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Starsector => Mods => Topic started by: IonDragonX on November 13, 2021, 09:57:35 PM

Title: Magnetar! : The Mission
Post by: IonDragonX on November 13, 2021, 09:57:35 PM
Magnetar!! : The Mission

Download v1.0 (
(Placeholder image until I can finish the splash screen)
Superweapons Arsenal ( by Mira Lendin plus GraphicsLib ( / MagicLib ( / LazyLib (

Q: What's in this mod?
A: This mod adds the Magnetar-class itself and two missions that included the Magnetar-class Ultra Dreadnought. Unfortunately, the Magnetar is too ludicrously powerful to actually be a playable ship or an enemy so the missions menu (in the main menu) is the only place that can even spotlight the Ultra Dreadnought.

;D Have Fun, You Guys! ;D

There once was a legendary modder known as MrDavidhoff.  He created the Omega-class Ultra Dreadnought, the largest and most over-fluxed monstrosity of its time... I had to change that class name so it wouldn’t conflict with story lore spoilers...
(;attach=1065;type=avatar)MrDavidhoff's profile (;u=1151)
Thank you, sir, for your permission!  :)  I did my best to keep the same sprite & silhouette. I even re-skinned the prow Superweapons to match your original prow.

If you are a modder, I have a question
I am unable to set the ship to the 'fearless' AI that never retreats. If you know the method, comment or send me a PM, please.
Title: Re: Magnetar! : The Mission
Post by: Jaghaimo on November 13, 2021, 11:33:54 PM
Giving the ship AI core (as an officer) makes it fearless (which is just an alias for reckless).
Title: Re: Magnetar! : The Mission
Post by: kikta on December 03, 2021, 08:57:04 PM
I want this as boss / another way to get superweapons (it would be a lot of fun trying to defeat this)
Title: Re: Magnetar! : The Mission
Post by: IonDragonX on December 03, 2021, 09:16:05 PM
I want this as boss / another way to get superweapons (it would be a lot of fun trying to defeat this)
I am considering adding it as a special bounty for players that have removed their level cap and are level 38+. I like your idea of an optional boss & superweapon source but the player would have to agree that this ship is non canon and wayyy out of balance.
Title: Re: Magnetar! : The Mission
Post by: kikta on December 03, 2021, 09:36:45 PM
I want this as boss / another way to get superweapons (it would be a lot of fun trying to defeat this)
I am considering adding it as a special bounty for players that have removed their level cap and are level 38+. I like your idea of an optional boss & superweapon source but the player would have to agree that this ship is non canon and wayyy out of balance.
Just make another version of this mod with this ship spawning somewhere as ai fleet from beginning (like plague bearer fleets) or a level 20+ bounty
Title: Re: Magnetar! : The Mission
Post by: envenger on December 24, 2021, 07:28:01 AM
I agree with the above posts, would love to see it as a bounty.
Is done properly with modular parts?
Title: Re: Magnetar! : The Mission
Post by: IonDragonX on December 24, 2021, 07:47:46 AM
I agree with the above posts, would love to see it as a bounty.
I hear you and I want to do it. It might be beyond my capacity to do it though.
I'm not going to be awarding the player with a playable Magnetar, though. That's just crazy. If they want it that badly, they can spawn it with console commands.

Is done properly with modular parts?
Yes. That's the only reason why I started the mod.
Title: Re: Magnetar! : The Mission
Post by: envenger on December 24, 2021, 08:10:53 AM
I hear you and I want to do it. It might be beyond my capacity to do it though.
I'm not going to be awarding the player with a playable Magnetar, though. That's just crazy. If they want it that badly, they can spawn it with console commands.

Magic Lib has a bounty system making things like this easy to integrate.

I don't think you need to give player this as reward, just facing 2-3 of this in a fight and winning is enough for a reward.
Also you make a blueprint of this and make it cost a really expensive ammount of credits to make, so only endgame players can afford it. There was a ship like that calldd Helix and it was arround 6,00,000 credits to make, its like a good endgame goal to aspire then quit the session.
Title: Re: Magnetar! : The Mission
Post by: Oni on December 24, 2021, 09:53:46 AM
.... I don't think you need to give player this as reward, just facing 2-3 of this in a fight and winning is enough for a reward.....
???  .... pretty sure it's supposed to be a unique ship. As in just the one.
Title: Re: Magnetar! : The Mission
Post by: IonDragonX on December 24, 2021, 12:08:50 PM
.... I don't think you need to give player this as reward, just facing 2-3 of this in a fight and winning is enough for a reward.....
???  .... pretty sure it's supposed to be a unique ship. As in just the one.
Oh yes. One is too much, even. That's why it should never be recoverable.
Title: Re: Magnetar! : The Mission
Post by: Spareribs on December 30, 2021, 09:55:46 AM
Hypothetically, if it was to be added to the campaign, how much op and maintenance would it have? Besides, i'm sure the ziggy can deal with this thing. :)
Title: Re: Magnetar! : The Mission
Post by: Zordiark Darkeater on January 06, 2022, 05:15:44 AM
Hypothetically, if it was to be added to the campaign, how much op and maintenance would it have? Besides, i'm sure the ziggy can deal with this thing. :)

I tested out the ship... i Don't think anything can deal with it lol.
Title: Re: Magnetar! : The Mission
Post by: Moomoomaster69 on January 11, 2022, 11:19:58 AM
Would it be possible to create a version that is modifiable(all I really want are to interchange the superweapons really) and see how op I can make this thing? Ty for the mod.
Title: Re: Magnetar! : The Mission
Post by: Viktor Soprano on January 30, 2022, 03:42:37 AM
I tested out the ship... i Don't think anything can deal with it lol.

I'd love to pit this against an Executor class from the Star Wars 2020 mod. A clash of the Titans, if you will. :)
Title: Re: Magnetar! : The Mission
Post by: envenger on January 30, 2022, 09:28:42 AM
It has super weapons so unless something is not using omega weapons it cant deal with it.

I genuinely would love to have a 1600 DP fight against this.
Title: Re: Magnetar! : The Mission
Post by: Quill on March 22, 2022, 04:00:31 PM
I'd like to use this during my campaign regardless of how big, unbalanced or powerful the ship is. Is this possible?
Title: Re: Magnetar! : The Mission
Post by: Mira Lendin on March 24, 2022, 02:46:54 AM
Give this thing some Flashes
Title: Re: Magnetar! : The Mission
Post by: elite24 on March 30, 2022, 03:56:03 AM
Awesome, I love seeing MrDavidhoff's work brought back to life, especially the newer sprites. I actually made a campaign playable version of the older Omega dreadnought (as OP as it is) for my self to play around with, and been meaning to build some lore and campaign missions around it to make it more of a special one off reward ship than just another capital. Never released it publicly as I couldn't get in contact with  MrDavidhoff. Would you mind sharing how you were able to contact him? Will have to drop this into my game to give it a try!
Title: Re: Magnetar! : The Mission
Post by: IonDragonX on May 01, 2022, 12:02:14 AM
Never released it publicly as I couldn't get in contact with  MrDavidhoff. Would you mind sharing how you were able to contact him? Will have to drop this into my game to give it a try!
I just got lucky. I had sent him a DM on this forum last year (2021) and he randomly logged in May-June. He gave me permission to revive the Magnetar, picked the name from some suggestions that I had brainstormed, and kindly sent me an archive of his old modding stuff. I still have the DMs for safekeeping.

Awesome, I love seeing MrDavidhoff's work brought back to life, especially the newer sprites. I actually made a campaign playable version of the older Omega dreadnought (as OP as it is) for my self to play around with, and been meaning to build some lore and campaign missions around it to make it more of a special one off reward ship than just another capital.
The main reason for changing the name to Magnetar was to separate from the "Omega" in the game lore. They are distinctly separate.
Fun Fact : a Magnetar is a terrifying classification of a neutron star.
Quote is from
"Now, we finally get to magnetars. You may guess from the name that they're especially magnetic: up to 1 quadrillion gauss. That's 1,000 trillion times stronger than the magnetic field you're sitting in right now. That puts magnetars in the No. 1 spot, reigning champions in the universal Strongest Magnetic Field competition. The numbers are there, but it's hard to wrap our brains around them.

Those fields are strong enough to wreak havoc on their local environments. You know how atoms are made of a positively charged nucleus surrounded by negatively charged electrons? Those charges respond to magnetic fields. Not very much under normal conditions, but this ain't Kansas anymore, is it, Toto? Any unlucky atoms stretch into pencil-thin rods near these magnetars.

It doesn't stop there. With the atoms all screwed up, normal molecular chemistry is just a no-go. Covalent bonds? Ha! And the magnetic fields can drive enormous bursts of high-intensity radiation. So, generally bad business.

Get too close to one (say, within 1,000 kilometers, or about 600 miles), and the magnetic fields are strong enough to upset not just your bioelectricity — rendering your nerve impulses hilariously useless — but your very molecular structure. In a magnetar's field, you just kind of … dissolve."
Food for thought, eh?

Give this thing some Flashes
This was already done. The prow hardpoints are Flashes but skinned to look like MrDavidhoff's original sprite. This way, the profile is the same as his design.
Title: Re: Magnetar! : The Mission
Post by: Latrios on August 01, 2022, 02:02:30 AM
Whelp, seems the Superweapons mod is inaccessible for the time being due to... trouble... with the mod's sprites and permissions, so I guess that makes this mod unsuable as well. I've got an old version that will probably work for the time being for me, but just figured I'd mention it.
Title: Re: Magnetar! : The Mission
Post by: IonDragonX on January 21, 2023, 08:47:43 AM
Whelp, seems the Superweapons mod is inaccessible for the time being due to... trouble... with the mod's sprites and permissions, so I guess that makes this mod unsuable as well. I've got an old version that will probably work for the time being for me, but just figured I'd mention it.
Thank you. I'll be working on an alternative. The current version of the Magnetar was designed well before the sprite in question and does not use it.
Title: Re: Magnetar! : The Mission
Post by: Overseer on February 17, 2023, 01:19:57 AM
You're not giving us players or enemies this ship? Too bad! I'M TAKING THIS SHIP INTO THE WILD FOR A SPIN!!!! MAUAHAHHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!

Anyways, good mod!
Title: Re: Magnetar! : The Mission
Post by: JenkoRun on April 10, 2023, 11:16:46 AM
Is this ship still not flyable? I'd really like to take her out for a spin.
Title: Re: Magnetar! : The Mission
Post by: Rek0dus on September 15, 2024, 06:55:01 AM
Can this mod be use in .97?
Title: Re: Magnetar! : The Mission
Post by: ebolamorph on January 08, 2025, 06:38:19 PM
Can this mod be use in .97?

not until superweapons gets an update, which i dont think it will.