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Starsector => General Discussion => Topic started by: Locklave on January 12, 2022, 02:01:35 PM

Title: Vanguard is terrible
Post by: Locklave on January 12, 2022, 02:01:35 PM
It's not a premium heavy low tech frigate and does not fill any role in a fleet except that ship that explodes 45 seconds into every fight.

Dampening field
When it was being described, back before it's inclusion in the game, I clearly misunderstood how it was intended to work. It is functionally useless as it exists. I incorrectly assumed it would function when the ship is actually trading fire with the enemy, which would actually make it a useful system. 600 armor is a joke without shields and no other real way to mitigate damage.

Rugged Construction
Specialization in failure. It needs a system that prevents it from being destroyed every fight. This doesn't make up for anything, it still costs you tons of crew and supplies to recover it every fight.

Damage output
Too low due to terrible survival time, too low due to weapons ranges. Why didn't this ship get a Ballistic Rangefinder?

4 times the cost of a Lasher. The Lasher is a better ship, I would take 1 Lasher over a Vanguard in all cases.

This ship is meant to be good in AI control.

Imagine throwing 20 of these at a station. Not gonna happen even against a level 1 station.
Now imagine throwing 20 Lashers at that station. Interesting that the Lashers might actually be able to win the fight.

Put simply, I do not want this ship in my fleet. I will never buy one or recover one and if I get one for free I'll mothball it till I can sell it. That makes me a sad panda.
Title: Re: Vanguard is terrible
Post by: Grievous69 on January 12, 2022, 02:10:17 PM
How did you build them tho? It's a tricky little ship in a sense it can be a great distraction up until the late game, unless it meets a HIL or a burst beam such as Phase lance. It's usefulness depends a bit too much on the enemy's weapons. Someone mentioned this in another thread but it could use a buff where when recovered, it immediately starts with x% CR just so you don't waste so many supplies on them.
Title: Re: Vanguard is terrible
Post by: FooF on January 12, 2022, 02:21:24 PM
I had 3 of them in my fleet and they are wonderful little buggers. The trick is to realize Dampener Field is a mini-vent so they rarely overflux so load them up with weapons. They also benefit greatly from Armor skills. I haven't tried them without officers so maybe base ones are trash but when officer'd they last longer than my officer'd Tempests. The issue is that attrition will kill them eventually so in protracted fights, you do need to retreat them but even if they get a D-mod, it's only 50% as harmful. D-mods don't do a lot to them.

Their damage output drops off a lot as ships get bigger but I like to load them up with all guns and the tend to do better than even Lashers with AAF, IMO.
Title: Re: Vanguard is terrible
Post by: Timid on January 12, 2022, 02:24:52 PM
Damper AI sucks but that's just the cons of Vanguard really.

Wish it can just "hack" and damper before strike weapons begin firing.

Yeah, the player can use it effectively, but that just kinda sucks and doesn't address the issue of a right-click damper field not even bothering to be used when a reaper is right in front of them.
Title: Re: Vanguard is terrible
Post by: SCC on January 12, 2022, 02:25:15 PM
I used only a single one so far and it performed so badly, I scrapped it fairly quickly. It doesn't seem appealing as a flagship, either.
Title: Re: Vanguard is terrible
Post by: intrinsic_parity on January 12, 2022, 02:37:26 PM
Officered scarabs are my go-to for frigates. They're great for killing small stuff and capping points quickly, and feel much more survivable than anything else I've tried (except probably SO hyperion, but I don't really like doing SO stuff anymore for a variety of reasons). When I tried vanguard, it felt like they were mostly useless against enemies with high damage weapons (any large energy/HE, many medium weapons like heavy blaster, phase lance, assault chain gun and heavy mauler, HE missiles, warthogs and most bombers, ion weapons, etc.). It's just way too likely to encounter that stuff.

I think lashers suck too, so saying they're maybe better than lashers is not saying much to me lol.
Title: Re: Vanguard is terrible
Post by: Draba on January 12, 2022, 03:00:54 PM
Early game for both my runs in the new version was exclusively low tech/new toys, and to me the Vanguard seems the weakest of the bunch by far.
In battles involving bigger guns frigate armor/hull does very little without shields(even if it's high frigate level).

Had some industry so if it dies that isn't even a problem, it just doesn't do anything notable before it inevitably gets worn down.
Centurion has a bit worse mounts and speed, better flux stats and a good omni shield for only 4 DP, high tech frigates are usually much more durable, monitor is basically unkillable, ...
IMO buffing armor(hull is a limit anyway) or trading in some slots for an M composite/missile would make it stand out more.
Title: Re: Vanguard is terrible
Post by: Nightstrasza on January 12, 2022, 03:14:51 PM
Damper field could use a buff to make the ship immune from having guns and engines disabled, otherwise vanguard would probably be better off with a makeshift shield generator but then might as well just grab a centurion instead.
Title: Re: Vanguard is terrible
Post by: Null Ganymede on January 12, 2022, 04:51:06 PM
5 ballistic 3 composite @ 6dp is a lot of dakka. You must get value out of that before armor and hull run out. Running way hot on flux, capacity over vents, and and relying on dampener as a mini-vent is the way to go. Aggressive or reckless officer is probably a must, it lets you play with elite PD skill machine gun builds too.

Also keep in mind 1 point into Industry is mandatory when doing lowtech tanking shenanigans.
Title: Re: Vanguard is terrible
Post by: TontonBoo on January 12, 2022, 04:54:50 PM
I think lashers suck too, so saying they're maybe better than lashers is not saying much to me lol.

Why so much hate to these little guys ? They do their part. Cheap and expendable. I'd take 10 of those over an Onslaught any day of the week. And they'd probably win too.

I'm pretty much with OP about the Vanguard though. I can't seem to get the AI to do a good job with it. My fondness of scrappiness dissipates after the 5th time in a row  the same ship blows up.
Title: Re: Vanguard is terrible
Post by: intrinsic_parity on January 12, 2022, 06:13:05 PM
I think lashers suck too, so saying they're maybe better than lashers is not saying much to me lol.

Why so much hate to these little guys ? They do their part. Cheap and expendable. I'd take 10 of those over an Onslaught any day of the week. And they'd probably win too.

I'm pretty much with OP about the Vanguard though. I can't seem to get the AI to do a good job with it. My fondness of scrappiness dissipates after the 5th time in a row  the same ship blows up.
Expendable is the opposite of what I want. That means wasting supplies and crew losing and then recovering ships when I could use more durable alternatives that won't die. Lashers are way too squishy to fight the big scary end game threats, and don't really present any benefits over alternatives for early/mid game IMO.

Having a few strong ships that can leverage your limited officers is much more valuable than having a large number of weak ships IMO.
Title: Re: Vanguard is terrible
Post by: Gergin on January 12, 2022, 06:27:49 PM
Why not ships that can leverage your officers well but you also don't sweat too much if they die?

Elite Point Defense lets you do some crazy stuff.  LMGs are NUTS.
Title: Re: Vanguard is terrible
Post by: intrinsic_parity on January 12, 2022, 07:07:56 PM
Why not ships that can leverage your officers well but you also don't sweat too much if they die?

Elite Point Defense lets you do some crazy stuff.  LMGs are NUTS.
All ships cost money when they die, even if just the supplies and crew to recover them. I'm never happy about that, until I no longer care about money, in which case I just want the most powerful/effective ships per DP. Lasher and vanguard do not fit that bill either IMO.

Elite point defense is fine on any ship that can mount small/medium ballistics. Nothing special about lasher or vanguard there.
Title: Re: Vanguard is terrible
Post by: Gergin on January 12, 2022, 07:10:06 PM
Why not ships that can leverage your officers well but you also don't sweat too much if they die?

Elite Point Defense lets you do some crazy stuff.  LMGs are NUTS.
All ships cost money when they die, even if just the supplies and crew to recover them. I'm never happy about that, until I no longer care about money, in which case I just want the most powerful/effective ships per DP. Lasher and vanguard do not fit that bill either IMO.

Elite point defense is fine on any ship that can mount small/medium ballistics. Nothing special about lasher or vanguard there.

Except the Vanguard can fit A LOT of them and has an ability providing it some good tank.  Mix it with some heavier DPS frigates and it should do just fine.
Basically the Vanguard puts massive flux pressure on a target and then can vibe in Dampener while your anti-armor stuff (like a Brawler) takes advantage of the overflux'd target.
Title: Re: Vanguard is terrible
Post by: TontonBoo on January 12, 2022, 07:23:16 PM
Expendable is the opposite of what I want
Fair enough. Just of note they can soak damage intended for other valuable assets and can even tank a big fighter/missile screen on their own cause small frame speed PD and ballistic.

don't really present any benefits over alternatives
They embody the hit-and-run tactic quite well and if you're willing to swap them when things get dicey they're a nice opener for any battle. To get the big boys to chase after a swarm of flies is endless fun.

Vanguard puts massive flux pressure on a target and then can vibe in Dampener while your anti-armor stuff (like a Brawler) takes advantage of the overflux'd target

Definitely gonna try that next.

Title: Re: Vanguard is terrible
Post by: intrinsic_parity on January 12, 2022, 07:34:29 PM
Except the Vanguard can fit A LOT of them and has an ability providing it some good tank.  Mix it with some heavier DPS frigates and it should do just fine.
Basically the Vanguard puts massive flux pressure on a target and then can vibe in Dampener while your anti-armor stuff (like a Brawler) takes advantage of the overflux'd target.
Idk, there are tons of ships with lots of small and medium mounts. Eradicator, mora, and onslaught all come to mind as tanky armor-heavy ships that have more mounts. They can all follow up on their own kinetic pressure (requiring no AI coordination which is very difficult to achieve reliably), and are all much tankier. I would much rather put an officer in any of them: they all die much less often, and do more damage.

don't really present any benefits over alternatives
They embody the hit-and-run tactic quite well and if you're willing to swap them when things get dicey they're a nice opener for any battle. To get the big boys to chase after a swarm of flies is endless fun.
In my experience, actual big boys like remnants don't do much chasing, mostly just killing. If any of the enemies have phase lances, or heavy blasters, or plasma cannons, or tach lances, or any large HE weapon, it's just gg. A scarab or hyperion will fill the same role, but die less often and probably deal more damage overall too.
Title: Re: Vanguard is terrible
Post by: Linnis on January 12, 2022, 07:38:15 PM
( (

Try this.

Have an aggressive officer with minimum Elite Point defense skill.

This thing will shred an elite version of a hammer head within 30 seconds.

Missiles interchangeable to whatever your dealing with.

The biggest problem with damper field on frigates is that while it allows them to survive big fleet battles when heavy firepower gets shifted on them. They cannot deal with EMP, and even a single salamander will make it activate damper and get EMPED. My suggestion is allow PD weapons to fire while damper field is on, or change the AI so that it does not activate damper when heavy EMP is coming at them.

I use vanguard a lot in my late game fleet. They are wonderful at punching up into carriers, destroyers, and even cruiser level. Usually treat them like a expensive missile and keep them out of the main fight. Just don't use them against high tech fleets.

[attachment deleted by admin]
Title: Re: Vanguard is terrible
Post by: Gergin on January 12, 2022, 07:49:20 PM
Except the Vanguard can fit A LOT of them and has an ability providing it some good tank.  Mix it with some heavier DPS frigates and it should do just fine.
Basically the Vanguard puts massive flux pressure on a target and then can vibe in Dampener while your anti-armor stuff (like a Brawler) takes advantage of the overflux'd target.
Idk, there are tons of ships with lots of small and medium mounts. Eradicator, mora, and onslaught all come to mind as tanky armor-heavy ships that have more mounts. They can all follow up on their own kinetic pressure (requiring no AI coordination which is very difficult to achieve reliably), and are all much tankier. I would much rather put an officer in any of them: they all die much less often, and do more damage.

don't really present any benefits over alternatives
They embody the hit-and-run tactic quite well and if you're willing to swap them when things get dicey they're a nice opener for any battle. To get the big boys to chase after a swarm of flies is endless fun.
In my experience, actual big boys like remnants don't do much chasing, mostly just killing. If any of the enemies have phase lances, or heavy blasters, or plasma cannons, or tach lances, or any large HE weapon, it's just gg. A scarab or hyperion will fill the same role, but die less often and probably deal more damage overall too.
Sure, if you just want to min-max the game then there's a lot of ships that aren't "good" options.
I find fun in setting some form of restrictions or doctrine and then trying to build a viable fleet within that.

Vanguard can be a viable frigate.  That's really all I'm trying to say.
Title: Re: Vanguard is terrible
Post by: intrinsic_parity on January 12, 2022, 08:57:23 PM
I don't like paying money when things die all the time is what I'm trying to say.

I will say, I did a bit of testing, and the difference an officer makes on vanguard is much than I expected (stacking wolfpack + targeting analysis + ballistic mastery makes vulcans shred stuff). I might do some more experimenting.

At the end of the day though, a HIL or tac lance just slaughters, which really hurts.
Title: Re: Vanguard is terrible
Post by: shoi on January 12, 2022, 09:26:06 PM
I had one for a bit and just slapped on autofit, it worked out pretty well from what I could see but I always run wolfpack  and it may have been officered, which probably made a big difference. the rugged construction hullmod tells me these guys are expected to die often, so I feel like it's good for what it is with that in mind BUT  if it had some sort of inherent beam/emp resist or something that'd be swell.
Title: Re: Vanguard is terrible
Post by: Null Ganymede on January 12, 2022, 10:00:40 PM
If you're expecting it to burn through its armor quickly, Safety Overrides is a good pickup. Resistant Flux Conduits + Solar Shielding + Armored Weapon Mounts if you're looking for endurance versus mid-game high-tech factions.

Kinetic PD by itself has high DPS at ridiculous flux efficiency. The AI just isn't great at abusing their low range (maybe it doesn't bother closing into PD weapon range?) but with the elite officer skill you can use other weapons as "rangefinders" for the kinetic PD punch. This makes the usual early-game Lasher flagship viable in officer hands.
"typical SO flagship Lasher"
Title: Re: Vanguard is terrible
Post by: Locklave on January 13, 2022, 02:45:55 AM
... I think lashers suck too, so saying they're maybe better than lashers is not saying much to me lol.

Lashers are a low end ship, they do well for what they are and what they cost. That taken you are absolutely correct.
Title: Re: Vanguard is terrible
Post by: Null Ganymede on January 13, 2022, 05:20:17 AM
They're low tech, not low end. I'd like to see a single high tech ship pull as much weight per DP as a machine gun Lasher does.
Title: Re: Vanguard is terrible
Post by: TontonBoo on January 13, 2022, 09:34:54 AM
This makes the usual early-game Lasher flagship viable in officer hands

You had me at "Lasher flagship". Interesting build gonna try that for kicks. I just don't get why the berthing hullmod ? Wouldn't it be better used as vents or caps ?
Those rust buckets need more love so thanks for contributing. Now if only I could rig a Vanguard to be as fun to use I'd have my frontline ready.
Title: Re: Vanguard is terrible
Post by: Haresus on January 13, 2022, 09:54:28 AM
Vanguards are not bad at all, I'd say. They're tough, have lots of room for missiles and torpedoes, one of the faster frigates (and very fast when burning forward, which is useful for capping points), and the lack of shields means that you can safely overflux them with lots of dakka
The dampener also more or less acts as a safe flux vent for the ship.

In addition to all of that, they have lots of OP for hull mods, so you can stack armor, add missile racks, or SO, or whatever you might fancy without sacrificing much.

It's overall solid, and doesn't die as often as I first thought it would.
Title: Re: Vanguard is terrible
Post by: Locklave on January 13, 2022, 03:48:40 PM
I find the concept of using the dampener to vent to be laughable.

Vanguard auto vents all it's flux when it explodes, which by the way is before flux gets anywhere near full.
Title: Re: Vanguard is terrible
Post by: intrinsic_parity on January 13, 2022, 10:25:28 PM
I added a vanguard to my late game fleet and leveled an officer just to see what would happen. Honestly, not as bad as I expected, but still pretty unimpressive. Over the course of ~5 200k+ bounty fights, it died in majority of fights, and did about as much damage as a scarab. I'm not currently grinding remnants, but I think it would probably fare much worse there. I think it's just not well suited to big chaotic fights with lots of high damage enemies. Based on 1v1s in the sim, I think it would be very effective early on, but it definitely falls off enough that I would not want to invest story points or build officers just for it.
Title: Re: Vanguard is terrible
Post by: Null Ganymede on January 14, 2022, 01:12:08 AM
It's a neat mid-game ship.

You can't really run it at level 1 the way you can a Tempest or Lasher. It probably can't endure through late-game grinds.
"but 8 guns for 8dp is pretty good"
Even with 70% CR and no useful officer skills the fact that it never gets flux locked is useful. Trick is putting machine guns in the hardpoints so it never loses kinetic pressure.

I'm curious how it would do late-game with a Solar Shielding + RFC + IPDAI railgun build.
Title: Re: Vanguard is terrible
Post by: intrinsic_parity on January 14, 2022, 01:14:29 AM
It's great as long as the enemy doesn't have any of the weapons that instantly kill it...
Title: Re: Vanguard is terrible
Post by: Locklave on January 14, 2022, 01:42:42 AM
Neat, pretty well, okay. These are not words anyone should be using to describe a premium frigate performance.

It shouldn't need officers with specific skills to be good, it shouldn't even need an officer too be good. Nor should it require player control. It isn't a late or even mid game ship, people need to stop pretending that's the case. Redacted swat Vanguard like a fly.

It's okay against early game trash enemies that lack advanced weaponry and missile capacity, which is sad because the Lasher is still better at that.

Also I checked something. I can buy and restore a LP Lasher for less then the Vanguard costs, which isn't cheap by any means. I don't have words to express how much that bothers me.
Title: Re: Vanguard is terrible
Post by: Null Ganymede on January 14, 2022, 03:25:11 AM
Don't need officer or s-mods, just 100% CR. Every turret in a separate weapon group.
Title: Re: Vanguard is terrible
Post by: Alex on January 14, 2022, 11:52:18 AM
The dampener also more or less acts as a safe flux vent for the ship.
I find the concept of using the dampener to vent to be laughable.

@Locklave: That's quite rude. Please be more respectful towards other forum members in the future.
Title: Re: Vanguard is terrible
Post by: Locklave on January 15, 2022, 02:40:19 AM
The dampener also more or less acts as a safe flux vent for the ship.
I find the concept of using the dampener to vent to be laughable.

@Locklave: That's quite rude. Please be more respectful towards other forum members in the future.

I disagree. You are assuming the context is specifically directed at the person and not directed at the idea presented.

My experience as stated is the ship explodes long before a vent would be required making venting as a whole a non issue. Thus funny.

If Haresus felt attacked by my statement, apologies, but I wasn't attacking him or intending rudeness directed at him. He also wasn't the only one to mention this if I'm correct, also part of why I didn't directly quote him.
Title: Re: Vanguard is terrible
Post by: Alex on January 15, 2022, 08:50:35 AM
The context is there whether or not you intended it, and since your comment was clearly based on the statements made by others about it, it's hard to see it as anything but a response to them. I appreciate you making an apology, though.
Title: Re: Vanguard is terrible
Post by: Locklave on January 21, 2022, 02:39:32 AM
Vanguard is basically a Centurion with a Shield Shunt. 50% more supplies usage, also more expensive to purchase. Shield Shunt being a hull mod of questionable value in the first place.

I'm not being hyperbolic here, Vanguard is so bad I will not use it in my fleet. It's a detriment to my fleet by taking up a slot and crew/supply losses when it is inevitably destroyed in every single battle with a actually dangerous enemy.

If people want to pretend it's in a okay place, that it's got it's uses, feel free to pretend that. It's a cool ship, I like the concept, but it doesn't do it's job to an acceptable level.
Title: Re: Vanguard is terrible
Post by: Null Ganymede on January 21, 2022, 04:23:17 AM
100% of flux output being dumped into eight ballistics is better than "okay".
fleet and skills
Put first two skill points into combat to get ITU and IPDAI, then respec leadership. Get free repairs from industry if you're not swimming in supplies from crushing enemy fleets.
combat results vs redacted
It's a vanilla pirate meatgrinder and holds its own versus questionably-balanced modded pirates. Build in enough point defense and it holds its own versus missile-happy major factions. Give it some interceptor cover/RFC/solar shielding and it will do fine in the presence of EMP damage and high tech fighter swarms.

The only things that volley them with no chance to retreat are very infrequent damper fields in front of Reapers or sitting in front of elite cruisers/capitals. If it happens, whatever, that's what the built-in hullmod is for. They roll up flanks nicely.
Title: Re: Vanguard is terrible
Post by: Megas on January 21, 2022, 04:47:59 AM
It is not great, but not useless.  If I want frigates I do not mind dying, I am more willing to use Vanguard instead of or in addition to more valuable frigates.  With Hull Restoration and Field Repairs, I have recovered them from pirates, armed them up while on the field, then send them back into battle.
Title: Re: Vanguard is terrible
Post by: Bummelei on January 21, 2022, 08:02:54 AM
Vanguard is useful in the early game, if you can scavenge a pirate one. But it quickly falls off in the midgame.
It's not a good ship when before every combat you need to decide to deploy it or not, if enemy has CV's, HE guns, or any sort of energy weapons.
And they still keep dying anyways, whether aforementioned threats presented or not!
It can't stand against any cruiser, and a half of the destroyers. And it's cost is higher than of a centurion in 3 to 4 times, and latter have a better survivability as well.
Title: Re: Vanguard is terrible
Post by: lyravega on January 21, 2022, 10:29:04 AM
Officered scarabs are my go-to for frigates.
I like Omens with officers. 'Systems Expertise' + 'Target Analysis+' + 'Point Defense+' officers to be precise. Then you give them a short PD weapon, possibly one you get from a [REDACTED]. They'll just toy around with their prey, till the big brothers join the fight :D
Title: Re: Vanguard is terrible
Post by: Locklave on January 21, 2022, 02:17:26 PM
Officered scarabs are my go-to for frigates.
I like Omens with officers. 'Systems Expertise' + 'Target Analysis+' + 'Point Defense+' officers to be precise. Then you give them a short PD weapon, possibly one you get from a [REDACTED]. They'll just toy around with their prey, till the big brothers join the fight :D

You should try Monitors with officers, it can go toe to toe with monster ships. Go with an anti shield weapon and watch a Brilliant burn out on flux just trying to get it's shields down.

100% of flux output being dumped into eight ballistics is better than "okay".

I was imprecise in my statement. I mean to say relative to the intended role of the ship.

It's meant to be a premium heavy low tech frigate. Something that should be able to hold up against top tier enemies relatively well for it's size, like the a Tempest (even with the current drones issue that will be fixed) or an Omen/Monitor/Centurion/Scarab/Hyperion ect. It should punch up, it can only punch down. Throw it against pretty much anything Redacted and it explodes, also depending on what weapons a normal fleet might have it may also get wrecked.

It's painfully conditional if and when it would be considered better then okay.
Title: Re: Vanguard is terrible
Post by: Null Ganymede on January 21, 2022, 03:55:27 PM
I posted combat logs of it punching up vs the 2nd most dangerous faction in the game.
Title: Re: Vanguard is terrible
Post by: Locklave on January 21, 2022, 04:47:16 PM
I posted combat logs of it punching up vs the 2nd most dangerous faction in the game.

Of your modded game.
Title: Re: Vanguard is terrible
Post by: Null Ganymede on January 21, 2022, 05:33:47 PM
It's a vanilla ship and fit. Mods in use make Pirates significantly harder ( Lots of ships with elite flux/armor/mobility stats from LTA, damage boosted ion cannon drones ( that respawn too fast to tank carrier's replacement rate with frigates, surprise antimatter blasters.

Vanguard handles all that fine.
Title: Re: Vanguard is terrible
Post by: intrinsic_parity on January 21, 2022, 07:33:17 PM
Even when it doesn't die, it costs 4-5x the supplies of another frigate to repair the armor and hull damage. It might not be useless, but I don't see how it competes with better frigates.
Title: Re: Vanguard is terrible
Post by: Null Ganymede on January 22, 2022, 04:10:24 AM
Better frigates get flux locked, die to fighters, and don't have 8 small ballistics. Watch an IPDAI one snipe salamanders and harpoons with its light mortars and you'll understand.

It's not a wolfpack frigate with a medium energy mount and stacked 20% damage bonuses; it will never be an opportunistic close-quarters cruiser and capital killer. Ballistic weapons (aside from meme point defense builds) dominate mid to long range. For 6 DP you're clearing a zone of fighters and missiles while killing most frigates, bullying destroyers, and occasionally swarming a solo cruiser.

Field Repairs covers basic battle damage and 35% of recovery costs. Think of the Vanguard as most of the point defense of an Omen, the frigate killing and destroyer pressure of a Tempest, and the peak performance time of a mid-game SO frigate. For 6 DP and an occasional 20 supply repair cost.

If you've been exploiting the wolfpack meta with close-range energy builds, yeah, the Vanguard is terrible at that.
Title: Re: Vanguard is terrible
Post by: Megas on January 22, 2022, 05:55:59 AM
As someone with no Leadership (and thus no Wolfpack), but still needs frigates to cap points and relieve pressure off of my big ships, or do not have enough DP left for more bigger ships, Vanguard is an option that has worked alright in larger but not quite endgame level fights, when I mixed them in with other small ships.

More often than not, I lose a high-tech frigate or two (Omen, Scarab, Tempest) in late-game fights, and I have exploited Hull Restoration and Field Repairs to resurrect them pristine and with some CR to be redeployed almost immediately in the next fight.

Also, when I recover enemy Vanguards, they are relatively easy to outfit on the field with loot from human bounties and send them back in battle almost immediately.

When I expect to lose frigates no matter what they are, it hurts less to lose Vanguard than a high-tech frigate.

P.S.  Thanks to Rugged Construction, Vanguards from enemy fleets often dropped as pristine while every other hull that also does not have Rugged Construction (Hound, Cerberus) has at least one d-mod and usually two or more.
Title: Re: Vanguard is terrible
Post by: intrinsic_parity on January 22, 2022, 09:53:07 AM
I very carefully build my scarab loadouts to avoid flux locking (it's critical to ensure they have dissipation >= weapon flux+shield flux + ~20-30 to account for ship system flux generation IMO). They die very infrequently, almost never in normal pirate/faction fights. My one vanguard cost me more supplies than 4 scarabs over 10+ normal bounty battles.
Title: Re: Vanguard is terrible
Post by: Megas on January 22, 2022, 10:48:41 AM
I already avoid exceeding dissipation when I can.  Does not always save a frigate when it gets focused by a capital or multiple ships.  Gets annoying when a frigate is in the path of at least half the enemy fleet beelining toward the point it just captured when the rest of my fleet is scattered and may not arrive in time to help.

Currently, I use fewer big ships plus about three to four frigates for point capping and minor harassment.  My fleet composition varies depending on which ships need to be fixed by Hull Restoration.  While my fleet is almost endgame ready, it is not strong enough (yet) to handle the toughest fights without too many casualties.

Vanguard is convenient as an enemy drop (when I use Field Repairs and Hull Restoration), and does what I need it to do, which is cap points and distract, and I do not care much if it dies.  I do not build or buy them, no need to.

I am at the point when I have money to burn (but not too much to afford restoring everything), but not time to wait for Hull Restoration to fix all the d-mods (and not rich enough to restore ships aside from frigates under 50k), so I am still averse to casualties with ships I care about.  Vanguard is one of those, "Ah! clean hull dropped from the enemy, I'll use it!"  If it dies, no problem.  If it lives and stays pristine, I will add it to my reserve ship collection.  Occasionally, other ships with only one or two d-mods drop, and I use them too if I have the weapons on hand.  Vanguard just happens to drop with less d-mods more often thanks to Rugged Construction, and it is less junky than Cerberus or Hound.

Currently, my frigates are three Tempests, one Scarab, and one Omen.  Vanguards I use are usually looted from the enemy, armed up, and sent to fight more bounties instead of my more permanent fleet members until I return home.
Title: Re: Vanguard is terrible
Post by: intrinsic_parity on January 22, 2022, 11:59:03 AM
I really don't like burning 50-60 supplies every times a vanguard dies or takes lots of damage. That's 6k (or more) credits in most fights down the drain.
Title: Re: Vanguard is terrible
Post by: Locklave on January 22, 2022, 05:58:45 PM
Better frigates get flux locked...

They got flux locked because of the massive damage their shields took preventing the ship from being destroyed. Where as the Vanguard will just explode. Those ships ate thousands of damage, can retreat and do it again in 15 seconds.

The basic upkeep is higher, the repair costs are always substantially higher because everything is armor and hull damage and it's survival is inferior resulting in more wasted crew/supplies on recovery.

I don't care about the limited cases where it can burst down an enemies flux. The moment it encounters a ship it can't burn the flux of it is 100% dead and that's assuming something doesn't have the weapons to shred it be on approach. It either wins a burst fight or it's dead, when other ships can escape/recover and reattack.

It's frustrating knowing it has these massive problems and having anyone talk about it like it's fine in this or that regard. Other cheaper ships (in both cost and upkeep) would do the same job better. You can like and love the ship, go for it, but don't keep making posts pretending like it's shortcomings don't exist because you like the ship.

It should be a better ship.
Title: Re: Vanguard is terrible
Post by: Dexy on January 23, 2022, 12:06:47 AM
The Vanguard is terrible because frigates without shields are terrible. It needs shields.

Unless the player has Hull Restoration, using the Vanguard should be avoided. If you have hull restoration, there is no particular advantage to using the Vanguard. One could argue that even with Hull Restoration it's better to use a frigate with shields that doesn't die as often. Maybe it's good with Derelict Operations.

Title: Re: Vanguard is terrible
Post by: Null Ganymede on January 23, 2022, 02:11:15 AM
I actually tried it in-game. It keeps doing way more than its DP worth of damage with no officer/minimal skill investment.

You're probably using it in the wrong role or haven't actually tried it.

See ya'll haters in the next AI Tournament, I guess? :D
Title: Re: Vanguard is terrible
Post by: Locklave on January 23, 2022, 03:48:15 AM
You're probably using it in the wrong role or haven't actually tried it.

It kills things, that is it's role, like every combat ship. I have tried it many times and specifically seem to have the same problems with it other people have experienced.

Your loadout doesn't solve or address it's survivability issues, nor does it mitigate the dramatically increased costs to repair and recover. Not minor problems to be waved off. Your posts haven't even touched on the increased costs of operation.

I want it to be a better ship, I want that low tech premium frigate role filled by a solid ship, this isn't a solid ship currently. If I or anyone here hated the ship we wouldn't bother posting about it's problem because we'd be apathetic to it's situation.
Title: Re: Vanguard is terrible
Post by: Megas on January 23, 2022, 06:32:22 AM
The reasons why I use Vanguard, despite its flaws, is the other 6+ DP high-tech frigates everyone likes die too often for me in endgame bounties.  (I have no Leadership, and my current fleet composition with three or four expensive big ships and the rest frigates, so my frigates are exposed to dangerous situations often.)  Said high-tech frigates die less often than Vanguard, but not rarely enough.  When all frigates short of Monitor die from time to time, and I have the recovery skills from Industry, I will recover low d-modded ships from the enemy to use as expendable units, and Vanguard stands out as being pristine often and with easy to arm mounts.

I would not mind Vanguard (and Wolf for that matter) being improved.  I kind of like Vanguard to double-down on crash test dummy or zombie, but that would only benefit Industry users.  Probably should be more survivable and more friendly to non-Industry users.

I guess a way to improve Vanguard is to have their CR cost and recovery be high like high-tech because low CR cost and recovery is only good for chain battlers that live from fight to fight, not crash test dummies that are expected to die and shrug it off.  Also, ships with Rugged Construction should get some free repairs after battle like Field Repairs (and stacks with Field Repairs).
Title: Re: Vanguard is terrible
Post by: intrinsic_parity on January 23, 2022, 07:17:53 AM
I'm sure it will be great in the AI tournament because its biggest downsides are logistical.... If you didn't have to pay supplies to recover it and repair it, it would be solid. No one is arguing that it doesn't do enough damage...
Title: Re: Vanguard is terrible
Post by: Megas on January 23, 2022, 02:43:02 PM
After playing a bit more and checking out other frigates, I think Vanguard is overpriced, at least for restoring it.  The basic frigates like Wolf cost under 20k to fix a single d-mod.  A Scarab or Shrike, a bit under 30k.  Vanguard, about 45k.  Tempest, phase frigates, and basic destroyers (Enforcer and Hammerhead) cost about 55k.

If Vanguard's combat power stays as it is, it probably should cost no more than 30k to fix a d-mod, and maybe have its DP cost lowered to 5.  It should not cost more than a Scarab.  Vanguard seems closer to a basic combat frigate than an elite frigate in combat performance.

If Scarab and IR Pulse Lasers were much more commonplace as loot, I would use Scarab instead of Vanguard.  Currently, I use Vanguard out of convenience.
Title: Re: Vanguard is terrible
Post by: Thaago on January 23, 2022, 03:41:48 PM
It does seem too expensive, though I don't think the ship is supposed to be repaired. D mods on it do less afterall.
Title: Re: Vanguard is terrible
Post by: Megas on January 23, 2022, 06:09:28 PM
It is not just restoring it, but also buying it.  I checked Restore costs, but prices of buying a ship scale similarly.  Restoring one d-mod ship costs slightly more than a new ship.

Vanguard costs nearly as much as most elite frigates or basic destroyers, but does not perform as well as one.
Title: Re: Vanguard is terrible
Post by: Euqocelbbog on January 23, 2022, 08:29:50 PM
One nice thing about the Vanguard is that rugged construction also applies to enemy Vanguards you've taken out, so if you tangle with some Hegemony patrols you can grab Vanguards with no d-mods pretty cheaply. Of course fighting with the Hegemony early on isn't likely to be typical player behavior in unmodded games.

I think the Vanguard was supposed to be the low-tech doctrine's answer to fancy high-tech frigates like the Tempest or Scarab but the final product is in the Lasher/Wolf tier.
Title: Re: Vanguard is terrible
Post by: Null Ganymede on January 23, 2022, 10:41:06 PM
Past level 5 or so my combat fleets are usually throwing away supplies they can't carry, but the logistics cost is a thing. Market/repair price does seem like a low end destroyer rather than a 6dp frigate.
Title: Re: Vanguard is terrible
Post by: Draba on January 24, 2022, 02:58:08 AM
I think the Vanguard was supposed to be the low-tech doctrine's answer to fancy high-tech frigates like the Tempest or Scarab but the final product is in the Lasher/Wolf tier.
I actually prefer Lasher over Vanguard. With the builtin rangefinder+ammo feeder it's pretty nice, just have serious popping problems.
The main thing Vanguard has over it for me is that it seems to be in position for firing torpedos at hull really often.
Title: Re: Vanguard is terrible
Post by: Vind on January 24, 2022, 03:56:44 AM
     AI piloted stock attack pirate vanguard with steady officer lvl 5 (impact mitigation,ballistic mastery,target analysis,systems expertise elite, polarized armor) loses battle to single pirate hound in simulation. All due to damper field usage while hound just fires away and eventually kills off the vanguard.
Title: Re: Vanguard is terrible
Post by: Megas on January 24, 2022, 06:37:49 AM
One nice thing about the Vanguard is that rugged construction also applies to enemy Vanguards you've taken out, so if you tangle with some Hegemony patrols you can grab Vanguards with no d-mods pretty cheaply. Of course fighting with the Hegemony early on isn't likely to be typical player behavior in unmodded games.
That, plus the weapons it uses are found everywhere even as loot, is why I use Vanguard at times.

I think the Vanguard was supposed to be the low-tech doctrine's answer to fancy high-tech frigates like the Tempest or Scarab but the final product is in the Lasher/Wolf tier.
Which would not be bad if it did not cost almost as much as a destroyer and more than a Scarab!
Title: Re: Vanguard is terrible
Post by: lyravega on January 24, 2022, 09:41:35 PM
Officered scarabs are my go-to for frigates.
I like Omens with officers. 'Systems Expertise' + 'Target Analysis+' + 'Point Defense+' officers to be precise. Then you give them a short PD weapon, possibly one you get from a [REDACTED]. They'll just toy around with their prey, till the big brothers join the fight :D

You should try Monitors with officers, it can go toe to toe with monster ships. Go with an anti shield weapon and watch a Brilliant burn out on flux just trying to get it's shields down.

I've been flying a few monitors, and even without officers, they mess up with the AI real good. I've settled in a medium remnant system, and just with 4 monitors that I've found lying around, I managed to destroy 4 medium-sized fleets attacking my orbital. They're extremely good at distraction, too!
Title: Re: Vanguard is terrible
Post by: Locklave on January 25, 2022, 01:44:03 AM
AI piloted stock attack pirate vanguard with steady officer lvl 5 (impact mitigation,ballistic mastery,target analysis,systems expertise elite, polarized armor) loses battle to single pirate hound in simulation. All due to damper field usage while hound just fires away and eventually kills off the vanguard.

I said the system was detrimental to it's gameplay and that right there is a perfect example of it.

The AI has absolutely no clue when it should be using the Dampener field on a ship without a shield. It just randomly turns it on while it should be firing giving the enemy free damage and gaining absolutely nothing.

Put a Dampener field on literally any shielded ship and it's survivability dramatically increases, put it on one without a shield and it only lives slightly longer at the expense of losing firepower.
Title: Re: Vanguard is terrible
Post by: Megas on January 25, 2022, 06:21:21 AM
I guess Vanguard is Cerberus Mk. II.  Cerberus was intended as a frigate-sized Mule, but failed at the job, and thus we got Wayfarer later.

Vanguard needs to be demoted to basic frigate, with about 20k-25k cost and maybe lowered to 5 DP.  It is okay at being a zombie ship, just too expensive for that.  Either that, or buff it more until it is truly a premium frigate on par with Scarab and Tempest.

Meanwhile, Scarab is underpriced when compared to other elite frigates.  But then again, is it better than the similarly priced Shrike?
Title: Re: Vanguard is terrible
Post by: Euqocelbbog on January 25, 2022, 06:10:28 PM
I actually prefer Lasher over Vanguard. With the builtin rangefinder+ammo feeder it's pretty nice, just have serious popping problems.
The main thing Vanguard has over it for me is that it seems to be in position for firing torpedos at hull really often.

Same honestly, I'm a big fan of the Lasher. I'd take a Lasher over a Vanguard just about any day and then when purchase costs and deployment points are considered the Vanguard looks pretty disappointing.
Title: Re: Vanguard is terrible
Post by: Locklave on January 26, 2022, 04:32:18 PM
Just did 3 station battles in a row. Sat on the station view so I could watch closely. Pirates attacking said station.

The Vanguards, every single one did the same thing. Roll up to the station, fire a couple rounds while following the face they are targeting then dampener field spam till dead. They didn't try to run with dampener, they just sat there eating the stations firepower till dead.

Seriously watch how this ship fights, hammerhead rolls in and hits it. It turns to shoot back, it is already in firing range and has no flux buildup, then hits dampener field. It's the same thing.

The AI 100% has no clue when it should use Dampener field on a shieldless ship so it just randomly uses it giving enemies the advantage. If someone mods this system off the ship it will instantly perform better.
Title: Re: Vanguard is terrible
Post by: Megas on January 27, 2022, 06:21:33 AM
The AI 100% has no clue when it should use Dampener field on a shieldless ship so it just randomly uses it giving enemies the advantage. If someone mods this system off the ship it will instantly perform better.
I guess have Shield Shunt remove Damper Field too, although Shield Shunt needs to be more useful.
Title: Re: Vanguard is terrible
Post by: Locklave on January 27, 2022, 06:58:44 PM
The AI 100% has no clue when it should use Dampener field on a shieldless ship so it just randomly uses it giving enemies the advantage. If someone mods this system off the ship it will instantly perform better.
I guess have Shield Shunt remove Damper Field too, although Shield Shunt needs to be more useful.

I suppose.

I'd still rather the built in system just not be another Drover situation where it's supposed to help but makes things worse. I guess this is just how it is for now.
Title: Re: Vanguard is terrible
Post by: SCC on January 28, 2022, 12:10:06 AM
I think the Vanguard was supposed to be the low-tech doctrine's answer to fancy high-tech frigates like the Tempest or Scarab but the final product is in the Lasher/Wolf tier.
I actually prefer Lasher over Vanguard. With the builtin rangefinder+ammo feeder it's pretty nice, just have serious popping problems.
The main thing Vanguard has over it for me is that it seems to be in position for firing torpedos at hull really often.
Yeah. Lasher already was pretty decent and now it has a decent range advantage over other frigates to boot. It isn't even less missile-efficient than Vanguard, though Vanguard has somewhat better mobility, which I don't think excuses its performance in other fields or its cost.
Title: Re: Vanguard is terrible
Post by: Üstad on February 04, 2022, 02:18:50 PM
The ship should have unique integrated ammo feed hullmod which just increases ballistic fire rate to 1.5 also flux cost should be to 1.25 or 1.5. It's a shield without shield it should be aggressive vanguard as the name implies. Or it should have accelerated ammo feed system like hammerhead which is easier to change into. Damper field AI should also be improved.

Also this ship has been invented long before shields were a thing, so the damper tech should be improved. While "dampering" around the ship should have strong electromagnetic  field and deter most missiles hitting it.
Title: Re: Vanguard is terrible
Post by: Megas on February 04, 2022, 04:34:11 PM
Every last Vanguard I loot has the same hullmods, which include Heavy Armor, Armored Mounts, Missile Racks, Insulated Engines, and so on...  It is stacking every last armor and engine protection hullmod it can get; hullmods that are not available immediately at the start.

Vanguard should have Heavy Armor built-in for free.  It also needs to be cheaper (4 or 5 DP, cost slashed by a third or half).  Then, it would be a solid Lasher or Wolf-tier ship.

There are not too many targets where Vanguard can kill without getting killed itself.
Title: Re: Vanguard is terrible
Post by: Salter on February 04, 2022, 10:47:14 PM
Vanguard really needs a shield if it wants to come out of the low-mid tier play under AI control. Most frigates will not survive the larger fleet battles unless they have something to block shots (Or at least get out of the way quickly) or are designed with a defensive loadout in mind. Even dinky wolf class frigates can survive alot better. They might not punch above their own weight but give them fire support or point defense and they will compliment fleet actions much better than the Vanguard.
Title: Re: Vanguard is terrible
Post by: Megas on February 16, 2022, 03:55:39 PM
I have used Vanguards lately in endgame bounties just to see if I can get them to work without dying too much.

A thing I noticed is if the enemy fleet has anything with High Intensity Laser and points it at Vanguards, they drop like flies.  HIL is too effective against all of the armor in the world.  If the fleet does not have such a can opener, Vanguard sometimes dies a bit more often than other frigates, sometimes not.

If Vanguard was not so expensive relative to other frigates, it might be okay as it is, but it is too expensive.  Centurion is similar to Vanguard and cheaper than it, and it does much what Vanguard can do and live longer for less cost.  Vanguard needs to be cheaper.

Vanguard is Centurion Mk II.  Even Centurion began flawed, with high cost and lackluster performance, although early Centurion's main problem was terrible firing arcs that effectively gave it firepower no better than a (Mercury) shuttle.
Title: Re: Vanguard is terrible
Post by: Timid on February 17, 2022, 09:26:43 AM
A thing I noticed is if the enemy fleet has anything with High Intensity Laser and points it at Vanguards, they drop like flies.  HIL is too effective against all of the armor in the world.  If the fleet does not have such a can opener, Vanguard sometimes dies a bit more often than other frigates, sometimes not.
Yeah, it's too bad HIL is the anti-shieldless ship. I see ships burn driving toward a ship with HIL to lose half its hull integrity.
Title: Re: Vanguard is terrible
Post by: intrinsic_parity on February 17, 2022, 10:36:00 AM
Tac lance and plasma cannon are also very bad for shieldless ships. Basically any enemy fleet with lots of large energy slots is going to have a field day with shieldless ships.
Title: Re: Vanguard is terrible
Post by: Supraluminal on February 17, 2022, 12:58:44 PM
To a large extent, yeah. I'm bumping into this as I'm trying to fight endgame enemies with a primarily low-tech fleet built around Shield Shunt and Polarized Armor. I'm still able to win in most cases, but I feel like the difficulty differential between normal enemies (pirates, intel bounties, etc.) and top-tier Remnant/Dorito fights is significantly higher than it is when I play with a more standard, shield-centric fleet. My armor-tank fleet is decently lethal (love being able to dedicate all flux to weapons) and handles the smaller fry just fine, including mid-tier Remnants. However, when going up against Radiants packing 3+ Tach Lances in fleets with full Alpha Core officers, things get dicey.

Relying on armor makes fights into a race - you need to overwhelm your opponent before you get ground down - but it's far more difficult to come out ahead when you're facing those anti-armor large energy weapons mounted on ships that rival your own for durability. Low tech's lack of mobility hurts here too, since the very toughest enemies are also extremely adept at darting away to vent in safety and my ability to pursue them is limited. If I can't get some hits in while they vent, they come back completely fresh while my ships are still carved up from the first exchange. Then I'm well behind in the race.

So ultimately it seems to me that dedicated armor tanking is a bit of a win-more mechanic. It makes it easier to defeat weaker enemies, and harder to take on the most powerful. Kind of a bummer, because I'm otherwise enjoying building and running this fleet. It's a nice change of pace in combat and I like how the AI behaves with shieldless ships. It also turns ship construction into a very different kind of puzzle, where you're balancing a different set of considerations, using familiar tools in new ways. Hullmods that used to feel marginal are now high-priority, point defense becomes a much bigger consideration, and so on. Plus it turns out that it's really fun to be able to shoot all your guns all the time.

On the Vanguard in particular: Naturally I tried using it in my fleet since it fits the theme, but I actually gave up on it pretty early on, even before running into the endgame threats. I guess it's not surprising that the smaller the ship is, the less viable it is as an armor tank. I also think it suffers a lot from having a Damper Field and no shields (AI is braindead about this), and the expense of recovering it takes away a lot of the appeal of Rugged Construction - both of which people have discussed already in this thread.

On top of that, I also find the Vanguard hard to outfit in a satisfactory way. It has way more mounts than flux capacity, so you want to put missiles in the composite mounts. Those are also the only hardpoints though, so if you want to use any high-recoil ballistics you're stuck putting them in turrets instead. And it's OP-hungry for all the usual armor-tank hullmods, but also badly wants the missile mods. In the end I just couldn't find a build for it that felt right.

It's a fun idea, and I'd like to have a frigate to round out my armor-themed fleet, but I don't think the Vanguard is there yet. It needs some more work to feel like a good pick, especially out of the early/mid game.
Title: Re: Vanguard is terrible
Post by: Draba on February 17, 2022, 03:02:28 PM
Tac lance and plasma cannon are also very bad for shieldless ships. Basically any enemy fleet with lots of large energy slots is going to have a field day with shieldless ships.
Same for Heph, and to a lesser extent Mjolnir. Hellbore also hurts a lot, but DPS is low and Vanguard doesn't get hit by it that often.
Title: Re: Vanguard is terrible
Post by: Null Ganymede on February 19, 2022, 06:05:38 AM
On top of that, I also find the Vanguard hard to outfit in a satisfactory way. It has way more mounts than flux capacity, so you want to put missiles in the composite mounts. Those are also the only hardpoints though, so if you want to use any high-recoil ballistics you're stuck putting them in turrets instead. And it's OP-hungry for all the usual armor-tank hullmods, but also badly wants the missile mods. In the end I just couldn't find a build for it that felt right.
Nailed it!

That's why I like my IPDAI gimmick build. Missile mounts are either an expensive commitment requiring dedicated hullmods and officers, or an OP+flux saving measure with some torpedos or sabots. Vanguard can't afford the first and doesn't really need the second if you're stacking flux-efficient guns. The long range point defense coverage is well worth it - have you seen a high CR frigate flawlessly shoot down salamanders with a light mortar? It's quite the sight.
Title: Re: Vanguard is terrible
Post by: Megas on February 19, 2022, 10:44:12 AM
The main loadout problem with Vanguard (after the obligatory list of three or four mods for shieldless ships) is the center composite, whether to put a missile there or a LAG to make it more accurate.

Currently, the loadout I use is...  LAG in center composite, Railgun in the mount directly behind it, two LMGs in the mounts next to the railgun, and two Vulcans on the outer turrets next to LMGs.  Sabot racks in the side composities.  Hullmods are Armored Turrets, Heavy Armor, Resistant Flux Conduits, and ITU (+70 range is a noticeable difference in frigate duels)  Rest of OP (about 8 or so) in vents (no need to max), and no caps (no shield to overload).

I have considered one LMG in the center turret, railgun and LAG next to LMG, and put another missile in center composite.  However, I kind of like LAG in the center composite for minimal "recoil".
Title: Re: Vanguard is terrible
Post by: Locklave on February 19, 2022, 09:27:36 PM
I feel like in the end that the design of this ship is so completely inflexible that there will literally be 1 or 2 best build for it with all other builds being clearly vastly inferior. The hull mods for it are set in stone. Is anyone imagining a unique variant of it without heavy armor or armored weapon mounts? Why aren't they built in if they are required? They are the primary form of survival for this ship, this isn't me turning the Onslaught into a armor tank with shunt shields. This is the primary form of the ship pre spending OP that are "non option" options.

Can anyone even think of a single ship in this game with such strict "pick this or be terrible" hull mods? There is a strong argument that can be made that those 2 hull mods aren't even the only set in stone ones for this ship and that 4-6 might realistically forced on us. Those hull mods nearly all being survival related.

This ship is like the Buffalo Mk II, it's a meme ship, minus the charm. Even if a perfect build is found it will still be overpriced and far to expensive to maintain and repair to justify it. It's not useless but it certainly isn't pulling it's weight.
Title: Re: Vanguard is terrible
Post by: Megas on February 20, 2022, 09:10:13 AM
Can anyone even think of a single ship in this game with such strict "pick this or be terrible" hull mods? There is a strong argument that can be made that those 2 hull mods aren't even the only set in stone ones for this ship and that 4-6 might realistically forced on us. Those hull mods nearly all being survival related.
I can, Harbinger.  It is basically a phase Vanguard without the zombie features since its system was overnerfed into near uselessness, and it needs the same Armored Turrets, Heavy Armor, and Resistant Flux Conduits to not die as fast.  It is too slow to play assassin despite AI attempting it.  At least AI Vanguard can do something resembling competence as long as the enemy is not packing High Intensity Lasers.

Hyperion without Safety Override, kind of.  Hyperion is still usable without it, but SO makes Hyperion so much stronger.

Also, Ziggurat without Phase Anchor, at least for the flagship.  It needs the firepower boost to outgun things instead of taking damage when it decloaks. Unfortunately, the AI does not know how to exploit the quickened reload times and plays it exactly as without Phase Anchor.  Without Phase Anchor, all Ziggurat is good for is a super-sized dark Omen with unblockable EMP, which alone is generally not worth the cost of using Ziggurat.

I guess ITU for many ships is one, but that does not really count since the game tells you that it is expected for most ships to use it.

My gripe with the required hullmods for Vanguard is they are not all available immediately early unless player takes some Combat skills immediately.  As for Vanguard itself, it needs to be cheaper.
Title: Re: Vanguard is terrible
Post by: FenMuir on February 23, 2022, 12:42:35 PM
Vanguards are terrible at being a standard ship.
Vanguards are great at being a non-standard ship.

Vanguards cannot be overloaded since they lack shields.
Vanguards can quickly close the distance with enemies.
Vanguards can have extremely high flux with no detriment (certain skills make it a benefit).

Effective use of Vanguards:
1) Extremely high burst damage,
2) As high of vents as you can get,
3) Use Damper Field to vent your flux.
4) Use System Overrides to get your vents higher.
5) Don't try to survive. Try to die where your explosion will damage them.
Title: Re: Vanguard is terrible
Post by: Grievous69 on February 23, 2022, 12:46:43 PM
2) As high of vents as you can get
But why? As you said it can't get overloaded, only thing generating flux are weapons, so have your dissipation match weapon flux as close as possible. Ideally it should be a tiny bit under so you can abuse Polarized armour.
Title: Re: Vanguard is terrible
Post by: Megas on February 23, 2022, 12:55:40 PM
Because Vanguard cannot overload, it does not need to be flux neutral, and generation can be more than dissipation to some extent.  It also does not need caps either.
Title: Re: Vanguard is terrible
Post by: FenMuir on February 23, 2022, 01:20:27 PM
2) As high of vents as you can get
But why? As you said it can't get overloaded, only thing generating flux are weapons, so have your dissipation match weapon flux as close as possible. Ideally it should be a tiny bit under so you can abuse Polarized armour.
Because there is no way your dissipation will exceed your generation if you're going balls-to-the-wall damage, so it let's your high burst damage last longer before needing to vent.

That said, there is but so much 5 small mounts can do.

I'll probably make a video about it later when I get around to testing it more thoroughly, but my prospective build would be 2 assault guns, 3 dual autocannons, and as many vents as I can get. If points left over, heavy armor and integrated point defense AI in that order.

Go in. Paunch! Damper Field. Paunch! Damper Field. Paunch! Damper Field. Paunch! Damper Field.
Title: Re: Vanguard is terrible
Post by: Grievous69 on February 23, 2022, 01:26:22 PM
I used Light Mortars on them because LAGs do jack *** to armour, unless you're building Vanguards to specifically kill Broadswords then I guess ok. IPDAI is a waste, you need to stack as many armour mods as you can. Heavy armour alone is more important than guns, as the ship is a distraction frigate. Damper field can only protect you for a short while. And even with all that as soon as you stumble upon a Phase lance or any burst beam, say goodbye to your Vanguards.
Title: Re: Vanguard is terrible
Post by: SapphireSage on February 23, 2022, 01:43:36 PM
Re: Polarized Armor skill. Don't forget that PA only applies to hard flux and in cases of ships that do not have any shields or phase capabilities, be it base or removed, it acts as though the ship is constantly at 50% Hard Flux.

In the case of the Vanguard, this means that Polarized Armor is a constant 25% Armor/EMP damage reduction unless you decide to put Makeshift Shield on it.
Title: Re: Vanguard is terrible
Post by: Grievous69 on February 23, 2022, 01:49:51 PM
Oh yeaaah, been awhile since my first playthrough. Well either way there's no point in adding any caps, and vents how many you can fit.
Title: Re: Vanguard is terrible
Post by: Megas on February 23, 2022, 02:24:54 PM
In the case of the Vanguard, this means that Polarized Armor is a constant 25% Armor/EMP damage reduction unless you decide to put Makeshift Shield on it.
Vanguard cannot take Makeshift Shields.
Title: Re: Vanguard is terrible
Post by: Timid on February 23, 2022, 09:32:48 PM
In the case of the Vanguard, this means that Polarized Armor is a constant 25% Armor/EMP damage reduction unless you decide to put Makeshift Shield on it.
Vanguard cannot take Makeshift Shields.
They should, new buff to makeshift shield generator in converting damper ships to makeshift shield'd ships to encourage vanguard variety :)
Title: Re: Vanguard is terrible
Post by: Drazan on February 25, 2022, 02:06:46 AM
What if the real vanguards are the friends we made along the way?
Title: Re: Vanguard is terrible
Post by: Üstad on May 11, 2022, 11:03:06 AM
Vanguard should have the new dreadnought armor, it should have very high armor but less protection per armor. Currently the armor gets weared off too quickly, the damper field and damper field AI suck. Hopefully this would compensate them. It's useful for chasing away other frigates but that's not really what people expect from an elite frigate.
Title: Re: Vanguard is terrible
Post by: Megas on May 11, 2022, 11:14:15 AM
Vanguard should have the new dreadnought armor, it should have very high armor but less protection per armor. Currently the armor gets weared off too quickly, the damper field and damper field AI suck. Hopefully this would compensate them. It's useful for chasing away other frigates but that's not really what people expect from an elite frigate.
With every buff, Vanguard can shrug of enough to kill a destroyer before it dies.  The big problem is squeezing in Polarized Armor on officers when I have other skills I want on them (and did not get Officer Training).  If Vanguard cannot get Polarized Armor, then it is not resilient enough.  As is, Vanguard does not feel elite enough to justify its cost.  It is good for a Lasher or Centurion tier frigate.

Sad thing though, is Berserker is even worse than Vanguard.  Same 6 DP cost, but bigger and slower (because it is a destroyer), shoots mostly forward, and does not use missiles.  I hoped it would be a smaller Rampart (which is legitimately good for a cheap zombie AI block), but Berserker is a piece of junk.

It seems Vanguard is only elite when compared to Berserker.
Title: Re: Vanguard is terrible
Post by: Billhartnell on May 11, 2022, 12:06:35 PM
It does have one not-so-obvious advantage in campaign over the high tech frigates, especially if the player has the industry skill that repairs 25% hull and armor damage for free after every fight. They only use 10% CR per deployment while high tech frigates use 20%,  you can deploy the same vanguard 3x in one day without malfunctions and recover it all in 4 days, assuming no CR bonuses. So you can send them to both the main fight and the pursuit without worrying about CR. Some other low-tech & midline frigates (except the hound) can do this too but most of them are slower than the Vanguard, especially when you account for burn drive.

That said, my main memory of actually piloting a Vanguard was transferring command to one of them thinking I could duel some remnant frigate that was hijacking my comm relay (I think a Glimmer) only for all my weapons to get stunlocked because I couldn't block the EMP damage, forcing me to damper field away and call in a Tempest to kill it for me.
Title: Re: Vanguard is terrible
Post by: Megas on May 11, 2022, 12:40:46 PM
Vanguard is one of more the more expensive frigates to buy, produce, or restore, and 6 DP is not exactly cheap for a frigate out of the 160 or so DP budget, at least not one that performs more like a 4 or 5 DP frigate.

That said, my main memory of actually piloting a Vanguard was transferring command to one of them thinking I could duel some remnant frigate that was hijacking my comm relay (I think a Glimmer) only for all my weapons to get stunlocked because I couldn't block the EMP damage, forcing me to damper field away and call in a Tempest to kill it for me.
This is a reason why Polarized Armor, among other things, is a must.  Resistant Flux Conduits and Polarized Armor will make the ship highly resistant to EMP.

Ships without shields need the following hullmods:  Armored Weapon Mounts, Heavy Armor, and Resistant Flux Conduits.

Ships without shields also need the following skills:  Impact Mitigation and Polarized Armor.
Title: Re: Vanguard is terrible
Post by: Brainwright on May 11, 2022, 06:14:16 PM
This is a reason why Polarized Armor, among other things, is a must.  Resistant Flux Conduits and Polarized Armor will make the ship highly resistant to EMP.

Ships without shields need the following hullmods:  Armored Weapon Mounts, Heavy Armor, and Resistant Flux Conduits.

Ships without shields also need the following skills:  Impact Mitigation and Polarized Armor.

A good alternative to this build is the Damage Control skill plus Automated Repair mod.  You can still add any of the extras mentioned above, and they'll work great, but with this, the ship can survive most fights, even if it isn't technically effective.  Plus, Support Doctrine skill will give you damage control on ships without a captain, so you could field a few of these to stuff up the battle space.

Also, I wouldn't use missiles on this thing without ECCM.  Neither Annihilators or Breachers are going to hit frigates without it, so let that OP be used against the ships most likely to be pressuring it.  I mean, if you have to, take off one missile rack and drop cap until you can fit ECCM.  It makes that much of a difference.  It's better than Expanded Racks for small missile slots.

As for the rest, the Vanguard has two primary flaws : the primary ballistic weapons are all flux hungry.  You can't fit them onto this ship and expect any longevity.  Needlers are still king here, but with a brawler like the Vanguard, it's questionable whether the god gun can save it.  It's more likely to miss in close quarters combat, as relative velocities increase fast, so it can waste its shot often and lose the deterrent value of the weapon.  Conversely, all the other small ballistic weapons need massive arrays to be effective.  There's just no winning here.  Secondly, the point defense setup of the ship doesn't genuinely work.  When fielding this ship, I have to fill three turrets with point defense weapons to provide effective protection.  The two on the sides are needed for Salamanders, but they will commonly fail to swipe reapers or hammers fired at close range, so you need one on the nose, just like the Lasher.

That's three weapon slots just to keep this ship from being crippled in a basic engagement.  And it works!  However, it's kind of silly and belies the apparent weapon variety advertised by the slots.

Giving railguns base point defense behavior might help and make them worth their ridiculous flux costs.  I would also like to see swarmers work more effectively against
fighters, as most are too nimble to care and heavy fighters just burn them with pd weapons.  I would also like to see a small missile rack that fires flares or decoys.  Salamanders and extreme range missile barrages make going through life without an omnishield a pain.

All this said, the Vanguard is my kind of ship.  I like it.  I don't use it very often because I end up focusing on surviving rather than fighting, just like I do in larger ships.  I usually have a pair for their cheap logistics, clearing out that last Pather Dram so it doesn't mob me and drag the Battlestation into a fight before I can raid it for supplies.  It's useful.

The primary flaws of the Vanguard are flaws of all low-tech ships.  The price of the Vanguard just makes that even more painful.
Title: Re: Vanguard is terrible
Post by: Megas on May 11, 2022, 06:54:14 PM
A good alternative to this build is the Damage Control skill plus Automated Repair mod.  You can still add any of the extras mentioned above, and they'll work great, but with this, the ship can survive most fights, even if it isn't technically effective.  Plus, Support Doctrine skill will give you damage control on ships without a captain, so you could field a few of these to stuff up the battle space.
That is good for practical immunity to weapon and engine knockout.  (Not true immunity, but repair times are so fast they might as well be.  Good times when I used it in older releases.)  But it does not affect armor, only hull, which is not bad either.  I would not use this instead of armor, but on top of it.

Support Doctrine only gives non-elite Helmsmanship, Combat Readiness, and Impact Mitigation.  It does not give Damage Control or other combat skills.

Also, I wouldn't use missiles on this thing without ECCM.  Neither Annihilators or Breachers are going to hit frigates without it, so let that OP be used against the ships most likely to be pressuring it.  I mean, if you have to, take off one missile rack and drop cap until you can fit ECCM.  It makes that much of a difference.  It's better than Expanded Racks for small missile slots.
I use Atropos or Sabots.  AI will use them, and Atropos is cheap, and Sabots are reliable.  Annihilators is useful mostly as a chaff screen to block incoming fire, not actually killing ships.  I rarely use Breach because AI rarely fires them.  Also, I tend to use two missile mounts instead of three, mounting a gun in the center composite hardpoint, usually Light Mortar.

As for the rest, the Vanguard has two primary flaws : the primary ballistic weapons are all flux hungry.  You can't fit them onto this ship and expect any longevity.  Needlers are still king here, but with a brawler like the Vanguard, it's questionable whether the god gun can save it.  It's more likely to miss in close quarters combat, as relative velocities increase fast, so it can waste its shot often and lose the deterrent value of the weapon.  Conversely, all the other small ballistic weapons need massive arrays to be effective.  There's just no winning here.  Secondly, the point defense setup of the ship doesn't genuinely work.  When fielding this ship, I have to fill three turrets with point defense weapons to provide effective protection.  The two on the sides are needed for Salamanders, but they will commonly fail to swipe reapers or hammers fired at close range, so you need one on the nose, just like the Lasher.
I use Railguns if I have them, or Light Autocannons if I do not.  I save the needlers for phase ships.

My preferred loadout:  Light Mortar in the center hardpoint, Sabot racks in the other two hardpoints.  Center turret is a light machine gun, side turrets are vulcans.  The two turrets between the sides and center are railguns.

For PD, Vanguard needs Point Defense and IPDAI to have a chance to shoot down missiles.  That combo will also boost the range of ballistics.  IPDAI will turn the guns into PD weapons, make PD weapons track much better against missiles, and ePD will add +200 range to them.  Both have damage bonuses against missiles.  Basically, an alternative Ballistic Rangefinder that works on any small PD gun.

Guns being flux hungry is not much of a problem for Vanguard because it does not have shields to overload from.  Ships with no shields can get away with being beyond flux-neutral more than other ships that use shields.  Vanguard can handle two railguns, and light mortar is cheap and efficient.  It is not flux-neutral, but the railguns should be able to fire long enough before they stop firing for whatever reason aside from max flux (like no enemy in range).
Title: Re: Vanguard is terrible
Post by: Brainwright on May 11, 2022, 09:02:52 PM
Guns being flux hungry is not much of a problem for Vanguard because it does not have shields to overload from.  Ships with no shields can get away with being beyond flux-neutral more than other ships that use shields.  Vanguard can handle two railguns, and light mortar is cheap and efficient.  It is not flux-neutral, but the railguns should be able to fire long enough before they stop firing for whatever reason aside from max flux (like no enemy in range).

Fast firing weapons start petering out once you hit max cap.  It's not fun playing a brawler and your vulcans are sputtering.
Title: Re: Vanguard is terrible
Post by: Üstad on May 12, 2022, 05:18:11 AM
Vanguard should have the new dreadnought armor, it should have very high armor but less protection per armor. Currently the armor gets weared off too quickly, the damper field and damper field AI suck. Hopefully this would compensate them. It's useful for chasing away other frigates but that's not really what people expect from an elite frigate.
With every buff, Vanguard can shrug of enough to kill a destroyer before it dies.  The big problem is squeezing in Polarized Armor on officers when I have other skills I want on them (and did not get Officer Training).  If Vanguard cannot get Polarized Armor, then it is not resilient enough.  As is, Vanguard does not feel elite enough to justify its cost.  It is good for a Lasher or Centurion tier frigate.

Sad thing though, is Berserker is even worse than Vanguard.  Same 6 DP cost, but bigger and slower (because it is a destroyer), shoots mostly forward, and does not use missiles.  I hoped it would be a smaller Rampart (which is legitimately good for a cheap zombie AI block), but Berserker is a piece of junk.

It seems Vanguard is only elite when compared to Berserker.
Vanguards only defence is armor and its armor will be very much damaged in the process, which means half of the defense is permanently gone. The ship just cant survive, that's why it has rugged construction hullmod and specialization in failure is just a bad design.
Title: Re: Vanguard is terrible
Post by: Megas on May 12, 2022, 05:34:19 AM
Fast firing weapons start petering out once you hit max cap.  It's not fun playing a brawler and your vulcans are sputtering.
Yes, but how long does it take to reach the cap, and how long does the ship fire continuously?  For a ship without shields, only weapon fire raises flux.  AI, kind of dumb as it is, often has breaks after a few seconds caused by having no target to shoot at.

In my experience, AI Vanguards fire for a bit and build up flux to about a third or half a flux bar, loses its lock on target and stops firing (before flux maxes out), and by the time it gets a lock on target again, flux has cooled off to (near) zero.

Vanguards only defence is armor and its armor will be very much damaged in the process, which means half of the defense is permanently gone. The ship just cant survive, that's why it has rugged construction hullmod and specialization in failure is just a bad design.
It does not need to survive, just kill more than ships than it is worth.  Ships with shields often take damage too while killing their targets.

The failure of Vanguard is it is too expensive for what it does.  If I remember correctly, its price tag is about 30,000 to produce at Orbital Works, more than most frigates.  Slash that down to 20,000 or less.  (Most frigates are worth less than 20,000).  Also, lower its DP cost down to 4 or 5.  (It is probably a bit better than Lasher or Centurion against some targets.)

Rampart is another similar ship (no shields, has Rugged Construction).  Worth 15 DP, but outfitted right, it will tank and punch like a 20+ DP ship and demolish enemy ships.  It is a budget Dominator.  More likely to die, but it is a zombie ship that can shrug off death easier than most ships.

Zombie ships, those with Rugged Construction, are nice for those who want pristine fleets (less likely to get d-mods) and probably those who want d-mods (reduced penalties).

There are some normal ships that can remove shields with Shield Shunt, bulk up on armor, and do alright, but the problem is they do not have Rugged Construction and will suffer from d-mods after recovery unless player has Hull Restoration.  They are not zombie ships like Vanguard and Derelict drones.
Title: Re: Vanguard is terrible
Post by: Serenitis on May 12, 2022, 10:06:29 AM
The failure of Vanguard is it is too expensive for what it does. 
100% this.
As a ship that's supposed to be used and recovered frequently, it just costs far too much.
A Lasher does kind of the same thing and costs less than 1/3 as much to recover.
And as shieldless frigate, Vanguard will die more-or-less every battle.

Zombie ships, those with Rugged Construction, ... and probably those who want d-mods (reduced penalties).
Ehhhh. Yes and no.
Rugged Const. allowing you to ignore part of the d-mod effects is both cool and good.
But having it prevent new d-mods from being applied is kinda bad. Because more d-mods = lower recovery costs, which is the thing you're after when you have an undead fleet.
Vanguard really needs that reduction because it's so expensive, but seldom gets it.
I generally avoid Vanguards unless they already have a pile of d-mods on them, so they're at least within the realms of sanity for recovery cost (which doesn't happen often).

Rugged is a cool and interesting hullmod, but it kinda half-conflicts with itself when it's on an expensive ship.
Maybe not a conflict as such, but rather lacks "synergy" where you'd expect it.
Title: Re: Vanguard is terrible
Post by: Megas on May 12, 2022, 10:26:11 AM
For me, the point of undead ships is not to reduce costs, but for two other reasons:
1) Zombie ships dropped by the enemy are likely to be pristine if they were pristine before getting killed by my fleet.  Ships without Rugged Construction always have one or more d-mods.  Zombie ships are handy if I pick up ships off the ground and use them to fight while out in the field.  (I sometimes bring extra weapons to outfit such ships.)

2) Enable much more casual gameplay by not caring if it dies as long as the fleet survives (no TPK) because it is more likely to avoid getting any d-mods in the first place, and if it does, it only gets one which may be erased quickly by a lucky die roll from Hull Restoration.  At worst, I can scuttle the d-modded ship because there are more pristine hulls where they came from (enemy loot).

I generally avoid Vanguards unless they already have a pile of d-mods on them, so they're at least within the realms of sanity for recovery cost (which doesn't happen often).
I use them because (when I grind human bounties) I keep recovering pristine hulls from the enemy faster than I lose them (by scuttling them as soon as my Vanguard casualties get a d-mod during recovery screen), and Vanguards are not totally awful for combat.

I would not build or restore Vanguards.  They are too expensive for that.  I get nearly all of my Vanguards by looting them from the enemy.

Yes, ships with Rugged Construction are less likely to get d-mods, but it cannot be too hard for someone really determined to get them on a ship or two.  I guess it can be annoying for someone who wants a whole fleet of zombie ships with five d-mods.

Rugged is a cool and interesting hullmod, but it kinda half-conflicts with itself when it's on an expensive ship.
Maybe not a conflict as such, but rather lacks "synergy" where you'd expect it.
Do not forget Rugged Construction reduces penalties from d-mods, like those that affect combat stats.  That was what I mainly had it mind for those that want to run a d-mod fleet.
Title: Re: Vanguard is terrible
Post by: Serenitis on May 12, 2022, 11:48:26 AM
Rugged Const. allowing you to ignore part of the d-mod effects is both cool and good.
The reduction for recovery costs is the #1 draw for using d-mods imo. Anything else is just a neat bonus.
And not getting to use that reduction is a huge downside.
Title: Re: Vanguard is terrible
Post by: Timid on May 12, 2022, 01:51:01 PM
it's ok rugged construction is getting a buff.

also the vanguard with 2 railguns, 3 atropos, 2 light machine guns, and 1 light mortar is a neat loadout
Title: Re: Vanguard is terrible
Post by: Üstad on May 12, 2022, 05:39:56 PM
Fast firing weapons start petering out once you hit max cap.  It's not fun playing a brawler and your vulcans are sputtering.
Yes, but how long does it take to reach the cap, and how long does the ship fire continuously?  For a ship without shields, only weapon fire raises flux.  AI, kind of dumb as it is, often has breaks after a few seconds caused by having no target to shoot at.

In my experience, AI Vanguards fire for a bit and build up flux to about a third or half a flux bar, loses its lock on target and stops firing (before flux maxes out), and by the time it gets a lock on target again, flux has cooled off to (near) zero.

Vanguards only defence is armor and its armor will be very much damaged in the process, which means half of the defense is permanently gone. The ship just cant survive, that's why it has rugged construction hullmod and specialization in failure is just a bad design.
It does not need to survive, just kill more than ships than it is worth.  Ships with shields often take damage too while killing their targets.

The failure of Vanguard is it is too expensive for what it does.  If I remember correctly, its price tag is about 30,000 to produce at Orbital Works, more than most frigates.  Slash that down to 20,000 or less.  (Most frigates are worth less than 20,000).  Also, lower its DP cost down to 4 or 5.  (It is probably a bit better than Lasher or Centurion against some targets.)

Rampart is another similar ship (no shields, has Rugged Construction).  Worth 15 DP, but outfitted right, it will tank and punch like a 20+ DP ship and demolish enemy ships.  It is a budget Dominator.  More likely to die, but it is a zombie ship that can shrug off death easier than most ships.

Zombie ships, those with Rugged Construction, are nice for those who want pristine fleets (less likely to get d-mods) and probably those who want d-mods (reduced penalties).

There are some normal ships that can remove shields with Shield Shunt, bulk up on armor, and do alright, but the problem is they do not have Rugged Construction and will suffer from d-mods after recovery unless player has Hull Restoration.  They are not zombie ships like Vanguard and Derelict drones.
Shielded ships can vent and they don't depend solely on armor. Perfection in failure is just wrong design. As for rampart it's surviviable as long distance support ship, gauss and hurricane missile. On short range against sizeable AI fleet it will be destoryed. Rest of the drones meant to be easy targets anyway. Also Vanguard can't even long distance kite like rampart for reasons.
Title: Re: Vanguard is terrible
Post by: Megas on May 12, 2022, 06:37:13 PM
Shielded ships can vent and they don't depend solely on armor. Perfection in failure is just wrong design. As for rampart it's surviviable as long distance support ship, gauss and hurricane missile. On short range against sizeable AI fleet it will be destoryed. Rest of the drones meant to be easy targets anyway. Also Vanguard can't even long distance kite like rampart for reasons.
Shielded ships may or may not rely on armor, but they may not win flawlessly against a similar or greater opponent.  The point was shielded ships can and will take damage too because the shields eventually drop from losing the flux war or AI stupidity.  In addition, shielded ships that are high in flux (and controlled by AI) often attempt to flee, which really bites high-tech ships with horrible shot range.

I use Mark IXs and Cyclone Reaper on Rampart.  Cheap and effective, at least against human fleets.

Vanguard is not supposed to kite.  It is supposed to brawl and keep shooting until it or the enemy dies.  At best, it can take out a destroyer or a few frigates before it dies, but as long as it kills more than its weight in DP, that is okay.
Title: Re: Vanguard is terrible
Post by: Rojnaz on May 12, 2022, 07:53:49 PM
it's ok rugged construction is getting a buff.

I'm sorry, where says rugged construction is getting a buff?

in the blog post? I don't find it  :(
Title: Re: Vanguard is terrible
Post by: Alex on May 12, 2022, 07:58:31 PM
(I think I mentioned it on the forum somewhere? Basically I have a note to make it make the ship cheaper to repair up after it's recovered, whether it's by getting it to start with some hull/CR, or by some other means.)
Title: Re: Vanguard is terrible
Post by: Rojnaz on May 12, 2022, 08:20:35 PM
That's nice, that will make using rugged construction ships slightly more attractive!

About Vanguard in battle survivability, I suggest ships with rugged construction could have bit better "minimum armor value"(Residual armor?), a harder hull makes sense I suppose.
Title: Re: Vanguard is terrible
Post by: Alex on May 12, 2022, 08:40:14 PM
I think they're actually just fine in battle; I've had good success using them against high-end Ordos, even. Just have to bring enough of 'em; they work in packs - if you deploy one or two, sometimes they'll do something and sometimes they'll run into a few HILs and fizzle out, but if you have a bunch it averages out into consistent good performance - and they synergize well with other Vanguards. It's just the recovery cost that's too high, making this a still-winning-but-too-expensive proposition.
Title: Re: Vanguard is terrible
Post by: Rojnaz on May 13, 2022, 04:17:14 PM
Welp, you're right! Vanguard actually works good in company of more Varguards and shield shunt ships, I suppose is because ships with shields tend to retreat to vent leaving Vanguard alone.

Next time I play I'll do a fleet with more Vanguards!
Title: Re: Vanguard is terrible
Post by: Üstad on May 13, 2022, 04:46:58 PM
Shielded ships can vent and they don't depend solely on armor. Perfection in failure is just wrong design. As for rampart it's surviviable as long distance support ship, gauss and hurricane missile. On short range against sizeable AI fleet it will be destoryed. Rest of the drones meant to be easy targets anyway. Also Vanguard can't even long distance kite like rampart for reasons.
Shielded ships may or may not rely on armor, but they may not win flawlessly against a similar or greater opponent. 
Shielded ships may take damage whereas shieldless ship certaily will and they will falter because of that especially a small ship like vanguard
Title: Re: Vanguard is terrible
Post by: Brainwright on May 13, 2022, 08:05:42 PM
Shielded ships may take damage whereas shieldless ship certaily will and they will falter because of that especially a small ship like vanguard

Shields are only endless if the ship can disengage, which the Vanguard is well positioned to refuse.
Title: Re: Vanguard is terrible
Post by: Rusty Edge on August 24, 2022, 07:37:21 AM
Look up the function of vangaurds in historical warfare, and try employing your vangaurd frigates in the same way.
They don't HAVE to engage the heavy hitters. They are designed to rush capture points, while engaging scouts and stalling the enemy to establish a tactical advantage for the rest of your fleet.
 After the initial phase,  they are best used to gaurd your flanks and chase down stray frigates.

 Imo, if you are using Vangaurds to engage heavy cruisers, capitols, or anything with a heavy laser, you are doing it wrong.
Title: Re: Vanguard is terrible
Post by: Igncom1 on August 24, 2022, 09:04:12 AM
I've been having fun with my derelict operations vanguards with two assault guns, a torpedo, and five duel machine guns.

At the very least they live longer then my hounds and cerberus do!
Title: Re: Vanguard is terrible
Post by: Alices on August 29, 2022, 11:25:29 PM
I typically use this ship as a "distraction with survivability" or something along those lines. It can do very well against midline destroyers and works as a great distraction. The base-armor value is unmatched for it's size, so this thing can take a hell of a beating before going down.

This is my AI build, with basic skills in the combat tree. My Vanguard generally takes a two or three other frigates down with it before imploding.

Capacitors: 1
Vents: 10

1. Armored Weapon Mounts (3)
2. Heavy Armor (8)
3. Expanded Missile Racks (8)
4. Resistant Flux Conduits (3)
5. Insulated Engine (3)


A: Atropos (Single)
L: Light Autocannons
V: Vulcans
G: Light Assault Gun

 A/L G L\A 
| V /  \ V |