It's super funny, I was just thinking about wanting a player faction shipset. Lo-and-behold, this manifests from the ether. Thank you for making this, having a blast with it!
(The flavor changes are lovely as well, it's great to finally feel like you actually are the leader of a faction.)
On top of new original hulls, do you have any intention of adding some of the midlines/high-techs to the player faction's repertoire? Would love to see an Odyssey in these colors!
Thanmkies Kon! also uh, managed to fix it last night before I slept so this is in the morning rn; all I did was made it load first by putting in ~~~ to the name so it doesn't get overwritten, works like a charm now!
...Now to make things right and make myself SUPREME OVERLORD and not heckin' Security Officer lol.
Yee, modified the mod.json itself by adding ~~~ in the name section right before the quotes to make it load first
"name":"~~~Konturga's Game Tweaks - Player Faction",
anywhomst; other thing, am trying to see if I can change the description because its showing the one for the Lost Battalion in-game, but the player.faction file doesn't have anything pertaining to it am not think?
I think if I were to add High Tech to the roster, most of the ships would probably follow this color style.Spoiler([close]
Very promising mod i do love me some mods that can make me feel like an actual ruler instead of some rando nut job. Great idea to make seperate mods for different things but i think you can just release [SUPER REDACTED] as a seperate mod with a simple name. It migth make it more user friendly for people looking into mods that let them to take those ships but they migth be unable to find it on mod nexus later on.
I heard it was very hard to make custom avatars for the players faction, and have all player faction AI use that exclusively. But if you can do that, it would be awesome.
Well that could be a plugin on it's own as something to inspire artists to make custom portraits for the PC factionI heard it was very hard to make custom avatars for the players faction, and have all player faction AI use that exclusively. But if you can do that, it would be awesome.
I think the easy part is making it exclusive to the player faction, the hard part is making the portraits. If I remember correctly, each faction file has a list of portraits names and their locations and the player faction is no difference.
I'm testing the waters, but I'll likely have to modify what's already there. But let's see what's possible.
It's just a matter of better structuration, the template for most factions is there and creating a new one exclusive for the player faction might not be as hard as I thought then
Making the player faction exclusive portraits could be similar to these new flag design mods, potentially?
Images for the portraits is easy to swap around, I did a bit of that myself in the lore friendly portraits mod, changing some I didn't like much.
Thanks for replying and your hard work, I appreciate it ;)
This looks great. I look forward to what you come up with next
One of the best mods right now, love the aesthetic. with my current version i start with a civilian ship blueprint, but it isn't activatable in any way and doesn't show that it has any blueprints on it, i'm not playing with any mod that changes how blueprints are and i recall that it had "auxiliary" in the name and sells for 20,000.
I think, based on some of the other portrait packs I've seen, all you really need to do is go in and delete the player.faction file inside the data/world/factions folder of the portrait mods. That should make sure that they don't add any portraits to your player faction.
Instead of renaming them, what if you just separated them into different mods so you could toggle them from start up instead? Give them a name like l..
Player Origin - Military
Player Origin - Corporate
Also if you go to the player faction file in the game with this link:
\Fractal Softworks\Starsector\starsector-core\data\world\factions
You can remove the vanilla portraits from your faction.
Instead of renaming them, what if you just separated them into different mods so you could toggle them from start up instead? Give them a name like l..
Player Origin - Military
Player Origin - Corporate
Also if you go to the player faction file in the game with this link:
\Fractal Softworks\Starsector\starsector-core\data\world\factions
You can remove the vanilla portraits from your faction.
That would require further butchery and it wouldn't guarantee that player faction ai fleets would forcefully use those specific themes, would it? Hmmmm. I think I would need to delete the player.faction from the portraits mod, kinda afraid of messing around starsector-core but I think I can easily make backups, I'll see what I can come up.
I'm creating the corporate theme.
Greetings Fellow Starfarers,Star Captains and Mod DEV !! I am new to this posting in forum stuff so I'll categorize it for easy reading if I may 8) ;D .
Few Ideas for the mod
Faction History: Editable Text so me or other Players of the mod will get the chance to make our own story of our factions or be imaginative haha, Whatever makes it enjoyable in our Playthrough!
Contraband/Banned Commodities (What we want to ban :P ) : Editable Banned Commodities (E.G Heavy Armaments . Recreational Drugs , Harvested Organs . NEW ITEM/Commodity Idea is also Welcome if you want to :P .
Faction Ships and Weapons: Can have a mix Variety if you would prefer or making new ones to make it more fun,challenging and strategic. Just only an Idea!
Faction Color: Editable HEX/Html code colors so we can play around with the settings if we wished :D and make a new color as well on the Factions Information Color so we wont be stuck in Scarlet Red Color Palette :3 .
Player Portraits : I might be able to help you with that since I know making one .hit me up on the Private Message if you like! I might add in some custom portraits for you in my spare time :D
Patrols: Editing Text for partol that suits our playstyle or naming them :3 . Example The Holy Armada,Security Fleet,Defensive or Desolate Fleet something like that whatever comes to mind.
Flags: I can also make custom ones! that should be it that I see .
Pardon me if that is too much to ask for but I really enjoy what mod you created . just a few ideas I just thought about a few days ago cant get it out of my head so here it is Have good Day/Afternoon/Evening to you.
Greetings from the Philippines! :) Ladies and Gents!
Really love the faction ui color. It's dark and I actually like how it makes looking at the hullmod refit section more crisp and pleasing to look at.
Hi i think the XIII hullmod effects arent applied. kindly check.
Also, i found the military package blueprint but the thing is that it doesn't have legion and onslaught in itt. Are their BP separate? Are they found like any other normal ship blueprint for example in Prism freeport or something like that?
Hi, thanks for the reply :)
Hmm, Maybe it's just an enforcer thing?
Because I checked with XIII enforcer and there aren't any stat increases. I'll check with other ships later
Hi, thank you for checking.
I checked on my side again and it seems the effects appear normally now. Damn I wish I took a screenshot.
As about the Flux stats increase, on the XVI battlegroup Enforcer they show up in the codex, are the XIII Flux stats modifications different from the the XVI one?
Either way The problem is fixed for now.
Amazing mod by the way :)
Hey Kon
Ever wanted to create other faction themes and profiles? there's plenty of potential here for pirates, junkers, ludd and corporate themes
Hey Kon
Ever wanted to create other faction themes and profiles? there's plenty of potential here for pirates, junkers, ludd and corporate themes
I've thought about it. Still thinking about it. Time is getting harder to find. I'll need to think through some origins if that's the case. The faction description and the fleet dialogue might take a while too.
how can you use other theme on the market music? i got the music file here but every time i create colony it crashes
Hey Kon
Ever wanted to create other faction themes and profiles? there's plenty of potential here for pirates, junkers, ludd and corporate themes
I've thought about it. Still thinking about it. Time is getting harder to find. I'll need to think through some origins if that's the case. The faction description and the fleet dialogue might take a while too.
Some like the pirates doesn't need to be lore rich like the lost battalion, but the goodies like UI/menus, something to nudge-nudge that these pirates are a a bit above your usual narcotics starved pirates, junkers/miners conglomerate, need to do a bit of the "Thought", so far, I'm really satisfied with what you've done with the last battalion but it doesn't not fit every character I have, I'll help you with writing whenever I can too.
Oh I love this!
I love having a unique set of ships for my faction that sets it apart from the other factions, but that seems to be pretty rare cause most ships are either used by a major faction or independents. Getting all the Rossenritter BPs early was the only time I managed to really get that, actually.
Hi, thank you for creating this mod.
Have you considered messaging the mods,so they could include your mod into mod index?That way many people will find out about your mod.
I'm just learning about this because of this post. Are the ultra-redacted blueprints as rare as something like that should be? I like the idea of ultra rare blueprints in general, ultra-ultra rare naughty blueprints even moreso.
This mod looks interesting. I'm frankly getting tired of getting called a random spacer when I have excessive firepower to take over the Persean Sector but doesnt cus it would get really boring, im gonna try this later can this mod be added mid-game? ;D
I really like the XIII colors, esp since I mostly use 14th Battlegroup ships and at times with the Tahlan shipworks' Great Houses. This will be a great addition to my collection.
Hey its me Again Anyway can this mod be with Lunalib Options or some sorts cause it will be useful as well to change by code cause some color codes are hard to make out since it has 4 as said on another post its kinda complicated
we got R G B and A(Alpha Code "(OPACITY)" )since I do art I have knowledge about colors and stuff such as these RGB stuff. Anyway cause it would be cool and maybe shorten things instead of going to notepad ++ sorry if its too much but its just an idea :D and for the descriptions and stuff so it would be easy as well. Patrols and other fancy things your faction needs you can edit in LUNALIB instead of Notepad++ or Notepad any software you guys use.
I'm sure you can get some of the relevant devs to give you a hint or two.Hey its me Again Anyway can this mod be with Lunalib Options or some sorts cause it will be useful as well to change by code cause some color codes are hard to make out since it has 4 as said on another post its kinda complicated
we got R G B and A(Alpha Code "(OPACITY)" )since I do art I have knowledge about colors and stuff such as these RGB stuff. Anyway cause it would be cool and maybe shorten things instead of going to notepad ++ sorry if its too much but its just an idea :D and for the descriptions and stuff so it would be easy as well. Patrols and other fancy things your faction needs you can edit in LUNALIB instead of Notepad++ or Notepad any software you guys use.
I'll look into it a bit more, but it's unfortunately not likely to be something I can do.
Based on what I've seen so far in the brief look I had at it, Luna Lib requires config files, and the issue tends to be that my coding expertise is limited. To expand on that, a config file on its own is useless, I think a script is used to call variables from these config files and overwrite data in the game. That sounds simple. But I only know the language as far as I reverse engineered it, which in of itself is very, very little. What remains here is the end result of someone who searched through the base game and cut out all the relevant data and put it into notepads so someone else doesn't have to do nearly as much patchwork editing.
For anything and everything related to the player faction, from the colors to the patrols, it's in those files and a needle is a lot easier to find when it's not in the proverbial haystack.
I'm sure you can get some of the relevant devs to give you a hint or two.Hey its me Again Anyway can this mod be with Lunalib Options or some sorts cause it will be useful as well to change by code cause some color codes are hard to make out since it has 4 as said on another post its kinda complicated
we got R G B and A(Alpha Code "(OPACITY)" )since I do art I have knowledge about colors and stuff such as these RGB stuff. Anyway cause it would be cool and maybe shorten things instead of going to notepad ++ sorry if its too much but its just an idea :D and for the descriptions and stuff so it would be easy as well. Patrols and other fancy things your faction needs you can edit in LUNALIB instead of Notepad++ or Notepad any software you guys use.
I'll look into it a bit more, but it's unfortunately not likely to be something I can do.
Based on what I've seen so far in the brief look I had at it, Luna Lib requires config files, and the issue tends to be that my coding expertise is limited. To expand on that, a config file on its own is useless, I think a script is used to call variables from these config files and overwrite data in the game. That sounds simple. But I only know the language as far as I reverse engineered it, which in of itself is very, very little. What remains here is the end result of someone who searched through the base game and cut out all the relevant data and put it into notepads so someone else doesn't have to do nearly as much patchwork editing.
For anything and everything related to the player faction, from the colors to the patrols, it's in those files and a needle is a lot easier to find when it's not in the proverbial haystack.
On that note, you might want to look into how to make it so that you don't overwrite the nexerelin faction music setting on every game startup. I rather dislike the Diktat music myself and it kept resetting to that until i figured out where it came from.
Seems easy enough. The color section seems to be pulled from player.faction in the starsector-core folder and was easy enough to modify.
Honestly, the biggest pain in the butt must have been deciding the rgb values you wanted to use.
I checked both the codex and the ship refit for the enforcer (XIII), both of them had the 13th Battlegroup hullmod and were benefitting from it through armor and top speed. However, the flux capacity and vent rate only appeared once they were in-game which I think is fairly normal. I have tested both a ship that was bought from the market and built through custom production and they had similar results.
I checked both the codex and the ship refit for the enforcer (XIII), both of them had the 13th Battlegroup hullmod and were benefitting from it through armor and top speed. However, the flux capacity and vent rate only appeared once they were in-game which I think is fairly normal. I have tested both a ship that was bought from the market and built through custom production and they had similar results.
Those flux buffs are likely related to character skills.
If you start a fresh game with a 0 skills PC and cheat in the relevant hulls, you'll see that the flux bonus from the Thirteenth Battlegroup Hullmod is not applied for any XIII ships.
See Screenshots:SpoilerBase Variant
([close]SpoilerXIV Variant
([close]SpoilerXIII Variant
Good day! Konturga you forgot to increase your 13th Battlegroup Legion to 310 op points .
I intend to mess around with the faction colors, is there a way to edit the custom ship colors as well?
Good day! Konturga you forgot to increase your 13th Battlegroup Legion to 310 op points .
Oh, it was improved? I’ll have to fix that then. Thank you.
Thank you for updating the 13th battlegroup legion! :D
I stumbled across this mod while looking for something to make my colonies more unique, and loving it so far!
But while I managed to use the mods "Konturga - Player Faction" and "Konturga - BPs and Rebalance" just fine, "Konturga - XIII Ships" keeps giving me the following error:
57367 [Thread-3] ERROR com.fs.starfarer.combat.CombatMain - java.lang.RuntimeException: Ship hull spec [eis_vanguard_xiv] not found!
java.lang.RuntimeException: Ship hull spec [eis_vanguard_xiv] not found!
at com.fs.starfarer.loading.M.o00000(Unknown Source)
at com.fs.starfarer.loading.SpecStore.o00000(Unknown Source)
at com.fs.starfarer.loading.SpecStore.o00000(Unknown Source)
at com.fs.starfarer.settings.StarfarerSettings$1.getHullSpec(Unknown Source)
at com.fs.starfarer.api.impl.campaign.CoreLifecyclePluginImpl.verifyFactionData(
at com.fs.starfarer.api.impl.campaign.CoreLifecyclePluginImpl.verifyFactionData(
at com.fs.starfarer.api.impl.campaign.CoreLifecyclePluginImpl.onGameLoad(
at Source)
at com.fs.starfarer.title.TitleScreenState.dialogDismissed(Unknown Source)
at com.fs.starfarer.ui.public.dismiss(Unknown Source)
at com.fs.starfarer.ui.impl.L.dismiss(Unknown Source)
at Source)
at com.fs.starfarer.ui.n.buttonPressed(Unknown Source)
at com.fs.starfarer.ui.I.Ò00000(Unknown Source)
at com.fs.starfarer.ui.I.processInput(Unknown Source)
at com.fs.starfarer.ui.W.super(Unknown Source)
at com.fs.starfarer.BaseGameState.traverse(Unknown Source)
at com.fs.state.AppDriver.begin(Unknown Source)
at com.fs.starfarer.combat.CombatMain.main(Unknown Source)
at com.fs.starfarer.StarfarerLauncher.o00000(Unknown Source)
at com.fs.starfarer.StarfarerLauncher$ Source)
at Source)
Would you happen to know where the problem is coming from? I'm really looking forward to having some unique colours in my fleet.
Many Thanks, and such a great mod!
I wonder if you did something dirty, because I have serious performance issues throughout the game since my last run to the point I don't want to play anymore - and all I did was to remove Roider Union, reinstalled Starsector to get 0.97a and added your mods.Did you adjust your java version?
This is certainly not reassuring as it looks like something unfinished.
So could it be a 0.97a thing or something in your mod?
Did you adjust your java version?Yes, I did everything in the "Adding mods to your game: first steps" as usual.
I stumbled across this mod while looking for something to make my colonies more unique, and loving it so far!
But while I managed to use the mods "Konturga - Player Faction" and "Konturga - BPs and Rebalance" just fine, "Konturga - XIII Ships" keeps giving me the following error:
57367 [Thread-3] ERROR com.fs.starfarer.combat.CombatMain - java.lang.RuntimeException: Ship hull spec [eis_vanguard_xiv] not found!
java.lang.RuntimeException: Ship hull spec [eis_vanguard_xiv] not found!
at com.fs.starfarer.loading.M.o00000(Unknown Source)
at com.fs.starfarer.loading.SpecStore.o00000(Unknown Source)
at com.fs.starfarer.loading.SpecStore.o00000(Unknown Source)
at com.fs.starfarer.settings.StarfarerSettings$1.getHullSpec(Unknown Source)
at com.fs.starfarer.api.impl.campaign.CoreLifecyclePluginImpl.verifyFactionData(
at com.fs.starfarer.api.impl.campaign.CoreLifecyclePluginImpl.verifyFactionData(
at com.fs.starfarer.api.impl.campaign.CoreLifecyclePluginImpl.onGameLoad(
at Source)
at com.fs.starfarer.title.TitleScreenState.dialogDismissed(Unknown Source)
at com.fs.starfarer.ui.public.dismiss(Unknown Source)
at com.fs.starfarer.ui.impl.L.dismiss(Unknown Source)
at Source)
at com.fs.starfarer.ui.n.buttonPressed(Unknown Source)
at com.fs.starfarer.ui.I.Ò00000(Unknown Source)
at com.fs.starfarer.ui.I.processInput(Unknown Source)
at com.fs.starfarer.ui.W.super(Unknown Source)
at com.fs.starfarer.BaseGameState.traverse(Unknown Source)
at com.fs.state.AppDriver.begin(Unknown Source)
at com.fs.starfarer.combat.CombatMain.main(Unknown Source)
at com.fs.starfarer.StarfarerLauncher.o00000(Unknown Source)
at com.fs.starfarer.StarfarerLauncher$ Source)
at Source)
Would you happen to know where the problem is coming from? I'm really looking forward to having some unique colours in my fleet.
Many Thanks, and such a great mod!
A leftover reference (probably from some earlier version) is causing you trouble.
Here's a fix for now, extract it to your mods folder.
I wonder if you did something dirty, because I have serious performance issues throughout the game since my last run to the point I don't want to play anymore - and all I did was to remove Roider Union, reinstalled Starsector to get 0.97a and added your mods.
This is certainly not reassuring as it looks like something unfinished.
So could it be a 0.97a thing or something in your mod?
Could you alteast remove the shard spawner hullmod from recoverable Doritos from Automated Skill since they can Break the Game? :-\ Thank you and Good day! I hope you update this to 0.97a.
just a heads up, all the images on the first post are broken for me
I wonder if you did something dirty, because I have serious performance issues throughout the game since my last run to the point I don't want to play anymore - and all I did was to remove Roider Union, reinstalled Starsector to get 0.97a and added your mods.
This is certainly not reassuring as it looks like something unfinished.
So could it be a 0.97a thing or something in your mod?
I had to figure out why it was showing up, sometimes I forget what it's like without the Nexerelin mod. Normally it would have auto hidden that, it's a faction that can be joined through another mod to give you all the XIII ship blueprints right off the bat. That did give me a pointer that I have to hide that one for vanilla players.
As for performance issues, this mod has three modules.
The mod for blueprints only make it so some ships and equipment can be salvaged.
For the player faction mod, it's a lightweight mod that changes the names of fleets, titles, ui color, player allied fleet dialogue, and reveals your faction in the intel screen. It doesn't spawn a faction either and there are no added scripts so while I can't rule out the possibility, I can't really see what could cause it.
The XIII ships adds a hullmod, a starting faction profile for another mod, ships and fighters.
All three of the modules are extremely lightweight, should be with low overhead unless I'm missing something.
I wonder if you did something dirty, because I have serious performance issues throughout the game since my last run to the point I don't want to play anymore - and all I did was to remove Roider Union, reinstalled Starsector to get 0.97a and added your mods.
This is certainly not reassuring as it looks like something unfinished.
So could it be a 0.97a thing or something in your mod?
I had to figure out why it was showing up, sometimes I forget what it's like without the Nexerelin mod. Normally it would have auto hidden that, it's a faction that can be joined through another mod to give you all the XIII ship blueprints right off the bat. That did give me a pointer that I have to hide that one for vanilla players.
As for performance issues, this mod has three modules.
The mod for blueprints only make it so some ships and equipment can be salvaged.
For the player faction mod, it's a lightweight mod that changes the names of fleets, titles, ui color, player allied fleet dialogue, and reveals your faction in the intel screen. It doesn't spawn a faction either and there are no added scripts so while I can't rule out the possibility, I can't really see what could cause it.
The XIII ships adds a hullmod, a starting faction profile for another mod, ships and fighters.
All three of the modules are extremely lightweight, should be with low overhead unless I'm missing something.
Thanks for the explanation. I don't think either that your mods are to blame.
Hey Kon, love the new ships (and the mod in general), but I have a question:
Why does the XIII Hammerhead have HEF instead of AAF? Are you supposed to put AM-Blasters into the two small front hybrid mounts?
It also has 10 less OP than the base Hammerhead.
Was this done for balancing reasons or is this something you accidentally adopted from what I assume to have been your template, the LG Hammerhead?
Hey Kon! Really appreciate the mod, thank you.
I just had a question about the faction intel description tab. You know the line that displays the illegal commodities, ranging from drugs to AI cores? What exactly do I need to edit to actually change what is illegal or not for my faction whilst using this mod pack?
I've gone into world/factions and edited all the player-related files to just have drugs/organs to be illegal, not heavy armaments and ai cores. Is there anything else that I'm missing? Great mod again by the way - love that I can customise my own faction description now from the get go, along with the ships!
Hey Kon! Really appreciate the mod, thank you.
I just had a question about the faction intel description tab. You know the line that displays the illegal commodities, ranging from drugs to AI cores? What exactly do I need to edit to actually change what is illegal or not for my faction whilst using this mod pack?
I've gone into world/factions and edited all the player-related files to just have drugs/organs to be illegal, not heavy armaments and ai cores. Is there anything else that I'm missing? Great mod again by the way - love that I can customise my own faction description now from the get go, along with the ships!
So this one gets a bit tricky, first things first, I'll start with this.
The Illegal commodities seem to be set at the beginning of a save, they don't seem to be able to changed after you start your save. Other things edited in the player.faction file change too, but not all of them switch after you've already started. One such example would be the illegal commodities.
Now, you've changed the illegal commodities in your player.faction file. You're wondering why it didn't change anything. The answer to that one is actually quite simple. While you can specify what illegal commodies *ARE* illegal, you cannot specify what *AREN'T*. Why is that a problem? Because even though we remove them from ours, there's actually one more player.faction file that is messing with that.
In Starsector/starsector-core/data/world/factions/
There is the original player.faction file.
While ours does overwrite it, it's probably more correct to say that it merges it. That's why other mods can add portraits to the player faction without overwriting the rest of our changes. Since all we did was erase some illegal commodities, the other player faction, since it still had them merged the information in there with ours and that doesn't help us at all.
That player faction file we mentioned earlier, you can rename it, overwrite it, or delete it, and that should get rid of other issues. As long as you're using a player faction file, for instance, my mod's player faction file, the game will still run as intended.
Hey Kon! Really appreciate the mod, thank you.
I just had a question about the faction intel description tab. You know the line that displays the illegal commodities, ranging from drugs to AI cores? What exactly do I need to edit to actually change what is illegal or not for my faction whilst using this mod pack?
I've gone into world/factions and edited all the player-related files to just have drugs/organs to be illegal, not heavy armaments and ai cores. Is there anything else that I'm missing? Great mod again by the way - love that I can customise my own faction description now from the get go, along with the ships!
So this one gets a bit tricky, first things first, I'll start with this.
The Illegal commodities seem to be set at the beginning of a save, they don't seem to be able to changed after you start your save. Other things edited in the player.faction file change too, but not all of them switch after you've already started. One such example would be the illegal commodities.
Now, you've changed the illegal commodities in your player.faction file. You're wondering why it didn't change anything. The answer to that one is actually quite simple. While you can specify what illegal commodies *ARE* illegal, you cannot specify what *AREN'T*. Why is that a problem? Because even though we remove them from ours, there's actually one more player.faction file that is messing with that.
In Starsector/starsector-core/data/world/factions/
There is the original player.faction file.
While ours does overwrite it, it's probably more correct to say that it merges it. That's why other mods can add portraits to the player faction without overwriting the rest of our changes. Since all we did was erase some illegal commodities, the other player faction, since it still had them merged the information in there with ours and that doesn't help us at all.
That player faction file we mentioned earlier, you can rename it, overwrite it, or delete it, and that should get rid of other issues. As long as you're using a player faction file, for instance, my mod's player faction file, the game will still run as intended.
And here I didn't even think about or realise that the player faction files would just be "merged" so to speak. That's definitely something I will need to go ahead and tinker with.
I suspected that the changes wouldn't be visible mid-save. Oh well. Thanks Kon.
Hey Kon! Really appreciate the mod, thank you.
I just had a question about the faction intel description tab. You know the line that displays the illegal commodities, ranging from drugs to AI cores? What exactly do I need to edit to actually change what is illegal or not for my faction whilst using this mod pack?
I've gone into world/factions and edited all the player-related files to just have drugs/organs to be illegal, not heavy armaments and ai cores. Is there anything else that I'm missing? Great mod again by the way - love that I can customise my own faction description now from the get go, along with the ships!
So this one gets a bit tricky, first things first, I'll start with this.
The Illegal commodities seem to be set at the beginning of a save, they don't seem to be able to changed after you start your save. Other things edited in the player.faction file change too, but not all of them switch after you've already started. One such example would be the illegal commodities.
Now, you've changed the illegal commodities in your player.faction file. You're wondering why it didn't change anything. The answer to that one is actually quite simple. While you can specify what illegal commodies *ARE* illegal, you cannot specify what *AREN'T*. Why is that a problem? Because even though we remove them from ours, there's actually one more player.faction file that is messing with that.
In Starsector/starsector-core/data/world/factions/
There is the original player.faction file.
While ours does overwrite it, it's probably more correct to say that it merges it. That's why other mods can add portraits to the player faction without overwriting the rest of our changes. Since all we did was erase some illegal commodities, the other player faction, since it still had them merged the information in there with ours and that doesn't help us at all.
That player faction file we mentioned earlier, you can rename it, overwrite it, or delete it, and that should get rid of other issues. As long as you're using a player faction file, for instance, my mod's player faction file, the game will still run as intended.
And here I didn't even think about or realise that the player faction files would just be "merged" so to speak. That's definitely something I will need to go ahead and tinker with.
I suspected that the changes wouldn't be visible mid-save. Oh well. Thanks Kon.
I’m just glad it helped. If there was just a way to remove lines from the merging.. There would be a lot more than I could do.
Before I forget, with the same vein of thought, if you take out the player.faction file in the place I mentioned, it means it won’t be able to merge the portraits from there. It could help if you wanted to have only specific portraits in your army as specified in your mod’s player faction file.
Hey Kon! Really appreciate the mod, thank you.
I just had a question about the faction intel description tab. You know the line that displays the illegal commodities, ranging from drugs to AI cores? What exactly do I need to edit to actually change what is illegal or not for my faction whilst using this mod pack?
I've gone into world/factions and edited all the player-related files to just have drugs/organs to be illegal, not heavy armaments and ai cores. Is there anything else that I'm missing? Great mod again by the way - love that I can customise my own faction description now from the get go, along with the ships!
So this one gets a bit tricky, first things first, I'll start with this.
The Illegal commodities seem to be set at the beginning of a save, they don't seem to be able to changed after you start your save. Other things edited in the player.faction file change too, but not all of them switch after you've already started. One such example would be the illegal commodities.
Now, you've changed the illegal commodities in your player.faction file. You're wondering why it didn't change anything. The answer to that one is actually quite simple. While you can specify what illegal commodies *ARE* illegal, you cannot specify what *AREN'T*. Why is that a problem? Because even though we remove them from ours, there's actually one more player.faction file that is messing with that.
In Starsector/starsector-core/data/world/factions/
There is the original player.faction file.
While ours does overwrite it, it's probably more correct to say that it merges it. That's why other mods can add portraits to the player faction without overwriting the rest of our changes. Since all we did was erase some illegal commodities, the other player faction, since it still had them merged the information in there with ours and that doesn't help us at all.
That player faction file we mentioned earlier, you can rename it, overwrite it, or delete it, and that should get rid of other issues. As long as you're using a player faction file, for instance, my mod's player faction file, the game will still run as intended.
And here I didn't even think about or realise that the player faction files would just be "merged" so to speak. That's definitely something I will need to go ahead and tinker with.
I suspected that the changes wouldn't be visible mid-save. Oh well. Thanks Kon.
I’m just glad it helped. If there was just a way to remove lines from the merging.. There would be a lot more than I could do.
Before I forget, with the same vein of thought, if you take out the player.faction file in the place I mentioned, it means it won’t be able to merge the portraits from there. It could help if you wanted to have only specific portraits in your army as specified in your mod’s player faction file.
It's been very helpful, thank you. I went on a non-recommended route and decided to just edit the player faction file in the core file location to have the same illegal commodities as I have in your mod. Would that... work? I'll have to test it myself later tonight, but I've made one too many mistakes in the past with renaming or deleting files whilst tinkering with mods.
Hi just to clarify on the above thread, do all the player.faction files need to be edited to change the illegal commodities? in both the mod and the core game?
Hey Kon! Really appreciate the mod, thank you.
I just had a question about the faction intel description tab. You know the line that displays the illegal commodities, ranging from drugs to AI cores? What exactly do I need to edit to actually change what is illegal or not for my faction whilst using this mod pack?
I've gone into world/factions and edited all the player-related files to just have drugs/organs to be illegal, not heavy armaments and ai cores. Is there anything else that I'm missing? Great mod again by the way - love that I can customise my own faction description now from the get go, along with the ships!
So this one gets a bit tricky, first things first, I'll start with this.
The Illegal commodities seem to be set at the beginning of a save, they don't seem to be able to changed after you start your save. Other things edited in the player.faction file change too, but not all of them switch after you've already started. One such example would be the illegal commodities.
Now, you've changed the illegal commodities in your player.faction file. You're wondering why it didn't change anything. The answer to that one is actually quite simple. While you can specify what illegal commodies *ARE* illegal, you cannot specify what *AREN'T*. Why is that a problem? Because even though we remove them from ours, there's actually one more player.faction file that is messing with that.
In Starsector/starsector-core/data/world/factions/
There is the original player.faction file.
While ours does overwrite it, it's probably more correct to say that it merges it. That's why other mods can add portraits to the player faction without overwriting the rest of our changes. Since all we did was erase some illegal commodities, the other player faction, since it still had them merged the information in there with ours and that doesn't help us at all.
That player faction file we mentioned earlier, you can rename it, overwrite it, or delete it, and that should get rid of other issues. As long as you're using a player faction file, for instance, my mod's player faction file, the game will still run as intended.
And here I didn't even think about or realise that the player faction files would just be "merged" so to speak. That's definitely something I will need to go ahead and tinker with.
I suspected that the changes wouldn't be visible mid-save. Oh well. Thanks Kon.
I’m just glad it helped. If there was just a way to remove lines from the merging.. There would be a lot more than I could do.
Before I forget, with the same vein of thought, if you take out the player.faction file in the place I mentioned, it means it won’t be able to merge the portraits from there. It could help if you wanted to have only specific portraits in your army as specified in your mod’s player faction file.
It's been very helpful, thank you. I went on a non-recommended route and decided to just edit the player faction file in the core file location to have the same illegal commodities as I have in your mod. Would that... work? I'll have to test it myself later tonight, but I've made one too many mistakes in the past with renaming or deleting files whilst tinkering with mods.
Short answer, yes, it should work.
Long answer, I think modifying it is pretty similar to deleting or renaming it in the sense it's generally not recommended. But it's what needs to be done in order to have everything tweaked exactly as we want it. To answer, yes, that should work just fine. Or rather, unless there is information disproving it, I should say I think that's one of the only ways it will work. I think it's completely understandable to not delete it.
Hey Kon! Really appreciate the mod, thank you.
I just had a question about the faction intel description tab. You know the line that displays the illegal commodities, ranging from drugs to AI cores? What exactly do I need to edit to actually change what is illegal or not for my faction whilst using this mod pack?
I've gone into world/factions and edited all the player-related files to just have drugs/organs to be illegal, not heavy armaments and ai cores. Is there anything else that I'm missing? Great mod again by the way - love that I can customise my own faction description now from the get go, along with the ships!
So this one gets a bit tricky, first things first, I'll start with this.
The Illegal commodities seem to be set at the beginning of a save, they don't seem to be able to changed after you start your save. Other things edited in the player.faction file change too, but not all of them switch after you've already started. One such example would be the illegal commodities.
Now, you've changed the illegal commodities in your player.faction file. You're wondering why it didn't change anything. The answer to that one is actually quite simple. While you can specify what illegal commodies *ARE* illegal, you cannot specify what *AREN'T*. Why is that a problem? Because even though we remove them from ours, there's actually one more player.faction file that is messing with that.
In Starsector/starsector-core/data/world/factions/
There is the original player.faction file.
While ours does overwrite it, it's probably more correct to say that it merges it. That's why other mods can add portraits to the player faction without overwriting the rest of our changes. Since all we did was erase some illegal commodities, the other player faction, since it still had them merged the information in there with ours and that doesn't help us at all.
That player faction file we mentioned earlier, you can rename it, overwrite it, or delete it, and that should get rid of other issues. As long as you're using a player faction file, for instance, my mod's player faction file, the game will still run as intended.
And here I didn't even think about or realise that the player faction files would just be "merged" so to speak. That's definitely something I will need to go ahead and tinker with.
I suspected that the changes wouldn't be visible mid-save. Oh well. Thanks Kon.
I’m just glad it helped. If there was just a way to remove lines from the merging.. There would be a lot more than I could do.
Before I forget, with the same vein of thought, if you take out the player.faction file in the place I mentioned, it means it won’t be able to merge the portraits from there. It could help if you wanted to have only specific portraits in your army as specified in your mod’s player faction file.
It's been very helpful, thank you. I went on a non-recommended route and decided to just edit the player faction file in the core file location to have the same illegal commodities as I have in your mod. Would that... work? I'll have to test it myself later tonight, but I've made one too many mistakes in the past with renaming or deleting files whilst tinkering with mods.
Short answer, yes, it should work.
Long answer, I think modifying it is pretty similar to deleting or renaming it in the sense it's generally not recommended. But it's what needs to be done in order to have everything tweaked exactly as we want it. To answer, yes, that should work just fine. Or rather, unless there is information disproving it, I should say I think that's one of the only ways it will work. I think it's completely understandable to not delete it.
Thanks Kon. I just made a new save to test (with all the edits etc), but it seems like it hasn't changed at all. Do I need to find EVERY player.faction file involved (across all other mods)? I wouldn't have thought, but it looks like I'm going to have to try...
Hey Kon! Really appreciate the mod, thank you.
I just had a question about the faction intel description tab. You know the line that displays the illegal commodities, ranging from drugs to AI cores? What exactly do I need to edit to actually change what is illegal or not for my faction whilst using this mod pack?
I've gone into world/factions and edited all the player-related files to just have drugs/organs to be illegal, not heavy armaments and ai cores. Is there anything else that I'm missing? Great mod again by the way - love that I can customise my own faction description now from the get go, along with the ships!
So this one gets a bit tricky, first things first, I'll start with this.
The Illegal commodities seem to be set at the beginning of a save, they don't seem to be able to changed after you start your save. Other things edited in the player.faction file change too, but not all of them switch after you've already started. One such example would be the illegal commodities.
Now, you've changed the illegal commodities in your player.faction file. You're wondering why it didn't change anything. The answer to that one is actually quite simple. While you can specify what illegal commodies *ARE* illegal, you cannot specify what *AREN'T*. Why is that a problem? Because even though we remove them from ours, there's actually one more player.faction file that is messing with that.
In Starsector/starsector-core/data/world/factions/
There is the original player.faction file.
While ours does overwrite it, it's probably more correct to say that it merges it. That's why other mods can add portraits to the player faction without overwriting the rest of our changes. Since all we did was erase some illegal commodities, the other player faction, since it still had them merged the information in there with ours and that doesn't help us at all.
That player faction file we mentioned earlier, you can rename it, overwrite it, or delete it, and that should get rid of other issues. As long as you're using a player faction file, for instance, my mod's player faction file, the game will still run as intended.
And here I didn't even think about or realise that the player faction files would just be "merged" so to speak. That's definitely something I will need to go ahead and tinker with.
I suspected that the changes wouldn't be visible mid-save. Oh well. Thanks Kon.
I’m just glad it helped. If there was just a way to remove lines from the merging.. There would be a lot more than I could do.
Before I forget, with the same vein of thought, if you take out the player.faction file in the place I mentioned, it means it won’t be able to merge the portraits from there. It could help if you wanted to have only specific portraits in your army as specified in your mod’s player faction file.
It's been very helpful, thank you. I went on a non-recommended route and decided to just edit the player faction file in the core file location to have the same illegal commodities as I have in your mod. Would that... work? I'll have to test it myself later tonight, but I've made one too many mistakes in the past with renaming or deleting files whilst tinkering with mods.
Short answer, yes, it should work.
Long answer, I think modifying it is pretty similar to deleting or renaming it in the sense it's generally not recommended. But it's what needs to be done in order to have everything tweaked exactly as we want it. To answer, yes, that should work just fine. Or rather, unless there is information disproving it, I should say I think that's one of the only ways it will work. I think it's completely understandable to not delete it.
Thanks Kon. I just made a new save to test (with all the edits etc), but it seems like it hasn't changed at all. Do I need to find EVERY player.faction file involved (across all other mods)? I wouldn't have thought, but it looks like I'm going to have to try...
To my knowledge, the mods I've seen rarely touch on that. Could you send your player faction file from starsector-core/world/factions? I could have a look.
Hi Kon, apologies for the late reply.
I went diving for other player.faction files and found that a certain portrait mod had kept in the unedited default illegal commodities lines in their code. Can't remember which one, but I did away with it. It works as intended now!
Amazing mod, but out of curiosity, do you intend to add other domain battlegroups so the player has access to even more fleet doctrines or will it remain just the thirteenth?There's enough other mods that do so. Off-Hand, i can remember 4th, 6th, 9th, 13th, 14th (vanilla) and there is a 1st in the works for AotD.
I see, well I don't really know how to express appreciation for a mod. So um keep up the amazing work
Hope to see this mod continue expanding
Unless i'm being dumb right now mod link still gives out 2.8.
Are 2.9.1 saves compatible with 3.0?
Hi Kon, apologies for the late reply.
I went diving for other player.faction files and found that a certain portrait mod had kept in the unedited default illegal commodities lines in their code. Can't remember which one, but I did away with it. It works as intended now!
I'm glad that it does. I took a bit of what you said and reorganized the player faction file in the new version. It might have come a bit too late, but there's a lot more options that most people might not be aware are possible.
If you do check it, I hope you enjoy the new options.
Hi Kon, apologies for the late reply.
I went diving for other player.faction files and found that a certain portrait mod had kept in the unedited default illegal commodities lines in their code. Can't remember which one, but I did away with it. It works as intended now!
I'm glad that it does. I took a bit of what you said and reorganized the player faction file in the new version. It might have come a bit too late, but there's a lot more options that most people might not be aware are possible.
If you do check it, I hope you enjoy the new options.
Late to the party, had the same issue and am glad someone brought it up since my memory makes Dory from Finding Nemo look good lol
Am I to understand that you've "fixed" and/or added the ability to easily change/remove Illegal Commodities for the Player Faction, or am I going to go delving into my mod list to find every trace of it?
Regardless, thank you SO SO SO SO SO very much for your work on this amazing mod(s)- an absolute MUST-HAVE that I would recommend to any and every SS player
Good day Konturga! :)
It seems you forgot to add Militarized Subsystems to the 13th Battlegroup kite. :-\
And The [SUPER ALABASTER] Volatile Particle Driver Has been buffed in version 0.97a:
*Increased range to 1000 (was: 700)
*Reduced flux/shot to 100 (was: 150)
Your Blueprints mod should be edited.
I kinda wish Alex, David and co would atleast declare your 13th battlegroup mod legally canon in the lore.
And Make the Player a bit more special not just some nobody.
Your Ships really fit the setting of Vanilla Starsector.
That is all and thank you! :D
Thanks for the Reply and the Update! :D
It seems you forgot to add SD Kinetic Blaster on your BP list as well. :-\
Good day Konturga! :)
Do you still have any plans to add more 13th battlegroup vanilla ships in your mod? :-\
Would be kinda cool if we have the 13th battlegroup version of invictus and retribution
since we have the 13th version of a vanguard. :D
Hi Kon, apologies for the late reply.
I went diving for other player.faction files and found that a certain portrait mod had kept in the unedited default illegal commodities lines in their code. Can't remember which one, but I did away with it. It works as intended now!
I'm glad that it does. I took a bit of what you said and reorganized the player faction file in the new version. It might have come a bit too late, but there's a lot more options that most people might not be aware are possible.
If you do check it, I hope you enjoy the new options.
Late to the party, had the same issue and am glad someone brought it up since my memory makes Dory from Finding Nemo look good lol
Am I to understand that you've "fixed" and/or added the ability to easily change/remove Illegal Commodities for the Player Faction, or am I going to go delving into my mod list to find every trace of it?
Regardless, thank you SO SO SO SO SO very much for your work on this amazing mod(s)- an absolute MUST-HAVE that I would recommend to any and every SS player
Greetings, Konturga.
I noticed that the blueprint of the 13th battlegroup weapons provides only a small part of what is in the mod itself.
And so I'm wondering: is this how it should be or is there some kind of omission?
Hello, I have a question that I want to ask. Do you have a plan to add super capital ship?
Downside being that it breaks every single portrait mod for the player faction.Hi Kon, apologies for the late reply.
I went diving for other player.faction files and found that a certain portrait mod had kept in the unedited default illegal commodities lines in their code. Can't remember which one, but I did away with it. It works as intended now!
I'm glad that it does. I took a bit of what you said and reorganized the player faction file in the new version. It might have come a bit too late, but there's a lot more options that most people might not be aware are possible.
If you do check it, I hope you enjoy the new options.
Late to the party, had the same issue and am glad someone brought it up since my memory makes Dory from Finding Nemo look good lol
Am I to understand that you've "fixed" and/or added the ability to easily change/remove Illegal Commodities for the Player Faction, or am I going to go delving into my mod list to find every trace of it?
Regardless, thank you SO SO SO SO SO very much for your work on this amazing mod(s)- an absolute MUST-HAVE that I would recommend to any and every SS player
It took what feels like two years but you can now edit the commodities without having to edit every player faction file. The new setup prevents merging player faction files together so you should be able to edit it to your heart's content.
I am considering rolling back the changes. For portrait packs you can enable them for the new player faction by renaming the portrait pack’s player.faction to playeralt.faction.Downside being that it breaks every single portrait mod for the player faction.Hi Kon, apologies for the late reply.
I went diving for other player.faction files and found that a certain portrait mod had kept in the unedited default illegal commodities lines in their code. Can't remember which one, but I did away with it. It works as intended now!
I'm glad that it does. I took a bit of what you said and reorganized the player faction file in the new version. It might have come a bit too late, but there's a lot more options that most people might not be aware are possible.
If you do check it, I hope you enjoy the new options.
Late to the party, had the same issue and am glad someone brought it up since my memory makes Dory from Finding Nemo look good lol
Am I to understand that you've "fixed" and/or added the ability to easily change/remove Illegal Commodities for the Player Faction, or am I going to go delving into my mod list to find every trace of it?
Regardless, thank you SO SO SO SO SO very much for your work on this amazing mod(s)- an absolute MUST-HAVE that I would recommend to any and every SS player
It took what feels like two years but you can now edit the commodities without having to edit every player faction file. The new setup prevents merging player faction files together so you should be able to edit it to your heart's content.
Downside being that it breaks every single portrait mod for the player faction.Hi Kon, apologies for the late reply.
I went diving for other player.faction files and found that a certain portrait mod had kept in the unedited default illegal commodities lines in their code. Can't remember which one, but I did away with it. It works as intended now!
I'm glad that it does. I took a bit of what you said and reorganized the player faction file in the new version. It might have come a bit too late, but there's a lot more options that most people might not be aware are possible.
If you do check it, I hope you enjoy the new options.
Late to the party, had the same issue and am glad someone brought it up since my memory makes Dory from Finding Nemo look good lol
Am I to understand that you've "fixed" and/or added the ability to easily change/remove Illegal Commodities for the Player Faction, or am I going to go delving into my mod list to find every trace of it?
Regardless, thank you SO SO SO SO SO very much for your work on this amazing mod(s)- an absolute MUST-HAVE that I would recommend to any and every SS player
It took what feels like two years but you can now edit the commodities without having to edit every player faction file. The new setup prevents merging player faction files together so you should be able to edit it to your heart's content.
“I think that’s an understandable point and I won’t dog on you for saying that. I’ve been initially trying to aim for a lowtech, midline mix, with a couple of my favorite experimental high techs thrown in to keep things interesting. The XIV had a mix of Falcons and Eagles so integration between the Low tech and Mid tech made sense to me. But the strongest ships will probably still be the low tech, with the bulk of bonuses benefiting them. The Gryphon is pretty good though with the setup it has.
High tech I think would be a rarity, and I think looking over it, they will continue to remain a niche strike force.
Downside being that it breaks every single portrait mod for the player faction.
“I think that’s an understandable point and I won’t dog on you for saying that. I’ve been initially trying to aim for a lowtech, midline mix, with a couple of my favorite experimental high techs thrown in to keep things interesting. The XIV had a mix of Falcons and Eagles so integration between the Low tech and Mid tech made sense to me. But the strongest ships will probably still be the low tech, with the bulk of bonuses benefiting them. The Gryphon is pretty good though with the setup it has.
High tech I think would be a rarity, and I think looking over it, they will continue to remain a niche strike force.
Maybe the 13 could be sort of mid-transition to the late domain cruiser school doctrine that was gaining popularity before the collapse?
Then it would make much more sense to have existing decisive battle era lowtech ships already in the fleet refitted to serve the role, a bulky selection of new midline cruisers and a small limited flock of high-tech phase skimmers and support ships in the fleet before the collapse?
I just get the impression battlegroup XIII's theme is all about that cruiser school doctrine from it's ship lineup including it's hullmod.
K: Hmm, given that thought, what would you recommend to help bring it in line so that the choice is more interesting? I could think of a couple debuffs, more crew required to staff, higher cost for supplies, could increase shield upkeep but that one is especially dangerous.
K: I think, I might have a couple ideas. Maybe I should separate the two into Pre-Collapse and Post-Collapse, in the case of the wolf, that one is labeled as an auxiliary ship and not necessarily of the 13th Battlegroup make, inducted after the collapse. I’ll have to think on it.
D: That said, do you think you might add an (improved) XIII BG version of the Tarsus? I adore that ship, but it's simply not worth using compared to more economical alternatives.
K: Hmm, that one might be easy to do, let me see what I can do.
I'll get to the rest one of these days, but the new update includes a Tarsus, that one looked small enough to do, ended up doing a rather large design change. I'm not sure if you'll like the new midline aesthetic, but hopefully it lands?
I'll get to the rest one of these days, but the new update includes a Tarsus, that one looked small enough to do, ended up doing a rather large design change. I'm not sure if you'll like the new midline aesthetic, but hopefully it lands?
It's certainly... interesting. It vaguely reminds me of a Conquest (I think you used that as a template?) which got a Domain Explorarium drone makeover, then was painted red.
That said, I am a little interested in making some skins for myself. Do you have any recommendations on which programs to use, and some guides on colouring ships you'd recommend?
I'll get to the rest one of these days, but the new update includes a Tarsus, that one looked small enough to do, ended up doing a rather large design change. I'm not sure if you'll like the new midline aesthetic, but hopefully it lands?
It's certainly... interesting. It vaguely reminds me of a Conquest (I think you used that as a template?) which got a Domain Explorarium drone makeover, then was painted red.
That said, I am a little interested in making some skins for myself. Do you have any recommendations on which programs to use, and some guides on colouring ships you'd recommend?
Hi! Thanks for such a great mod! I downloaded the new update but I'm having problem with the XIII module. I'm on Linux and it just doesn't want to properly start up with it. I tried other mods that had this problem before too and it might be due to Linux being very case sensitive compared to Windows and some assets not having the same exact names in the .csv compared to the actual files.
Good day Konturga! :)
Some issues:
*It seems the Tarsus (XIII Version) in the Main Menu Codex Doesn't have a complete description it just says: No Description Yet...
*Thank you for giving Tarsus some love. Just Adding Militarized subsystems and Shielded Cargo Holds make it worthwhile using.
*It seems your mod cause some of the Player Character Portraits in the New Game Character Creation to not show up and disappear.
*I really want all the Vanilla Faction Portraits in the Character creation even in my Faction.
*Try to atleast stay faithful to the Vanilla lore even the Ships and weapons. Im slightly concerned.
*Sorry if Im rude its still your mod. :'(
That is all and thank you. :D
Good day Konturga! :)
Some issues:
*It seems the Tarsus (XIII Version) in the Main Menu Codex Doesn't have a complete description it just says: No Description Yet...
*Thank you for giving Tarsus some love. Just Adding Militarized subsystems and Shielded Cargo Holds make it worthwhile using.
*It seems your mod cause some of the Player Character Portraits in the New Game Character Creation to not show up and disappear.
*I really want all the Vanilla Faction Portraits in the Character creation even in my Faction.
*Try to atleast stay faithful to the Vanilla lore even the Ships and weapons. Im slightly concerned.
*Sorry if Im rude its still your mod. :'(
That is all and thank you. :D
getting some sudden crashes very often and I believe I narrowed it down to the player faction mod
looking at the log nothing is abnormal except this:
106277 [Thread-3] WARN org.magiclib.util.MagicCampaign - could not load ship variant at data/config/modFiles/magicBounty_variants/kpf_bounty_large.variant
org.json.JSONException: JSONArray[2] not found.
at org.json.JSONArray.get(
at org.json.JSONArray.getString(
at org.magiclib.util.MagicCampaign.loadVariant(
at org.magiclib.bounty.MagicBountyLoader.validateAndCorrectIds(
at org.magiclib.bounty.MagicBountyLoader.validateAndCullLoadedBounties(
at org.magiclib.bounty.MagicBountyCoordinator.onGameLoad(
at org.magiclib.Magic_modPlugin.onGameLoad(
at Source)
at com.fs.starfarer.title.TitleScreenState.dialogDismissed(Unknown Source)
at com.fs.starfarer.ui.O.dismiss(Unknown Source)
at com.fs.starfarer.ui.impl.for.dismiss(Unknown Source)
at Source)
at com.fs.starfarer.ui.o0O0.buttonPressed(Unknown Source)
at 00000(Unknown Source)
at Source)
at com.fs.starfarer.ui.W.o00000(Unknown Source)
at com.fs.starfarer.BaseGameState.traverse(Unknown Source)
at com.fs.state.AppDriver.begin(Unknown Source)
at com.fs.starfarer.combat.CombatMain.main(Unknown Source)
at com.fs.starfarer.StarfarerLauncher.super(Unknown Source)
at com.fs.starfarer.StarfarerLauncher$ Source)
kpf_bounty_large.variant I assume is the newly introduced bounty ? Could this be it ?
getting some sudden crashes very often and I believe I narrowed it down to the player faction mod
looking at the log nothing is abnormal except this:
106277 [Thread-3] WARN org.magiclib.util.MagicCampaign - could not load ship variant at data/config/modFiles/magicBounty_variants/kpf_bounty_large.variant
org.json.JSONException: JSONArray[2] not found.
at org.json.JSONArray.get(
at org.json.JSONArray.getString(
at org.magiclib.util.MagicCampaign.loadVariant(
at org.magiclib.bounty.MagicBountyLoader.validateAndCorrectIds(
at org.magiclib.bounty.MagicBountyLoader.validateAndCullLoadedBounties(
at org.magiclib.bounty.MagicBountyCoordinator.onGameLoad(
at org.magiclib.Magic_modPlugin.onGameLoad(
at Source)
at com.fs.starfarer.title.TitleScreenState.dialogDismissed(Unknown Source)
at com.fs.starfarer.ui.O.dismiss(Unknown Source)
at com.fs.starfarer.ui.impl.for.dismiss(Unknown Source)
at Source)
at com.fs.starfarer.ui.o0O0.buttonPressed(Unknown Source)
at 00000(Unknown Source)
at Source)
at com.fs.starfarer.ui.W.o00000(Unknown Source)
at com.fs.starfarer.BaseGameState.traverse(Unknown Source)
at com.fs.state.AppDriver.begin(Unknown Source)
at com.fs.starfarer.combat.CombatMain.main(Unknown Source)
at com.fs.starfarer.StarfarerLauncher.super(Unknown Source)
at com.fs.starfarer.StarfarerLauncher$ Source)
kpf_bounty_large.variant I assume is the newly introduced bounty ? Could this be it ?
Strange, the crashes still happen and according to the log the error with bounties isn't gone.
Maybe its something on my end.
Strange, the crashes still happen and according to the log the error with bounties isn't gone.
Maybe its something on my end.
So since a new ship has been added is it safe to update that particular submod midsave?
Hi love your mod and what your adding, if you can, could you make a separate mod pack for the weapons?
I'm mostly interested in vanilla+ and the prospect of utilizing magazine weapons is very intriguing.
Hmm, I’m worried about segmenting it a bit too much, but let me think about it. Some of the new weapons, including the soon to released special energy weapon and the currently released SRM, and non-vanilla ships are locked behind a bounty. As long as you don’t choose them from the Nex start, they should be good.
On a side note, I hope you’re enjoying the new Merge Disabler submod to let you actually have the illegal commodities you had wanted before, without altering the starsector-core player.faction file. If I’m remembering correctly at least.
Hmm, I’m worried about segmenting it a bit too much, but let me think about it. Some of the new weapons, including the soon to released special energy weapon and the currently released SRM, and non-vanilla ships are locked behind a bounty. As long as you don’t choose them from the Nex start, they should be good.
On a side note, I hope you’re enjoying the new Merge Disabler submod to let you actually have the illegal commodities you had wanted before, without altering the starsector-core player.faction file. If I’m remembering correctly at least.
So thats what it does, i'll try them out, thanks for your work once gain.
"makesPirateBases":false, #TRIED IT AND DIDN'T SEE ANYTHING. PROBABLY MAKES ACTUAL PIRATE-ALIGNED PIRATE BASES.My experience is that this makes it possible for the faction to make pirate-like bases.
"pirateBehavior":false, #NOT ENTIRELY SURE. UNTESTED. RAIDING?Not sure either, but I do believe one of the behaviours is putting fleets at the end of slipstreams.
Nice mod!Quote"makesPirateBases":false, #TRIED IT AND DIDN'T SEE ANYTHING. PROBABLY MAKES ACTUAL PIRATE-ALIGNED PIRATE BASES.My experience is that this makes it possible for the faction to make pirate-like bases.
In other words, "faction" can create basesanywherein unoccupied systems (most likely, not sure), where it can spawn "faction"-shipsfleets.Quote"pirateBehavior":false, #NOT ENTIRELY SURE. UNTESTED. RAIDING?Not sure either, but I do believe one of the behaviours is putting fleets at the end of slipstreams.
I think I encountered a bug. Are the blueprint packages supposed to be empty? Screenshots are too big to be linked but the standardized and specialized BP packages are empty.
Would there be a way to make like a "blank fill in the blanks" template to select the ships / variants / weapons you want for your faction? I am just now looking into this, have an idea of what I want for my faction but no idea how to accomplish it. Was directed here as a start. :D
hey konturga whats the difference between "xiii mostly vanilla ships"
and the other "xiii ships"?
Hi, first off thank you for an awesome mod. Anything that adds some distinction to the player faction is great in my book.
In my current campaign I've found the XIII bp package, however I can't acquire any of the bp's since the game claims they're already known despite me discovering them for the first time. I perused the doctrine & blueprints tab to confirm they weren't unlocked and it checked out. Is this a bug or have I set it up wrong? I'm using all the submods with the full XIII package, not just vanilla ships, except the merge disabler. I looked at the playeralt.faction file and it starts me out with the base_bp, which I assume is intended as you're supposed to find the XIII_bp first yourself? I would appreciate any help, thx in advance.
Every image in this thread seems broken for me. It's likely the images were deleted off of discord or otherwise made unavailable, might I suggest an image hosting site?
imgur.comEvery image in this thread seems broken for me. It's likely the images were deleted off of discord or otherwise made unavailable, might I suggest an image hosting site?
It would be nice not to have to keep fixing it. What image hosting site would you recommend?
Hello there!You can just make a copy of the player.faction file of the portrait pack and rename the copy to playeralt.faction. Leave it in that mods faction directory, it won't do anything unless you also load Merge Disabler.
I am a bit confused about the Merge disabler mod, so does the mod only allow you to have one portrait pack only? Or can you rename many "player.faction" files from other portrait mods? Can I paste the contents of the "player.faction" files of portrait mods and put them in the "Merge Disabler" playeralt.faction?
I am not good at these things, many thanks!
At post-battle ship recovery, the color background of "my recoverable losses" is barely distinguishable from the normal background. If both sides had similar amounts of D-mods and S-mods and the ships aren't all that different either (such as low-tech vs pirates), it turns from "gotta click *these* and browse the rest" into a squintfest. Which file (or line) is it?
Since there's a drone mech cruiser and a drone mech frigate all that's left is a drone mech fighter and capital sized mech.
Another amazing update with wonderful sprite work for those new ships and weapons, especially like the way the onslaught looks now. Do you intend to do similar reinforced sprites for other ships?
Hey Konturga, any thoughts on expanding the lore for the 13th.
"Nearly two grueling centuries passed as they traveled at sublight speeds with power systems threading the line of failure. Only a fraction of the original battalion would actually wake from cryosleep, surviving the harrowing trip to the Pearson Sector. The fallen general, awakened many years too late by a cruel twist of fate, returns from the dead to change the fate of the sector as they have once before."
With this bit, it would be a nice explanation as to why the starfarer is capable of uniting the sector (or burning it for some of you lot) as no one (that I remember) has the institutional knowledge of running a battlegroup in a given sector. Also it wouldn't be far fetched that the fallen general (I'm going to assume that the general was bumped up to fleet admiral due to the chaos that was the collapse) would have command staff positions filled with the best of those who survived the collapse be it military or civilian, and who would still be with the general in cryo. Given that the remainder of the 13th comes from a time imminently after the collapse, I would think that those who survived the last battle (both military and enlisted civilians) would still poses more knowledge of domain systems than the factions in the current setting. As far as vanilla goes.
I could say more but I feel like I rambled on for to long. If I got any of the lore wrong someone tell me because I get more invested with this stupid game with every mod I install.
Hello there!You can just make a copy of the player.faction file of the portrait pack and rename the copy to playeralt.faction. Leave it in that mods faction directory, it won't do anything unless you also load Merge Disabler.
I am a bit confused about the Merge disabler mod, so does the mod only allow you to have one portrait pack only? Or can you rename many "player.faction" files from other portrait mods? Can I paste the contents of the "player.faction" files of portrait mods and put them in the "Merge Disabler" playeralt.faction?
I am not good at these things, many thanks!
The merge disabler does not actually disable merging, it just creates a new faction that isn't merged because there isn't anything to merge with.
Guardian recovery doesn't seem to work, at least for me, I can recover super redacted, but not the Guardian
Off the top of my head, I remember one of the domain drone mods changes it so the guardian is unrecoverable. One thing to note though, ship recovery, like with other ships, seems to not necessarily be guaranteed 100% of the time.Yup it was Domain Explorarium Expansion, changing files in that mod made it recovelable, well now i know for the future, Thanks.
Yup it was Domain Explorarium Expansion, changing files in that mod made it recovelable, well now i know for the future, Thanks.
Good Xjdjaws! :)
13th Battlegroup Paragon kinda seems Lore Breaking To Me! :-\
I really want a 13th Battlegroup Conquest so badly to flex it on an Old School Hegemony! :'(
That is all and Thank you! :D
Are you considered to always be commissioned by your own faction with this mod? Because I have a few other mods that tell me I can't raise my reputation with that faction past a certain point because I'm commissioned by another faction. (The IXth Battlegroup is one and there are a few others I think can't remember off the top of my head.)Nope, this mod changes the default player faction.
Are you considered to always be commissioned by your own faction with this mod? Because I have a few other mods that tell me I can't raise my reputation with that faction past a certain point because I'm commissioned by another faction. (The IXth Battlegroup is one and there are a few others I think can't remember off the top of my head.)Nope, this mod changes the default player faction.