepyfish on June 03, 2015, 08:46:09 PM
The weapon editor is NYI, so you gotta do it by hand! Don't worry, you get used to it.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.6.2)
Post by: Lucian Greymark on June 03, 2015, 09:23:00 PM
In that case can someone point me to a short tutorial on weapon editing/send one to me?
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.6.2)
Post by: FasterThanSleepyfish on June 05, 2015, 04:32:27 PM
Unfortunately, there is no weapon editing tutorial out there. You're just going to have to copy/paste and modify values. On a side note, you should get involved in the modding chat. We can help you out a lot more that the forum can! PM me your Skype username, and I'll see about getting you in  :)
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.6.2)
Post by: xenoargh on June 05, 2015, 04:44:41 PM
I guess I could write a brief tutorial on that.  It's not too complicated, but there are a lot of options to look at, etc.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.6.2)
Post by: Central on July 11, 2015, 08:23:50 AM
I'm attempting to edit a particular ship's stats, but whenever I change something, it seems to corrupt the ship_data.csv of the mod I'm messing around with, and starsector crashes with the error of being unable to find a particular hull. The hull in question is not the one I modified, either!
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.6.2)
Post by: Tartiflette on July 11, 2015, 08:38:40 AM
you shouldn't edit the ship_data.csv via the ship editor, it's old and by then some of the values didn't existed. When saving it removes those for all ships thus the crash. Notepad++ or Excel/Open Office with the right settings can edit that file alright.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.6.2)
Post by: xenoargh on August 08, 2015, 03:40:53 PM
I've been thinking (loosely) about how to hack this to do a few things.  Largely, at this point, we need to deal with some of the newer features, like .skins, finishing a working WYSIWYG weapon editor, adding a timer loop so that it doesn't max out a CPU core while running (if it's even possible) maybe find whatever causes it to corrupt paths on startup sometimes, etc.

Before I get into the repo...

1.  I need to fork out $80 for BlitzMax, yes?
2.  Does the repo have all of the dependencies included?

I'm also kind of wondering if it'd be simpler to start over again with something easier to work with that's free and / or OSS (jMonkeyEngine, Unity), but study this tool, especially in regards to parsing, etc.?
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.6.2)
Post by: Requal on September 22, 2015, 03:07:13 AM
I am getting a atiadlxy.dll error when trying to open this.
Get it 5x in a row and then when I click the editor icon the program has its own error saying:


What might be the issue here?
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.6.2)
Post by: joe130794 on September 22, 2015, 04:18:03 AM
Happens sometimes because the mod paths in the settings get corrupted: open sf-ship-ed-settings.json and either remove or correct the paths to your mod. Often it's written like
"data_dir": "C:\\Starsector\\mods\\YourMod\\data\\hulls\\",
and must be changed to
"data_dir": "C:/Starsector/mods/YourMod/data/hulls/",

This was my problem. May be this.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.6.2)
Post by: Requal on September 22, 2015, 05:36:25 AM
Happens sometimes because the mod paths in the settings get corrupted: open sf-ship-ed-settings.json and either remove or correct the paths to your mod. Often it's written like
"data_dir": "C:\\Starsector\\mods\\YourMod\\data\\hulls\\",
and must be changed to
"data_dir": "C:/Starsector/mods/YourMod/data/hulls/",

This was my problem. May be this.

Don't know if this was a reply to me but I tried it anyway and it didn't work.
And shouldn't the / be \ ?

Anyway the errors are gone and the Exception_Acces_Violation also.
But now when I double click the editor nothing happens.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.6.2)
Post by: Trylobot on September 25, 2015, 08:48:19 AM
I need to fork out $80 for BlitzMax, yes?

No, there's a free version of BlitzMax that is fully-functional (it is open source now) and will compile the editor fully. All you have to do is download it from here:

And then checkout my git repository from here:

I will review any incoming pull requests and update the releases page as necessary if they improve the editor.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.6.2)
Post by: xenoargh on September 28, 2015, 03:41:37 PM
Great, I'll see if I can hack at this sometime, seeking out the weird recursion-crash issues with bad path filenames and a couple of other things. 

My free time is severely limited ATM but perhaps I can get back to this stuff :)
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.6.2)
Post by: 174gjc on November 20, 2015, 12:44:13 PM
Is this .7 compatible now that ships come with a sensor profile + emergency burn?
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.6.2)
Post by: Trylobot on November 20, 2015, 01:38:03 PM
Not even a little bit, but I'll be starting work on understanding all the changes with the latest Starsector version this weekend. After that I'll be updating Nomads and this editor at the same time, because I believe that combination will keep me upbeat and motivated! As well as probably spending some nice long hours and quality time with Starsector again :)
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.6.2)
Post by: Tartiflette on November 20, 2015, 01:44:08 PM
That's terrific news! Glad to have you back.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.6.2)
Post by: 174gjc on November 20, 2015, 02:09:37 PM
Excellent, that sounds great. The return of the nomads and a working ship editor.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.6.2)
Post by: Trylobot on November 21, 2015, 08:44:01 PM
Ship Editor Announcement:

You can now report issues with the editor here: (

I will be using the GitHub issues system as a bug tracker and a to-do list for the editor starting now. It's currently empty, but I'll be putting all of my planned work into it, and prioritizing it. If you use the system to make suggestions instead of purely bugs, keep them realistic and I might consider them. I'm currently in discovery and catch-up mode, to refresh my memory of the code and compile a list of changes that need to be made for full compatibility with Starsector v0.7a RC1. I'll also be going through the changelogs from Alex to help the process.

This should, also, hopefully make my work on the editor a little more transparent to you all as well!

- T

Update: version 2.6.3 is up (
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.6.3)
Post by: Tartiflette on November 24, 2015, 01:26:21 AM
I wanted to use the issue tracker, but you need a log-in to do so and I don't like the idea of Signing up just for 3 reports. I'll do it there if you don't mind:

 - Mods path get sometimes corrupted: "EXCEPTION ACCESS VIOLATION" when the paths change from "C:/Starsector/mods/yourMightyMod/" to "C:\\Starsector\\mods\\yourMightyMod/"

 - When editing the ship_data.CSV, the graph show the existing values for all ships, it would probably be more useful to only have the data from the ships of the same size. That would certainly help in avoiding the most common balance mistakes.

 - And if possible, it would be really really really great to have the possibility to display the deco weapons when placing them. They require more precision than conventional weapons and mods relies more and more on them to make interesting effects.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.6.3)
Post by: Cycerin on November 24, 2015, 01:59:46 AM
Good to have you back Trylo.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.6.3)
Post by: c plus one on November 24, 2015, 10:10:24 AM
Same here, Trylobot. I think that your ship editor is the single most important modding contribution to this game. 8)
So many faction mods would likely have never existed without it. Im happy youve chosen to resume working on SF Edit.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.6.2)
Post by: Aklyon on November 24, 2015, 10:12:43 AM
I guess I could write a brief tutorial on that.  It's not too complicated, but there are a lot of options to look at, etc.
More tutorials are always good.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.6.3)
Post by: Spoorthuzad on November 24, 2015, 10:23:47 AM
Yeah without this piece of software I would've never got into modding, Thanks for this experience man!
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.6.3)
Post by: Spoorthuzad on December 19, 2015, 10:52:16 AM
Don't know if this has been reported before but the hybrid weapon mounts don't work right.
When you want to assign a weapon to such a mount in the variant editor the list will be empty and won't show ballistic/energy weapons.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.6.3)
Post by: Snrasha on December 20, 2015, 01:44:45 AM
You can put a random weapon then in variant file of your ship, you change per  other weapon.( I use this for modded weapon, so.)

After, i think it is not a bug, just not implemented, maybe. Ah ah, i love this editor, but i cannot choice fast weapon in list (we cannot clic instant on weapon, we need use up and down arrow, no?) so if we have mass weapons, hum, we can break down/up arrow, ah ah.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.6.3)
Post by: Spoorthuzad on December 20, 2015, 02:31:58 AM
You can put a random weapon then in variant file of your ship, you change per  other weapon.( I use this for modded weapon, so.)

Yeah, We will have to manually change it for now.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.6.3)
Post by: Trylobot on February 01, 2016, 07:13:36 AM
Thanks for all the feedback guys, I'll put this up in my tracker and get to work on it this week.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.6.3)
Post by: Ahne on February 01, 2016, 07:16:43 AM
Trylobot, you are the best!


Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.6.3)
Post by: Toxcity on February 07, 2016, 05:30:55 PM
I'm assuming you are adding support for HYBRID mounts, but could are you going to provide support for the upcoming COMPOSITE (ballistic/missile) and SYNERGY (energy/missile) mounts, or will you be adding that after those are added to the game?

EDIT: Also thank you for the amazing editor!
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.6.3)
Post by: Tartiflette on February 07, 2016, 11:33:08 PM
I'm assuming you are adding support for HYBRID mounts, but could are you going to provide support for the upcoming COMPOSITE (ballistic/missile) and SYNERGY (energy/missile) mounts, or will you be adding that after those are added to the game?

EDIT: Also thank you for the amazing editor!
Hum, the editor already supports Hybrids. Except for the variant editor granted, but I wound advise to use the game's editor anyway, the one available in DEV mode.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.6.3)
Post by: Toxcity on February 08, 2016, 09:07:56 AM
I usually use Trylobot's variant editor because the game can't make new variants on the fly.

EDIT: The variants can also not be saved if you forget to open the game with administrator permission.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.6.3)
Post by: Tartiflette on February 08, 2016, 09:35:14 AM
I usually use Trylobot's variant editor because the game can't make new variants on the fly.

EDIT: The variants can also not be saved if you forget to open the game with administrator permission.
Never had an issue with that, but I didn't installed it in the default "programs" folder...
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.6.3)
Post by: Harmful Mechanic on February 08, 2016, 03:36:41 PM
Yeah, the ship editor will let you set mounts to Hybrid, it's just the variant editor that doesn't know what to put in those slots. I just leave them empty, generate that first variant file, and add weapons in Dev Mode.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.6.4)
Post by: Trylobot on February 08, 2016, 08:20:27 PM
Download ( (

editor version 2.6.4 (starsector 0.7.1a)
- credit to zaphide for pull request!
- support for HYBRID weapon types
- support for longer weapon lists
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.6.4)
Post by: Ahne on February 10, 2016, 07:35:26 AM
YES, thank you very much trylo, appreciate your work!

Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.6.4)
Post by: Tartiflette on February 13, 2016, 12:03:43 PM
Another small request, could the background image be a loose file? So that we can replace it with something more readable depending on the ships colors. The current one can be troublesome depending on the sprites. (

~the other T
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.6.4)
Post by: Toxcity on March 02, 2016, 09:15:11 AM
Can you add support for SYNERGY and COMPOSITE mounts? It's not too vital considering you can use the ingame editor, but it would be nice.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.6.4)
Post by: Lucian Greymark on March 06, 2016, 07:31:11 PM
Hey Trylo, any timeline for when/if the editor will have weapon modding support?
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.6.4)
Post by: Originem on March 07, 2016, 05:19:12 AM
Is there any chance that can add Chinese character support? It became a mess while loaded with Chinese mod.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.6.4)
Post by: c plus one on March 11, 2016, 10:36:49 PM
Another small request, could the background image be a loose file? So that we can replace it with something more readable depending on the ships colors. The current one can be troublesome depending on the sprites.
I'd like to second this request. The existing background is too dark for my poor vision, and it tends to make it difficult for me to distinguish edges of the hull sprite. It would be wonderful for the user to have the ability to use as a background any external picture file of their choosing.

Can you add support for SYNERGY and COMPOSITE mounts? It's not too vital considering you can use the ingame editor, but it would be nice.
Seconding this request, also. To me, the quoted functionality sounds more than merely nice.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.6.4)
Post by: joe130794 on March 12, 2016, 06:20:43 AM
When I can't see boundaries properly I just move it around until it is over the galaxy in the background. Makes it much easier to distinguish where the boundaries are.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.6.4)
Post by: c plus one on March 12, 2016, 11:29:46 PM
When I can't see boundaries properly I just move it around until it is over the galaxy in the background. Makes it much easier to distinguish where the boundaries are.
I used to be able to do that and call it "sufficient" but in recent years my vision problems have worsened enough that the action you mentioned is no longer good enough. :-[ I already wear corrective lenses and they do not help this problem; it's not a simple "sharpness" issue. Brightening my monitor enough to make the overly-dark built-in background light enough now makes the hull sprite(s) themselves much too bright.

Also, the constant panning of the hull sprites I'm working with over the less dark galaxy graphic is adding up to a huge waste of time that I'd prefer to spend on actually making the ships instead of wrestling with the problematic existing background of SF-Edit.

If Trylobot makes the suggested change to his ship editor, I'd most probably manually insert a solid image of continuous, medium-brightness neutral gray as tprogram's background (or whatever type of image choice helps with my sub-par vision). Or maybe something similar, but instead with a subtle repeating pattern like slightly lighter /darker gridlines or etc., idk

Oh! That reminds me:
Trylobot, would you please also grant users the ability to change - while the program's running - the color (currently pure white) of all the onscreen UI/help/instructions/weapon slot type/etc. text in SF-Edit?

Just some sort of simple RGB 0-255 color picker with a small, real-time preview swatch showing the user's currently-selected text color, and another swatch for the proposed new value, plus a Commit or Save command for the feature, would go a long way to help people with less than great vision. It would be super-helpful if I could harmonize the text color with whatever user-selected background image I end up dropping into the program, as well as harmonize it with the majority color/brightness of the hull sprite I was currently working on.
Thanks in advance for considering this request  :)
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.6.4)
Post by: joe130794 on July 20, 2016, 04:52:09 AM
Just wondering has anyone done or got a tutorial for making weapons with the editor. I tried earlier but it wouldn't let me select either weapon stats mode or projectile mode.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.6.4)
Post by: Tartiflette on July 20, 2016, 06:48:53 AM
Short answer, you can't.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.6.4)
Post by: Deathfly on October 26, 2016, 03:05:52 AM

I just read through this project made a pull request that have some improvements.

So far in that pull request are

1. Add SYNERGY and COMPOSITE weapon slots support
2. Add "coversColor" support
3. Enable custom background.

Since you are...not often appear on forum so may I ask for a permit to release some beta builds of ship editor? With that we may respond to the bug reports and function require more flexible.
Title: Re: Trylobot's ship editor (2.6.4)
Post by: ApetureUnicorn on October 28, 2016, 12:12:17 AM
Ive been trying to make this work for a few hours and have tried both wine and blitzmax or whatever and neither seem to work and im beginning to have a headache so can someone PLEASE find a working way to use this on mac. :-\ >:(
Title: Re: [0.8.1a] STARSECTOR Ship&Weapon Editor (v2.7.2)
Post by: Trylobot on July 05, 2017, 03:03:38 PM
Download latest version v2.7.2 ( (

View Source ( | Report Issues ( | See Upcoming Features (

editor version 2.7.2 (starsector 0.8.1a) [Trylobot]

- Fixed bug #17 "Weapon Group changes in variant mode not saving."
- Added goalVariant, permaMods fields to TStarfarerVariant.type.bmx
- Fixed bug #15 "Selected weapon slot not displayed during weapon group assignment (variant mode)"
- Also moved the weapon groups list to the left side of the screen, so that the selected weapon can be seen more easily.
- Added a keyboard help entry in variant mode for toggling autofire with "A"
Title: Re: [0.8.1a] STARSECTOR Ship&Weapon Editor (v2.7.2)
Post by: Protonus on July 06, 2017, 12:17:43 AM
SSWE version 2.7.2

Good to see the original editor being bumped back to life! ;D

But, somehow...
I find the lack of variant/built-in wing integration disturbing.

While not necessarily too much of an issue, when carriers will lose their LPC loadouts whenever they are being edited for weapons. Same goes for built-in wings where wings are entirely discounted from the .ship data.
Title: Re: [0.8.1a] STARSECTOR Ship&Weapon Editor (v2.7.2)
Post by: Trylobot on July 06, 2017, 12:44:43 AM
Yeah I've experienced that myself. It is annoying to have to go tidy things up after editing. But, I'm back in the saddle for a spell, and I don't see any reason to slow down. Time to bang this puppy out.
Title: Re: [0.8.1a] STARSECTOR Ship&Weapon Editor (v2.7.3)
Post by: Trylobot on July 06, 2017, 11:32:01 PM
Download latest version v2.7.3 ( (

View Source ( | Report Issues ( | See Upcoming Features (

editor version 2.7.3 (starsector 0.8.1a) [Trylobot]

  press "1" (ship mode), "D" (load), "N" (built-in wings submodule)

- skeleton code / boilerplate necessary for Skin editing has been added,
    but this mode doesn't do anything yet (so don't get too excited if you see it in the menus)
- heavy code maintenance / cleanup / refactoring

Title: Re: [0.8.1a] STARSECTOR Ship&Weapon Editor (v2.7.3)
Post by: Morrokain on July 07, 2017, 01:03:49 PM
Ah Trylobot (and Deathfly too!) thanks so much for getting this editor back in working shape again and continuing its support!

I'd had to go back to text editing for this update- when getting things ready for release- wow does this tool make things so much faster and less bug-prone  :D

I have quite a few variants to manage and adding wing sets manually to like 100 variants was... well it took a while.
Title: Re: [0.8.1a] STARSECTOR Ship&Weapon Editor (v2.7.3)
Post by: Trylobot on July 07, 2017, 01:09:03 PM
Yeah variant wings is the next obvious addition (it will share most of the code), and it looks like Deathfly is adding some nice visuals for showing the fighter sprites.
Title: Re: [0.8.1a] STARSECTOR Ship&Weapon Editor (v2.7.4)
Post by: Trylobot on July 08, 2017, 12:27:54 AM
Download latest version v2.7.4 ( (

View Source ( | Report Issues ( | See Upcoming Features (


editor version 2.7.4 (starsector 0.8.1a) [Deathfly & Trylobot]

- Variant: added "wings" mode (add/remove fighter wings from variant)
- Ship/Variant: renders fighter wing sprites and available slots
- Ship/Variant: prevents adding more wings than ship has capacity for
- Variant: warns if adding more variant wings than variant has OPs for
- Variant: added "goalVariant", "quality" to details (strings) editor

- Ship: saves coversColor
Title: Re: [0.8.1a] STARSECTOR Ship&Weapon Editor (v2.7.4)
Post by: xenoargh on July 08, 2017, 09:28:26 AM
Title: Re: [0.8.1a] STARSECTOR Ship&Weapon Editor (v2.7.4)
Post by: Protonus on July 08, 2017, 07:18:44 PM
Works very well for the Red ship built-ins. :D

So far, that one bug I encounter is when I press ESC on the Variant's Wing-dow(?), it won't close and puts the cursor instead at the bottom of the wing list.

I'll take a look. Thanks for the report! ~Trylo (
Title: Re: [0.8.1a] STARSECTOR Ship&Weapon Editor (v2.7.4)
Post by: Trylobot on July 14, 2017, 11:58:31 PM
editor version 3.0.0-pre-alpha-1 (starsector 0.8.1a) [Trylobot]

- Change/Remove Engines
- Add/Remove Built-In Hullmods
- Edit Details (Strings)
- Render Skin Sprite
Title: Re: [0.8.1a] STARSECTOR Ship&Weapon Editor (v2.7.4)
Post by: xenoargh on July 15, 2017, 09:31:59 AM
That sounds exciting!  I'll give it a whirl :)
Title: Re: [0.8.1a] STARSECTOR Ship&Weapon Editor (v2.7.4)
Post by: Trylobot on July 23, 2017, 06:28:27 PM
Download experimental pre-release v3.0.0-pre-alpha-2 (


View Source ( | Report Issues ( | See Upcoming Features (

editor version 3.0.0-pre-alpha-2 (starsector 0.8.1a) [Trylobot & Deathfly]

- Change/Remove Weapon Slot position/angle/arc
- Add/Remove Built-In Weapon Assignments
- Change/Remove Engine Slot style/position/size/orientation
- Add/Remove Built-In Hullmods
- Edit Details (Strings)
- Render Skin Sprite

- Show installed module (variant) in slot.
- Render installed STATION_MODULE (variant)
- Module selector for STATION_MODULE slots, including variants based on skins
- stock_variants loader looks for variants in subdirectories

- Render order now more closely follows the in-game render order
- Foundations laid for for STATION_MODULE rendering

ENGINE MODE (ship, skin)
- Added "contrailSize" to string editor (for setting to 128 for maneuvering jets, if necessary)

Title: Re: [0.8.1a] STARSECTOR Ship&Weapon Editor (v2.7.4)
Post by: Raakashan on August 07, 2017, 09:10:04 AM
So whats the difference between the two releases so i know which version i need to get for my purposes? Just the experimental additions that aren't finalized basically? or is there some other difference I'm not seeing in the description or maybe its there and I'm just daft? LOL
Title: Re: [0.8.1a] STARSECTOR Ship&Weapon Editor (v2.7.4)
Post by: Trylobot on August 07, 2017, 11:46:57 AM
All the differences in the changelog above are relative from v3.0.0-pre-alpha-2 to v2.7.4, so if you're working with skins or battlestations you may find it vaguely helpful (even though it's unfinished).
Title: Re: [0.8.1a] STARSECTOR Ship&Weapon Editor (v2.7.4)
Post by: xenoargh on August 07, 2017, 01:55:40 PM
I like the new build.  Definitely addresses some of my pet peeves.  Only one major issue I've seen; when placing weapons:

1.  It won't let me use Mirror there.

2.  I have to cycle up / down a weapon to re-select the last-selected weapon.  Means a bunch of extra keystrokes when I'm placing a bunch of the same thing (this came up with my Thruster FX Mod in spades).

This has been triaged. Thanks for the report. (

Title: Re: [0.8.1a] STARSECTOR Ship&Weapon Editor (v2.7.4)
Post by: bananana on September 10, 2017, 01:46:53 AM
help plz!
something happened and now i cannot do anything with weapon offsets. delete, add, move - nothing works. the hint near cursor changes when some key is pressed, but apart from that i cannot do anything.
shp editor works just fine.

nvm, some weird glitch when no main image selected.
Title: Re: [0.8.1a] STARSECTOR Ship&Weapon Editor (v2.7.4)
Post by: Morrokain on December 09, 2018, 09:01:14 AM
Anyone try this out with .9 yet?

I would assume it still works fine, but just checking.
Title: Re: [0.8.1a] STARSECTOR Ship&Weapon Editor (v2.7.4)
Post by: mendonca on December 09, 2018, 11:15:03 AM
Broadly speaking; yes.

Goes without saying but 0.9 features aren’t implemented - and there may be other weirdness associated; but seems to work okay; just e.g. edit the .csv manually.
Title: Re: [0.8.1a] STARSECTOR Ship&Weapon Editor (v2.7.4)
Post by: Morrokain on December 09, 2018, 11:50:24 AM
Broadly speaking; yes.

Goes without saying but 0.9 features aren’t implemented - and there may be other weirdness associated; but seems to work okay; just e.g. edit the .csv manually.

Cool so editing ship and variant files is still working including adding wings and modules for stations?

Basically just wanting to use it to handle Archean Order's new ships, variants and stations.

csv files, weapons, skins, hullmods and ship systems I can do myself fairly easily.
Title: Re: [0.8.1a] STARSECTOR Ship&Weapon Editor (v2.7.4)
Post by: JamesBai03 on March 02, 2019, 01:46:41 PM
wondering if the project has been discontinued. Used it three years ago, it was good.
Title: Re: [0.8.1a] STARSECTOR Ship&Weapon Editor (v2.7.4)
Post by: Trylobot on March 02, 2019, 02:36:34 PM
The truth? Factorio
Title: Re: [0.8.1a] STARSECTOR Ship&Weapon Editor (v2.7.4)
Post by: xenoargh on April 18, 2019, 05:30:28 PM
Well, I hope Factorio hasn't swallowed you alive, lol.

One feature I'd like to request, if you get around to updating for 0.9's feature list (in particular, dealing with the new Carrier structure in .variant files).

If we open a .variant, it should, imo, load the .ship automatically.  Right now, to edit a .variant, we have to open the .ship first.  Seems like this should be broadly doable. 

It'd also be nice to have a setting where we can limit OPs to 10% over par or whatever we want, without having to calculate by hand (heck, just a UI element that says how over / under we are would work).
Title: Re: [0.8.1a] STARSECTOR Ship&Weapon Editor (v2.7.4)
Post by: Trylobot on April 18, 2019, 05:34:51 PM
Those are both excellent ideas xeno. Carrier support is planned and partially complete in the experimental release, but the others regarding variants and overlimiting ops can definitely be included. I noticed Alex is sitting on a pretty sizeable follow up release so I'm planning on bringing things up to speed for it
Title: Re: [0.8.1a] STARSECTOR Ship&Weapon Editor (v2.7.4)
Post by: xenoargh on April 18, 2019, 05:47:11 PM
I hear that.  I've had various bits of code sitting here for a year or more... but I don't want to release and then have it broken by 0.91, lol.
Title: Re: [0.8.1a] STARSECTOR Ship&Weapon Editor (v2.7.4)
Post by: xenoargh on June 10, 2019, 02:17:27 PM
This build's looking pretty nice!  I see that "loading Variant doesn't load Hull" is still not quite there; ah well, I've put up with that for five years, lol.

One question, though; it's unclear how to add / subtract Wings in that dialog.  What's the hotkey?

Oops, and!

I don't appear to be able to exit the Wings dialogue; I have to re-enter via Ship --> Variant editing; the dialog comes up, but hitting ESC doesn't close it.
Title: Re: [0.8.1a] STARSECTOR Ship&Weapon Editor (v2.7.4)
Post by: Oblivion on June 10, 2019, 07:52:16 PM
One question, though; it's unclear how to add / subtract Wings in that dialog.  What's the hotkey?

Oops, and!

I don't appear to be able to exit the Wings dialogue; I have to re-enter via Ship --> Variant editing; the dialog comes up, but hitting ESC doesn't close it.

I’m pretty sure the hotkey’s enter and backspace. I’m also having the same problem with the wings tab, though it isn’t that big of a deal.

Something i’d like to have as a feature, is a hotkey to send you back to the middle of the ship. Scrolling too quickly usually sends me away from the ship, forcing me to save and reload the editor. Either that or an option to “anchor” the scrolling to the middle of the ship instead of going forwards/backwards.
Title: Re: [0.8.1a] STARSECTOR Ship&Weapon Editor (v2.7.4)
Post by: xenoargh on June 10, 2019, 11:32:14 PM
+1; or at least a "reset view to defaults".  I've had that happen in the middle of a long editing session and, doh... save and hope for the best, lol!
Title: Re: [0.8.1a] STARSECTOR Ship&Weapon Editor (v2.7.4)
Post by: xenoargh on July 07, 2019, 10:23:02 AM
OK, I took a quick look at the code.  Bear with me, I know zero about BlitzMax.  I think I've finally tracked down why the order of Hull Mods isn't alpha-by-name-field, like it should be.

If I'm reading the code correctly, the list is sorting by Ordinance Point costs.

Can you please fix this?  Weapons, Hull Mods, Systems all should be in alpha-by-name-field order; it'd make the editing workflow a lot better; searching for something by name is much more natural than by OP value.  I'd fix it myself, but frankly, I don't understand BlitzMax's syntax very well yet; this appears to be what I found, though.

Probably the very best way to deal with this is to sort that data when it's imported; then everything that touches it doesn't have to do anything to it and it's already in the order desired.
Title: Re: [0.8.1a] STARSECTOR Ship&Weapon Editor (v2.7.4)
Post by: Limitless on September 06, 2019, 01:49:17 PM
Does this work for the latest version of starsector?
Title: Re: [0.8.1a] STARSECTOR Ship&Weapon Editor (v2.7.4)
Post by: Üstad on April 07, 2020, 03:54:16 AM
Happens sometimes because the mod paths in the settings get corrupted: open sf-ship-ed-settings.json and either remove or correct the paths to your mod. Often it's written like
"data_dir": "C:\\Starsector\\mods\\YourMod\\data\\hulls\\",
and must be changed to
"data_dir": "C:/Starsector/mods/YourMod/data/hulls/",

This was my problem. May be this.

I get exception acess violation bug when I try to edit weapon.csv file. Also I couldn't find the sf-ship-ed-settings.json file.
Title: Re: [0.8.1a] STARSECTOR Ship&Weapon Editor (v2.7.4)
Post by: Yunru on June 03, 2021, 06:35:18 AM
Does this work for the latest version of starsector?
Something seems to be messing up the list for in-built hull mods, but otherwise it appears to work as well as ever.
Title: Re: [0.8.1a] STARSECTOR Ship&Weapon Editor (v2.7.4)
Post by: AdmiralRem on December 31, 2021, 08:44:41 PM
Is there a full walkthrough for this somewhere? I want to make a ship start to finish. I have my sprite and I can figure some things out like hit box and weapon mounts but it gets a big complicated and I think the resolution is off or something because when I’m typing in values for the ship things don’t line up it’s weird and I can’t seem to fix it. THANKS!
Title: Re: [0.8.1a] STARSECTOR Ship&Weapon Editor (v2.7.4)
Post by: AdmiralRem on January 11, 2022, 05:12:12 PM
I can't seem to find a "how to" for the weapons part of this. I can't seem to open existing mod .wpn files. I'm a bit lost!
Title: Re: [0.8.1a] STARSECTOR Ship&Weapon Editor (v2.7.4)
Post by: Anexgohan on February 04, 2022, 06:44:43 PM
Any help for finding Help on Weapons making specifically Missiles would be very helpful for me and those looking for some help. Any helpful person please help out with some help on finding help to help making weapons.

Thanaks for any help