Operating system: Arch Linux
Graphics card: Radeon RX480
Available RAM / VRAM: 32 GB / 8 GB
StarSector version: 0.95.1a-RC6
Issue: Game CTD predominantly during loading and saving; occasional CTD during the campaign or combat layer.
I've been doing some stabs-in-the-dark to resolve the issue but I've ran out of options hence the forum post.
For the first 13 or so cycles there was no issues; no major modding changes were done prior to the crashes.
Things I've tried without any hint of success:
- Updating and changing the OpenGL driver being used (the Mesa `radeonsi` drivers vs. AMDGPU Pro).
- Different JREs namely the default JRE7, JRE8u271, and GraalVM 20.2 (based on 8u262).
- Using different versions of the G1GC `vmparams` mentioned in the Unofficial Discord vs. the vanilla version
which only has the heap size altered to cater for my heavily modded run.
- Trying the more up-to-date version of XStream 1.4.16 vs. 1.4.10.
- I figured since most of my problems were during save and load that the serialisation library being used
was at fault but this doesn't seem to be the case.
- Loading backups of the save at earlier points in the game.
- No incriminating mods installed e.g. Beyond The Sector.
- No red flags in the StarSector logs (the core dump is largely incomprehensible to me;
https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/technotes/guides/troubleshoot/crashes001.html helps only so much).
- From a rudimentary glance of the core dump I initially thought `libc` was the issue
since `free()` is a standard C function however there has been no recent updates
according to https://archlinux.org/packages/core/x86_64/glibc/ so I doubt the bug is there.
If I had to guess it would be that StarSector is passing some address to the JVM
which the JVM tries to free only to find out there's nothing there. But why isn't is being detected in the first place...?
e.g. of end portion of game logs (note lack of error messages): https://ghostbin.com/WAEHX/starsector
e.g. of a following core dump: https://ghostbin.com/QjT01/starsector
More core dumps with varying launch parameters but same errors: https://u.pcloud.link/publink/show?code=XZOdTJVZSqNVSBeoQkLmiSfC8LGxt0bjJMuy
Mod list (all are up-to-date except UNGP which is one minor version behind):
Amazigh - Kyeltziv Technocracy
Amazigh - RotcesRats
A New Level of Confidence - 25
Astarat, Puretilt - VIC
Austere - Gundam UC
BigBeans - Ship Compilation
boggled - Terraforming and Station Construction
borgrel - Automated Commands
Caymon Joestar - Caymon's Ship Pack
Chozo - Fleet Size By DP
connortron7 - Keruvim Shipyards
connortron7 - The Exalted
Dal - Blackrock Drive Yards
Dal - Quality Captains
Dark.Revenant - Audio Plus
Dark.Revenant - GraphicsLib
Dark.Revenant - Interstellar Imperium
Dark.Revenant - Leading Pip
Dark.Revenant - Ship and Weapon Pack
Dark.Revenant - SpeedUp
Dark.Revenant - Underworld
Dazs - Hiver Swarm
Dazs - Junk Yard Dogs
Dazs - Ore Refinery
External Settings Pack
Great Wound - Ko Combine
Great Wound - Of Ludd and Lions
Gwyvern - Legacy of Arkgneisis
Gwyvern - Legacy of Arkgneisis (Alice Blue)
Harmful Mechanic - Dassault-Mikoyan Engineering
Harmful Mechanic - Deluxe Player Flags
Harmful Mechanic - Magellan Protectorate
HELMUT - Portrait Pack
Histidine - Combat Chatter
Histidine - Nexerelin
Interestio - Interesting Portraits Pack
Inventor Raccoon - Arsenal Expansion
Iridescens - Extra System Reloaded
Jackie - Better Deserved S-Mods
Jaghaimo - Transponder Off
kazi - The Mayorate
King Alfonzo - FPE
King Alfonzo - Grytpype Moriarty
King Alfonzo - HMI
King Alfonzo - HMI Brighton
King Alfonzo - HMI Supervillains
King Alfonzo - Holy Covenant of Kemet
King Alfonzo - Luddic Enhancement
Knight Chase - Mayasuran Navy
LazyWizard - Autosave
LazyWizard - Combat Radar
LazyWizard - Console Commands
LazyWizard - LazyLib
lethargie - Vanidad y Affliction Operation
MajorTheRed - Stop Gap Measure
Mira Lendin - Superweapons Arsenal
Morrow - Smugglers's Tricks
MShadowy - Shadowyards
Nes's SAW
Nia Tahl - DakkaHolics
Nia Tahl - DakkaHolics Mod Sprites
Nia Tahl - Scalartech
Nia Tahl - Sylphon
Nia Tahl - Tahlan Shipworks
Nia Tahl - Trailer Moments
Nociam - Transfer All Items
Originem - Unofficial New Game Plus
Peplat - Xhan Empire
prav - prv Starworks
Protonus - Blue (Extratential Lanestate Union)
Protonus - Dabbled Avionics
Protonus - Ophiuchus
Protonus - Red (Oculian Armada)
Protonus - Red (Ocutek Pirates)
Protonus - Unusually Gullible Hullmods
PureTilt - More HullMods
PureTilt - Ship Direction Marker
Ryxsen1421 - United Aurora Federation
SafariJohn - Logistics Notifications
SafariJohn - Roider Union
shoi - Arma Armatura
SirHartley - Clear Commands
SirHartley - Display Event Info
SirHartley - Grand Colonies
SirHartley - Industrial Evolution
Sleepyfish - The Star Federation
stormbringer951- CaptainsLog
Sundog - Flux Reticle
Sundog - Fuel Siphoning
Sundog - Hyperdrive
Sundog - New Beginnings
Sundog - Ruthless Sector
Sundog - Starship Legends
Sutopia - CONCORD
Sutopia - Modern Carrier
Tartiflette - Diable Avionics
Tartiflette - Lightshow
Tartiflette - Locked and Loaded
Tartiflette - MagicLib
Tartiflette - ORA
Tartiflette - SCY
Tartiflette - Seeker
Tartiflette - Target Practice
Tartiflette - Torchships
Tartiflette - Unknown Skies
Tartiflette - Upgraded Rotary Weapons
TechPriest - Better Colonies
TechPriest - Commissioned Crews
TechPriest - Iron Shell
TechPriest - Supply Forging
theDragn - Apex Design Collective
theDragn - High Tech Expansion
theDragn - Remnant Command Transfer
theDragn - WhichMod
TheSoldier - Magellan Protectorate Shenanigans
Vayra - Kadur Remnant
Vayra - Varyra's Sector
Vayra - Vayra's Ship Pack
Wisp - Neutrino Detector MK.II
YuiTheModder - Low Tech Armada
Yunru - Arsenal
Yunru - Cissonius
Yunru - Hullmods
Yunru - Midline Expansion
Yunru - Misc Ships
Yunru - Pirates and Pathers
Yunru - Slightly Better Techmining
Yunru - Unpack Blueprints
Yunru - YunruCore
Zudgemud - P9
Zym - Rebalanced Doom
EDIT: I've given up on fixing the problem.
Hopefully on my next playthrough the list of suspect mods I've disabled means that I won't encounter the issue again.
Consequently my issue can be considered to be closed.