Fractal Softworks Forum

Starsector => Mods => Topic started by: Lukas04 on August 07, 2024, 01:00:20 PM

Title: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Lukas04 on August 07, 2024, 01:00:20 PM



( ( ( ( ( (

Second-in-Command is a full overhaul of the games skill system.
It replaces the existing skill screen with new UI that functions differently to before.
Make sure to read the compatibility section further below before downloading.

All skills except for Combat skills have been replaced. In their place, you now find Executive Officers.
Where you previously found the Leadership, Technology and Industry trees, you now find three slots to assign this new type of officer to.
Each executive officer has an aptitude, said aptitude determines which skills they provide when assigned in to one of those slots.
Every officer has their own skill points to spend, up to five. The player now uses their maximum of 8 skill points on any of the 14 vanilla combat skills.
Overall, the mod as of now adds 105 new skills mixed in to those new aptitudes. You can find an overview of all of them on the mods wiki. (


The mod has its own Wiki, with a list of all aptitudes from the mod itself, and also pages for crossover aptitudes from other mods.
You can find pages both for individual aptitudes and a page that lists all aptitudes in a single page.

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What differences does it make?

With those changes, as the players skillpoints are seperate, the player no longer has to decide between piloting and fleet-wide skills.
No longer do you have to give up your fun in piloting a ship to get great logistical bonuses.

With the 10 aptitudes and 105 skills within them, you now have much more choice for your builds.
However, since only three aptitudes can be active at the same time, you have to make much more specialised choices.

You could say that the base-games system brings you towards a Jack-of-all-trades build.
Meanwhile this mod encourages you to combine the aptitudes that would most support your fleet build.
You could combine the Automation, Smallcraft and Piracy aptitude to create an a swarm of automated ships. 

Officers have to first be found, that can be in comm-links on colonies, or in cryo-pods during exploration.
A unique bar-encounter is available right after beginning a game to choose a starting officer.

Very importantly, NPCs have not been left out!
All NPC fleets have their own executive officers with their own choice of skills.
As you face stronger fleets, you also encounter them with more of skills.



As this mod is a rather intrusive change to the system, some minor issues are to be expected.
Notably, this mod is not compatible with most other mods that perform changes to vanilla skills or the system.
Those are currently: Quality Captains, A New Level of Confidence, Truly Automated Ships & Adjustable Skill Thresholds.

Mods that add skills that are not normaly visible on the skills screen however will generaly work.
If for example, a mod adds a skill that is applied to an officer or the player through some unique interaction, it will generaly work.
Mods that add skill bars to the base games system will have them not show up here, but should otherwise do fine.

Custom Starts that start the game of with the "Automated Ships" skill will have the skill replaced with an Automation XO.
If a mod gives the player a vanilla skill that isnt a combat one, it is automaticly deactivated.

Cross-Mod Support

List of Mods with Second-in-Command Integration

Random Assortment of Things (2 Aptitudes) (
Emergent Threats (2 Aptitudes) (
Dustkeeper XO - Secrets of the Frontiers Integration (1 Aptitude) (

Integrating your own mod

The system is easily modifieable to add new aptitudes with their own skills.
Aptitudes can be made to be unique and only show up on custom officers, or only spawn on a specific factions fleet.
You can the modding documentation here (

You can ask me to have your mod added in the list above, however i may not add it there if it doesnt atleast somewhat follow the design guidelines shown in the documentation.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can this mod be added mid-save?
Technicly yes, but as there are a few things during progression that differ, and since leveling up officers takes some time, i would not recommend it.

Can you do X large change?
I'm pretty happy with how the mod is at its core, so i don't plan to really change its fundementals at all.
I am mostly looking for feedback on the things existing in the system as it is.

The logistical aptitudes feel required, can you do something about them?
Personaly i think you can do just fine without Logistical aptitudes.
Invest more in to your logistical ships, install some logistical hullmods like Efficiency Overhaul in to your military ships.
The tradeoff of using a few hullmods like this is very much worth the additional combat skills you can get instead.
When you make a build, take a bit to consider if you could not make do without one, or if you want the pure convenience of having one.

Title: Re: [0.97] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Lukas04 on August 07, 2024, 01:00:31 PM
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: AdamLegend on August 07, 2024, 01:01:11 PM
Oh wow. Another amazing mod from an amazing author. Can't wait to try this out!
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Neverr on August 07, 2024, 01:11:55 PM
I've been playing with this mod and it's by far by most preferred method of skill progression. It feels fluid dynamic and creates a lot of interesting build choices we may normally not have. Definitely recommend.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Wispborne on August 07, 2024, 01:35:09 PM
This fills the "bridge crew" void *while* addressing the wonkiness of having to choose between becoming a better pilot and making your overall fleet better.

I've played briefly with it and (spelling/grammar aside), it feels beautifully vanilla. Crossmod XOs are going to be really cool. This will end up a must-have mod.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Dal on August 07, 2024, 02:33:20 PM
Congrats Lukas! I've been greatly enjoying watching this mod evolve, I think it's an instant classic! ;D
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Adex on August 07, 2024, 03:28:24 PM
Since transverse jump is unlocked by default, did anyone test that we can still let Sebestyén know that we can do it (very important)?
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Proxima-b on August 07, 2024, 04:38:41 PM
I really like the combat skill in "quality captain" and the max level increase by "A new level of confidence", are there ways to make them work with this mod?
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Lukas04 on August 07, 2024, 04:58:49 PM
I really like the combat skill in "quality captain" and the max level increase by "A new level of confidence", are there ways to make them work with this mod?

No, as this is an entirely different system, and both of those skills mods work with the base one, they are not compatible.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Octavus on August 07, 2024, 07:48:56 PM
This mod looks great, however I know fossic mods such as borken and gamma legion do add their own skills to the skill trees which will most likely cause mod conflict. Hopefully some workaround can be found so I can keep playing with all these mods. :P
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Lukas04 on August 07, 2024, 10:32:49 PM
This mod looks great, however I know fossic mods such as borken and gamma legion do add their own skills to the skill trees which will most likely cause mod conflict. Hopefully some workaround can be found so I can keep playing with all these mods. :P

Generaly for mods like this theres a good chance it will just work, but you wont have any way to access those skills.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: oddisz on August 08, 2024, 01:17:06 AM
Alex please integrate this into vanilla, it is too good to pass up.
I've never seen such innovation for a skill system in any game so far, and this fixes most of the problems I had with it too.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Octavus on August 08, 2024, 01:43:00 AM
This mod looks great, however I know fossic mods such as borken and gamma legion do add their own skills to the skill trees which will most likely cause mod conflict. Hopefully some workaround can be found so I can keep playing with all these mods. :P

Generaly for mods like this theres a good chance it will just work, but you wont have any way to access those skills.
Ah great news, borken does offer some unique skills that ties in with their ships though so hopefully they can coexist in the future :D
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Vellentretenmert on August 08, 2024, 02:13:04 AM
Lukas, does this mod require new game or can I add it mid-save? Anyway, looking interesting and I hope it's +-balanced.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: oddisz on August 08, 2024, 02:20:19 AM
After playing with it for a couple hours - I wish that the green skill tree skills were kinda, built in the character just like combat skills are. They are essentially mandatory for me to take every time - max officer skill is relevant for other officers as well and removing the command officer negatively affects the others.

I don't know if this is intended as a way to balance John Starsector
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Moon Spirit on August 08, 2024, 05:36:05 AM
There's one big problem with mod.

Seed world - you could copy from the character window. It could have been used in other new games. Now it is impossible to copy seed with this mod.

Is there any way to return the button copy world seed?
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Lukas04 on August 08, 2024, 08:37:52 AM
Lukas, does this mod require new game or can I add it mid-save? Anyway, looking interesting and I hope it's +-balanced.

It may work, but make sure to Save-Copy before installing any mod, really.
Also you will have more skillpoints on your player than this mod would usualy allow, since you only gain half as many skillpoints on levelup, and this change isnt applied retroactively.

Balance will need some work, but since enemy fleets can potentialy have just as many skills as yourself, it should be fine in terms of difficulty.

After playing with it for a couple hours - I wish that the green skill tree skills were kinda, built in the character just like combat skills are. They are essentially mandatory for me to take every time - max officer skill is relevant for other officers as well and removing the command officer negatively affects the others.

I don't know if this is intended as a way to balance John Starsector

I think overall its relatively fairly balanced with the others, it has pretty strong skills, but its earlier skills are a bit weaker, unless you are mostly playing the game in the strategic way, where you leave the playership itself on autopilot and command the whole fleet.

I am considering to add a few permanent bonuses on level ups, and officer level & elite level would likely be part of that, i hope that should alleviate the issue a bit for you. But i would also just recommend to try different things out aswell, can be easy to just want to use the system like you do with the vanilla one when swapping over.

There's one big problem with mod.

Seed world - you could copy from the character window. It could have been used in other new games. Now it is impossible to copy seed with this mod.

Is there any way to return the button copy world seed?

A thing i kind of kept forgeting there was, and havent putten a lot of consideration on since modded saves kind of break most seeds consistency anyways. But il re-add the ui element for it at some point.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Moon Spirit on August 08, 2024, 12:00:23 PM
I like this mod.
I can do a lot of builds, it's cool.

Can I have some suggestions?

- I can't change the names officers. It's sad. It would be interesting to give them names like officers on ships.
- I would like to be able to dismiss them just like officers on ships.

Thanks for a great mod.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Lukas04 on August 08, 2024, 12:13:06 PM
I like this mod.
I can do a lot of builds, it's cool.

Can I have some suggestions?

- I can't change the names officers. It's sad. It would be interesting to give them names like officers on ships.
- I would like to be able to dismiss them just like officers on ships.

Thanks for a great mod.

Il look in to both
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Lukas04 on August 08, 2024, 02:30:17 PM
Alright, released another patch, as i discovered that i did a mistake and for people that installed the mod mid-save, officers would not appear in the comm directory. Thats fixed now.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: AdamLegend on August 08, 2024, 02:59:35 PM
I wish we could use your Portrait Changer mod ( to modify executive officer portraits
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Lukas04 on August 08, 2024, 03:07:20 PM
I wish we could use your Portrait Changer mod ( to modify executive officer portraits

I could probably just fit it in to the UI itself somehow, will look in to it
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Moon Spirit on August 08, 2024, 03:16:51 PM
I think I found incompatibility with another mod.

Modules from mod - Exotica Technologies don't work.
No errors, no game closing. Just the buffs from mod modules don't work together with this mod.

Exotica Technologies has a module that increases fleet speed by +2. And the bonus of installing the module on any ship - don't increase speed and don't work. I think and other mod modules don't work because they change the parameters of ships.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Lukas04 on August 08, 2024, 03:38:31 PM
I think I found incompatibility with another mod.

Modules from mod - Exotica Technologies don't work.
No errors, no game closing. Just the buffs from mod modules don't work together with this mod.

Exotica Technologies has a module that increases fleet speed by +2. And the bonus of installing the module on any ship - don't increase speed and don't work. I think and other mod modules don't work because they change the parameters of ships.

Not quite sure how that would happen, i dont know Exotica, so i wasnt even aware it has fleetwide effects.
But im not sure if i could change anything in this mod to make it work. I asume you already tried disabling this mod and testing it again to see if its even at fault?
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Moon Spirit on August 08, 2024, 04:06:32 PM
I think I found incompatibility with another mod.

Modules from mod - Exotica Technologies don't work.
No errors, no game closing. Just the buffs from mod modules don't work together with this mod.

Exotica Technologies has a module that increases fleet speed by +2. And the bonus of installing the module on any ship - don't increase speed and don't work. I think and other mod modules don't work because they change the parameters of ships.

Not quite sure how that would happen, i dont know Exotica, so i wasnt even aware it has fleetwide effects.
But im not sure if i could change anything in this mod to make it work. I asume you already tried disabling this mod and testing it again to see if its even at fault?

Yes. I was playing with Exotica before installing this mod.
It's just that this mod removes effects (maybe all of them) and doesn't cause crashes.
I wouldn't be too upset if the two mods can't work together.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: PreConceptor on August 08, 2024, 04:18:06 PM
Apparently I can't Manage XOs unless I have at least 4, since I can't unassign them unless all 3 slots remain filled. Am I missing something?
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Lukas04 on August 08, 2024, 04:24:23 PM
Apparently I can't Manage XOs unless I have at least 4, since I can't unassign them unless all 3 slots remain filled. Am I missing something?

Rightclick removes them from a slot, i guess right now the tooltip for that only pops up on slots without an officer, so its easy to miss. Il adjust that.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: PreConceptor on August 08, 2024, 04:48:53 PM
It seems some Planet Ops from Nomadic Survival/Perilous Expanse may be unavailable due to requiring vanilla skills
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Sethfcm on August 08, 2024, 05:34:55 PM
I want to say thank you so much Lukas for all of your work, RAT has brought me much joy over the last year since I discovered it.

That said, I love the look of this mod, and am downloading it now, but I want to ask if it'll be an option (Luna config for example) to increase the limit on simultaneous officers, I've enjoyed modded games with maxed skills and while I know it'd be horribly imbalanced here, I nonetheless request it.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Lukas04 on August 08, 2024, 06:01:06 PM
It seems some Planet Ops from Nomadic Survival/Perilous Expanse may be unavailable due to requiring vanilla skills

Known issue, but it needs the change from Nomadics side.
Same kind of issue exists for nexerelins ground invasions, but i will likely commit a PR for that issue myself.

I want to say thank you so much Lukas for all of your work, RAT has brought me much joy over the last year since I discovered it.

That said, I love the look of this mod, and am downloading it now, but I want to ask if it'll be an option (Luna config for example) to increase the limit on simultaneous officers, I've enjoyed modded games with maxed skills and while I know it'd be horribly imbalanced here, I nonetheless request it.

Though also sorry, im not really interested in adding such an option. The whole system is made around using 3 slots, and id rather keep it that way in all cases.
Keep in mind though, this mod is essentialy like playing with the lv25 cap, as each officer provides 6 skills, and the player can get 8 in combat.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Moon Spirit on August 08, 2024, 06:09:30 PM
I think I found incompatibility with another mod.

Modules from mod - Exotica Technologies don't work.
No errors, no game closing. Just the buffs from mod modules don't work together with this mod.

Exotica Technologies has a module that increases fleet speed by +2. And the bonus of installing the module on any ship - don't increase speed and don't work. I think and other mod modules don't work because they change the parameters of ships.

Not quite sure how that would happen, i dont know Exotica, so i wasnt even aware it has fleetwide effects.
But im not sure if i could change anything in this mod to make it work. I asume you already tried disabling this mod and testing it again to see if its even at fault?

My bad. Sorry.
Checked everything is better in game now. Both mods work as they should and without any issues. There are bonuses and everything works.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Sethfcm on August 08, 2024, 06:23:54 PM
Though also sorry, im not really interested in adding such an option. The whole system is made around using 3 slots, and id rather keep it that way in all cases.
Keep in mind though, this mod is essentialy like playing with the lv25 cap, as each officer provides 6 skills, and the player can get 8 in combat.

No problem, thank you for all the work, I'm doing a play through with SiC despite my mild objections, and do enjoy it greatly.

It's innovative, and I whole-heartedly recommend it for roleplaying too given the attachment to officers, I've seen you mention being able to rename/change portraits so that's the only other thing I'd really desire, so it seems we'll get it!

Edit: As moonspirit mentioned Exotic Tech is working fine on my end, so it seems to have just been a kerfuffle on their end earlier.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: AdamLegend on August 08, 2024, 08:44:46 PM
I wish we could use your Portrait Changer mod ( to modify executive officer portraits

I could probably just fit it in to the UI itself somehow, will look in to it

Thank you! The officer portrait matters a lot to me for immersion and creating my own crew, so definitely looking forward to seeing this added!
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Proxima-b on August 08, 2024, 08:59:45 PM
I really like the combat skill in "quality captain" and the max level increase by "A new level of confidence", are there ways to make them work with this mod?

No, as this is an entirely different system, and both of those skills mods work with the base one, they are not compatible.

The problem is vanilla personal combat skills aren't exactly well balanced, are there any adjustment made in this mod?
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Proxima-b on August 08, 2024, 09:25:11 PM
I already have a new level of confidence installed and past lvl 20, what will happen if I uninstall that and install this mod mid-save
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Lukas04 on August 08, 2024, 11:45:52 PM
I really like the combat skill in "quality captain" and the max level increase by "A new level of confidence", are there ways to make them work with this mod?

No, as this is an entirely different system, and both of those skills mods work with the base one, they are not compatible.

The problem is vanilla personal combat skills aren't exactly well balanced, are there any adjustment made in this mod?

You get 8 skillpoints at most for the combat skill tree, which has 14 skills to choose from.
All skills cost 1 point, except System Expertise & Missile Spec, which cost 2. So you can get between 6 to 8 combat skills based on what you pick.
The skills themself have no changes.

I already have a new level of confidence installed and past lvl 20, what will happen if I uninstall that and install this mod mid-save

Youl have more skillpoints than intended for combat skills, thats about it. You probs wanna respec out of all vanilla skills first, but i think using it on a new save is a better experience.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Lukas04 on August 09, 2024, 01:06:44 PM
Released a new patch, mostly some Quality of Life, but also made Logistical Aptitudes incompatible to eachother, as stacking them is a bit to lame, and also rather strong. Same incompatibility system can work for other aptitudes, but none will make use of it for now. Its mostly there for Logistical & Crossmod Aptitudes.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Proxima-b on August 09, 2024, 01:45:57 PM
Really want to try this mod out now, but it seems quality captain cannot be removed safely.
Guess I'll have to do this next time... :'( :'( :'( :'(
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: PlushPhoenix on August 09, 2024, 01:56:39 PM
For me, personaly, the limit of 3 "trees" and not many skill points is so sad. I'd rather skip the main battle tree to something else. Mods looks very cool, and would be really great if you can give variation of mod where players can take more skill trees and could have more skill points (but will need much more xp, or mabe make them weaker but give players opportunities to take more (extra balance - maybe bad idea).

This mod looks rly VERY interesting, and anyway thank you for your work!!! Skill system is a little bit weak part of this game, and what you did is very good.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Lukas04 on August 09, 2024, 02:01:02 PM
For me, personaly, the limit of 3 "trees" and not many skill points is so sad. I'd rather skip the main battle tree to something else. Mods looks very cool, and would be really great if you can give variation of mod where players can take more skill trees and could have more skill points (but will need much more xp, or mabe make them weaker but give players opportunities to take more (extra balance - maybe bad idea).

This mod looks rly VERY interesting, and anyway thank you for your work!!! Skill system is a little bit weak part of this game, and what you did is very good.

Im not planning on changing it, as its a core part of the mod. Removing the limit would essentialy just make it vanilla with more trees, and its just not what i want it to be.
The mod is about choosing carefully what you want to specialise in, and removing the limit would just get rid of it.
The vanilla system does support adding more trees, just not many mods out there that do. And i am personaly not that interested in making a mod that is just that.

Also to clarify, this mod does give you 11 more skills than vanilla does, its uh, not very few skill points.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: PlushPhoenix on August 09, 2024, 02:21:42 PM
Then just mabe give a chance to take something instead Combat skill tree, for more variation....
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Proxima-b on August 09, 2024, 02:36:14 PM
Is there a way to uncap the level but retain the total number of skill points ?
With a lot of mod installed, the XP is just too easy to come by.
Or just get a slider for player XP gain.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Lukas04 on August 09, 2024, 02:39:59 PM
Then just mabe give a chance to take something instead Combat skill tree, for more variation....

The point of the combat tree being fixed is to remove the discrepancy that exists in how truly effective some random combat skill is on the player versus a good fleetwide skill.
I want to be able to freely decide on what combat skills i can get in isolation as they are fun skills, just not optimal if they are in the grand package.

The mod is very much made for people that have an issue with this in the base game. If you dont like all of those changes you may wanna check out Quality Captains ( instead as it remains in the vanilla system but with cooler skill ideas.

Is there a way to uncap the level but retain the total number of skill points ?
With a lot of mod installed, the XP is just too easy to come by.
Or just get a slider for player XP gain.

No, but adding an XP slider is a good idea, il put that in my notes.
Thanks for the suggestion!
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Hyde on August 09, 2024, 04:23:23 PM
The CR bonus from Crew Training appears to be broken, might be the entire management tree as Top Conditions doesn't apply either.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Lukas04 on August 09, 2024, 04:40:09 PM
The CR bonus from Crew Training appears to be broken, might be the entire management tree as Top Conditions doesn't apply either.

Issue was actually bigger than this, anyone on 1.0.3 should update to 1.0.4 immediately, as an accidental deletion of a single line of code caused half of the skills to no longer work....haha, modding is fun.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: SpaceDrake on August 09, 2024, 11:09:54 PM
Java: It Just Works™.

Anyway, this looks like a neat idea, and I'm going to be giving it a try on a new playthrough!
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Proxima-b on August 10, 2024, 03:13:51 AM
How do I reassign executive officers' skill, I can't find such option.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Lukas04 on August 10, 2024, 04:01:55 AM
How do I reassign executive officers' skill, I can't find such option.

Officers can not have their skills respecced, you would need to find a new officer and spec them differently.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Lukas04 on August 10, 2024, 08:11:41 AM
Finished writing up the guide for adding new aptitudes and skills for this mod.
Though as a warning, it is more so for people that already know how to mod the game.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Dazs on August 10, 2024, 10:01:45 AM
I started a new game to try this out and at first it was a bit awkward as I used Quality Captains and A new level of confidence in previous games. I have to say this is so much better for my playstyle and I salute your out of the box thinking. I do have a couple questions though;

First is can you remove Executive Officers that a player has an overflow of? I mistakenly hired three different ones that were logistics and I now understand I can only have one but the other two cannot be interacted with. Is there a way to fire them?

Second is this mod compatible with Take No Prisoners? I was unsure so I disabled it before starting this run and frankly may not go back to it as I am enjoying the building from nothing playstyle. I only ask as it deals with standard officers and I was not sure if there would be any interaction with executive officers.

Thank you for all your mods, they add so much to my game.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Lukas04 on August 10, 2024, 10:09:51 AM
I started a new game to try this out and at first it was a bit awkward as I used Quality Captains and A new level of confidence in previous games. I have to say this is so much better for my playstyle and I salute your out of the box thinking. I do have a couple questions though;

First is can you remove Executive Officers that a player has an overflow of? I mistakenly hired three different ones that were logistics and I now understand I can only have one but the other two cannot be interacted with. Is there a way to fire them?

Second is this mod compatible with Take No Prisoners? I was unsure so I disabled it before starting this run and frankly may not go back to it as I am enjoying the building from nothing playstyle. I only ask as it deals with standard officers and I was not sure if there would be any interaction with executive officers.

Thank you for all your mods, they add so much to my game.

1. Download the latest version, you can dismiss officers now in the executive officer picker menu. Id recommend keeping atleast 1 extra though, this mod has no respeccing for officers, as the idea is that you can use duplicates and spec them differently if you wanna change your build

2. Its compatible with TnP, it doesnt affect normal officers at all, check the "Compatibility" section on the main page of the mod to see what mods are directly incompatible.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Proxima-b on August 10, 2024, 10:43:28 AM
In the latest changelog it says: Fixed a bug that removed all your executive officers if your fleet got entirely defeaten. (only fixed on new saves). Does that mean if I have an old save, I would lose all officers if I got destroyed, what change should I make to my save file to fix this?
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Lukas04 on August 10, 2024, 10:44:39 AM
In the latest changelog it says: Fixed a bug that removed all your executive officers if your fleet got entirely defeaten. (only fixed on new saves). Does that mean if I have an old save, I would lose all officers if I got destroyed, what change should I make to my save file to fix this?

Just cant fix it on your current save, best thing you can do is, well avoid it from happening. Though cant really do that if your on ironmode i guess.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Proxima-b on August 10, 2024, 10:54:00 AM
In the latest changelog it says: Fixed a bug that removed all your executive officers if your fleet got entirely defeaten. (only fixed on new saves). Does that mean if I have an old save, I would lose all officers if I got destroyed, what change should I make to my save file to fix this?

Just cant fix it on your current save, best thing you can do is, well avoid it from happening. Though cant really do that if your on ironmode i guess.

There must be some lines of difference between the old save and new save where it store the data on executive officers right? I mean theorically if one finds out what said diffenrences are and edits them out in the xml file it could be fixed.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Lukas04 on August 10, 2024, 10:57:00 AM
In the latest changelog it says: Fixed a bug that removed all your executive officers if your fleet got entirely defeaten. (only fixed on new saves). Does that mean if I have an old save, I would lose all officers if I got destroyed, what change should I make to my save file to fix this?

Just cant fix it on your current save, best thing you can do is, well avoid it from happening. Though cant really do that if your on ironmode i guess.

There must be some lines of difference between the old save and new save where it store the data on executive officers right? I mean theorically if one finds out what said diffenrences are and edits them out in the xml file it could be fixed.

You can also just make sure to save before every fight, and its also not a save breaking issue in the first place, as you could just get new officers.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Proxima-b on August 10, 2024, 11:02:30 AM
In the latest changelog it says: Fixed a bug that removed all your executive officers if your fleet got entirely defeaten. (only fixed on new saves). Does that mean if I have an old save, I would lose all officers if I got destroyed, what change should I make to my save file to fix this?

Just cant fix it on your current save, best thing you can do is, well avoid it from happening. Though cant really do that if your on ironmode i guess.

There must be some lines of difference between the old save and new save where it store the data on executive officers right? I mean theorically if one finds out what said diffenrences are and edits them out in the xml file it could be fixed.

You can also just make sure to save before every fight, and its also not a save breaking issue in the first place, as you could just get new officers.

Does the new officer also get lost if I get wiped out, for this old save ?

btw I play on ironman mode so no save for me, and my fighting style get myself destroyed sometimes so it's a problem for me.

Edit: Backed up my save and did some testing,on this old save, new officers also get removed if defeated. Glad you caught this bug early. This save of me is only about 10 hours in, wouldn't waste too much time if I just start a new save now. Really hope I can fix the old save tho, had a good seed and some really good random events.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: SpaceDrake on August 10, 2024, 03:03:43 PM
If anything, I feel like that should become an optional feature, a toggle in the options or something. Your fleet got blown away? Say goodbye to your carefully cultivated buddies. It might also be a bit too punishing, but...

Oh, and speaking of toggles, I want to bring up another aspect that I think could make for a fun toggle: transverse jump.

In the current version, the problem of T-verse and neutrino detector being obtainable via Tech skills is to just have them baked in to your options from the start. Clean and easy, but baking in transverse does mean that a lot of the little interactions you can get from not having transverse, both in the main story and in a lot of little potential interactions (.97 added at least one more of these!), simply aren't possible anymore if you use SiC. And, to be honest, this is another pure power spike compared to vanilla, where there are tons of early game starts, and even full builds, that don't provide transverse at all.

So I, personally, would like to see this being an option in the mod menu - a toggle or something for whether the player begins with transverse and the detector enabled or not. In a non-Nex game, you can still get both abilities from the Galatia questline, so that's not a concern; the only sanity checking required would be compatibility with things like Nex, where the Academy questline can be removed.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Lukas04 on August 10, 2024, 03:09:03 PM
If anything, I feel like that should become an optional feature, a toggle in the options or something. Your fleet got blown away? Say goodbye to your carefully cultivated buddies. It might also be a bit too punishing, but...

Oh, and speaking of toggles, I want to bring up another aspect that I think could make for a fun toggle: transverse jump.

In the current version, the problem of T-verse and neutrino detector being obtainable via Tech skills is to just have them baked in to your options from the start. Clean and easy, but baking in transverse does mean that a lot of the little interactions you can get from not having transverse, both in the main story and in a lot of little potential interactions (.97 added at least one more of these!), simply aren't possible anymore if you use SiC. And, to be honest, this is another pure power spike compared to vanilla, where there are tons of early game starts, and even full builds, that don't provide transverse at all.

So I, personally, would like to see this being an option in the mod menu - a toggle or something for whether the player begins with transverse and the detector enabled or not. In a non-Nex game, you can still get both abilities from the Galatia questline, so that's not a concern; the only sanity checking required would be compatibility with things like Nex, where the Academy questline can be removed.

No to the part of converting that bug to an optional toggle, someone else already asked on discord, and i also considered it, but id rather avoid such a sudden cut off of skills in general.

On the other suggestion, sounds fair enough, i can add those toggles. Personaly i just used this approach as i use nex skip story config, which i think gives the skill anyways (That or because i always picked navigation first anyways)
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: AdamLegend on August 10, 2024, 03:32:18 PM
Can we get a difficulty option for LunaLib for the scaling of enemy fleet executive officers?
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Lukas04 on August 10, 2024, 03:34:16 PM
Can we get a difficulty option for LunaLib for the scaling of enemy fleet executive officers?

Not sure if ill add full scaling, but i could add a preconfigurations for easier/base/harder.
Are you asking because you want them less strong or stronger?
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: AdamLegend on August 10, 2024, 05:27:32 PM
Can we get a difficulty option for LunaLib for the scaling of enemy fleet executive officers?

Not sure if ill add full scaling, but i could add a preconfigurations for easier/base/harder.
Are you asking because you want them less strong or stronger?
Less strong
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: SpaceDrake on August 10, 2024, 07:49:16 PM
No to the part of converting that bug to an optional toggle, someone else already asked on discord, and i also considered it, but id rather avoid such a sudden cut off of skills in general.

On the other suggestion, sounds fair enough, i can add those toggles. Personaly i just used this approach as i use nex skip story config, which i think gives the skill anyways (That or because i always picked navigation first anyways)

Fair and fair, tbh. The first suggestion was kind of half a joke - I do think it could make for a cool "hard mode" toggle, but I can also understand it being too harsh.

And yeah, I kind of figured that was why you had set it up the way you had (and yes, Nex's story skip gives you the abilities anyway) but there are both filthy story-players like myself :V and I wanted to bring it up just because being able to toggle not having the actives at the start would bring the mod a little closer to "vanilla parity" for starting strength. So it'd be a nice option to have!
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: SpadeDraco on August 10, 2024, 10:21:37 PM
This absolutely blows the vanilla system out of the water. I do however have a couple major criticisms. (Note: I'm only using the vanilla game balance as a reference for these. Content adding mods are not being considered)

1. The "Support" line is problematic. The fact that all of the carrier skills are condensed into a single officer type encourages carrier monofleets and said skills combo together on a carrier monofleet in an absolutely overwhelming way. The bonuses to fighters either need to be toned down or spread among multiple officer types.

2. Low Tech fleets have been pretty badly neglected. The only line that armor focused kinetic ships really benefit from is Tactical. The issue is that Tactical boosts a little bit of everything and the benefits synergize decently with the specialized lines. However there is no specialized fleetwide line that really boosts any of the qualities Low Tech ships rely on (range, armor, specialized kinetic/HE damage).

and finally

3. 'Management' is kinda mandatory. Not sure there's a whole lot you can actually do about this. It's more an issue of officers being really important and 'Leadership' in the base game being basically mandatory. As close to a 1/1 lift of the leadership skill line from vanilla 'Management' has just sort of inherited this status.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Lukas04 on August 11, 2024, 04:32:00 AM
This absolutely blows the vanilla system out of the water. I do however have a couple major criticisms. (Note: I'm only using the vanilla game balance as a reference for these. Content adding mods are not being considered)

1. The "Support" line is problematic. The fact that all of the carrier skills are condensed into a single officer type encourages carrier monofleets and said skills combo together on a carrier monofleet in an absolutely overwhelming way. The bonuses to fighters either need to be toned down or spread among multiple officer types.

2. Low Tech fleets have been pretty badly neglected. The only line that armor focused kinetic ships really benefit from is Tactical. The issue is that Tactical boosts a little bit of everything and the benefits synergize decently with the specialized lines. However there is no specialized fleetwide line that really boosts any of the qualities Low Tech ships rely on (range, armor, specialized kinetic/HE damage).

and finally

3. 'Management' is kinda mandatory. Not sure there's a whole lot you can actually do about this. It's more an issue of officers being really important and 'Leadership' in the base game being basically mandatory. As close to a 1/1 lift of the leadership skill line from vanilla 'Management' has just sort of inherited this status.

1. I get your point, but there are multiple types of such aptitudes in the mod. Both Smallcraft & Automation fall under the same umbrella. Since those are always only one slot, id say despite it being a whole aptitude focused on it, it still gives you the room to decide how to fit out the rest of your fleet. You could go for a mono-build, which may be the most optimal, but i think most people will be fine with only using, like, "50%" of its affect by not just using carriers. However i agree that other trees need more mild sources of buffs, its a general theme that i still work on.

2. Cant say much more other than that i am still working on aptitudes, which just takes time, cant hit out 40 skills in a day. Next up i am working on the Improvision aptitude, which is dmods & general low-quality deployment

3. Management has been nerfed to no longer have +2 Officers on Crew Training in a recent patch, il probably also nerf the Authority skill. I think most other aptitudes are competitive enough after the change. Also, i am considering adding some buffs on level up, to fill the slots where you dont gain skillpoints, and adding officer slots & elite levels will be part of those, which should negate the need a bit.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: MarDolphin on August 11, 2024, 04:48:54 AM
I think "Piracy" might not be useful. Why "provisional replacements" cant reduce dp?
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Lukas04 on August 11, 2024, 04:52:14 AM
I think "Piracy" might not be useful. Why "provisional replacements" cant reduce dp?

Because it is a logistical aptitude. The few combat skills it has are just a bonus.
Piracy is pretty decent as 70% more salvage from battles and a 40% higher chance for weapons to drop is really good.
It doesnt reduce the maintenance costs as much as Starfaring, but it makes it much easier to do fights back-to-back.

A skill with dmods reducing deployment costs will be in the tree i just mentioned a post back.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: MarDolphin on August 11, 2024, 05:11:03 AM
I think "Piracy" might not be useful. Why "provisional replacements" cant reduce dp?

Because it is a logistical aptitude. The few combat skills it has are just a bonus.
Piracy is pretty decent as 70% more salvage from battles and a 40% higher chance for weapons to drop is really good.
It doesnt reduce the maintenance costs as much as Starfaring, but it makes it much easier to do fights back-to-back.

A skill with dmods reducing deployment costs will be in the tree i just mentioned a post back.

Thank you! That sounds great.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Keybindet on August 11, 2024, 06:41:58 AM
I think "Piracy" might not be useful. Why "provisional replacements" cant reduce dp?

Because it is a logistical aptitude. The few combat skills it has are just a bonus.
Piracy is pretty decent as 70% more salvage from battles and a 40% higher chance for weapons to drop is really good.
It doesnt reduce the maintenance costs as much as Starfaring, but it makes it much easier to do fights back-to-back.

A skill with dmods reducing deployment costs will be in the tree i just mentioned a post back.

Thank you! That sounds great.
I think piracy if alright as you can swap it anttime you need raid go stelthy or get some mor redacted weapons.
I love ths mode and want to see trees for cruisers or capitals fleets in the future.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Psiyon on August 11, 2024, 12:56:33 PM
Wanted to briefly say that I'm thrilled this mod exists. I've fantasized about a similar system in the past, but never bother to attempt it. This definitely fulfills the dream.

I've only played with it for a few hours now, but I'd like to provide a few bits of feedback.

1. Echoing what has already been said, I do agree with the sentiment that some aptitudes are too laser-focused on certain areas ("Support," "Small Craft," and "Automation," as you've stated). Sounds like from your earlier response that you're considering some ways to address this, and I think that's the right move. I'm unopposed to the concept of a specific playstyle each having an "optimal" aptitude for players who want to go all-in on something (carriers only, mass frigates, automated ships, etc), but I don't think said aptitudes should horde all of the relevant skills. Spreading things out a *bit* more would probably foster some more interesting builds and prevent situations where players lock themselves into a specific set of XOs for the whole run.

2. I'm concerned about the aptitudes with skills that that modify hard limits: s-mod count, officer limit, flux caps/vents, etc. These were fine(ish) when they were attached to the player: speaking for myself, I'd never even reassign/swap those skills as they were not only powerful, but also a hassle to change. SiC seems to be a lot more accommodating to the idea of swapping skills/XOs more regularly than a player would reassign their skills in vanilla (which is a great concept). So, if I pick a skill for an XO that allows +1 s-mod -- yes, that skill is fantastic, but now it's also a pain to remove that XO because, after enough time, I've probably built my whole fleet around that one skill.

Personally, I'd prefer any skills that adjust hard limits to exist on the player's skill tree rather than an XO's. Or, maybe a hot take: those limit-adjusting skills can just be removed entirely. 3 s-mods per ship is insanely good. With the power that 3 leveled-up XOs give to a fleet, more s-mods just isn't needed. Though, I'd still like some way to field up to ~10 officers... if it were me, I'd probably just set the limit at 10 and call it a day. Officers are just too good and interesting mechanics-wise for me to not immediately choose to go all-in on them.

Thanks for all your work in creating this; SiC is a huge breath of fresh air. While I appreciate and respect all the effort that Alex has put into the vanilla skill system, no iteration of the base game's approach has really "clicked" for me as well as SiC has. I may toss some more thoughts your way as I go through my current playthrough.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Lukas04 on August 11, 2024, 01:32:44 PM
Wanted to briefly say that I'm thrilled this mod exists. I've fantasized about a similar system in the past, but never bother to attempt it. This definitely fulfills the dream.

I've only played with it for a few hours now, but I'd like to provide a few bits of feedback.

1.Echoing what has already been said, I do agree with the sentiment that some aptitudes are too laser-focused on certain areas ("Support," "Small Craft," and "Automation," as you've stated). Sounds like from your earlier response that you're considering some ways to address this, and I think that's the right move. I'm unopposed to the concept of a specific playstyle each having an "optimal" aptitude for players who want to go all-in on something (carriers only, mass frigates, automated ships, etc), but I don't think said aptitudes should horde all of the relevant skills. Spreading things out a *bit* more would probably foster some more interesting builds and prevent situations where players lock themselves into a specific set of XOs for the whole run.

2. I'm concerned about the aptitudes with skills that that modify hard limits: s-mod count, officer limit, flux caps/vents, etc. These were fine(ish) when they were attached to the player: speaking for myself, I'd never even reassign/swap those skills as they were not only powerful, but also a hassle to change. SiC seems to be a lot more accommodating to the idea of swapping skills/XOs more regularly than a player would reassign their skills in vanilla (which is a great concept). So, if I pick a skill for an XO that allows +1 s-mod -- yes, that skill is fantastic, but now it's also a pain to remove that XO because, after enough time, I've probably built my whole fleet around that one skill.

Personally, I'd prefer any skills that adjust hard limits to exist on the player's skill tree rather than an XO's. Or, maybe a hot take: those limit-adjusting skills can just be removed entirely. 3 s-mods per ship is insanely good. With the power that 3 leveled-up XOs give to a fleet, more s-mods just isn't needed. Though, I'd still like some way to field up to ~10 officers... if it were me, I'd probably just set the limit at 10 and call it a day. Officers are just too good and interesting mechanics-wise for me to not immediately choose to go all-in on them.

Thanks for all your work in creating this; SiC is a huge breath of fresh air. While I appreciate and respect all the effort that Alex has put into the vanilla skill system, no iteration of the base game's approach has really "clicked" for me as well as SiC has. I may toss some more thoughts your way as I go through my current playthrough.

Yeah as mentioned, most of it is the result of just not being done with the mod yet. I do like having some rather focused aptitudes, since they are still just one piece of the puzzle, and those are also easier to come up with to be honest. Next aptitude im working on is "Improvision", which is also rather focused, on dmods in this case, but after that i wanna come up with atleast 2-3 more "broad" aptitudes.

Tactical & Technical pretty much go in to the direction that i want to go with the next ones aswell. The idea is that you essentialy have some aptitudes you can use as a defining feature, and then synergise with other more general aptitudes, or pick another very specific one if that fits what you wanna be going with. Combining the more generic aptitudes with other generic aptitudes would also allow you to have more balanced fleet builds. Worth noting that i dont plan to add multiple focused aptitudes that do the same job, and if i do, those would be blocked from being used with eachother.

Understandable, and it is part of my design ethos to avoid such skills when possible. This is why those hard limits stats are pretty much almost only available in Management, aside from Limit Breaker in Automation and as you mentioned Flux Regulation. I did not want to remove those skills, as they are iconic vanilla effects, but since i already figured that they could get in the way of fun, im not really planning to do anymore of the same kind.

At some point im planning to add some "Level up" effects, mostly to fill out levels where you dont get a skillpoint. Those would include things like

Using those i could replace some of the current "permanent" effects and give Management some new ones, still officer related, just more fitting to the system. However i think il keep "Best of the Best" as it is, as i think i did a good job at not making that one inconvenient (The inactive s-mods just reactivate when you re-assign the officer).

Also glad your liking it! In general im quite happy with the reception so far. 
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: TK3600 on August 11, 2024, 04:46:56 PM
Great mod idea!
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Psiyon on August 11, 2024, 06:35:50 PM
Understandable, and it is part of my design ethos to avoid such skills when possible. This is why those hard limits stats are pretty much almost only available in Management, aside from Limit Breaker in Automation and as you mentioned Flux Regulation. I did not want to remove those skills, as they are iconic vanilla effects, but since i already figured that they could get in the way of fun, im not really planning to do anymore of the same kind.

At some point im planning to add some "Level up" effects, mostly to fill out levels where you dont get a skillpoint. Those would include things like

  • Extra XO XP Gain
  • +1/2 Officers in Fleet
  • +1/2 Officer levels
  • +1 Officer Elites

Using those i could replace some of the current "permanent" effects and give Management some new ones, still officer related, just more fitting to the system. However i think il keep "Best of the Best" as it is, as i think i did a good job at not making that one inconvenient (The inactive s-mods just reactivate when you re-assign the officer).
Awarding permanent effects on player level-up is a good solution; I agree that it'd help with the "in-between" levels that don't give skill points.

I wasn't properly considering that the officer limit increases and Best of the Best were both in the management aptitude... that does make any hard-limit changes less severe. I'll have to give Best of the Best a shot when I've got enough XP to pick it and I'll see how swapping out the management XO goes.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: HandfulStroker on August 12, 2024, 02:33:46 PM
Officer management isn't giving the 2+ officers  :'(
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Phenir on August 12, 2024, 03:17:19 PM
Officer management isn't giving the 2+ officers  :'(
There was a version in which many skills did nothing, are you on the latest version?
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Tranquility on August 13, 2024, 06:32:11 PM
Been playing with this mod for a few days already, and I do have to say it is, as of now, an excellent mod with even greater potential. While I don't have anything against the vanilla skill tree right now, I do like being able to play around with a different skill tree iteration and optimizing around that (not to mention fighting fleets using that same system too; I appreciate that aspect too), so I can't wait to see how SiC will develop. With that in mind, I do have a few thoughts I'd like to mention for now:
While I probably have more to say, I'm really just waiting for the Improvision XO to come out so I can do some Derelict Operations spam once again - or at least not care about having D-Mods on my ships. Can't wait to see what new skills are coming out for that!
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Lukas04 on August 13, 2024, 06:58:11 PM
Been playing with this mod for a few days already, and I do have to say it is, as of now, an excellent mod with even greater potential. While I don't have anything against the vanilla skill tree right now, I do like being able to play around with a different skill tree iteration and optimizing around that (not to mention fighting fleets using that same system too; I appreciate that aspect too), so I can't wait to see how SiC will develop. With that in mind, I do have a few thoughts I'd like to mention for now:
  • Is there, or will there be, a configurable, faction-specific weighting for XOs, similar to how, in vanilla, each faction has access to a limited selection of fleetwide skills? It would make a lot of thematic sense having, for example, the Hegemony favor Management and Tactical XOs, or Tri-Tachyon specalizing in Technical XOs - and, in reverse, it would be weird seeing Hegemony and LC fleets run Piracy XOs. Not only that, I imagine this would also be of interest to modded factions that want to tailor which fleetwide skills their typical fleets get.

    On a related note, I think a few of the scripted vanilla fleets, like the Ziggurat, Hypershunt Omegas, and the Usurpers Diktat fleets, should probably have consistent, non-random XOs - especially since, right now, Caden has actually-competent XOs, which does not fit his characterization in the vanilla story completely makes sense for such an outstanding Lion's Guard loyalist!

  • For the Continuous Repairs skill, would it be possible to make the repair threshold lower for smaller ship sizes, similar to how it's done for the vanilla Hull Restoration skill? It can feel bad having frigates and destroyers, which tend to die more often in big battles and are also cheaper to replace anyways, require the same 300 DP threshold to repair as cruisers or capitals, both of which are generally more expensive to restore and, thus, is the main incentive for running a non-combat XO. (Also, I noticed that, unlike Hull Restoration, Continuous Repairs works on mothballed ships too, which seems a little weird but, given the context, is probably fine since you have to expend extra fuel and/or burn speed carrying such ships around.)

  • Wide-Ranged Transmission feels way too powerful to be a mid-tier Automation skill, especially since you can always give drone bombers Missile Specialization + Target Analysis, which alone makes for an incredibly insane synergy that actually makes Support's Barrage skill completely detrimental (since you already get extra missile ammo from MS, and the damage malus hurts bombers, especially the Flash, a lot). Even with Scintilla and Flash as the only automated carrier/bomber combo in vanilla, I doubt that anything else, even non-automated carrier spam, can hold up to Scintilla/Flash spam with WRT - and I'm not even considering mods that include other automated carriers and automated bombers/fighters. I don't think it'll hurt to move WRT to the final tier, so you'd have to choose between a general pick, a specialized carrier pick, or a player-focused pick. (Also, it's not like Limit Breaker synergizes that well with WRT, since fighters only get at most 4 skills; at best, it'd save some SPs from not needing to integrate Gamma Cores. At worst, it'd probably hurt players who want both WRT and Neural Junction, but IDK since Technical XO has Neural Link as another option for piloting auto-ships)
While I probably have more to say, I'm really just waiting for the Improvision XO to come out so I can do some Derelict Operations spam once again - or at least not care about having D-Mods on my ships. Can't wait to see what new skills are coming out for that!

1. They are already weighted to conditions of the fleet, and some based on faction. Piracy is guaranteed on pirates, automation is guaranteed on automated ships. Technical is more likely if theres phase ships, and that aptitude has a weight of 0 on phase skills if there are no related ships.

2. I think i wanna keep it at 300 for now, but next patch will buff the skill to also provide a 50% chance to avoid dmods.

3. I can look in to a bunch of ways of making it less strong, might just downgrade it to "a random gamma cores worth of skills", rather than related to whats equipped.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: HandfulStroker on August 14, 2024, 01:16:55 PM
Officer management isn't giving the 2+ officers  :'(
There was a version in which many skills did nothing, are you on the latest version?

I was on 1.0.5, I'm trying out 1.0.6 now though after posting this.

Edit: it works, but it isn't save compatible, so the changes didn't affect my current playthrough  :'(
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Rennac on August 14, 2024, 08:58:38 PM
Bug Reporting, was running 1.0.2 at the time for context.
Incompatibility with Random Assortment of Thing's Abyssal automated ships, was unable to claim any of them as automated ships with a Technical Officer or an Automation Officer. Didn't matter if they were fresh from combat or one of the spawned derelicts.

Joining ongoing combat seems to inherit the executive officers of whoever's side you're joining, rather noticeable with skills like Smallcraft's Support Doctrine not applying the dp cost reduction. I don't remember offhand but I believe you kept it joining ongoing combat in vanilla?

For feedback, you've already posted that there'll be the 50% chance to avoid dmods added to Continuous Repairs, I quite like the skill so definitely looking forward to that. I am greatly enjoying having to pick and choose the officers and their builds, even switching between two of the same specialties but with different skills. Overall, excellent mod.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: vagabond1 on August 15, 2024, 02:38:35 AM
So. After playing some 40-ish hours with this mod...

I fully enjoyed this mod.


Uh, it kind of removes my usual playstyle, the Derelict Op + Support Doctrine one. I tried looking through all of the executive officers I can get normally, and none of them have DP reduction for D-modded ships or for officer-less ships.

Most of the mod has a focus of limiting the player to the semi-optimal playstyle as the High Tech and d-mod-less run.

Can you add something combat-related for us D-mod lovers in the next update or sumthin?
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Lukas04 on August 15, 2024, 02:43:24 AM
Bug Reporting, was running 1.0.2 at the time for context.
Incompatibility with Random Assortment of Thing's Abyssal automated ships, was unable to claim any of them as automated ships with a Technical Officer or an Automation Officer. Didn't matter if they were fresh from combat or one of the spawned derelicts.

Joining ongoing combat seems to inherit the executive officers of whoever's side you're joining, rather noticeable with skills like Smallcraft's Support Doctrine not applying the dp cost reduction. I don't remember offhand but I believe you kept it joining ongoing combat in vanilla?

For feedback, you've already posted that there'll be the 50% chance to avoid dmods added to Continuous Repairs, I quite like the skill so definitely looking forward to that. I am greatly enjoying having to pick and choose the officers and their builds, even switching between two of the same specialties but with different skills. Overall, excellent mod.

The issue with RAT is fixed in its Beta version, still some weeks away from full release probs.

The other issue il need to look in to.

So. After playing some 40-ish hours with this mod...

I fully enjoyed this mod.


Uh, it kind of removes my usual playstyle, the Derelict Op + Support Doctrine one. I tried looking through all of the executive officers I can get normally, and none of them have DP reduction for D-modded ships or for officer-less ships.

Most of the mod has a focus of limiting the player to the semi-optimal playstyle as the High Tech and d-mod-less run.

Can you add something combat-related for us D-mod lovers in the next update or sumthin?

Derelict Op + dmod stuff is being added by the Aptitude im currently working on, might have an update later today, save incompatible though.
Also Support Doctrine still exists in the Smallcraft Aptitude,same effect as base game.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: vagabond1 on August 15, 2024, 03:23:28 AM
Ooohh, thank you for the quick reply.

Happy to hear that. And I must have missed SupDoc.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Dadada on August 15, 2024, 04:24:40 AM
:o Awesome stuff, I love you. I bet the player is now even more OP.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Lukas04 on August 15, 2024, 04:28:32 AM
:o Awesome stuff, I love you. I bet the player is now even more OP.

Not really, overall the power level is increased, but since NPCs also spawn with skills it gets more even. Still more of a powerboost for the player & you can disable NPCs having skills in the configs.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Dadada on August 15, 2024, 04:34:33 AM
I am looking forward to my next run once whenever the new SS version drops: QoL improvements, custom markers without mods and this one will make runs much better, my body is so &%$ing ready, praise the sun!
Specializations hnnnnng. my_body_is_ready.jpg
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: [FG] on August 15, 2024, 06:43:34 AM
Really like both idea and UI tweaks. After a few balance passes and fixes this overhaul should really shine! :)
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Proxima-b on August 15, 2024, 01:07:02 PM

Derelict Op + dmod stuff is being added by the Aptitude im currently working on, might have an update later today, save incompatible though.
Also Support Doctrine still exists in the Smallcraft Aptitude,same effect as base game.

Is it possible to make it save compatible somehow, I've been restarting runs way too often lately, now finally I have my perfect system with perfect resources and placement, even have some good rat relic condition... It would be really inconvenient to have to restart yet again.

Or at least could you make the new version loadable with old save, or maybe new features can work with some save editing ?
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: SpaceDrake on August 15, 2024, 04:56:30 PM
Derelict Op + dmod stuff is being added by the Aptitude im currently working on, might have an update later today, save incompatible though.
Also Support Doctrine still exists in the Smallcraft Aptitude,same effect as base game.

This is good to hear; I'd noticed Support Doctrine was in smallcraft (another one that makes that a real winner for my frigate-heavy playstyle), but I was wondering if I'd just missed the DP cost reduction somehow. Good to hear it'll be in.

Personally I'm waiting to play in depth again until the Transverse-at-start toggle is added in
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Lukas04 on August 15, 2024, 06:45:09 PM
Released Version 1.1.0, containing a whole new aptitude with "Improvisation", which is related to d-mods and other shenanigans.
Also overhauls the piracy and technical aptitude a bit.

It is not Save Compatible
All changes here:


Derelict Op + dmod stuff is being added by the Aptitude im currently working on, might have an update later today, save incompatible though.
Also Support Doctrine still exists in the Smallcraft Aptitude,same effect as base game.

This is good to hear; I'd noticed Support Doctrine was in smallcraft (another one that makes that a real winner for my frigate-heavy playstyle), but I was wondering if I'd just missed the DP cost reduction somehow. Good to hear it'll be in.

Personally I'm waiting to play in depth again until the Transverse-at-start toggle is added in

May have forgotten about the abilities, whoops. Still got it on my list though. 
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Moon Spirit on August 15, 2024, 08:07:46 PM
Mistake with officer.

It can be buy but not the correct name. Under portrait it says -

No post for id
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Dazs on August 16, 2024, 01:30:28 AM
Mistake with officer.

It can be buy but not the correct name. Under portrait it says -

No post for id
Same here, here is a sc:

As always, thank you for your hard work and contribution to the community Lukas04.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: vagabond1 on August 16, 2024, 02:23:09 AM
same. came here to say this.

Also, thank you for the mod update!
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Lukas04 on August 16, 2024, 04:12:52 AM
Fixed the issue with them displaying wrongly, also added the configuration for disabling the feature where it gives you "inaccesible" abilities right at the start.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: SpaceDrake on August 16, 2024, 04:17:14 AM
God fuggin' bless, Lukas. Thank you for getting on this so quickly.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Killsode on August 16, 2024, 04:19:45 PM
Been giving a save with this mod a go. I quite enjoy the broad possibility of buffs and build variety, as well as the idea of being able to swap around my build 'on the fly'.
But there is some feedback i can give, and an ability from vanilla skills that i think has been overlooked. I've Played 1.0.6, but i've double checked a fresh 1.1.1 save to make sure things are still relevant.

1. Managing unassigned XO's is a little fiddly. You cant dismiss or rename an unassigned XO if you have an XO of the same type or catagory unless you enter the management menu from that XO's type or catagory. XO's are also only listed in order of acquisition, which makes managing a bunch of them a little tricky, as they'll be almost randomly mixed up together. And you may want to have a bunch of them for mixing up your builds. Fixing the former should(?) be as simple as allowing you to select a conflicting unassigned XO but just greying out the confirm button. For the latter, the list could be automatically sorted by officer type and then by name alphabetically? Some kind of specific ordering there other than order of acquisition would be nice i think.

2. Respecing XO skills? I know they're based off ship Officers and you cant respec their skills willy nilly, only their elites. And since you can get more and duplicate XO's you can just spec out a different officer differently. But being able to spend a story point to respec an XO's skill selection would make varying and trying out new builds much nicer, especially since leveling one to 5(6?) takes a while. I believe it took me until player level 10 before one of my XO's was max level? And i had XP gain rate set to 1.25. If i wanted to try out the other capstone skill for a different build i would need to aquire and level up a brand new XO all the way.

3. Hull Restoration and ship recovery. its not properly listed in Hull Restoration but it actually improves universal ship recovery rates. For the most part it seems to make any storypoint recovery a normal recovery. Although it doesnt reduce the D-mod rate for recovered enemy ships. I've tested this by nuking a 300 point hegemony fleet over again with different vanilla skill combinations. But as far as i'm aware, XO skills dont do that (unless generic "post battle salvage" does it?), which makes recovering new ships quite difficult.

4. Continuous Repairs and D-mod removal. I havent used it just yet, but i'm not sure about the 300 DP per hullmod removed. That aforementioned 300 point hegemony fleet had a little under 400 DP worth of ships in it all up. That would have removed one D-mod from one ship, likely a frigate or destroyer i lost in that very battle. In that situation its more of just a D-mod rebate. But taking many engagements into account, removing D-mods turns into a game of slogging through trash fleets. I am not quite sure whether or not that is effective enough its good, or just barely effective enough its a slog. Encouraging farming unengaging and easy combat for that seems... Not great? If it ends up being a slog, it may actually be worse than AFKing to remove d-mods. But as i said, i havent used it just yet so i'm sure.

5. This is just my own taste in power level, but i am ravenous for a fourth XO slot. Having a logistical XO is basically required on the campaign map, but they do basically nothing in combat. Leaving in practice only two slots for XO's that do anything in combat. And only two slots is juuust slightly too few. Sure, currently i could replace that logistics XO with a combat XO, but i'll be honest i am not leaving my home system without a logistics XO. Campaign level movement speed is just too good of a quality of life improvement to give up.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Lukas04 on August 16, 2024, 05:12:09 PM
Been giving a save with this mod a go. I quite enjoy the broad possibility of buffs and build variety, as well as the idea of being able to swap around my build 'on the fly'.
But there is some feedback i can give, and an ability from vanilla skills that i think has been overlooked. I've Played 1.0.6, but i've double checked a fresh 1.1.1 save to make sure things are still relevant.

1. Managing unassigned XO's is a little fiddly. You cant dismiss or rename an unassigned XO if you have an XO of the same type or catagory unless you enter the management menu from that XO's type or catagory. XO's are also only listed in order of acquisition, which makes managing a bunch of them a little tricky, as they'll be almost randomly mixed up together. And you may want to have a bunch of them for mixing up your builds. Fixing the former should(?) be as simple as allowing you to select a conflicting unassigned XO but just greying out the confirm button. For the latter, the list could be automatically sorted by officer type and then by name alphabetically? Some kind of specific ordering there other than order of acquisition would be nice i think.

2. Respecing XO skills? I know they're based off ship Officers and you cant respec their skills willy nilly, only their elites. And since you can get more and duplicate XO's you can just spec out a different officer differently. But being able to spend a story point to respec an XO's skill selection would make varying and trying out new builds much nicer, especially since leveling one to 5(6?) takes a while. I believe it took me until player level 10 before one of my XO's was max level? And i had XP gain rate set to 1.25. If i wanted to try out the other capstone skill for a different build i would need to aquire and level up a brand new XO all the way.

3. Hull Restoration and ship recovery. its not properly listed in Hull Restoration but it actually improves universal ship recovery rates. For the most part it seems to make any storypoint recovery a normal recovery. Although it doesnt reduce the D-mod rate for recovered enemy ships. I've tested this by nuking a 300 point hegemony fleet over again with different vanilla skill combinations. But as far as i'm aware, XO skills dont do that (unless generic "post battle salvage" does it?), which makes recovering new ships quite difficult.

4. Continuous Repairs and D-mod removal. I havent used it just yet, but i'm not sure about the 300 DP per hullmod removed. That aforementioned 300 point hegemony fleet had a little under 400 DP worth of ships in it all up. That would have removed one D-mod from one ship, likely a frigate or destroyer i lost in that very battle. In that situation its more of just a D-mod rebate. But taking many engagements into account, removing D-mods turns into a game of slogging through trash fleets. I am not quite sure whether or not that is effective enough its good, or just barely effective enough its a slog. Encouraging farming unengaging and easy combat for that seems... Not great? If it ends up being a slog, it may actually be worse than AFKing to remove d-mods. But as i said, i havent used it just yet so i'm sure.

5. This is just my own taste in power level, but i am ravenous for a fourth XO slot. Having a logistical XO is basically required on the campaign map, but they do basically nothing in combat. Leaving in practice only two slots for XO's that do anything in combat. And only two slots is juuust slightly too few. Sure, currently i could replace that logistics XO with a combat XO, but i'll be honest i am not leaving my home system without a logistics XO. Campaign level movement speed is just too good of a quality of life improvement to give up.

Something i need to improve later, wanted to make it a bit better but the ability to dismiss itself came a bit later, and needs some more UI rewrites to be more easy to use. Also in 1.1.0 XOs are now sorted by Aptitude.

I prefer to keep it at requiring dupes to spec differently. Also the next version gives a few XP multipliers to Executive officers as the player themself leve up.

The ship recovery chance thing has been split off in to the "Recovery Efforts" skill.

In 1.1.0 the skill also now provides a 50% chance to avoid new d-mods, which should balance out how many new dmods you gain from encounters.

Wont change, im rather adament about it. Slots being "too few" is what the system should make you feel like. If you wanna use a 3rd more combat orientated Aptitude you will need to compensate that with the fleet build itself. Logistical Aptitudes have an effect on combat by making it easier to build out your fleet, even if the connection doesnt feel as direct. 
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Lukas04 on August 16, 2024, 06:23:04 PM
Alright, one more update for today here:

You now gain certain officer related stats (i.e Max amount of officers) on level up instead.
As such Officer Training and Officer Management have received new effects instead.
They may change later on again, as i am not totally convinced from what they are now, but i wanted some placeholder to exist atleast.

On that note, im going to take a bit of a break from working on Second-in-Command for atleast a few weeks.
I have worked on it a lot in the last six weeks and both the work itself, and keeping up with discussions is getting quite tiring, so aside from hotfixes i probably wont do much for a bit, il also likely reply to fewer posts on here for a bit aswell. 

Been very happy with the response to the mod overall! But still, it is also just a bit much, so hope thats understandable.
With its 9 aptitudes now i think the mod is also in good enough of a condition to just leave it as it is for a bit.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: AdamLegend on August 16, 2024, 07:07:13 PM
Thanks for the update. Please take a well-deserved break. Gonna explore the massive amount of content in this mod in the meantime :)
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Cryovolcanic on August 17, 2024, 05:25:31 AM
This is a very cool mod.

Overpowered, but very cool.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: The one who drives on August 17, 2024, 11:34:34 AM
As a neural shard stan I am quite intruiged by this mod. On one had this makes it a lot more usefull since you'll propably have only 2-3 skills that effect the ship you're piloting but on the other had... -3 officer cap? In this economy?
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: The one who drives on August 17, 2024, 12:09:19 PM
Wait no not -3! Halved! How did I mess that up?
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: PreConceptor on August 17, 2024, 12:24:19 PM
Smol suggestion if I may: It seems the last 'must always have' effect of Leadership that is still present in the Management aptitude is Best of the Best's +1 Smod effect, which also happens to be a real PITA to manage if you ever want to swap Management out. It may be an idea to move that +1 effect to the automatic player level unlocks, maybe push the other unlocks down a level and put it at Lvl14? No clue what effect could replace it in the skill though.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: The one who drives on August 17, 2024, 12:37:19 PM
Wait no not -3! Halved! How did I mess that up?

Ok nvm I'm dumb executive officers are diffrent.


Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Cryovolcanic on August 18, 2024, 12:36:25 PM
Hi Lukas,

I am enjoying this mod a lot. Very cool. However there are a few pacing issues I want to point out with Hull Restoration, Support Doctrine and (less so) Derelict Operations.

In vanilla, Hull Restoration and Support Doctrine are strong skills in the early-to-midgame. You can rush them at level 5, and HR saves you a lot of money as you're building up your fleet and SD makes you much stronger before you have your officers collected and leveled up. In the late game, both of these skills are weak.

In this mod, it takes forever to get an XO up to level 5 and therefore you don't get access to SD and HR until well past the midgame. At that point, I have so much money that HR is pretty useless (I will have paid to clean up D-mods way before) and I'm not losing enough ships to need HR's continuous restoration. Same with SD, by the time I unlock it in the tree I already have my officers, which are much more powerful than SD.

Derelict Operations is not quite as much of an issue since it remains strong in the endgame, and you added good skills to support a junker style early on.

My request: move HR and SD earlier up in the skill tree. Maybe not accessible at level 1-2, but certainly at 3-4. Level 5 is too long of a wait with how slow XO xp gain is.

The purple tree is otherwise quite nice in the early game.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Keybindet on August 18, 2024, 02:39:30 PM
You can modify amount of xp your xo gets with lunalib.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: HandfulStroker on August 18, 2024, 07:23:00 PM
Reporting bug.

After getting my fleet destroyed I realized the skill "Ambush" no longer applied when I went dark. I think it has something to do with "Affects: Fleet" thingamabob, 1+ max burn boost skill also didn't apply, so there may be many skills that'll be null'ied if deadified.

version 1.1.2 btw
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: SpaceDrake on August 18, 2024, 10:06:53 PM
Speaking of bugs, for when you get back, Lukas:

Got a "bug" with two related examples to show. This is really more a cross-mod interaction problem, and centers around the fact that SiC removes the non-combat trees.

1) shows the ground invasion screen in Nexerelin. Because you removed the leadership tree, it's now impossible, in the current build, to activate Inspiration.

2) is from recovering the Halbmond in Tahlan Shipworks. Because the recovery of the blueprints from the Halbmond speeds up depending on your Technology skill level, SiC always slams you down to the slowest possible speed. It's still usable, but it's very slow going.

Neither of these are particularly crippling bugs, but they are a little frustrating and existing XOs don't replicate the behavior they "replace". This kind of problem doesn't come up in the base game, though, since by design the vanilla content doesn't reference the player skills at all outside of checking if you have neutrino detector and transverse jump. So, by default, this "problem" won't be a hard impediment to a playthrough and this is a problem of interactions with specific mods. I think it's up to you whether this even counts an issue worth fixing.

(Hope you're having a good mod break! I wondered about reporting something this minor while you're chilling, to be honest. (
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Bigsky on August 19, 2024, 09:15:21 PM
I was about to report the first as well when doing the ground-pound mission for my current run
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: PreConceptor on August 20, 2024, 07:39:05 AM
Things from mods not working because they require vanilla skills is a known issue btw. Each instance is different but likely a thing those mod authors would need to account for themselves if they care about compatibility.

edit: and apparently the Nex issue is fixed in the next major SiC version
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: MechaRauser on August 22, 2024, 08:11:33 AM
Just wondering out of pure curiosity, but would it be a possibility to have the ability to switch portraits on executive officers mayhaps?
Unfortunately the portrait changer mod doesn't include that capacity.

Either way an amazing mod, been enjoying it quite a bit!

Actually made me wanna replay starsector in quick succession multiple times just to try different skill builds.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: AdamLegend on August 22, 2024, 01:45:58 PM
We can't build the Autonomous AI Battlestation (unlocked from start, just go to orbital station and hover over it) from TASC with Second in Command. It says that it requires the "Automated Ships" skill but even if we have an executive officer with that skill, it still fails.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: DefiasOne on August 22, 2024, 02:01:18 PM
Why not make slots and skill points configurable?

You can have a default balance for 3 slots but if someone would like to just power trip it would be pretty awesome.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Lukas04 on August 22, 2024, 02:59:14 PM
Things from mods not working because they require vanilla skills is a known issue btw. Each instance is different but likely a thing those mod authors would need to account for themselves if they care about compatibility.

edit: and apparently the Nex issue is fixed in the next major SiC version

The nex issue is fixed whenever Nex gets updated, Histidine fixed it on the dev version.

Just wondering out of pure curiosity, but would it be a possibility to have the ability to switch portraits on executive officers mayhaps?
Unfortunately the portrait changer mod doesn't include that capacity.

Either way an amazing mod, been enjoying it quite a bit!

Actually made me wanna replay starsector in quick succession multiple times just to try different skill builds.

I have making their portraits changeable on my list, dont know when il get to it though.

We can't build the Autonomous AI Battlestation (unlocked from start, just go to orbital station and hover over it) from TASC with Second in Command. It says that it requires the "Automated Ships" skill but even if we have an executive officer with that skill, it still fails.

Needs to be fixed on TASCs end, needs to check for the automated ships recovery tag, instead of the skill to work.

Why not make slots and skill points configurable?

You can have a default balance for 3 slots but if someone would like to just power trip it would be pretty awesome.

I dont want the core aspect of the mod configureable, as i rather have the core identity of the mod stable. There are configs to increase the player level up to 25 (Which lets you get 5 more combat skills) and you can lower the NPC difficulty/disable NPCs from spawning from skills in the config. This mod already lets you do power trips with those configs.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: DefiasOne on August 22, 2024, 03:24:51 PM
There might be an incompatibility with Terraforming and Station Construction, I don't have any of the options to build stations or anything in the skill bar.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Lukas04 on August 22, 2024, 03:59:03 PM
There might be an incompatibility with Terraforming and Station Construction, I don't have any of the options to build stations or anything in the skill bar.

As its page states, you need to research the abilities first if you are using Ashes
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Kahnmir on August 23, 2024, 06:47:41 PM
I really like the idea of this mod, and have always felt there was something that just didn't quite sit right about the way skills are done in Starsector, and I think this may be the thing to fix it.

That said, after having played this a bit, I've decided to put this on the shelf. Its very new and obviously still needs some work.

One thing I can give as input that really put me off was the balancing between the Piracy and the Starfaring line:

The two are mutually exclusive, while having a lot of overlap. And this is where the problem lies: Piracy is just strait up better and probably just overtuned when compared to MOST skill trees. But when stacked up against the Starfaring line? Ouch man. Ouch.

The Starfarer line is TERRIBLE. It gives NO combat bonuses, and has worse exploration utility than Piracy, because most of the things it has can be gotten from hullmods and the like, while piracy has the very useful Ambush skill (which is EXTREMELY useful for exploration) AND most of the same stuff starfaring has AND combat bonuses. The only thing that Starfaring has of note is the continuous repairs skill, which is a great utility skill for a combat skill tree... but not an exploration skill tree.

Also, you're blocked from taking both... This is unnecessary because taking both of them... or maybe just taking the starfaring line is kind of a self nerf, so there is no reason to actually stop people taking both, except to inconvenience people who like the exploration elements of this game.

So this is what my solution would be:

Make a new skill tree called "smuggling" (given how prominent that is in this game, it makes total sense there would be a skill tree for it) and strip out some of the elements from piracy and starfaring and add them to smuggling: give starfaring some combat utility, while making piracy less of an auto take.

Also, please add an option to control the spawn rate of the executive officers to the Lunalib mod menu. I realize having a high spawn rate is probably really useful for testing, but I trip over like 5 executive officers everywhere I go.

High hopes for this mod.

Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Lukas04 on August 24, 2024, 01:46:22 AM
I really like the idea of this mod, and have always felt there was something that just didn't quite sit right about the way skills are done in Starsector, and I think this may be the thing to fix it.

That said, after having played this a bit, I've decided to put this on the shelf. Its very new and obviously still needs some work.

One thing I can give as input that really put me off was the balancing between the Piracy and the Starfaring line:

The two are mutually exclusive, while having a lot of overlap. And this is where the problem lies: Piracy is just strait up better and probably just overtuned when compared to MOST skill trees. But when stacked up against the Starfaring line? Ouch man. Ouch.

The Starfarer line is TERRIBLE. It gives NO combat bonuses, and has worse exploration utility than Piracy, because most of the things it has can be gotten from hullmods and the like, while piracy has the very useful Ambush skill (which is EXTREMELY useful for exploration) AND most of the same stuff starfaring has AND combat bonuses. The only thing that Starfaring has of note is the continuous repairs skill, which is a great utility skill for a combat skill tree... but not an exploration skill tree.

Also, you're blocked from taking both... This is unnecessary because taking both of them... or maybe just taking the starfaring line is kind of a self nerf, so there is no reason to actually stop people taking both, except to inconvenience people who like the exploration elements of this game.

So this is what my solution would be:

Make a new skill tree called "smuggling" (given how prominent that is in this game, it makes total sense there would be a skill tree for it) and strip out some of the elements from piracy and starfaring and add them to smuggling: give starfaring some combat utility, while making piracy less of an auto take.

Also, please add an option to control the spawn rate of the executive officers to the Lunalib mod menu. I realize having a high spawn rate is probably really useful for testing, but I trip over like 5 executive officers everywhere I go.

High hopes for this mod.

I think Starfaring and Piracy are in a decent enough place, though Starfaring needs some slight buffs probably.
I feel like you are missing the point that Starfaring is more of a Convenience Aptitude regarding Logistics, where Piracy helps the active aquirement of Resources.
Piracy has very good skills, but you give up the convenience that Starfarings skills provide you with. They are just different ways to go about handling Logistics.
You do appear to really want the skills from starfaring, but you also somehow keep calling it worse, so it sounds like you may just wanna use it instead of Piracy.

Officer spawn chance is high, but thats pretty much intentional, and i dont think it being high hurts.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Kahnmir on August 24, 2024, 02:38:59 AM
Please do not go making assumptions about what I do or do not want, or put words in my mouth. That is rude.

If you don't want any suggestions for your mod than just say so, no need to be so condescending.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Lukas04 on August 24, 2024, 02:51:00 AM
Please do not go making assumptions about what I do or do not want, or put words in my mouth. That is rude.

If you don't want any suggestions for your mod than just say so, no need to be so condescending.

I am sorry, but i am not sure how else to interpret your message, am i missing something? Im mostly going of off what you wrote in your message.
At one point you call the aptitude terrible, in another you complain about how you cant use it together with Piracy because it greatly inconveniences your exploration gameplay without it.
Just feels like the feedback is contradicting itself there, as it shows what value the aptitude has, and why someone may pick it over piracy.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: MxCrossbrand on August 24, 2024, 07:10:05 AM

Quick question (or maybe a point of feedback?); is there a place in game where I can see if an two executive officers fall in the same category without hiring them? It seems kinda intuitive in that I can sort of tell based on how much overlap there is between the skills offered, but there doesn't seem to be anything in the hiring dialogue that indicates which category a skill set belongs to, which caused me to waste 10k early on in my current playthrough.

Over all though, great mod! This is only my second playthrough, and I specced heavily into industry and tactics on my first playthrough cause I could tell early on those two trees would make things massively more manageable. Not having a free dp remover has drastically changed how I've played this second time around, and I'm loving it.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Lukas04 on August 24, 2024, 07:14:14 AM

Quick question (or maybe a point of feedback?); is there a place in game where I can see if an two executive officers fall in the same category without hiring them? It seems kinda intuitive in that I can sort of tell based on how much overlap there is between the skills offered, but there doesn't seem to be anything in the hiring dialogue that indicates which category a skill set belongs to, which caused me to waste 10k early on in my current playthrough.

Over all though, great mod! This is only my second playthrough, and I specced heavily into industry and tactics on my first playthrough cause I could tell early on those two trees would make things massively more manageable. Not having a free dp remover has drastically changed how I've played this second time around, and I'm loving it.

Hmm, not right now, il add it to my notes to make that mentioned when hiring them. Though at the moment, the only conflicting categories are the Logistical ones, Starfaring & Piracy, the Automation one also has a category, but thats just assigned as i have some cross-mod content planned for that type of aptitude.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Sionetta on August 24, 2024, 10:15:25 AM
Is there any way to retain original skill tree for compatibility? Like, can we make it active but hidden or something ?
Im having trouble as so many mods check skills from old skill tree.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Lukas04 on August 24, 2024, 10:29:49 AM
Is there any way to retain original skill tree for compatibility? Like, can we make it active but hidden or something ?
Im having trouble as so many mods check skills from old skill tree.

On that note, Nexerelin gets its issues fixed with its next release, and as far as i know the TASC author is fixing the compatibility issues with SiC not letting you build the automated station.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: zecond on August 24, 2024, 01:58:31 PM
Any chance to get a governor type second in command? I always take those skills so not seeing them is a bit off, or wanting to play without alpha core governors.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Lukas04 on August 24, 2024, 02:42:05 PM
Any chance to get a governor type second in command? I always take those skills so not seeing them is a bit off, or wanting to play without alpha core governors.

There wont be any colony related aptitudes, just not something that fits in to this system without making it immediately worse. Base game has enough ways to upgrade colonies anyways.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Sionetta on August 25, 2024, 10:16:28 AM
I just found that to recover Abyssal Ships in RATs you need the Automated Ships skill but the same skill from Second-in-command doesnt count.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Lukas04 on August 25, 2024, 10:40:24 AM
I just found that to recover Abyssal Ships in RATs you need the Automated Ships skill but the same skill from Second-in-command doesnt count.

Fixed in the version of RAT released a few hours ago, its not save compatible though.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Selfcontrol on August 25, 2024, 03:58:56 PM
Hi Lukas.

I just wanted to let you know that when you first announced you wanted to give a try at reworking/expanding the skills system I was skeptical. I was quite content with the current (vanilla) system and I was afraid of an overcomplicated rework/expansion that wouldn't achieve its goal.

After coming back from my holidays, I downloaded your mod and gave it a try. And my god, it is simply outstanding. It's probably one of the most creative and best mod I have ever played in this game. The whole system of Executive Officers is super neat and simple to use while retaining a "vanilla feel" (it that makes sense) and there's so much creativity in each type of Executive Officer it's simply mindblowing. The possibilities in fleet building allowed by the system you created are incredible ! I am currently having a lot of fun building a whole fleet centered around ammo based weapons and missiles thanks to All Out from Piracy and Mass Bombardment from Tactical. Is it good or overpowered ? I don't know. But its the kind of build I would never have thought about in the vanilla system and it also encouraged me to hunt bounties (thanks to the heavily increased post-battle salvage) right from the start (something I almost never did because it was easier to make money through trade / exploration).

I have some very minor grips with your mod (I think the player now drowns too much in Story Points) but hey, this mod isn't even one month old !

You are one hell of a mod author !
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Lukas04 on August 25, 2024, 04:07:37 PM
Hi Lukas.

I just wanted to let you know that when you first announced you wanted to give a try at reworking/expanding the skills system I was skeptical. I was quite content with the current (vanilla) system and I was afraid of an overcomplicated rework/expansion that wouldn't achieve its goal.

After coming back from my holidays, I downloaded your mod and gave it a try. And my god, it is simply outstanding. It's probably one of the most creative and best mod I have ever played in this game. The whole system of Executive Officers is super neat and simple to use while retaining a "vanilla feel" (it that makes sense) and there's so much creativity in each type of Executive Officer it's simply mindblowing. The possibilities in fleet building allowed by the system you created are incredible ! I am currently having a lot of fun building a whole fleet centered around ammo based weapons and missiles thanks to All Out from Piracy and Mass Bombardment from Tactical. Is it good or overpowered ? I don't know. But its the kind of build I would never have thought about in the vanilla system and it also encouraged me to hunt bounties (thanks to the heavily increased post-battle salvage) right from the start (something I almost never did because it was easier to make money through trade / exploration).

I have some very minor grips with your mod (I think the player now drowns too much in Story Points) but hey, this mod isn't even one month old !

You are one hell of a mod author !

Glad your liking it! And yeah, keeping it simple was one of the goals, helps that it is replacing a system, rather than adding a new one on top (i.e exotica), which makes it easier to approach i think.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: DefiasOne on August 26, 2024, 05:21:56 AM
Does the +1 to officers under your command not apply to your second in command officers?
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Lukas04 on August 26, 2024, 05:52:41 AM
Does the +1 to officers under your command not apply to your second in command officers?

Why would it?
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: DefiasOne on August 26, 2024, 12:21:44 PM
I assumed since they are all officers under your command you'd get level 6 to all officers.
You're still in charge of your second in command officers so they technically fall under your command, I thought it might be a bug.
In any case I think for consistency sake it would make sense to have all officers max level be 6 not just some when you hit level 12.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: strinn on August 26, 2024, 09:31:23 PM

I think the mod is really good except for one issue: D-mods. In the vanilla tree I and most people I know rush the Industry tree to get Hull Restoration. I feel like there's no other good way to get rid of D-mods other than this skill considering that restoring hulls manually or through Restoration Docks added by that colony mod is still too expensive for early and mid-game when you ACTUALLY need to remove D-mods (your fleets are weaker and you can't just buy a new ship). Also, I don't like seeing red indicators next to my ships.

The issue with this mod is that executive officers all level slowly and you can only get D mod removal by around levels 8-10. Even then, it's inefficient, seemingly removing 1-2 D-mods per fleet killed. This is pretty late in the game around the time you can already do remnant hunting.
I'm sorry, but I don't think I will be running this mod in the future due to this, which is a shame because it's very cool.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Lukas04 on August 27, 2024, 01:22:23 AM

I think the mod is really good except for one issue: D-mods. In the vanilla tree I and most people I know rush the Industry tree to get Hull Restoration. I feel like there's no other good way to get rid of D-mods other than this skill considering that restoring hulls manually or through Restoration Docks added by that colony mod is still too expensive for early and mid-game when you ACTUALLY need to remove D-mods (your fleets are weaker and you can't just buy a new ship). Also, I don't like seeing red indicators next to my ships.

The issue with this mod is that executive officers all level slowly and you can only get D mod removal by around levels 8-10. Even then, it's inefficient, seemingly removing 1-2 D-mods per fleet killed. This is pretty late in the game around the time you can already do remnant hunting.
I'm sorry, but I don't think I will be running this mod in the future due to this, which is a shame because it's very cool.

Recent patch did increase the base XP gain, it is also been a config in the mods LunaSettings for a while now.
The Hull Restoration equivelant not being the "I always need to pick this" skill is pretty much intentional, kind of bad for a mod with a bunch of customisation to encourage a skill like it to much. Though i think it generally does its job fine.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: DeltaJan on August 28, 2024, 01:18:28 AM
Thanks for the hard work. Really excited to try this out!
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: SkilG@non on August 28, 2024, 10:10:14 AM
Hi. Long time fan of Star Sector (since the freeware days when it was jut the Wolf and Sunderer in arena) and I made this account in the forum just to say this mod is fantastic! You are brilliant and I'd love to see what other interesting mods you can add to this already glorious gem of a game.

Thank you! :D
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: strinn on August 30, 2024, 04:56:04 AM
Recent patch did increase the base XP gain, it is also been a config in the mods LunaSettings for a while now.
The Hull Restoration equivelant not being the "I always need to pick this" skill is pretty much intentional, kind of bad for a mod with a bunch of customisation to encourage a skill like it to much. Though i think it generally does its job fine.

I dunno, I always felt like Hull Restoration was more of a "there's no good alternative to this essential thing" rather than a "this is overpowered beyond belief". Kinda similar to the Helldivers 2 situation with weapon nerfs if you know about that. Ultimately it's your mod and your decision but I do think stronger D-mod removal skills that can be acquired early would benefit it, at least until/if restoration costs are tuned down or other ways to remove D-mods are introduced.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Zaros426 on August 30, 2024, 06:52:01 AM

I've been playing around with your mod and I love it.

A bit of feedback from my previous campaign,
It's great not having to decide between personal combat skill, fleet combat skill and explorations skills.
The game felt much easier than vanilla, I'm not sure if it's intended, I also felt I had a significant surplus of story points.

I'm definitely going to keep using this mod for future game, thank you for making it!
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Lukas04 on August 30, 2024, 07:20:50 AM
Recent patch did increase the base XP gain, it is also been a config in the mods LunaSettings for a while now.
The Hull Restoration equivelant not being the "I always need to pick this" skill is pretty much intentional, kind of bad for a mod with a bunch of customisation to encourage a skill like it to much. Though i think it generally does its job fine.

I dunno, I always felt like Hull Restoration was more of a "there's no good alternative to this essential thing" rather than a "this is overpowered beyond belief". Kinda similar to the Helldivers 2 situation with weapon nerfs if you know about that. Ultimately it's your mod and your decision but I do think stronger D-mod removal skills that can be acquired early would benefit it, at least until/if restoration costs are tuned down or other ways to remove D-mods are introduced.

A lot of people come to this mod with the expectation of something that was essential for them in vanilla being not on the same level, or just comparetively not as worth it anymore, and if i would integrate all of those requests id probably make the mod a lot more boring.


I've been playing around with your mod and I love it.

A bit of feedback from my previous campaign,
It's great not having to decide between personal combat skill, fleet combat skill and explorations skills.
The game felt much easier than vanilla, I'm not sure if it's intended, I also felt I had a significant surplus of story points.

I'm definitely going to keep using this mod for future game, thank you for making it!

Probably will always feel a bit stronger than vanilla due to how its build, but you can increase the difficulty to "Hard" for the NPC fleets, which should help even the playfield a bit more!
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Bastion.Systems on August 30, 2024, 07:28:31 AM
Cool mod, makes the player not sweat between having fun with combat and taking fleet improving skills.
The piracy and automation officers are really cool specializations.
Also makes it more transparent what battle buffs other fleets have and adds some more personality to the factions.
Some skills might be tad OP/too weak, but that's a matter of balancing.

I found the default settings a little to generous and tuned the XP-rate down.
Would be cool if it had a Magiclib slider for giving them a monthly wage (to make it more of a decision whether you should hire them).

An idea for the future:
Would be cool if instead of hiring some randos, you could get a prompt to promote a ship-officer to also serve as an executive. Also maybe have each officer have a special skill chosen from a pool so there is more of an incentive to shop around.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Vesvonyt on August 30, 2024, 08:15:34 AM
Thank you for the wonderful mod.
I was wondering if we can somehow increase the number of levels (and history points) our officers get.
I want to try and learn all the skills available.
What file is responsible for the maximum level, can't find it? I'll try to change that point on my end.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: MMEEXX on August 30, 2024, 03:05:45 PM
Really cool Mod!
Thank you for your hard work.
I just did a play through  with it and I think the hull restoration skill is too weak and/or the 50% chance to avoid D-mods is bugged.
I like that I have to do something, and they are not just removed by themselves like in vanilla.
But for example, if I lose 4 ships in a battle, on average, I get 6 new D-mods and Maybe 1 gets removed.
Maybe I'm just a bad player or unlucky, and other People don't lose as many ships as I do, but I just like challenging Enemies. Especially later in the game when you get the perk.
It's probably hard to find the sweat spot, but at the moment, the perk just does not work for me.
Maybe a 75% Chance to avoid D-mods and 200 DP to remove a D-mod?
Or 85% and 250?
And/or Maybe a higher Chance for smaller ships to avoid D-mods?
Maybe the removed D-mod could prioritize bigger ships?
Something to make it stronger but not overpowered
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: BloodW0lf on August 30, 2024, 09:49:09 PM
would you be able to make a 0.95 version?
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: zecond on August 31, 2024, 10:21:00 AM
Recent patch did increase the base XP gain, it is also been a config in the mods LunaSettings for a while now.
The Hull Restoration equivelant not being the "I always need to pick this" skill is pretty much intentional, kind of bad for a mod with a bunch of customisation to encourage a skill like it to much. Though i think it generally does its job fine.

I dunno, I always felt like Hull Restoration was more of a "there's no good alternative to this essential thing" rather than a "this is overpowered beyond belief". Kinda similar to the Helldivers 2 situation with weapon nerfs if you know about that. Ultimately it's your mod and your decision but I do think stronger D-mod removal skills that can be acquired early would benefit it, at least until/if restoration costs are tuned down or other ways to remove D-mods are introduced.

A lot of people come to this mod with the expectation of something that was essential for them in vanilla being not on the same level, or just comparetively not as worth it anymore, and if i would integrate all of those requests id probably make the mod a lot more boring.


I've been playing around with your mod and I love it.

A bit of feedback from my previous campaign,
It's great not having to decide between personal combat skill, fleet combat skill and explorations skills.
The game felt much easier than vanilla, I'm not sure if it's intended, I also felt I had a significant surplus of story points.

I'm definitely going to keep using this mod for future game, thank you for making it!

Probably will always feel a bit stronger than vanilla due to how its build, but you can increase the difficulty to "Hard" for the NPC fleets, which should help even the playfield a bit more!

What about an option to make the combat skills non elite? It will should give a story point sink.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: zecond on August 31, 2024, 10:22:44 AM
A suggestion, when  it comes to colony management skills how about you give us a quest, bar encounter or just going to the academy and taking a 500k planetary management  course?
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: The one who drives on September 01, 2024, 05:44:18 AM
I don't know if this is possible but could there be a system to notify you when a d-mod is removed on a ship, similar to how it is in vanilla. Right now you rarely notice that it happened
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Lukas04 on September 01, 2024, 08:20:52 AM
Still somewhat taking my break so not going to respond to everything in the thread, but i released a tiny patch to do a few requested additions/changes:
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: AdamLegend on September 01, 2024, 08:38:07 AM
Awesome, we can change portraits now, thank you!
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Bluerailer on September 01, 2024, 09:50:08 AM
Hey there! I was wondering if anyone knew of any quick fixes for this problem I'm having, and if not, to inform of a potential incompatibility. I'm using the Terraforming mod, and I'm unable to make the Remnant Station because it requires the vanilla skill Automated Ships, and the Automation Officer I have of course has the modded version of the skill. Just wondering if anyone knew of a way to manually add the skill to my captain, or perhaps some other solution I'm too stupid to think of LOL
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Lukas04 on September 01, 2024, 09:58:32 AM
Hey there! I was wondering if anyone knew of any quick fixes for this problem I'm having, and if not, to inform of a potential incompatibility. I'm using the Terraforming mod, and I'm unable to make the Remnant Station because it requires the vanilla skill Automated Ships, and the Automation Officer I have of course has the modded version of the skill. Just wondering if anyone knew of a way to manually add the skill to my captain, or perhaps some other solution I'm too stupid to think of LOL

Its an issue SiC introduces but has to be fixed by TASC. Author knows of it so maybe it will be fixed at some point, not sure about how to help you otherwise. Maybe there is a console command that would let you just spawn the structure on the colony, not sure if it would work though.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Bluerailer on September 01, 2024, 12:23:43 PM
Hey there! I was wondering if anyone knew of any quick fixes for this problem I'm having, and if not, to inform of a potential incompatibility. I'm using the Terraforming mod, and I'm unable to make the Remnant Station because it requires the vanilla skill Automated Ships, and the Automation Officer I have of course has the modded version of the skill. Just wondering if anyone knew of a way to manually add the skill to my captain, or perhaps some other solution I'm too stupid to think of LOL

Its an issue SiC introduces but has to be fixed by TASC. Author knows of it so maybe it will be fixed at some point, not sure about how to help you otherwise. Maybe there is a console command that would let you just spawn the structure on the colony, not sure if it would work though.
Ah dang, thank you for letting me know! Love the new update by the way!
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: MechaRauser on September 02, 2024, 04:11:16 PM
Honestly, thank you so much for the portrait changing feature!
I do not even know what to say, just so very kind of you to consider this niche little need of however few people would even want this feature, so very over-the-top considerate, thank you!
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Lukas04 on September 02, 2024, 04:33:28 PM
Honestly, thank you so much for the portrait changing feature!
I do not even know what to say, just so very kind of you to consider this niche little need of however few people would even want this feature, so very over-the-top considerate, thank you!

To be fair, it was probably the most requested thing (and unlike balance related topics, its hard to disagree on that kind of request)
Glad your happy with it though!
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Killsode on September 04, 2024, 01:04:56 AM
Got a bug report for automated ship recovery for both the Automation aptitude and Makeshift Drones skill: Random Assortment of Things Abyss drones are uncovered. I just tested both sources of automated ship recovery and neither work. I was rather surprised as both of these are your mods.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Lukas04 on September 04, 2024, 02:52:55 AM
Got a bug report for automated ship recovery for both the Automation aptitude and Makeshift Drones skill: Random Assortment of Things Abyss drones are uncovered. I just tested both sources of automated ship recovery and neither work. I was rather surprised as both of these are your mods.

This is fixed in the latest version of RAT
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Killsode on September 04, 2024, 03:32:04 AM
This is fixed in the latest version of RAT

Ah, beta patches arent covered by update checker. Guess that makes sense.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Lukas04 on September 04, 2024, 04:29:22 AM
Its not in beta anymore
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: luchillo17 on September 04, 2024, 07:10:22 AM
Love the concept and execution. Will this mod work with skill pack mods? There are faction mods that add faction skills (e.g. UAF), if so does the support have to be set up in their mod?
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Lukas04 on September 04, 2024, 07:13:07 AM
Love the concept and execution. Will this mod work with skill pack mods? There are faction mods that add faction skills (e.g. UAF), if so does the support have to be set up in their mod?

Check the compatibility section on the main page
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Killsode on September 04, 2024, 07:36:30 AM
Its not in beta anymore

Oh, neat! I need to go update then. Update checker didnt ping an update available from 2.4.0beta7
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Octavus on September 04, 2024, 10:51:09 AM
Hey Lukas loving the mod, wanted to throw an idea your way
"A hullmod which based on the highest-grade ship with this hullmod in the fleet, will provide additional EO skills. For example, cruiser grade can provide one additional skill while capital grade can provide two. Following that line of thought some ships can be specialized in command, which are much more expensive and rare, but also provide more skills or other fleetwide bonuses."
Credit to leste on fossic. His original idea was for the hullmod to provide EO officer slots but you made your position on that issue pretty clear so I made some changes. :P
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Lukas04 on September 04, 2024, 10:56:18 AM
Hey Lukas loving the mod, wanted to throw an idea your way
"A hullmod which based on the highest-grade ship with this hullmod in the fleet, will provide additional EO skills. For example, cruiser grade can provide one additional skill while capital grade can provide two. Following that line of thought some ships can be specialized in command, which are much more expensive and rare, but also provide more skills or other fleetwide bonuses."
Credit to leste on fossic. His original idea was for the hullmod to provide EO officer slots but you made your position on that issue pretty clear so I made some changes. :P

Thanks for the suggestion but, that sounds rather unintuitive and and messy, and in the end it wouldnt really add anything in terms of choices to the mod. It also doesnt really address the reasons as to why there arent more slots or skills per officer.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: vicegrip on September 04, 2024, 02:10:58 PM
Awesome mod  :)
Would you consider giving each aptitude its own category so that modders who want to make their own aptitudes can more easily make them exclusive vs the existing ones?
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Lukas04 on September 04, 2024, 02:19:06 PM
Awesome mod  :)
Would you consider giving each aptitude its own category so that modders who want to make their own aptitudes can more easily make them exclusive vs the existing ones?

Id rather keep the use of aptitude incompatibility low, and dont quite want to encourage adding to many of them through other mods either. The more free the system is, the more fun it is too.
So for now i will likely just keep it at Automated & Logistics, as those are aptitudes where i can generaly see it be needed.

Its not that much of an issue if aptitudes have some overlap, you just should not design aptitudes that have 1 to 1 overlap with an existing one, and that becomes a lot easier by making the aptitudes focused on multiple topics at once, for example for the Exotech tree i wanna do at some point it will handle things like phase, carriers and a few generic tech related things. So there will be some synergy with the Strikecraft Aptitude, but since its only a few carrier skills you wont get to overlap to many carrier skills.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: vicegrip on September 04, 2024, 05:18:17 PM

Id rather keep the use of aptitude incompatibility low, and dont quite want to encourage adding to many of them through other mods either. The more free the system is, the more fun it is too.
So for now i will likely just keep it at Automated & Logistics, as those are aptitudes where i can generaly see it be needed.

Its not that much of an issue if aptitudes have some overlap, you just should not design aptitudes that have 1 to 1 overlap with an existing one, and that becomes a lot easier by making the aptitudes focused on multiple topics at once, for example for the Exotech tree i wanna do at some point it will handle things like phase, carriers and a few generic tech related things. So there will be some synergy with the Strikecraft Aptitude, but since its only a few carrier skills you wont get to overlap to many carrier skills.

I understand the idea of keeping the system open for players, but I'd like to point out that the inability to prevent certain skill synergies makes designing and balancing aptitudes harder, which in turn could lead to less choice for players.

Just as an example, imagine if aptitude skill tiers and per-tier limits wasn't a thing, and players could take any number of skills together the moment they have the points. Would that make creating and balancing new aptitudes easier or harder? And if it did make creating new mod content harder, would that ultimately give players more or fewer choices? I think it's a lot easier to make new content that's conceptually novel and balanced compared to just one aptitude, rather than all nine at the same time. The system is fantastic and I want to make new content for it. Ultimately I'll work with the design constraints I have, but I believe more choice for the modder in which balance levers to use gives more opportunity to make good content, so I hope you'll give my suggestion some more thought.

Anyway, whether or not you make the change, I'm still enjoying the system a lot. Good job.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Lukas04 on September 04, 2024, 11:50:12 PM

Id rather keep the use of aptitude incompatibility low, and dont quite want to encourage adding to many of them through other mods either. The more free the system is, the more fun it is too.
So for now i will likely just keep it at Automated & Logistics, as those are aptitudes where i can generaly see it be needed.

Its not that much of an issue if aptitudes have some overlap, you just should not design aptitudes that have 1 to 1 overlap with an existing one, and that becomes a lot easier by making the aptitudes focused on multiple topics at once, for example for the Exotech tree i wanna do at some point it will handle things like phase, carriers and a few generic tech related things. So there will be some synergy with the Strikecraft Aptitude, but since its only a few carrier skills you wont get to overlap to many carrier skills.

I understand the idea of keeping the system open for players, but I'd like to point out that the inability to prevent certain skill synergies makes designing and balancing aptitudes harder, which in turn could lead to less choice for players.

Just as an example, imagine if aptitude skill tiers and per-tier limits wasn't a thing, and players could take any number of skills together the moment they have the points. Would that make creating and balancing new aptitudes easier or harder? And if it did make creating new mod content harder, would that ultimately give players more or fewer choices? I think it's a lot easier to make new content that's conceptually novel and balanced compared to just one aptitude, rather than all nine at the same time. The system is fantastic and I want to make new content for it. Ultimately I'll work with the design constraints I have, but I believe more choice for the modder in which balance levers to use gives more opportunity to make good content, so I hope you'll give my suggestion some more thought.

Anyway, whether or not you make the change, I'm still enjoying the system a lot. Good job.

I get your points, but i do just think the quality is better with incompatibility avoided where possible. I think the way the system works is one of the more meh parts of the mod, but just required for certain things. In the end, even overlapping aptitudes with similar skills means that you are giving up 2 out of your 3 slots, so you are still going to miss out on stuff. Thats why i think its just best to avoid making aptitudes that are hyperfocused (Like Strikecraft, Smallcraft, Automation) if they are already around in the main mod, and instead focus on more varied trees. Like if a mod wants to add a unique XO for their faction, it can try to have skills based on the multiple features that define the faction.

That said, if theres any aptitude you think you do really want to be able to make yours incompatible with, feel free to say that here. Though i dont think i would add a category to any of the more generic stuff i.e Management, Technical, Tactical, etc.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: ElmerGlue on September 05, 2024, 07:35:17 AM
Really enjoying the mod, would it be possible to add in a screen of some sort to show every new skill tree? This would make planning a build a lot easier.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Lukas04 on September 05, 2024, 07:51:22 AM
Really enjoying the mod, would it be possible to add in a screen of some sort to show every new skill tree? This would make planning a build a lot easier.

Theres a bar encounter guaranteed on a new game start, you can use that to view all normal aptitudes there. Maybe i can create some external resource at some point.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Drunk Skeleton on September 05, 2024, 08:18:04 PM
Hey there, first of all, you did an AMAZING WORK with this mod, in a point it's in the "always on" list for me, with Nex, IndEvo and Iron Shell. My absolute favorite thing is getting Piracy and just going All In Bounty Hunter with the salvage + pay per ship destroyed, and Automation + Fighters apt for that sweet an powerful REDACTED carrier swarm.

But i need to ask, is there a list with all the skills? I know it's not even second priority, but having a way to see what everything do, other than in the start of the game would be a good utility, be it here or in game.
Make thing easier to plan, and also to change the builds and adapt to new ships.

Edit: Made it in the mobile, small font, just now i've seen your answer above regarding the skills list
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Kastellaria on September 05, 2024, 08:32:03 PM
is there any way to change executive officers max level?
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Sooner535 on September 07, 2024, 08:52:19 AM
Idk if you are taking ideas for more skill trees but if there is a way you could make some executive officers more rare then others might be interesting to add some stuff a little more broke then others?

Maybe like a character that can only drop from cryosleep caskets in medium or above danger systems and can increase OP/vents/etc. For your ships? Some sort of engineering focus?

Just some thoughts. Great mod either way, thanks for creating it!
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Lukas04 on September 07, 2024, 09:31:48 AM
Idk if you are taking ideas for more skill trees but if there is a way you could make some executive officers more rare then others might be interesting to add some stuff a little more broke then others?

Maybe like a character that can only drop from cryosleep caskets in medium or above danger systems and can increase OP/vents/etc. For your ships? Some sort of engineering focus?

Just some thoughts. Great mod either way, thanks for creating it!

Im probs keeping unique XOs as cross-mod stuff, i wanna do some for RAT.
But they wouldnt be more powerful, just different sets of skills. Adding more strong aptitudes would just make the system worse, as some aptitudes would become useless.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: vicegrip on September 07, 2024, 03:21:08 PM
Not sure if this is a bug but I have occasionally seen officers in NPC fleets show up only with the default skill of an aptitude.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Lukas04 on September 07, 2024, 03:22:28 PM
Not sure if this is a bug but I have occasionally seen officers in NPC fleets show up only with the default skill of an aptitude.

Not a bug
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: ElmerGlue on September 07, 2024, 04:42:59 PM
I've been playing with this mod for a bit now, and I consider it to be essential, being able to run Wolfpack without needing officers in every frigate is amazing, and being able to run as many wings with Strikecraft without being penalized is great.

You've mentioned previously that you didn't plan on adding in a way to respec executive officers, but can you reconsider? Having to train up an entirely new executive officer if I just want to swap 1 skill around is really tedious. You could just make it expensive in terms of Story Points: 1 SP to refund 1 skill.

Thanks for the great mod!
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Kastellaria on September 08, 2024, 10:34:09 AM
is there any way to change executive officers max level?

waiting for a reply
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Lukas04 on September 08, 2024, 01:01:24 PM
is there any way to change executive officers max level?

waiting for a reply

There isnt
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Lukas04 on September 08, 2024, 01:54:42 PM
Wrote another small blogpost, mostly because it has been a month since release of the mod now and i wanted to take a small look back on it, and also to showcase stuff like the new Aptitude in RAT
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Kastellaria on September 09, 2024, 01:24:23 AM
is there any way to change executive officers max level?

waiting for a reply

There isnt

Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Lukas04 on September 09, 2024, 01:26:41 AM
is there any way to change executive officers max level?

waiting for a reply

There isnt


Because there just isnt? Not all mods are made with everything being configureable in mind, if you want a mod that is highly configureable, "Quality Captains" is a good alternative.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: MxCrossbrand on September 09, 2024, 04:57:19 AM
Hello again!

Question and insane suggestion:

Is there any way to retrain executive officers? I didn't see any.

The improvisation skills are fun in theory and practice, but I feel like the skill tree could use a non d-mod centric capstone option. You can already pick a full suite of skills in the main portion that don't deal with d-mods, so I don't think it would be out of line with the skill set. The insane idea I had was manned torpedos: all torpedo missiles now cost one crew to fire, but get some effect like massively improved tracking, or they cause the ship's weapons to fail if they hit, or they inflict a debuff or something.

I actually don't mind how things are right now, I just remembered the manned torpedo raids while thinking about this mod and wanted to share the idea.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Daemonflayer on September 09, 2024, 05:39:39 PM
Is there any way to retrain executive officers? I didn't see any.
Just hire another officer of the same aptitude and train them in a different set of skills, then you'll have two officers you can switch between if you need to. Other than the possible initial investment*, it's not like they're costing you anything to keep around. Other than your XO drinking all the coffee on those late night shifts.

And if you decide you don't need the original anymore, just dismiss them. My pirate officer suggests dismissing them in deep hyperspace, then making bets on whether they can reach a gravity well before their air supply runs out.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: LacunaIntroRio on September 10, 2024, 12:52:40 PM
Great mod idea and very professional execution! I already checked but wasnt able to find a full list of XOs with their respective skills. Would you be able to provide one? Thanks a bunch!
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: vagabond1 on September 11, 2024, 05:12:47 AM
So here to report something odd.

Using 1.1.6. double checked it.

Privateering might be bugged. It says 400c per ship destroyed, scaling up. I just destroyed around 40 ships in a single fleet of non-modded and modded ships. Among them, there were at least 3 ventures (which I could recover), 1 Mule, 1 Wayfarer, and 1 Kite for vanilla ships. Rest were modded.

I got 797c at the end of it. I even calculated how much I had before the fight and after. It all lined up. I only got 797c from the skill.

I tried this multiple times, and the result was all the same.

Except when I fought space stations.

Space stations always netted me 4k c, no matter their rating.

Edit: also fought artillery station with derelict op. destroyed 6x cruisers, 8x destroyers, 13x frigates, and the artillery station, and got 16k.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Kastellaria on September 11, 2024, 07:44:12 AM
is there any way to change executive officers max level?
waiting for a reply
There isnt
Because there just isnt? Not all mods are made with everything being configureable in mind, if you want a mod that is highly configureable, "Quality Captains" is a good alternative.

Erm... what? Every mod has to be configurable, do i to need explain this?  ;D
Is there any justification to gatekeeping players from accessing basic settings (something that literally every other mod creator allows) and going powertrip mode?
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: NikoTheGuyDude on September 11, 2024, 10:22:04 AM
this is a free mod, created out of a labor of love by a passionate creator, frankly, you are not entitled to anything

you are entitled to express your displeasure at a certain design decision, but you should take it with grace instead of acting pretentious
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Inventor Raccoon on September 11, 2024, 10:24:45 AM
Erm... what? Every mod has to be configurable, do i to need explain this?  ;D
Is there any justification to gatekeeping players from accessing basic settings (something that literally every other mod creator allows) and going powertrip mode?
"Every mod has to be configurable"

No, they don't. It's okay for mod authors to have a vision of how their mod functions or is balanced and refuse to add configuration options that stray from what they want it to be. It's also quite rude to make those kinds of demands of someone providing a free mod for a game.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Lukas04 on September 11, 2024, 10:35:48 AM
Released a new Update, tiny but has some new stuff.
Theres also new mods with interactions for Second-in-Command, namely Emergent Threats ( with its Synthesis aptitude, and Dustkeeper XO (, which adds an XO for crossmod interactions with Secrets of the Frontiers

Great mod idea and very professional execution! I already checked but wasnt able to find a full list of XOs with their respective skills. Would you be able to provide one? Thanks a bunch!

I still need to make some external documentation of it, but il do that when the mod is more mature and isnt changing to often. I kind of want to avoid adding another in-game view of all aptitudes as theres already to much UI screens to maintain in the mod.

So here to report something odd.

Using 1.1.6. double checked it.

Privateering might be bugged. It says 400c per ship destroyed, scaling up. I just destroyed around 40 ships in a single fleet of non-modded and modded ships. Among them, there were at least 3 ventures (which I could recover), 1 Mule, 1 Wayfarer, and 1 Kite for vanilla ships. Rest were modded.

I got 797c at the end of it. I even calculated how much I had before the fight and after. It all lined up. I only got 797c from the skill.

I tried this multiple times, and the result was all the same.

Except when I fought space stations.

Space stations always netted me 4k c, no matter their rating.

Edit: also fought artillery station with derelict op. destroyed 6x cruisers, 8x destroyers, 13x frigates, and the artillery station, and got 16k.

Havent included the fix in this patch, but as i said on the discord il look in to it soon.

Erm... what? Every mod has to be configurable, do i to need explain this?  ;D
Is there any justification to gatekeeping players from accessing basic settings (something that literally every other mod creator allows) and going powertrip mode?

Modders actually do this all the time, i do it a lot in RAT and people dont really complain. Theres Configs that make sense out of the modders perspective, and some they think that dont.
In this case it just makes more sense to have a consistent version of the core aspects of the mod, makes feedback consistent and i personaly think it makes for more fun community interactions.
SiC already lets you powertrip quite a bit, just by its skill count alone (you can get up to 26 skills), and the choice of skills, which tend to stack more than what they do in vanilla. You can also disable NPC fleets having skills in the config, or turn on Easy Mode. 
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Bloed on September 11, 2024, 01:19:55 PM
Could we get a change to the levelexecutive command to set a specific level? I'm an idiot and thought it worked like that, only to realize after 15 minutes of fiddling with syntax that it's just a straight level up.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Lukas04 on September 11, 2024, 01:35:59 PM
Could we get a change to the levelexecutive command to set a specific level? I'm an idiot and thought it worked like that, only to realize after 15 minutes of fiddling with syntax that it's just a straight level up.

Fair enough, il look in to adding that parameter
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Drunk Skeleton on September 11, 2024, 04:17:30 PM
Hey there, i'm getting an error when trying to load SiC with RAT

When i try to load them both it gives me a "Fatal: second_in_command/skills/automated/SCBaseAutoPointsSkillPlugin" popup and don't load the game. I tried with only the 2 and dependencies, but the error persists

Re-instaling the mods did nothing too

What i could find in the log was this, if you need more info, tell me

141222 [Thread-3] INFO  com.fs.starfarer.loading.LoadingUtils  - Loading CSV data from [DIRECTORY: C:\Program Files (x86)\Fractal Softworks\Starsector\starsector-core\..\mods\SecondInCommand]
141234 [Thread-3] INFO  - Cleaned buffer for texture graphics/secondInCommand/abyssal/abyssal_ships.png (using cast)
141777 [Thread-3] ERROR com.fs.starfarer.combat.CombatMain  - java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: second_in_command/skills/automated/SCBaseAutoPointsSkillPlugin
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: second_in_command/skills/automated/SCBaseAutoPointsSkillPlugin
   at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass1(Native Method)
   at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass(Unknown Source)
   at Source)
   at Source)
   at$100(Unknown Source)
   at$ Source)
   at$ Source)
   at Method)
   at Source)
   at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
   at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
   at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
   at second_in_command.specs.SCSkillSpec.<init>(SCSkillSpec.kt:14)
   at second_in_command.specs.SCSpecStore.loadSkillSpecsFromCSV(SCSpecStore.kt:123)
   at second_in_command.SCModPlugin.onApplicationLoad(SCModPlugin.kt:27)
   at com.fs.starfarer.loading.ResourceLoaderState.init(Unknown Source)
   at com.fs.state.AppDriver.begin(Unknown Source)
   at com.fs.starfarer.combat.CombatMain.main(Unknown Source)
   at com.fs.starfarer.StarfarerLauncher.super(Unknown Source)
   at com.fs.starfarer.StarfarerLauncher$ Source)
   at Source)
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: second_in_command.skills.automated.SCBaseAutoPointsSkillPlugin
   at Source)
   at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
   at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
   ... 21 more
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Lukas04 on September 11, 2024, 04:39:18 PM
Hey there, i'm getting an error when trying to load SiC with RAT

When i try to load them both it gives me a "Fatal: second_in_command/skills/automated/SCBaseAutoPointsSkillPlugin" popup and don't load the game. I tried with only the 2 and dependencies, but the error persists

Re-instaling the mods did nothing too

What i could find in the log was this, if you need more info, tell me

141222 [Thread-3] INFO  com.fs.starfarer.loading.LoadingUtils  - Loading CSV data from [DIRECTORY: C:\Program Files (x86)\Fractal Softworks\Starsector\starsector-core\..\mods\SecondInCommand]
141234 [Thread-3] INFO  - Cleaned buffer for texture graphics/secondInCommand/abyssal/abyssal_ships.png (using cast)
141777 [Thread-3] ERROR com.fs.starfarer.combat.CombatMain  - java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: second_in_command/skills/automated/SCBaseAutoPointsSkillPlugin
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: second_in_command/skills/automated/SCBaseAutoPointsSkillPlugin
   at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass1(Native Method)
   at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass(Unknown Source)
   at Source)
   at Source)
   at$100(Unknown Source)
   at$ Source)
   at$ Source)
   at Method)
   at Source)
   at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
   at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
   at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
   at second_in_command.specs.SCSkillSpec.<init>(SCSkillSpec.kt:14)
   at second_in_command.specs.SCSpecStore.loadSkillSpecsFromCSV(SCSpecStore.kt:123)
   at second_in_command.SCModPlugin.onApplicationLoad(SCModPlugin.kt:27)
   at com.fs.starfarer.loading.ResourceLoaderState.init(Unknown Source)
   at com.fs.state.AppDriver.begin(Unknown Source)
   at com.fs.starfarer.combat.CombatMain.main(Unknown Source)
   at com.fs.starfarer.StarfarerLauncher.super(Unknown Source)
   at com.fs.starfarer.StarfarerLauncher$ Source)
   at Source)
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: second_in_command.skills.automated.SCBaseAutoPointsSkillPlugin
   at Source)
   at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
   at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
   ... 21 more

This is an error from having an outdated version of Second-in-Command, so you probably messed up your reinstall
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Drunk Skeleton on September 11, 2024, 04:53:19 PM
Hey there, i'm getting an error when trying to load SiC with RAT

When i try to load them both it gives me a "Fatal: second_in_command/skills/automated/SCBaseAutoPointsSkillPlugin" popup and don't load the game. I tried with only the 2 and dependencies, but the error persists

Re-instaling the mods did nothing too

What i could find in the log was this, if you need more info, tell me

141222 [Thread-3] INFO  com.fs.starfarer.loading.LoadingUtils  - Loading CSV data from [DIRECTORY: C:\Program Files (x86)\Fractal Softworks\Starsector\starsector-core\..\mods\SecondInCommand]
141234 [Thread-3] INFO  - Cleaned buffer for texture graphics/secondInCommand/abyssal/abyssal_ships.png (using cast)
141777 [Thread-3] ERROR com.fs.starfarer.combat.CombatMain  - java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: second_in_command/skills/automated/SCBaseAutoPointsSkillPlugin
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: second_in_command/skills/automated/SCBaseAutoPointsSkillPlugin
   at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass1(Native Method)
   at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass(Unknown Source)
   at Source)
   at Source)
   at$100(Unknown Source)
   at$ Source)
   at$ Source)
   at Method)
   at Source)
   at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
   at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
   at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
   at second_in_command.specs.SCSkillSpec.<init>(SCSkillSpec.kt:14)
   at second_in_command.specs.SCSpecStore.loadSkillSpecsFromCSV(SCSpecStore.kt:123)
   at second_in_command.SCModPlugin.onApplicationLoad(SCModPlugin.kt:27)
   at com.fs.starfarer.loading.ResourceLoaderState.init(Unknown Source)
   at com.fs.state.AppDriver.begin(Unknown Source)
   at com.fs.starfarer.combat.CombatMain.main(Unknown Source)
   at com.fs.starfarer.StarfarerLauncher.super(Unknown Source)
   at com.fs.starfarer.StarfarerLauncher$ Source)
   at Source)
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: second_in_command.skills.automated.SCBaseAutoPointsSkillPlugin
   at Source)
   at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
   at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
   ... 21 more

This is an error from having an outdated version of Second-in-Command, so you probably messed up your reinstall

My bad, i checked everything but the version. I downloaded it 5 days ago, and thought that wasn't an Update issue. Thank your for telling me
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Agoelia on September 12, 2024, 12:07:04 PM
Hey, love this mod!

I only have one small request, if it's possible, to add an option to increase the maximum number of executive officers.

Yes, I know, the mod is already arguably OP as it is. But I really don't like feeling "constrained" to only 3 skill trees - though I get it's part of the appeal for most. Maybe add extra costs to executive officers after 3?

Either way, this is impressive quantity and quality of work.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Octavus on September 12, 2024, 11:46:02 PM
Hey Lukas loving the mod, wanted to throw an idea your way
"A hullmod which based on the highest-grade ship with this hullmod in the fleet, will provide additional EO skills. For example, cruiser grade can provide one additional skill while capital grade can provide two. Following that line of thought some ships can be specialized in command, which are much more expensive and rare, but also provide more skills or other fleetwide bonuses."
Credit to leste on fossic. His original idea was for the hullmod to provide EO officer slots but you made your position on that issue pretty clear so I made some changes. :P

Thanks for the suggestion but, that sounds rather unintuitive and and messy, and in the end it wouldnt really add anything in terms of choices to the mod. It also doesnt really address the reasons as to why there arent more slots or skills per officer.

Gotcha sorry for the suggestion, looking forward to future updates
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: mllhild on September 13, 2024, 01:48:48 AM
One problem I ran into is information overload due to excess number of skills on the opposing fleet. The consequence is that I end up ignoring what the enemy has. A lower number, but more impactful skills for the enemy officers would solve this, but I dont know how viable differentiated skills for player officers and enemy officers are.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Kahnmir on September 13, 2024, 02:53:44 AM
Please do not go making assumptions about what I do or do not want, or put words in my mouth. That is rude.

If you don't want any suggestions for your mod than just say so, no need to be so condescending.

I am sorry, but i am not sure how else to interpret your message, am i missing something? Im mostly going of off what you wrote in your message.
At one point you call the aptitude terrible, in another you complain about how you cant use it together with Piracy because it greatly inconveniences your exploration gameplay without it.
Just feels like the feedback is contradicting itself there, as it shows what value the aptitude has, and why someone may pick it over piracy.

Let me try to clarify then:

For context, I play with the adjusted sector mod, so there is quite a lot of distance to cover. Which on the surface may make it seem like exploration tree would be great.

But there are two main problems withe the exploration tree:

The first being purchasing: I can buy most of what the exploration tree does; its as simple as getting an atlas or an apogee with the appropriate hullmods, and buying some extra fuel/supplies. Sure, those little bits I can't simply buy? I'd like to have those, but that leads into the second problem:

Opportunity cost. Exploration is dangerous, every scavenger, redacted, and everything else wants to kill me. So not having... well any other skill tree.. is a really big cost. Sure, you might say that's the trade off, but I'd refer you to problem one.

This is why I compared it to piracy; most of whats in the piracy skill tree I can't buy with credits (an theoretically unlimited resource) unlike the exploration tree where I can do that. Officer skill points/slots are a limited and time consuming resource to acquire, so naturally I'm going to try and maximize the value of them; which means not taking exploration, because I can get most of what it does through other means.

Does that explain my position better?
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Lukas04 on September 13, 2024, 03:33:00 AM
One problem I ran into is information overload due to excess number of skills on the opposing fleet. The consequence is that I end up ignoring what the enemy has. A lower number, but more impactful skills for the enemy officers would solve this, but I dont know how viable differentiated skills for player officers and enemy officers are.

Im not really interested in doubling the amount of skills i make to 200 or so. Id recommend to just swap to Easy mode, or disable them in the config if its to much to keep track off. I think for most enemies you are fine to mostly focus on the last 2 skills & the first one, and as you experiment with the system youl get a feel for what each skill does
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Lukas04 on September 13, 2024, 10:17:17 AM
Please do not go making assumptions about what I do or do not want, or put words in my mouth. That is rude.

If you don't want any suggestions for your mod than just say so, no need to be so condescending.

I am sorry, but i am not sure how else to interpret your message, am i missing something? Im mostly going of off what you wrote in your message.
At one point you call the aptitude terrible, in another you complain about how you cant use it together with Piracy because it greatly inconveniences your exploration gameplay without it.
Just feels like the feedback is contradicting itself there, as it shows what value the aptitude has, and why someone may pick it over piracy.

Let me try to clarify then:

For context, I play with the adjusted sector mod, so there is quite a lot of distance to cover. Which on the surface may make it seem like exploration tree would be great.

But there are two main problems withe the exploration tree:

The first being purchasing: I can buy most of what the exploration tree does; its as simple as getting an atlas or an apogee with the appropriate hullmods, and buying some extra fuel/supplies. Sure, those little bits I can't simply buy? I'd like to have those, but that leads into the second problem:

Opportunity cost. Exploration is dangerous, every scavenger, redacted, and everything else wants to kill me. So not having... well any other skill tree.. is a really big cost. Sure, you might say that's the trade off, but I'd refer you to problem one.

This is why I compared it to piracy; most of whats in the piracy skill tree I can't buy with credits (an theoretically unlimited resource) unlike the exploration tree where I can do that. Officer skill points/slots are a limited and time consuming resource to acquire, so naturally I'm going to try and maximize the value of them; which means not taking exploration, because I can get most of what it does through other means.

Does that explain my position better?

I cant quite agree, yes you can buy a whole Atlas, or a bunch of additional cargo ships, but they arent free. They will add to your monthly budget and may also slow down your fleet.
There are a lot of ways to make your fleet more efficient, you could install Logistical hullmods on most ships afterall, but that then again comes at the cost of using Ordnance Points/S-Mods for some thing else. Starfaring very much massively supports your fleet in operating a lot cheaper, and notably, much more conveniently. And those effects continue to scale as your logistical core becomes better aswell.

I dont think its that much of a valid point either when you can also just consider to skip out on Piracy and take a third Combat-Orientated Aptitude instead. Piracy doesnt really provide anything unique, aside from increased weapon drop rates. Which is very good! But i dont think it invalidates Starfaring as much as you expect. On the Discord Server i pretty much see people evenly split about which aptitude they take, so i think its very much in a good position.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Kahnmir on September 13, 2024, 02:00:57 PM
But that's the thing; its Apples and Oranges. You can always get more credits, there is no cap or limit to the amount of credits you can get. Officer slots however have a very finite limit on them. So therefore, if you want to maximize value you should always try to get the things credits cannot buy with your officers.

If you have ever taken an economics class (micro economics specifically) they talk about this kind of psychology. Interesting stuff really.

Anyway, I'm not going to bother arguing with you, it seems from this thread you have a very specific idea of how this mod is supposed to be.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Daemonflayer on September 13, 2024, 03:19:53 PM
Sure, you could add a freighter/tanker/passenger ship to increase your capacities. You could bring along salvage rigs/shepards to increase your salvage. You could slap on augmented drive fields and solar shielding to everything in your fleet...

Or you could have a Starfaring XO.
You could even have both a Piracy and a Starfaring XO, and swap between them - even in the field, it's only a CR hit.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Shoey on September 13, 2024, 03:24:14 PM
But that's the thing; its Apples and Oranges. You can always get more credits, there is no cap or limit to the amount of credits you can get. Officer slots however have a very finite limit on them. So therefore, if you want to maximize value you should always try to get the things credits cannot buy with your officers.

If you have ever taken an economics class (micro economics specifically) they talk about this kind of psychology. Interesting stuff really.

Anyway, I'm not going to bother arguing with you, it seems from this thread you have a very specific idea of how this mod is supposed to be.

It might not be my place to participate in this... but
Unless I'm mistaken, there isn't a real cap on Executive Officers that you can have stored and swapping between your officers at a colony/station is free.
As long as at least some parts are situationally useful you don't really have a reason not to bring an EO along. They won't take away experience from your active EOs and they still receive some experience when they aren't active. Personally, if the Starfaring officers were just the hyperspace burn level skills I'd still bring one along. 
...a space trucker themed EO with even more cargo capacity buffs would be cool though.

Anyway, bug report; 

I'm getting an occasional crash when swapping to the refit screen. It might be ExtendedControls fault, but if I'm reading this right you should be able to do something on your end:

java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "com.fs.starfarer.api.combat.CombatEngineAPI.getTotalElapsedTime(boolean)" because the return value of "com.fs.starfarer.api.Global.getCombatEngine()" is null
at ~[?:?]
at second_in_command.hullmods.SCControllerHullmod.applyEffectsAfterShipCreation(SCControllerHullmod.kt:65) ~[?:?]
at com.fs.starfarer.loading.specs.oooo.super(Unknown Source) ~[port_obf.jar:?]
at com.fs.starfarer.coreui.refit.super.updateFromCurrentVariant(Unknown Source) ~[port_obf.jar:?]
at com.fs.starfarer.coreui.refit.super.setFleetMember(Unknown Source) ~[port_obf.jar:?]
at com.fs.starfarer.coreui.refit.V.setFleetMember(Unknown Source) ~[port_obf.jar:?]
at com.fs.starfarer.coreui.refit.return.Ó00000(Unknown Source) ~[port_obf.jar:?]
at com.fs.starfarer.coreui.refit.return.setPlugin(Unknown Source) ~[port_obf.jar:?]
at com.fs.starfarer.ui.newui.L$4.actionPerformed(Unknown Source) ~[port_obf.jar:?]
at com.fs.starfarer.ui.newui.L.setCurrentTab(Unknown Source) ~[port_obf.jar:?]
at com.fs.starfarer.ui.newui.L.setCurrentTab(Unknown Source) ~[port_obf.jar:?]
at com.fs.starfarer.campaign.CampaignState.showCoreUITab(Unknown Source) ~[port_obf.jar:?]
at Shoey.ExtendedControls.EveryCampaignFrameScript.advance( ~[?:?]
at com.fs.starfarer.campaign.CampaignEngine.advance(Unknown Source) ~[port_obf.jar:?]
at com.fs.starfarer.campaign.CampaignState.advance(Unknown Source) ~[port_obf.jar:?]
at com.fs.starfarer.BaseGameState.traverse(Unknown Source) ~[port_obf.jar:?]
at com.fs.state.AppDriver.begin(Unknown Source) ~[port.common_obf.jar:?]
at com.fs.starfarer.combat.CombatMain.main(Unknown Source) ~[port_obf.jar:?]
at com.fs.starfarer.StarfarerLauncher.super(Unknown Source) ~[port_obf.jar:?]
at com.fs.starfarer.StarfarerLauncher$ Source) ~[port_obf.jar:?]
at java.base/ [?:?]

I can share the entire log if you'd like. I think a simple null check for getCombatEngine would suffice, though?
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Lukas04 on September 13, 2024, 08:05:20 PM
But that's the thing; its Apples and Oranges. You can always get more credits, there is no cap or limit to the amount of credits you can get. Officer slots however have a very finite limit on them. So therefore, if you want to maximize value you should always try to get the things credits cannot buy with your officers.

If you have ever taken an economics class (micro economics specifically) they talk about this kind of psychology. Interesting stuff really.

Anyway, I'm not going to bother arguing with you, it seems from this thread you have a very specific idea of how this mod is supposed to be.

It might not be my place to participate in this... but
Unless I'm mistaken, there isn't a real cap on Executive Officers that you can have stored and swapping between your officers at a colony/station is free.
As long as at least some parts are situationally useful you don't really have a reason not to bring an EO along. They won't take away experience from your active EOs and they still receive some experience when they aren't active. Personally, if the Starfaring officers were just the hyperspace burn level skills I'd still bring one along. 
...a space trucker themed EO with even more cargo capacity buffs would be cool though.

Anyway, bug report; 

I'm getting an occasional crash when swapping to the refit screen. It might be ExtendedControls fault, but if I'm reading this right you should be able to do something on your end:

java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "com.fs.starfarer.api.combat.CombatEngineAPI.getTotalElapsedTime(boolean)" because the return value of "com.fs.starfarer.api.Global.getCombatEngine()" is null
at ~[?:?]
at second_in_command.hullmods.SCControllerHullmod.applyEffectsAfterShipCreation(SCControllerHullmod.kt:65) ~[?:?]
at com.fs.starfarer.loading.specs.oooo.super(Unknown Source) ~[port_obf.jar:?]
at com.fs.starfarer.coreui.refit.super.updateFromCurrentVariant(Unknown Source) ~[port_obf.jar:?]
at com.fs.starfarer.coreui.refit.super.setFleetMember(Unknown Source) ~[port_obf.jar:?]
at com.fs.starfarer.coreui.refit.V.setFleetMember(Unknown Source) ~[port_obf.jar:?]
at com.fs.starfarer.coreui.refit.return.Ó00000(Unknown Source) ~[port_obf.jar:?]
at com.fs.starfarer.coreui.refit.return.setPlugin(Unknown Source) ~[port_obf.jar:?]
at com.fs.starfarer.ui.newui.L$4.actionPerformed(Unknown Source) ~[port_obf.jar:?]
at com.fs.starfarer.ui.newui.L.setCurrentTab(Unknown Source) ~[port_obf.jar:?]
at com.fs.starfarer.ui.newui.L.setCurrentTab(Unknown Source) ~[port_obf.jar:?]
at com.fs.starfarer.campaign.CampaignState.showCoreUITab(Unknown Source) ~[port_obf.jar:?]
at Shoey.ExtendedControls.EveryCampaignFrameScript.advance( ~[?:?]
at com.fs.starfarer.campaign.CampaignEngine.advance(Unknown Source) ~[port_obf.jar:?]
at com.fs.starfarer.campaign.CampaignState.advance(Unknown Source) ~[port_obf.jar:?]
at com.fs.starfarer.BaseGameState.traverse(Unknown Source) ~[port_obf.jar:?]
at com.fs.state.AppDriver.begin(Unknown Source) ~[port.common_obf.jar:?]
at com.fs.starfarer.combat.CombatMain.main(Unknown Source) ~[port_obf.jar:?]
at com.fs.starfarer.StarfarerLauncher.super(Unknown Source) ~[port_obf.jar:?]
at com.fs.starfarer.StarfarerLauncher$ Source) ~[port_obf.jar:?]
at java.base/ [?:?]

I can share the entire log if you'd like. I think a simple null check for getCombatEngine would suffice, though?

Will fix it. I keep forgetting the Combat Engine can be null in some odd cases, generaly if refit is accessed from non-standard colonies, as far as i am aware atleast.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Seti on September 16, 2024, 01:25:07 PM
I love this mod and the way it spices up the game. however i wish there was a setting to allow for more executive officers or increasing their max level, i love being overpowered
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: dahbany40 on September 17, 2024, 06:09:39 AM
Hey i was wanting the ability to use both a piracy and a starfarer officer at the same time but due to the incompatible category, i would like the option or a way for me to disable that in settings. thank you for the mod :3
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Shoat on September 17, 2024, 08:03:28 AM
I love this mod and the way it spices up the game. however i wish there was a setting to allow for more executive officers or increasing their max level, i love being overpowered

Officer max level can be easily increased by editing some lines of text in one of the mod's files.

Maximum officers I don't think would be so easy, though, I didn't find a simple setting for that in any of the mod's files (and even if I did I suspect the UI would break since it has only three slots in it visually). You're probably gonna have to wait for a potential update to the mod (maybe some future version will have 4 slots anyway, one that is for logistical officers since those are exclusive with each other anyway, and 3 for combat-related ones?).
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Plurpo on September 17, 2024, 01:02:38 PM
Would it be possible to add a way to search for specific officers à la Stellar Networks?
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: mrigor on September 17, 2024, 04:31:35 PM
Is there any way to raise max level beyond level 25 or make you gain more skillpoints per level? i wanna have all main skills unlockable, on level 25 you always have one or more skills unable to get unlocked
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Keybindet on September 17, 2024, 06:34:46 PM
Is there any way to raise max level beyond level 25 or make you gain more skillpoints per level? i wanna have all main skills unlockable, on level 25 you always have one or more skills unable to get unlocked
maybe try console comands
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Lukas04 on September 17, 2024, 09:50:25 PM
I love this mod and the way it spices up the game. however i wish there was a setting to allow for more executive officers or increasing their max level, i love being overpowered

Not really interested in adding those configs here.

Hey i was wanting the ability to use both a piracy and a starfarer officer at the same time but due to the incompatible category, i would like the option or a way for me to disable that in settings. thank you for the mod :3

You can easily modify the CSV files to allow for this, but i wont add that as an option ingame since i think it just encourages people to use the mod in a way thats just less fun, since both aptitudes really arent meant to be used together and just invalidate a ton of other options if done.

Would it be possible to add a way to search for specific officers à la Stellar Networks?

Dont think it fits in to SiC itself, and since the spawnrate of officers is pretty high i think the search is usually fast enough that those tools arent needed. Another mod could easily add such a feature though

Is there any way to raise max level beyond level 25 or make you gain more skillpoints per level? i wanna have all main skills unlockable, on level 25 you always have one or more skills unable to get unlocked

Nah, didnt want to put the max level on a weird number, and i dont think missing one skill is much of an issue
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: JenkoRun on September 18, 2024, 04:14:39 AM
Being permanently short of 1 skill will be terrible for perfectionists or people with OCD though
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: HawkAngel on September 18, 2024, 07:01:11 AM
Maybe Im missing it. Is there a "captain" who has colony skills? Im not seeing any.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Daemonflayer on September 18, 2024, 07:21:12 AM
No, there's nothing to grant the player Industrial Planning. You will forever be the worst option for planetary governor.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Shoat on September 18, 2024, 07:41:08 AM
Being permanently short of 1 skill will be terrible for perfectionists or people with OCD though

There are several other mods that add skillpoints as rewards for miscellaneous tasks (completing questlines, filling research meters, etc.) to help you fill that last skill in (and then potentially get even more skillpoints beyond that which will uselessly sit there unable to be spent and activate OCD again).
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Phenir on September 18, 2024, 11:05:14 AM
(and then potentially get even more skillpoints beyond that which will uselessly sit there unable to be spent and activate OCD again).
That's when I bring out console commands and use "addskillpoints -1".
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: robepriority on September 18, 2024, 12:14:55 PM
Hey so - is there a good directory of skills?
Wondering if there's a subskill that has BOTB's DP effect
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Octavus on September 19, 2024, 06:19:17 PM
didn't even know there were incompatible skills between aptitudes, really gonna need that full aptitude/skill list and the incompatibilities :P
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Warriorcatv2 on September 19, 2024, 07:24:54 PM

I absolutely love your mod. It adds a lot to the game & opens up a lot of ways to play I wouldn't have tried otherwise. I'd like to ask though, is it possible to increase the number of executive offices you can assign? Whether through the game or by changing the mod settings/config. It feels like technical or automation officers are almost always a must-have due to the automated ship skill being locked to them & a lot of content expansion mods play heavily on automated ships, leaving you to micro-manage the other two slots & I just don't find that enjoyable.

Wish you all the best with your future work! (:
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Lukas04 on September 20, 2024, 12:24:44 AM
Hey so - is there a good directory of skills?
Wondering if there's a subskill that has BOTB's DP effect

Do you mean Best-of-the-Best? Best of the Best only has its s-mod effect in SiC, since its already competitive enough with other capstones.

didn't even know there were incompatible skills between aptitudes, really gonna need that full aptitude/skill list and the incompatibilities :P

Its pretty much just Logistical stuff & Automated stuff atm. The automation ones only matter with submods, as both RAT and Dustkeeper XO add an aptitude that both do automation, just differently.


I absolutely love your mod. It adds a lot to the game & opens up a lot of ways to play I wouldn't have tried otherwise. I'd like to ask though, is it possible to increase the number of executive offices you can assign? Whether through the game or by changing the mod settings/config. It feels like technical or automation officers are almost always a must-have due to the automated ship skill being locked to them & a lot of content expansion mods play heavily on automated ships, leaving you to micro-manage the other two slots & I just don't find that enjoyable.

Wish you all the best with your future work! (:

For me the 3-slot limit is a core aspect of the mod, so its not something i will change. Its there to encourage different kinds of builds on both the skill side, but also in how you you shape your fleet, so for example saves where maybe you just dont have access to automated stuff for once. A large part of the mod is pretty much designed to break myself out of the habits i put myself in to in Vanilla, and personaly the game has become a lot more fun because of that.

Maybe in the future i could add another tree with an automation skill, not super likely though. Emergent Threats ( has a tree with a +90 points automated skill however.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Hapun on September 20, 2024, 03:36:19 PM

I absolutely love your mod. It adds a lot to the game & opens up a lot of ways to play I wouldn't have tried otherwise. I'd like to ask though, is it possible to increase the number of executive offices you can assign? Whether through the game or by changing the mod settings/config. It feels like technical or automation officers are almost always a must-have due to the automated ship skill being locked to them & a lot of content expansion mods play heavily on automated ships, leaving you to micro-manage the other two slots & I just don't find that enjoyable.

Wish you all the best with your future work! (:

Made an account just to agree with this. I want to run a single automated ship in my fleet, commanded by an officer with the Cybernetic implant skill I got from a modded station. Unfortunately, that mod recognizes that I don't have the Automated Ships skill "equipped", so if I want to use that one ship, I have to dedicate an entire 1/3rd of my specialization to just the automation executive officer and the specific Automated Ships skill, and not even use the rest of that skill tree because it's exclusively buffs for automated ships.

My point is, I really hope you can find some way to "save" just the Automated Ships skill from that officer's tree, or even move it up to the global combat skills, cause it's proven to be really limiting for myself and evidently a couple others. I just want to use my awesome Guardian ship. I'm not trying to run an entire fleet full of AI ships, like that skill tree seems to solely be based around with it's fleet-wide AI ship bonuses. There should be some middle-ground.

Otherwise, great mod. Thanks for what you do.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Lukas04 on September 20, 2024, 10:21:09 PM

I absolutely love your mod. It adds a lot to the game & opens up a lot of ways to play I wouldn't have tried otherwise. I'd like to ask though, is it possible to increase the number of executive offices you can assign? Whether through the game or by changing the mod settings/config. It feels like technical or automation officers are almost always a must-have due to the automated ship skill being locked to them & a lot of content expansion mods play heavily on automated ships, leaving you to micro-manage the other two slots & I just don't find that enjoyable.

Wish you all the best with your future work! (:

Made an account just to agree with this. I want to run a single automated ship in my fleet, commanded by an officer with the Cybernetic implant skill I got from a modded station. Unfortunately, that mod recognizes that I don't have the Automated Ships skill "equipped", so if I want to use that one ship, I have to dedicate an entire 1/3rd of my specialization to just the automation executive officer and the specific Automated Ships skill, and not even use the rest of that skill tree because it's exclusively buffs for automated ships.

My point is, I really hope you can find some way to "save" just the Automated Ships skill from that officer's tree, or even move it up to the global combat skills, cause it's proven to be really limiting for myself and evidently a couple others. I just want to use my awesome Guardian ship. I'm not trying to run an entire fleet full of AI ships, like that skill tree seems to solely be based around with it's fleet-wide AI ship bonuses. There should be some middle-ground.

Otherwise, great mod. Thanks for what you do.

As already mentioned, The Technical Aptitude already got a seperate skill that is specificly made to be able to run 1-3 automated ships without having to use an entire tree for it. Same for Synthesis from Emergent Threats. Technical is pretty easy to run with any kind of fleet, though it favors high-tech adjacent fleets.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Daemonflayer on September 21, 2024, 12:04:23 AM
Are there any plans on integrating Industrial Planning in SiC somewhere - possibly Management?
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Lukas04 on September 21, 2024, 12:16:16 AM
Are there any plans on integrating Industrial Planning in SiC somewhere - possibly Management?

Nah, dont think colony related skills would really work in SiC.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Shoey on September 22, 2024, 11:25:37 AM
It's not something I'd ever give much thought to, but I really appreciate all the new icons added my SiC. No clue if you did them yourself, but they look really good and suit the style of the rest of the game.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Lukas04 on September 22, 2024, 12:36:27 PM
It's not something I'd ever give much thought to, but I really appreciate all the new icons added my SiC. No clue if you did them yourself, but they look really good and suit the style of the rest of the game.

I pretty much made no new icons, they are mostly all just hueshifted icons with some other minor editing, which is why you can see a lot of repeat icons. A few icons are modified from mission/quest icons, which is why you may not recognize them. Dont think i would have had it in me to make those hundreds of icons myself or ask someone else for it haha.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Shoey on September 22, 2024, 12:41:30 PM
It's not something I'd ever give much thought to, but I really appreciate all the new icons added my SiC. No clue if you did them yourself, but they look really good and suit the style of the rest of the game.

I pretty much made no new icons, they are mostly all just hueshifted icons with some other minor editing, which is why you can see a lot of repeat icons. A few icons are modified from mission/quest icons, which is why you may not recognize them. Dont think i would have had it in me to make those hundreds of icons myself or ask someone else for it haha.

Hah. Guess I just didn't notice that. You've got a good eye for color selection? Maybe I'm just easy to please.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Snek7X on September 22, 2024, 02:28:19 PM
quick question, is there a way to make the ability "insipire" work on nexerilin using SiC?, since it requeries 2 leadership points im unable to use it during invasions
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Phenir on September 22, 2024, 03:28:34 PM
Are there any plans on integrating Industrial Planning in SiC somewhere - possibly Management?

Nah, dont think colony related skills would really work in SiC.
Maybe as a level up bonus? Like the officer bonuses.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Lukas04 on September 22, 2024, 03:35:29 PM
quick question, is there a way to make the ability "insipire" work on nexerilin using SiC?, since it requeries 2 leadership points im unable to use it during invasions

issue is fixed on nexerelins dev branch, so will be working when the next update for nex drops.

Are there any plans on integrating Industrial Planning in SiC somewhere - possibly Management?

Nah, dont think colony related skills would really work in SiC.
Maybe as a level up bonus? Like the officer bonuses.

I feel like level up bonuses are already pretty well populated, so idk
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Warriorcatv2 on September 24, 2024, 04:01:13 PM

For me the 3-slot limit is a core aspect of the mod, so its not something i will change. Its there to encourage different kinds of builds on both the skill side, but also in how you you shape your fleet, so for example saves where maybe you just dont have access to automated stuff for once. A large part of the mod is pretty much designed to break myself out of the habits i put myself in to in Vanilla, and personaly the game has become a lot more fun because of that.

Maybe in the future i could add another tree with an automation skill, not super likely though. Emergent Threats ( has a tree with a +90 points automated skill however.

Ah, that's understandable. Overall it's just a minor niggle in an otherwise spectacular mod, again though, that is just my personal preference. I don't think adding another skill tree would be necessary, just adding the option to increase or decrease the number of exec officers you could have at one time via Lunalib though I have no idea if that's doable.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Lukas04 on September 27, 2024, 06:59:21 AM
New Update! Now with a new Aptitude, which comes with low-tech adjacent skills.
Changelog & Download:

Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Shoat on September 27, 2024, 01:31:28 PM
New Update! Now with a new Aptitude, which comes with low-tech adjacent skills.
Changelog & Download:


Is this mod safe to update mid-playthrough or does it break ongoing saves?
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Lukas04 on September 27, 2024, 01:34:55 PM
New Update! Now with a new Aptitude, which comes with low-tech adjacent skills.
Changelog & Download:


Is this mod safe to update mid-playthrough or does it break ongoing saves?

This specific update is save compatible with anything from 1.1.0 to 1.1.8.
I generaly note if the update is save compatible or not in the changelog.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: greenbanana on September 27, 2024, 02:22:42 PM
Sick mod.

Do you think you could also introduce semi rare officers that have set randomized skills between each aptitude? And maybe instead of restricting overlapping skills, they have diminishing effects?
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Lukas04 on September 27, 2024, 02:36:43 PM
Sick mod.

Do you think you could also introduce semi rare officers that have set randomized skills between each aptitude? And maybe instead of restricting overlapping skills, they have diminishing effects?

Not really what i am interested in doing with this mod, sorry.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Krim on September 27, 2024, 04:22:54 PM
Can I add this mod mid-save?
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Lukas04 on September 27, 2024, 05:07:15 PM
Can I add this mod mid-save?

Its not really something i tested for, i would recommend not to, but aside from some minor issues it may work. The earlier in to a save, the better, generally.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Okay on September 28, 2024, 12:47:57 AM
This mod is absolutely fantastic. Great work. Just used it for this first time in my most recent playthrough and I really should've tried it earlier! Some of the skills are very cool and interesting. "Safe recovery" in smallcraft for example is a really great one. UI looks great, integrates seamlessly with the basegame and perfectly functional. Well done all around, and thank you for making this mod.

I do have some feedback which, hopefully, is actually constructive.

The leveling experience:
Unlike vanilla where you're slowly progressing through skills as you level. With this mod all my officers are leveling at the same rate and going from 0 capstones for a prolonged period then suddenly getting 3 capstones all at once doesn't feel quite right. Also I had 15 skills unlocked well before I was level 15, and I even swapped some officers for new ones.

One of your 3 active XOs gets bonus exp (top slot?) and overall total exp required to level cap increased. Bonus when level capped: unassigned officers also acquire EXP. I get that you don't want to have to use all the officers actively to level them later on, but moving the unassigned passive gain to level 15 gets you a more engaging early-mid game while letting you try out builds late game freely without grinding, and you can still shuffle officers early on at the cost of a couple officer levels.

You could also tie the number of active XO skills to the player level, but I'm guessing you didn't do this because it a hassle to deal with while also letting you freely swap XOs.

General Feedback on a handful of skills:
"Emergency order" from Starfaring would work better in Piracy. More specifically removing the CR penalty for using Emergency burn. You want to preserve CR when using Emergency burn to attack something. If you're using it avoid a battle it's not really an issue. Flavour wise it fits with piracy more IMO. Either give "outmanoeuvred" + 1burn speed while using Emergency Burn and no CR hit on Emergency burn or make it it's own Piracy skill. If you want to keep an EB bonus to Starfarer, remove it's fuel cost there which is more in line with conserving resources while exploring.

"Well organized" in management. This skill has got to be by far the worst skill in any tree by a mile. It should be replaced with something else that presents the player with an actual choice. While I generally don't want to pronounce myself on "balance" issues. This one is particularly egregious bad.

Suggested replacement:
"Tactical retreat"
+25% speed, manoeuvre and damage reduction to a ship when it is given a retreat order.
I don't know if this is possible. If not, give it this bonus but when a ship's hull is at 75/60/45/30% based on hullsize possibly with a bigger speed boost and no damage reduction one. Either way this would pair up nicely with the Re-entry skill in the same tree.

"Authority" in Management: This skill does nothing until battles aren't big enough to spawn objectives or in battles that never have objectives like battlestation battles. I'd add "If there are no objectives, this skills bonuses apply as if player controlled 1-2 objectives"

Improvisation tree:
Currently this tree is like a Derelict + defensive tree. However if someone wants to take this tree for a non-derelict strat you'll have no capstone and you'll have to pick 2/3 out of mobilization/enhanced overrides/redistribution which are all niche and specific skills. I'd add a generic non-derelict capstone here. 20-25% free hull repair on ships in battle if they dip below 50%? Scrap the mobilization skill or combine it with the SO one.

Rest of the trees/skills are mostly fine overall. Haven't gotten the Abyssal XO yet in my playthrough so I can't speak on that one. Neither have I tried the other mod-specific unique officers (Although I suppose it would be up to them to balance them correctly).

Extra Feedback on the 2 logistics skill trees in general.
It's been said before in this thread, and I still use them because of QoL, but choosing between trees that are entirely about bonuses outside of combat vs in combat doesn't feel good at all. It even feels like it goes against the spirit of the mod in general "Having to choose between personal combat skills or general fleet upgrades". Now it's replaced with "choosing between general QoL skills or fleet upgrades". Also Alex's initial rework of the skill tree had the whole industrial tree be basically only QoL stuff on release IIRC and that was one of major criticisms. I'm very much thinking about it in a "don't let the player optimize the fun out of the game" way, same way as transverse jump is now no longer permanently locked behind a skill.

I'd say bite the bullet, and lock the player into 1 logistics slot and 2 or 3 combat slots and balance the mod around that (give AI more trees on average or let the AI get upto 4 trees total if you give us 3 combat slots). Then remove the few general combat bonuses from logistics trees and purely logistics bonuses out of combat trees. Skills that are primarily combat skills but give extra flavour out of combat bonuses like "Magnetic Shielding" in Automation are still totally fine imo.

If you do decide to go with a locked logi slot, there was also another poster that was talking about industrial planning type skills, so I whipped up a "colony/alliances/trade" focused logistics tree. (I would personally never pick industrial planning, a total meme skill IMO), but it one of the most divisive skills when 0.95 dropped. People were either super mad about colony skills forcing you to go 10 points in industry to have "optimal" colonies or the industry capstones being 100% useless.

Anyways here's a possible colonial logistics tree with some extra Nexrelin bonuses thrown in too.

Civilian Convoys
Ships with Civilian grade hulls +2burn speed
(nex) +50% agent travel speed

Rapid response
All ships in faction (not just your fleet but your colonies fleets)
+1burn to faction
+15% out of combat Manoeuvrability
(nex) requested fleets form faster

Inspiring presence
+1 skill choices when leveling an officer
+30% effectiveness of ground operations
Hidden bonus: Marine bar event gives a much greater number of marines.
+1 stab to colonies
+1 bonus to faction officer quality (Like when you go in command -> doctrine and blueprints and you have the "fleet composition & doctrine pips")
(nex) -2 to "recent uprising" stability penalty when conquering a planet

-75% monthly cost to officers and administrators
+25% income bonus from commission (kills, monthly etc)
+25% effectiveness of ground defenses
(nex) Agent actions are free/cheaper

Civilian Trade
All ships with civilian grade hulls:
+50% cargo capacity
+25% fuel capacity
-50% crew requirements
-50% Maintenance/fuel costs

Shared communications
Gain bonuses from all buoys in systems owned by friendly factions
Additional +1nav/+1stab/+400 sensor strength from buoys owned by your own faction
Receive 1 XO's combat bonuses from if fighting with them in a battle
Share one of your XO's combat bonuses to allies if fighting with them in a battle

(I don't know how feasible this is, but it would be a cool situational bonus IMO)

Fleet preservation
Ships more likely to be recoverable after battle
+25% salvage from battles/battle debris
+1 bonus to faction ship quantity (fleet composition & doctrine pips)
-50% crew losses in battle (including fighters)
Lower chance for D-mod recovering own or allied ships after combat

Frontier operations
-50% Survey & colonization requirements and cost.
-30% cost for hazard pay
-50% hazard penalty to building maintenance (so 150% hazard planet would have the costs of a 125% hazard planet, 250 would be 175%, 100% or lower unchanged). Alternatively just flat -15% or something is simpler but less flavourful.
+15% post-battle salvage including weapons from automated ships

Industrial planning (capstone skill)
+1 production to industries
+50% maximum value of custom ship and weapon production per month

Free Trade Agreements (2nd capstone skill)
+25% access
+1% growth to colonies
-50% colony crisis gain rate
(nex) Lowers chance of alliance declaring war on you
(nex) Bonus success chance to agent actions on other factions

With this you'd have 3 logistics trees, each one focused on either making more money from exploring, fighting, or colonies/helping allies.
Additionally I'd consider moving the militarized subsystems skill out of improv and making 2 different flavours of it for Starfarer/Piracy. Diplomacy wouldn't get it since it's bonuses are based on civilian grade hulls, and it gets the "fighting with allies" combat bonus instead. I'd make the Starfarer one more defensive (+PD weapons range, -damage received, +ECM) and make a piracy one that's more aggressive (+flux,+speed,+damage). This would also allow flexibility with meme civilian ship builds without locking you into a particular combat tree.

Anyways, thanks again for all the effort you've already put into the mod. It's one I plan on using on again in the future for sure.

Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Sly on September 28, 2024, 05:46:11 AM
I've been enjoying tinkering with this mod so far. I like the character it adds, though I miss some of the fluff of the vanilla skill tree. There's a lot of versatility, though not without a cost. A good, vanilla-adjacent approach.

One big issue is that it's nearly impossible to find the Phase Anchor hull mod. Since it doesn't come with a skill anymore, you have to rely on RNG. In just my last game it took me cycles to find it. Needless to say, that's not ideal. Maybe something can be done?
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Lukas04 on September 28, 2024, 06:15:19 AM
This mod is absolutely fantastic. Great work. Just used it for this first time in my most recent playthrough and I really should've tried it earlier! Some of the skills are very cool and interesting. "Safe recovery" in smallcraft for example is a really great one. UI looks great, integrates seamlessly with the basegame and perfectly functional. Well done all around, and thank you for making this mod.

I do have some feedback which, hopefully, is actually constructive.

The leveling experience:
Unlike vanilla where you're slowly progressing through skills as you level. With this mod all my officers are leveling at the same rate and going from 0 capstones for a prolonged period then suddenly getting 3 capstones all at once doesn't feel quite right. Also I had 15 skills unlocked well before I was level 15, and I even swapped some officers for new ones.

One of your 3 active XOs gets bonus exp (top slot?) and overall total exp required to level cap increased. Bonus when level capped: unassigned officers also acquire EXP. I get that you don't want to have to use all the officers actively to level them later on, but moving the unassigned passive gain to level 15 gets you a more engaging early-mid game while letting you try out builds late game freely without grinding, and you can still shuffle officers early on at the cost of a couple officer levels.

You could also tie the number of active XO skills to the player level, but I'm guessing you didn't do this because it a hassle to deal with while also letting you freely swap XOs.

General Feedback on a handful of skills:
"Emergency order" from Starfaring would work better in Piracy. More specifically removing the CR penalty for using Emergency burn. You want to preserve CR when using Emergency burn to attack something. If you're using it avoid a battle it's not really an issue. Flavour wise it fits with piracy more IMO. Either give "outmanoeuvred" + 1burn speed while using Emergency Burn and no CR hit on Emergency burn or make it it's own Piracy skill. If you want to keep an EB bonus to Starfarer, remove it's fuel cost there which is more in line with conserving resources while exploring.

"Well organized" in management. This skill has got to be by far the worst skill in any tree by a mile. It should be replaced with something else that presents the player with an actual choice. While I generally don't want to pronounce myself on "balance" issues. This one is particularly egregious bad.

Suggested replacement:
"Tactical retreat"
+25% speed, manoeuvre and damage reduction to a ship when it is given a retreat order.
I don't know if this is possible. If not, give it this bonus but when a ship's hull is at 75/60/45/30% based on hullsize possibly with a bigger speed boost and no damage reduction one. Either way this would pair up nicely with the Re-entry skill in the same tree.

"Authority" in Management: This skill does nothing until battles aren't big enough to spawn objectives or in battles that never have objectives like battlestation battles. I'd add "If there are no objectives, this skills bonuses apply as if player controlled 1-2 objectives"

Improvisation tree:
Currently this tree is like a Derelict + defensive tree. However if someone wants to take this tree for a non-derelict strat you'll have no capstone and you'll have to pick 2/3 out of mobilization/enhanced overrides/redistribution which are all niche and specific skills. I'd add a generic non-derelict capstone here. 20-25% free hull repair on ships in battle if they dip below 50%? Scrap the mobilization skill or combine it with the SO one.

Rest of the trees/skills are mostly fine overall. Haven't gotten the Abyssal XO yet in my playthrough so I can't speak on that one. Neither have I tried the other mod-specific unique officers (Although I suppose it would be up to them to balance them correctly).

Extra Feedback on the 2 logistics skill trees in general.
It's been said before in this thread, and I still use them because of QoL, but choosing between trees that are entirely about bonuses outside of combat vs in combat doesn't feel good at all. It even feels like it goes against the spirit of the mod in general "Having to choose between personal combat skills or general fleet upgrades". Now it's replaced with "choosing between general QoL skills or fleet upgrades". Also Alex's initial rework of the skill tree had the whole industrial tree be basically only QoL stuff on release IIRC and that was one of major criticisms. I'm very much thinking about it in a "don't let the player optimize the fun out of the game" way, same way as transverse jump is now no longer permanently locked behind a skill.

I'd say bite the bullet, and lock the player into 1 logistics slot and 2 or 3 combat slots and balance the mod around that (give AI more trees on average or let the AI get upto 4 trees total if you give us 3 combat slots). Then remove the few general combat bonuses from logistics trees and purely logistics bonuses out of combat trees. Skills that are primarily combat skills but give extra flavour out of combat bonuses like "Magnetic Shielding" in Automation are still totally fine imo.

If you do decide to go with a locked logi slot, there was also another poster that was talking about industrial planning type skills, so I whipped up a "colony/alliances/trade" focused logistics tree. (I would personally never pick industrial planning, a total meme skill IMO), but it one of the most divisive skills when 0.95 dropped. People were either super mad about colony skills forcing you to go 10 points in industry to have "optimal" colonies or the industry capstones being 100% useless.

Anyways here's a possible colonial logistics tree with some extra Nexrelin bonuses thrown in too.

Civilian Convoys
Ships with Civilian grade hulls +2burn speed
(nex) +50% agent travel speed

Rapid response
All ships in faction (not just your fleet but your colonies fleets)
+1burn to faction
+15% out of combat Manoeuvrability
(nex) requested fleets form faster

Inspiring presence
+1 skill choices when leveling an officer
+30% effectiveness of ground operations
Hidden bonus: Marine bar event gives a much greater number of marines.
+1 stab to colonies
+1 bonus to faction officer quality (Like when you go in command -> doctrine and blueprints and you have the "fleet composition & doctrine pips")
(nex) -2 to "recent uprising" stability penalty when conquering a planet

-75% monthly cost to officers and administrators
+25% income bonus from commission (kills, monthly etc)
+25% effectiveness of ground defenses
(nex) Agent actions are free/cheaper

Civilian Trade
All ships with civilian grade hulls:
+50% cargo capacity
+25% fuel capacity
-50% crew requirements
-50% Maintenance/fuel costs

Shared communications
Gain bonuses from all buoys in systems owned by friendly factions
Additional +1nav/+1stab/+400 sensor strength from buoys owned by your own faction
Receive 1 XO's combat bonuses from if fighting with them in a battle
Share one of your XO's combat bonuses to allies if fighting with them in a battle

(I don't know how feasible this is, but it would be a cool situational bonus IMO)

Fleet preservation
Ships more likely to be recoverable after battle
+25% salvage from battles/battle debris
+1 bonus to faction ship quantity (fleet composition & doctrine pips)
-50% crew losses in battle (including fighters)
Lower chance for D-mod recovering own or allied ships after combat

Frontier operations
-50% Survey & colonization requirements and cost.
-30% cost for hazard pay
-50% hazard penalty to building maintenance (so 150% hazard planet would have the costs of a 125% hazard planet, 250 would be 175%, 100% or lower unchanged). Alternatively just flat -15% or something is simpler but less flavourful.
+15% post-battle salvage including weapons from automated ships

Industrial planning (capstone skill)
+1 production to industries
+50% maximum value of custom ship and weapon production per month

Free Trade Agreements (2nd capstone skill)
+25% access
+1% growth to colonies
-50% colony crisis gain rate
(nex) Lowers chance of alliance declaring war on you
(nex) Bonus success chance to agent actions on other factions

With this you'd have 3 logistics trees, each one focused on either making more money from exploring, fighting, or colonies/helping allies.
Additionally I'd consider moving the militarized subsystems skill out of improv and making 2 different flavours of it for Starfarer/Piracy. Diplomacy wouldn't get it since it's bonuses are based on civilian grade hulls, and it gets the "fighting with allies" combat bonus instead. I'd make the Starfarer one more defensive (+PD weapons range, -damage received, +ECM) and make a piracy one that's more aggressive (+flux,+speed,+damage). This would also allow flexibility with meme civilian ship builds without locking you into a particular combat tree.

Anyways, thanks again for all the effort you've already put into the mod. It's one I plan on using on again in the future for sure.

Cant really respond to everything here, but on the topic of the XP curve, i am personally pretty happy with how it is at the moment. I dont personaly think it needs much of a change.
You can decrease the XP gained in the configs, though of course that doesnt address all of the issues you mentioned.

I cant agree on the way Logistical aptitudes are handled on being an issue, on the contrary ive seen it be a pretty big part on players personal expression through the system. You can most definitly skip out on Logistical aptitudes, you just gotta make sure your fleet is well build for it, and i like that this is a choice you can make. Some people will immediately go with 3 combat aptitudes, some will keep a logistic aptitude until they get a colony, and some keep one always, atleast for the duration of a save. Im not quite a fan of a logistics lock, just feels to forced. While when im talking about the mod, i most commonly talk about the combat aspects, i think the larger part is the effect on the fleet as a whole, and aslong as an aptitude manages to have some influence there, i think it works pretty well.

I've been enjoying tinkering with this mod so far. I like the character it adds, though I miss some of the fluff of the vanilla skill tree. There's a lot of versatility, though not without a cost. A good, vanilla-adjacent approach.

One big issue is that it's nearly impossible to find the Phase Anchor hull mod. Since it doesn't come with a skill anymore, you have to rely on RNG. In just my last game it took me cycles to find it. Needless to say, that's not ideal. Maybe something can be done?

Not gonna lie, i just forgot the skill provides the hullmods in vanilla. I will add that back.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: basileus on September 28, 2024, 12:27:20 PM
This mod is fantastic.  I used it together with the debt obligation from Nex both for the first time.  Wow.  I lose 15-50k credit each month, and have to run enough missions to pay for that and colony upgrades.  Not to mention the fact that I cannot get IP means I have to buy administrators with it whenever I see them, even if it will be many cycles before I can actually afford to slot all of them.  I have to be so much more aggressive taking missions/bounties and less focused on exploration, but I feel like the purple line capstone has caused me to ultimately turn up more rare resources anyway.

Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Sparkymark87 on September 28, 2024, 02:58:17 PM
Since I returned to playing recently, and looked at the list of mods, yours was one of the first ones I picked to include. I really appreciate what you've done here.

Not a criticism, but a feature feasibility request: allow resetting an XO's skills for story points? Perhaps at a rate of 1 per 5 skill points the XO has? (So, 1 to 5 skills costs 1 SP, 6 to 10 is 2, and 11 to 15 is 3).
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Jimminy Crimbles on September 28, 2024, 03:03:06 PM
Since I returned to playing recently, and looked at the list of mods, yours was one of the first ones I picked to include. I really appreciate what you've done here.

Not a criticism, but a feature feasibility request: allow resetting an XO's skills for story points? Perhaps at a rate of 1 per 5 skill points the XO has? (So, 1 to 5 skills costs 1 SP, 6 to 10 is 2, and 11 to 15 is 3).

XO respeccing is already a feature, update your SiC
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Sparkymark87 on September 28, 2024, 03:08:01 PM
Since I returned to playing recently, and looked at the list of mods, yours was one of the first ones I picked to include. I really appreciate what you've done here.

Not a criticism, but a feature feasibility request: allow resetting an XO's skills for story points? Perhaps at a rate of 1 per 5 skill points the XO has? (So, 1 to 5 skills costs 1 SP, 6 to 10 is 2, and 11 to 15 is 3).

XO respeccing is already a feature, update your SiC

Didn't realize it had updated; thank you.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Loleo on October 02, 2024, 07:53:05 AM
Anyone know how to modify the Automated ships skills to increase the point allotment? I looked around in the mod files but couldn't figure it out.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Lukas04 on October 02, 2024, 09:13:47 AM
Anyone know how to modify the Automated ships skills to increase the point allotment? I looked around in the mod files but couldn't figure it out.

You would need to recompile the mod to do so, and it wouldnt affect other mods with automated ship executives, which there are two of atm. Going to add a global slider for it at some point in the configs, probably.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Snowyowl on October 05, 2024, 01:28:04 PM
How do you respecc? I got 1.2.2 but can't find the button.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Lukas04 on October 05, 2024, 08:10:46 PM
How do you respecc? I got 1.2.2 but can't find the button.

Hovering over the officer will tell you the specifics, generaly just press R while hovering over their icon.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Darloth on October 06, 2024, 11:03:50 AM
This looks amazing, and will potentially make me start a new save to try it.

Having attempted (and failed!) such sweeping systemic changes before, wow, this must have been so much effort!

Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Lukas04 on October 06, 2024, 07:54:09 PM
This looks amazing, and will potentially make me start a new save to try it.

Having attempted (and failed!) such sweeping systemic changes before, wow, this must have been so much effort!


Hope you'l like it!
And depends, the part that took the longest is making all the skills & working on the UI. Replacing the functionality itself wasnt to bad, though that comes mostly from experience of doing similar stuff in other parts of the game.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Tranquility on October 07, 2024, 12:02:11 PM
I think I found a bug regarding XP gain for executive officers. They don't seem to gain any experience if you disengage from the battle while the enemy is winning (for example, taking out enough ships to make a clean disengage and then retreating). Your character will still gain XP from the battle, but the XOs will not. This is on the latest SiC version.

Steps to Replicate:
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Lukas04 on October 07, 2024, 12:50:03 PM
I think I found a bug regarding XP gain for executive officers. They don't seem to gain any experience if you disengage from the battle while the enemy is winning (for example, taking out enough ships to make a clean disengage and then retreating). Your character will still gain XP from the battle, but the XOs will not. This is on the latest SiC version.

Steps to Replicate:
  • Get into a battle, preferably one against multiple fleets.
  • Take out just enough ships to make a clean disengage (alternatively, use the "nuke" command to reach that threshold)
  • Make a full retreat to end the battle (or use the "endcombat enemy" command).
  • Fully disengage from the enemy
  • Check the "Character" screen and view the XP of the XOs.

This is because the XP is given once you enter the salvage screen, it was the best hook i could find that would provide me with the exact same combat data as what vanilla uses to calculate XP. Il need to see if i find anything better.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Splorf on October 09, 2024, 06:21:29 AM
I know it sounds crazy. But It would be amazing if other ship captains could also use executive officers. This way we could create truly specialized fleets. In terms of balancing. The skills for other captains could be "ship only". In terms of easier implementation they could be the same. But this could of course quite overpowered fleets. Which can be also fun. Especially when playing with higher enemy difficulty scale.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Lamiel on October 09, 2024, 08:17:11 AM
Hi, been enjoying the XOs so far. I think there's a bug with changing the max level in regards to bonus xp.
Changed the max to 17 and didn't get the 8 million bonus xp once i reached max level.
Even spending SP with 100% bonus only gives a non boosted amount
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: CursedHand on October 09, 2024, 05:50:30 PM
Is it possible to configure the max number of skills per XO and the number of XO's?

For example if I want 4 XO's and 4 skills from each XO.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: jojo67373 on October 10, 2024, 06:43:45 AM
Brainstorming for a Executive Officer for Colonization:

Tier I generic skills (all colonies):
Resilience to Extreme: 10% reduction of Hazard Rating if planet HR > 150%, 25% reduction if HR > 200%
Efficient Interstellar Infrastructure: accessibility + 5%
Efficient Budget: upkeep -5%

Tier I governor skills (managed colony)
Efficient Associates:  governed colony cap +1
Efficient Social Engineering: stability + 2
Efficient Security: spawned fleet size + 1, quality +1

Tier II (require four Tier I)
Pick one only:
Efficient  Economy (all colonies): income + 10%
Efficient Industry (governed colonies): industry demand -1, output + 1
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Inertial Mage on October 10, 2024, 11:29:13 AM
Brainstorming for a Executive Officer for Colonization:

pretty sure the mod author is avoiding making a colony type XO because of the fact you can swap out XOs, making it unreasonably powerful to have a colony XO from a balance standpoint and you'd assume players would swap in the colony XO at home for min maxxing which would be sort of busywork and boring imo
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Snowyowl on October 10, 2024, 02:42:15 PM
While I agree a Colonization XO wouldn't be a good or fun. I want to note I really miss Industrial Planning when I start colonies. Is there anyway to get it within second in command?
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Kaisi on October 10, 2024, 09:09:23 PM
Potential bug? Player fleet catches hyperspace storms when "moving slowly" through them. Not right away, but randomly. I remember base game had the same bug when .97 just rolled out. Bug appeared after adding your mod.

BTW the mod is brilliant, should be integrated into the game. Solves so much problems with current skills concept.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Snowyowl on October 11, 2024, 12:55:37 AM
BTW the mod is brilliant, should be integrated into the game. Solves so much problems with current skills concept.
I disagree. As great SiC is the mod means you need to build specific fleets to fully benefit from it. Which I love, it gives more replayability. But I wouldn't call it a good mod to integrated into the base game since it changes too much.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Lukas04 on October 11, 2024, 09:12:48 AM
Potential bug? Player fleet catches hyperspace storms when "moving slowly" through them. Not right away, but randomly. I remember base game had the same bug when .97 just rolled out. Bug appeared after adding your mod.

BTW the mod is brilliant, should be integrated into the game. Solves so much problems with current skills concept.

Odd, this has been an issue with the RAT abyss for a while, never heard of it happening in vanillas hyperspace before. Not quite sure what could cause it.

BTW the mod is brilliant, should be integrated into the game. Solves so much problems with current skills concept.
I disagree. As great SiC is the mod means you need to build specific fleets to fully benefit from it. Which I love, it gives more replayability. But I wouldn't call it a good mod to integrated into the base game since it changes too much.

Yeah SiC just has another focus, I think vanillas system works pretty well if you only make a save once or twice a year, SiC brings more fun if you play the game a bunch and need more encouragement to try different builds
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Skydrake on October 11, 2024, 12:41:19 PM
Speaking of different builds, I'll have to force myself to have a playthrough where I take the Automation commander and get myself some AI ships. I've wanted to do that for a while now, and being able to field a couple of Radiants (when one is strong enough to beat them) certainly sounds appealing, but man, it's so hard to give up one of the more generalist pew-pew focused commanders and the universally useful bonuses they provide.

I typically don't leave home without either Piracy or Spacefaring (helps so much with logistical headaches of all kinds), slap a Tactical (just universally useful) in the second slot and have the 3rd slot as my flex commander, depending on what sort of fleet theme I'm going for. I guess the Automation one will have to go here ...
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Lukas04 on October 11, 2024, 01:31:56 PM
Speaking of different builds, I'll have to force myself to have a playthrough where I take the Automation commander and get myself some AI ships. I've wanted to do that for a while now, and being able to field a couple of Radiants (when one is strong enough to beat them) certainly sounds appealing, but man, it's so hard to give up one of the more generalist pew-pew focused commanders and the universally useful bonuses they provide.

I typically don't leave home without either Piracy or Spacefaring (helps so much with logistical headaches of all kinds), slap a Tactical (just universally useful) in the second slot and have the 3rd slot as my flex commander, depending on what sort of fleet theme I'm going for. I guess the Automation one will have to go here ...

Logistical Aptitudes are definitly favourable early game, though you could technicly avoid them, they are very nice to have there. If you want a bit of assistance to get you started on an Automation build, the Management tree is pretty generalistic, and its skills synergise well with automated ships, once you get some, as AI cores count as officers for skill activation. Also what helps is that in the early game, you can use the automation tree to salvage derelict drones, which arent very good, but since they can have AI cores slotted in can help atleast somewhat, and are cheap to use. If you use Secrets of the Frontiers, you can also immediately head to Mias star and buy some upgraded derelict ships from the dustkeepers.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Skydrake on October 11, 2024, 01:51:03 PM
Hm, Ai Cores counting as officers for the Management skill line does make for some interesting synergies ... certainly something to think on! I was thinking of pairing it with Technical, which seems like a natural fit for the Remnant ships (and more AI points!), but maybe. Don't think I can force myself to give up a logistics commander though. I realize they aren't strictly necessary and they don't really help with combat any, but there's so much quality of life involved in having one (especially while you haven't reached effectively infinite money state).

Derilict drones though ... urgh. Don't think I would want to be caught dead piloting one of those ^^

Upgraded Derilicts do sound interesting though. Can't say I have ever used Secrets of the Frontier, but I guess this is as good time as any to look into it and add it to my modlist. It would certainly be welcome to get into the AI ship game earlier in the playthrough, if I'm going to be lugging the AI commander around as one of my active ones.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Lukas04 on October 11, 2024, 03:21:39 PM
Hm, Ai Cores counting as officers for the Management skill line does make for some interesting synergies ... certainly something to think on! I was thinking of pairing it with Technical, which seems like a natural fit for the Remnant ships (and more AI points!), but maybe. Don't think I can force myself to give up a logistics commander though. I realize they aren't strictly necessary and they don't really help with combat any, but there's so much quality of life involved in having one (especially while you haven't reached effectively infinite money state).

Derilict drones though ... urgh. Don't think I would want to be caught dead piloting one of those ^^

Upgraded Derilicts do sound interesting though. Can't say I have ever used Secrets of the Frontier, but I guess this is as good time as any to look into it and add it to my modlist. It would certainly be welcome to get into the AI ship game earlier in the playthrough, if I'm going to be lugging the AI commander around as one of my active ones.

Derelict Drones on their own are pretty bad, but combining them with the Improvisation Tree makes them dirt cheap to deploy on mass, and all of them having the Rugged Construction Hullmod negates the negative downsides of dmods. Its a pretty fun kind of build to go with, atleast once, probably not to fitting for your current playthrough. Also yeah, technical is a good fit, Management may be better if you have mods that add more automated ships than Remnants & Derelicts
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Kaisi on October 11, 2024, 08:56:10 PM
Yeah SiC just has another focus, I think vanillas system works pretty well if you only make a save once or twice a year, SiC brings more fun if you play the game a bunch and need more encouragement to try different builds

Nah, the problem of vanilla is in two not so good concepts. 1st is you can be a pilot yourself or a have superior fleet, you can't have both. 2nd is the specialized skills lose their effectiveness the more you fit the fleet to them, which i find to be absurd, it should be opposite or at least flat. Being said with SiC i can fly my flagship to it's fullest potential and make overspecialized fleet at the same time.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Skydrake on October 11, 2024, 11:47:02 PM
Derelict Drones on their own are pretty bad, but combining them with the Improvisation Tree makes them dirt cheap to deploy on mass, and all of them having the Rugged Construction Hullmod negates the negative downsides of dmods. Its a pretty fun kind of build to go with, atleast once, probably not to fitting for your current playthrough. Also yeah, technical is a good fit, Management may be better if you have mods that add more automated ships than Remnants & Derelicts

I do have a lowtek junkheap Improvisation run planned (maybe finally doing a Pirate playthrough), but yeah, probably doesn't quite jive with what I have planned for this one.

Also, don't believe I have any mods that add other automated ships (beside a few new Remnant hulls maybe). Would you happen to know any? Could be pretty interesting for a non-remnant automation run.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Snowyowl on October 12, 2024, 03:16:57 AM
Got a request and a cross mod bug report. Can Industrial Planning be added as a base skill, as much it's a meme skill I do find myself missing it.

It seems the Take No Prisoners has a weird interaction with SiC. Causing every generated prisoner to have that skill only the player should have. It takes up a skill slot which is never nice to see.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Lukas04 on October 12, 2024, 05:55:24 AM
Derelict Drones on their own are pretty bad, but combining them with the Improvisation Tree makes them dirt cheap to deploy on mass, and all of them having the Rugged Construction Hullmod negates the negative downsides of dmods. Its a pretty fun kind of build to go with, atleast once, probably not to fitting for your current playthrough. Also yeah, technical is a good fit, Management may be better if you have mods that add more automated ships than Remnants & Derelicts

I do have a lowtek junkheap Improvisation run planned (maybe finally doing a Pirate playthrough), but yeah, probably doesn't quite jive with what I have planned for this one.

Also, don't believe I have any mods that add other automated ships (beside a few new Remnant hulls maybe). Would you happen to know any? Could be pretty interesting for a non-remnant automation run.

Random Assortment of Things, Knights of Ludd & LOST_SECTOR have a bunch.

Got a request and a cross mod bug report. Can Industrial Planning be added as a base skill, as much it's a meme skill I do find myself missing it.

It seems the Take No Prisoners has a weird interaction with SiC. Causing every generated prisoner to have that skill only the player should have. It takes up a skill slot which is never nice to see.

Im not readding it. Also not sure how SiC would make every prisonor spawn with the skill in Take No Prisoners, the skill isnt actually modified at all (as its just hidden by the new menu) so it shouldnt change any interaction there.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Skydrake on October 12, 2024, 09:30:24 AM
Random Assortment of Things, Knights of Ludd & LOST_SECTOR have a bunch.

Thanks! Grabbing all of those and embarking on my new playthrough.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Zalpha on October 12, 2024, 01:17:58 PM
I haven't played the game for a long time and just came back to it. So this mod is new and seems awesome. Is there away to make it say my level cap is 25 or higher (slow burn game play) and get all skill (I think there are 14?), even if it is still at 2 levels per point. It would be like the other mods I was using before were I never stopped leveling and the level cap was at 40. I like the feel of never reach a set limit, if I reach it I lose interest in the game as I feel like I have done all I can with the character - I love leveling up and being rewarded for it.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Lukas04 on October 12, 2024, 02:27:30 PM
I haven't played the game for a long time and just came back to it. So this mod is new and seems awesome. Is there away to make it say my level cap is 25 or higher (slow burn game play) and get all skill (I think there are 14?), even if it is still at 2 levels per point. It would be like the other mods I was using before were I never stopped leveling and the level cap was at 40. I like the feel of never reach a set limit, if I reach it I lose interest in the game as I feel like I have done all I can with the character - I love leveling up and being rewarded for it.

Theres only a config to increase the max level of the player up to lv25 in the Lunalib settings.
Id recommend to just turn down XP gain if you would want it to take longer
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Zalpha on October 13, 2024, 02:23:11 AM
I haven't played the game for a long time and just came back to it. So this mod is new and seems awesome. Is there away to make it say my level cap is 25 or higher (slow burn game play) and get all skill (I think there are 14?), even if it is still at 2 levels per point. It would be like the other mods I was using before were I never stopped leveling and the level cap was at 40. I like the feel of never reach a set limit, if I reach it I lose interest in the game as I feel like I have done all I can with the character - I love leveling up and being rewarded for it.

Theres only a config to increase the max level of the player up to lv25 in the Lunalib settings.
Id recommend to just turn down XP gain if you would want it to take longer

Oh, I thought that just increased the levels without increasing the skill point gain. I will do that, thanks. Now that I think about it I don't see why I thought that. More levels should give more points but I was thinking it worked something like every 3 or 4 levels you got a skill point and not like 'normal'.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Skydrake on October 14, 2024, 01:59:45 AM
I think I will be giving up on my Automated ship playthrough, it's just causing it to tear my hair out ^^

I realize this must be how AI ships behave in general (this is my first time actually trying to use automated ships, as opposed to crewed ones) and nothing to do with this mod specifically, but damn. After getting an Automation officer and successfully salvaging a couple of nice AI ships from Medium threat warning beacon systems, I have come to realize that Automated ships behave like suicidal lemmings!

No joke, they will rush in and proceed to all but facehug enemy ships (even if it's bigger ships that outnumber them) and proceed to sit there attempting to exchange blows until they inevitably die despite their superior ship stats. Leaving the rest of my manned crew to try and clean up the resultant mess. As amusing as that is, it cots more to constantly repair and de-D-Mod these whackjobs than their presence possibly contributes to my earning potential!

Granted, loot hasn't yielded me any AI cores yet to slot in to the ships, but I don't imagine that will cause them to behave in a particularly smarter manner?

At this point I think I will just bench the Automation officer and transition to a more regular high tech playthrough lol. Unless gathering a critical mass of Automation ships (and setting my human officers to aggressive or reckless so they perform suicidal charges alongside their AI buddies) might do something for salvaging the situation ... 
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Snowyowl on October 14, 2024, 04:58:16 AM
I think I will be giving up on my Automated ship playthrough, it's just causing it to tear my hair out ^^

I realize this must be how AI ships behave in general (this is my first time actually trying to use automated ships, as opposed to crewed ones) and nothing to do with this mod specifically, but damn. After getting an Automation officer and successfully salvaging a couple of nice AI ships from Medium threat warning beacon systems, I have come to realize that Automated ships behave like suicidal lemmings!

No joke, they will rush in and proceed to all but facehug enemy ships (even if it's bigger ships that outnumber them) and proceed to sit there attempting to exchange blows until they inevitably die despite their superior ship stats. Leaving the rest of my manned crew to try and clean up the resultant mess. As amusing as that is, it cots more to constantly repair and de-D-Mod these whackjobs than their presence possibly contributes to my earning potential!

Granted, loot hasn't yielded me any AI cores yet to slot in to the ships, but I don't imagine that will cause them to behave in a particularly smarter manner?

At this point I think I will just bench the Automation officer and transition to a more regular high tech playthrough lol. Unless gathering a critical mass of Automation ships (and setting my human officers to aggressive or reckless so they perform suicidal charges alongside their AI buddies) might do something for salvaging the situation ...
All of this can be fixed by another mod AI-Tweaks which lets you edit AI core personalities. Aggressive works for me.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Phenir on October 14, 2024, 04:32:42 PM
I think I will be giving up on my Automated ship playthrough, it's just causing it to tear my hair out ^^

I realize this must be how AI ships behave in general (this is my first time actually trying to use automated ships, as opposed to crewed ones) and nothing to do with this mod specifically, but damn. After getting an Automation officer and successfully salvaging a couple of nice AI ships from Medium threat warning beacon systems, I have come to realize that Automated ships behave like suicidal lemmings!

No joke, they will rush in and proceed to all but facehug enemy ships (even if it's bigger ships that outnumber them) and proceed to sit there attempting to exchange blows until they inevitably die despite their superior ship stats. Leaving the rest of my manned crew to try and clean up the resultant mess. As amusing as that is, it cots more to constantly repair and de-D-Mod these whackjobs than their presence possibly contributes to my earning potential!

Granted, loot hasn't yielded me any AI cores yet to slot in to the ships, but I don't imagine that will cause them to behave in a particularly smarter manner?

At this point I think I will just bench the Automation officer and transition to a more regular high tech playthrough lol. Unless gathering a critical mass of Automation ships (and setting my human officers to aggressive or reckless so they perform suicidal charges alongside their AI buddies) might do something for salvaging the situation ...
You really have to wrangle AI ships with orders. Assign them to stricter orders like escort or rally (civilian if you need to be really strict). Defend is really lax on how far they can move around. Also pay attention to weapon ranges, they will try to get close enough for all their weapons to be in range, including PD. On the flipside, they won't get closer than they need to. A favorite build I like to use is glimmers with all tac beams + grav beam + optics. 1200 range keeps them nice and safe and out of the way. They absolutely dominate enemy frigates and destroyers and can even take on cruisers if they team up. You only really make use of up to beta cores for them as well so they are really cheap on auto points, if you decide to use cores for them at all.
AI cores won't make ai ships smarter but will make them a lot tougher so they can actually afford to get in bad situations and still make it out alive. They'll also get a bit of range from gunnery skill so they won't need to get quite as close to fulfill their "get all weapons in range" tendency.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: ligraph on October 14, 2024, 08:10:41 PM
I think I've encountered a bug with the s-mod handling of Best of the Best: if you capture a ship with more than 2 S mods, as soon as you un-assign the officer with Best of the Best, it gets cut down to 2 S mods.  You can work around this trivially by storing the ship, un-assigning the officer, and then pulling the ship out of storage (no idea if this works for the base limit, too).
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Shoey on October 15, 2024, 03:05:52 PM
I've got a minor bug report for you. 

The current implementation of several skills means they don't get reflected in the ShipAPI while in the refit screen. I noticed this with Starfaring's Recovery Efforts and my indev refit UI additions, but unless I'm mistaken it'll apply to a lot of things from TMI/things that access a ShipAPI to display information in the refit screen in general.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Lukas04 on October 15, 2024, 04:10:12 PM
I've got a minor bug report for you. 

The current implementation of several skills means they don't get reflected in the ShipAPI while in the refit screen. I noticed this with Starfaring's Recovery Efforts and my indev refit UI additions, but unless I'm mistaken it'll apply to a lot of things from TMI/things that access a ShipAPI to display information in the refit screen in general.

Skills in the mod are based on Hullmods in the backend, so there should be no difference to those stats being applied from a normal hmod
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Shoey on October 16, 2024, 03:36:52 AM
I've got a minor bug report for you. 

The current implementation of several skills means they don't get reflected in the ShipAPI while in the refit screen. I noticed this with Starfaring's Recovery Efforts and my indev refit UI additions, but unless I'm mistaken it'll apply to a lot of things from TMI/things that access a ShipAPI to display information in the refit screen in general.

Skills in the mod are based on Hullmods in the backend, so there should be no difference to those stats being applied from a normal hmod

I did double check before reporting this; my UI is updating properly with Reinforced Bulkheads as well as the test hullmod I made to use modifyFlat instead.

Maybe I'm doing it wrong? Looking at the code for SiC, I don't believe so, since

    public void addPostDescriptionSection(TooltipMakerAPI tooltip, ShipAPI.HullSize hullSize, ShipAPI ship, float width, boolean isForModSpec) {

        tooltip.addPara((" "+ship.getMutableStats().getBreakProb().getModifiedValue()),0);
        tooltip.addPara((" "+ship.getMutableStats().getDynamic().getMod(Stats.SHIP_RECOVERY_MOD).getMult()), 0);
        tooltip.addPara((" "+ship.getMutableStats().getDynamic().getMod(Stats.SHIP_RECOVERY_MOD).getBonusMult()), 0);
        tooltip.addPara((" "+ship.getMutableStats().getDynamic().getMod(Stats.SHIP_RECOVERY_MOD).getPercentMod()),0);
        tooltip.addPara((" "+ship.getMutableStats().getDynamic().getMod(Stats.SHIP_RECOVERY_MOD).getFlatBonus()), 0);
        tooltip.addPara((" "+ship.getMutableStats().getDynamic().getStat(Stats.SHIP_RECOVERY_MOD).getModifiedValue()), 0);
        tooltip.addPara((" "+ship.getMutableStats().getDynamic().getMod(Stats.INDIVIDUAL_SHIP_RECOVERY_MOD).getMult()), 0);
        tooltip.addPara((" "+ship.getMutableStats().getDynamic().getMod(Stats.INDIVIDUAL_SHIP_RECOVERY_MOD).getBonusMult()), 0);
        tooltip.addPara((" "+ship.getMutableStats().getDynamic().getMod(Stats.INDIVIDUAL_SHIP_RECOVERY_MOD).getPercentMod()),0);
        tooltip.addPara((" "+ship.getMutableStats().getDynamic().getMod(Stats.INDIVIDUAL_SHIP_RECOVERY_MOD).getFlatBonus()), 0);
        tooltip.addPara((" "+ship.getMutableStats().getDynamic().getStat(Stats.INDIVIDUAL_SHIP_RECOVERY_MOD).getModifiedValue()), 0);


on a hullmod shows the same values with or without a Starfarer with Recovery Efforts active while reflecting hull mods like Reinforced Bulkheads properly. Using the ShipAPI passed to addPostDescriptionSection in hullmods is exactly how TMI accesses these kind of stats as well (although I haven't looked through it enough to know if it makes much use of the getDynamic section of ShipAPI.getMutableStats, which if it doesn't this probably won't matter for it).

Modifying SiC to log when it is applying RE's recovery chance changes, I do see it is being executed before/during/after refit screen, so I'm left with the assumption that the ShipAPI representing the refit screen doesn't take into account MutableFleetStats for the player fleet, which is what seems to be the relevant thing here? Which would make sense tbh since it probably reuses a lot of the code for the non-campaign mission refit screen. I would be shocked if that one references fleet stats at all outside of the top right overlay, since as I recall it largely existed long before campaign mode did.

I do vaguely recall encountering this issue with the vanilla implementation of the "ships always recoverable" commander skill but that was while I was still completely new to ShipAPI and hadn't used it much yet so I just disregarded it at the time. I am still learning the stats system a lot so I might be wildly off on something here, but... I have spent a good few hours looking at this issue specifically so I feel like I've got a grasp on it. 

Late edit: when we've discussed reflection and the refit UI I do recall talk/seeing needing to call a method to sync the refit ShipAPI with the fleetmemberapi, which feels relevant to some degree as well?
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Lukas04 on October 16, 2024, 05:45:56 AM
I've got a minor bug report for you. 

The current implementation of several skills means they don't get reflected in the ShipAPI while in the refit screen. I noticed this with Starfaring's Recovery Efforts and my indev refit UI additions, but unless I'm mistaken it'll apply to a lot of things from TMI/things that access a ShipAPI to display information in the refit screen in general.

Skills in the mod are based on Hullmods in the backend, so there should be no difference to those stats being applied from a normal hmod

I did double check before reporting this; my UI is updating properly with Reinforced Bulkheads as well as the test hullmod I made to use modifyFlat instead.

Maybe I'm doing it wrong? Looking at the code for SiC, I don't believe so, since

    public void addPostDescriptionSection(TooltipMakerAPI tooltip, ShipAPI.HullSize hullSize, ShipAPI ship, float width, boolean isForModSpec) {

        tooltip.addPara((" "+ship.getMutableStats().getBreakProb().getModifiedValue()),0);
        tooltip.addPara((" "+ship.getMutableStats().getDynamic().getMod(Stats.SHIP_RECOVERY_MOD).getMult()), 0);
        tooltip.addPara((" "+ship.getMutableStats().getDynamic().getMod(Stats.SHIP_RECOVERY_MOD).getBonusMult()), 0);
        tooltip.addPara((" "+ship.getMutableStats().getDynamic().getMod(Stats.SHIP_RECOVERY_MOD).getPercentMod()),0);
        tooltip.addPara((" "+ship.getMutableStats().getDynamic().getMod(Stats.SHIP_RECOVERY_MOD).getFlatBonus()), 0);
        tooltip.addPara((" "+ship.getMutableStats().getDynamic().getStat(Stats.SHIP_RECOVERY_MOD).getModifiedValue()), 0);
        tooltip.addPara((" "+ship.getMutableStats().getDynamic().getMod(Stats.INDIVIDUAL_SHIP_RECOVERY_MOD).getMult()), 0);
        tooltip.addPara((" "+ship.getMutableStats().getDynamic().getMod(Stats.INDIVIDUAL_SHIP_RECOVERY_MOD).getBonusMult()), 0);
        tooltip.addPara((" "+ship.getMutableStats().getDynamic().getMod(Stats.INDIVIDUAL_SHIP_RECOVERY_MOD).getPercentMod()),0);
        tooltip.addPara((" "+ship.getMutableStats().getDynamic().getMod(Stats.INDIVIDUAL_SHIP_RECOVERY_MOD).getFlatBonus()), 0);
        tooltip.addPara((" "+ship.getMutableStats().getDynamic().getStat(Stats.INDIVIDUAL_SHIP_RECOVERY_MOD).getModifiedValue()), 0);


on a hullmod shows the same values with or without a Starfarer with Recovery Efforts active while reflecting hull mods like Reinforced Bulkheads properly. Using the ShipAPI passed to addPostDescriptionSection in hullmods is exactly how TMI accesses these kind of stats as well (although I haven't looked through it enough to know if it makes much use of the getDynamic section of ShipAPI.getMutableStats, which if it doesn't this probably won't matter for it).

Modifying SiC to log when it is applying RE's recovery chance changes, I do see it is being executed before/during/after refit screen, so I'm left with the assumption that the ShipAPI representing the refit screen doesn't take into account MutableFleetStats for the player fleet, which is what seems to be the relevant thing here? Which would make sense tbh since it probably reuses a lot of the code for the non-campaign mission refit screen. I would be shocked if that one references fleet stats at all outside of the top right overlay, since as I recall it largely existed long before campaign mode did.

I do vaguely recall encountering this issue with the vanilla implementation of the "ships always recoverable" commander skill but that was while I was still completely new to ShipAPI and hadn't used it much yet so I just disregarded it at the time. I am still learning the stats system a lot so I might be wildly off on something here, but... I have spent a good few hours looking at this issue specifically so I feel like I've got a grasp on it. 

Late edit: when we've discussed reflection and the refit UI I do recall talk/seeing needing to call a method to sync the refit ShipAPI with the fleetmemberapi, which feels relevant to some degree as well?

If the only thing your displaying is the ships stat that makes sense, the actual recovery just grabs both stats (fleet/ship) and combined them when the recovery happens. Sounds like you would just wanna take that stat in to account. Also on that note feel free to message me on Discord (DM or Galatia since youre there) for this kind of stuff, i find that much more pleasent.

On that note, not home atm but from what i recall the recovery skill in the automated aptitude influences individual ships rather than using the fleet stat, so go try that one.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: ExBeNN on October 16, 2024, 09:24:59 PM
Just wanted to say that this is such a great idea, very refreshing mod. Made me start another playthrough after quite some time. Thank you for sharing this.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Guardsmen83 on October 16, 2024, 11:51:59 PM
Just wanted to say that this is such a great idea, very refreshing mod. Made me start another playthrough after quite some time. Thank you for sharing this.
^ very much this  the three slot idea is genius
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: darkduck on October 18, 2024, 06:47:55 AM
Having crashes. I am strongly suspecting second in command mod being a reason due to it being the only one in logs present:
529653 [Thread-8] INFO  sound.oo0O  - Cleaning up music with id [faction_generic_market_01_neutral_var01.ogg]
529711 [Thread-4] ERROR com.fs.starfarer.combat.CombatMain  - java.lang.NullPointerException
        at second_in_command.hullmods.SCControllerHullmod.applyEffectsAfterShipCreation(SCControllerHullmod.kt:65)

more detailed one:
518627 [Thread-8] INFO  sound.oo0O  - Cleaning up music with id [faction_generic_market_01_neutral_var01.ogg]
518796 [Thread-10] INFO  sound.OooO  - Playing music with id [miscallenous_corvus_campaign_music.ogg]
520326 [Thread-4] INFO  exerelin.plugins.ExerelinModPlugin  - Before game save
520364 [Thread-4] INFO  - Saving to ./saves/save_Aria_113026056790831779...
520366 [Thread-4] INFO  - Saving stage 2
520366 [Thread-4] INFO  - Saving stage 3
524856 [Thread-4] INFO  - Saving stage 4
524856 [Thread-4] INFO  - Saving stage 6
525600 [Thread-4] INFO  - Saving stage 6B
525603 [Thread-4] INFO  - Renaming [campaign.xml] to [campaign.xml.bak]
525603 [Thread-4] INFO  - Renaming [descriptor.xml] to [descriptor.xml.bak]
525603 [Thread-4] INFO  - Renaming [campaign.xml.inprogress] to [campaign.xml]
525603 [Thread-4] INFO  - Renaming [descriptor.xml.inprogress] to [descriptor.xml]
525603 [Thread-4] INFO  - Saving stage 7
525603 [Thread-4] INFO  - Saving stage 8
525603 [Thread-4] INFO  - Finished saving
525663 [Thread-4] INFO  exerelin.plugins.ExerelinModPlugin  - After game save
Time quicksaving: -6,214 ms
527279 [Thread-4] DEBUG mmm.missions.MbmBarEventManager  - $mmm_mbm_last_added=-8.1 days; $mmm_mbm_data={CorruptPLClerkSuppliesBarEvent=[READY, 28.1 days, -5558034896168546163], DeliveryBarEvent=[READY, 30.5 days, 2637374719365554477], DiktatLobsterBarEvent=[READY, 16.8 days, -1922613013950137584], HistorianBarEvent=[READY, 18.6 days, -5270201867543603730], LuddicCraftBarEvent=[READY, 15.0 days, -8637751143345676859], LuddicFarmerBarEvent=[READY, 18.5 days, -4730813512770400379], MercsOnTheRunBarEvent=[ACTIVE, 22.0 days, 898231869372610090], QuartermasterCargoSwapBarEvent=[READY, 29.4 days, 3214563515104899495], TriTachLoanBarEvent=[READY, 19.7 days, -2012736106674602132], TriTachMajorLoanBarEvent=[READY, 31.6 days, 6988224517751803803], cheapCom=[READY, 20.0 days, -7964978611361095096], cpc=[READY, 30.8 days, 1201679645209021323], cpm=[READY, 28.5 days, -5295313076871462570], dcom=[READY, 26.6 days, 1938709774188989272], ddro=[READY, 20.3 days, 6690020449378078202], dhi=[READY, 14.4 days, 7340347587193917316], dpl_Revenge=[TIMEOUT, 9.1 days, 1923500519655290903], dsp=[ACTIVE, 22.1 days, -8764456912823531495], extr=[READY, 29.3 days, 1002357002469688365], hijack=[READY, 13.1 days, -4444344648879242771], hmdf=[READY, 20.1 days, -3359554583212089426], jabr=[READY, 27.1 days, -4586700702384979381], locrlf=[READY, 16.3 days, -5677733962984409862], lpt=[READY, 18.1 days, 3690597926034043556], mcb=[ACTIVE, 25.5 days, 1452454595731578528], nex_bShip=[READY, 13.2 days, -3072829306746211003], nex_dcom=[READY, 25.2 days, -9199257936760957042], nex_msb=[READY, 29.5 days, -7987844929518257342], proCom=[READY, 13.1 days, -6360367354207848279], psb=[READY, 20.7 days, 6788996269071637789], sShip=[READY, 18.1 days, 4232590106991544319], seco=[TIMEOUT, 8.6 days, -1337041714248997728], sitm=[READY, 14.1 days, 6338799666170139333], smug=[READY, 16.0 days, 4194084683525429849], ssat=[TIMEOUT, 10.3 days, 749401957894854114], tabo=[READY, 17.3 days, -118466056857569058], ucb=[ACTIVE, 25.8 days, 4972530893422479481]}
527279 [Thread-4] DEBUG mmm.missions.MbmBarEventManager  - $mmm_mbm_last_decayed=-100.1 days; freq_sum=281.0; $mmm_mbm_stats: value_sum=45.13, stats={DeliveryBarEvent=3.50, HistorianBarEvent=0.88, LuddicCraftBarEvent=1.00, MercsOnTheRunBarEvent=2.63, TriTachLoanBarEvent=2.25, cheapCom=0.88, cpc=2.75, cpm=1.25, dcom=0.88, ddro=2.00, dhi=0.25, dpl_Revenge=2.00, dsp=1.00, extr=2.88, hijack=1.88, hmdf=1.13, jabr=1.63, mcb=4.00, nex_bShip=0.13, nex_msb=0.25, proCom=0.13, psb=0.50, sShip=1.63, seco=2.38, sitm=0.63, smug=3.25, ssat=1.88, ucb=1.63}
527289 [Thread-4] DEBUG mmm.missions.MbmBarEventManager  - Existing active events: [MercsOnTheRunBarEvent, dsp, mcb, and ucb]
527289 [Thread-4] DEBUG mmm.missions.MbmBarEventManager  - Existing priority active events: []
527289 [Thread-4] DEBUG mmm.missions.MbmBarEventManager  - All active events: [MercsOnTheRunBarEvent, dsp, mcb, and ucb]
527289 [Thread-4] DEBUG mmm.missions.MbmBarEventManager  - reportPlayerOpenedMarket done; PortsideBarData: [BeyondVeilBarEvent, FamousShipBarEvent, LuddicPathBaseBarEvent, MercsOnTheRunBarEvent, OwnCrewBarEvent, PreCollapseFacBarEvent, RelicOfThePastBarEvent, dsp, mcb, mmm_dm, mmm_em, mmm_rm, ucb]
528598 [Thread-10] INFO  sound.oo0O  - Creating streaming player for music with id [faction_generic_market_01_neutral_var01.ogg]
528599 [Thread-10] INFO  sound.OooO  - Playing music with id [faction_generic_market_01_neutral_var01.ogg]
529644 [Thread-4] INFO  sound.oo0O  - Cleaning up music with id [miscallenous_corvus_campaign_music.ogg]
529653 [Thread-8] INFO  sound.oo0O  - Cleaning up music with id [faction_generic_market_01_neutral_var01.ogg]
529711 [Thread-4] ERROR com.fs.starfarer.combat.CombatMain  - java.lang.NullPointerException
        at second_in_command.hullmods.SCControllerHullmod.applyEffectsAfterShipCreation(SCControllerHullmod.kt:65)
        at com.fs.starfarer.loading.specs._.super(Unknown Source)
        at com.fs.starfarer.coreui.refit.A.updateFromCurrentVariant(Unknown Source)
        at com.fs.starfarer.coreui.refit.A.setFleetMember(Unknown Source)
        at com.fs.starfarer.coreui.refit.V.setFleetMember(Unknown Source)
        at com.fs.starfarer.coreui.refit.F.dialogDismissed(Unknown Source)
        at com.fs.starfarer.coreui.refit.F.showMember(Unknown Source)
        at com.fs.starfarer.coreui.refit.F.Object(Unknown Source)
        at com.fs.starfarer.coreui.refit.F.setPlugin(Unknown Source)
        at com.fs.starfarer.ui.newui.for$4.actionPerformed(Unknown Source)
        at com.fs.starfarer.ui.n.buttonPressed(Unknown Source)
        atÒ00000(Unknown Source)
        at Source)
        at com.fs.starfarer.ui.o0Oo.o00000(Unknown Source)
        at com.fs.starfarer.BaseGameState.traverse(Unknown Source)
        at com.fs.state.AppDriver.begin(Unknown Source)
        at com.fs.starfarer.combat.CombatMain.main(Unknown Source)
        at com.fs.starfarer.StarfarerLauncher.o00000(Unknown Source)
        at com.fs.starfarer.StarfarerLauncher$ Source)
        at Source)
530100 [Thread-10] INFO  sound.oo0O  - Creating streaming player for music with id [faction_generic_market_01_neutral_var01.ogg]
530100 [Thread-10] INFO  sound.OooO  - Playing music with id [faction_generic_market_01_neutral_var01.ogg]

Mode version    "version":"1.2.2",
    "gameVersion": "0.97a-RC11",
Running on Kubuntu Linux

I am not sure when it crashes. Sometimes in space, but i notice i think often crashes when i open Planet Menu may be too
Quite common to crash like this i think very soon after the game load from time to time i think

I gathered multiple instances of crashes. Another one like this
606433 [Thread-4] INFO  - Loading stage 39 - last
607433 [Thread-8] INFO  sound.oo0O  - Cleaning up music with id [miscallenous_corvus_campaign_music.ogg]
607833 [Thread-10] INFO  sound.oo0O  - Creating streaming player for music with id [miscallenous_corvus_campaign_music.ogg]
607833 [Thread-10] INFO  sound.OooO  - Playing music with id [miscallenous_corvus_campaign_music.ogg]
608909 [Thread-4] INFO  - CheckForGates took 0.00136886 seconds (1.36886 milliseconds or 1368860 nanoseconds) to complete.
610385 [Thread-10] INFO  sound.oo0O  - Creating streaming player for music with id [faction_tritach_market_03_friendly.ogg]
610385 [Thread-10] INFO  sound.OooO  - Playing music with id [faction_tritach_market_03_friendly.ogg]
611536 [Thread-4] INFO  sound.oo0O  - Cleaning up music with id [miscallenous_corvus_campaign_music.ogg]
611538 [Thread-8] INFO  sound.oo0O  - Cleaning up music with id [faction_tritach_market_03_friendly.ogg]
611590 [Thread-4] ERROR com.fs.starfarer.combat.CombatMain  - java.lang.NullPointerException
        at second_in_command.hullmods.SCControllerHullmod.applyEffectsAfterShipCreation(SCControllerHullmod.kt:65)
        at com.fs.starfarer.loading.specs._.super(Unknown Source)
        at com.fs.starfarer.coreui.refit.A.updateFromCurrentVariant(Unknown Source)
        at com.fs.starfarer.coreui.refit.A.setFleetMember(Unknown Source)
        at com.fs.starfarer.coreui.refit.V.setFleetMember(Unknown Source)
        at com.fs.starfarer.coreui.refit.F.dialogDismissed(Unknown Source)
        at com.fs.starfarer.coreui.refit.F.showMember(Unknown Source)
        at com.fs.starfarer.coreui.refit.F.Object(Unknown Source)
        at com.fs.starfarer.coreui.refit.F.setPlugin(Unknown Source)
        at com.fs.starfarer.ui.newui.for$4.actionPerformed(Unknown Source)
        at com.fs.starfarer.ui.n.buttonPressed(Unknown Source)
        atÒ00000(Unknown Source)
        at Source)
        at com.fs.starfarer.ui.o0Oo.o00000(Unknown Source)
        at com.fs.starfarer.BaseGameState.traverse(Unknown Source)
        at com.fs.state.AppDriver.begin(Unknown Source)
        at com.fs.starfarer.combat.CombatMain.main(Unknown Source)
        at com.fs.starfarer.StarfarerLauncher.o00000(Unknown Source)
        at com.fs.starfarer.StarfarerLauncher$ Source)
        at Source)
611886 [Thread-10] INFO  sound.oo0O  - Creating streaming player for music with id [faction_tritach_market_03_friendly.ogg]
611886 [Thread-10] INFO  sound.OooO  - Playing music with id [faction_tritach_market_03_friendly.ogg]
2333189 [Thread-4] ERROR lunalib.lunaSettings.LunaSettings  - LunaSettings: Could not find mod CaptainsLog
2333189 [Thread-4] ERROR lunalib.lunaSettings.LunaSettings  - LunaSettings: Could not find mod CaptainsLog
2333189 [Thread-4] ERROR lunalib.lunaSettings.LunaSettings  - LunaSettings: Could not find mod CaptainsLog
2333189 [Thread-4] ERROR lunalib.lunaSettings.LunaSettings  - LunaSettings: Could not find mod CaptainsLog
2336712 [Thread-4] INFO  com.fs.starfarer.loading.LoadingUtils  - Loading CSV data from [DIRECTORY: /home/naa/apps/starsector2/./mods/stelnet]
2336713 [Thread-4] INFO  com.fs.starfarer.loading.LoadingUtils  - Loading CSV data from [DIRECTORY: /home/naa/apps/starsector2/./mods/stelnet]
2336713 [Thread-4] INFO  com.fs.starfarer.loading.LoadingUtils  - Loading CSV data from [DIRECTORY: /home/naa/apps/starsector2/./mods/stelnet]
2336714 [Thread-4] INFO  com.fs.starfarer.loading.LoadingUtils  - Loading CSV data from [DIRECTORY: /home/naa/apps/starsector2/./mods/stelnet]
2339732 [Thread-4] INFO  - CheckForGates took 6.18042E-4 seconds (0.618042 milliseconds or 618042 nanoseconds) to complete.
2340852 [Thread-4] INFO  - Created AnalyzeEntityMissionIntel: Domain-era Probe, faction: independent
2341644 [Thread-4] INFO  com.fs.starfarer.api.impl.campaign.fleets.EconomyFleetRouteManager  - Added trade fleet route from Eldfell to Port Tse Franchise Station
2342037 [Thread-8] INFO  sound.oo0O  - Cleaning up music with id [miscallenous_corvus_campaign_music.ogg]
2342134 [Thread-4] ERROR com.fs.starfarer.combat.CombatMain  - java.lang.NullPointerException
        at second_in_command.hullmods.SCControllerHullmod.applyEffectsAfterShipCreation(SCControllerHullmod.kt:65)

Running mods
{"enabledMods": [
  "Terraforming & Station Construction",

I could upload all my mods and save game too if it helps

As far as i check changelog for 1.2.3 version, nothing really is present for this.

This crash happens randomly. Usually if game did not crash, i can play for hours normally. I still save often just in case though
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: blueberry on October 18, 2024, 02:22:39 PM
This mod is great It allows for a bunch of different builds and fleet types, but does anyone know How to modify the required DP for the continous repair skill in the starfaring tree?
I tried to modify the files in the src folder yet it doesn't seem to work, thanks in alcance!
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: DaDuwin on October 20, 2024, 04:25:56 PM
Anyone know how to modify the Automated ships skills to increase the point allotment? I looked around in the mod files but couldn't figure it out.

You would need to recompile the mod to do so, and it wouldnt affect other mods with automated ship executives, which there are two of atm. Going to add a global slider for it at some point in the configs, probably.

Hey there! I just wanted to say I am in the same boat with OP. I will preface with my experience with programming is super duper elementary so I was stumbling around in the dark. But I was essentially trying to jury rig myself a whole lot more automated ship points until you add an config for it.

In AutomatedShipsManager I changed

    fun getMaximumDP() : Float {
        return getAutoDPStat().computeEffective(0f)


    fun getMaximumDP() : Float {
        return getAutoDPStat().computeEffective(6000f)

Afterwards I compiled it and put the jar where it was supposed to go. The launcher would launch but it would crash when actually trying to start the game.

It says that the SCOfficerHireDialog command was not found in the following packages, but I checked back and it was within the folders.

Starsector 0.97a-RC11
Fatal: java.lang.RuntimeException: Command [SCOfficerHireDialog] not found in packages: com.fs.starfarer.api.impl.campaign.rulecmd
Cause: Command [SCOfficer HireDialog] not found in packages:

TDLR: Someone with no java expereince tries to jury rig in a shipload of extra automated ship points by changing     

    fun getMaximumDP() : Float {
        return getAutoDPStat().computeEffective(0f)


    fun getMaximumDP() : Float {
        return getAutoDPStat().computeEffective(6000f)

it compiles but during runtime I get an error related SCOfficerDialog and it being missing from packages, despite not deleting any files.

If you could tell me what the issue you think is happening is, or better yet add the configs sooner or later that would be highly appreciated! Your mods have been a wonderful addition to my playthrough and starsector as a whole!
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: robepriority on October 21, 2024, 03:04:37 PM
Hey so - is there a good directory of skills?
Wondering if there's a subskill that has BOTB's DP effect

Do you mean Best-of-the-Best? Best of the Best only has its s-mod effect in SiC, since its already competitive enough with other capstones.

Maybe it should be added to the skill competing against it? 3-smods are definitely a gimme, but would really like DP parity for those KoL bosses.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Zalpha on October 24, 2024, 07:00:45 AM
I love this mod. In the spirit of playing however you want I would love to see a Colony based support captain. I cannot see it working though as there is only so much you can do with colonies but it would be nice to have.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Lukas04 on October 24, 2024, 08:15:06 AM
I love this mod. In the spirit of playing however you want I would love to see a Colony based support captain. I cannot see it working though as there is only so much you can do with colonies but it would be nice to have.

I should probs finaly make an FaQ on the forum thread, but colony officers arent a thing once for the reason you mentioned, but also because i dont think making a choice between something that is essentialy just more credits & something that benefits your fleet more directly is a very fun one, and would easily be either under-used, or so strong with no reason not to pick it, with no space between. Due to that sometimes its just better to give less choice than detrimental ones, imo.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Lukas04 on October 24, 2024, 05:24:18 PM
Tiny new update, but im pretty happy with the changes.
Changelog Here:

But i've also made a small new devlog for it here:
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: goutou172a on October 25, 2024, 12:24:50 AM
Hello and thank you for your dedication, this is a great mod.
Can I make a translation and carry this great mod to the Chinese forums, I want more players to know about this mod.
I'm going to be very specific about the author and the source.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Lukas04 on October 25, 2024, 04:31:05 AM
Hello and thank you for your dedication, this is a great mod.
Can I make a translation and carry this great mod to the Chinese forums, I want more players to know about this mod.
I'm going to be very specific about the author and the source.

Pretty sure someone already made one, or was working on one?
Anyways if it doesnt conflict with other peoples plans there feel free to, just dont make any changes aside from Translation.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: goutou172a on October 25, 2024, 05:59:00 AM
Thank you!
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: terminal on October 25, 2024, 06:30:38 AM
I really enjoy the choices this mods adds for building out the fleet, but i think there might be some conflict with mods that add skills to the player outside of the usual pick-via skill points? specifically i am trying out unofficial new game plus, and one option provides the neural link skill as an unselected bonus, but i don't think that can manifest with SIC enabled.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Lukas04 on October 25, 2024, 06:36:35 AM
I really enjoy the choices this mods adds for building out the fleet, but i think there might be some conflict with mods that add skills to the player outside of the usual pick-via skill points? specifically i am trying out unofficial new game plus, and one option provides the neural link skill as an unselected bonus, but i don't think that can manifest with SIC enabled.

Just how its going to be with a full scale rework like this.
Theres some issues with nex ground invasions checking for skills from this mod that will be fixed in the next version of nex.

If you receive vanilla versions of a skill from somewhere they will just be disabled automaticly, with the exception of combat skills.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Requal on October 28, 2024, 03:28:19 AM
Any way with a command or mod file editing to get more skillpoints to be able to select more if not all skills?
For scientific purposes...  :P
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Shinr on October 28, 2024, 06:19:47 AM
Any way with a command or mod file editing to get more skillpoints to be able to select more if not all skills?
For scientific purposes...  :P

Increase Level Cap via Luna.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Lukas04 on November 02, 2024, 07:48:04 PM
Added a new Aptitude through Cross-Mod interaction with RAT.
This one being an aptitude for the Exotech Faction.

I wrote & showcased it a bit in my latest blog:
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: mllhild on November 03, 2024, 03:47:46 AM
Similar to vanilla where the logistics line is just too good to not take, but not fun gameplay wise.
Starfaring Officer has the same problem of just being SOOOO good, that it ends up as somewhat obligatory.
It would be nice if the logistics skills would be obtainable in a separate way. (Milestone/Missions/Relics to install in the fleet)

The combo of the base skill + 4 skills is just so good for both capital ship fleets and for frigate fleets:
(AdAstra, MakeshiftEquipment, Recovery Efforts, Expedition, ContinuousRepairs)
+2 burn speed,
-30% fuel usage + -20% fuel usage
-10% monthly supply + -25% monthly supply
All of your ships are almost always recoverable if lost in combat
Every 240 deployment points worth of opponents defeated, remove a random d-mod from a random ship
-50% resources to survey
+50% repair rate outside of combat
+25% of hull and armor damage taken repaired after combat ends
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Lukas04 on November 03, 2024, 03:55:53 AM
Similar to vanilla where the logistics line is just too good to not take, but not fun gameplay wise.
Starfaring Officer has the same problem of just being SOOOO good, that it ends up as somewhat obligatory.
It would be nice if the logistics skills would be obtainable in a separate way. (Milestone/Missions/Relics to install in the fleet)

The combo of the base skill + 4 skills is just so good for both capital ship fleets and for frigate fleets:
(AdAstra, MakeshiftEquipment, Recovery Efforts, Expedition, ContinuousRepairs)
+2 burn speed,
-30% fuel usage + -20% fuel usage
-10% monthly supply + -25% monthly supply
All of your ships are almost always recoverable if lost in combat
Every 240 deployment points worth of opponents defeated, remove a random d-mod from a random ship
-50% resources to survey
+50% repair rate outside of combat
+25% of hull and armor damage taken repaired after combat ends

I dont think its an issue, its a very convenient aptitude to pick, and i do so a bunch, but the whole part about being able to get 6 additional combat skills if you make the tradeoff of not running with a logistical aptitude is more than enough to encourage people to not use it either. Smodded Efficiency Overhaul would give you -30% fuel useage and supply usage aswell, you can always install hmods to increase your slowest ships burn speed or add some ox-tugs in to your fleet, dmods can just be repaired by paying with credits, and ships with officers and smods are almost always recoerable aswell, and you have hmods for most other effects you mentioned.

Starfaring lets you skip out on equipping your combat ships efficiently, meanwhile if you decide to equip them efficiently, your going to trade 1-2 logistical smods for the ability to get 6 more combat related skills from another aptitude.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: terminal on November 03, 2024, 08:05:11 AM
I usually pick piracy as my Logistics officer, the small burn boost takes all those burn 9 ships up to 10, and the extra loot really cuts down on supply and fuel shopping trips. plus there are some combat buffs if i want them, i do typically take the all-in skill, but not derelict ops since i tend to pay to repair.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Shinr on November 03, 2024, 10:23:46 AM
Starfaring at least can be swapped out for specific situations (mostly defending) if you're willing to eat the CR cost, or for free if in friendly territory, and don't care about salvage.

Now Management, or rather Best of the Best? I see no reason to ever swap it out.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Lukas04 on November 03, 2024, 10:46:16 AM
Starfaring at least can be swapped out for specific situations (mostly defending) if you're willing to eat the CR cost, or for free if in friendly territory, and don't care about salvage.

Now Management, or rather Best of the Best? I see no reason to ever swap it out.

Management has good stuff, but it is pretty replaceable with other aptitudes. The same goes for Best-of-the-Best, it is still an incredible skill, but theres a ton of skills that may give you more value than just an additional hullmod. Especialy if you run Automated Ships, the other Capstone, In-Good-Hands, has a ton more value, as it reduces deployment points, which reduces automated points usage, and since Management & Automated synergise very well in general, thats a relatively common occurance.

Plus for certain fleets there are just better aptitudes than management, and using management just to gain Best-of-the-Best could be a waste there. Id keep my eyes open for those scenarios since getting to focused on a single skill like this can make you miss the bigger picture.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: mllhild on November 06, 2024, 12:35:07 PM
Hi Lukas04,
I ran into a small problem on reddit. When you have the mod active there is no way to get your seed in game anymore (it was in the character skill page before). This make sharing seeds for others to get the same sector harder. There is the work around of looking for <seedString>XXXX</seedString> in the savefile, but most won't know that.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Guardsmen83 on November 06, 2024, 07:54:28 PM
Starfaring at least can be swapped out for specific situations (mostly defending) if you're willing to eat the CR cost, or for free if in friendly territory, and don't care about salvage.

Now Management, or rather Best of the Best? I see no reason to ever swap it out.

Management has good stuff, but it is pretty replaceable with other aptitudes. The same goes for Best-of-the-Best, it is still an incredible skill, but theres a ton of skills that may give you more value than just an additional hullmod. Especialy if you run Automated Ships, the other Capstone, In-Good-Hands, has a ton more value, as it reduces deployment points, which reduces automated points usage, and since Management & Automated synergise very well in general, thats a relatively common occurance.

Plus for certain fleets there are just better aptitudes than management, and using management just to gain Best-of-the-Best could be a waste there. Id keep my eyes open for those scenarios since getting to focused on a single skill like this can make you miss the bigger picture.

i tend not use managment at all warfare,pirate/starfarer,tech,automation are main ones but ihave used  most cept for one that is lion guard focused
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Koranea on November 08, 2024, 07:02:43 AM
I dont use management either, Been using smallcraft, pirate/starfarer and then tech or automation. Would like at least 2 more executive officer slots if possible, an to elite the skills of my own captain for story points if possible.. also yeah seeing seed would be nice too.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: chili dog on November 09, 2024, 05:01:36 PM
I think the "Advanced Weaponry" skill in the Technical officer tree isn't working. Ammo buff is not applying to Autopulse Laser.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Lukas04 on November 09, 2024, 06:10:11 PM
I think the "Advanced Weaponry" skill in the Technical officer tree isn't working. Ammo buff is not applying to Autopulse Laser.

Gave it a quick look, its most definitly working on my side. Are you are sure that your other skills are working though?
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: FiCho on November 10, 2024, 04:19:26 AM
Managment is a must for me since fights take a really long time, I have crappy laptop so I had to lower the battle size. Starfarer also, which is pretty much useless combat wise and the problem I have with it is that none of npcs use it and always have upper hand in that way.
Anyways, is there a way to add one more executive?

p.s. I wouldnt mind if enemies got one more as far as I get it.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Lukas04 on November 10, 2024, 04:33:00 AM
Managment is a must for me since fights take a really long time, I have crappy laptop so I had to lower the battle size. Starfarer also, which is pretty much useless combat wise and the problem I have with it is that none of npcs use it and always have upper hand in that way.
Anyways, is there a way to add one more executive?

p.s. I wouldnt mind if enemies got one more as far as I get it.

Enemies can get Starfaring, its just rarer on them. If you do mind that the NPCs get almost as many skills as yourself you can lower the difficulty in the lunalib config. Overall though, NPCs generaly get a few less skills than the player, cant actually get as many as the player on the normal difficulty, and they are also less directed than what the player can come up with, so overall it should not be that much of an issue.

Also no, there isnt.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Wyrdean on November 10, 2024, 11:48:43 PM
I'd honestly love an option to have more than three officers, as to be honest, while they're powerful, at least one is always taken up by automation, unless you choose to shoot yourself in the foot or aren't planning on using automata, and another is always taken up by starfarer or piracy, as otherwise your fleets are troublesomely expensive to maintain, and slower to boot. I suppose you could *technically* do without both, but you'd have to carry along likely twice as many supply ships, and be spending a hundred thousand credits per resupply.

I get wanting to limit it to three as that's how the vanilla system is, but the vanilla system has the advantage of not preventing you from getting access to certain skills due to them being spread out over too many categories.

Currently it just feels kinda rough to be locked out of certain "almost required" skills, and needing to pick a officer just to have them.
A good example would be the d-mod related skills from piracy, or having access to automated ships *at all* through automation, then there's starfarers bonus loot, cheaper upkeep, and 40% capacity boost.

In vanilla, you'd be able to mix and match between what amounts to 6+ different captains's skills no problem, which avoided this uncomfortable feeling of being "forced" to pick certain types - which as it is, unfortunately hasn't given me much room to experiment, the only hard choice I'm making is the obvious one, when I'd much rather make hard choices when it comes to optimizing the niche my fleet seeks to exploit.

Frankly, I'd even be fine with it if it meant you had less skill points per officer, or if the cap was based on the amount of skill points spent/levels of officers equipped instead, or maybe some way to train your own officer (like you would pilots, choosing what skills they have when they level up) - that way you'd be able to grab the important skills you effectively need, while still allowing you to specialize and make interesting choices.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Lukas04 on November 11, 2024, 12:48:05 AM
I'd honestly love an option to have more than three officers, as to be honest, while they're powerful, at least one is always taken up by automation, unless you choose to shoot yourself in the foot or aren't planning on using automata, and another is always taken up by starfarer or piracy, as otherwise your fleets are troublesomely expensive to maintain, and slower to boot. I suppose you could *technically* do without both, but you'd have to carry along likely twice as many supply ships, and be spending a hundred thousand credits per resupply.

I get wanting to limit it to three as that's how the vanilla system is, but the vanilla system has the advantage of not preventing you from getting access to certain skills due to them being spread out over too many categories.

Currently it just feels kinda rough to be locked out of certain "almost required" skills, and needing to pick a officer just to have them.
A good example would be the d-mod related skills from piracy, or having access to automated ships *at all* through automation, then there's starfarers bonus loot, cheaper upkeep, and 40% capacity boost.

In vanilla, you'd be able to mix and match between what amounts to 6+ different captains's skills no problem, which avoided this uncomfortable feeling of being "forced" to pick certain types - which as it is, unfortunately hasn't given me much room to experiment, the only hard choice I'm making is the obvious one, when I'd much rather make hard choices when it comes to optimizing the niche my fleet seeks to exploit.

Frankly, I'd even be fine with it if it meant you had less skill points per officer, or if the cap was based on the amount of skill points spent/levels of officers equipped instead, or maybe some way to train your own officer (like you would pilots, choosing what skills they have when they level up) - that way you'd be able to grab the important skills you effectively need, while still allowing you to specialize and make interesting choices.

Dont think im going to change it, its pretty easy to run without a logistical officer, and forcing you to make a choice in what to pick is what the mod is about. If you always use automated ships, i just dont think its a mod for you, as always being able to pick the stuff you want works more easily in the vanilla system. Frankly i think in most cases, most people with issues in being able to swap in different officers would with an additional slot just find another aptitude that they never exchange for another.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Farya on November 11, 2024, 09:45:29 AM
Could you possibly expand experience gain activities between aptitudes? So it's not purely experience from combat for at least some of them. Like leveling up Starfaring by using slipstreams and other appropriate activities. For combat aptitudes experience gain could be distributed or multiplied depending from your fleet compositions. So if your fleet actually has many carriers your Strikecraft aptitude would have a bigger share of experience than Tactical or Small Craft.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: RoboticManiac on November 11, 2024, 07:08:26 PM
Really liking the mod, but there seems to be a lack of marine related skills? It'd be cool to reliably get high end marines.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Shinr on November 11, 2024, 08:26:25 PM
Really liking the mod, but there seems to be a lack of marine related skills? It'd be cool to reliably get high end marines.

 Audax's Aptly Simple Hullmods ( has a Marine Training Facility Hullmod, I put them on my GMDA Hospital Starliners for a monthly trickle of marine level ups.


As for getting more skills, how about something both more involved AND limited than just adding a fourth Executive Slot (which IMO is a bit much):

Max level Executives are eligible to get ONE of their low tier skills to get Story-Point-ed, which will then continue to work even if the Executive gets slotted out.

Aptitude Categories Restrictions still apply (cannot SP a skill from Piracy if you already SP-ed one in Starfaring) and how many can be SP-ed are dependent on Player's level (start with 1, end up with 3; EDIT: Or replace/add to three of "Exec XP bonus" level thresholds with "Add +1 Maximum SP Skills").

Probably would need to remove EXP spillover for inactive Executives.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Wyrdean on November 11, 2024, 10:08:04 PM
Now that sounds like a great idea, and would solve much of the qualms I have about using this wonderful mod - there's certain skills which are hard to do without, while losing the rest of the tree is difficult, but actually a reasonable choice to have to make.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Lukas04 on November 12, 2024, 12:57:04 AM
Really liking the mod, but there seems to be a lack of marine related skills? It'd be cool to reliably get high end marines.

 Audax's Aptly Simple Hullmods ( has a Marine Training Facility Hullmod, I put them on my GMDA Hospital Starliners for a monthly trickle of marine level ups.


As for getting more skills, how about something both more involved AND limited than just adding a fourth Executive Slot (which IMO is a bit much):

Max level Executives are eligible to get ONE of their low tier skills to get Story-Point-ed, which will then continue to work even if the Executive gets slotted out.

Aptitude Categories Restrictions still apply (cannot SP a skill from Piracy if you already SP-ed one in Starfaring) and how many can be SP-ed are dependent on Player's level (start with 1, end up with 3; EDIT: Or replace/add to three of "Exec XP bonus" level thresholds with "Add +1 Maximum SP Skills").

Probably would need to remove EXP spillover for inactive Executives.

Im quite content with how the mod feels for myself, so worth noting that i have pretty much zero interesting in doing any sweeping changes about the fundementals. While your idea has some use aswell, having to grind an aptitude where you only want one skill from before you can use the aptitudes you actually want just sounds grindy, and isnt what the mod is about. Plus again, in the end if you already have issues letting go of your habbits, you would just use this for the same skills over and over again, so it doesnt really fix anything for you.

In the end the skillsystem is always in favor of the player, even when the mod provides opponents with skills aswell, since you can use them a lot more smarter than the AI, you dont need to maximise every % of the skills for some kind of optimal build, and can rather just go with what you think would be fun at the time. The mod is build around that mindset and its working well enough for the core audience i think.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: terminal on November 12, 2024, 04:45:42 PM
Another cross mod compatibility note, i finally tried management (its really good) but the version of best of the best in the mod does not trigger the interplay with exotica technologies and it's exotic limit.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Loyso on November 13, 2024, 10:54:08 AM
Absolutely incredible! Feels like it should be a part of vanilla!
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Lukas04 on November 16, 2024, 12:39:10 PM
The mod now has its own Wiki!
Spend a bunch of time on it, hope it helps people that are undecided on the mod, or those that already use it and need to view an aptitude they havent gotten yet.

Main Page:
Aptitude Overview:
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: ColourlessAmiba on November 17, 2024, 03:04:39 AM
Hey, so I've went through every file in Second In Command, and I cannot seem to figure out how to increase the maximum allotted officers you can have from 3 to 4. Is there a way that I may be able to modify this one aspect of the mod, or is that something that just cannot be done without having to modify the jar itself?
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Lukas04 on November 17, 2024, 04:04:47 AM
Hey, so I've went through every file in Second In Command, and I cannot seem to figure out how to increase the maximum allotted officers you can have from 3 to 4. Is there a way that I may be able to modify this one aspect of the mod, or is that something that just cannot be done without having to modify the jar itself?

Cant be done without modifying the content of the jar.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: ColourlessAmiba on November 17, 2024, 04:42:16 AM
Hey, so I've went through every file in Second In Command, and I cannot seem to figure out how to increase the maximum allotted officers you can have from 3 to 4. Is there a way that I may be able to modify this one aspect of the mod, or is that something that just cannot be done without having to modify the jar itself?

Cant be done without modifying the content of the jar.

How would one go about doing that exactly. Not really looking for an in-depth guide on how to do it, but more as to the appropriate place or file to edit?
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Koranea on November 17, 2024, 11:48:53 PM
Really liking the mod, but there seems to be a lack of marine related skills? It'd be cool to reliably get high end marines.

 Audax's Aptly Simple Hullmods ( has a Marine Training Facility Hullmod, I put them on my GMDA Hospital Starliners for a monthly trickle of marine level ups.


As for getting more skills, how about something both more involved AND limited than just adding a fourth Executive Slot (which IMO is a bit much):

Max level Executives are eligible to get ONE of their low tier skills to get Story-Point-ed, which will then continue to work even if the Executive gets slotted out.

Aptitude Categories Restrictions still apply (cannot SP a skill from Piracy if you already SP-ed one in Starfaring) and how many can be SP-ed are dependent on Player's level (start with 1, end up with 3; EDIT: Or replace/add to three of "Exec XP bonus" level thresholds with "Add +1 Maximum SP Skills").

Probably would need to remove EXP spillover for inactive Executives.

Sounds nice, i would story point the pirate skill where get moneys for kills and then switch to starfarer as suffering a bit from lack of D-mod removal.. Because tend to float about sector fighting and exploring as.. dont really settle a planet much at all. Extra executive slot would be so good, dont mind if enermys get it too.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: VektorT on November 18, 2024, 12:55:13 PM
Correct me if I'm wrong... but did you totally removed the ability to have +2 officers (vanilla Officer Management) and more leves per officer (vanilla Officer Training)???? Why!?!? Why remove two of the most useful and fun skills from vanilla game?? If it's to balance other skills trees, I really think it should be another way or to be able to get those bonus somewhere else.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Lukas04 on November 18, 2024, 01:42:14 PM
Correct me if I'm wrong... but did you totally removed the ability to have +2 officers (vanilla Officer Management) and more leves per officer (vanilla Officer Training)???? Why!?!? Why remove two of the most useful and fun skills from vanilla game?? If it's to balance other skills trees, I really think it should be another way or to be able to get those bonus somewhere else.

Hover over the XP bar, they are now effects you gain on level up.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Unclius on November 18, 2024, 07:13:18 PM
It seems im a bit of a knuckle head because I cant figure out what to edit in the CSV files to get higher max level officers, can anyone give me a guiding hand or send me over an already edited file to replace the original with, I just want higher level executives and ive been knuckle dragging and cave man drooling just staring at notepad++.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: swwu on November 18, 2024, 10:03:48 PM
Are there any plans to let the player choose a non-combat aptitude instead? This mod looks really cool, but I actually really like playing builds using only campaign-level support skills and relying entirely on the AI to fight actual battles.

I also seem to have encountered a weird incompatibility with SotF's Sierra. If you:

1. have an automation officer with limit breaker
2. obtain Sierra
3. deactivate the officer

Sierra loses a level, and she doesn't get it back when you reactivate the officer. I assume this is because Sierra is specifically excepted in the advance method under second_in_command.skills.automated.LimitBreaker, but not under the onDeactivation or onActivation methods.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Lukas04 on November 19, 2024, 03:27:42 AM
It seems im a bit of a knuckle head because I cant figure out what to edit in the CSV files to get higher max level officers, can anyone give me a guiding hand or send me over an already edited file to replace the original with, I just want higher level executives and ive been knuckle dragging and cave man drooling just staring at notepad++.

The stuff is in the compiled jar, not some random text file. Would need to modify SCSettings.kt and recompile.

Are there any plans to let the player choose a non-combat aptitude instead? This mod looks really cool, but I actually really like playing builds using only campaign-level support skills and relying entirely on the AI to fight actual battles.

I also seem to have encountered a weird incompatibility with SotF's Sierra. If you:

1. have an automation officer with limit breaker
2. obtain Sierra
3. deactivate the officer

Sierra loses a level, and she doesn't get it back when you reactivate the officer. I assume this is because Sierra is specifically excepted in the advance method under second_in_command.skills.automated.LimitBreaker, but not under the onDeactivation or onActivation methods.

The mod is just made for the main way the game is played and for people with an equal interest in both of the games aspects. The player is always put in to a flagship anyways, so i think it fits.
Ive considered some way to replace the combat aptitude, but that would be more of a thing for custom starts, and would still be combat related skills.
Also thanks for the report, will fix it. 
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: qwe on November 21, 2024, 04:27:03 PM
will there be special/legendary Executive Officers in the future?
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Lukas04 on November 21, 2024, 04:55:38 PM
will there be special/legendary Executive Officers in the future?

Probably not in the mod itself, no.
There are already unique crossover officers through in RAT.

Note that im not really interested in making special officers that are just better in every way, wouldnt really work with the system, doesnt mean the ones i just linked arent good though. 
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: default on November 24, 2024, 12:02:23 PM
First off, I love how this mod works. I can have 2 entirely different fleets, and only have to swap officers around to make each work wonderfully rather than having to respec. It also makes some of the AI fleets a bit more interesting(and difficult when their officers have all the right skills).
However, one of my fleets is an almost entirely automated fleet with mixed ships. Some I only use for small scale battles as to not waste resources, but I generally pilot a cruiser or larger. The problem is, I can't transfer command to an automated ship through the transfer command prompt even though I have the Neural Junction skill on my Automation officer. Not even sure if that's something that can be fixed or not, but just wanted to point that out.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Lukas04 on November 24, 2024, 12:05:10 PM
First off, I love how this mod works. I can have 2 entirely different fleets, and only have to swap officers around to make each work wonderfully rather than having to respec. It also makes some of the AI fleets a bit more interesting(and difficult when their officers have all the right skills).
However, one of my fleets is an almost entirely automated fleet with mixed ships. Some I only use for small scale battles as to not waste resources, but I generally pilot a cruiser or larger. The problem is, I can't transfer command to an automated ship through the transfer command prompt even though I have the Neural Junction skill on my Automation officer. Not even sure if that's something that can be fixed or not, but just wanted to point that out.

dont really think thats something i can change, sorry. The skill mostly lets you flagship an automated ship.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: default on November 24, 2024, 12:11:13 PM
First off, I love how this mod works. I can have 2 entirely different fleets, and only have to swap officers around to make each work wonderfully rather than having to respec. It also makes some of the AI fleets a bit more interesting(and difficult when their officers have all the right skills).
However, one of my fleets is an almost entirely automated fleet with mixed ships. Some I only use for small scale battles as to not waste resources, but I generally pilot a cruiser or larger. The problem is, I can't transfer command to an automated ship through the transfer command prompt even though I have the Neural Junction skill on my Automation officer. Not even sure if that's something that can be fixed or not, but just wanted to point that out.

dont really think thats something i can change, sorry. The skill mostly lets you flagship an automated ship.

That's kind of what I had thought. I know a lot of the smaller pop-up things in the game can't really be messed with via mods.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Zanagrave on November 26, 2024, 02:28:36 AM
When I start a new game, I go around to stations until I get two executive officers I want i then get the free one from bar... I do this so they level up with me before I even start the game for real, this can take anywhere from a few minutes to nearly a half hour due to RNG.

I would love to have a start where I can pick all 3 executive officers from the start, this would be a massive quality of life start for me and those who do the same as me, which im sure theres a lot.

Due to this start prob breaking some intended gameplay, it could be a "enabled" start in the settings :D.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Lukas04 on November 26, 2024, 02:59:12 AM
When I start a new game, I go around to stations until I get two executive officers I want i then get the free one from bar... I do this so they level up with me before I even start the game for real, this can take anywhere from a few minutes to nearly a half hour due to RNG.

I would love to have a start where I can pick all 3 executive officers from the start, this would be a massive quality of life start for me and those who do the same as me, which im sure theres a lot.

Due to this start prob breaking some intended gameplay, it could be a "enabled" start in the settings :D.

Considered adding something like it but not sure if i will, plus the effort of adding yet another UI selector which gets a bit messy.
I'd recommend to just look at the options you have in your starting system, then pick whatever from the starting bar encounter and just begin playing. Dont need the perfect mix at the start, and since the starting fleet doesnt gain to much XP yet you dont miss out on to much.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Racounous on November 26, 2024, 12:55:31 PM
Hi, I've been having a lot of fun with how dynamic your build can be with SiC. I found an interesting interaction between this mod and Ship Mastery System. My Songless ship from SOTF has the "The automated ship skill always grants an additional 100% maximum combat readiness regardless of the fleet's automated ship points". This seems like a very broken fun effect to have, however it does not work with any of the skills that grant automated ship points from SiC or it's mod integrations. Apologies if ship mastery system is to blame and i'm bothering the wrong person.
I suppose those are technically different skills, but i'd like to know if this is known or intended. In any case, keep up the great work ;D 
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Lukas04 on November 26, 2024, 01:35:01 PM
Hi, I've been having a lot of fun with how dynamic your build can be with SiC. I found an interesting interaction between this mod and Ship Mastery System. My Songless ship from SOTF has the "The automated ship skill always grants an additional 100% maximum combat readiness regardless of the fleet's automated ship points". This seems like a very broken fun effect to have, however it does not work with any of the skills that grant automated ship points from SiC or it's mod integrations. Apologies if ship mastery system is to blame and i'm bothering the wrong person.
I suppose those are technically different skills, but i'd like to know if this is known or intended. In any case, keep up the great work ;D

Took a quick look at the code of that mod and looks like its an issue on that side, the way they implemented it is to check for the automated ships cr modifier, and change that specific modifier. But since that modifier isnt around in SiC, or rather it has a different ID, it cant attach to that. The author should probably just remove that check and do the effect slightly differently.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Racounous on November 26, 2024, 02:03:30 PM
Hi, I've been having a lot of fun with how dynamic your build can be with SiC. I found an interesting interaction between this mod and Ship Mastery System. My Songless ship from SOTF has the "The automated ship skill always grants an additional 100% maximum combat readiness regardless of the fleet's automated ship points". This seems like a very broken fun effect to have, however it does not work with any of the skills that grant automated ship points from SiC or it's mod integrations. Apologies if ship mastery system is to blame and i'm bothering the wrong person.
I suppose those are technically different skills, but i'd like to know if this is known or intended. In any case, keep up the great work ;D

Took a quick look at the code of that mod and looks like its an issue on that side, the way they implemented it is to check for the automated ships cr modifier, and change that specific modifier. But since that modifier isnt around in SiC, or rather it has a different ID, it cant attach to that. The author should probably just remove that check and do the effect slightly differently.

Ah, i understand. I'll see what can be done on their side. Thank you for the quick reply!
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Loyso on November 27, 2024, 08:06:55 AM
Do Ai cores in automated ships count as officers for the green tree?
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Lukas04 on November 27, 2024, 08:32:35 AM
Do Ai cores in automated ships count as officers for the green tree?

Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: DeusVauly on November 27, 2024, 09:48:47 PM
Sorry if the answer to this is floating around somewhere in the pages before, but is there a way to respec combat skills? Im sure its there (would be odd to be able to respec EO's but not your own skills), but I can't find any kind of tooltip for it.

edit: also, a suggestion that came to me just now: could you reinclude some form of the DP counter on the ship selection screen? obviously, it wouldn't have any relevance to skill thresholds, but it's helpful for eyeballing how much you can actually deploy in a battle; if it could also include the DP reductions from the management and improvisation EO skills then that would be extra helpful. 

Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Lukas04 on November 28, 2024, 12:18:57 AM
Sorry if the answer to this is floating around somewhere in the pages before, but is there a way to respec combat skills? Im sure its there (would be odd to be able to respec EO's but not your own skills), but I can't find any kind of tooltip for it.

edit: also, a suggestion that came to me just now: could you reinclude some form of the DP counter on the ship selection screen? obviously, it wouldn't have any relevance to skill thresholds, but it's helpful for eyeballing how much you can actually deploy in a battle; if it could also include the DP reductions from the management and improvisation EO skills then that would be extra helpful.

Respec works the same way as for officers, hover over the combat icon and press R, its a lot cheaper too.

Also theres no simple way to add those UI elements there, could probably do it with some extra jank but id rather not.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: B0SSK3K on December 01, 2024, 04:39:44 AM
Henlo  dear dev. Please halp. I have encountered an error that bricks my save. This happened after I promoted an officer after a battle (event that allows you to recruit an officer on the spot using a story point), saved the game, and after restarting the game I found that saved couldnt be loaded  :'(.

heres some stuff that I totally understand and hopefully you will too if you spend a lil time helping me out
---- Debugging information ----
message             : Failed calling method
cause-exception     : java.lang.NullPointerException
cause-message       : null
method              : com.fs.starfarer.campaign.fleet.FleetMember.readResolve()
class               : com.fs.starfarer.campaign.fleet.FleetMember
required-type       : com.fs.starfarer.campaign.fleet.FleetMember
converter-type      : com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.reflection.ReflectionConverter
line number         : 83845
class[1]            : java.util.LinkedHashMap
converter-type[1]   : com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.collections.MapConverter
class[2]            : com.fs.starfarer.campaign.util.CollectionView
class[3]            : com.fs.starfarer.campaign.fleet.CampaignFleetView
class[4]            : com.fs.starfarer.campaign.fleet.CampaignFleet
class[5]            : second_in_command.SCData
class[6]            : com.fs.starfarer.campaign.rules.Memory
class[7]            : boggled.scripts.BoggledTerraformingRequirement$RequirementContext
class[8]            :
class[9]            :
class[10]           : java.util.ArrayList
converter-type[2]   : com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.collections.CollectionConverter
class[11]           : com.fs.starfarer.campaign.econ.Market
class[12]           : com.fs.starfarer.campaign.CampaignPlanet
class[13]           : com.fs.util.container.repo.ObjectRepository
class[14]           : com.fs.starfarer.campaign.StarSystem
class[15]           : com.fs.starfarer.api.impl.campaign.command.WarSimScript
class[16]           : com.fs.starfarer.api.impl.campaign.missions.hub.BaseHubMission$VariableSet
class[17]           : com.fs.starfarer.api.impl.campaign.missions.CommodityProductionMission
class[18]           : com.fs.starfarer.rpg.Person
class[19]           : com.fs.starfarer.campaign.CommDirectoryEntry
class[20]           : com.fs.starfarer.campaign.CommDirectory
class[21]           : com.fs.starfarer.campaign.CircularOrbit
class[22]           : com.fs.starfarer.campaign.CircularOrbitPointDown
class[23]           : com.fs.starfarer.campaign.CustomCampaignEntity
class[24]           : java.util.HashMap
class[25]           : exerelin.campaign.ColonyManager
class[26]           : java.util.LinkedHashSet
class[27]           : com.fs.starfarer.loading.specs.FactionProduction
class[28]           : com.fs.starfarer.campaign.Faction
class[29]           : com.fs.starfarer.campaign.econ.Submarket
class[30]           : com.fs.starfarer.campaign.econ.reach.ReachEconomy
class[31]           : com.fs.starfarer.campaign.econ.reach.ReachEconomyStepper
class[32]           : com.fs.starfarer.campaign.econ.Economy
class[33]           : com.fs.starfarer.campaign.StarSystem$UpdateFromHyperspaceLocation
class[34]           : com.fs.starfarer.campaign.BaseLocation$LocationToken
class[35]           : com.fs.starfarer.campaign.Hyperspace
class[36]           : com.fs.starfarer.campaign.CampaignEngine
converter-type[3]   :
version             : not available


Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
   at java.util.ArrayList.<init>(Unknown Source)
   at second_in_command.SCData.getAssignedOfficers(SCData.kt:190)
   at second_in_command.SCData.getAllActiveSkillsPlugins(SCData.kt:196)
   at second_in_command.hullmods.SCControllerHullmod.applyEffectsBeforeShipCreation(SCControllerHullmod.kt:86)
   at com.fs.starfarer.campaign.fleet.FleetMember.updateStats(Unknown Source)
   at com.fs.starfarer.campaign.fleet.FleetMember.readResolve(Unknown Source)
   at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor23.invoke(Unknown Source)
   at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
   at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source)
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.core.util.SerializationMembers.callReadResolve(
   ... 577 more
537188 [Thread-3] INFO  - Loading stage 11
537188 [Thread-3] INFO  - Loading stage 12
887275 [Thread-7] INFO  sound.O  - Cleaning up music with id [miscallenous_main_menu.ogg]
887463 [Thread-10] INFO  sound.O  - Creating streaming player for music with id [miscallenous_main_menu.ogg]
887463 [Thread-10] INFO  sound.OooO  - Playing music with id [miscallenous_main_menu.ogg]

bonus note, after this I updated the mod but that didnt help
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Lukas04 on December 01, 2024, 05:09:10 AM
Henlo  dear dev. Please halp. I have encountered an error that bricks my save. This happened after I promoted an officer after a battle (event that allows you to recruit an officer on the spot using a story point), saved the game, and after restarting the game I found that saved couldnt be loaded  :'(.

heres some stuff that I totally understand and hopefully you will too if you spend a lil time helping me out
---- Debugging information ----
message             : Failed calling method
cause-exception     : java.lang.NullPointerException
cause-message       : null
method              : com.fs.starfarer.campaign.fleet.FleetMember.readResolve()
class               : com.fs.starfarer.campaign.fleet.FleetMember
required-type       : com.fs.starfarer.campaign.fleet.FleetMember
converter-type      : com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.reflection.ReflectionConverter
line number         : 83845
class[1]            : java.util.LinkedHashMap
converter-type[1]   : com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.collections.MapConverter
class[2]            : com.fs.starfarer.campaign.util.CollectionView
class[3]            : com.fs.starfarer.campaign.fleet.CampaignFleetView
class[4]            : com.fs.starfarer.campaign.fleet.CampaignFleet
class[5]            : second_in_command.SCData
class[6]            : com.fs.starfarer.campaign.rules.Memory
class[7]            : boggled.scripts.BoggledTerraformingRequirement$RequirementContext
class[8]            :
class[9]            :
class[10]           : java.util.ArrayList
converter-type[2]   : com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.collections.CollectionConverter
class[11]           : com.fs.starfarer.campaign.econ.Market
class[12]           : com.fs.starfarer.campaign.CampaignPlanet
class[13]           : com.fs.util.container.repo.ObjectRepository
class[14]           : com.fs.starfarer.campaign.StarSystem
class[15]           : com.fs.starfarer.api.impl.campaign.command.WarSimScript
class[16]           : com.fs.starfarer.api.impl.campaign.missions.hub.BaseHubMission$VariableSet
class[17]           : com.fs.starfarer.api.impl.campaign.missions.CommodityProductionMission
class[18]           : com.fs.starfarer.rpg.Person
class[19]           : com.fs.starfarer.campaign.CommDirectoryEntry
class[20]           : com.fs.starfarer.campaign.CommDirectory
class[21]           : com.fs.starfarer.campaign.CircularOrbit
class[22]           : com.fs.starfarer.campaign.CircularOrbitPointDown
class[23]           : com.fs.starfarer.campaign.CustomCampaignEntity
class[24]           : java.util.HashMap
class[25]           : exerelin.campaign.ColonyManager
class[26]           : java.util.LinkedHashSet
class[27]           : com.fs.starfarer.loading.specs.FactionProduction
class[28]           : com.fs.starfarer.campaign.Faction
class[29]           : com.fs.starfarer.campaign.econ.Submarket
class[30]           : com.fs.starfarer.campaign.econ.reach.ReachEconomy
class[31]           : com.fs.starfarer.campaign.econ.reach.ReachEconomyStepper
class[32]           : com.fs.starfarer.campaign.econ.Economy
class[33]           : com.fs.starfarer.campaign.StarSystem$UpdateFromHyperspaceLocation
class[34]           : com.fs.starfarer.campaign.BaseLocation$LocationToken
class[35]           : com.fs.starfarer.campaign.Hyperspace
class[36]           : com.fs.starfarer.campaign.CampaignEngine
converter-type[3]   :
version             : not available


Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
   at java.util.ArrayList.<init>(Unknown Source)
   at second_in_command.SCData.getAssignedOfficers(SCData.kt:190)
   at second_in_command.SCData.getAllActiveSkillsPlugins(SCData.kt:196)
   at second_in_command.hullmods.SCControllerHullmod.applyEffectsBeforeShipCreation(SCControllerHullmod.kt:86)
   at com.fs.starfarer.campaign.fleet.FleetMember.updateStats(Unknown Source)
   at com.fs.starfarer.campaign.fleet.FleetMember.readResolve(Unknown Source)
   at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor23.invoke(Unknown Source)
   at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
   at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source)
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.core.util.SerializationMembers.callReadResolve(
   ... 577 more
537188 [Thread-3] INFO  - Loading stage 11
537188 [Thread-3] INFO  - Loading stage 12
887275 [Thread-7] INFO  sound.O  - Cleaning up music with id [miscallenous_main_menu.ogg]
887463 [Thread-10] INFO  sound.O  - Creating streaming player for music with id [miscallenous_main_menu.ogg]
887463 [Thread-10] INFO  sound.OooO  - Playing music with id [miscallenous_main_menu.ogg]

bonus note, after this I updated the mod but that didnt help

Sorry, but that error looks quite weird, and i cant really intuit how it could ever come to that. Its failing to access something that should not ever be inaccessibe, so im very confused there as well.
Dont think i can fix your save, sadly. At best you may wanna go back to a previous version of that save (asuming you made some save-copy saves) and try continuing to play from there with the updated version. Otherwise you may just have to make a new save together with the new version.

I can probably fix this type of error more easily once Alex releases 0.98, im missing something to make SiC not do anything while the game is loading a save, which is annoyingly a common place for issues, though i havent seen one like the one you posted yet, managed to fix the other ones.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: B0SSK3K on December 01, 2024, 05:52:51 AM
Henlo  dear dev. Please halp. I have encountered an error that bricks my save. This happened after I promoted an officer after a battle (event that allows you to recruit an officer on the spot using a story point), saved the game, and after restarting the game I found that saved couldnt be loaded  :'(.

heres some stuff that I totally understand and hopefully you will too if you spend a lil time helping me out
---- Debugging information ----
message             : Failed calling method
cause-exception     : java.lang.NullPointerException
cause-message       : null
method              : com.fs.starfarer.campaign.fleet.FleetMember.readResolve()
class               : com.fs.starfarer.campaign.fleet.FleetMember
required-type       : com.fs.starfarer.campaign.fleet.FleetMember
converter-type      : com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.reflection.ReflectionConverter
line number         : 83845
class[1]            : java.util.LinkedHashMap
converter-type[1]   : com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.collections.MapConverter
class[2]            : com.fs.starfarer.campaign.util.CollectionView
class[3]            : com.fs.starfarer.campaign.fleet.CampaignFleetView
class[4]            : com.fs.starfarer.campaign.fleet.CampaignFleet
class[5]            : second_in_command.SCData
class[6]            : com.fs.starfarer.campaign.rules.Memory
class[7]            : boggled.scripts.BoggledTerraformingRequirement$RequirementContext
class[8]            :
class[9]            :
class[10]           : java.util.ArrayList
converter-type[2]   : com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.collections.CollectionConverter
class[11]           : com.fs.starfarer.campaign.econ.Market
class[12]           : com.fs.starfarer.campaign.CampaignPlanet
class[13]           : com.fs.util.container.repo.ObjectRepository
class[14]           : com.fs.starfarer.campaign.StarSystem
class[15]           : com.fs.starfarer.api.impl.campaign.command.WarSimScript
class[16]           : com.fs.starfarer.api.impl.campaign.missions.hub.BaseHubMission$VariableSet
class[17]           : com.fs.starfarer.api.impl.campaign.missions.CommodityProductionMission
class[18]           : com.fs.starfarer.rpg.Person
class[19]           : com.fs.starfarer.campaign.CommDirectoryEntry
class[20]           : com.fs.starfarer.campaign.CommDirectory
class[21]           : com.fs.starfarer.campaign.CircularOrbit
class[22]           : com.fs.starfarer.campaign.CircularOrbitPointDown
class[23]           : com.fs.starfarer.campaign.CustomCampaignEntity
class[24]           : java.util.HashMap
class[25]           : exerelin.campaign.ColonyManager
class[26]           : java.util.LinkedHashSet
class[27]           : com.fs.starfarer.loading.specs.FactionProduction
class[28]           : com.fs.starfarer.campaign.Faction
class[29]           : com.fs.starfarer.campaign.econ.Submarket
class[30]           : com.fs.starfarer.campaign.econ.reach.ReachEconomy
class[31]           : com.fs.starfarer.campaign.econ.reach.ReachEconomyStepper
class[32]           : com.fs.starfarer.campaign.econ.Economy
class[33]           : com.fs.starfarer.campaign.StarSystem$UpdateFromHyperspaceLocation
class[34]           : com.fs.starfarer.campaign.BaseLocation$LocationToken
class[35]           : com.fs.starfarer.campaign.Hyperspace
class[36]           : com.fs.starfarer.campaign.CampaignEngine
converter-type[3]   :
version             : not available


Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
   at java.util.ArrayList.<init>(Unknown Source)
   at second_in_command.SCData.getAssignedOfficers(SCData.kt:190)
   at second_in_command.SCData.getAllActiveSkillsPlugins(SCData.kt:196)
   at second_in_command.hullmods.SCControllerHullmod.applyEffectsBeforeShipCreation(SCControllerHullmod.kt:86)
   at com.fs.starfarer.campaign.fleet.FleetMember.updateStats(Unknown Source)
   at com.fs.starfarer.campaign.fleet.FleetMember.readResolve(Unknown Source)
   at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor23.invoke(Unknown Source)
   at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
   at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source)
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.core.util.SerializationMembers.callReadResolve(
   ... 577 more
537188 [Thread-3] INFO  - Loading stage 11
537188 [Thread-3] INFO  - Loading stage 12
887275 [Thread-7] INFO  sound.O  - Cleaning up music with id [miscallenous_main_menu.ogg]
887463 [Thread-10] INFO  sound.O  - Creating streaming player for music with id [miscallenous_main_menu.ogg]
887463 [Thread-10] INFO  sound.OooO  - Playing music with id [miscallenous_main_menu.ogg]

bonus note, after this I updated the mod but that didnt help

Sorry, but that error looks quite weird, and i cant really intuit how it could ever come to that. Its failing to access something that should not ever be inaccessibe, so im very confused there as well.
Dont think i can fix your save, sadly. At best you may wanna go back to a previous version of that save (asuming you made some save-copy saves) and try continuing to play from there with the updated version. Otherwise you may just have to make a new save together with the new version.

I can probably fix this type of error more easily once Alex releases 0.98, im missing something to make SiC not do anything while the game is loading a save, which is annoyingly a common place for issues, though i havent seen one like the one you posted yet, managed to fix the other ones.

I see, thanks for lookign trhough this at least. unlucky I guess. I will try an older save, but it was a while ago and I'd have to redo the persean blockade.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Loyso on December 01, 2024, 11:21:24 AM
First off, I love how this mod works. I can have 2 entirely different fleets, and only have to swap officers around to make each work wonderfully rather than having to respec. It also makes some of the AI fleets a bit more interesting(and difficult when their officers have all the right skills).
However, one of my fleets is an almost entirely automated fleet with mixed ships. Some I only use for small scale battles as to not waste resources, but I generally pilot a cruiser or larger. The problem is, I can't transfer command to an automated ship through the transfer command prompt even though I have the Neural Junction skill on my Automation officer. Not even sure if that's something that can be fixed or not, but just wanted to point that out.

Had similar problem! The best workaround I could find was taking the technology tree and using neural junction. The +60 ponts skill is useful too, since they are, surprisingly, not mutually exclusive. +1 lvl to cores is nice too!

P.S. I am little bit confused. For some reason I can deploy auto-ships even without cores. Is this vanilla or this mod? What's the point multiplier then? I used to play with this little mod ( but now it's obsolete?
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Lukas04 on December 01, 2024, 12:51:27 PM
First off, I love how this mod works. I can have 2 entirely different fleets, and only have to swap officers around to make each work wonderfully rather than having to respec. It also makes some of the AI fleets a bit more interesting(and difficult when their officers have all the right skills).
However, one of my fleets is an almost entirely automated fleet with mixed ships. Some I only use for small scale battles as to not waste resources, but I generally pilot a cruiser or larger. The problem is, I can't transfer command to an automated ship through the transfer command prompt even though I have the Neural Junction skill on my Automation officer. Not even sure if that's something that can be fixed or not, but just wanted to point that out.

Had similar problem! The best workaround I could find was taking the technology tree and using neural junction. The +60 ponts skill is useful too, since they are, surprisingly, not mutually exclusive. +1 lvl to cores is nice too!

P.S. I am little bit confused. For some reason I can deploy auto-ships even without cores. Is this vanilla or this mod? What's the point multiplier then? I used to play with this little mod ( but now it's obsolete?

Automated ships havent needed AI cores to be deployed for atleast as long as i played the game. Ships without a core just dont have a mult, which just means 1x. The mod you linked is to entirely make the automated points system a non-factor, plus trigger wolfpack tactics (in vanilla) as that skill works with AI cores aswell.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: ultrashotpull on December 02, 2024, 12:59:42 AM
Query: Is there a way to increase the maximum level of the Officers? My munchkin-ass brain refuses the idea of limits and I must accrue more power beyond the realm of decency and sanity.

Also, love the mod. 10/10
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: wodzu_93 on December 02, 2024, 10:34:56 AM
Two bug reports:
1) When you take Navigation in Starfaring XO, you can no longer avoid hyperspace storms EVEN WHEN GOING SLOWLY (Go Dark or holding S). Don't know why. I have burn 8 then +1 from Navigation. When Going Dark, I slow down to 4 and still get hit by storms. When I unequip the XO I no longer get hit. Please fix, it makes storms such a pain in the ass to go through, and makes Navigation a detriment instead of a benefit.

2) When you take Starmapping and hover over the sensor strength number to get the breakdown, Starmapping +20% buff is unlocalized resoulting in just a number being displayed ("+20%" instead of "+20% Starmapping".
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Phoebe Core on December 02, 2024, 04:12:14 PM
Will there ever be any plans to allow for a more specific adjustment of the max number of "equipped officers" (at the very least from 3 to 4 as an option? Or at the very least an option of autonomous ships to be a default player trait. I only ask because I love this mod and yearn to enjoy it more and yearn for MORE DAKKA.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Lukas04 on December 02, 2024, 08:11:03 PM
Two bug reports:
1) When you take Navigation in Starfaring XO, you can no longer avoid hyperspace storms EVEN WHEN GOING SLOWLY (Go Dark or holding S). Don't know why. I have burn 8 then +1 from Navigation. When Going Dark, I slow down to 4 and still get hit by storms. When I unequip the XO I no longer get hit. Please fix, it makes storms such a pain in the ass to go through, and makes Navigation a detriment instead of a benefit.

2) When you take Starmapping and hover over the sensor strength number to get the breakdown, Starmapping +20% buff is unlocalized resoulting in just a number being displayed ("+20%" instead of "+20% Starmapping".

Going to the fix the latter, no idea what could cause the former, its only increasing the fleet burn stats in the exact same way that vanilla Navigation does. I also can not replicate that issue, which reminds me of an Issue with the Nebula in RATs Abyss which increase speed but can deal storm damage, for some people move-slow doesnt work for them there either, and i could never replicate that aswell.

Will there ever be any plans to allow for a more specific adjustment of the max number of "equipped officers" (at the very least from 3 to 4 as an option? Or at the very least an option of autonomous ships to be a default player trait. I only ask because I love this mod and yearn to enjoy it more and yearn for MORE DAKKA.

Not planned, no.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: wodzu_93 on December 03, 2024, 05:03:50 AM
Going to the fix the latter, no idea what could cause the former, its only increasing the fleet burn stats in the exact same way that vanilla Navigation does. I also can not replicate that issue, which reminds me of an Issue with the Nebula in RATs Abyss which increase speed but can deal storm damage, for some people move-slow doesnt work for them there either, and i could never replicate that aswell.
I'm shooting in the dark here but I think the culprit might be "-30% move speed penalty from terrain" part. All other +Burn work fine, but Navigation uniquely have that terrain movement buff. So what might be happening, is the game checks for actual movement speed, not burn level, when determining if you take storm damage, and that buff pushes you just enough over the speed threshold. Is it possible to decompile base game code and see how is this applied?
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Lukas04 on December 03, 2024, 06:45:32 AM
Going to the fix the latter, no idea what could cause the former, its only increasing the fleet burn stats in the exact same way that vanilla Navigation does. I also can not replicate that issue, which reminds me of an Issue with the Nebula in RATs Abyss which increase speed but can deal storm damage, for some people move-slow doesnt work for them there either, and i could never replicate that aswell.
I'm shooting in the dark here but I think the culprit might be "-30% move speed penalty from terrain" part. All other +Burn work fine, but Navigation uniquely have that terrain movement buff. So what might be happening, is the game checks for actual movement speed, not burn level, when determining if you take storm damage, and that buff pushes you just enough over the speed threshold. Is it possible to decompile base game code and see how is this applied?

I might agree with you if i could also recreate the issue myself, the weird part is that i know where the check is done, and i cant really tell what could cause it on some peoples machines.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Kaisi on December 03, 2024, 07:24:48 AM
A little feedback. Tactical skill "Full Throttle" is completely imbalanced. With all speed bonuses stacked I have a fleet of Onslaughts and Dominators with combat speed of 120+ with shields up and weapons firing. Hard flux dissipation bonuses make them cruise with insane speed the battlefield, taking damage and weapons firing without loosing flux free bonus. At least flux free bonus should not activate when flux is generated.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Phenir on December 03, 2024, 11:42:05 AM
If you undergun your ships so much that they can't fill their flux bar when they want to, then sure it is pretty easy to keep under 10-20% flux. Until the enemy starts shooting at you.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Kaisi on December 03, 2024, 01:31:57 PM
Not undergun, but "flux balance". What's the point, if the ship is throttling it's dps? Waste of op to me. And at such speed they just outrun all hardflux, that can turn off the skill.

Most of the time they just outrun everything even enemy frigates but due to huge speed capitals start to behave like frigates and do some suicidal pointblank rushes at enemy fleet on steady ai..

Even if i set Cap to outflux itself, due to initial huge speed and weird ai behaviour it just propels it into enemy blob to die.

I'm not against overpowered Caps. but it should not be unlocked by some casual skill =)
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: wodzu_93 on December 03, 2024, 02:08:41 PM
I might agree with you if i could also recreate the issue myself, the weird part is that i know where the check is done, and i cant really tell what could cause it on some peoples machines.
Here's some info, maybe it will help you with reproduction.
 Mod list:
{"enabledMods": [
  "Adjusted Sector",
  "Terraforming & Station Construction",
Java 23, 4GB Ram allocated. Running below 60 FPS in hyperspace.
Since I have the bug, I could test a SiC version that removes "-30% to terrain speed penalty" from Navigation and report back if this indeed is the cause of the issue or not.

Figured it out. It's very likely framerate-dependent. If I have below 60 FPS and Idle 0% I get hit by storms while going slow with Navigation skill. I tested pure vanilla, SiC + libraries only and my modpack. Only the last case I got hit by storms, and it was the only game where I was below 60 FPS. Try loading up big enough modpack to drop FPS and try reproducing this that way. Adjusted Sector + lots of factions + Nex should do the trick.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Phenir on December 03, 2024, 02:52:16 PM
Not undergun, but "flux balance". What's the point, if the ship is throttling it's dps? Waste of op to me. And at such speed they just outrun all hardflux, that can turn off the skill.

Most of the time they just outrun everything even enemy frigates but due to huge speed capitals start to behave like frigates and do some suicidal pointblank rushes at enemy fleet on steady ai..

Even if i set Cap to outflux itself, due to initial huge speed and weird ai behaviour it just propels it into enemy blob to die.

I'm not against overpowered Caps. but it should not be unlocked by some casual skill =)
It's not throttling. It's dumping your flux bar into the enemy's before they can do the same to you. A slightly overgunned ship can output at >100% and then throttle down to 100%. Your undergunned ships don't get to go above 100%.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: cghhj on December 06, 2024, 12:27:31 AM
There has saome problem with CN localization on Chinese Starsector forum
The original translator has been caught plagiarize other’s translations. >:(
I want to do the localization after that, so I'm here to request an authoriation for that.
Many thanks.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Lukas04 on December 06, 2024, 12:30:57 AM
There has saome problem with CN localization on Chinese Starsector forum
The original translator has been caught plagiarize other’s translations. >:(
I want to do the localization after that, so I'm here to request an authoriation for that.
Many thanks.

Ask HzDev / Mycophobia (not sure if their usernames are the same over there) about it.
I know their already working on a Translation but idk what happened to that, so ask them if its fine if you do a Translation, and if they feel it is, you have my permission.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Reshy on December 06, 2024, 05:09:55 AM
I did have a question, why was Continuous Repairs made to be so much worse than Hull Restoration?  It seems nearly impossible to get rid of D-Mods with Second In Command Installed, nor is there a good way to avoid accruing D-Mods ( Given the general increase in difficulty of opposing fleets, avoiding casualties is considerably harder).  So if you are playing in large encounters, which you will be, recovering your destroyed ships is almost not even worth it because there's no way you can get it into an operational level, it's just better to strip it and scrap it and buy a new one.  Is that the intent of the second in command mod?
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Phenir on December 06, 2024, 08:16:19 AM
It does also come with dmod prevention. From my experience, it's not that hard to steadily get rid of dmods across the fleet even with losing ships here and there. I was mostly losing frigates though which are cheap enough to just restore. Maybe if it had prioritization for more expensive ships.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Lukas04 on December 06, 2024, 09:35:17 AM
I did have a question, why was Continuous Repairs made to be so much worse than Hull Restoration?  It seems nearly impossible to get rid of D-Mods with Second In Command Installed, nor is there a good way to avoid accruing D-Mods ( Given the general increase in difficulty of opposing fleets, avoiding casualties is considerably harder).  So if you are playing in large encounters, which you will be, recovering your destroyed ships is almost not even worth it because there's no way you can get it into an operational level, it's just better to strip it and scrap it and buy a new one.  Is that the intent of the second in command mod?

Because Hull Restoration is way to good, and would just limit peoples choices when using the mod. I dont think Dmods become unmanagable with SiC, first because as Phenir mentioned, the dmod chance reduction does actually reduce the dmods you can quite a ton, and combining that with just repairing the few ships that gain to many dmods works pretty well. For playstyles that inevitibly get way to many dmods, you can use Improvisation to make good use of it (Stuff like Fleets full of Reckless/Fearless Officers/AI cores). 

I also personaly like D-Mods being more of a thing with Second-in-Command, in vanilla, due to Hull Restoration, they are just almost not a feature at all. I think playing with SiC makes you notice that most dmods, especialy when you just have 1-2, arent actually that bad at all. I do wanna see if i can solve peoples issues with the dmod overlay/hope alex improves it a bit, but will see.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Reshy on December 06, 2024, 07:17:34 PM
I did have a question, why was Continuous Repairs made to be so much worse than Hull Restoration?  It seems nearly impossible to get rid of D-Mods with Second In Command Installed, nor is there a good way to avoid accruing D-Mods ( Given the general increase in difficulty of opposing fleets, avoiding casualties is considerably harder).  So if you are playing in large encounters, which you will be, recovering your destroyed ships is almost not even worth it because there's no way you can get it into an operational level, it's just better to strip it and scrap it and buy a new one.  Is that the intent of the second in command mod?

Because Hull Restoration is way to good, and would just limit peoples choices when using the mod. I dont think Dmods become unmanagable with SiC, first because as Phenir mentioned, the dmod chance reduction does actually reduce the dmods you can quite a ton, and combining that with just repairing the few ships that gain to many dmods works pretty well. For playstyles that inevitibly get way to many dmods, you can use Improvisation to make good use of it (Stuff like Fleets full of Reckless/Fearless Officers/AI cores). 

I also personaly like D-Mods being more of a thing with Second-in-Command, in vanilla, due to Hull Restoration, they are just almost not a feature at all. I think playing with SiC makes you notice that most dmods, especialy when you just have 1-2, arent actually that bad at all. I do wanna see if i can solve peoples issues with the dmod overlay/hope alex improves it a bit, but will see.

Okay, so that is the intent of the mod.  I'd probably disclose that up front since that's a massive change from vanilla and the mod already makes enemy fleets far tougher than vanilla additionally so losing ships and getting D-Mods happens far more often as well.    Either way I don't believe the changes fixes the centralization of the skill's issue, if anything it makes it worse since it's still affecting a random ship at a very rare rate which means you de-prioritize destroyers and frigates.  The protection against D-Mods was more than halved going from 90% at the maximum to 60% at the maximum (an effective decrease of 75%) and 75% at minimum to 30% at minimum (Well in excess of halving the effect).  More than halving the protection from d-mods is pretty extreme.  Additionally, the implementation of needing to destroy 6 Onslaughts (plus their brand new officers) to remove a single hull mod is laughably disproportionate, especially since it's still random so it's 6 onslaughts to remove a single d-mod from a single frigate.

Will comment that the "killing X DP of ships" effect also feels like it should be in the Piracy XO tree rather than starfaring (since starfaring is in every other case about maintaining your stuff and finding new stuff, not fighting other fleets).  If you wanted to make the effect itself more than a foot note I'd make it remove d-mods based off the size of the ship, something like "Every 240dp removes a d-mod from a capital, every 180 removes a d-mod from a cruiser, every 120 removes a d-mod from a destroyer, every 60 removes a d-mod from a frigate" or something to that effect.  That'd play into the pirate more aggressive playstyle versus starfaring's much more casual one.

Minor tangent here, but I feel like your automation XO's abilities for like repairing and such should benefit the entire fleet... which would reduce dependence on the starfaring XO you dislike people choosing.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Lukas04 on December 06, 2024, 07:36:19 PM
I did have a question, why was Continuous Repairs made to be so much worse than Hull Restoration?  It seems nearly impossible to get rid of D-Mods with Second In Command Installed, nor is there a good way to avoid accruing D-Mods ( Given the general increase in difficulty of opposing fleets, avoiding casualties is considerably harder).  So if you are playing in large encounters, which you will be, recovering your destroyed ships is almost not even worth it because there's no way you can get it into an operational level, it's just better to strip it and scrap it and buy a new one.  Is that the intent of the second in command mod?

Because Hull Restoration is way to good, and would just limit peoples choices when using the mod. I dont think Dmods become unmanagable with SiC, first because as Phenir mentioned, the dmod chance reduction does actually reduce the dmods you can quite a ton, and combining that with just repairing the few ships that gain to many dmods works pretty well. For playstyles that inevitibly get way to many dmods, you can use Improvisation to make good use of it (Stuff like Fleets full of Reckless/Fearless Officers/AI cores). 

I also personaly like D-Mods being more of a thing with Second-in-Command, in vanilla, due to Hull Restoration, they are just almost not a feature at all. I think playing with SiC makes you notice that most dmods, especialy when you just have 1-2, arent actually that bad at all. I do wanna see if i can solve peoples issues with the dmod overlay/hope alex improves it a bit, but will see.

Okay, so that is the intent of the mod.  I'd probably disclose that up front since that's a massive change from vanilla and the mod already makes enemy fleets far tougher than vanilla additionally so losing ships and getting D-Mods happens far more often as well.    Either way I don't believe the changes fixes the centralization of the skill's issue, if anything it makes it worse since it's still affecting a random ship at a very rare rate which means you de-prioritize destroyers and frigates.  The protection against D-Mods was more than halved going from 90% at the maximum to 60% at the maximum (an effective decrease of 75%) and 75% at minimum to 30% at minimum (Well in excess of halving the effect).  More than halving the protection from d-mods is pretty extreme.  Additionally, the implementation of needing to destroy 6 Onslaughts (plus their brand new officers) to remove a single hull mod is laughably disproportionate, especially since it's still random so it's 6 onslaughts to remove a single d-mod from a single frigate.

Will comment that the "killing X DP of ships" effect also feels like it should be in the Piracy XO tree rather than starfaring (since starfaring is in every other case about maintaining your stuff and finding new stuff, not fighting other fleets).  If you wanted to make the effect itself more than a foot note I'd make it remove d-mods based off the size of the ship, something like "Every 240dp removes a d-mod from a capital, every 180 removes a d-mod from a cruiser, every 120 removes a d-mod from a destroyer, every 60 removes a d-mod from a frigate" or something to that effect.  That'd play into the pirate more aggressive playstyle versus starfaring's much more casual one.

Minor tangent here, but I feel like your automation XO's abilities for like repairing and such should benefit the entire fleet... which would reduce dependence on the starfaring XO you dislike people choosing.

Its a total skill system overhaul, if i would have to mention every skill thats removed or readapted, then the mod thread would be as long as a novel. People can check out the skills before installing the mod on the wiki. The mod also does not make the game much harder, with most builds you will arguably have an easier time than vanilla. While NPCs definitly get quite the boost, they cant actually get as many skills as the player, asuming you havent set the mod to hard-mode in the configs. They will also generaly not have builds of the same quality as the player. If you feel like its to much you can reduce the difficulty config.

And yeah, Continuous Repairs is different from Hull Restoration, why would i replace it otherwise. Its not a skill for cleaning up your fleet, its one to keep the rate of dmods you gain more stable.

To the last point, dont think its needed, and i dont dislike people taking the Starfaring XO, never said i do. The Goal is to make people feel less forced to use it, which is a whole different thing. 
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Phenir on December 07, 2024, 08:37:33 PM
Additionally, the implementation of needing to destroy 6 Onslaughts (plus their brand new officers) to remove a single hull mod is laughably disproportionate, especially since it's still random so it's 6 onslaughts to remove a single d-mod from a single frigate.
That's a disingenuous interpretation of the effect. It's just 240 dp total, it doesn't matter what that DP actually comes from. Could be freighters (so yeah, you should autoresolve those fleeing civ ships), could be like 6 tiny pirate frigate fleets in a row. Could be a full remnant ordo that actually has like 400 dp so there's a pretty good chance you actually get 2 dmods removed out of it or could be a system's worth of derelict defense fleets.
As for wasting it on frigates, spend 10-40k on repairing them first? It can't repair your frigates if they don't have dmods.
I think you'll find many of the skills are a bit nerfed here but that is made up by being able to have 3 XOs. Even if you spend a slot on piracy or starfaring (you don't have to use a logistics officer btw), I'm certain it's still an increase in player power.

Will comment that the "killing X DP of ships" effect also feels like it should be in the Piracy XO tree rather than starfaring (since starfaring is in every other case about maintaining your stuff and finding new stuff, not fighting other fleets).
To me, starfaring is the "I'm gonna explore the sector and survey and loot literally every planet I come across" tree. While you're out doing that kind of stuff, you'll definitely find some opportunities to fight stuff still. Plus I don't think pirates are really concerned with restoring their stuff, they'd probably sell the scraps they'd use to do that instead hence the credit capstone. Additionally, while there is a theme for the each skill tree, they are not intended to only be used within that theme. There's even a loading tip added that says exactly that.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Kaisi on December 09, 2024, 03:52:17 PM
I like the changes to Dmod removing skill. Vanilla skill was too "must have". Actually I did feel good ditching that officer after colonizing in favour of more firepower. What could be done in the mod is to rebalance the prices for hull restoration in ports, make the service cost 5% of ship cost per dmod.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: cghhj on December 11, 2024, 04:59:56 AM
Eexecutive officers (Sub) of the AI fleet has no portraits (only display bg03.png).
Is is a design or bug?
Is there is any tricks to make it display AI core portraits?
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Lukas04 on December 11, 2024, 05:16:44 AM
Eexecutive officers (Sub) of the AI fleet has no portraits (only display bg03.png).
Is is a design or bug?
Is there is any tricks to make it display AI core portraits?

It displays Portraits on Automated Fleets just fine for me.
Were you trying to refer to a specific fleet?
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: cghhj on December 12, 2024, 04:25:51 AM
Eexecutive officers (Sub) of the AI fleet has no portraits (only display bg03.png).
Is is a design or bug?
Is there is any tricks to make it display AI core portraits?

It displays Portraits on Automated Fleets just fine for me.
Were you trying to refer to a specific fleet?

Ah, guess related with game creation when I made localization.
A new game solved it. Thanks for reply through.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: HeimrArnadalr on December 12, 2024, 12:48:05 PM
I have a save that's failing to load, and I believe it's because of Second-in-Command. Here's the crash log:
1032759 [Thread-2] INFO  - Error loading
1032759 [Thread-2] ERROR  - Failed calling method
---- Debugging information ----
message             : Failed calling method
cause-exception     : java.lang.NullPointerException
cause-message       : Cannot invoke "com.fs.starfarer.campaign.fleet.FleetData.getCommander()" because "this.fleetData" is null
method              : com.fs.starfarer.campaign.fleet.FleetMember.readResolve()
class               : com.fs.starfarer.campaign.fleet.FleetMember
required-type       : com.fs.starfarer.campaign.fleet.FleetMember
converter-type      : com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.reflection.ReflectionConverter
line number         : 1281804
class[1]            : java.util.LinkedHashMap
required-type[1]    : java.util.LinkedHashMap
converter-type[1]   : com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.collections.MapConverter
class[2]            : com.fs.starfarer.campaign.util.CollectionView
required-type[2]    : com.fs.starfarer.campaign.util.CollectionView
class[3]            : com.fs.starfarer.campaign.fleet.CampaignFleetView
required-type[3]    : com.fs.starfarer.campaign.fleet.CampaignFleetView
class[4]            : com.fs.starfarer.campaign.fleet.CampaignFleet
required-type[4]    : com.fs.starfarer.campaign.fleet.CampaignFleet
class[5]            : second_in_command.SCData
required-type[5]    : second_in_command.SCData
class[6]            : com.fs.starfarer.campaign.rules.Memory
required-type[6]    : com.fs.starfarer.campaign.rules.Memory
class[7]            : java.util.ArrayList
required-type[7]    : java.util.ArrayList
converter-type[2]   : com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.collections.CollectionConverter
class[8]            : shipmastery.campaign.recentbattles.RecentBattlesIntel
required-type[8]    : shipmastery.campaign.recentbattles.RecentBattlesIntel
class[9]            : com.fs.util.container.repo.ObjectRepository
required-type[9]    : com.fs.util.container.repo.ObjectRepository
class[10]           : com.fs.starfarer.campaign.comms.v2.IntelManager
required-type[10]   : com.fs.starfarer.campaign.comms.v2.IntelManager
class[11]           : com.fs.starfarer.campaign.CampaignEngine
required-type[11]   : com.fs.starfarer.campaign.CampaignEngine
converter-type[3]   :
version             : not available
com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.ConversionException: Failed calling method
---- Debugging information ----
message             : Failed calling method
cause-exception     : java.lang.NullPointerException
cause-message       : Cannot invoke "com.fs.starfarer.campaign.fleet.FleetData.getCommander()" because "this.fleetData" is null
method              : com.fs.starfarer.campaign.fleet.FleetMember.readResolve()
class               : com.fs.starfarer.campaign.fleet.FleetMember
required-type       : com.fs.starfarer.campaign.fleet.FleetMember
converter-type      : com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.reflection.ReflectionConverter
line number         : 1281804
class[1]            : java.util.LinkedHashMap
required-type[1]    : java.util.LinkedHashMap
converter-type[1]   : com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.collections.MapConverter
class[2]            : com.fs.starfarer.campaign.util.CollectionView
required-type[2]    : com.fs.starfarer.campaign.util.CollectionView
class[3]            : com.fs.starfarer.campaign.fleet.CampaignFleetView
required-type[3]    : com.fs.starfarer.campaign.fleet.CampaignFleetView
class[4]            : com.fs.starfarer.campaign.fleet.CampaignFleet
required-type[4]    : com.fs.starfarer.campaign.fleet.CampaignFleet
class[5]            : second_in_command.SCData
required-type[5]    : second_in_command.SCData
class[6]            : com.fs.starfarer.campaign.rules.Memory
required-type[6]    : com.fs.starfarer.campaign.rules.Memory
class[7]            : java.util.ArrayList
required-type[7]    : java.util.ArrayList
converter-type[2]   : com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.collections.CollectionConverter
class[8]            : shipmastery.campaign.recentbattles.RecentBattlesIntel
required-type[8]    : shipmastery.campaign.recentbattles.RecentBattlesIntel
class[9]            : com.fs.util.container.repo.ObjectRepository
required-type[9]    : com.fs.util.container.repo.ObjectRepository
class[10]           : com.fs.starfarer.campaign.comms.v2.IntelManager
required-type[10]   : com.fs.starfarer.campaign.comms.v2.IntelManager
class[11]           : com.fs.starfarer.campaign.CampaignEngine
required-type[11]   : com.fs.starfarer.campaign.CampaignEngine
converter-type[3]   :
version             : not available
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.core.util.SerializationMembers.callReadResolve( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.reflection.AbstractReflectionConverter.unma rshal( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.core.TreeUnmarshaller.convert( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.core.AbstractReferenceUnmarshaller.convert( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.core.TreeUnmarshaller.convertAnother( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.core.TreeUnmarshaller.convertAnother( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.collections.AbstractCollectionConverter.rea dBareItem( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.collections.AbstractCollectionConverter.rea dItem( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.collections.AbstractCollectionConverter.rea dCompleteItem( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.collections.MapConverter.putCurrentEntryInt oMap( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.collections.MapConverter.populateMap( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.collections.MapConverter.populateMap( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.collections.MapConverter.unmarshal( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.core.TreeUnmarshaller.convert( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.core.AbstractReferenceUnmarshaller.convert( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.core.TreeUnmarshaller.convertAnother( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.reflection.AbstractReflectionConverter.unma rshallField( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.reflection.AbstractReflectionConverter.doUn marshal( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.reflection.AbstractReflectionConverter.unma rshal( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.core.TreeUnmarshaller.convert( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.core.AbstractReferenceUnmarshaller.convert( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.core.TreeUnmarshaller.convertAnother( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.reflection.AbstractReflectionConverter.unma rshallField( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.reflection.AbstractReflectionConverter.doUn marshal( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.reflection.AbstractReflectionConverter.unma rshal( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.core.TreeUnmarshaller.convert( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.core.AbstractReferenceUnmarshaller.convert( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.core.TreeUnmarshaller.convertAnother( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.reflection.AbstractReflectionConverter.unma rshallField( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.reflection.AbstractReflectionConverter.doUn marshal( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.reflection.AbstractReflectionConverter.unma rshal( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.core.TreeUnmarshaller.convert( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.core.AbstractReferenceUnmarshaller.convert( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.core.TreeUnmarshaller.convertAnother( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.reflection.AbstractReflectionConverter.unma rshallField( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.reflection.AbstractReflectionConverter.doUn marshal( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.reflection.AbstractReflectionConverter.unma rshal( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.core.TreeUnmarshaller.convert( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.core.AbstractReferenceUnmarshaller.convert( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.core.TreeUnmarshaller.convertAnother( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.core.TreeUnmarshaller.convertAnother( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.collections.AbstractCollectionConverter.rea dBareItem( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.collections.AbstractCollectionConverter.rea dItem( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.collections.AbstractCollectionConverter.rea dCompleteItem( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.collections.MapConverter.putCurrentEntryInt oMap( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.collections.MapConverter.populateMap( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.collections.MapConverter.populateMap( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.collections.MapConverter.unmarshal( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.core.TreeUnmarshaller.convert( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.core.AbstractReferenceUnmarshaller.convert( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.core.TreeUnmarshaller.convertAnother( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.reflection.AbstractReflectionConverter.unma rshallField( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.reflection.AbstractReflectionConverter.doUn marshal( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.reflection.AbstractReflectionConverter.unma rshal( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.core.TreeUnmarshaller.convert( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.core.AbstractReferenceUnmarshaller.convert( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.core.TreeUnmarshaller.convertAnother( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.reflection.AbstractReflectionConverter.unma rshallField( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.reflection.AbstractReflectionConverter.doUn marshal( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.reflection.AbstractReflectionConverter.unma rshal( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.core.TreeUnmarshaller.convert( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.core.AbstractReferenceUnmarshaller.convert( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.core.TreeUnmarshaller.convertAnother( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.core.TreeUnmarshaller.convertAnother( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.collections.AbstractCollectionConverter.rea dBareItem( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.collections.AbstractCollectionConverter.rea dItem( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.collections.CollectionConverter.addCurrentE lementToCollection( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.collections.CollectionConverter.populateCol lection( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.collections.CollectionConverter.populateCol lection( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.collections.CollectionConverter.unmarshal( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.core.TreeUnmarshaller.convert( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.core.AbstractReferenceUnmarshaller.convert( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.core.TreeUnmarshaller.convertAnother( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.reflection.AbstractReflectionConverter.unma rshallField( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.reflection.AbstractReflectionConverter.doUn marshal( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.reflection.AbstractReflectionConverter.unma rshal( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.core.TreeUnmarshaller.convert( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.core.AbstractReferenceUnmarshaller.convert( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.core.TreeUnmarshaller.convertAnother( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.core.TreeUnmarshaller.convertAnother( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.collections.AbstractCollectionConverter.rea dBareItem( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.collections.AbstractCollectionConverter.rea dItem( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.collections.CollectionConverter.addCurrentE lementToCollection( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.collections.CollectionConverter.populateCol lection( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.collections.CollectionConverter.populateCol lection( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.collections.CollectionConverter.unmarshal( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.core.TreeUnmarshaller.convert( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.core.AbstractReferenceUnmarshaller.convert( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.core.TreeUnmarshaller.convertAnother( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.reflection.AbstractReflectionConverter.unma rshallField( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.reflection.AbstractReflectionConverter.doUn marshal( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.reflection.AbstractReflectionConverter.unma rshal( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.core.TreeUnmarshaller.convert( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.core.AbstractReferenceUnmarshaller.convert( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.core.TreeUnmarshaller.convertAnother( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.reflection.AbstractReflectionConverter.unma rshallField( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.reflection.AbstractReflectionConverter.doUn marshal( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.reflection.AbstractReflectionConverter.unma rshal( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.core.TreeUnmarshaller.convert( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.core.AbstractReferenceUnmarshaller.convert( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.core.TreeUnmarshaller.convertAnother( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.reflection.AbstractReflectionConverter.unma rshallField( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.reflection.AbstractReflectionConverter.doUn marshal( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.reflection.AbstractReflectionConverter.unma rshal( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.core.TreeUnmarshaller.convert( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.core.AbstractReferenceUnmarshaller.convert( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.core.TreeUnmarshaller.convertAnother( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.core.TreeUnmarshaller.convertAnother( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.core.TreeUnmarshaller.start( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.core.AbstractTreeMarshallingStrategy.unmarshal( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.XStream.unmarshal( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.XStream.unmarshal( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.XStream.fromXML( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at Source) ~[port_obf.jar:?]
   at com.fs.starfarer.title.TitleScreenState.dialogDismissed(Unknown Source) ~[port_obf.jar:?]
   at com.fs.starfarer.ui.O.dismiss(Unknown Source) ~[port_obf.jar:?]
   at com.fs.starfarer.ui.impl.for.dismiss(Unknown Source) ~[port_obf.jar:?]
   at Source) ~[port_obf.jar:?]
   at com.fs.starfarer.ui.o0O0.buttonPressed(Unknown Source) ~[port_obf.jar:?]
   atÒ00000(Unknown Source) ~[port_obf.jar:?]
   at Source) ~[port_obf.jar:?]
   at com.fs.starfarer.ui.o0O0.processInputImpl(Unknown Source) ~[port_obf.jar:?]
   at com.fs.starfarer.ui.thissuper.processInput(Unknown Source) ~[port_obf.jar:?]
   at com.fs.starfarer.ui.g$Oo.processInputImpl(Unknown Source) ~[port_obf.jar:?]
   at com.fs.starfarer.ui.thissuper.processInput(Unknown Source) ~[port_obf.jar:?]
   at com.fs.starfarer.ui.o000.dispatchEventsToChildren(Unknown Source) ~[port_obf.jar:?]
   at com.fs.starfarer.ui.o000.processInputImpl(Unknown Source) ~[port_obf.jar:?]
   at com.fs.starfarer.ui.g.processInputImpl(Unknown Source) ~[port_obf.jar:?]
   at com.fs.starfarer.ui.thissuper.processInput(Unknown Source) ~[port_obf.jar:?]
   at com.fs.starfarer.ui.o000.dispatchEventsToChildren(Unknown Source) ~[port_obf.jar:?]
   at com.fs.starfarer.ui.o000.processInputImpl(Unknown Source) ~[port_obf.jar:?]
   at com.fs.starfarer.ui.thissuper.processInput(Unknown Source) ~[port_obf.jar:?]
   at com.fs.starfarer.ui.o000.dispatchEventsToChildren(Unknown Source) ~[port_obf.jar:?]
   at com.fs.starfarer.ui.o000.processInputImpl(Unknown Source) ~[port_obf.jar:?]
   at com.fs.starfarer.ui.thissuper.processInput(Unknown Source) ~[port_obf.jar:?]
   at com.fs.starfarer.E.I.processInputImpl(Unknown Source) ~[port_obf.jar:?]
   at com.fs.starfarer.ui.thissuper.processInput(Unknown Source) ~[port_obf.jar:?]
   at com.fs.starfarer.ui.o000.dispatchEventsToChildren(Unknown Source) ~[port_obf.jar:?]
   at com.fs.starfarer.ui.o000.processInputImpl(Unknown Source) ~[port_obf.jar:?]
   at com.fs.starfarer.ui.O.processInputImpl(Unknown Source) ~[port_obf.jar:?]
   at com.fs.starfarer.ui.thissuper.processInput(Unknown Source) ~[port_obf.jar:?]
   at com.fs.starfarer.ui.o000.dispatchEventsToChildren(Unknown Source) ~[port_obf.jar:?]
   at com.fs.starfarer.ui.o000.processInputImpl(Unknown Source) ~[port_obf.jar:?]
   at com.fs.starfarer.ui.thissuper.processInput(Unknown Source) ~[port_obf.jar:?]
   at com.fs.starfarer.title.TitleScreenState.processInput(Unknown Source) ~[port_obf.jar:?]
   at com.fs.starfarer.BaseGameState.traverse(Unknown Source) ~[port_obf.jar:?]
   at com.fs.state.AppDriver.begin(Unknown Source) ~[port.common_obf.jar:?]
   at com.fs.starfarer.combat.CombatMain.main(Unknown Source) ~[port_obf.jar:?]
   at com.fs.starfarer.StarfarerLauncher.super(Unknown Source) ~[port_obf.jar:?]
   at com.fs.starfarer.StarfarerLauncher$ Source) ~[port_obf.jar:?]
   at java.base/ [?:?]
Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "com.fs.starfarer.campaign.fleet.FleetData.getCommander()" because "this.fleetData" is null
   at com.fs.starfarer.campaign.fleet.CampaignFleet.getCommander(Unknown Source) ~[port_obf.jar:?]
   at com.fs.starfarer.campaign.fleet.CampaignFleet.getCommander(Unknown Source) ~[port_obf.jar:?]
   at exoticatechnologies.util.FleetMemberUtils.getFleetCommander(FleetMemberUtils.kt:147) ~[?:?]
   at exoticatechnologies.modifications.exotics.impl.PlasmaFluxCatalyst.applyExoticTo Stats(PlasmaFluxCatalyst.kt:73) ~[?:?]
   at exoticatechnologies.hullmods.ExoticaTechHM.applyEffectsBeforeShipCreation( ~[?:?]
   at com.fs.starfarer.campaign.fleet.FleetMember.updateStats(Unknown Source) ~[port_obf.jar:?]
   at com.fs.starfarer.campaign.fleet.FleetMember.readResolve(Unknown Source) ~[port_obf.jar:?]
   at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.DirectMethodHandleAccessor.invoke( ~[?:?]
   at java.base/java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( ~[?:?]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.core.util.SerializationMembers.callReadResolve( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   ... 150 more

The save was created with 1.2.11 (I think), but the failure to load happens both with 1.2.11 and 1.2.12. I can provide the save if you need it, but it's too big to attach to this post.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: MFerite on December 12, 2024, 01:21:45 PM
Are there a way to have skills regarding planet Admistrating/ Industry for the Player?
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Lukas04 on December 12, 2024, 04:30:54 PM
I have a save that's failing to load, and I believe it's because of Second-in-Command. Here's the crash log:
1032759 [Thread-2] INFO  - Error loading
1032759 [Thread-2] ERROR  - Failed calling method
---- Debugging information ----
message             : Failed calling method
cause-exception     : java.lang.NullPointerException
cause-message       : Cannot invoke "com.fs.starfarer.campaign.fleet.FleetData.getCommander()" because "this.fleetData" is null
method              : com.fs.starfarer.campaign.fleet.FleetMember.readResolve()
class               : com.fs.starfarer.campaign.fleet.FleetMember
required-type       : com.fs.starfarer.campaign.fleet.FleetMember
converter-type      : com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.reflection.ReflectionConverter
line number         : 1281804
class[1]            : java.util.LinkedHashMap
required-type[1]    : java.util.LinkedHashMap
converter-type[1]   : com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.collections.MapConverter
class[2]            : com.fs.starfarer.campaign.util.CollectionView
required-type[2]    : com.fs.starfarer.campaign.util.CollectionView
class[3]            : com.fs.starfarer.campaign.fleet.CampaignFleetView
required-type[3]    : com.fs.starfarer.campaign.fleet.CampaignFleetView
class[4]            : com.fs.starfarer.campaign.fleet.CampaignFleet
required-type[4]    : com.fs.starfarer.campaign.fleet.CampaignFleet
class[5]            : second_in_command.SCData
required-type[5]    : second_in_command.SCData
class[6]            : com.fs.starfarer.campaign.rules.Memory
required-type[6]    : com.fs.starfarer.campaign.rules.Memory
class[7]            : java.util.ArrayList
required-type[7]    : java.util.ArrayList
converter-type[2]   : com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.collections.CollectionConverter
class[8]            : shipmastery.campaign.recentbattles.RecentBattlesIntel
required-type[8]    : shipmastery.campaign.recentbattles.RecentBattlesIntel
class[9]            : com.fs.util.container.repo.ObjectRepository
required-type[9]    : com.fs.util.container.repo.ObjectRepository
class[10]           : com.fs.starfarer.campaign.comms.v2.IntelManager
required-type[10]   : com.fs.starfarer.campaign.comms.v2.IntelManager
class[11]           : com.fs.starfarer.campaign.CampaignEngine
required-type[11]   : com.fs.starfarer.campaign.CampaignEngine
converter-type[3]   :
version             : not available
com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.ConversionException: Failed calling method
---- Debugging information ----
message             : Failed calling method
cause-exception     : java.lang.NullPointerException
cause-message       : Cannot invoke "com.fs.starfarer.campaign.fleet.FleetData.getCommander()" because "this.fleetData" is null
method              : com.fs.starfarer.campaign.fleet.FleetMember.readResolve()
class               : com.fs.starfarer.campaign.fleet.FleetMember
required-type       : com.fs.starfarer.campaign.fleet.FleetMember
converter-type      : com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.reflection.ReflectionConverter
line number         : 1281804
class[1]            : java.util.LinkedHashMap
required-type[1]    : java.util.LinkedHashMap
converter-type[1]   : com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.collections.MapConverter
class[2]            : com.fs.starfarer.campaign.util.CollectionView
required-type[2]    : com.fs.starfarer.campaign.util.CollectionView
class[3]            : com.fs.starfarer.campaign.fleet.CampaignFleetView
required-type[3]    : com.fs.starfarer.campaign.fleet.CampaignFleetView
class[4]            : com.fs.starfarer.campaign.fleet.CampaignFleet
required-type[4]    : com.fs.starfarer.campaign.fleet.CampaignFleet
class[5]            : second_in_command.SCData
required-type[5]    : second_in_command.SCData
class[6]            : com.fs.starfarer.campaign.rules.Memory
required-type[6]    : com.fs.starfarer.campaign.rules.Memory
class[7]            : java.util.ArrayList
required-type[7]    : java.util.ArrayList
converter-type[2]   : com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.collections.CollectionConverter
class[8]            : shipmastery.campaign.recentbattles.RecentBattlesIntel
required-type[8]    : shipmastery.campaign.recentbattles.RecentBattlesIntel
class[9]            : com.fs.util.container.repo.ObjectRepository
required-type[9]    : com.fs.util.container.repo.ObjectRepository
class[10]           : com.fs.starfarer.campaign.comms.v2.IntelManager
required-type[10]   : com.fs.starfarer.campaign.comms.v2.IntelManager
class[11]           : com.fs.starfarer.campaign.CampaignEngine
required-type[11]   : com.fs.starfarer.campaign.CampaignEngine
converter-type[3]   :
version             : not available
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.core.util.SerializationMembers.callReadResolve( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.reflection.AbstractReflectionConverter.unma rshal( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.core.TreeUnmarshaller.convert( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.core.AbstractReferenceUnmarshaller.convert( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.core.TreeUnmarshaller.convertAnother( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.core.TreeUnmarshaller.convertAnother( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.collections.AbstractCollectionConverter.rea dBareItem( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.collections.AbstractCollectionConverter.rea dItem( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.collections.AbstractCollectionConverter.rea dCompleteItem( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.collections.MapConverter.putCurrentEntryInt oMap( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.collections.MapConverter.populateMap( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.collections.MapConverter.populateMap( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.collections.MapConverter.unmarshal( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.core.TreeUnmarshaller.convert( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.core.AbstractReferenceUnmarshaller.convert( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.core.TreeUnmarshaller.convertAnother( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.reflection.AbstractReflectionConverter.unma rshallField( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.reflection.AbstractReflectionConverter.doUn marshal( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.reflection.AbstractReflectionConverter.unma rshal( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.core.TreeUnmarshaller.convert( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.core.AbstractReferenceUnmarshaller.convert( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.core.TreeUnmarshaller.convertAnother( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.reflection.AbstractReflectionConverter.unma rshallField( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.reflection.AbstractReflectionConverter.doUn marshal( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.reflection.AbstractReflectionConverter.unma rshal( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.core.TreeUnmarshaller.convert( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.core.AbstractReferenceUnmarshaller.convert( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.core.TreeUnmarshaller.convertAnother( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.reflection.AbstractReflectionConverter.unma rshallField( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.reflection.AbstractReflectionConverter.doUn marshal( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.reflection.AbstractReflectionConverter.unma rshal( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.core.TreeUnmarshaller.convert( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.core.AbstractReferenceUnmarshaller.convert( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.core.TreeUnmarshaller.convertAnother( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.reflection.AbstractReflectionConverter.unma rshallField( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.reflection.AbstractReflectionConverter.doUn marshal( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.reflection.AbstractReflectionConverter.unma rshal( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.core.TreeUnmarshaller.convert( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.core.AbstractReferenceUnmarshaller.convert( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.core.TreeUnmarshaller.convertAnother( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.core.TreeUnmarshaller.convertAnother( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.collections.AbstractCollectionConverter.rea dBareItem( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.collections.AbstractCollectionConverter.rea dItem( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.collections.AbstractCollectionConverter.rea dCompleteItem( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.collections.MapConverter.putCurrentEntryInt oMap( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.collections.MapConverter.populateMap( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.collections.MapConverter.populateMap( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.collections.MapConverter.unmarshal( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.core.TreeUnmarshaller.convert( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.core.AbstractReferenceUnmarshaller.convert( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.core.TreeUnmarshaller.convertAnother( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.reflection.AbstractReflectionConverter.unma rshallField( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.reflection.AbstractReflectionConverter.doUn marshal( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.reflection.AbstractReflectionConverter.unma rshal( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.core.TreeUnmarshaller.convert( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.core.AbstractReferenceUnmarshaller.convert( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.core.TreeUnmarshaller.convertAnother( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.reflection.AbstractReflectionConverter.unma rshallField( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.reflection.AbstractReflectionConverter.doUn marshal( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.reflection.AbstractReflectionConverter.unma rshal( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.core.TreeUnmarshaller.convert( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.core.AbstractReferenceUnmarshaller.convert( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.core.TreeUnmarshaller.convertAnother( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.core.TreeUnmarshaller.convertAnother( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.collections.AbstractCollectionConverter.rea dBareItem( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.collections.AbstractCollectionConverter.rea dItem( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.collections.CollectionConverter.addCurrentE lementToCollection( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.collections.CollectionConverter.populateCol lection( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.collections.CollectionConverter.populateCol lection( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.collections.CollectionConverter.unmarshal( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.core.TreeUnmarshaller.convert( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.core.AbstractReferenceUnmarshaller.convert( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.core.TreeUnmarshaller.convertAnother( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.reflection.AbstractReflectionConverter.unma rshallField( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.reflection.AbstractReflectionConverter.doUn marshal( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.reflection.AbstractReflectionConverter.unma rshal( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.core.TreeUnmarshaller.convert( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.core.AbstractReferenceUnmarshaller.convert( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.core.TreeUnmarshaller.convertAnother( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.core.TreeUnmarshaller.convertAnother( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.collections.AbstractCollectionConverter.rea dBareItem( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.collections.AbstractCollectionConverter.rea dItem( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.collections.CollectionConverter.addCurrentE lementToCollection( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.collections.CollectionConverter.populateCol lection( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.collections.CollectionConverter.populateCol lection( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.collections.CollectionConverter.unmarshal( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.core.TreeUnmarshaller.convert( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.core.AbstractReferenceUnmarshaller.convert( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.core.TreeUnmarshaller.convertAnother( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.reflection.AbstractReflectionConverter.unma rshallField( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.reflection.AbstractReflectionConverter.doUn marshal( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.reflection.AbstractReflectionConverter.unma rshal( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.core.TreeUnmarshaller.convert( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.core.AbstractReferenceUnmarshaller.convert( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.core.TreeUnmarshaller.convertAnother( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.reflection.AbstractReflectionConverter.unma rshallField( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.reflection.AbstractReflectionConverter.doUn marshal( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.reflection.AbstractReflectionConverter.unma rshal( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.core.TreeUnmarshaller.convert( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.core.AbstractReferenceUnmarshaller.convert( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.core.TreeUnmarshaller.convertAnother( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.reflection.AbstractReflectionConverter.unma rshallField( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.reflection.AbstractReflectionConverter.doUn marshal( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.reflection.AbstractReflectionConverter.unma rshal( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.core.TreeUnmarshaller.convert( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.core.AbstractReferenceUnmarshaller.convert( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.core.TreeUnmarshaller.convertAnother( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.core.TreeUnmarshaller.convertAnother( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.core.TreeUnmarshaller.start( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.core.AbstractTreeMarshallingStrategy.unmarshal( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.XStream.unmarshal( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.XStream.unmarshal( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.XStream.fromXML( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   at Source) ~[port_obf.jar:?]
   at com.fs.starfarer.title.TitleScreenState.dialogDismissed(Unknown Source) ~[port_obf.jar:?]
   at com.fs.starfarer.ui.O.dismiss(Unknown Source) ~[port_obf.jar:?]
   at com.fs.starfarer.ui.impl.for.dismiss(Unknown Source) ~[port_obf.jar:?]
   at Source) ~[port_obf.jar:?]
   at com.fs.starfarer.ui.o0O0.buttonPressed(Unknown Source) ~[port_obf.jar:?]
   atÒ00000(Unknown Source) ~[port_obf.jar:?]
   at Source) ~[port_obf.jar:?]
   at com.fs.starfarer.ui.o0O0.processInputImpl(Unknown Source) ~[port_obf.jar:?]
   at com.fs.starfarer.ui.thissuper.processInput(Unknown Source) ~[port_obf.jar:?]
   at com.fs.starfarer.ui.g$Oo.processInputImpl(Unknown Source) ~[port_obf.jar:?]
   at com.fs.starfarer.ui.thissuper.processInput(Unknown Source) ~[port_obf.jar:?]
   at com.fs.starfarer.ui.o000.dispatchEventsToChildren(Unknown Source) ~[port_obf.jar:?]
   at com.fs.starfarer.ui.o000.processInputImpl(Unknown Source) ~[port_obf.jar:?]
   at com.fs.starfarer.ui.g.processInputImpl(Unknown Source) ~[port_obf.jar:?]
   at com.fs.starfarer.ui.thissuper.processInput(Unknown Source) ~[port_obf.jar:?]
   at com.fs.starfarer.ui.o000.dispatchEventsToChildren(Unknown Source) ~[port_obf.jar:?]
   at com.fs.starfarer.ui.o000.processInputImpl(Unknown Source) ~[port_obf.jar:?]
   at com.fs.starfarer.ui.thissuper.processInput(Unknown Source) ~[port_obf.jar:?]
   at com.fs.starfarer.ui.o000.dispatchEventsToChildren(Unknown Source) ~[port_obf.jar:?]
   at com.fs.starfarer.ui.o000.processInputImpl(Unknown Source) ~[port_obf.jar:?]
   at com.fs.starfarer.ui.thissuper.processInput(Unknown Source) ~[port_obf.jar:?]
   at com.fs.starfarer.E.I.processInputImpl(Unknown Source) ~[port_obf.jar:?]
   at com.fs.starfarer.ui.thissuper.processInput(Unknown Source) ~[port_obf.jar:?]
   at com.fs.starfarer.ui.o000.dispatchEventsToChildren(Unknown Source) ~[port_obf.jar:?]
   at com.fs.starfarer.ui.o000.processInputImpl(Unknown Source) ~[port_obf.jar:?]
   at com.fs.starfarer.ui.O.processInputImpl(Unknown Source) ~[port_obf.jar:?]
   at com.fs.starfarer.ui.thissuper.processInput(Unknown Source) ~[port_obf.jar:?]
   at com.fs.starfarer.ui.o000.dispatchEventsToChildren(Unknown Source) ~[port_obf.jar:?]
   at com.fs.starfarer.ui.o000.processInputImpl(Unknown Source) ~[port_obf.jar:?]
   at com.fs.starfarer.ui.thissuper.processInput(Unknown Source) ~[port_obf.jar:?]
   at com.fs.starfarer.title.TitleScreenState.processInput(Unknown Source) ~[port_obf.jar:?]
   at com.fs.starfarer.BaseGameState.traverse(Unknown Source) ~[port_obf.jar:?]
   at com.fs.state.AppDriver.begin(Unknown Source) ~[port.common_obf.jar:?]
   at com.fs.starfarer.combat.CombatMain.main(Unknown Source) ~[port_obf.jar:?]
   at com.fs.starfarer.StarfarerLauncher.super(Unknown Source) ~[port_obf.jar:?]
   at com.fs.starfarer.StarfarerLauncher$ Source) ~[port_obf.jar:?]
   at java.base/ [?:?]
Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "com.fs.starfarer.campaign.fleet.FleetData.getCommander()" because "this.fleetData" is null
   at com.fs.starfarer.campaign.fleet.CampaignFleet.getCommander(Unknown Source) ~[port_obf.jar:?]
   at com.fs.starfarer.campaign.fleet.CampaignFleet.getCommander(Unknown Source) ~[port_obf.jar:?]
   at exoticatechnologies.util.FleetMemberUtils.getFleetCommander(FleetMemberUtils.kt:147) ~[?:?]
   at exoticatechnologies.modifications.exotics.impl.PlasmaFluxCatalyst.applyExoticTo Stats(PlasmaFluxCatalyst.kt:73) ~[?:?]
   at exoticatechnologies.hullmods.ExoticaTechHM.applyEffectsBeforeShipCreation( ~[?:?]
   at com.fs.starfarer.campaign.fleet.FleetMember.updateStats(Unknown Source) ~[port_obf.jar:?]
   at com.fs.starfarer.campaign.fleet.FleetMember.readResolve(Unknown Source) ~[port_obf.jar:?]
   at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.DirectMethodHandleAccessor.invoke( ~[?:?]
   at java.base/java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( ~[?:?]
   at com.thoughtworks.xstream.core.util.SerializationMembers.callReadResolve( ~[xstream-1.4.17.jar:1.4.17]
   ... 150 more

The save was created with 1.2.11 (I think), but the failure to load happens both with 1.2.11 and 1.2.12. I can provide the save if you need it, but it's too big to attach to this post.

Looks like a crash with Exotica. Im Gonna ask Kaysaar to see if he can fix it.

Are there a way to have skills regarding planet Admistrating/ Industry for the Player?

Not on the player, just admins.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Bobamelius on December 13, 2024, 12:54:19 AM
Ended up disabling this mod because XOs don't get any experience from non-combat sources. I'm doing a mining/surveying focused game (at least starting out) and I'm completely kneecapped by not being able to get any kind of logistical skills aside from the free one you get upon hiring an XO.

I was looking forward to exploring this mod, but I don't want to be locked into fighting 24/7 from the very beginning of the game.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Lukas04 on December 13, 2024, 01:04:08 AM
Ended up disabling this mod because XOs don't get any experience from non-combat sources. I'm doing a mining/surveying focused game (at least starting out) and I'm completely kneecapped by not being able to get any kind of logistical skills aside from the free one you get upon hiring an XO.

I was looking forward to exploring this mod, but I don't want to be locked into fighting 24/7 from the very beginning of the game.

Il probs look in to improving the XP listener at some point, but its a rather low priority for now since the mod is more fit for a more standard playstyle anyways.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Thoutzan on December 13, 2024, 02:30:31 AM
Easily one of my favorite Starsector mods of ALL TIME. Thank you for making this happen!!! @Lukas04
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Lukas04 on December 13, 2024, 02:39:57 AM
Easily one of my favorite Starsector mods of ALL TIME. Thank you for making this happen!!! @Lukas04

Glad your enjoying it!
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Morgan Rue on December 13, 2024, 11:17:09 AM
2nd-in-command's bar event works differently from every vanilla bar event; it goes away when you say no.  This is very awkward as it's, uh, not the expected behavior.  It's especially unfortunate if you want to check something in your fleet or similar before making a decision on which XO to take.

I... guesss it's flagged as a story event maybe, which can be one-time things...?  It doesn't exactly feel like it is one, or should go away, though.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: taerkar on December 13, 2024, 05:35:41 PM
Can you add in an option to have a multiplier for the DP or fleet size related skills to have them scale if the max fleet size number is adjusted?
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Lukas04 on December 13, 2024, 07:27:18 PM
2nd-in-command's bar event works differently from every vanilla bar event; it goes away when you say no.  This is very awkward as it's, uh, not the expected behavior.  It's especially unfortunate if you want to check something in your fleet or similar before making a decision on which XO to take.

I... guesss it's flagged as a story event maybe, which can be one-time things...?  It doesn't exactly feel like it is one, or should go away, though.

It goes away as you decline the offer, which is done like this so that you can just decline and dont have to see it again, in case you are the kind of person to not want a starting choice
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: TimeDiver on December 13, 2024, 07:35:32 PM
2nd-in-command's bar event works differently from every vanilla bar event; it goes away when you say no.  This is very awkward as it's, uh, not the expected behavior.  It's especially unfortunate if you want to check something in your fleet or similar before making a decision on which XO to take.

I... guesss it's flagged as a story event maybe, which can be one-time things...?  It doesn't exactly feel like it is one, or should go away, though.

It goes away as you decline the offer, which is done like this so that you can just decline and dont have to see it again, in case you are the kind of person to not want a starting choice
At the risk of coming off as greedy... is there anything that stops you from coding in a third option in rules.csv that amounts to: "Not interested; no need to ask me ever again" while changing the default 'refuse' choice to more of: "Not right now; need to do some other tasks before I can give you an answer."
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Lukas04 on December 13, 2024, 08:39:37 PM
2nd-in-command's bar event works differently from every vanilla bar event; it goes away when you say no.  This is very awkward as it's, uh, not the expected behavior.  It's especially unfortunate if you want to check something in your fleet or similar before making a decision on which XO to take.

I... guesss it's flagged as a story event maybe, which can be one-time things...?  It doesn't exactly feel like it is one, or should go away, though.

It goes away as you decline the offer, which is done like this so that you can just decline and dont have to see it again, in case you are the kind of person to not want a starting choice
At the risk of coming off as greedy... is there anything that stops you from coding in a third option in rules.csv that amounts to: "Not interested; no need to ask me ever again" while changing the default 'refuse' choice to more of: "Not right now; need to do some other tasks before I can give you an answer."

Should be easy to add
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Morgan Rue on December 14, 2024, 12:01:20 PM
Right now, I feel the various categories for XOs aren't very interesting, and despite the low number of XO slots, you aren't really forced to make choices due to there being... three very generically strong and useful categories- Tactical, Technical and Warfare.  Tactical has range boosts and some powerful damage boosts, Technical has speed boosts and flux boosts, and Warfare has range boosts, maneuverability and armor boosts.  These are all quite powerful and generic enough to apply to everything.  What if instead of these, there were three 'doctrines' which are, yes, generically strong, but also mutually exclusive with each other in the way which Starfaring / Piracy is, and more rooted in Vanilla's flavor.  This would hopefully open up more interesting build choices and encourage players to take the other 'more niche' skill trees.

Doctrine concepts
Decisive Battle (Hegemony's preferred doctrine / Low Tech):
Range!!, ballistic weaponry, armor, keeping opponents engaged and getting that initial engagement.  Hegemony (and to some extent Low Tech ships) *loves* doing one big, decisive engagement.  Two fleets collide, one fleet emerges.  Warfare has a lot of this in it already, but isn't it exactly, i think.  Burn Drive exemplifies this doctrine, I feel.

Hit & Run (Tritachyon's preferred doctrine / High Tech)
Shields, speed, flux capacity & Active Venting.  Also phase ships, though Phase Ships should probably get their own XO.  Tritachyon (and to some extent High Tech ships) loves to be able to engage and disengage at will.  Technical has a lot of this in it already, but, again, isn't exactly it.  The Aurora is obviously the thing which exemplifies this doctrine.

Close Support (Persean League's preferred doctrine / Midline)
This one is a little trickier.  The Persean League likes to have ships which support other ships, either via missiles or via long ranged weaponry(Vigilance, Gryphon), and other ships to keep hostile ships occupied(Falcon, Eagle).  I'd advocate for Zero-Flux boost, missiles, and maybe some weapon output stuff(Sunder & Hammerhead).  Tactics is... vaguely this?  Probably also some defeat-in-detail stuff- the Conquest is, yes, good at Close Support and has a lot of missiles, but is also *the* flagship for defeat-in-detail tactics.  Conquest is probably also the poster for this doctrine.  Oh, if any of these should get that 'beam weapons deal hard flux damage', it should be Close Support, not Hit & Run.

...part of this is just making Speed and Range mutually exclusive instead of allowing players to take both.  But I do pretty strongly feel that Smallcraft, Strikecraft etcetera aren't really competitive options compared to Tactics, Technical and Warfare.  Starfaring is good, Piracy is interesting, I think those two are fine.

oh, it's also notable that the player can't get Industrial Planning with this mod.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: SoSD on December 14, 2024, 02:30:33 PM
Just started my first game with Second-in-Command and while I am enjoying the Smallcraft aptitude, I am really missing vanilla Bulk Transport.

I'm accustomed to quickly getting to a 20 burn fleet with Bulk Transport and Navigation, which has made plodding along at 16 burn in the early game a bit painful.

Perhaps this is the design intent - but I would personally prefer being able to get 20 burn (both in and out of hyperspace) via taking Starfaring in the early game, then swapping out to something else later once you can afford to bring along some tugs.

Thanks for the great mods~
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: 5ColouredWalker on December 14, 2024, 02:44:23 PM
Not necessarily agreeing, but being mutually exclusive would make Fleet Management feel less bad to take as a early manage to ensure they're not as under-levelled when it comes time to consider adding an extra S-Mod to your fleet, and makes options like Automation exist as interesting side options to consider instead of Fleet Management. (Or as a 'I don't need logistics right now option. which, Heresy given how good Piracy and Logistics is.)

On a similar note, I feel there should be a Fighter combat skill for fleets with a carrier commander even if not using the fighter doctrine officer.

...part of this is just making Speed and Range mutually exclusive instead of allowing players to take both.  But I do pretty strongly feel that Smallcraft, Strikecraft etcetera aren't really competitive options compared to Tactics, Technical and Warfare.  Starfaring is good, Piracy is interesting, I think those two are fine.

oh, it's also notable that the player can't get Industrial Planning with this mod.

I think Smallcraft is probably meant for the Nex start option where you give up Cruisers/Capitals for a frigate boost. It'd also be better early game where it's mostly frigate on frigate with maybe a cruiser or two. Even better if you nab piracy + the doctrine officer that boosts frigates.

Also, Fighter is probably best considered a Doctrine for fighter heavy factions, which are very feast or famine. I imagine Carters Freetraders, Junk Yard Dogs, Auroran Federation, VIC, and Diable Avionics all value it quite highly in carrier fleets. (I have 3 of those, but haven't tried it yet.)
That said working from memory, it should get some manoeuvrability boosters to go with the speed boosters.

Just started my first game with Second-in-Command and while I am enjoying the Smallcraft aptitude, I am really missing vanilla Bulk Transport.

All those abilities are in the Starfarer and Piracy officers.
Albeit with Navigation broken in half to Stealthy Navigation (Given to Piracy, with a little bit of normal navigation) and normal navigation given to Starfarer.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Phenir on December 14, 2024, 02:51:53 PM
Right now, I feel the various categories for XOs aren't very interesting, and despite the low number of XO slots, you aren't really forced to make choices due to there being... three very generically strong and useful categories- Tactical, Technical and Warfare.  Tactical has range boosts and some powerful damage boosts, Technical has speed boosts and flux boosts, and Warfare has range boosts, maneuverability and armor boosts.  These are all quite powerful and generic enough to apply to everything.  What if instead of these, there were three 'doctrines' which are, yes, generically strong, but also mutually exclusive with each other in the way which Starfaring / Piracy is, and more rooted in Vanilla's flavor.  This would hopefully open up more interesting build choices and encourage players to take the other 'more niche' skill trees.
Can't believe you didn't mention management for being generically useful. It is generic: the XO. Yeah it's officer centered but that's still 10 ships in your fleet (or more if you go automated) getting massive bonuses and some of them work without officers, like authority. Side note: I think officer management needs a buff.
I think Smallcraft is probably meant for the Nex start option where you give up Cruisers/Capitals for a frigate boost. It'd also be better early game where it's mostly frigate on frigate with maybe a cruiser or two. Even better if you nab piracy + the doctrine officer that boosts frigates.
Smallcraft is the frigate XO. or did you mean something else by doctrine officer?
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: 5ColouredWalker on December 14, 2024, 03:01:14 PM
To Clarrify, I mean the Smallcraft Doctrine Officer is probably best if you also take the starting option that gives you a seperate frigate/destroyer buff for giving up cruisers and larger).
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Reshy on December 14, 2024, 07:53:18 PM
I did want to ask since this is a discrepancy I noticed, but why do System Mastery and Missile Specialization cost more in the mod?  It seems a bit weird especially since officers can have both of them almost immediately whereas you're uniquely incapable as a pilot.

Additionally, the implementation of needing to destroy 6 Onslaughts (plus their brand new officers) to remove a single hull mod is laughably disproportionate, especially since it's still random so it's 6 onslaughts to remove a single d-mod from a single frigate.
That's a disingenuous interpretation of the effect. It's just 240 dp total, it doesn't matter what that DP actually comes from. Could be freighters (so yeah, you should autoresolve those fleeing civ ships), could be like 6 tiny pirate frigate fleets in a row. Could be a full remnant ordo that actually has like 400 dp so there's a pretty good chance you actually get 2 dmods removed out of it or could be a system's worth of derelict defense fleets.
Again, this sounds like piracy not starfaring.  Piracy should be with the piracy tree, not half wedged into starfaring.

As for wasting it on frigates, spend 10-40k on repairing them first? It can't repair your frigates if they don't have dmods.
Because the point of starfaring is to give your fleet more endurance being far from home IE:  No shipyards.  Restoring them back at home base runs counter to the point of the tree.

I think you'll find many of the skills are a bit nerfed here but that is made up by being able to have 3 XOs. Even if you spend a slot on piracy or starfaring (you don't have to use a logistics officer btw), I'm certain it's still an increase in player power.
Most notable fleets I've encountered have had two combat-specialized XOs each with capped level.  Assuming you are devoting one slot to your logistics you're only breaking even at best, but the NPC fleets don't take any experience to have high level XOs yours however require a major amount.

Will comment that the "killing X DP of ships" effect also feels like it should be in the Piracy XO tree rather than starfaring (since starfaring is in every other case about maintaining your stuff and finding new stuff, not fighting other fleets).
To me, starfaring is the "I'm gonna explore the sector and survey and loot literally every planet I come across" tree. While you're out doing that kind of stuff, you'll definitely find some opportunities to fight stuff still. Plus I don't think pirates are really concerned with restoring their stuff, they'd probably sell the scraps they'd use to do that instead hence the credit capstone. Additionally, while there is a theme for the each skill tree, they are not intended to only be used within that theme. There's even a loading tip added that says exactly that.
I feel like this isn't really accurately answered and you're contradicting your own point from earlier by saying "just restore forehead" when you're in deep space far from home.

Ended up disabling this mod because XOs don't get any experience from non-combat sources. I'm doing a mining/surveying focused game (at least starting out) and I'm completely kneecapped by not being able to get any kind of logistical skills aside from the free one you get upon hiring an XO.

I was looking forward to exploring this mod, but I don't want to be locked into fighting 24/7 from the very beginning of the game.

This has been my experience as well, the XOs level up super slowly and the AI fleets usually only ever have max or near-Max XOs anyway.  Maybe a system where you can just hire captured XOs would be better, that way if you do fight one of the steroided up fleets and win you can claim the experienced XOs for your own.

Right now, I feel the various categories for XOs aren't very interesting, and despite the low number of XO slots, you aren't really forced to make choices due to there being... three very generically strong and useful categories- Tactical, Technical and Warfare.  Tactical has range boosts and some powerful damage boosts, Technical has speed boosts and flux boosts, and Warfare has range boosts, maneuverability and armor boosts.  These are all quite powerful and generic enough to apply to everything.  What if instead of these, there were three 'doctrines' which are, yes, generically strong, but also mutually exclusive with each other in the way which Starfaring / Piracy is, and more rooted in Vanilla's flavor.  This would hopefully open up more interesting build choices and encourage players to take the other 'more niche' skill trees.
This is something I noticed, if you take the full combat buff options you run into a situation where your ships are so roided up that you'll barely take losses, this combined with nerfs to D-mod negating skills you get a win more and lose more dynamic that's not the greatest.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Lukas04 on December 15, 2024, 05:05:23 AM
Right now, I feel the various categories for XOs aren't very interesting, and despite the low number of XO slots, you aren't really forced to make choices due to there being... three very generically strong and useful categories- Tactical, Technical and Warfare.  Tactical has range boosts and some powerful damage boosts, Technical has speed boosts and flux boosts, and Warfare has range boosts, maneuverability and armor boosts.  These are all quite powerful and generic enough to apply to everything.  What if instead of these, there were three 'doctrines' which are, yes, generically strong, but also mutually exclusive with each other in the way which Starfaring / Piracy is, and more rooted in Vanilla's flavor.  This would hopefully open up more interesting build choices and encourage players to take the other 'more niche' skill trees.

Doctrine concepts
Decisive Battle (Hegemony's preferred doctrine / Low Tech):
Range!!, ballistic weaponry, armor, keeping opponents engaged and getting that initial engagement.  Hegemony (and to some extent Low Tech ships) *loves* doing one big, decisive engagement.  Two fleets collide, one fleet emerges.  Warfare has a lot of this in it already, but isn't it exactly, i think.  Burn Drive exemplifies this doctrine, I feel.

Hit & Run (Tritachyon's preferred doctrine / High Tech)
Shields, speed, flux capacity & Active Venting.  Also phase ships, though Phase Ships should probably get their own XO.  Tritachyon (and to some extent High Tech ships) loves to be able to engage and disengage at will.  Technical has a lot of this in it already, but, again, isn't exactly it.  The Aurora is obviously the thing which exemplifies this doctrine.

Close Support (Persean League's preferred doctrine / Midline)
This one is a little trickier.  The Persean League likes to have ships which support other ships, either via missiles or via long ranged weaponry(Vigilance, Gryphon), and other ships to keep hostile ships occupied(Falcon, Eagle).  I'd advocate for Zero-Flux boost, missiles, and maybe some weapon output stuff(Sunder & Hammerhead).  Tactics is... vaguely this?  Probably also some defeat-in-detail stuff- the Conquest is, yes, good at Close Support and has a lot of missiles, but is also *the* flagship for defeat-in-detail tactics.  Conquest is probably also the poster for this doctrine.  Oh, if any of these should get that 'beam weapons deal hard flux damage', it should be Close Support, not Hit & Run.

...part of this is just making Speed and Range mutually exclusive instead of allowing players to take both.  But I do pretty strongly feel that Smallcraft, Strikecraft etcetera aren't really competitive options compared to Tactics, Technical and Warfare.  Starfaring is good, Piracy is interesting, I think those two are fine.

oh, it's also notable that the player can't get Industrial Planning with this mod.

I personaly prefer most aptitudes being generaly useful in a variety of situation, i think it makes the choice more fun, especialy because you arent limited to just what appears the definitly perfect fit right from the beginning. Theres a bunch of specialised aptitudes & theres rather generic ones, and imo combining them is just rather fun, and thats what ive seen from general feedback on the discord so far as well. The Solution provided here kind of just dumbs down the choices you get.

Just started my first game with Second-in-Command and while I am enjoying the Smallcraft aptitude, I am really missing vanilla Bulk Transport.

I'm accustomed to quickly getting to a 20 burn fleet with Bulk Transport and Navigation, which has made plodding along at 16 burn in the early game a bit painful.

Perhaps this is the design intent - but I would personally prefer being able to get 20 burn (both in and out of hyperspace) via taking Starfaring in the early game, then swapping out to something else later once you can afford to bring along some tugs.

Thanks for the great mods~

While Bulk-Transport no longer has the +2 burn for civilian ships, Navigation is unchanged and Starfarings origin skill provides a flat +2 boost while in Hyperspace. That one is of course not doubled by sustained burn, in case all your ships are just logi, but i think thats good enough.

//Replying to Reshy here, for some reason the Forum Quotes are really messed up when replying to that one so not doing that
Not sure why you are so hung up on the aspect of Starfaring having that dmod repairing skill, Starfaring is really generic and i dont think making use of salvage from Combat to fix up your ships is something only Pirates would ever do.

On Terms of difficulty, NPC fleets are capped to not be able to have as many skills as the player at maximum, generaly 1 less but there is also a random roll to further decrease available skills. They are also much less capable at making good use of those skills.

For the people not really liking those answers, id recommend just not using the mod to be honest. Its pretty shaped to what i want from the mod and im not really going to change it all that much in core structure. I do want to overhaull Logistics a little but thats another story. Ive personaly used my mod a ton so far and im having a blast with it, and im also having a blast talking to people using it on the discord, so i dont quite see a reason for me to change the large aspects anymore.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: cghhj on December 15, 2024, 08:02:43 AM
Well, I guess if you want some skill combine really hard... you can make your personal XO expansion?
So there will be SUCH KIND of officer spawn for you to hire.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Morgan Rue on December 15, 2024, 08:13:12 AM
I personaly prefer most aptitudes being generaly useful in a variety of situation, i think it makes the choice more fun, especialy because you arent limited to just what appears the definitly perfect fit right from the beginning. Theres a bunch of specialised aptitudes & theres rather generic ones, and imo combining them is just rather fun, and thats what ive seen from general feedback on the discord so far as well. The Solution provided here kind of just dumbs down the choices you get.
I find that restrictions often increase build variety rather than decreasing it, though it definitely depends.  I guess I'd worry about forcing people into the various doctrines?
...are there people who aren't using any of Tactical / Technical / Warfare right now?

For the people not really liking those answers, id recommend just not using the mod to be honest. Its pretty shaped to what i want from the mod and im not really going to change it all that much in core structure. I do want to overhaull Logistics a little but thats another story. Ive personaly used my mod a ton so far and im having a blast with it, and im also having a blast talking to people using it on the discord, so i dont quite see a reason for me to change the large aspects anymore.
That's entirely fair and reasonable.  It's probably just not my thing.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Lukas04 on December 15, 2024, 08:44:02 AM
I personaly prefer most aptitudes being generaly useful in a variety of situation, i think it makes the choice more fun, especialy because you arent limited to just what appears the definitly perfect fit right from the beginning. Theres a bunch of specialised aptitudes & theres rather generic ones, and imo combining them is just rather fun, and thats what ive seen from general feedback on the discord so far as well. The Solution provided here kind of just dumbs down the choices you get.
I find that restrictions often increase build variety rather than decreasing it, though it definitely depends.  I guess I'd worry about forcing people into the various doctrines?
...are there people who aren't using any of Tactical / Technical / Warfare right now?

For the people not really liking those answers, id recommend just not using the mod to be honest. Its pretty shaped to what i want from the mod and im not really going to change it all that much in core structure. I do want to overhaull Logistics a little but thats another story. Ive personaly used my mod a ton so far and im having a blast with it, and im also having a blast talking to people using it on the discord, so i dont quite see a reason for me to change the large aspects anymore.
That's entirely fair and reasonable.  It's probably just not my thing.

Technical & Warfare are pretty popular, as it makes sense since their very mutable, you can use them for whatever kind of fleet. But theres more than enough builds where i dont think you have the space for any of them either. Generaly, yes you can probs get that one meta-build somehow, but if thats the sole thing you wanna find then the mod probably isnt for you. The mods goal is to give the options to specialise and show cool stuff that you may wanna make use of, not entirely force you to.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Phenir on December 15, 2024, 02:03:42 PM
Additionally, the implementation of needing to destroy 6 Onslaughts (plus their brand new officers) to remove a single hull mod is laughably disproportionate, especially since it's still random so it's 6 onslaughts to remove a single d-mod from a single frigate.
That's a disingenuous interpretation of the effect. It's just 240 dp total, it doesn't matter what that DP actually comes from. Could be freighters (so yeah, you should autoresolve those fleeing civ ships), could be like 6 tiny pirate frigate fleets in a row. Could be a full remnant ordo that actually has like 400 dp so there's a pretty good chance you actually get 2 dmods removed out of it or could be a system's worth of derelict defense fleets.
Again, this sounds like piracy not starfaring.  Piracy should be with the piracy tree, not half wedged into starfaring.
Since when do pirates spend their spare time hunting remnants and derelicts?
As for wasting it on frigates, spend 10-40k on repairing them first? It can't repair your frigates if they don't have dmods.
Because the point of starfaring is to give your fleet more endurance being far from home IE:  No shipyards.  Restoring them back at home base runs counter to the point of the tree.
You do have to go back home at some point and run maintenance and resupply.
I think you'll find many of the skills are a bit nerfed here but that is made up by being able to have 3 XOs. Even if you spend a slot on piracy or starfaring (you don't have to use a logistics officer btw), I'm certain it's still an increase in player power.
Most notable fleets I've encountered have had two combat-specialized XOs each with capped level.  Assuming you are devoting one slot to your logistics you're only breaking even at best, but the NPC fleets don't take any experience to have high level XOs yours however require a major amount.
Unless they are specifically assigned, there is a good chance their XOs are poorly optimized while the player can build around their XOs. Also it sounds like you might be playing on hard mode if they have such high level XOs in which case you don't really have room to complain about such a thing, you asked for it.
Will comment that the "killing X DP of ships" effect also feels like it should be in the Piracy XO tree rather than starfaring (since starfaring is in every other case about maintaining your stuff and finding new stuff, not fighting other fleets).
To me, starfaring is the "I'm gonna explore the sector and survey and loot literally every planet I come across" tree. While you're out doing that kind of stuff, you'll definitely find some opportunities to fight stuff still. Plus I don't think pirates are really concerned with restoring their stuff, they'd probably sell the scraps they'd use to do that instead hence the credit capstone. Additionally, while there is a theme for the each skill tree, they are not intended to only be used within that theme. There's even a loading tip added that says exactly that.
I feel like this isn't really accurately answered and you're contradicting your own point from earlier by saying "just restore forehead" when you're in deep space far from home.
There isn't any contradiction. You can explore and still go home to restore occasionally if you find your frigates somehow have several dmods despite having a pretty good chance of not getting dmod in the first place.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: spaceEel on December 20, 2024, 04:14:30 AM
So I found a small issue with the neural junction skill where the x2 multiplier on automated points sticks to the player forever if the skill was ever taken, even if the xo is dissmised so if the player gets another way to command droneships like the digital soul skill form tahlan they still get that penalty.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: 5ColouredWalker on December 20, 2024, 06:16:39 PM
I personaly prefer most aptitudes being generaly useful in a variety of situation, i think it makes the choice more fun, especialy because you arent limited to just what appears the definitly perfect fit right from the beginning. Theres a bunch of specialised aptitudes & theres rather generic ones, and imo combining them is just rather fun, and thats what ive seen from general feedback on the discord so far as well. The Solution provided here kind of just dumbs down the choices you get.
I find that restrictions often increase build variety rather than decreasing it, though it definitely depends.  I guess I'd worry about forcing people into the various doctrines?
...are there people who aren't using any of Tactical / Technical / Warfare right now?
Starfaring/Piracy, Automated Ships, Strikecraft.

Piracy is great for early build up and stealth. Automated is great for early fleet building and giving you a ton of derelict ships you don't care about, Later transitioning into better ones (Remnant, or if using mods Enigma), meanwhile some solid carriers back that up, and are also generally pretty good against derelict and pirates for the early build up.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: cghhj on December 23, 2024, 06:53:35 AM
Fine, wolved it myself, nothing really wrong(
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: robepriority on December 23, 2024, 07:21:00 AM
I think the issue with logistics is that there isn't enough endgame to push against using logistics in a run with only SiC.
I definitely feel like when I'm rushing Galatia or still forming up my fleet, getting more specialized combat trees such as strikecraft or warfare doesn't seem particularly useful.

However, with post-game mods such as KoL and RAT(abyss) giving
1) Very specialized threats that need the extra combat tree (trying to kill things by volume will just feed)
2) More specialized tools that increase the effectiveness of said buffs

I typically drop starfaring/piracy by then.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: taerkar on December 24, 2024, 08:50:36 AM
Can you add in an option to have a multiplier for the DP or fleet size related skills to have them scale if the max fleet size number is adjusted?

Another request for this, or instructions on how to change it manually?
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: memeextremist on December 25, 2024, 06:06:34 PM
this looks pretty sick, Lukas. gonna give it a try now!
update: love it. 10/10
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: alaricdragon on December 26, 2024, 12:30:32 PM
random bug report time!
if you save the moment you start a new game, play for a while, then reload the save, your game will slow down to about 0.01 fps until the magic of the holidays graces your game in the form of the events special second in command person. given the low FPS at this ponit, this can take about 45 seconds, but it is really frustrating.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Lukas04 on December 26, 2024, 04:07:02 PM
random bug report time!
if you save the moment you start a new game, play for a while, then reload the save, your game will slow down to about 0.01 fps until the magic of the holidays graces your game in the form of the events special second in command person. given the low FPS at this ponit, this can take about 45 seconds, but it is really frustrating.

Not really sure what would be happening there, havent gotten any such report from anyone and looking at my code id be confused on where it could be coming from. Either way, the event is about to end for the last person on earth in about 8 hours.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: magitsu on December 29, 2024, 05:01:45 AM
I witnessed such slowdown too, but I cannot reliably say that it was due to SiC. And it did not last of 45 secs, more like 4.
It is probably just random artefact due to alt tabbing and affinity changes, because I witnessed it only once during 4 days of playing.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: alexman91 on December 29, 2024, 12:10:47 PM
can u mod the files to unlock slots for all officers?
can u unlock more slots by levling up somehow?
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Shinr on December 29, 2024, 12:46:25 PM
can u mod the files to unlock slots for all officers?
can u unlock more slots by levling up somehow?

There is nothing to unlock, the three slots is all there is.

And Lukas04 already answered, many times, that they had no intention of changing that.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Vocation on December 30, 2024, 06:08:22 AM
this mod along with some others make enemies really strong. Strong enemies like omega, enigma and abyss fleets with executive officers with the right skills can make them so broken if they get a good combination. It makes them exponentially stronger.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Lukas04 on December 30, 2024, 07:54:58 AM
this mod along with some others make enemies really strong. Strong enemies like omega, enigma and abyss fleets with executive officers with the right skills can make them so broken if they get a good combination. It makes them exponentially stronger.

If they feel to strong feel free to decrease the difficulty in the configs.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Shinr on December 30, 2024, 08:39:28 AM
Had a most random thought of trying to match the Aptitudes with the Alpha Centauri characters without duplications:

Diedre Skye - Strikecraft

If SiC had an Industry aptitude and it had pollution-type hazard reduction skills, that would've been her pick. Instead she gets Strikecraft because 1) Its green like her faction color and 2) Kind of simulating her lore preference of using worms as "auxiliaries";

Sheng-ji Yang - Automation

It is not like Yang treats people any better than drones;

Prokhor Zakharov - Technical

Self-explanatory, really. High Tech all day, every day;

Nwabudike Morgan - Starfaring

If SiC had an Industry aptitude, Morgan would've had it and speced for maximum exploitation. Instead he gets the aptitude that give hims the most opportunity for trading;
Corazon Santiago - Warfare

Really, the Spartan lady has her pick of combat flavor here, but Warfare is the most obvious choice.

Miriam Godwinson - Smallcraft

Horde of pather zealots incoming;

Pravin Lav - Management

For maximum officer-related bonuses similar to his extra Talent bonus in SMAC;


Crossfire bonus:

Aki Zeta-Five - Symbiosis from Emergent Threats

For Cybernetic goodness;

Ulrik Svensgaard - Piracy

The Pirate is gonna Pirate;

Foreman Domai - Improvisation or Dustkeeper XO

The former if it was just the "vanilla" aptitudes, but the Dustkeeper XO would make him a lore-appropriate mirror to Yang;

Sinder Roze - Tactical or Improvisation

Out of the remaining scraps, the Hacker lady gets a pick of Tactical (for flexibility) or Improvisation (cause Cyberpunk)

Prophet Cha Dawn - ???

No matter what is left, it doesn't fit him. The only other alternative is for both Manifold factions to share an Aptitude so that Cha gets a freed one, and out of those two only the Abyssal one barely fits because of "attuned to something supernatural" thing.

Manifold Usurpers and Caretakers - Abyssal and/or Exotech

Alien(-like) aptitudes for Aliens.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Phenir on December 30, 2024, 04:28:53 PM
this mod along with some others make enemies really strong. Strong enemies like omega, enigma and abyss fleets with executive officers with the right skills can make them so broken if they get a good combination. It makes them exponentially stronger.
There's easy mode if you find it too hard. It makes enemies get less skills.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Vocation on December 31, 2024, 10:45:25 AM
I changed it to easy mode and uninstalled exotica mod. It made the enemies a lot more fair to fight. I was just kinda peeved about an enemy that had nearly infinite phase time and seemed impossible to kill.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Dextixer on January 08, 2025, 01:20:16 PM
Hello there Lukas. The SiC of "Starfaring" has a skill "Starmapping" that prevent the fleet from being slowed down when active scanning. However, active scanning still throws people out of sustained burn, thus slowing them. Do you think the skill could also prevent the fleet being thrown out of sustained burn while scanning? Or do you think it would make it too unbalanced?
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: qingfeng on January 09, 2025, 05:43:05 AM
Can't the ship module receive bonuses from the deputy officer
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: t3rm1dor on January 09, 2025, 12:04:49 PM
I see that in the mod combat skills get elite by default - is the SP that needs to do that accounted for as well?

Also compare to vainilla I think one of the biggest difference is in regards to 240 deployment scaling skills, on big fleets in particualar enjoying the full bonus is overall stronger.

As for suggestions, it would be cool to have officiers not be available from bars, the cryo pods would be a good candidates for unique ones, and for example automation in the persean sector doesn't make much sense with Hegemony imposed ai laws.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: thebrickhead on January 09, 2025, 12:12:07 PM
my biggest gripe with the mod that preventing me from using is the fact your non-combat xp only goes towards your combat skills and sort of forces you to murderhobo as much as possible to get those logistical skills you really need for an explorer/trade fleet
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Pushover on January 09, 2025, 04:15:32 PM
my biggest gripe with the mod that preventing me from using is the fact your non-combat xp only goes towards your combat skills and sort of forces you to murderhobo as much as possible to get those logistical skills you really need for an explorer/trade fleet
As someone who does a lot of trading, I didn't feel like this was a serious issue. It takes very little combat to hit level 2 on your officers. Bulk Transport is good enough for early game trading, and I'll get enough combat just incidentally from bumping into pirates or in the process of fixing my rep from smuggling to get level 2/3 for more exploration oriented skills. I would still agree that non combat XP should work for leveling XOs, or at least Logistical ones.

On a different note:

Minor exploit - you can assign yourself to an automated ship via the Neural Junction skill from the Automation tree, then swap that officer out to a different role (e.g. Technical) and continue to pilot the flagship.
EDIT: Typo - On Efficient Ordnance: "per ordnance point spendt on weapons".
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Hatboxer on January 09, 2025, 04:27:37 PM
Hello there Lukas. The SiC of "Starfaring" has a skill "Starmapping" that prevent the fleet from being slowed down when active scanning. However, active scanning still throws people out of sustained burn, thus slowing them.

Thats not how it works for me.  Scanning doesn't break sustained burn.  Are you sure you have the skill selected?
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Re-Search-er on January 14, 2025, 06:28:41 PM
Tiny little problem: I can't find the sector seed in the new character sheet.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Brainwright on January 15, 2025, 06:45:12 AM
Hello there Lukas. The SiC of "Starfaring" has a skill "Starmapping" that prevent the fleet from being slowed down when active scanning. However, active scanning still throws people out of sustained burn, thus slowing them.

Thats not how it works for me.  Scanning doesn't break sustained burn.  Are you sure you have the skill selected?

Scanning breaks just about every other mode in vanilla Starsector.  Scanning not breaking Sustained Burn is a feature of the QoL pack.  So Dextixer needs to download the QoL pack and configure it to how he likes it.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: krisslanza on January 15, 2025, 04:12:55 PM
Come to think of it, with this mod, doesn't this mean the player is now an extremely terrible planetary administrator? Since we only learn Combat skills now, and far as I see, we don't gain the admin skills from leveling up or anything either.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Veritas427 on January 18, 2025, 01:56:03 AM
Come to think of it, with this mod, doesn't this mean the player is now an extremely terrible planetary administrator? Since we only learn Combat skills now, and far as I see, we don't gain the admin skills from leveling up or anything either.

The only player skill from vanilla that affected colonies in .97 is Industrial Planning, which you can very easily find administrators to cover. Yes it means you make less passive income, no you're not "extremely terrible" because you can still manage 2 colonies without a stability penalty problem, most colony value also comes from what you build and install anyway too
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Veritas427 on January 18, 2025, 02:30:07 AM
Imo if anything could be added to this mod it'd be these

1. settings for how many skills XOs are allowed to learn, to make the game more or less challenging
2. for endgame content/fleets, spend story points to lock in an XO slot and grants that XO +1 more skill (also costs SP to undo, demotes chosen skill), similar to fully integrating an AI core. Gate this behind the player being level 15 themselves and XO being active duty long enough so it is intended for players that are doing the hardest content they have installed
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: krisslanza on January 18, 2025, 04:22:51 AM
Come to think of it, with this mod, doesn't this mean the player is now an extremely terrible planetary administrator? Since we only learn Combat skills now, and far as I see, we don't gain the admin skills from leveling up or anything either.

The only player skill from vanilla that affected colonies in .97 is Industrial Planning, which you can very easily find administrators to cover. Yes it means you make less passive income, no you're not "extremely terrible" because you can still manage 2 colonies without a stability penalty problem, most colony value also comes from what you build and install anyway too

Yeah but why would you entrust your capital to someone whose loyalty is entirely on you giving them a paycheck every month?
I forgot we had more skills, but I guess they did rework it to only one. Though its elite version is also +50% maximum value for custom orders or something, so its certainly a loss.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Agaric on January 23, 2025, 05:33:06 AM
Want to say this is the only mod that I think is a direct upgrade to the vanilla and should be in the base game. I know it won't happen but still.
I think the framework of swappable skill lists is great though I would like to comment on balance a little bit:

I think it would be in a great spot without Full Throttle. Full Throttle imo breaks the game balance making builds with no surplus flux from weapons extremely overpowered. The way I see it range, speed and flux vent of ships are the main differentiators within weight class. No ship can excel in all three categories or it would make other ships obsolete. Full Throttle allows slow and well armed (read lots of weapons and flux vent to fire them from afar) to also be fast, especially combined with Technical's Unlocked Engines.
I suggest reducing zero-flux-boost speed on it instead or reduce it only when 0%>flux>10% keeping the maneuverability as is.

10% to flux stats and Unlocked Engines speed boost makes it a mandatory in my runs as I tend to min-max all of my ships. 10% boost pushes most ships to even flux usage/vent which I find optimal for non-flagship (AI-controlled) ships. Reduced shield upkeep and -10% energy flux compounds in that.
Perhaps toning down the base flux bonuses and speed would allow for more specialized buffs for phase ships/energy weapons?

These two officers are really hard to live without imo as they give indiscriminate bonuses to all ships that are on par or even better than more niche skills from other officers

For me this whole officer hangs on Best of the Best skill which alone makes is worth picking it over the others. One more S-mod means custom-tailored upgrades for every ship, often with powerful S-mod bonus to boot. Honestly no idea how to make the officer more interesting. Perhaps changing it to giving 5/10/15/20 more ordinance points to ships instead while buffing some other skills?

Other officers imo way too specialized for the values of buffs they give.
Logistic officers are great

Sorry if you are not looking for feedback, I just really like this mod and wanted to share my thoughts
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Shinr on January 23, 2025, 08:48:17 AM
Soft Incompatibility with Content Unlocking Missions (

Completing the Nothing Personal mission unlocks a reward that the player can get in the normally uninteractible Abandoned Research Station in the Tia-Tax'et system, but to get the most out of it the player needs to invest in the Technology skills and/or have AI cores on hand.

Which is not possible with SiC AFAIK, having tried most obvious combinations of skills that were lifted from the old tech tree, getting stuck near the end.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Pushover on January 23, 2025, 09:13:00 PM
Want to say this is the only mod that I think is a direct upgrade to the vanilla and should be in the base game. I know it won't happen but still.
I think the framework of swappable skill lists is great though I would like to comment on balance a little bit:

I think it would be in a great spot without Full Throttle. Full Throttle imo breaks the game balance making builds with no surplus flux from weapons extremely overpowered. The way I see it range, speed and flux vent of ships are the main differentiators within weight class. No ship can excel in all three categories or it would make other ships obsolete. Full Throttle allows slow and well armed (read lots of weapons and flux vent to fire them from afar) to also be fast, especially combined with Technical's Unlocked Engines.
I suggest reducing zero-flux-boost speed on it instead or reduce it only when 0%>flux>10% keeping the maneuverability as is.

10% to flux stats and Unlocked Engines speed boost makes it a mandatory in my runs as I tend to min-max all of my ships. 10% boost pushes most ships to even flux usage/vent which I find optimal for non-flagship (AI-controlled) ships. Reduced shield upkeep and -10% energy flux compounds in that.
Perhaps toning down the base flux bonuses and speed would allow for more specialized buffs for phase ships/energy weapons?

These two officers are really hard to live without imo as they give indiscriminate bonuses to all ships that are on par or even better than more niche skills from other officers

For me this whole officer hangs on Best of the Best skill which alone makes is worth picking it over the others. One more S-mod means custom-tailored upgrades for every ship, often with powerful S-mod bonus to boot. Honestly no idea how to make the officer more interesting. Perhaps changing it to giving 5/10/15/20 more ordinance points to ships instead while buffing some other skills?

Other officers imo way too specialized for the values of buffs they give.
Logistic officers are great

Sorry if you are not looking for feedback, I just really like this mod and wanted to share my thoughts
I would agree that this is a fantastic upgrade to the vanilla skill system, and I think it's a lot cooler to be able to specialize in one style of play rather than the 'jack of all trades' feel that you mostly get in vanilla.

I think the strongest skill in Tactical is actually Accelerated Barrels - instead of needing to kite the enemy with Full Throttle, you can just meet them with a massive wall of firepower. Mass Bombardment is even situationally stronger than Full Throttle in missile builds, especially if you can use the ammo regen. All of the higher tier skills are pretty competitive with each other, which is great IMO (Defensive Protocols would be strong in a full low-tech fleet, but is otherwise the worst of the 4).

I find your take on Technical interesting since I think Technical is fairly specific to High Tech. The initial skill is super powerful, but unless you are running high tech ships with high cost shields and lots of energy weapons, or some phase ships, most of the skills are pretty mediocre. Makeshift Drones is nice to allow collection of some automated ships before switching to full Automation, though. Warfare to me is roughly equal to Technical - Stabilized Targeting and Surefire Impact are great for low and midline builds, and Overwhelming Force does a good job replacing the flux from Flux Regulation.

As for Management, both of the capstone skills are amazing - the S-mod is nice, but so is the extra ~40 DP gained if you have officers on all of your combat ships (assuming a 240 DP battle). The initial +15% CR is also incredibly strong, but I feel like the rest of the tree has too much stuff relating to PPT, although I guess it's just leaning towards building an officer corp that all skips Combat Endurance?

I've found the playstyle-specific ones to be incredibly powerful if you lean into the playstyle, although I haven't tried Improvisation or Strikecraft (currently starting a new run where I'm aiming to be carrier focused).
That said, Automation, while powerful, has mostly unexciting skills as you'll invest 2 points for +120 automated points. Magnetic Shielding feels like a waste unless I'm building Solar Shielding into all of my non-automated ships, and Overclock, while good on Remnant ships, feels awkward with many other mods (e.g Dustkeepers or Abyssal enemies from RAT). Wide Range Transmission feels a bit strange as I don't often use AI cores on automated carriers when it's somewhat wasting the combat skills on the carrier.

I have mixed feelings about the Logistical officers. My main issue is that while they are clearly not mandatory to play, it's just annoying to swap around officers - if I'm flying any long distance, I'll want Starfaring, and probably 50% of the reason for that is Navigation to not have to slow down as much for Hyperspace Storms or Nebulas. Similarly, when fighting [ULTRA-REDACTED] or other ships with rare equipment, I always want to have Piracy to increase the drops. However, if I'm in for some major combat, I'll swap over to a 3rd combat officer. Paying the CR penalty to swap in the field often just means waiting for CR to recover, which is not exactly exciting gameplay, and not swapping means you just burn more fuel/spend the time you would be waiting chugging through/skating over hyperspace storms (and then waiting for your CR to recover anyways).

Furthermore, because the logistical officers are quite good at what they do, I almost never want to take a non-combat focused skill on a non-logistical officer, so those skills get ignored. I think I'd prefer if logistical officers had pure buffs for out-of combat, and non-logistical officers had buffs for in-combat.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Reshy on January 25, 2025, 04:54:11 AM
Bug:  Starfarer's starmapping ability doesn't seem to correctly remove the penalty of using active sensor burst, your fleet still slows down and cannot do any other actions during it (interrupts sustained burn, emergency burn, transverse jump, going dark).

Bug:  Recovered ships don't benefit from any of the "Repair X% damage for free.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Zweihänder on January 25, 2025, 06:45:08 AM
Good day, unfortunately your mod doesnt work with lost sector thrones gift which gives you automation points. It would be really nice if they could have worked together.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Veritas427 on January 25, 2025, 07:23:56 PM
Soft Incompatibility with Content Unlocking Missions (

Completing the Nothing Personal mission unlocks a reward that the player can get in the normally uninteractible Abandoned Research Station in the Tia-Tax'et system, but to get the most out of it the player needs to invest in the Technology skills and/or have AI cores on hand.

Which is not possible with SiC AFAIK, having tried most obvious combinations of skills that were lifted from the old tech tree, getting stuck near the end.

Anything mod added that checks for vanilla skills is going to have soft incompatibilities really. Custom starts that add automated points, # of points in a certain skill tree, etc. It'd be nice to have a workaround but most likely it'd need a compatibility patch for specific mods
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: ragarak on January 27, 2025, 01:45:02 PM
any way to edit the values for automated ship points?
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: cghhj on January 30, 2025, 04:32:13 AM
XO skills not affect ship modules, this might be a problem.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Lukas04 on January 30, 2025, 05:22:48 AM
XO skills not affect ship modules, this might be a problem.

Vanilla (non combat) skills dont either, its the same as there
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Mengyu_Ryougi on February 02, 2025, 10:12:54 AM
Quick Question: Is there still a way to have 2 remaining officer slot within the mod? or it's no longer a thing once you enable this mod?
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Phenir on February 02, 2025, 02:38:22 PM
Quick Question: Is there still a way to have 2 remaining officer slot within the mod? or it's no longer a thing once you enable this mod?
You get extra officer slots as part of leveling up. You don't need to spend skill points or anything, just reach the required level (level 10). BTW, you get the extra officer skill and elite by leveling up as well.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Mengyu_Ryougi on February 03, 2025, 03:55:06 AM
You get extra officer slots as part of leveling up. You don't need to spend skill points or anything, just reach the required level (level 10). BTW, you get the extra officer skill and elite by leveling up as well.
That good to know, about to start a round with it so thank you. :D
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Davidththird on February 03, 2025, 10:04:40 AM
Deploying a carrier while using the "Redundant Bays" skill from a warfare officer causes starsector to crash to desktop with the error message "Null".

from starsector.log:
at com.fs.starfarer.combat.entities.ship.A.C.getTimeUntilNextReplacement(Unknown Source)
at second_in_command.skills.warfare.ReduntantBaysListener.advance(RedundantBays.kt:135)
at com.fs.starfarer.combat.entities.Ship.advance(Unknown Source)
at com.fs.starfarer.combat.CombatEngine.advanceInner(Unknown Source)
at com.fs.starfarer.combat.CombatEngine.advance(Unknown Source)
at com.fs.starfarer.combat.CombatState.traverse(Unknown Source)
at com.fs.state.AppDriver.begin(Unknown Source)
at com.fs.starfarer.combat.CombatMain.main(Unknown Source)
at com.fs.starfarer.StarfarerLauncher.super(Unknown Source)
at com.fs.starfarer.StarfarerLauncher$ Source)
Running with
AI Tweaks 1.10.2
Bultach Coalition 1.1.6
Delta Cores 1.0.0
Fleet Size By DP 1.0.2b
LazyLib 2.8b
Leading Pip 1.9.2
LunaLib 1.8.6
MagicLib 1.4.6
Missile and Sundry
Nexerelin 0.11.3b
RAT 2.5.6
Second-in-command 1.2.14
SpeedUp 1.0.1
WhichMod 1.2.0
GraphicsLib 1.9.0
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Shergoth on February 04, 2025, 03:08:26 AM
any way to edit the values for automated ship points?

Would love to know this aswell, I want to do a themed playthrough with only (or mostly) automated ships but the base amount you can get isn't enough really. I tried changing the values but it doesn't actually change anything ingame, so clearly i'm doing something wrong.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Alexey Skywalker on February 05, 2025, 05:48:06 AM
Hi Lukas, wanted to give some hopefully usefull feedback regarding the Strikecraft XO.

I have been trying to make fleets with lots of carriers as of late, so naturally I tried to use the Strikecraft XO...However I have come to the conclusion that the best course of action is to just use any other XO for better results.

Strikecraft XO is one dimensional only buffing fighters (with a couple buff to their carriers that only affect fighters in some way). There are no buff or interesting  abilities for carriers, ships that happen to have fighters nearby or the fleet as a whole (or even some form of debuff to enemy fleets like the smallcraft XO has)

As such,Strikecraft XO cant compete with any of the others XO that buff all the ships(or most) in the fleet in some way. Having the Strikecraft XO feels like having a pure ballistic/energy/missile XO that only buffs the weapons and nothing else.  I feel that a rework where the focus is on the carriers instead while having only a couple buff to fighters would do wonders. I am also thinking on something that allows you define your carrier style, either going battlecarriers or pure utilitarian carriers (with buff to other ships/fleet, maybe in the form of speed, better PD, coordinated maneuvers/ecm/Eccm, etc)

On the topic of fighters buff, something I notice is that there is too much focus on top speed, which is kind of a trap because there are a lot of fighters that in order to do their damage they have to orbit an enemy ship, and too much speed without a buff to maneuverability can make them miss a lot of shots.

Another detail about fighter buff, is that maybe would be a good idea to add 1 skill to the other XOs, Techinal could have 1 to buff their shields/flux, while warfare could boost their durability, so fighter buffs are not so concentrated into 1 guy (like how missiles buffs are in both the warfare and tactical XO)

Hope this was constructive, keep up the good work

Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: majk on February 15, 2025, 09:50:25 AM
Review after 2 playthroughs:

I love the way this mod looks. The visual part is great and looks like a part of the game.

The variety of officers is big enough to do many different builds and at the same time it's not too big to be overwhelming.

The gameplay however is a mixed bag and the most jarring is spreading skills from one skillset to different officers
1: Take Derelict Operations from Improvisation, it lost part of its skill power and it was shoved into Pirate skill Provisional Replacements.
2: Piracy officer has a bunch of logistic skills that could be replaced with something more fitting being a pirate and those skills could be shoved into Starfaring.
3: The main draw of Improvisation is using a bunch of cheap scrap buckets to play with but it has 2 exclusive last skills and Derelict Fortifications just gives some buffs you can easily live without, it's all about Direlict Operations and to make it worse it's the other skill that reduces penalties from dmods.
4: Starfaring and Piracy share important logistic skills and swapping officers costs 20% cr (Does changing ships make the whole fleet blow up?).

On the other hand Officers with Automation, Technical and Starfaring are borderline op and make the game so much easier.

I like the idea of the mod and the way it's looks but at the moment it feels very frustrating to play.

Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Lukas04 on February 15, 2025, 10:16:31 AM
Review after 2 playthroughs:

I love the way this mod looks. The visual part is great and looks like a part of the game.

The variety of officers is big enough to do many different builds and at the same time it's not too big to be overwhelming.

The gameplay however is a mixed bag and the most jarring is spreading skills from one skillset to different officers
1: Take Derelict Operations from Improvisation, it lost part of its skill power and it was shoved into Pirate skill Provisional Replacements.
2: Piracy officer has a bunch of logistic skills that could be replaced with something more fitting being a pirate and those skills could be shoved into Starfaring.
3: The main draw of Improvisation is using a bunch of cheap scrap buckets to play with but it has 2 exclusive last skills and Derelict Fortifications just gives some buffs you can easily live without, it's all about Direlict Operations and to make it worse it's the other skill that reduces penalties from dmods.
4: Starfaring and Piracy share important logistic skills and swapping officers costs 20% cr (Does changing ships make the whole fleet blow up?).

On the other hand Officers with Automation, Technical and Starfaring are borderline op and make the game so much easier.

I like the idea of the mod and the way it's looks but at the moment it feels very frustrating to play.

1. Its lost some of the power, and while the logistics bonus is massive, its by far the least important aspect of Derelict Operations
2. I think a logistics tree that is focused on taking the spoils of your enemy and stealth is perfectly fitting for the tree. Its by design a counterpart to Starfarings more passive logistics.
3. Derelict Operations is definitly better in most cases, but ive seen people have a lot of fun with Derelict Fortification builds too.
4. Read the Tooltips. You only get damage from changing XOs if your not near friendly colonies. "Combat Readiness" is more than just damage, its, well, how ready the fleet is for combat. The CR reduction exists for the same reason the base game reduces your CR if modify a hull away from a colony, to avoid micromanagement and because a large changeup in fleet protocols just makes the fleet unfit for combat til its finished. 
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Brainwright on February 15, 2025, 10:27:38 AM
One thing I would complain about is that no officer I've seen seems to offer the speed bonus to capturing objectives for manned ships.  Kinda hurts to have it no where except for automated ships in Automation.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Phenir on February 15, 2025, 12:32:28 PM
3: The main draw of Improvisation is using a bunch of cheap scrap buckets to play with but it has 2 exclusive last skills and Derelict Fortifications just gives some buffs you can easily live without, it's all about Direlict Operations and to make it worse it's the other skill that reduces penalties from dmods.

If it works the way I think it does, fortifications is strong for hull tanking. Even onslaught only has 100ish armor rating once armor is stripped and I think fortifications still adds 50 armor at that point. It's generally about 10-20% less damage taken to hull (excluding really big hits like torpedos). With other skills in the tree, you have +35% hull as well. Pair it with warfare's +150 armor and deflective plating and your capital ships just refuse to die.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Sqiurmo on February 15, 2025, 04:34:56 PM
Any way to uninstall this mod mid-save?
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: J2Greene on February 17, 2025, 07:18:13 AM
Hello Mr. Lukas04,

For the last skill from Warfare (Overwhelming Force), I think, a better name would be Irresistible Force (to go with the Immovable Object)?
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Shinr on February 17, 2025, 07:39:12 AM
Hello Mr. Lukas04,

For the last skill from Warfare (Overwhelming Force), I think, a better name would be Irresistible Force (to go with the Immovable Object)?

Unstoppable Force is the usual term I hear when compared with/mentioned along with Immovable Object.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Loyso on February 18, 2025, 05:40:03 AM
It feels like tactical and Warfare officers should be mutually exclusive, just like pirate and logi are. Tey largely provide similar bonuses (weapon range and DMG, missiles, armor/hull), and stacking those bonuses with each other AND with officer skills... My legion with Hellbores proceded to snipe lashers and outrange Paragon which feels a tiny bit overtuned.
I absolutely love this mod and pray to Ludd daily that Alex would include it into vanilla, but damn, some of those interactions are out of this world!
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Havoc on February 24, 2025, 09:44:29 AM
hi, do exists Hull Restoration in this mod?
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Reshy on February 25, 2025, 12:08:58 AM
So playing around a bit more with the hull restoration replacement I want to summarize my thoughts and why I think it should be changed:

Overall I do think the perk needs some serious revisions since it doesn't achieve any of it's design goals as is.  It's not good early game, it's not good late game, it's not good on small fleets, it's not good on large fleets.  It's only useful on capital ship only fleets that just play super duper safely and don't take any risks at all.  The base game of starsector already prioritizes this to an intense degree and I don't think this is helping that problem at all.

Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Phenir on February 25, 2025, 05:57:23 PM
hi, do exists Hull Restoration in this mod?
Starfaring XO has hull restoration but uses dp destroyed instead of time.

Mods often add ways to more cheaply remove damage mods later on, for example Ship Mastery's 25% discount and Industrial Evolution's Restoration Docks, which are more relevant late game.
Other mods are irrelevant. Any given mod should not be balanced around another mod unless it's specifically made for that mod, which second-in-command is not made for any other mod.
Destroying 240dp worth of enemy ships is only feasible to do once you already have a large fleet of well made ships designed to efficiently farm a particular faction's ships. which is more relevant late game.

The DP requirement makes it unusable early game when you have a small fleet and can't easily take fights with 240dp fleets and punishes for the early game trading/exploration as you will face significantly fewer fleets and DP values.
You don't need to destroy 240 dp at once. The mod keeps track of how much dp you have destroyed and carries it through to further engagements. In other words, destroying two 120 dp fleets is the same as destroying one 240 dp fleet.
Stripping away the d-mod protection of the original perk means playing a faster, more loose and risky fleet is actively punished, forcing a much much greater priority on few large ships and punishing usage of smallcraft when combined with the prior point.
It still has dmod protection though?
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Reshy on February 25, 2025, 06:06:05 PM
Mods often add ways to more cheaply remove damage mods later on, for example Ship Mastery's 25% discount and Industrial Evolution's Restoration Docks, which are more relevant late game.
Other mods are irrelevant. Any given mod should not be balanced around another mod unless it's specifically made for that mod, which second-in-command is not made for any other mod.
Sure, but it shows a general trend of mods making it generally easier to remove D-mods, while SIC does the opposite.

Destroying 240dp worth of enemy ships is only feasible to do once you already have a large fleet of well made ships designed to efficiently farm a particular faction's ships. which is more relevant late game.

The DP requirement makes it unusable early game when you have a small fleet and can't easily take fights with 240dp fleets and punishes for the early game trading/exploration as you will face significantly fewer fleets and DP values.
You don't need to destroy 240 dp at once. The mod keeps track of how much dp you have destroyed and carries it through to further engagements. In other words, destroying two 120 dp fleets is the same as destroying one 240 dp fleet.
I think you missed the point of what I'm saying, destroying 240dp of ships is a lot more involved and risky early game than it is end game when you can be fighting fleets that have DP in the thousands.  Starfaring is supposed to be trade/exploration based, not combat based so it's something you pick up early game and not you know, late game.  Problem is that skill exclusively gets it's value the later you get it.

Stripping away the d-mod protection of the original perk means playing a faster, more loose and risky fleet is actively punished, forcing a much much greater priority on few large ships and punishing usage of smallcraft when combined with the prior point.
It still has dmod protection though?
It's been heavily reduced by orders of magnitude.  The chances of you getting a D-Mod on a frigate in vanilla with the skill is about 1 in 10 (90%), in SIC it's about 1 in 3 (60%).  With capital ships it's even worse going from only having a 1 in 4 chance (75%) to get a d-mod to less to 1 in 2 (30%).  These are orders of magnitude of difference, these aren't """"slight"""" nerfs, they're major glaring nerfs.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Hereticpurge on February 25, 2025, 08:11:15 PM
Hi I love the mod.  However I've been having an issue where playing modded after a few battles and an hour or 2 the game slows down to a crawl in the menus and campaign.  I hooked up a profiler to the JVM process to track down what was causing the slow down and I narrowed it down to this mod. 

Specifically this section is causing the issue in SkillPanelReplacerScript.kt
var innerPanels = { it.getChildrenCopy().find { children -> ReflectionUtils.hasMethodOfName("canReassign", children) }}

More specifically this line of code looping over all the panels and doing a reflective check for a method.
ReflectionUtils.hasMethodOfName("canReassign", children)

I'm a java dev but I'm not familiar with the starsector API so I'm not sure about options for fixing this but I thought you should know that its happening.

When loading a save around cycle 10~ this call is taking up 25% of the cpu time of the entire program.  After an hour or two and / or a few battles this same call balloons to 78% of cpu time and just keeps getting worse until the program is restarted.  I suspect the panels aren't getting flushed properly somewhere and the list of panels is just getting larger and larger taking more cpu time as the program runs.

*Edit*  I should add that this issue is specific to having menus open.  Escape / Planet interaction / etc.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Lukas04 on February 26, 2025, 12:10:43 PM
Mods often add ways to more cheaply remove damage mods later on, for example Ship Mastery's 25% discount and Industrial Evolution's Restoration Docks, which are more relevant late game.
Other mods are irrelevant. Any given mod should not be balanced around another mod unless it's specifically made for that mod, which second-in-command is not made for any other mod.
Sure, but it shows a general trend of mods making it generally easier to remove D-mods, while SIC does the opposite.

Destroying 240dp worth of enemy ships is only feasible to do once you already have a large fleet of well made ships designed to efficiently farm a particular faction's ships. which is more relevant late game.

The DP requirement makes it unusable early game when you have a small fleet and can't easily take fights with 240dp fleets and punishes for the early game trading/exploration as you will face significantly fewer fleets and DP values.
You don't need to destroy 240 dp at once. The mod keeps track of how much dp you have destroyed and carries it through to further engagements. In other words, destroying two 120 dp fleets is the same as destroying one 240 dp fleet.
I think you missed the point of what I'm saying, destroying 240dp of ships is a lot more involved and risky early game than it is end game when you can be fighting fleets that have DP in the thousands.  Starfaring is supposed to be trade/exploration based, not combat based so it's something you pick up early game and not you know, late game.  Problem is that skill exclusively gets it's value the later you get it.

Stripping away the d-mod protection of the original perk means playing a faster, more loose and risky fleet is actively punished, forcing a much much greater priority on few large ships and punishing usage of smallcraft when combined with the prior point.
It still has dmod protection though?
It's been heavily reduced by orders of magnitude.  The chances of you getting a D-Mod on a frigate in vanilla with the skill is about 1 in 10 (90%), in SIC it's about 1 in 3 (60%).  With capital ships it's even worse going from only having a 1 in 4 chance (75%) to get a d-mod to less to 1 in 2 (30%).  These are orders of magnitude of difference, these aren't """"slight"""" nerfs, they're major glaring nerfs.

Hull Restoration in Vanilla is between 75% and 90% dmod chance, based on deployment points. So its not quite 1/10. It is still better, but i think Continious Repairs is more than close enough.
That said, with SiC i want Dmods to be more of a factor, and i dont want this skill to be an instant grab that guarantees that you want to pick the aptitude. I think it works quite well in keeping the amount of dmods you gain to a sane level, but not just making them no longer a factor like Hull Restoration does.

Hi I love the mod.  However I've been having an issue where playing modded after a few battles and an hour or 2 the game slows down to a crawl in the menus and campaign.  I hooked up a profiler to the JVM process to track down what was causing the slow down and I narrowed it down to this mod. 

Specifically this section is causing the issue in SkillPanelReplacerScript.kt
var innerPanels = { it.getChildrenCopy().find { children -> ReflectionUtils.hasMethodOfName("canReassign", children) }}

More specifically this line of code looping over all the panels and doing a reflective check for a method.
ReflectionUtils.hasMethodOfName("canReassign", children)

I'm a java dev but I'm not familiar with the starsector API so I'm not sure about options for fixing this but I thought you should know that its happening.

When loading a save around cycle 10~ this call is taking up 25% of the cpu time of the entire program.  After an hour or two and / or a few battles this same call balloons to 78% of cpu time and just keeps getting worse until the program is restarted.  I suspect the panels aren't getting flushed properly somewhere and the list of panels is just getting larger and larger taking more cpu time as the program runs.

*Edit*  I should add that this issue is specific to having menus open.  Escape / Planet interaction / etc.

The reflection calls are pretty expensive, though i wouldnt expect that specific one to cause that many issues. Still, added a check for a specific tab for the next version, so it should no longer run outside of the Character screen when i get to updating it.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Reshy on February 26, 2025, 05:45:37 PM
It's been heavily reduced by orders of magnitude.  The chances of you getting a D-Mod on a frigate in vanilla with the skill is about 1 in 10 (90%), in SIC it's about 1 in 3 (60%).  With capital ships it's even worse going from only having a 1 in 4 chance (75%) to get a d-mod to less to 1 in 2 (30%).  These are orders of magnitude of difference, these aren't """"slight"""" nerfs, they're major glaring nerfs.

Hull Restoration in Vanilla is between 75% and 90% dmod chance, based on deployment points. So its not quite 1/10. It is still better, but i think Continious Repairs is more than close enough.
That said, with SiC i want Dmods to be more of a factor, and i dont want this skill to be an instant grab that guarantees that you want to pick the aptitude. I think it works quite well in keeping the amount of dmods you gain to a sane level, but not just making them no longer a factor like Hull Restoration does.

I think the effect though is that it encourages using large safe ships that are very defensive and durable, in a game already known for heavily encouraging this specific playstyle.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Hereticpurge on February 26, 2025, 06:21:08 PM
"The reflection calls are pretty expensive, though i wouldnt expect that specific one to cause that many issues. Still, added a check for a specific tab for the next version, so it should no longer run outside of the Character screen when i get to updating it." 

Response within a day.  Best modder ever!!   ;D

Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Hereticpurge on February 26, 2025, 07:57:39 PM
Just an update.  Your fix worked for all the menus.  Obviously the character screen still lags since the script still runs there but it's much less noticeable and very tolerable.  I don't think it's the fault of the mod in general though even if the change mitigates the issues. 

With your script out of the way I was able to do more profiling in fresh loads and loads that were played for a few hours and discovered that Xstream is doing some very very deep recursion and reflection on save and load after a few hours of playing.  I tried to go through the tree but Intellij stopped being willing to show the calls once I got like 2000 recursion steps deep and the UI couldn't do it anymore. 

With that in mind I suspect that your mod isn't the cause of the issue but a victim of another process somewhere that isn't cleaning itself up properly.  Still investigating whether it's another mod or the base game. 

Thought you might want to know that your fix worked.  Thanks!!
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Lukas04 on February 27, 2025, 12:06:46 AM
It's been heavily reduced by orders of magnitude.  The chances of you getting a D-Mod on a frigate in vanilla with the skill is about 1 in 10 (90%), in SIC it's about 1 in 3 (60%).  With capital ships it's even worse going from only having a 1 in 4 chance (75%) to get a d-mod to less to 1 in 2 (30%).  These are orders of magnitude of difference, these aren't """"slight"""" nerfs, they're major glaring nerfs.

Hull Restoration in Vanilla is between 75% and 90% dmod chance, based on deployment points. So its not quite 1/10. It is still better, but i think Continious Repairs is more than close enough.
That said, with SiC i want Dmods to be more of a factor, and i dont want this skill to be an instant grab that guarantees that you want to pick the aptitude. I think it works quite well in keeping the amount of dmods you gain to a sane level, but not just making them no longer a factor like Hull Restoration does.

I think the effect though is that it encourages using large safe ships that are very defensive and durable, in a game already known for heavily encouraging this specific playstyle.

I think that is kind of just overestimating the impact Dmods have, and personaly i think its fitting that aggressive fleets will come out with more damage, i feel like that piece of character is missing with hull restoration.

Just an update.  Your fix worked for all the menus.  Obviously the character screen still lags since the script still runs there but it's much less noticeable and very tolerable.  I don't think it's the fault of the mod in general though even if the change mitigates the issues. 

With your script out of the way I was able to do more profiling in fresh loads and loads that were played for a few hours and discovered that Xstream is doing some very very deep recursion and reflection on save and load after a few hours of playing.  I tried to go through the tree but Intellij stopped being willing to show the calls once I got like 2000 recursion steps deep and the UI couldn't do it anymore. 

With that in mind I suspect that your mod isn't the cause of the issue but a victim of another process somewhere that isn't cleaning itself up properly.  Still investigating whether it's another mod or the base game. 

Thought you might want to know that your fix worked.  Thanks!!

Do tell me if you find more, though just to clarify, was the 25% CPU use when you were filtering for SiC alone or when having all classes visible?
Also, if you want you could do a heap dump, check the "CampaignState" class and search for the "screenPanel" variable. In the screen panels "copy" variable, the first entry in the list should be the highest level of the UI tree that matters for SiCs own check. Maybe see if anything adds panels to it that it doesnt remove (including checking the sub panels below), though that would be definitly a mistake by some mod (maybe even mine, who knows), and it shouldnt be a common one since most mods wouldnt even touch this place ever.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Phenir on February 27, 2025, 09:24:58 AM
Mods often add ways to more cheaply remove damage mods later on, for example Ship Mastery's 25% discount and Industrial Evolution's Restoration Docks, which are more relevant late game.
Other mods are irrelevant. Any given mod should not be balanced around another mod unless it's specifically made for that mod, which second-in-command is not made for any other mod.
Sure, but it shows a general trend of mods making it generally easier to remove D-mods, while SIC does the opposite.
And that still doesn't make it inherently a bad thing. Also, it is stated by the mod itself that it makes dmods harder to remove so a nerf here should be expected.
Destroying 240dp worth of enemy ships is only feasible to do once you already have a large fleet of well made ships designed to efficiently farm a particular faction's ships. which is more relevant late game.

The DP requirement makes it unusable early game when you have a small fleet and can't easily take fights with 240dp fleets and punishes for the early game trading/exploration as you will face significantly fewer fleets and DP values.
You don't need to destroy 240 dp at once. The mod keeps track of how much dp you have destroyed and carries it through to further engagements. In other words, destroying two 120 dp fleets is the same as destroying one 240 dp fleet.
I think you missed the point of what I'm saying, destroying 240dp of ships is a lot more involved and risky early game than it is end game when you can be fighting fleets that have DP in the thousands.  Starfaring is supposed to be trade/exploration based, not combat based so it's something you pick up early game and not you know, late game.  Problem is that skill exclusively gets it's value the later you get it.
I think you missed my point in that you can fight many smaller fleets, such as those you find while salvaging derelict probes or salvager fleets that turn hostile (they look big but they have a lot of civ ships), and still accumulate towards dmod removal. Smaller (early game) fleets need less overall dp to remove all their dmods as well. You also don't run into "thousands of DP" fleets in vanilla content unless you are fighting several fleets at once. Even ordos don't breach 1k dp without 3/4 fleets. (

No where in the game does it state that starfarer is trade/exploration based, that is your own assumption. Trees may have a theme but they are not meant to be used exclusively within that theme, which you are reminded of via tips. Starfaring in fact has another combat related skill, recovery effort. Additionally, the wiki, written by the mod author, compares piracy and starfarer by saying the former is for resources while the later is for utility and convenience. It doesn't mention combat, trading, nor exploration.
Stripping away the d-mod protection of the original perk means playing a faster, more loose and risky fleet is actively punished, forcing a much much greater priority on few large ships and punishing usage of smallcraft when combined with the prior point.
It still has dmod protection though?
It's been heavily reduced by orders of magnitude.  The chances of you getting a D-Mod on a frigate in vanilla with the skill is about 1 in 10 (90%), in SIC it's about 1 in 3 (60%).  With capital ships it's even worse going from only having a 1 in 4 chance (75%) to get a d-mod to less to 1 in 2 (30%).  These are orders of magnitude of difference, these aren't """"slight"""" nerfs, they're major glaring nerfs.
That's not an order of magnitude and you are over exaggerating the nerf in the context of the mod as a whole. Many skills got nerfed similarly, EX you can't even get electronic warfare without automated ships and even then it only works for automated ships. These changes are likely because now you get combat skills essentially for free, leading to increased player power overall.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: duke on February 27, 2025, 12:18:29 PM
Hey I like the mod and wanted to leave some feedback.

I feel like you actually have some less choice in the sense that you are encouraged to have very little diversity in your fleet. The way you can stack certain bonuses makes spamming 1 thing at a time become very OP. For example stacking all the speed bonuses my frigates and destroyers were all moving 200-300 speed. Stacking the range bonuses my battleships were outranging stations. Stacking the missile buffs on top of missile spec officers, it was nuclear armageddon. The only really balanced (least powerful) tree I felt was the d-mod tree which is always fun to run around as a junker fleet and felt similar power to base game derelict operations.
It change gameplay way of thinking from "Do I want to have combat skill, economy, or fleet" to "Okay Im choosing combat tree, screw QOL skills, which focused fleet type will I play?"

The thing I dislike the most is adjusting to the removal of QOL and customization mods.
#1 Burn speed 20 atlas being harder to make. Typically you build in insulated engine, cargo, and efficiency with drives and subsystems. With -1 smod cap you are basically forced into using starfaring if you wanna have a big inventory AND 20 burn speed AND non thicc sensor profile
#2 +5 vents in customization. I think you really should try to add this back somewhere. Ship building is 80% of the game at least for me and removing this way of customization in ship building is not good. I would rather have that than say a flat 10% flux disipation somewhere else because it feels better when I am deciding the OP distribution of individual ships, not saying ok my entire fleet needs and will have 5 more vents.
#3 + S-mod skill in a skill tree that is very underpowered. For the same reasons as #2, limiting individual ship customization is not good. HOWEVER a third S-mod is not absolutely necesary on every ship (whereas the option of vents distribution are) as well as some skills being a straight up equivelent to a fleetwide S-mod ex. Focus Lens in technical giving all beams hard flux. So its kind of the opposite of #2.

Things I liked the most are several and mostly combat related.
1#The random difficulty spikes of enemy fleets randomly having god tier set of skills. I dont know if you made certain skillsets for every enemy fleets to have but I think having enemy fleets stack the max juice skills to fight against is very fun.
2# You get to be John Sector yourself with maxed combat skills which is always a fun playthrough.
3# You get to go through and learn a new skill tree and discover the new OP combos which is fun on its own

So tldr in summary I think this mod is very good for warring in the sector type game and not so good for building in the shipyard type game. Give me back my 5 flux vents!

Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Shinr on February 27, 2025, 12:49:58 PM
A request:

A Luna setting to adjust the Executive level cap, up to the maximum of 7, which is the maximum amount of points Management, Smallcraft and Andradanism executive can allocate due to couple of mutually exclusive tiers.

Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: mudskipper on March 04, 2025, 01:58:17 AM
Do focused lenses from tech tree stack 20% damage on ships with high scatter amplifier or do nothing for them?
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: balordezul on March 04, 2025, 03:14:50 PM
It would be nice to have another path to removing hull mods via a skill outside of the skill inside of starfaring.  It does feel like the player really needs to start with or farm a starfaring officer as a prime choice early on in the game, well before you can get to the late game money build up.  Sure if the goal is active play vs passive keep it that way but another path with a variation would be nice. Even an event popping up to having a starfaring officer join you as a choice would be smart within X days of the start of the game.  Neat mod but there might be some choices to make the experience less restrictive or penalizing with D-mod management.  It definitely promotes more save scumming in the current mod and now I find myself playing in a more restrictive game loop than the base game. Even putting Continuous Repairs in the player character's tree would work.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Lukas04 on March 05, 2025, 02:03:28 AM
Hey I like the mod and wanted to leave some feedback.

I feel like you actually have some less choice in the sense that you are encouraged to have very little diversity in your fleet. The way you can stack certain bonuses makes spamming 1 thing at a time become very OP. For example stacking all the speed bonuses my frigates and destroyers were all moving 200-300 speed. Stacking the range bonuses my battleships were outranging stations. Stacking the missile buffs on top of missile spec officers, it was nuclear armageddon. The only really balanced (least powerful) tree I felt was the d-mod tree which is always fun to run around as a junker fleet and felt similar power to base game derelict operations.
It change gameplay way of thinking from "Do I want to have combat skill, economy, or fleet" to "Okay Im choosing combat tree, screw QOL skills, which focused fleet type will I play?"

The thing I dislike the most is adjusting to the removal of QOL and customization mods.
#1 Burn speed 20 atlas being harder to make. Typically you build in insulated engine, cargo, and efficiency with drives and subsystems. With -1 smod cap you are basically forced into using starfaring if you wanna have a big inventory AND 20 burn speed AND non thicc sensor profile
#2 +5 vents in customization. I think you really should try to add this back somewhere. Ship building is 80% of the game at least for me and removing this way of customization in ship building is not good. I would rather have that than say a flat 10% flux disipation somewhere else because it feels better when I am deciding the OP distribution of individual ships, not saying ok my entire fleet needs and will have 5 more vents.
#3 + S-mod skill in a skill tree that is very underpowered. For the same reasons as #2, limiting individual ship customization is not good. HOWEVER a third S-mod is not absolutely necesary on every ship (whereas the option of vents distribution are) as well as some skills being a straight up equivelent to a fleetwide S-mod ex. Focus Lens in technical giving all beams hard flux. So its kind of the opposite of #2.

Things I liked the most are several and mostly combat related.
1#The random difficulty spikes of enemy fleets randomly having god tier set of skills. I dont know if you made certain skillsets for every enemy fleets to have but I think having enemy fleets stack the max juice skills to fight against is very fun.
2# You get to be John Sector yourself with maxed combat skills which is always a fun playthrough.
3# You get to go through and learn a new skill tree and discover the new OP combos which is fun on its own

So tldr in summary I think this mod is very good for warring in the sector type game and not so good for building in the shipyard type game. Give me back my 5 flux vents!

I think generaly its not really any harder to use a mixed fleet, as a more solid fleet build will do well, even when it doesnt get 100% of the bonuses possible. Also helps that Theres enough aptitudes that are rather generic, like Tactical, Technical and Warfare that allow for spreading boosts well around

To your #2 Point, Originaly the skill had that effect, however, since with SiC you can swap out aptitudes much more easily, an effect like it just doesnt really work out. It means readjusting the OP on all ships everytime you switch a technical officer in or out, which just isnt fun. I think overall the +5 you get also wont really make that much of a difference, even when its generaly nice to have.

I dont quite agree on Point #3, Management provides more than enough power, and +1smod is quite universally that almost every ship likes.

Do focused lenses from tech tree stack 20% damage on ships with high scatter amplifier or do nothing for them?

No effect on ships with HSA

It would be nice to have another path to removing hull mods via a skill outside of the skill inside of starfaring.  It does feel like the player really needs to start with or farm a starfaring officer as a prime choice early on in the game, well before you can get to the late game money build up.  Sure if the goal is active play vs passive keep it that way but another path with a variation would be nice. Even an event popping up to having a starfaring officer join you as a choice would be smart within X days of the start of the game.  Neat mod but there might be some choices to make the experience less restrictive or penalizing with D-mod management.  It definitely promotes more save scumming in the current mod and now I find myself playing in a more restrictive game loop than the base game. Even putting Continuous Repairs in the player character's tree would work.

I dont really like any of the solutions proposed here, but i may think about ways to help there a bit.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: BrokenMirror on March 05, 2025, 03:43:46 PM
Interesting concept, but the stubborn refusal to allow players any ability to access most of the configs makes it almost a hard pass. Hopefully someone makes a mod to fix that or a better iteration of this concept because a hard 3 XO limit is terrible especially as mods add more and more aptitude choices. 

Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Strict on March 06, 2025, 07:19:25 PM
Hello, any plans to make this mod compatible with A New Level of Confidence mod?
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Shinr on March 06, 2025, 10:36:17 PM
Hello, any plans to make this mod compatible with A New Level of Confidence mod?

You can already change the level cap and the XP gain through this mod's luna-settings.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Strict on March 06, 2025, 11:22:44 PM
Hello, any plans to make this mod compatible with A New Level of Confidence mod?

You can already change the level cap and the XP gain through this mod's luna-settings.

Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Shinr on March 07, 2025, 10:14:48 AM
Lukas put out a new update, which is mainly about two things:

1) Buffing Logistical bonuses outside the Logistic Aptitudes;

2) Optional 4th slot, including for the enemies.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: SeizureSalad on March 08, 2025, 04:54:14 AM
Glad to have the option the have a fourth XO. Thanks for the update.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: mudskipper on March 09, 2025, 11:31:55 AM
I think "Buffing Logistical bonuses outside the Logistic Aptitudes" is unnecessary. I've followed one of them loading/saving tips and tried a run without logistical executive officers and never looked back. You can always buy more fuel, supplies, crew, burn speed, cargo space. Combat is the hard important thing I'm focusing on. I think logistical officers need some serious buffs for players like me to ever consider hiring them.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Lukas04 on March 09, 2025, 12:12:06 PM
I think "Buffing Logistical bonuses outside the Logistic Aptitudes" is unnecessary. I've followed one of them loading/saving tips and tried a run without logistical executive officers and never looked back. You can always buy more fuel, supplies, crew, burn speed, cargo space. Combat is the hard important thing I'm focusing on. I think logistical officers need some serious buffs for players like me to ever consider hiring them.

You are very much the exception here, i do think both ways are valid, but the majority of players feel obligated to use a logistical XO. Buffing Logistical XOs would also be very silly, their quite strong.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Madman666 on March 09, 2025, 02:49:50 PM
About to start a run with this mod, went through all the skill descriptions very carefully. Overall, seems darn amazing, ability to just swap out whole skillsets on the fly for some CR s great. Its a bit of a shame i can't build an ultimate smuggler by combining starfarer and pirate XOs, but oh well. Giving up bulk transport will hurt, but piracy s an absolute no brainer for stealth.

Question, I know colony stuff s out of the window, since i went through the thread (which is kind of sad, but that can be at least made up by some other mods boosting colonies), but are there any aptitudes planned for campaign layer stuff? Specifically for managing ground battles\raids\surveying\trading? Unless i missed something, right now all you can do is buff ground ops by 30% and reduce marine losses by 25% by picking Hunting Grounds, which seems kind of subpar. Piracy doesn't have any crew capacity booster ability itself and excludes starfaring, which does.

It would be cool to have an aptitude that enhances raid related stuff, such as:
- making tactical bombardment cheaper\easier\more effective
- making raids more effective\nerfing enemy ground defenses
- increasing loot payouts on successful raids
- further reducing marine losses
- increasing marine xp gain
- buffing Ground Support skill like adding say 30% bonus to that hullmod
- reducing marine paychecks by some percent

And so on... That would go amazing in combination with piracy, to enhance the whole sneak up -> raid -> escape -> sell for huge profit cycle.

Regardless of the answer, very much looking forward to trying it out. Will give more relevant feedback once i have, cheers!

Upd: One more question, do XOs only get xp from fights? While it does make sense for most aptitudes, since they re combat related, i feel like they should get xp from other things player does, like trading, quests and exploration.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Lukas04 on March 09, 2025, 04:35:39 PM
About to start a run with this mod, went through all the skill descriptions very carefully. Overall, seems darn amazing, ability to just swap out whole skillsets on the fly for some CR s great. Its a bit of a shame i can't build an ultimate smuggler by combining starfarer and pirate XOs, but oh well. Giving up bulk transport will hurt, but piracy s an absolute no brainer for stealth.

Question, I know colony stuff s out of the window, since i went through the thread (which is kind of sad, but that can be at least made up by some other mods boosting colonies), but are there any aptitudes planned for campaign layer stuff? Specifically for managing ground battles\raids\surveying\trading? Unless i missed something, right now all you can do is buff ground ops by 30% and reduce marine losses by 25% by picking Hunting Grounds, which seems kind of subpar. Piracy doesn't have any crew capacity booster ability itself and excludes starfaring, which does.

It would be cool to have an aptitude that enhances raid related stuff, such as:
- making tactical bombardment cheaper\easier\more effective
- making raids more effective\nerfing enemy ground defenses
- increasing loot payouts on successful raids
- further reducing marine losses
- increasing marine xp gain
- buffing Ground Support skill like adding say 30% bonus to that hullmod
- reducing marine paychecks by some percent

And so on... That would go amazing in combination with piracy, to enhance the whole sneak up -> raid -> escape -> sell for huge profit cycle.

Regardless of the answer, very much looking forward to trying it out. Will give more relevant feedback once i have, cheers!

Upd: One more question, do XOs only get xp from fights? While it does make sense for most aptitudes, since they re combat related, i feel like they should get xp from other things player does, like trading, quests and exploration.

Recent update added an additional raid boost to one of the smallcraft skills.
That said there probably wont be many more raid related buffs, since they kind of run in to an issue with where that kind of buff really encourages just swapping in 2-3 aptitudes with that effect right before raiding, then immediately swapping off back to your normal loadout. As such i dont really want to put to much empthesis on those kinds of effects. Could maybe look in to the one about reducing marine paychecks though

On your second question, XP is combat only as of now. Its a thing i want to fix but i keep forgeting to. There wasnt a good listener to do it, but honestly i can probably just check every few frames if the players XP has changed, and if it has increased, apply that difference to the XOs somehow. Overall though, the mod is rather combat oriented, so if you want to have a larger focus on logistics and colonies, using another mod may be more enjoyable, like Quality Captains or just Vanilla. 
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: Madman666 on March 10, 2025, 05:48:59 AM
As such i dont really want to put to much empthesis on those kinds of effects. Could maybe look in to the one about reducing marine paychecks though

Thanks for replying! Too bad about raids, after they were nerfed, further loss of skills that makes it less... 'lossy' would ve been much appreciated, as they are now kind of meh at best. I guess, i will have to find another mod that helps with that. Good to know bout smallcraft aptitude, i ll take a closer look at that one. That said, i am not sure about the swapping argument there. The ability to swap whole sets of skills on the fly in general, already encourages you to swap the heck out of it every time you switch your activity type. CR penalty is there, but i, for one, am not traveling through half map to make my XO switch seats for a fight, when my expedition hits an enemy fleet. I ll happily sacrifice some CR, draw some 8s around the enemy to restore it and engage.

On your second question, XP is combat only as of now.

Overall though, the mod is rather combat oriented, so if you want to have a larger focus on logistics and colonies, using another mod may be more enjoyable, like Quality Captains or just Vanilla.

Cant argue, it is indeed combat oriented, but hey some love for campaign layer can't hurt ;) I dont really mind that, i do play starsector for both combat and economy building\exploration though. The thing is, early game i prefer to stockpile cash by trading and smuggling. And only when get some half decent fleet, i engage in some bounty hunting and derelict drone cleansing. In vanilla it lets me pile up some xp through quests and trade deals to have easier time sneaking\trading via Bulk Transport and Navigation and also couple combat skills. With SiC on board, it lets me have several powerful combat skills pretty much at start (hiring lvl 1s s cheap), but getting some more logistical skills without having to vulture some ez fights with starting junk fleet would ve been very nice.

I ve played through with both Vanilla and Quality Captains. Both have their own flavor, but this is by far most interesting skill mod i saw, even if its combat centrism right from the start is for me quite unusual. It was just a suggestion, i understand, if it does not fit your vision of mod direction. I ll try to compliment the lacking logistical\raid related parts with other mods.

Either way, thanks for this, this looks really promising.
Title: Re: [0.97a] Second-in-Command | A full-scale skill system rework
Post by: zunwar on March 11, 2025, 01:41:51 PM
Bug Report!
Game crash when using 4 executive officers with the Associates origin.

1413159 [Thread-3] ERROR com.fs.starfarer.combat.CombatMain  - java.lang.NullPointerException
java.lang.NullPointerException: null
   at second_in_command.ui.SCSkillMenuPanel$recreateAptitudeRow$1.invoke(SCSkillMenuPanel.kt:230) ~[?:?]
   at second_in_command.ui.SCSkillMenuPanel$recreateAptitudeRow$1.invoke(SCSkillMenuPanel.kt:218) ~[?:?]
   at lunalib.lunaUI.elements.LunaElement.processInput(LunaElement.kt:326) ~[?:?]
   at com.fs.starfarer.ui.newui.oooO.processInputImpl(Unknown Source) ~[port_obf.jar:?]
   at com.fs.starfarer.ui.R.processInput(Unknown Source) ~[port_obf.jar:?]
   at com.fs.starfarer.ui.z.dispatchEventsToChildren(Unknown Source) ~[port_obf.jar:?]
   at com.fs.starfarer.ui.z.processInputImpl(Unknown Source) ~[port_obf.jar:?]
   at com.fs.starfarer.ui.R.processInput(Unknown Source) ~[port_obf.jar:?]
   at com.fs.starfarer.ui.z.dispatchEventsToChildren(Unknown Source) ~[port_obf.jar:?]
   at com.fs.starfarer.ui.z.processInputImpl(Unknown Source) ~[port_obf.jar:?]
   at com.fs.starfarer.ui.impl.StandardTooltipV2.processInputImpl(Unknown Source) ~[port_obf.jar:?]
   at com.fs.starfarer.ui.R.processInput(Unknown Source) ~[port_obf.jar:?]
   at com.fs.starfarer.ui.z.dispatchEventsToChildren(Unknown Source) ~[port_obf.jar:?]
   at com.fs.starfarer.ui.z.processInputImpl(Unknown Source) ~[port_obf.jar:?]
   at com.fs.starfarer.ui.newui.oooO.processInputImpl(Unknown Source) ~[port_obf.jar:?]
   at com.fs.starfarer.ui.R.processInput(Unknown Source) ~[port_obf.jar:?]
   at com.fs.starfarer.ui.z.dispatchEventsToChildren(Unknown Source) ~[port_obf.jar:?]
   at com.fs.starfarer.ui.z.processInputImpl(Unknown Source) ~[port_obf.jar:?]
   at com.fs.starfarer.ui.newui.oooO.processInputImpl(Unknown Source) ~[port_obf.jar:?]
   at com.fs.starfarer.ui.R.processInput(Unknown Source) ~[port_obf.jar:?]
   at com.fs.starfarer.ui.z.dispatchEventsToChildren(Unknown Source) ~[port_obf.jar:?]
   at com.fs.starfarer.ui.z.processInputImpl(Unknown Source) ~[port_obf.jar:?]
   at com.fs.starfarer.ui.R.processInput(Unknown Source) ~[port_obf.jar:?]
   at com.fs.starfarer.ui.z.dispatchEventsToChildren(Unknown Source) ~[port_obf.jar:?]
   at com.fs.starfarer.ui.z.processInputImpl(Unknown Source) ~[port_obf.jar:?]
   at com.fs.starfarer.ui.impl.StandardTooltipV2.processInputImpl(Unknown Source) ~[port_obf.jar:?]
   at com.fs.starfarer.ui.R.processInput(Unknown Source) ~[port_obf.jar:?]
   at com.fs.starfarer.ui.O00o$Oo.processInputImpl(Unknown Source) ~[port_obf.jar:?]
   at com.fs.starfarer.ui.R.processInput(Unknown Source) ~[port_obf.jar:?]
   at com.fs.starfarer.ui.z.dispatchEventsToChildren(Unknown Source) ~[port_obf.jar:?]
   at com.fs.starfarer.ui.z.processInputImpl(Unknown Source) ~[port_obf.jar:?]
   at com.fs.starfarer.ui.O00o.processInputImpl(Unknown Source) ~[port_obf.jar:?]
   at com.fs.starfarer.ui.R.processInput(Unknown Source) ~[port_obf.jar:?]
   at com.fs.starfarer.ui.z.dispatchEventsToChildren(Unknown Source) ~[port_obf.jar:?]
   at com.fs.starfarer.ui.z.processInputImpl(Unknown Source) ~[port_obf.jar:?]
   at com.fs.starfarer.ui.newui.oooO.processInputImpl(Unknown Source) ~[port_obf.jar:?]
   at com.fs.starfarer.ui.R.processInput(Unknown Source) ~[port_obf.jar:?]
   at com.fs.starfarer.ui.z.dispatchEventsToChildren(Unknown Source) ~[port_obf.jar:?]
   at com.fs.starfarer.ui.z.processInputImpl(Unknown Source) ~[port_obf.jar:?]
   at com.fs.starfarer.ui.newui.oooO.processInputImpl(Unknown Source) ~[port_obf.jar:?]
   at com.fs.starfarer.ui.R.processInput(Unknown Source) ~[port_obf.jar:?]
   at com.fs.starfarer.ui.z.dispatchEventsToChildren(Unknown Source) ~[port_obf.jar:?]
   at com.fs.starfarer.ui.z.processInputImpl(Unknown Source) ~[port_obf.jar:?]
   at com.fs.starfarer.ui.R.processInput(Unknown Source) ~[port_obf.jar:?]
   at com.fs.starfarer.ui.z.dispatchEventsToChildren(Unknown Source) ~[port_obf.jar:?]
   at com.fs.starfarer.ui.z.processInputImpl(Unknown Source) ~[port_obf.jar:?]
   at com.fs.starfarer.ui.impl.StandardTooltipV2.processInputImpl(Unknown Source) ~[port_obf.jar:?]
   at com.fs.starfarer.ui.R.processInput(Unknown Source) ~[port_obf.jar:?]
   at com.fs.starfarer.ui.O00o$Oo.processInputImpl(Unknown Source) ~[port_obf.jar:?]
   at com.fs.starfarer.ui.R.processInput(Unknown Source) ~[port_obf.jar:?]
   at com.fs.starfarer.ui.z.dispatchEventsToChildren(Unknown Source) ~[port_obf.jar:?]
   at com.fs.starfarer.ui.z.processInputImpl(Unknown Source) ~[port_obf.jar:?]
   at com.fs.starfarer.ui.O00o.processInputImpl(Unknown Source) ~[port_obf.jar:?]
   at com.fs.starfarer.ui.R.processInput(Unknown Source) ~[port_obf.jar:?]
   at com.fs.starfarer.ui.z.dispatchEventsToChildren(Unknown Source) ~[port_obf.jar:?]
   at com.fs.starfarer.ui.z.processInputImpl(Unknown Source) ~[port_obf.jar:?]
   at com.fs.starfarer.ui.newui.oooO.processInputImpl(Unknown Source) ~[port_obf.jar:?]
   at com.fs.starfarer.ui.R.processInput(Unknown Source) ~[port_obf.jar:?]
   at com.fs.starfarer.ui.z.dispatchEventsToChildren(Unknown Source) ~[port_obf.jar:?]
   at com.fs.starfarer.ui.z.processInputImpl(Unknown Source) ~[port_obf.jar:?]
   at com.fs.starfarer.ui.newui.class.processInputImpl(Unknown Source) ~[port_obf.jar:?]
   at com.fs.starfarer.ui.R.processInput(Unknown Source) ~[port_obf.jar:?]
   at com.fs.starfarer.ui.z.dispatchEventsToChildren(Unknown Source) ~[port_obf.jar:?]
   at com.fs.starfarer.ui.z.processInputImpl(Unknown Source) ~[port_obf.jar:?]
   at com.fs.starfarer.ui.O.processInputImpl(Unknown Source) ~[port_obf.jar:?]
   at com.fs.starfarer.ui.newui.for.processInputImpl(Unknown Source) ~[port_obf.jar:?]
   at com.fs.starfarer.ui.R.processInput(Unknown Source) ~[port_obf.jar:?]
   at com.fs.starfarer.ui.z.dispatchEventsToChildren(Unknown Source) ~[port_obf.jar:?]
   at com.fs.starfarer.ui.z.processInputImpl(Unknown Source) ~[port_obf.jar:?]
   at com.fs.starfarer.ui.R.processInput(Unknown Source) ~[port_obf.jar:?]
   at com.fs.starfarer.campaign.CampaignState.processInput(Unknown Source) ~[port_obf.jar:?]
   at com.fs.starfarer.BaseGameState.traverse(Unknown Source) ~[port_obf.jar:?]
   at com.fs.state.AppDriver.begin(Unknown Source) ~[port.common_obf.jar:?]
   at com.fs.starfarer.combat.CombatMain.main(Unknown Source) [port_obf.jar:?]
   at com.fs.starfarer.StarfarerLauncher.o00000(Unknown Source) [port_obf.jar:?]
   at com.fs.starfarer.StarfarerLauncher$ Source) [port_obf.jar:?]
   at java.base/ [?:?]