OK sorry thanks for the info and the kind words on the ships. I could only check against .95a mods but as I use a unique prefix there should be no internal issues which would conflict crash the game. I am not married to the names, it was just a fancy of mine at the time. I'll look into reworking them to another theme. It'll take a bit to cross check the references through the mod so I'll keep the current version up for for testing for now unless one of the mod authors has an issue then I'll take it down until I have the rework.I doubt that anyone's actually going to fight over names. We usually have good community. This link will show the unofficial name database.
... a new commodity and a new toggle ability. See changelog for details.This is really cool! Does the effect round up? Will is stop at <100 so it doesn't run unnecessarily?
I'd recommend looking at the prv/rust belt mod if you need more inspiration or help with the coding for the ore-smelting stuff, one of the ships in that faction mod smelts ores.
There was also another mod that had a similar hullmod based set-up, but I can't remember it at this second.
- Now your third question I have already touched on, I am still working on a an idea for a utility ship that does something like your suggestion but it is currently on the burner.All good points but the spirit of my suggestion stands.
- And lastly, the elimination of heavy machinery, I felt, would be just too much like printing free money. I set it up that if you do the math with the current setup, you wind up with more credit value selling the converted Platinum than if you sold the machinery and ore instead. Not by much but it is a value added process as well as a way to reduce inventory space. The ability to reduce the inventory space needed to effectively use mining as a way to riches was my priority and I feel this update brings the mod a step closer but it is by no means my ending.
@IonDragonX:Thank you trying so hard on my suggestion. You can just decline it, its your mod in the first place and I didn't know that it would be so hard to do.
I do have a cruiser sized utility ship made. It has 3 borer and 3 mining drones, a salvage and a survey mod and I am hoping to add the refining mod if I ever figure that out. However, if I cannot do either of you have any suggestions on what you would like a utility mining ship to do other than the above?
As to their sprites I am unsure your meaning, they share a similar base but different projectiles and sizes. If you could clarify your concern other than their incorrect volley count please let me know.
If you have any comments or requests please do so, ... I check this post at least twice a day and will get back to you asap.Did you know there is a PM system on the boards? I sent you a couple.
Based on the [amsrm] custom ID I am guessing it is from a mod that uses "am" as their unique prefix like I use "JYD_" and the "srm" most likely means it is a short range missile. I am not familiar with that prefix and I test against all the major mods.Or the "am" out of "am""srm" could mean "anti-matter", which is a common enough sci-fi term.
It's noted now that we're getting the error Fatal: Weapon spec [breachpod] not found thoughI'm beginning to believe that you are playing Starsector v0.91 instead of 0.95. the weapon spec breachpod is in the vanilla game.
package data.scripts.hullmods;
import com.fs.starfarer.api.combat.BaseHullMod;
import com.fs.starfarer.api.combat.MutableShipStatsAPI;
import com.fs.starfarer.api.combat.ShipAPI;
import com.fs.starfarer.api.combat.ShipAPI.HullSize;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
public class CHM_JYD extends BaseHullMod {
private static final Map coom = new HashMap();
public static final float ARMOR_BONUS = 20f;
public static final float MAINTENANCE_MULT = 0.90f;
static {
coom.put(HullSize.FRIGATE, 30f);
coom.put(HullSize.DESTROYER, 25f);
coom.put(HullSize.CRUISER, 20f);
coom.put(HullSize.CAPITAL_SHIP, 15f);
coom.put(HullSize.DEFAULT, 15f);
public void applyEffectsBeforeShipCreation(HullSize hullSize, MutableShipStatsAPI stats, String id) {
float timeMult = 1f / ((100f + (Float) coom.get(hullSize)) / 100f);
stats.getFighterRefitTimeMult().modifyMult(id, timeMult);
stats.getMinCrewMod().modifyMult(id, MAINTENANCE_MULT);
stats.getArmorBonus().modifyFlat(id, ARMOR_BONUS);
public String getDescriptionParam(int index, HullSize hullSize) {
if (index == 0) return "" + ((Float) coom.get(HullSize.FRIGATE)).intValue() + "%";
if (index == 1) return "" + ((Float) coom.get(HullSize.DESTROYER)).intValue() + "%";
if (index == 2) return "" + ((Float) coom.get(HullSize.CRUISER)).intValue() + "%";
if (index == 3) return "" + ((Float) coom.get(HullSize.CAPITAL_SHIP)).intValue() + "%";
if (index == 4) return "" + (int) ((1f - MAINTENANCE_MULT) * 100f) + "%";
if (index == 5) return "" + (int) ARMOR_BONUS;
return null;
public Color getBorderColor() {
return new Color(147, 102, 50, 0);
public Color getNameColor() {
return new Color(220,185,20);
Hmm I do run Iron shell and of course Nex, which I just updated. Have you installed the additional hotfix to Nexerelin located beside the download link?
By "superweapon" are you referring to Mira Lendon's Superweapons Arsenal? If so, I do not run that one but I can take a look at it if so. Either way I am really perplexed because that hull mod only applies to ships that a player owns and applied when you dock at a station.
According to my understanding of your error log, it looks like a conflict occurs when the game updates your fleet status. For it to cause an issue while in space does not jive with what I know about hull mods. What really gets me is the NullPointerException. That happens when the game attempts to use one of the variables that is null, but the code tries to use it like it is not. However, CMH_JYD mainly uses stated established variables and only calls for a null variable at the very end.While I wait to hear back from you, I'll d/l the superweapon mod I stated above (assuming that is the correct one) and see if both mods call for similar modifications.SpoilerCodepackage data.scripts.hullmods;
import com.fs.starfarer.api.combat.BaseHullMod;
import com.fs.starfarer.api.combat.MutableShipStatsAPI;
import com.fs.starfarer.api.combat.ShipAPI;
import com.fs.starfarer.api.combat.ShipAPI.HullSize;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
public class CHM_JYD extends BaseHullMod {
private static final Map coom = new HashMap();
public static final float ARMOR_BONUS = 20f;
public static final float MAINTENANCE_MULT = 0.90f;
static {
coom.put(HullSize.FRIGATE, 30f);
coom.put(HullSize.DESTROYER, 25f);
coom.put(HullSize.CRUISER, 20f);
coom.put(HullSize.CAPITAL_SHIP, 15f);
coom.put(HullSize.DEFAULT, 15f);
public void applyEffectsBeforeShipCreation(HullSize hullSize, MutableShipStatsAPI stats, String id) {
float timeMult = 1f / ((100f + (Float) coom.get(hullSize)) / 100f);
stats.getFighterRefitTimeMult().modifyMult(id, timeMult);
stats.getMinCrewMod().modifyMult(id, MAINTENANCE_MULT);
stats.getArmorBonus().modifyFlat(id, ARMOR_BONUS);
public String getDescriptionParam(int index, HullSize hullSize) {
if (index == 0) return "" + ((Float) coom.get(HullSize.FRIGATE)).intValue() + "%";
if (index == 1) return "" + ((Float) coom.get(HullSize.DESTROYER)).intValue() + "%";
if (index == 2) return "" + ((Float) coom.get(HullSize.CRUISER)).intValue() + "%";
if (index == 3) return "" + ((Float) coom.get(HullSize.CAPITAL_SHIP)).intValue() + "%";
if (index == 4) return "" + (int) ((1f - MAINTENANCE_MULT) * 100f) + "%";
if (index == 5) return "" + (int) ARMOR_BONUS;
return null;
public Color getBorderColor() {
return new Color(147, 102, 50, 0);
public Color getNameColor() {
return new Color(220,185,20);
I have a somewhat unrelated question to which I'm certain I already have an answer, but just to get your perspective: why would you name your HashMap "coom"?
Fails to load on linux due to case sensitive file system: Error loading [graphics/JYD/portraits/Commander.png] resource. The actual file is named commander.png with a lowercase c. I just renamed it with capital C and it loads but you might want to fix it for the next release.
v1.0 released today
Mainly some changes to ensure compatibility with 0.95.1a and a couple fine tuning adjustments, the op changelog has details.
I feel the mod is 1.0 bug tested and working as intended. I still have a couple ideas for the mod which I will work on once I am done tweaking Hiver Swarm and I am always gratefully interested in ideas/suggestions so please keep them coming!
It seems I have a problem loading this mod, I'm getting a Fatal: Duplicate key error.Spoiler8490 [Thread-4] ERROR com.fs.starfarer.combat.CombatMain - java.lang.RuntimeException: Duplicate key [CHM_JYD | ] while loading [data/hullmods/hull_mods.csv from [/home/****/Games Linux/Starsector Updated/./mods/Junk Yard Dogs]
java.lang.RuntimeException: Duplicate key [CHM_JYD | ] while loading [data/hullmods/hull_mods.csv from [/home/****/Games Linux/Starsector Updated/./mods/Junk Yard Dogs]
at com.fs.starfarer.loading.LoadingUtils.o00000(Unknown Source)
at com.fs.starfarer.loading.LoadingUtils.o00000(Unknown Source)
at com.fs.starfarer.loading.LoadingUtils.new(Unknown Source)
at com.fs.starfarer.loading.SpecStore.ô00000(Unknown Source)
at com.fs.starfarer.loading.SpecStore.public(Unknown Source)
at com.fs.starfarer.loading.ResourceLoaderState.init(Unknown Source)
at com.fs.state.AppDriver.begin(Unknown Source)
at com.fs.starfarer.combat.CombatMain.main(Unknown Source)
at com.fs.starfarer.StarfarerLauncher.o00000(Unknown Source)
at com.fs.starfarer.StarfarerLauncher$1.run(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)[close]
I'm using Linux and am a complete novice when it come to Linux, so I'm unsure about what it is that's exactly happening, although I am quite certain that it is only this mod that is causing some trouble. The previous version of the mod works fine.
Maybe you or someone else knows what's up? Thanks in advance!
v1.0 released today
Mainly some changes to ensure compatibility with 0.95.1a and a couple fine tuning adjustments, the op changelog has details.
I feel the mod is 1.0 bug tested and working as intended. I still have a couple ideas for the mod which I will work on once I am done tweaking Hiver Swarm and I am always gratefully interested in ideas/suggestions so please keep them coming!
IDK if you already saw this, but you made this guys Top Ten, gratz!
Kokoplays MB : TOP 10 AWESOME Starsector Mods You HAVE to Play Before 2021 Ends (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JGahaKPTz9w&t)
It seems I have a problem loading this mod, I'm getting a Fatal: Duplicate key error.Spoiler8490 [Thread-4] ERROR com.fs.starfarer.combat.CombatMain - java.lang.RuntimeException: Duplicate key [CHM_JYD | ] while loading [data/hullmods/hull_mods.csv from [/home/****/Games Linux/Starsector Updated/./mods/Junk Yard Dogs]
java.lang.RuntimeException: Duplicate key [CHM_JYD | ] while loading [data/hullmods/hull_mods.csv from [/home/****/Games Linux/Starsector Updated/./mods/Junk Yard Dogs]
at com.fs.starfarer.loading.LoadingUtils.o00000(Unknown Source)
at com.fs.starfarer.loading.LoadingUtils.o00000(Unknown Source)
at com.fs.starfarer.loading.LoadingUtils.new(Unknown Source)
at com.fs.starfarer.loading.SpecStore.ô00000(Unknown Source)
at com.fs.starfarer.loading.SpecStore.public(Unknown Source)
at com.fs.starfarer.loading.ResourceLoaderState.init(Unknown Source)
at com.fs.state.AppDriver.begin(Unknown Source)
at com.fs.starfarer.combat.CombatMain.main(Unknown Source)
at com.fs.starfarer.StarfarerLauncher.o00000(Unknown Source)
at com.fs.starfarer.StarfarerLauncher$1.run(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)[close]
I'm using Linux and am a complete novice when it come to Linux, so I'm unsure about what it is that's exactly happening, although I am quite certain that it is only this mod that is causing some trouble. The previous version of the mod works fine.
Maybe you or someone else knows what's up? Thanks in advance!
I am at a lost here because the log states it is a problem with the JYD commission hullmod which was not part of the changes from the previous version. Had you deleted the previous version before installing the current one?
Maybe PD Pep should only be for kinetics, or mining lasers, or faction PD? It gives LR PD more range than tactical lasers. I'm using the command carrier as my flagship and no frigate or destroyer is willing to get close to all those beams.
I like all the capital support ships, but it strangely feels weird that the warships are that good? I do wonder how JYD could afford to design and build so many. I think it'd make the faction stand out more if the capitals were MacGyvered from salvaging other factions' ships. Worse than Onslaughts and Paragons, but with lowered deployment costs so you feel ok deploying them in more skirmishes.
But that's just like my opinion man. Great mod, love to be in a blue collar miner/prospector union. Very good dogs.
I have some problem with the vicious ship, its AI doesn't want to engage enemy even when putting aggressive officer, especially when battle with friendly orbital station it will always hide behind the station and do nothing, I did try to increase and decrease weapon range but it only work when I personally pilot the ship.
Also the engine light from the commanding ship is a bit bright, can you tone it down a little.
Overall, I like the faction ship, not too OP and usable. Cheers :)
I think Far Sight and Sensor Booster should be mutually incompatible.
While I do like the themes you're playing with in this mod, I feel it needs some serious balance passes. Admittedly; I've barely touched the mod, just now enabled it and started a Nexerelin run with JYD starter ships, but it stuck out to me very quickly.Well hello there, thank you for taking the time to share your opinion. If you will allow me, I will try to explain my reasoning. I made this mod to be played with NEX and tried my best to give it weaknesses and strengths based on other mods made for NEX. I do agree that Asteroid Breaker is overpowered compared to vanilla PD weapons. I did that in response to the overpowered missiles in other modders faction mods. JYD ships are slower than average and their major weakness is against long range attacks from fast ships. If you play JYD without NEX or other faction mods that are NEX balanced then I figured players could just not use them if they liked the ships or some other part of the mod.
One example: Asteroid Breaker (small ballistic PD) has higher dps and lower flux/s than the vanilla Heavy Machine Gun, and on top of that it is one size smaller. If you then add PD Pep hullmod to the ship, it turns into a Light Dual Autocannon with twice the dps for half the flux/s, roughly.
For the time being I'm leaving this mod out, but I'll be looking forward to revisiting it in the future. Best of luck to you.
The line being referenced: if (!haveNexerelin || SectorManager.getManager() is pretty much boiler plate for any faction mod that interacts with Nex. I have not adjusted that file in many updates and am unsure why my mod in particular is kicking up an error when I know of several faction mods that use the same method. I would suggest maybe downloading and reinstalling NEX as well as JYD as a first step and we'll go from there.
Hi Dazs,
Great mod.
Just one thing, put version number on zip file, so we don't overwrite older versions. Just in case.
I don't say this as an insult, but the dog puns are by far the best part of this mod :P
I am unsure if this is intentional but asteroid breaker turrets have very high anti-shield DPS for their OP cost. If you mount 2 of them on an Adorable (which has an ability that doubles ballistic weapon fire rate), you get 1428 DPS against shields, and 2856 DPS if you also turn on the ammo feeder. If you mounted a third asteroid breaker on the Adorable's composite hardpoint, then you get an even higher 4284 DPS against shields. Did I mention that Safety Overrides can add even more fun?
-snip-This was before the AB dealt frag damage.
Before I go on a deeper dive, I have to ask if your numbers posted were before I nerfed AP to its current state posted above? And if not what are your numbers using a Vulcan with the same buffs in your post.
I truly appreciate you bringing it to my attention and apologize for giving you homework as a response :)
-snip-This was before the AB dealt frag damage.
Before I go on a deeper dive, I have to ask if your numbers posted were before I nerfed AP to its current state posted above? And if not what are your numbers using a Vulcan with the same buffs in your post.
I truly appreciate you bringing it to my attention and apologize for giving you homework as a response :)
Also, for the pirate faction, name their ships after cats, with the capitals being named after big cats.
First off I'm a big fan of the theme, look and play style. Even when playing other factions I fly over to Dogstar to get my mining / exploration support ships.
I ran the 1.5 version yesterday and tried out a few things and want to give some feedback.
Right now playing a pure JYD game with no other ships and mostly only using JYD weapons and fighter craft. Mainly I want to explore, mine and fight with balancing keeping my mining rating as high as possible.
I got to try out the Int Q with I think 4 planet busters and two Drill LRMs and it works well as an early game missile support craft. I need some more play time with it to get a better feel if it is balanced. It does fit the theme of the faction being Drones to screen the fleet as they mainly attack with missile and minor ballistic support.
The Flea Bomber is a good change and at a solid OP cost. It gets some shots off and normally dies adding in some good pressure on the enemy but clearly not to the level of a combat faction high cost OP bombers. In bigger fights they shine more as you have more drones deployed between the different ships giving them a few more seconds to engage.
Now the Planet Buster is a great addition to the fleet's weapons as you had to relegate the Asteroid Breaker to a PD weapon but you really needed something with a punch and OH BOY! This weapon needs some tuning and I'm going to point out a combo that is silly in a moment. If you are dead set on the profile of the weapon (range, flight speed, damage, ammo and re-fire rate) then it needs to be at least 8 OP and I would still put as many of them on my ships as I could. I feel this missile system is needed for JYD faction but in the current state it is very strong. The things I like about it is the flight speed and range as the rest of the faction missiles are fairly slow. In combat you have swarms of the Drill LRMs and SRMs overloading PD as you get a few fast moving planet breakers in the mix to help finish off the foe. The Planet Breaker's main issues for me are the OP cost and the re-fire rate both likely should be adjusted. I suggest to change the OP in the range from 6 to 8 and re-fire adding 2 to 4 seconds to the current version.
So I did break the game a bit with the Loyal and the missile auto forge (aka instant unlimited ammo). I ran it with two Drill LRMs and 8 linked Planet Breakers and SIM killed an Onslaught in just a few minutes. I should have timed it, sorry I did not think about it until after. That missile auto forge needs to go or add a 30 second to a minute delay to it if possible. Even replacing it with fetch decks and or expanded missile racks or more drones.
PS: The Loyal's ingame description does not match the loadout that says 5 botfly drones and it has three botflys and one heavy in my game. I'm not sure if the description is out of date or me updating a few times vs a new game start is the issue.
First are two low tier ships being pursuit ships as this faction is fairly slow and having an option to take down fleeing craft or faster moving cargo ships within the faction would be nice.
Trying to keep to the theme of salvage and mining but meeting the goal of a pursuit craft these are going to be a little different.
So naming the frigate just so we have something to call beside "that" ship. I'm rolling with a placeholder of Brutus being an overly aggressive name that can show up on toy dog breeds. Let's also take the theme of using what JYD has to be resourceful. Theoretically utilizing the Adorable as the base model to create a variant and save time both in lore and for the designer. Now strip off the rear right weapon mount and add a larger engine to the block and ideally on the rear sides to break up the profile. Having this add +20 speed taking it from 125 to 145 but reduce the maneuverability as the trade. Change the ship's ability to an engine burn to go after the target.
Now the hard part and something you may just say flat no too. What about using this as a test bed for a built in weapon system and that being of an overcharged modified mining laser. Now hear me out. I know lasers are not part of the normal JYD theme but mining lasers are a common mining tool and even fits salvage. This way it adds another weapon with a bonus to mining. Have it installed right in the snug little spot right in the middle front of the Adorable as a fixed forward harpoint built into the ship. Behind it in that narrow gap you could put metal looking rigging with over tuned or jerry rigged design and possibly a glow to help set the mood. Also modify the back right weapon port that was removed to look like a somewhat exposed reactor or extra large reactor. As for the weapon, keep it a sustained beam doing the normal 100% damage balance but also add EMP damage to it as it is overcharged by design. The EMP added on top of a decent energy weapon will allow you to add some control to the battle the JYD does not naturally have beside a drone screen. As a built in locked weapon system this might be a medium weapon system if you have interest in exploring this idea more. Giving you room down the road to create large and small variants.
Lore wise it can be a ship used to get around quickly and rip through fast moving asteroids or move into a needed location to help cut apart salvage.
I don't have a fun name for the second ship but we can call it Bully as a stand in. The idea here is an asteroid mover by physically moving it with the front of the ship. So part tug, part reckless rammer if you will.
For this one use the baseline of the hammerhead. Add a new texture over the top of the armor to give it a more JYD look. Remove the front two small missile hardpoints and change the fixed ballistic hardpoints to angled turrets. In the front build a new frame to extend beyond the front of the ship to create a makeshift oversized ram that is heavily armored to be able to push asteroids with. Possibly small gripping claws on the right and left so items would not move. Do a different set of engines in the back that removes the gap but gives it a like it was modified for speed look. Add two drone hangers on the left and right of the spine with stock locked drones of a Mite and a Gnat. Now you have a profile of a large front and boxy ish back half.
Keep the speed the same as the hammerhead but reduce maneuverability a bit for the exchange of more mass but more engines. Reduce the shield arc from 300 to 150. If you can add the ship's ability for it to ram. So a boost in speed forward, no shields and a temporary resistance boost to damage taken plus damage done to target on impact. The the ideal stock loadout being two Mining Recoilless Blasters on angled turrets, the two front missile hardpoints removed, the two small forward hybrid turrets changed to small missile turrets with Drill SRMs and the rear two turrets change to small ballistic running Asteroid Breakers.
For weapons again I would love to see some interesting mining, emp weapons on the fleet if that seems interesting to you even if these are limited or built in fixed weapons. Also some large mounts for the Drill LRM, SRM or armored MRMs. Lastly with the Drills a visual update would be awesome of their animation the weapons work fine but the animation and missiles could use a little love.
I know JYD is hull mod heavy but I have two more to suggest and these may not fit or are just too hard to do.
As this is a fighter heavy faction and the character skill fighter uplink skill degrades fast a hull mod that focuses on balancing that would help. Naming because we need something to call it Veteran Drone Operations. Have it match the OP costs for Heavy Armor as that one is costly without being on the extreme. It would be best if it would work only with JYD drones but I'm not sure if that is even possible to avoid game imbalance with other faction fighters. Have it increase drones top speed by 20% and target leading accuracy by 30% plus an engagement range boost of 500.
The last one is more fluffy but I do a lot of mining. Again we need a name, "Risk Assessment CnC". Just like the hull mod Operations Center matches the OP costs and the restrictions that it has to be on your flagship. Ideally I would love for it to reduce how bad an accident you get from mining or salvaging if possible.
If that is completely not doable a flat bonus for mining and salvaging would be nice and naming it differently to reflect that.
Well in essence JYD already has that built in. I have mining output increases built in to the JYD ships already and with many of their ships having built in Salvage Gantries the salvage gained is more than non-JYD ships. To stack above that would border on over powered so were I to also add a hull mod I would have to carefully asses it based n that. Not saying no, but probobly not in the next update.
I hope you take my feedback in a positive manner. If anything, look at my wish listing for your mod as how much someone is enjoying it and really going full bore into this dog eat dog mod.
After playing a few more hours today the AI will rarely fire the Planet Buster if they are on their own bind unless you have all missile systems linked. If it has a Drill system or a ok gun on separate binds the AI ignores the Planet Buster. Even if it would only just take a little bit to overload the flux. When linked with a Drill system the AI will wait for the Drill to refresh and fire all of them at once.
Mostly it seems to be a player based issue taking advantage of it or me.
Thanks for the report! The first is - the AI basically will not fire a strike weapon more than once every so often. I've been meaning to look at that as it does lead to cases like this, but it also does help it conserve them in the case of a larger battle, so it's... not necessarily straightforward to figure out what's actually best.
I just read that after seeing your post and started doing more tests with Stalwart, Int Q and Confident and my Loyal. All via sims so it will likely change in normal combat with more ships. But the Planet Buster does act funny I think it is the torpedo class AI coding vs that item. I also noticed that not all guided torpedoes act the same with the AI. For example the Alecto Atropos with 6 salvos will fire more often and be more liberal than a harpoon MRM only having 3 salvos.
Also sorry I was not all that clear in the post last night I have been running on very little sleep with a few sick kids in the house.
Int Q finding and a little bit of Planet Buster play.
This ship likes to get in close and mix it up running it both with your stock setup and few different variants. In almost every way I have played it the ships ends up to be a burst DSP alpha strike and then the combat effectiveness drops quickly. It is cheap to run and deploy so not a bad trade but player might need to make for sure it micromanaged in combat. I did find the stock version with the asteroid break force it to come in closer making it easier to kill but that might be a good thing. When the Int Q fluxes out a smaller ship the Int Q would extremely rarely fire the Planet Buster but this is likely an AI thing.
The way I'm running it now is 4 Drill SRMs and 2 Drill LRMs and a mix of hull mods. This Loadout lets the AI keep a little more at range and then goes in for spike damage and it seems to understand how to use it. I feel they are best to set to guard a cautious ship keeping them out of the SRM range. Then send them in to burn down a target and withdraw from the main line. They definitely will not work for protracted engagements and that is perfect. It does very well hitting much higher than its weight class. It has been able to sim solo kill much higher OP costing ships. When it does win the ammo is nearly depleted.
The Confident is interesting almost acts a little like a hammerhead if I had to make a connection to another ship. The stock setup works well for an aggressive manner. The ships will change completely if you switch it to Drill LRMs and now it plays keep away offering you a more support defensive roll if you don't want to chance to loose your fuel tanker.
Some more AI testing with the loyal combed with the Planet Busters and just leaving all the PB in their own grouping. After seeing some interesting AI combats I'm fairly sure this is just an issue with the games AI. When taking on ships of a similar or small class / OP costs even of key times a single torpedo would do a great deal the AI would not fire one. Now it did consistently fire at larger ships when they were fluxed out and saw this with the Stalwart as well. The goofy thing I saw the Loyal do was use the 8 Planet Busters as anti fighter as the ship was only relying on the drone support in my build for that role.
The Stalwart is amazing, great amounting option and good drone setup plus all the utility. The only strange thing for me is the rear medium mount as it works just fine with an Asteroid Breaker. Unless you have a JYD mining point defense weapon in the works?
First, I understand that things change overtime and sometimes items don't evolve as fast as others but let's talk about the Commanding. Any chance to get a new higher resolution version of this wonderful yellow school bus? Now how do you intended for this be equipped as it has a lot of small hybrid mounts, 4 small synergy mounts and two large synergy mounts? I know this was made before the major change to the Asteroid Breaker so it is in a goofy place in my head. The damage dealing small mounts are all missiles for JYD right now. The 4 small synergy mounts let you take your choice and as my flag ship has Planet Busters are the clear winner. The very strange thing is the large synergy mounting here as you have a large JYD ballistic weapon. I'm going to keep an eye out for more weapons in future updates as a JYD large missile system on here or JYD energy mining / salvage small and large would be welcome.
Tried to update the graphics on the Commanding but the original hull and parts I used for it were low-rez to begin with...
Oh those are neat and a good reason to have one of each in my fleet. I know the AI can be a bit goofy with ramming but in player hands it can be done well with some major dangers of over extending. I love the Energetic it has a very much belter expanse vibe. Right now I'm ignoring getting more than one objective as a pure mid game JYD fleet. So this will give an option combined with the Operations Center of the Commanding to micro manage the Energetic a bit.
As a counter argument on my own comment about the commanding being a capital class right now it is lean. High support and utility, good support damage between 4 Planet Breakers and 4 Flea bombers, lower OP cost and crew pay vs a capital.
Oh those are neat and a good reason to have one of each in my fleet. I know the AI can be a bit goofy with ramming but in player hands it can be done well with some major dangers of over extending. I love the Energetic it has a very much belter expanse vibe. Right now I'm ignoring getting more than one objective as a pure mid game JYD fleet. So this will give an option combined with the Operations Center of the Commanding to micro manage the Energetic a bit.Anyway I'm off to weapon making, ugh not my favorite thing. I may go energy pulse weapons like I do in my Hiver mod because beams aren't really my thing but I just started that phase of the project so who knows.
As a counter argument on my own comment about the commanding being a capital class right now it is lean. High support and utility, good support damage between 4 Planet Breakers and 4 Flea bombers, lower OP cost and crew pay vs a capital.
Oh those are neat and a good reason to have one of each in my fleet. I know the AI can be a bit goofy with ramming but in player hands it can be done well with some major dangers of over extending. I love the Energetic it has a very much belter expanse vibe. Right now I'm ignoring getting more than one objective as a pure mid game JYD fleet. So this will give an option combined with the Operations Center of the Commanding to micro manage the Energetic a bit.Anyway I'm off to weapon making, ugh not my favorite thing. I may go energy pulse weapons like I do in my Hiver mod because beams aren't really my thing but I just started that phase of the project so who knows.
As a counter argument on my own comment about the commanding being a capital class right now it is lean. High support and utility, good support damage between 4 Planet Breakers and 4 Flea bombers, lower OP cost and crew pay vs a capital.
Thank you for taking the time to try and develop some mining energy based weapons. Plus all the work that goes into your mods. Right now over 2715 mining strength needing 1791 heavy machinery and 80% efficiency bonus on the refining mod.
Just loaded it up 1.55 and went to work on my Fetch but I'm seeing 3 small, 3 medium and 2 large. I think the far right one might have meant to be a small.v1.55a is up and will fix that oopsie
Ah yes, I wasn't sure how you would feel, I know that is your baby. Of all the reworks this update, the Commanding received the most changes. I felt that by taking out the 2 large mounts it allowed me to put in more mediums which in turn allowed more variety in mount types. It's a work in progress like any other aspect of the mod but I am curious how you feel about it once you take it for a spin.
Reduced the range of PD pep to 30% - More balanced for it's OP costI'm not gonna lie i thought the 50% was a stroke of genius.
TY for the input. I think I'll be giving all the JYD hull mods a balance pass as part of 1.65. I have received comments on the faraday cage and the fetch deck mods as well and I haven't really revisited any of them since I introduced them. I am leaning on adding the drawback on a mod rather than increasing the OP cost. I always envisioned the JYD hull mods as a way to spent left over OP when loading out a ship. I don't know about you but in the past I frequently found myself with 1-3 left over OP because I am not theory crafting but rather only installing weapons I salvage.
Tbh I thought 50 was a sweet spot as well but I got so many negative comments about it and when I thought about it for the op cost it was a bit on the overpowered side. I teetered on reducing the range or increasing the OP and figured if I went that route it would mess up so many player's load outs.are you open to suggestions?
I'm reaching hull mod bloat levels but maybe I can make a separate hull mod. I could reduce the original to 25% and a second one that does 50% with different op costs. Or maybe keep it to one at 50% but add some dmod drawbacks for the current op cost. Idk just tossing some ideas for comments or opinions.
I like to think my mods are a collaborative effort and not just my overriding decisions.
are you open to suggestions?Always, I have made numerous collaborative changes to all my mods and I think they are better for it. I am finishing up an update for the Hivers and will be working on some suggestions that have been brought up here since the last update for JYD. If you can get those suggestions in soon I'll look them over and see if they can be incorporated and get back to you.
"3 Knowledgeable - I still need more cargo space" - are you not aware of my Ore refinery mod? It is linked at the bottom.
This is great to know and I'm glad you are taking a look at the shielding.
You ask, "what is the JYD trading for all those bonuses?" Firstly, yes there is a mass column in the ship csv and yes the drift is on purpose. I see that having difficulty lining up a shot as a logical drawback to flying heavily armored, thick hulled ships. I guess I should have stated that somewhere as it is not a stat that can be seen in game. Secondly, I do state their shields are weaker than normal and with your testing stats I went over the ships and I do see some that actually have stronger than normal. So that is a definite balance pass.
Edit. To be clear it was to be able effectively play JYD at all level with only using in faction weapons. Mostly an issue at the small slot.
I have a a consistent thread in all the ships that low tech are composite and mid line are synergy with the exception being the Commanding since it is the only command ship. I am curious why you think mixing that up would be an overall benefit to the fleet?
That would be great for the new game experience.
I agree about the irksome, poor little guy. I can easily add it to the wrecks that have been towed to Scrapyard and awaiting breakdown.
Ah the sad little Tug that could. Yes the Lively is in game and if you park at one of the JYD planets and save/reload several times you may actually see it appear in the market. I find the same thing happens with the OX and I think it has to do with labeling the ship a tug. Perhaps Alex has some soft code somewhere that tugs should be rare. Idk, maybe I'll tag it as a small people mover since the Splendid has like 5 slots every time I look at the market :)
That would help a good deal, it is an angry little ship.
The Int Q is designed to be an in your face skirmisher weaving in and out to distract and soak, I am glad it is doing it's job. Good boy! It is not designed to be a heavy hitter while there though so I can tone down it's weapons and maybe increase it's armor to balance it.
Sorry about that, first I would reduce the weapons and see how it plays out. If it is still an overwhelming standout ship you might need to do both.
Your comment on the Fetching is a little muddled. Are you suggesting increasing the deployment, reducing it's weapons or both?
It feels very polished and yes the curves and line work feels more elegant. I just wanted to note that it felt out of place as far as design style. Game play it is overall fine. If you ever want another pirate ship add a new paint job and it would fit right in. Next to ships like the Confident and the Stalwart it stands out a bit.
Why do you think the Trusty looks like an alien ship? Granted it has curved slopes rather than the angular look of JYD ships but are you suggesting a model replacement?
This could easily be on a to be worked on list vs any rush.
The Sharp (140 x 248 pixels) is a kit bashed retextured Apogee (140 x 280 pixels) so I can see why you would comment that it is on the small side. I am not married to it's current look and as a polishing I could bash in some more elements to elongate it.
Yes, you and I talked about this before but I wanted to note that he behavior is different vs battleship equivalent targets. Just an odd finding I noticed over the weekend.
The game has issue with using limited ammo torpedoes effectively. It isn't a problem limited to the PB, put in any other torpedo with an ammo count 6 or less and you will see the same behavior. Further back in this thread I posted a comment by Alex that he aware of it and will maybe address it in the next update.
I use it for all the utility and the bonus for mining. But compared to other ships in the fleet it was a large deployment cost for not nearly as effective combat impact. I have enough income right now to start deploying it more regularly. Dazs, I will make a point to use it more often to really put it through the game and give you a more detailed take in the future. It may change my mind after I rework it's load out a bit. Even not taking it into combat I still spend the supplies and fuel on it gladly for the utility.
I have the Smart currently classed as the starting Super Ship. I am a bit surprised you rank it so low. It has good cargo and fuel, a salvage hull mod and a spread of weapons, what else in your opinion would a explorer/salvager Super Ship starter have and not be overpowered?
The only reason I suggested a second ship is that is a great model. Plus with how much damage and how hard it was to kill in my head I was already flying a very fast capital ship. This is mostly a personal problem.
I am glad you like the new Commanding model, it is my first attempt at more than just a kit bash. I can see your point on it being on par with a capital class instead of a heavy cruiser so toning it down a tad does make sense. My question though is why a second ship? The Courageous is already positioned as a strike carrier (btw I am swapping ship systems on all carrier this update to carrier specific ones). I already feel I've reached fleet bloat with 37 ships and making more would need to fill a hole in the line up.
Ok now that is understandable.
I made the damage on the Drill LRM kinetic because I am making a large torpedo rack this update that is explosive.
Sounds good and would still love orange as it is a wonderfully abrasive color.
The Blaze Laser is designed to look high tech but battered and kinda janky, sort of like scrap taken from a wreck. I guess that did not come across, I'll revisit the look and see what I can do.
I'm normally fighting all the normal stuff plus the modded factions but generally have to take on fleets that I really should not be able to. So being out massed and out deployed is the name of the game right now.
You got the essence of the drones in one, they are disposable distractions that don't grind up crew. I find the heavy drone to have some standing power in my games, what are you fighting that they break up so fast? Maybe I can look at the damage type and make some adjustments. The Flea is a piloted bomber so I can see having a drone bomber in the lineup and not reinventing the wheel so to speak, I'll give it some thought.
Attempting to hover over Faraday cage has repeatedly crashed me consistently with a Fatal:Conversion = 'm'.
Edit :Can I safely remove this hullmod from the .csv?
Did the same but still getting the ctd.
Dear Dazs. Your faction is wondeful, lot of ship with solid strike potential and most important - they bring COMFORT in exploration and logistic. Everything is pretty good, especially if you play by carrier fleet commander. All i ask as regular player - more faction industries and themed station.
Man, i have deep pleseure to make different fleet setups by your ships, dont stop please
Zero rush on any of these just adding to your to work on list.
It does not seem that AI utilizes these abilities.
Changed the ship system of the Massive to Recall device - A ship system more in line with the Massive being a back line fortress ship
Changed the ship system of the Courageous to Targeting Feed - A ship system more in line with the Courageous being a strike carrier
Changed the ship system of the Lean to Reserve Deployment - Initially envisioned as a back line missile carrier. However with the Lean now only having 3
-The shied adjustment has been a noticeable change in a good way.
Intense is still fairly good. I ran a bunch of AI sims to get an idea of how it stood. It lost to an Onslaught in 136 seconds but with a max assigned captain it won in 76 seconds.
The Fetching change has been noticeable and helped to curb the extreme damage output.
Large Mount Planet Buster needs a few adjustments. Right now it fires 9 at once for 1207 DPS. Change it to only fire 3 at once. Reduce the ammo account to 30 from 32. Chang the Re-Fire rate from 8.2 to 13 seconds and make this change to the small version of this weapon. This will change the large versions DPS to 254 and keep it more reasonable. I would not suggest letting the DSP go over 300 that would be a 11 second refire delay.
The second suggestion with this weapon if possible for it to fire each torpedo with a slight delay. For example fire 1, delay even a .5 second and then fire the next one. The clustering allows enemies to hit more than one at a time, likely overlapping hit boxes.
Before the new weapon was released I was going to ask for either a longer refire delay or reduce the ammo account by one but upping the re-fire delay is easy.
Long Range Asteroid Blaster - I like the damage and the look of the weapon but it feels like a light weapon on how fast it fires at a 0.75 refire delay. I would suggest to keep the DSP, Flux/sec, Flux/Damage but change the Damage to 1333 with a refire of 5 seconds and Flux/shot to 1333. This keeps the same DPS but the hits feel like they have come from a large weapon vs a smaller rapid fire one.
Medium Blaze Laser needs the range reduced from 800 to 550. The equivalent is the Pulse laser at 600 but the blaze is out preforming it on DSP, Flux/ Damage and Range. It needs the range nerf for balance.
Large Blaze Laser needs the range reduced from 1000 to 900 and the turn rate changed to slow or very slow. Currently the equivalent is the High Intensity laser and the Blaze out classes it the reduction is range will help offset this and the lowering of the turn rate will feel better with size of the weapon.
Taking a breath here and I want to note how good all the new updated model look over the last few updates.
I do like the asteroid buster cannon as it is right in the middle between the Railgun and Flint coilgun.
But the Medium Asteroid Buster Cannon seems to be a little over performing. Along with it strangely firing two sets of shots. I suggest the following changes. First change the burst size from 4 to two, up the damage from 75 to 80 and reduce the refire delay from 1 to .9. This will give it a 178 DPS and reduce the OP cost from 12 to 11.
Now that the Massive has lost burn drive it really feels like low tech now moving super slow. It has also become the top tier of the JYD combat fleet being a long range missile / fighter support unit. I really like the weapon layout on the ship. I'm running 1 x heavy drill, 6 x Drill LRM, 6 x Asteroid Breakers for PD, two Drill SRM, four Planet Busters and six Adaw. This is mainly an AI piloted ship as it is very slow. If you ever make an updated non onslaught version of this ship don't change the layout much. But do make for sure that you have 6 hanger bays visible on the model.
Also with the changes to Flea and the addition of the Adaw the Massive may really be fighting around 50 deployment points not 40.
I do like the new Protective and well done to whomever suggested it. It works solid in the base design as a PD / defender. The protective can also be versatile if you put a few Asteroid Busters Cannons on it, the combat potential goes way up. It does need a deployment point cost increase as it currently is the cost of a hammerhead destroyer but putting it near 15 points should be about fair.
The Adaw are hilarious as they once in a while bomb your own ship as they take off. These guys need some tuning. Right now they are 20 OP but really fighting at a 30 or 40 OP. They need to be more of a glass cannon along with keeping their speed. Looking around at the different bombers and I really feel these guys need to be 500 hull or less. You can easily swarm targets and I had the AI sim my Massive vs a paragon, 2 onslaughts, and Dread Battlewagon and won. It did take near 12 minutes as the AI uses the fighters wrong but my Massive took almost no damage. I would also bring the armor down between 50 to 100. Reduce the ammo count from 30 to 15 so it can only drop three sets of bombs.
I do like how the bombs are really inaccurate making them feel like poorly operated drones.
When the Vicious gets a retooling and a rebuild, move the large mounts from the front of the ship as they always take too much damage and go offline.
Like I said before many of the ships turn too fast giving them a big defensive and offensive bonus.
The Commanding is currently the second strongest ship in the fleet behind the Massive and likely still needs some weapons removed.
I would love to see an JYD industrial slot for colonies. Maybe see if you can have the Junkyard Resource Forge upgrade into that building.
Edit: You know what, I did not check that lean and made the assumption it was not working. I have been using both the Fluffy and Massive and I know I have not seen the Massive use it. Also good to know that you can't tell when the fluffy uses that power.
Planet buster torpedoes have twice the damage of Harpoon missiles and the speed + damage of Hammer torpedoes, and only cost 4 OP.
I think there's a reason Atropos torpedoes don't have triple mount options.
I guess I am misunderstanding your concern, my bad. Are you referring to the Planet Buster or the large mount Planet Buster?I've only used the small version, and I have very little reason to use other HE missiles if I have access to something way stronger for the same OP cost, as it's effectively 4 Atropos torpedoes in one slot for 4 ordnance points, and it stacks with expanded missile racks.
I felt that since it is a single player game that by giving players that choice it may increase their enjoyment but would not effect anyone other player's balance like a multiplayer version would.
Hello, for some reason my Vicious spawns in battle without a front section, while if run a simulation everything is fine, can somebody guess what may be a problem?
Why does the (medium slot 15 OP) phase emitter have slightly less DPS than a tachyon lance and 13.5x the EMP DPS with only 80 flux/second
did you accidentally hit the 0 key too many times
I was referring to sustained DPS for the Tachyon Lance.Why does the (medium slot 15 OP) phase emitter have slightly less DPS than a tachyon lance and 13.5x the EMP DPS with only 80 flux/second
did you accidentally hit the 0 key too many times
name rarity Value Range DPS EMP Energy/Sec Chargeup Burst size
Tachyon Lance 0.5 8000 1000 1500 1000 2000 0.5 1
Phase Emitter 10000 900 300 7000 80 6 0
These are the relevant stat differences between the two weapons. The PE costs 2k more than the TL. The phase emitter is a minimal damage/high EMP weapon whereas the Tac Lance is the opposite. Tac lance does 5x the damage with a burst effect and PE does 7 x the EMP, no burst. The reason I have the energy cost so low is that I put in a 6 second delay between firing where the Tac lance only has half a second.
The case could be made to increase the energy budget but I hope this helps illustrate my reasoning.
Hello, for some reason my Vicious spawns in battle without a front section, while if run a simulation everything is fine, can somebody guess what may be a problem?
The viscous is a sectional ship with a fore and and an aft section. It seems for some reason your game is not rendering the front section. Are you using an operating system other than windows? I know I've had some issues with Linux with other aspects of the mod.
@Abim I added saw to my mod list and did a round of testing with different star scape backgrounds and different enemy types but I was unable to recreate your issue. Sorry I couldn't be of more help but I am stumped.
Thank you for the kind words! :)
I added the colony structure from a player suggestion a couple pages back and again added the upgrade to an industry from yet another player's suggestion. The point of the structure is to help a fledging colony make some extra cash as a head start and the upgrade is to make it worthwhile to keep around once the colony is established. I struggled trying to balance the industry in making it worthwhile to build but not too OP. There is a cost requirement of ship hulls that I thought kept it in line but I'll give it a look see. I have Legacy of Arkgneisis installed, I just never looked over the code. When I have some free time, I will look it over as you suggested. I am currently working on a graphics pack for Hiver Swarm (should be done soon) but I'll add it to my to-do list for JYD.
Thank you again for the well thought out suggestions.
Wow even attached downloadable files, you are on point!
Thank you for taking the time to post this. I received some balancing notes on discord that I will incorporate with yours for a patch. I am currently working on an update for CFT but when I am done with that I'll have one for JYD, probably by end of week if not sooner.
Hello there, I gave N3ophobe credit and a TY in the changelog notes. I assume that is you on discord. (least I hope so) Nice to hear you are excited heh.
I don't know if anyone's mentioned this already, but the pirate flagship descriptions seems to suggest they're unique (like other IBB ships), but it seems they can appear on multiple occasions in randomly generated fleets, and even be mass produced via blueprints. I suspect this is a bug as other mods' unique bounty flagships don't exhibit this ability to be mass produced or appear repeatedly, but you could have done this intentionally for all I know.Originally I had restricted the pirate ships to the Vayra's bounties embedded in the JYD code. Sadly, she has been absent from the modding scene and not many people use her mod now since it takes an unofficial update to get it to work. I did try to incorporate them into the Magic bounty system but apparently all I wound up doing was disabling other modder's bounties so for now I removed or disabled all the custom bounties I had wrote. I did not want them to go to waste so I decided to add them to the general pirate fleets so they would see some use. If she ever returns (please we miss you!) and updates her mod, I will restrict them to the bounties again.
Also, for balance feedback: Deployment points needs a looking at, in my opinion, especially for hybrid transport-warship classes. As someone with over 100 active mods, JYD (and CFT, your other mod) have by a significant margin the highest firepower-to-deployment-cost ratio. In my games I end up using JYD and CFT transports as my mainline warships due to the fact I can deploy 200-400% more vessels than enemy warship fleets without a proportional reduction in ship fighting ability.You make a good point and not one I had considered. When I initially put together the ships I compared them to vanilla ship analogs to determine their worth. Over the several patches since then I have modified several ships but had not considered the deployment costs. I just released an update and had planned to work on one of my other mods next but I will give the ship.CSV a good look and take your feedback to heart. I cannot say at this stage how long until I can get a balance patch out since I am sure while I am there I'll notice other things.
The main reason seems to be because these ships have deployment costs roughly the same as unarmed civilian ships of the same class, but possess the firepower and ordnance of medium-quality warships, along with the corresponding number of mounts with great coverage (most non-front ones usually have 180-360 degree firing arcs). That alone would make them worthwhile, but they also have the additional perk of often have literally the largest cargo bays of their class (or at least top 5) -- again, that's with 100 active mods -- so completely obsolete the need for conventional civilian supply ships and their corresponding costs, fleet size, and enemy detection penalties. Finally since the game classifies them as non-combat ships, their presence in your fleet does not contribute to combat ship fleet composition, so they do not reduce XP gain or scare off enemy fleets like normal combat ships.
Some examples of what I mean:
- Troublesome. Destroyer. Costs 5 deployment points. Deployment cost of a cheap war frigate, but the firepower of a very heavy destroyer or very light cruiser. Also acts as marine support on top of those bonuses.
- Carrack. Cruiser. Costs 10 deployment points, roughly a higher quality destroyer. Its five medium, five small mounts puts its firepower well above destroyers of the same cost. Oh, also literally the single largest (cruiser-class) cargo hold I've seen across the ~40 mods I have installed, with cargo shielding and salvage facilities to boot.
- Intelligent. Destroyer. Costs 5 deployment points. Unlike the others its cost roughly matches its fighting ability (cost of a mid-tier frigate, firepower just below that). But it's noteworthy here because it simultaneously fills almost every non-combat niche at once: it has more cargo than a buffalo (possibly the largest destroyer cargobay among my 100 mods), and in-built hullmods for salvaging, surveying, and boosting fleet detection range. So having these in your fleet can obsolete basically every form of destroyer-tier support ship in existence, except marine support. Which can mean room for a lot more warship in your fleet. That said you can still throw them into battle and they will fight with near parity against other ships of the same deployment costs; they don't suffer for this super-utility by being defenseless ships.
When I was playing around with the missile cruiser I noticed that I couldn't tell the difference between the heavy & light drill missiles. So I zoomed all the way in & found out why.. the missiles were so small they were nearly invisible. The LR & srm sprites have a bunch of dead space in them and when paired with the seemingly incorrect size values in the .proj file, the missiles get scaled down to, as far as I can tell.. a one pixel wide sprite. I removed all the dead space & set the size to what seemed correct, tested in game and indeed the missiles were now visible. Then I noticed the static sprites for the missile launchers & set about making them dynamic. While doing that I.. kinda didn't like the sprites for the SRM & MRM, so I made new ones based on the LRM. So after a couple hours of tinkering I figured I might as well give you the result.That is awesome thank you for including a link to your work, I'll look it over and consider it for the next patch. Thank you for taking the time!
While testing missiles I noticed the small planet buster torpedo has a 3 second chargeup time; making it pretty awkward to use, especially for the AI, which tries to use it but gets confused by the chargeup time or something & stops halfway through. Similarly the 0.2 second chargeup on the MRM seems kinda annoying.Those were balancing edits I made a couple patches ago, the torp is a heavy hitter and being able to spam it was way OP. As to the AI confusion, that is a known problem across all torpedoes. A couple pages back I posted a link to a post where Alex states he is aware of it and it will be fixed in the next update.
As for ship balance, your civilian ships seem a little too good. From what I remember they seem to have around 10% more storage, but don't cost any extra maintenance or fuel. On top of that they have tons of OP so you can put whatever hullmods you want on them. Also this seems pretty obvious but.. having missile autoforge on ships is hilariously strong. I mean I enjoy seeing the endless, massive swarms of missiles on their way to blow up the enemy's frontline, but it's not even remotely balanced.In the last post, Regularity pointed out the OP nature of the logistics and it is a work in progress. I'll keep your notes in mind while I tinker. I want JYD logistics ships to not just be ships you keep in the background and never deploy. I do not want them to replace military ships but I always disliked having a portion of my fleet just be for utility. It is a tightrope act but I will try to balance them better but also keep that frame of mind at the same time.
On another note.. I saw the pirate planet El Dorado has a pristine nanoforge. Doesn't really seem right for pirates to have that sorta thing. Best I would expect them to have is a corrupted nanoforge. That would also help tone down their economy, which seems a bit strong. They produce so much heavy armaments/machinery & supplies, you can make a fortune just buying from them & selling to the rest of the sector.Yea I balanced El Dorado two patches back by lowering their alpha and beta cores to gamma cores. I wanted them to be a threat for early JYD commissioned captains to be able to cut their teeth against but when I take away their advantages their fleets just get decimated by AI JYD fleets. I guess I hadn't tested it enough if it is still generating so much, I'll give it a more thorough look.
Anyway that was my 2 cents. Here's the link to the missile sprite fixes & whatnot:Worth far more than 2 cents to me, your criticism is constructive and well reasoned. And you even included suggested edits, I mean really that's worth at least a nickel!
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1vIEPGTNXCZqS90ONiDbMGoIlTkNn0Slu/view?usp=sharing (https://drive.google.com/file/d/1vIEPGTNXCZqS90ONiDbMGoIlTkNn0Slu/view?usp=sharing)
Those were balancing edits I made a couple patches ago, the torp is a heavy hitter and being able to spam it was way OP. As to the AI confusion, that is a known problem across all torpedoes. A couple pages back I posted a link to a post where Alex states he is aware of it and it will be fixed in the next update.I agree being able to spam it would be too strong, but doesn't the 12 second cooldown accomplish that? Having to hold the trigger for 3 seconds before the torpedo fires seems counter to the point of torpedoes. You can just move the 3 second chargeup to the cooldown time if you want the total to be 15 seconds per volley.
In the last post, Regularity pointed out the OP nature of the logistics and it is a work in progress. I'll keep your notes in mind while I tinker. I want JYD logistics ships to not just be ships you keep in the background and never deploy. I do not want them to replace military ships but I always disliked having a portion of my fleet just be for utility. It is a tightrope act but I will try to balance them better but also keep that frame of mind at the same time.I quite like that aspect of the logistic ships being usable in combat, helps a lot early game being able to deploy a few extra ships in combat. I was just thinking their maintenance costs should be increased to match their improved hauling capability. Possibly with an extra 10-20% due to their multipurpose nature. Not entirely sure about fuel costs, since they're generally whole numbers. As an example you could increase the Empathetic's fuel cost to 4.5, making it within 2% of the Colossus for fuel efficiency by cargo capacity. Or you could go up to 5 making it less efficient than the Colossus, but still useful due to its much more flexible loadout and combat capability. The Intelligent's fuel cost should probably be increased to 2, at 1.5 it's more efficient than the Colossus. All in all up to you, I'd probably just match fuel efficiency with the equivalent vanilla logistic ships as much as possible.
Worth far more than 2 cents to me, your criticism is constructive and well reasoned. And you even included suggested edits, I mean really that's worth at least a nickel!I really like the mod, always felt the game was missing industrial/mining themed ships; so I just wanted to do a little to help improve it. Oh also, I like the changes to the ship sprites; especially the Empathetic, it looks much better.
I love your ships. As previously mentioned, they help fill in a mining and logistical gap that surprisingly few have taken advantage of.What a nice comment to wake up to, thank you so much! Have you checked out Roider Union? SafariJohn has a lot of mining related content as well and it is well made.
Some of the ships are incredibly powerful but feel more worth their value than a lot of other similar class ships. The art is lovely and the new black background with your ships really makes them all shine distinctly. My favorite collection right now and I've been playing it off and on since the game was just 1 system. Well done.I went with the star scape background I use for Dogstar on the OP image as I thought it would better give an impression of what they would look like in game over a blank background. I am happy to hear you appreciate it. I am in the process of balancing the civilian and logistic focused ships in the JYD lineup so maybe just powerful instead of incredibly powerful in the next update :)
P.S. How can I tip you for your service to the community?That is quite flattering and I appreciate the sentiment. I do see other mods have links to Patreon or their PayPal but I haven't seriously considered it since I do this for relaxation and as a hobby. Idk, maybe I'll look at what specifically other mod makers do now that you have me thinking about it.
"JYD_obedient": 6,
"JYD_happy": 3,
"JYD_tick": 1,
"JYD_mite": 1,
"JYD_flea": 1,
"JYD_relaxed": 3,
"JYD_splendid": 5,
"JYD_botfly": 2,
"JYD_courageous": 5,
"JYD_knowledgeable": 20,
"JYD_intense": 8,
"JYD_gnat": 0.5,
"JYD_industrious": 35,
"JYD_commanding": 20,
"JYD_cute": 8,
"JYD_fluffy": 9,
"JYD_muscular": 8,
"JYD_troublesome": 5,
"JYD_adorable": 3,
"JYD_sharp": 12,
"JYD_mosquito": 0.5,
"JYD_fetching": 10,
"JYD_peppy": 50,
"JYD_cordelia": 10,
"JYD_eager": 5,
"JYD_confident": 20,
"JYD_intelligentmkq": 6,
"JYD_stalwart": 30,
"JYD_rambunctious": 10,
"JYD_energetic": 5,
"JYD_adaw": 0.5,
"JYD_protective": 5,
"JYD_endurance": 3,
"JYD_reliable": 8,
"JYD_rugged": 5,
"JYD_ab": 3,
"JYD_abf": 3,
"JYD_af": 3,
"JYD_lrk": 12,
"JYD_lrm": 9,
"JYD_mrb": 9,
"JYD_mrm": 9,
"JYD_srm": 4,
"JYD_pbtorp": 10,
"JYD_hab": 9,
"JYD_hbl": 25,
"JYD_mbl": 17,
"JYD_lbl": 8,
"JYD_abc": 3,
"JYD_mabc": 6,
"JYD_lab": 14,
"JYD_lpbtorp": 20,
"JYD_pe": 9,
"JYD_spe": 3,
"JYD_ionburst": 13,
I am really enjoying the faction because they are very thematic, with the ships with logistics mods, built-in drones, etc. You really know you're using them. At first I thought they were overpowered because of the large number of missile slots (the two cruisers Cordelia and Protective are amazing) but after about 10 hours and facing stronger enemies, I think that the low speed and flux efficiency shields are a good counterbalance.Thank you! I truly appreciate you taking the time to consider all aspects rather than taking a knee-jerk reaction. I get flack on discord from certain players that only look at one aspect of the mod and label it overpowered and recommend other players not to use it.
I think mining isn't really viable unless you use a mod which compresses the ore, like your Ore Refinery. Then, JYD really shines, because the weapons/ships are already good, but the fact that they can mine makes them great. You can explore, fight and mine, all with the same fleet quite well.I enjoy mining for the random finds as well as the mining itself, I think Histidine deserves more credit than they do for the addition of viable mining with some added surprises to the game. Ore Refinery used to be a feature of JYD but I figured I would separate it for miners who prefer a faction like Roider Union or HMI. I am glad you found it and like it, I haven't received any feedback on it in some time and it's nice to hear a kind word. Maybe I'll give it tinker once I am done with the JYD patch I am currently working on.
I love your ships. As previously mentioned, they help fill in a mining and logistical gap that surprisingly few have taken advantage of.What a nice comment to wake up to, thank you so much! Have you checked out Roider Union? SafariJohn has a lot of mining related content as well and it is well made.Some of the ships are incredibly powerful but feel more worth their value than a lot of other similar class ships. The art is lovely and the new black background with your ships really makes them all shine distinctly. My favorite collection right now and I've been playing it off and on since the game was just 1 system. Well done.I went with the star scape background I use for Dogstar on the OP image as I thought it would better give an impression of what they would look like in game over a blank background. I am happy to hear you appreciate it. I am in the process of balancing the civilian and logistic focused ships in the JYD lineup so maybe just powerful instead of incredibly powerful in the next update :)P.S. How can I tip you for your service to the community?That is quite flattering and I appreciate the sentiment. I do see other mods have links to Patreon or their PayPal but I haven't seriously considered it since I do this for relaxation and as a hobby. Idk, maybe I'll look at what specifically other mod makers do now that you have me thinking about it.
Thank you again for your kind words, you've made my day. I should have the next update out by Sunday(ish), work is just taking up so much of my time this week. Enjoy!
Well I'm not a playtester and I have so many mods running I would hesitate to speak to the balance too much! When I play a faction I like to force myself to use only their ships where possible, and I think if you do that, most factions (vanilla and modded) have their limitations as well as their strengths.I play the same. I may start off using whatever ship I can scavenge but eventually I want to play with a full fleet of faction ships. It is why I designed both JYD and CFT as partial scavengers but with every conceivable slot in their lineup so it would fit my playstyle. Glad to hear someone else does similar. :)
With Ore Refinery and playing JKD, I think mining is very powerful and I found it easy to make money and start snowballing, because you don't need to make many sacrifices. All your ships and weapons have mining power. In contrast, I think mining would be quite weak if you use non-JKD ships and modules like the Mining Blaster, and probably most people don't bother. Maybe one day I'll try it, having a fleet with dedicated mining ships and then combat ships to protect them.I base my fleets around exploration then scavenging then mining and lastly combat. I usually pick a start that has trade/utility ships and mine the nearby asteroids for some cash. Once I have a tanker, I look at the military tab and see if there is conflict with two factions I am neutral to friendly with and go there and scavenge ships and supplies. Then it's off to explore the sector based around survey missions as a guide for direction and cash to keep the tanks full.
It would be nice if there were an easier way to see mining power of every ship and module, but I guess mining is a pretty small part of Nexerelin so it might not be a priority.Well based on the feedback I get on JYD and Ore Refinery I think it is more popular than you may think. Players have been pretty forgiving for my ineptitude in ship balance and have helped immensely in getting this mod finalized. I believe that is because they see the intent I am trying to pull off and are willing to put in some time to help me get it there. Which is pretty awesome btw!
Love to hear it! I just noticed you make Carter's freetraders also.... my 2nd favorite factionNice, yea CFT was sort of a side project that I finally had time to complete (well to get it to run). I had a bunch of left over ships and kitbash parts and an though I am not much of a smuggler I felt there was a hole in the game for a faction that specializes in it but are not pirates. Plus I had an ancestor who was a well known smuggler so that that all came together into CFT.
I play with roiders as well but i'm a bit of a stickler for high shield efficiency and some of those ships are terrifyingly inefficient.Well SafariJohn has his goals and I have mine. I think that mod is pretty well made and I played as a Roider for some time after Tiadong Heavy Industries was no longer viable. It was the mod that got me into mining and all respect for that. CFT is based around hit and fade tactics so their shields efficiency should fit it well with your playstyle. In the last patch I did add some mining ships so their AI could have a mining fleet so you could play as full CFT and get it all.
Also.. I found your old tip jar =D https://Ko-fi.com/home/coffeeshop?txid=0e99b759-c77f-4966-89ba-fead728a314a&mode=public&img=ogiboughtsomeoneI looked around at what other mod authors were doing and I saw that Vayra used ko-fi and she is my favorite mod author so I looked into it. I added it to my mod pages yesterday but I in no way expect anyone to use it as I never want to charge for what I do. But you asked and there it is, thank you for the coffee!
Only had time to read the changelog atm. Changes look good. I see you removed the autoforge from the Fetching. Figured I should mention you also have it on the Loyal and Endurance. The Loyal was and is stronger than the Fetching, at least when you fit harpoons to every slot. Endless harpoons everywhere, heh. Honestly vanilla missiles are weird balance-wise. Some missiles aren't op at all with infinite ammo and some like the harpoons just completely break the game.I felt there was a good case to remove it from the Fetching since it already had expanded racks built in and it was sort of doubled dipping. I left it in the Endurance because it is a dedicated missile ship but with only one mount and it is pretty useless when it runs dry. There is a case to be made for the Loyal though, the auto forge on that ship is a legacy from when I had all the weapons built-in. I changed that a couple patches back and I had sort of forgotten it had one and did not consider removing it in this patch. I'll give it a once over when I can but um I just spent 20 some hours pouring over JYD bug hunting and I'm a lil burned out atm and unless it is a critical error, I want to take some time to re-calibrate and actually play the game lol.
I also wanted to mention lore-wise it seems odd for JYD to have 2 pristine nanoforges when the Hegemony only has 1. From what I understand only major (or highly influential) factions even have a pristine nanoforge. You also have a little mistake in your starsystem config, the light industry of dogstar4 is assigned a pristine nanoforge, which of course does nothing as light industry can't slot nanoforges.Well I would counter that with the established lore of JYD is that they are big time explorers and salvagers as well as miners. I do not think it is much of a stretch that they came across them while salvaging an abandoned station or planetary ruin. That is how I get them and I am just a singe commissioned officer and they have several fleets. I'll look into the light industry concern on 4 though and add it to my next pass along with the Loyal.
I'll give it a once over when I can but um I just spent 20 some hours pouring over JYD bug hunting and I'm a lil burned out atm and unless it is a critical error, I want to take some time to re-calibrate and actually play the game lol.
Haven't installed the new version yet so this may be fixed but the JYD hullmod Reflective Armor says it increases shield flux by 10% but it actually decreases it according to the tooltip in the fitting window e.g. 150 to 135, not 150 to 165 as expected.
JYD_hab does not generate energy when shooting, is this normal?I designed it as a low energy per damage output weapon vs other medium weapons like the heavy machine gun. I have it set to drain 9 energy per 26 damage where as the HMG is 15 energy per 40 damage for example. At least that is my intent, however, when I just loaded the game I saw the tooltip say what you state. I am honestly stumped at the moment why it would be this way. I checked all the numbers I have in every entry for the HAB versus similar vanilla weapons as well as some of the JYD ones and the HAB is the only one that comes up that way in game.
JYD_hab does not generate energy when shooting, is this normal?I designed it as a low energy per damage output weapon vs other medium weapons like the heavy machine gun. I have it set to drain 9 energy per 26 damage where as the HMG is 15 energy per 40 damage for example. At least that is my intent, however, when I just loaded the game I saw the tooltip say what you state. I am honestly stumped at the moment why it would be this way. I checked all the numbers I have in every entry for the HAB versus similar vanilla weapons as well as some of the JYD ones and the HAB is the only one that comes up that way in game.
At this stage it is a puzzle but one I intend to figure out. I'll have a better answer when I get a chance to look it over in more depth tomorrow. Sorry for the partial reply but I wanted to let you know I am looking into it and to thank you for pointing it out.
It's because the burst size is set to 0.9
It's because the burst size is set to 0.9
And circle gets the square! That nub list is getting longer and longer lol, thank you for saving me the time to figure it out. Change that 0.9 to 1 in the weapon_data.csv and it is working as intended. Balanced just above the the heavy machine gun in damage, range and better flux efficiency but frag damage verses kinetic on the HMG. You can change it yourself on your end or wait, the fix will be in the next patch which I *should* have up in a day or so.
Thank you yet again Usgiyi!
Another point, the JYD_lrm missile is a little too powerful, it is too tempting compared to the same level missiles, would you consider balancing it.TY for the idea, I have only gone over ships and descriptions so far and hadn't gotten to weapons yet in my issue finding for the next update.
I think something went wrong. your HVB no longer show profile pics, and their dialogue seems offset when you encounter them. thought it may have been my tinkering, but this is a fresh game with yer mod as packaged. other mods HVB still display correctly. looked over the files and cannot find what went wrong anywhere. so i think imma revert to yer previous version for now
I got no clue friend. might still be something on my end. but when i went back to 1.98 i dont have this issue at all.
Ok, I like the faction, but giving them 2 pristine nanoforges from the start is pretty ridiculous. "JUNKyard dogs" and they have the most solidly built ships in the sector. For flavor it's like HMI's and this faction's ships(with the junker mechanic of more D-mods = more OP) they should flip
wow, you really go above and beyond XD. and ye, i think i am finally happy with my mod list. though i toggled off all invasion/expansion settings for nex empires. i like the flavour of conflicts and such, but shifting borders and dying factions just isnt fun to me.First off, thank you for the kind words :)
i dont know if this helps, but yer HVB SEEM to show up correctly when they first show up, but then the pics vanish when the save is loaded.OK the plot thickens, that makes it a pickle to figure but I am on the case!
kayse is 'no such org' (https://fractalsoftworks.com/forum/index.php?topic=21848.0), mnemomic sensors is (https://fractalsoftworks.com/forum/index.php?topic=25328), and playerflag pack just adds a few flags. dont recall where i got it.Thank you for the update, it helps. I looked over no such org and found no conflicts, however, I do have a concern regarding mnemomic sensors which I will be asking the mod author about. Run Starsector.run in the .run folder seems to change your game parameters but I see no documentation about that on the mod page. I'll get back to you on that once I get some clarity from DesperatePeter.
as to the issue, i am at a loss myself. ive looked at the files, everything seems to be in order. your non bounty portraits load for npcs in your faction, adn while i may be confused on the pattern, i KNOW i have seen your bounties properly display, but once they go 'bad' the portrait and text never comes back. no other mod with HVB has this issue, so i am pretty sure that end of it is working properly, and JYD non-HVB bounties work fine too.You had stated earlier that you went back to using an adjusted version of JYD. Have you tried loading a game with the 1.99 version and if so, are you still getting this issue? If you cannot for some reason, I would appreciate a copy of what you changed so I can look into if that is the problem.
on the prior topic btw, and yer comment about wanting em to be rare as unicorns... my favorite faction mods add factions that seem like they coulda been in vanilla, with a variety of ships, but also some unique ones added via bounties, missions, salvage, etc. is probably silly, but collecting unique ships is one of my favorite things to do in the game, always end up with a planet dedicated to em. and a lot of the faction mods i add do this... so while any given ship might be rare as a unicorn, when you have a couple hundred such in the game you are sure to stuble across a few. and depending on which you find can make for a very different game.Oh I get it, I run with several faction and ship pack mods in my game first for compatibility testing but also because I enjoy coming across the design, artwork and usability of other mod maker's ships.
since i was getting the same behavior with the old version, i updated to yer current one. disabled the sensors mod, still get the same behavior. leastwise, in my existing save.Thank you for the illustrative spoilers. I have not had the time to play the game enough to get my new char high enough to receive the bounties so I cannot say whether or not it is happening on my end yet. I'll have more time to figure this out once I am done with an update I am currently working on for Hiver Swarm. Figure early next week at the latest I should have a better answer. The hunt goes on!
so. new game. use console to force a HVB.Spoiler(https://i.imgur.com/RxaOPDq.png)[close]
there he is, no prob. saved the game, reloaded it... and he was still there. shut the game off, reloaded it, and now...Spoiler(https://i.imgur.com/iMt9I0W.png)[close]
i notice it changed the location he was at. dont know if that helps, but ye, soon as i shut down the game and reload it all yer HVB do this. it must be something on my system if yer not getting the same and it seems no one else has mentioned it. i did this with the mnemomic sensors still disabled. but i really hope you figure this out, cause it kinda runs immersion
Problem with the drone PD gun - looks like the "PD" hint is i the wrong row - no PD for Drone PD but is one for the Heavy Asteroid Blaster, which is in the row in the Weon csv right beneath it. Hope this helps. This, combined with changing the damage type of the the drone PD from kinetic to frag without changing damage, makes the drone pd, and by extension the fighters that use it, much less useful.You are correct good sir, the PD tag missing is yet another in the long line of oopsies that I am so thankful for input. You make a good point regarding the damage balance. I changed it becasue I was getting many complaints that it was overpowered and turning the Termite drones into death machines. I will give it a pass and look into balancing it better vs the mining laser that it is a ballistic analog for.
Other than that love the mod - though you might want to keep the range on the medium version of the particle emitter at 500, because it has a lot worse flux efficiency (small is 150 dpd for 70 fps, medium is 250 dps for 170 fps - it just adds 100 to both which hurts because small flux efficieny was much better than that)Valid point and I agree. I'll make that change for the next update (ETA unconfirmed) :)
you said you use most of the mods i have on my list, one of em was console commands (mostly just in case of bugs), and you can force any HVB on day one with "forcehvb (id of hvb)". was how i got those screens to test my theory it was reloading that was causing it.Yes I use console commands and am aware of being able to force them but I want to have them occur naturally to ensure that they are set up correctly natively.
hiver swarm seems pretty cool, but just a little too immersion breaking. but just a thought for ya... space monsters. something i miss from most space games, like stellaris. rather than having the hive be a faction with planets and such, how about random space creatures that you can meet in hyperspace (perhaps code a new variety of sensor ghost that turns into a monster)? i bet a variation on that would be super popular, leviathans is, after all, still one of the most popular stellaris dlc to date. i'd have em drop rare loot that can be sold (not equipped) and a minor faction increase with everyone as rewards for killing em, and perhaps an option to drop supplies as bait to escape them. anyway, just spitballing.I understand completely, the original intent of Hiver Swarm was to be just that. Their ships were going to be part of JYD as lost wrecks of an unknown race floating around in space but it sort of took on a life of it's own. I believe I have the genesis of that on the front page of the Hiver Swarm forum. Have you tried prv starworks? https://fractalsoftworks.com/forum/index.php?topic=12553.0 Prav has a race of biological aliens, the Agni, that can be found. They are not hyperspace capable but instead occupy a couple systems in the sector. They are quite a challenge and very well done.
also, didnt realize carter's was yours too. awesome, great mod that one too. (though i change the name to pink so as to be unique from the rest of the factions)Yep that's mine as well. I had an idea and a ton of ship part assets and well it also took on a life of it's own :) I used white as the base color since that is the main part of their flag but there are other colors and I am not married to it. I am curious, what RBG of pink did you use to make it unique?
so it wasnt my system. that is actually a relief for me... but a headache for you im sure. i looked over everything myself, several times now, and i am baffled too. i am nowhere near your level on the modding, but nothing leapt out at me either. the fact that the portrait and text loads the first time, and vanishes on reloading the game, is weird as ***. and also explains why it went unnoticed for so long. because this behavior is at LEAST as old as your last update.I received a ping yesterday on discord from a player having the same problem so it is not just you and me. I have repositories of all versions of JYD since release and I will be testing older versions to see if the same issue is occurring as part of the process of elimination. I am about ready to finish the patch for Hiver Swarm so I should be able to start on JYD tomorrow instead of next week. No ETA on release as I have other requests and ideas of my own for this mod to add to it but when (if?) I figure this particular issue out, I'll post a reply and let you know.
thank you for working on this, and for the mod. nothing to apologize for, i legit have nothing better to do with my time, and havent really spent that much on it cause too busy playing it XDNo worries friend, I see my mods as a collaborative effort. The more player input I receive, the better I can make the mod which is good for all involved.
edit - seem to recall you mentioning you updated the description on the fetch deck to stipulate it is JYD only... but the description seems the same to me.That is odd, if you look at hull_mods.csv the fetch deck is on line 11 and the desc should state "JYD loves their fighters so they designed this hull mod to work exclusively on JYD hulls that will allow you to launch fighters and drones %s farther and replace them %s faster." Perhaps you are seeing the shortened version, I will change the the text on that to reflect JYD only as well this update.
Ah, i see it. it just looked like flavour text tbh. most hullmods with specific requirements/limitations have an error message in red below the flavour text when/why you cant use it, such as telling you a ship already has shields if ya try to stick a makeshift generator on it. serves me right not reading *** XD.Ah ok, I set it up that if you are looking at the hull mod list on a non-JYD hull you can see it but it'll be greyed out and it can not be installed. Seemed like a simpler solution to just not make it an option in the first place. It is the only hull mod that I put that limitation on because fighter/drone use is a core concept for JYD and it is real OP on some carriers so I wanted to make it a reward for players who use JYD ships.
on the topic of the bounties since they've been brought up I've been playing with the last couple versions of this mod quite extensively across multiple save files and only ever got the bounties for leroy brown, the nameless, jim walker, and treetop lover. I've never seen any of the other bounties and I've never seen any bounty portraits to begin with. I've verified the portrait files weren't missing. maybe it has something to do with starsector not meshing well with portraits in subfolders? maybe something like the game engine just using the portrait file name and looking for it in the portrait directory without regard for subdirectories rather than using the full file path initially given for subsequent queries?First off, I am happy to hear you've stuck with JYD so long, thank you! Secondly, what a fantastic suggestion and one I would never have considered. I'll will re-path them as part of the process.
as a side note, if you're looking for some extensive bounty use via magiclib take a look at something like seeker - unidentified contact. that mod's almost entirely build around them.Seeker is a great mod and one I use, good call out there. At some point in the mod, I did have magic bounties but I received complaints that whatever I was doing was messing up another bounty system. IDK I guess I sort of removed that code and never revisited it. I still use Vayra's bounty system which is sort of outdated (her mods are so great, I hope she returns to the mod scene) and really should convert to magic. It's just so much work lol, lazy on my part I guess.
At some point in the mod, I did have magic bounties but I received complaints that whatever I was doing was messing up another bounty system. IDK I guess I sort of removed that code and never revisited it.
awesome. one thought i have on the bounties, is that the encounter text being broken is may be a clue to the issue. my first post about this on page 19 shows what i am talking about. and you mentioned some oddities with contractions in the description in your update. now to try out yer new stuff XDYes that is what lead me to that step, if I hadn't credited you in the changelog, my bad :( - If I hadn't, I'll amend the log in the next update, credit wehre credit is due!
speaking of the puzzle, it's a bit weird that it has base burn 7 when it's just an upscaled light cruiser. something like eradicator isn't too far off mechanically and it's sitting at a comfy 9 max burn.I upgraded the Puzzle to a regular cruiser with better stats than it had but you make a good point that 7 may be too low. I originally had it set to that as a balancing measure but I'll up it to 8 in the next update.
regarding sprites, eaglefang has a similar problem. there's an IBB ship in S&WP called the apex and it has the same sprite.Not surprising, there were a couple nice looking pirate themed ships on that posting on spiral arms, my guess is DR snagged before I did. I'll look into it and compare but will most likely be designing a replacement for that as well for 2.1 (no eta, currently working on a CFT update) if that is the case.
regarding sprites, eaglefang has a similar problem. there's an IBB ship in S&WP called the apex and it has the same sprite.Looked into it and sure enough under the boss folder there it is plain as day. Looks like some kitbashing is in my future :)
i genuinely dont care about credit, friend. if i helped at all, great. but i didnt do anything worth crediting. i just like the mod and am looking forward to having the kinks ironed out.Understandable but I do appreciate all the commentary you have given and it's just my little way of saying thank you embedded in the mod. Anyway, I hadn't thought you were helping me for the glory of it all. :)
on the topic of yer CFT mod you said you wanna work on... if you look at the system map you will notice king's cove is always 'King?s Cove' on the system map. the ' show properly everywhere else, except in the system view. i had thought maybe the font was lacking the symbol, but when i go into my save file and edit it it displays properly. i did mention this in passing earlier, but i imagine you had yer hands full at the time. if you open yer save and search for "king\" you will find where and why the ? is appearing. and this really isnt that big a deal, easy enough to fix for each playthough if someone cares enough to do it, but it is something that could add a little polish being sorted out.Did as you instructed and the \u2019 next to King is the UTF-8 representation of '. It *should* be showing up correctly but I am getting a ? as well. Odd that it is kicking it out, I'll run it though a compiler and see if anything shows up. TY for the note.
just a heads; you remember that boundary issue with the sharp and how it was taking hull damage from everything touching it despite having full armor? seems like lean has that problem too.Thank you for the heads up. I'll look into it and add it to the next update. No ETA on that unfortunately, I am currently working on a Hiver update but my free time is pretty jammed up atm.
Idea: Make the Junkyard Resource Forge able to use a Catalytic Converter. Ko Combine adds Shipbreaking Center to Agreus that can use the Catalytic Converter. Why shouldn't JYD be able to do that as well?Wow a triple mod reply morning, black Friday indeed! :) I do not currently have that installed but I'll get it and look into it. My guess is that they have a custom code which I would not want to duplicate but it would give me some ideas for sure. Thank you pointing me in that direction!
hello , i have a problem with my brain , i saw a new version of JYD in game , so i downloaded instantly wifout reading anything (2.3 , i had 2.2) put it right in the mods folder , deleting the 2.2 and starsector was like nah this *** aint compatibile go get the 2.2 versione idiot the problem is i DO NOT have it yep , no back up or anything and i cant bring it back from the bin cause i keep my games on my D: drive and i cant find any archives (even tried the wayback machine) can anyone help my 2 braincells decide what shoud i doFirst off, just wanted to say the unexpected use of comic sans gave me a smile. Don't beat yourself up, I am sure you aren't the only one with this issue. Attached to this reply is a link to a 2.2 version I uploaded to dropbox that you (+whoever else may need it) can use to finish out your game. Just be aware that future updates of JYD will have all the 2.3 changes.
P.S i like cats [/font]That's ok, we may be junkyard dogs but cat's are ok too :)
450316 [Thread-3] INFO com.fs.starfarer.loading.LoadingUtils - Loading JSON from [data/config/modFiles/magicBounty_variants/kite_Interceptor.variant]
450317 [Thread-3] INFO data.scripts.util.MagicCampaign - could not load ship variant at data/config/modFiles/magicBounty_variants/kite_Interceptor.variant
450317 [Thread-3] INFO data.scripts.bounty.MagicBountyCoordinator - Missing fleet_preset_ships variant 'kite_Interceptor' from bounty jyd_speedball_trucker_hvb. Bounty is INVALID!
450318 [Thread-3] INFO com.fs.starfarer.loading.LoadingUtils - Loading JSON from [data/config/modFiles/magicBounty_variants/kite_Interceptor.variant]
450321 [Thread-3] INFO data.scripts.util.MagicCampaign - could not load ship variant at data/config/modFiles/magicBounty_variants/kite_Interceptor.variant
450321 [Thread-3] INFO data.scripts.bounty.MagicBountyCoordinator - Missing fleet_preset_ships variant 'kite_Interceptor' from bounty jyd_rapid_roy_hvb. Bounty is INVALID!
450321 [Thread-3] INFO com.fs.starfarer.loading.LoadingUtils - Loading JSON from [data/config/modFiles/magicBounty_variants/kite_Interceptor.variant]
450323 [Thread-3] INFO data.scripts.util.MagicCampaign - could not load ship variant at data/config/modFiles/magicBounty_variants/kite_Interceptor.variant
450323 [Thread-3] INFO data.scripts.bounty.MagicBountyCoordinator - Missing fleet_preset_ships variant 'kite_Interceptor' from bounty jyd_lady_m_hvb. Bounty is INVALID!
450326 [Thread-3] INFO com.fs.starfarer.loading.LoadingUtils - Loading JSON from [data/config/modFiles/magicBounty_variants/kite_Interceptor.variant]
450328 [Thread-3] INFO data.scripts.util.MagicCampaign - could not load ship variant at data/config/modFiles/magicBounty_variants/kite_Interceptor.variant
450328 [Thread-3] INFO data.scripts.bounty.MagicBountyCoordinator - Missing fleet_preset_ships variant 'kite_Interceptor' from bounty jyd_operator_hvb. Bounty is INVALID!
450328 [Thread-3] INFO com.fs.starfarer.loading.LoadingUtils - Loading JSON from [data/config/modFiles/magicBounty_variants/kite_Interceptor.variant]
450330 [Thread-3] INFO data.scripts.util.MagicCampaign - could not load ship variant at data/config/modFiles/magicBounty_variants/kite_Interceptor.variant
450331 [Thread-3] INFO data.scripts.bounty.MagicBountyCoordinator - Missing fleet_preset_ships variant 'kite_Interceptor' from bounty jyd_treetop_lover_hvb. Bounty is INVALID!
450331 [Thread-3] INFO com.fs.starfarer.loading.LoadingUtils - Loading JSON from [data/config/modFiles/magicBounty_variants/kite_Interceptor.variant]
450332 [Thread-3] INFO data.scripts.util.MagicCampaign - could not load ship variant at data/config/modFiles/magicBounty_variants/kite_Interceptor.variant
450333 [Thread-3] INFO data.scripts.bounty.MagicBountyCoordinator - Missing fleet_preset_ships variant 'kite_Interceptor' from bounty jyd_roller_derby_hvb. Bounty is INVALID!
might want to give the bounty flagships a once over to check for boundary issues. I noticed it on the sixfootfour and others might have it too.Good morning! I loaded the Sixfootfour into the editor and the boundary lines are outside the sprite pixels that I can see. What kind of issues are you seeing on your end? I had just gone though all the ships two patches back and checked them all so I am fairly confident they are correct but I'll give them another look see later today.
It's similar to issues I've had before with the sharp: taking hull damage despite still having armor..
Hey just hopping to say that I love the mod and it's vision.Wow what a nice thing to take the time and consideration to say. You've made my morning for sure and I haven't even had my coffee yet!
I was looking for something that integrates drones and fighters into a lot of ships, as soon as I saw the borer equipped mudskipper I fell in love.
Thanks a lot for all the time and effort.
Love the mod overall, but I feel that some of the ships have completely insane OP ratings.So nice to hear thank you. I am curious which ships you find to be insane OP and some clarity as to why would be helpful.
First of all, I really like the design of this faction, being rugged explorers and miners armed with automated drones. I love the aesthetic of the re-fitted ships, and how the faction seems to be able to cram an assortment of guns and drones on even the tiniest ship.Hello there and thank you for the kind words. I recently stripped out the drones on several ships so I am curious if you are using the latest version. My intention for them is to be a fairly neutral peaceful faction unless you play as a pirate, they HATE pirate factions. That in mind, I gave them some teeth to counter the pirate fleets that go after them and usually the Hegemony turns on them since they use automation. I have done several balance passes but I do try to keep the previous statement in mind when I do. I am waiting to see if Aristedes can give more clarity on their statement before I made any further adjustments however I will keep your comments in mind as well.
That said, I just have to ask: has anyone here actually tried to fight a medium-or-bigger JYD fleet?
Because I'm at a loss at how to counter the, frankly, insane drone spam. :-\
I can pit my entire fleet of 30 ships(including several capitals) against a similar JYD fleet, and if I'm lucky, I'll be able to take down ~5 frigates before my entire fleet is swarmed and "processed" by mining drones.In your scenario of fighting a 30 ship fleet I would suggest you field at least two large carriers equipped with good interceptors and all PD weapons on the ships, at least one tank like capital and some fast cruisers with good ranged weapons to catch their fleeing ships. The rest of the fleet you can fill with w/e else is on hand. Their shields are average but have good armor so I'd suggest more explosive weapons equipped. Overall good PD coverage on your ships and longer ranged weapons are the key. Hope that helps but please consider not picking on my doggos. :)
It doesn't seem to matter how much DP I put on my ships; as soon as I kill one drone, five more will have respawned from any of the 30 ships fielded by the JYD fleet.
Meanwhile, all the JYD has to do is stay slightly outside of my weapon range and just send virtually infinite drones at me. They're not even manned, so I can't even win the war of attrition by killing their crew.
Please help. :D
In your scenario of fighting a 30 ship fleet I would suggest you field at least two large carriers equipped with good interceptors and all PD weapons on the ships, at least one tank like capital and some fast cruisers with good ranged weapons to catch their fleeing ships. The rest of the fleet you can fill with w/e else is on hand. Their shields are average but have good armor so I'd suggest more explosive weapons equipped. Overall good PD coverage on your ships and longer ranged weapons are the key. Hope that helps but please consider not picking on my doggos. :)Now that you mention it, I am infact a version behind. On version 2.5.
Now that you mention it, I am infact a version behind. On version is save compatible to 2.5 so you should not have an issue updating and keeping your current save, keep a copy of 2.5 if you want to be absolutely sure. It removes all the drones from their dedicated carriers so you should see a difference.
I usually try to avoid changing/updating mod in running saves, and I'd rather avoid having my savegames broken due to incompatibilities.
I'll try updating and see if that makes things a bit more manageable. And sorry; usually I leave the woofers alone
(I especially love all the ship names),Dad jokes are best jokes :) I took inspiration from Ian M Banks Culture series, look it up if you like a good sci fi read.
but I'm playing as a pirate on this playthrough. :(Naughty noo-noo!
Hi Dazs, I think Drones & Missiles is a bit too OP.Good morning, thank you for the input. I had made the drones at different times over the course of the mod so they are certainly due for a balance pass when looking at them as a whole. The missiles have large ammo counts as a player request but I'll give them a comparison pass to others of their class. I'll add both to my to-do list for JYD, no ETA on it thought as I am currently working on CFT and Hiver updates.
JYD_mrm, JYD_srm, JYD_af surpass missiles of the same class in terms of the number of ammunition and the interval between launches.
And JYD's drones are so good, numerous, powerful, with mining capabilities. I think you should give these drones and missiles some restrictions.
I will look forward to it. Thank you for your hard work!Hi Dazs, I think Drones & Missiles is a bit too OP.Good morning, thank you for the input. I had made the drones at different times over the course of the mod so they are certainly due for a balance pass when looking at them as a whole. The missiles have large ammo counts as a player request but I'll give them a comparison pass to others of their class. I'll add both to my to-do list for JYD, no ETA on it thought as I am currently working on CFT and Hiver updates.
JYD_mrm, JYD_srm, JYD_af surpass missiles of the same class in terms of the number of ammunition and the interval between launches.
And JYD's drones are so good, numerous, powerful, with mining capabilities. I think you should give these drones and missiles some restrictions.
Thank you for the kind words. :) First I will address missiles and later, once I get more clarity, drones since most of them are equipped with JYD missiles and the concern may be linked.I will look forward to it. Thank you for your hard work!Hi Dazs, I think Drones & Missiles is a bit too OP.Good morning, thank you for the input. I had made the drones at different times over the course of the mod so they are certainly due for a balance pass when looking at them as a whole. The missiles have large ammo counts as a player request but I'll give them a comparison pass to others of their class. I'll add both to my to-do list for JYD, no ETA on it thought as I am currently working on CFT and Hiver updates.
JYD_mrm, JYD_srm, JYD_af surpass missiles of the same class in terms of the number of ammunition and the interval between launches.
And JYD's drones are so good, numerous, powerful, with mining capabilities. I think you should give these drones and missiles some restrictions.
Hey just hopping to say that I love the mod and it's vision.Wow what a nice thing to take the time and consideration to say. You've made my morning for sure and I haven't even had my coffee yet!
I was looking for something that integrates drones and fighters into a lot of ships, as soon as I saw the borer equipped mudskipper I fell in love.
Thanks a lot for all the time and effort.
Glad to hear all that! I really like the faction and everything the mod stands for.Not to worry, the JYD ships all having drones is a key concept of the mod so that is not going away. I only removed them from the dedicated carriers because I received a couple reports that it was interfering with the computer controlled carriers. The mod has gone through several balance passes since release and I feel it is in a good place atm so not too many more changes will be made before the next Starsector update.
If you don't mind my input, I'd like to say that when balancing something, maybe try not to strip the ships of its drones. It's one of the things I love the most about the mod and in my opinion a bit of the heart of the faction. Maybe try removing some of the armaments or restricting OP or something, I'm not much of an expert but would hate to see the fighter bays and drones go away from lots of ships.
Hope it doesn't bother you!It is no bother at all and thank you again for the kind works, much appreciated. I am always open to comments or suggestions for my mods. I see them as a group effort with the end goal of offering the best version I can and being a solo act I get blind spots that others see.
Thanks for the awesome content and all the effort put into it.
Love the mod overall, but I feel that some of the ships have completely insane OP ratings.So nice to hear thank you. I am curious which ships you find to be insane OP and some clarity as to why would be helpful.
Ahh I assume you are referring to the Continental, Gambler, Puzzle, Downtown, Jealous, Slim, Justbeware, Treetop, Sixfootfour and Eaglefang which are all JYD pirate bounty flag ships. I beefed them up over vanilla ships because they are bounty ships and should be a little OP for the challenge. Most bounties have a vanilla+ ship in them so it is not unique. Also, I thought if recovered they would be considered a reward in and of themselves. JYD fleets do not use them nor are they for sale in their markets which is why I was confused earlier since I do not consider them JYD ships.Love the mod overall, but I feel that some of the ships have completely insane OP ratings.So nice to hear thank you. I am curious which ships you find to be insane OP and some clarity as to why would be helpful.
The ones that stand out the most are the ships whose descriptions are all "Flagship of XYZ".
Hey just as a quick note, not sure if it's intended. I think the short class drone tender has too much cargo capacity for its size.Hello thank you for your input. The cargo difference was intended and that is the greatest difference between the two, 100 vs 175 but I took that in mind when balancing the other stats. I based the Short on the vanilla Sheppard and swapped some stats around to make room for that additional cargo space.
Overpowered when compared to every other mining mod on the Index, with their ships and weapons being generally in the highest tier for Nex mining power, along with being generally better combat vessels to boot. That said, I love it.I felt that since mining is their core focus then they should have a specialty so admittedly I did go a bit plus on the mining stats. I really cannot comment too much on other mining mods only in that they have their hook and I have mine. I do have most of them installed and I appreciate how they go about things but I wanted JYD to be it's own thing. Heck my favorite mining ship isn't even one of mine, whenever I fight a Pirate fleet with a Quarry mining rig from Keruvim in it I always hope to capture one :)
Just want to say, I love the Sharps.Good morning, well I guess I am going to have to gut that one as well then (jk) :)
Feels like the firepower, OP and durability of a capital ship in the mobile hull of a cruiser.
The amount of forward-facing firepower you can pack into 1 large and 6 medium slots is insane. :D
So, I have a question about the Vicious class ship.Oh you little sneaky sneak! :)
I recently managed to, uh, "acquire" one such vessel.
I noticed it has two departments. The main body, and a "snout" kind of department. How exactly does that work?The Viscous is JYD's toughest ship and the only on in their lineup that has a module section. Modular ships function differently from one another. I recommend just building the non-main module (front) like you would build a ship for an AI. The main module (body) is what you will be using if you personally fly one so build that how you would normally.
In the unfortunate circumstances leading up to me taking new ownership of the ship, I noticed it was seemingly a very durable ship, suffering barely any damage despite being surrounded by 4 hostile Sharps.
Until it suddenly wasn't, anymore. Durable, that is.
Anyway, I guess the seperate forward department has its own armour and hull hitpoints. So what happens if those are depleted before the main body is destroyed? And vice-versa?The front is sort of like it's own AI controlled ship minus engines and acts as a detachable weapons/armor sectional. It takes front damage first until is is destroyed(detached) so adding defensive hull mods to it is a good choice. Once it is gone then front damage is applied to the body so I gave the front section a decent amount of it's own OP so a player can either put high OP weapons on it or a good amount of hull mods. I am all about offering players choices in my mods.
With 130 OP to spend, after fitting the two guns, the best thing to do is just load up all the +armour/hull mods you can fit in, I guess?
Hope that is a helpful answer please let me know if I missed the mark.That works. Good to know! So if I understand it correctly, the forward compartment can get "destroyed" but still leave the main ship functional?
That works. Good to know! So if I understand it correctly, the forward compartment can get "destroyed" but still leave the main ship functional?Correct, think of it like when you fight a station you take out sections of it before you can destroy it. The Viscous uses the same code that stations use for modules. If you want to make it super tanky then yes stack as many hull/armor/shield mods on that front section and keep the ship facing forward. It can take a good amount of damage that way but if you are fighting against a fighter or missile heavy enemy it could struggle so do not skimp on the PD. I would also give it an escort that can help defend it against fast frigates that like to get around it and weave in and out.
After being impressed with the pummeling it took beforehand, I was already planning to give it just one pair of guns, use the rest of the OP on defensive mods and then let it be a dedicated tank ship. :D
Junk Yard Dogs 2.7\data\scripts\hullmods\JYD_expsys.javaGood morning AKAJIA thank you for posting this. I have it w/out the % so it would show the actual supply use as opposed to the output as a percentage. For example if you were to put it on the Intelligent it would output 5 on the tooltip but if there is a + "%" at the end of line 45 then it shows the percentage which in the case of the Intelligent would be 10%.
if (index == 5) return "" + (int) ((SUPPLY_USE_MULT - 1f) * 100f);
A percentage sign is missing here, I guess so?
Hey. I just wanna say that I really, really like this mod. The names of the ships especially send me into laughing fits. Thank you for this.Dad jokes, best jokes :)
I wanted to report one thing that miffs me a bit. The asteroid fields around "Jigsaw" and "Kong" appear as "missing string". They don't have specified designations.Sorry about that, I thought I had fixed that in an earlier patch. Thank you for the kind words and the error report, I'll have that taken care of in the next update.
As to their combat power, I have put them through several balance passes with a couple volunteer beta testers over the course of the mod and I feel they are in a good space right now. In my games I role play as a scavenger and do not buy ships so I only use the ones I start off with and salvage. I have not done a full "JYD only" fleet game in some time though I set up the faction to offer every class and type of ship so maybe I'll do that. I'm working on a Hiver update ATM but once that is done, I'll do a balance pass on them again, nothing too drastic mind you I don't want you to fall out of love!
I am just playing a Nex campaign as pirates with this as the only faction mod added, neither I nor the AI has much of a chance against the JYD. I replaced my regular tankers with JYD tankers (and not the combat tanker), they have more capacity and all other stats are better, they also come with drones and thus can be deployed in combat, in contrast to my regular tankers. The troop transport is even worse, has advanced grounds support package and enough points that I can use it safely as a missile boat in combat.The general consensus on discord is that I have no clue on how to balance my mods and so I guess that is the current status of JYD. Though I have done several balance passes I do admit that I have their OP inflated because I generally enjoy having hullmods on my ships. The drones on each ship are a core concept of the mod and I felt that they were not too powerful but yet again I guess since I am clueless, well they probably are.
Meanwhile I rip through Hegemony, Luddic Church, Tri Tachyon, etc. fleets like butter [EDIT2: with my regular fleet]. Might be wrong, but to me it seems like every JYD ship has like 20-60 extra OP points available in comparison to vanilla, on top of that a good flux ratio and almost always built in drones / fighters etc.
EDIT: great work and I really appreciate it, yet I don't think the ships are balanced or I am doing something completely wrong. I generally try to play only with pirate ships, I have a few captured JYD ships in my line-up, but they just feel too strong also when I use them.I am torn to be honest, I have several people who enjoy JYD as it is and it has hundreds of consistent downloads when I update the mod. Then I have players such as yourself that feel it is too much. I am not a game designer or even a decent coder but I am all about giving players choices and variety in their gameplay and I feel my mods give options that others do not. I feel it is up to the player whether or not they want to kit out a JYD ship as a super buff fighting ship, a logistics mule or a blend of both. As it is a single player game it hurts no ones game play if others enjoy playing that way. Also on the flip side, I have them set as neutralists so if you leave them alone when you have them installed as a NPC faction then they should generally leave you alone.
I have several people who enjoy JYD as it is and it has hundreds of consistent downloads when I update the mod.From what I have seen it is a great mod and a lot of work went into it!!!
From what I have seen it is a great mod and a lot of work went into it!!!Why thank you, I do appreciate that. I do not think of it as "work" per-se, I just felt there wasn't a mod that quite fit what I wanted and I really enjoy the game. Along the way I picked up several skills and enjoyed the process.
It is my circumstances, it is my second Nex campaign, the first one was too easy. Now, I selected pirates (which is tagged as hard) and I am very far into the campaign, fighting off attacks from all sides, yet, it took me a while to realize that JYD is so strong, but that could also be due to how I built my ships.So you only have NEX, it's dependent mods and JYD installed? Wow I am honored that of all the faction mods out there you chose this one. One thing to keep in mind about JYD though is they HATE pirates. I have it built into their in game lore and they have several bounties to hunt down the pirate clan that spurred them to form the faction.
Also balancing something is very hard to do in general.I had no clue what I was doing when I started and it has been over a year with a changelog so large I cannot fit the entire list on the forum page because it takes too many characters :)
Maybe add in the mod description, something like "Warning, some people think that JYD ships are overpowered."Not a bad suggestion, probably something along the lines of Vanilla plus or something like that. I'll give it some thought and change the mod description line on the forum OP. I have some free time this weekend and plan to work on the mod then so stay tuned!
Really loving the mod, one of my favorite faction mods as well. Thanks for the great work man.Thank you for the kind words, I sort of needed it. After doing some searching on discord for ideas to improve JYD after reading gladius2metal good suggestion, I just fell into a pit of trolls that sucked the will out of me to keep modding.
Question: Is it intentional that both Militarized Subsystems and Exploration Refit can be applied to civilian vessels? Doesn't seem overpowered pr se, but it does make civilian hulls particularly valuable for explorers as they become quite fast.Yes it is, I made that modification as a means to improve civ ships that did not really go into combat like a freighter but still would benefit from the removal of civ. I felt that if you wanted to invest that much OP into the combination of the two hull mods then it would leave less room to modify a civilian ship to be on par with a military one that would not need to invest into Militarized Subsystems.
That sucks. Both this mod and the Hivers mod are absolute stables in my playthroughs, so for me Starsector would be a lot less enjoyable without you putting in this work.Aww thank you so much for the kind words. I've been trolled since I first released mods and I usually just let it go but the level of discord vitriol recently was just a bit much. But fear not! I am not done with modding Starsector, I just needed to step away from it and do other things for a bit.
That makes sense about the Exploration Refit, which I will now use on my civvie ships in good conscience :)Nice! Go forth and explore! :)
I've been trolled since I first released mods and I usually just let it go but the level of discord vitriol recently was just a bit much.said to hear that :(
Thank you for weighing in, I truly appreciate the support. I look at it as constructive criticism and have gleaned tidbits from the comments in the past that I have found useful, heck CFT's Foudre is a product of me responding to trolling in a creative way :)QuoteI've been trolled since I first released mods and I usually just let it go but the level of discord vitriol recently was just a bit much.said to hear that :(
Yet, keep in mind, that trolls are generally people that can't create anything meaningful as such they resort to destruction often disguised as "criticism", "feedback", etc.. It is basically just masked envy or outright resentment.
Thanks for all your work! Your mods are truly awesome!Why thank you, that means so much to me!
can i still get the 2.7.2 version? i dont use Nexerelin anymore since i like just roaming around and exploring and salvaging things without time pressure, and this seems to be literally the only mod that actually has large salvage focussed ships. also its got a fun theme to it i thinkI am glad you like the mod, it has a special place in my heart as it was my first one. I did spend some time coming up with a theme and there are all kinds of Easter eggs in it if you look around (and know the key and since it's been over a year and no one has noticed it you can click the spoiler if you care).
Where are the hullmods? I can't find any reference to them being removed when searching this thread, why do they appear to no longer exist in the game?Good morning,
Was Miner's Strike originally a JYD mod? I haven't seen that hullmod since the .96 update.Ah no that was not one of mine but thank you for thinking of me :) It was originally in Great Wound's mod Manic Miners https://fractalsoftworks.com/forum/index.php?topic=24184.0 but is now merged into Of Ludd and Lions https://fractalsoftworks.com/forum/index.php?topic=22063.0 I cannot say 100% that that hull mod made it in the merge but check there.
Where are the hullmods? I can't find any reference to them being removed when searching this thread, why do they appear to no longer exist in the game?Good morning,
I decided a couple patches back to take the hull mods from JYD and CFT and combine them into a new all in one mod: https://fractalsoftworks.com/forum/index.php?topic=24433.0
I have the reasons posted on the CJHM front page if you are interested but all the former JYD hull mods can be found there.Was Miner's Strike originally a JYD mod? I haven't seen that hullmod since the .96 update.Ah no that was not one of mine but thank you for thinking of me :) It was originally in Great Wound's mod Manic Miners https://fractalsoftworks.com/forum/index.php?topic=24184.0 but is now merged into Of Ludd and Lions https://fractalsoftworks.com/forum/index.php?topic=22063.0 I cannot say 100% that that hull mod made it in the merge but check there.
thank you for the comprehensive response and the leads!You are welcome, happy to help.
I like to make "Sleeper" fleets of mining ships that can hold their own in a fight and JYD builds are almost always the backbone of them, probably the source of my confusion.That is so nice to hear, thank you for saying so it made my day. I play the same and felt the other mining factions had too much baggage and enemies. That is the reason I made JYD a neutralist faction. Yes they can be OP but only if you mess with them, otherwise they just happily sail though the sector minding their own business. Except for pirates because F those guys :)
Hello there, before I dive into this I would like to clarify your statement "completely vanilla Starsector install"
I ask because the 0.96a version of the mod requires Nexerelin, LazyLib, and MagicLib to function correctly as stated on the main page.
@Whitestar60 I went through every hashmap and did not see any inconsistencies. It looks like your game threw a fit when it tired to load the JYD female portraits but in every instance that they are referred, the name in the file matches the name of the .png exactly.
The only thing I can think of at this point is that I had a player, Solar Mechanis, have a similar issue with my other mod CFT. Solar Mechanis was able to fix the issue by deleting the mod file as well as the dependencies, re-downloading them and did a fresh install of each and that fixed the problem. I have to go do real life stuff so you can try that while I look into it further tomorrow. Please let me know if that fixes it.
@Whitestar60 OK I've gone over every change I have made since the update for 0.96a compatibility since you state the mod worked under Linux with the 0.95 version. I believe your issue may stem from my adding the JYD portraits to the portraits used in character creation in the 2.8 update. Since your crash is a ConcurrentHashMap issue and it happens after loading vanilla portraits then trying to merge that list with the portraits in JYD.
Try this fix and let me know if it works:
Navigate to the JYD folder, data\world\factions and you will see a file labeled "player.faction". Now delete (recommended), rename or move the file and see if that fixes your crash. All this will do is remove the JYD portraits from the starting options.
I truly hope this solves your crashing, (fingers crossed).
Sadly no joy, still crashes to desktop on loading after deleting player.faction as described on the same exact test instance that I ran last night. Also to clarify while JYD worked on 0.95 Starsector that was on Windows 10. I only recently, as in the past few weeks, switched to Linux and I spaced mentioning that as a result. I do apologize for that mistake on my part.I looked over the new log and I am still uncertain what the issue is. I have gone through each file that deals with graphics in the mod and cannot find any inconsistencies that would give Linux a hiccup. I appreciate wanting to include JYD in your game and working with me as I try and puzzle this out. However, at this time I have exhausted my Linux knowledge and cannot think of a fix. If something comes to me, I'll post an update but there is no ETA as I am out of ideas atm.
Just a quick update, I did manage to get this working with no apparent issues so far by switching from manual mod installation to using MOSS with its Install from Archive function. I'm not sure exactly whats different but everything launches fine with a quick test campaign. Thank you for trying to troubleshoot this so I wanted to let you know in case anyone else ends up having a similar problem in the future.Phew, thank you for letting me know that. Even after I last posted I still was going over the code to try and find any inconsistencies. I have work to do on two of my other mods and I can let this one rest now so I can focus :)
Hmm odd, the AI should not had installed that hull mod as a random one. Here is a link to 2.8 so you can check your fleet:Spoiler800229 [Thread-3] ERROR com.fs.starfarer.combat.CombatMain - java.lang.RuntimeException: Hullmod with id [JYD_expsys] not found for faction [xlu]
java.lang.RuntimeException: Hullmod with id [JYD_expsys] not found for faction [xlu]
at com.fs.starfarer.api.impl.campaign.CoreLifecyclePluginImpl.verifyFactionData(CoreLifecyclePluginImpl.java:488)
at com.fs.starfarer.api.impl.campaign.CoreLifecyclePluginImpl.verifyFactionData(CoreLifecyclePluginImpl.java:476)
at com.fs.starfarer.api.impl.campaign.CoreLifecyclePluginImpl.onGameLoad(CoreLifecyclePluginImpl.java:461)
at com.fs.starfarer.campaign.save.CampaignGameManager.super(Unknown Source)
at com.fs.starfarer.campaign.save.CampaignGameManager.super(Unknown Source)
at com.fs.starfarer.title.TitleScreenState.menuItemSelected(Unknown Source)
at com.fs.starfarer.title.C.actionPerformed(Unknown Source)
at com.fs.starfarer.ui.n.buttonPressed(Unknown Source)
at com.fs.starfarer.ui.I.Ã’00000(Unknown Source)
at com.fs.starfarer.ui.I.processInput(Unknown Source)
at com.fs.starfarer.ui.W.super(Unknown Source)
at com.fs.starfarer.BaseGameState.traverse(Unknown Source)
at com.fs.state.AppDriver.begin(Unknown Source)
at com.fs.starfarer.combat.CombatMain.main(Unknown Source)
at com.fs.starfarer.StarfarerLauncher.o00000(Unknown Source)
at com.fs.starfarer.StarfarerLauncher$1.run(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:748)[close]
I don't have it installed on any ships. I don't even own XLU ships.
Dangit. Can we have a link to the previous version?
Nope, still not on any of my ships. Not even on that "backup Hermes(?)" at the Asharu platform that I've never touched.Yea I am stumped on that one, I've had XLU and IBB installed for some time and did not run across that particular scenario. Thank you for the update.
I don't have any known (legends) ships on the map.
Maybe it's Johnny Major the IBB mook. He seems to have and XLU-ey looking Dominator variant.
I'll check again after he's gone.
I am so sorry for asking a probably stupid question, but is there a way to get the previous versions of your mods? I am still on version 0.96, but the only download i can find is for 0.97.No need to apologize, it's not a stupid ask at all. If you go to the unofficial Star Sector discord there is a new #mod_updates_96a where versions of all mods that were 0.96 compliant can be found. You would need to search for mine but if you are looking for other mod author's work as well it is a one stop shopping spree! :)
No need to apologize, it's not a stupid ask at all. If you go to the unofficial Star Sector discord there is a new #mod_updates_96a where versions of all mods that were 0.96 compliant can be found. You would need to search for mine but if you are looking for other mod author's work as well it is a one stop shopping spree! :)
While this does definitely help, the download there (for junk yard dogs at least) points to 2.9.2, rather than version 2.9.1 (the version in the title)Opps well that is my bad. I sort of forgot Gdrive overwrites links, now who is feeling stoopid :) Here is a dropbox link to a 2.91 version of the mod: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/zjud27tx41vvoedmucn8f/Junk-Yard-Dogs-2.9.1.zip?rlkey=wv06oy7xffbqq7sqk0u2zihcs&dl=0
Opps well that is my bad. I sort of forgot Gdrive overwrites links, now who is feeling stoopid :) Here is a dropbox link to a 2.91 version of the mod: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/zjud27tx41vvoedmucn8f/Junk-Yard-Dogs-2.9.1.zip?rlkey=wv06oy7xffbqq7sqk0u2zihcs&dl=0 (https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/zjud27tx41vvoedmucn8f/Junk-Yard-Dogs-2.9.1.zip?rlkey=wv06oy7xffbqq7sqk0u2zihcs&dl=0)
If you run into any other issues please reach out and I'll help as best as I can, enjoy!
I'm flattered you like the mod so much to go through the effort. I can help with some of that, at least with my mods:Opps well that is my bad. I sort of forgot Gdrive overwrites links, now who is feeling stoopid :) Here is a dropbox link to a 2.91 version of the mod: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/zjud27tx41vvoedmucn8f/Junk-Yard-Dogs-2.9.1.zip?rlkey=wv06oy7xffbqq7sqk0u2zihcs&dl=0 (https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/zjud27tx41vvoedmucn8f/Junk-Yard-Dogs-2.9.1.zip?rlkey=wv06oy7xffbqq7sqk0u2zihcs&dl=0)
If you run into any other issues please reach out and I'll help as best as I can, enjoy!
Thank you so Very much, if all goes well you might have saved my current play-through.
now i just need to find 0.96 versions of hiver swarm, ore refinery, flux reticle, and any other mods i updated for no reason.
Don't often comment on this one as Carter's is my preferred and I dip here for weapons/fighters, but it occurs to me that while it's a bomber the 20 OP heavy Drone fits the role of Super Bomber that other factions super fighters fit in and feels better than the 25 point Trident Wing. It does only have 1 drone, but it has the benefits of being a drone (No Crew, use on Derelict and [Redacted] if you use AI ships), and brings a ton of shield pressure, capable of hammering shields while providing it's own PD distraction.The Heavy Drone is one of the first fighters I released and it has balanced a couple times over the years. The trident is a different type of ship with the goal of unloading an alpha strike and either dying or bugging out back to it's carrier. The Heavy drone is designed to stay in the fight and provide constant pressure. Actually all my drones are designed to keep constant pressure on an enemy to prevent them from dropping shields to lower their flux.
It does tend to stick in the fight a bit longer than other bombers due to the anti-shield missiles having more ammo but I'm not sure if that's really a negative as it means if chasing lone ships it keeps them away, and if in fights it's still providing shield pressure while being a tough cookie absorbing fire.See above
I have a feeling it might be worth trying it as a 25-30 ordinance point wing. 25 puts the wing on par with the Tridant Wing which feels more fair, while 30 puts it more in line with other mods super fighters which can take down a frigate or two on their own, which the heavy drone can totally do, but not with as much impunity as some others. Above 30 feels too high comparing performance with VIC superfighters in that range but it's been a while since I've used them and I'm not going to do a bunch of testing against because attempting mutual mod balance like that sounds painful and not something I want to try to hold you to.20 was what the various balance passes settled on. It originally was higher but also had a shield and I reduced the op when I removed the shield and made it more of a mini-tank. I'll think more on it but to be honest it would be a little pain to rebalance all the ships that have it installed on their variant. Not that that would stop me but it is a consideration w/e I change the OP of any weapon or wing. If I were to re-balance it, off the top of my head, I would most likely increase it's replacement time.
Sorry for not having the drone wing's name in this message, I should have grabbed it before closing starsector to start updating mods.Are you referring to a different one than the Heavy Drone?
You've understood exactly what I meant and I felt like heavy drone was right so we're definitely talking about the right drone.DOH, I guess I should have checked before I made that second (well 4th) cup of coffee.
In that case I'll keep it in mind to try things for personal balance :)I appreciate you sharing your thoughts. I take w/e comments that come my way and try to convert them as a balance of what is asked, what I can realistically do and what I feel stays true to the intent of the mod.
So "Vanilla+" is code for "joke overpowered"?Fair enough, plenty of players on discord point out my mods are not vanilla which it why I added the +. IDK maybe I should add a trigger warning that I am an inexperienced mod maker until I get it right.-Added "A vanilla+ power level faction mod" to the mod description on the forum OPIt's considerably worse to have this versus no comment whatsoever because "vanilla+" suggests "roughly vanilla BiS, probably a little better" rather than "at least twice as good, plus every possible bonus"
I could understand if you were just saying that the faction wasn't intended to have any kind of balance but come on man
(https://files.catbox.moe/qwtg9c.png)Fair enough, clearly the flux to damage ratio and emp amount is imbalanced. I have been so focused on fixing the ships in my mods, I sort of neglected the weapons. I will address that in the next JYD update. At this stage I am unsure which mod I'll be working on next as I am taking a break today to let my brain reset. Thank you for the input, it is appreciated.
vanilla+ huh
I'm seeing a small UI bug with Monofilament Tow Cable mouse over description.Hello there good to hear from you again. That hull mod is a depreciated vanilla one that was left in the game. The reason it is so wonky is that it was written for an older version of the game and it was removed from the OX in v0.8. I sort of revived it by including it and I directly reference the game code for it so it comes up as your image shows. It never really bothered me, so lazy ole me just left it as is. However, I can certainly try re-writing the code and description, adding it to JYD and see if using the modern method fixes it.
All good my friend and just wanted to share if it had not been noticed. I always use JYD logistic ships as my go to even when not playing as the JYD faction.Samesies! :D
As an aside what one of your mods would you recommend for my next play through and do you have a particular theme or play style to tryout with them? I just need to add Hivers to my mod list as I have most of the rust knocked off after my HMI and Scalartech recent games.Well they all have their own theme that they are based around. JYD is low-tech mining and exploration centric, CFT is midline trading and smuggling centric and TTSC is high-tech and military/espionage centric. Their ships are designed around those basic parameters with some extras like CFT and TTSC have some mining ships but only to satisfy NEX's NPC faction specific mining fleets.
I love your passion for your mods.That is the kindnest thing I have heard in a long time. I am almost done with CJHM, the damn math is kickin me in the head but I think I am closing in on making the output balanced with the input. I *should* have that out tonight and then I'll start on the next one so JYD or Hiver next as both have outstanding issues and even though CFT has some asks, that one has taken up too much of my free time of late and the other mods are getting jealous. :)
On the comparison of the particle emitter to the PD laser - what that does not show is that the PE is considerably worse at PD vs anything fast - those screenshots do not show the chargeup and chargedown differences, and the turn rate only in words.I was just about to post a JYD update so this came just in time :) I appreciate your input but doll has make it crystal clear that they wanted nothing to do with my mods so I doubt they would see it.
The PD laser turn rate is 100, it has no chargeup, and chargedown in 0.25All valid and good observations on the current version. It is meant to be a one shot killer unlike the PD laser that tracks and follows it's target and wears it down. I have changed some stats on that one in the upcoming update. I have increased the turn rate and energy per shot as a way to balance it while also increasing it's performance as a PD weapon.
Particle Emitter turn rate is 30, it has 0.33 chargeup and chargedown is 1.0
Turn rate is vastly increased (double or tripled I think) if a weapon is not firing, and I believe chargeup and chargedown count for that as well.
Effect - Particle Emitters are much worse than PD lasers (and even Mining Lasers) at stopping lots of missles - sure you can kill it faster, if you can turn fast enough, but it will be at least a second before you can engage the next target. And they can be completely evaded by fast fighters on attack runs. I have watched this extensively 8-)
Relying on just Particle Emitters to stop a lot of missiles or fast fighters is a good way to get your ship killed--the effective dps drops massively when you take into account target switching time. Where they excel is as a multipurpose weapon - good vs bombs, slow missiles, slow fighters, and ships. I mix mine with Mining Lasers, or Coilguns from MVS, but PD lasers work as well. I also view Advanced Turret Gyros as essential for any ship that has Particle Emitters, and that still doesn't get them up to as fast as PD lasers.I generally mix my pd weapons for maximum coverage. What works great for missiles may not be good vs fighters etc. I appreciate you chiming in, keep it coming my friend!
They are good, but they are not a PD panacea, and should not be balanced as such.
Nice touch on the custom bounties.Thank you, I tried to make them balanced-plus as they are mini-bosses. I rarely get comments on them so it is so nice to hear a good word, thank you. Eventually I hope to understand how to convert them to magic bounties and fix the wonky text issues from using Vayra's older format.
Some of them are meaner than a Junkyard Dog.Horary!! someone finally gets the Jim Croce reference! It's been three years and the mod is full of references to his songs (including the aforementioned bounties) and you are the first to mention at least one of them. It frankly made my day. :)
Horary!! someone finally gets the Jim Croce reference! It's been three years and the mod is full of references to his songs (including the aforementioned bounties) and you are the first to mention at least one of them. It frankly made my day. :)I got a good chuckle out of it myself. I'll not spoil myself by looking through the files, and see what else I come across naturally.
Nice, scavenger hunt! - When I had the idea to make a mod I knew it would be salvage focused with a sub-focus on mining as HMI and Roider Union already existed. At the time I was listening to his music and it hit me that the faction would have a system akin to a junk yard and well the rest is history. I won't spoil anything but if you are familiar with his discography you'll see quite a bit.Horary!! someone finally gets the Jim Croce reference! It's been three years and the mod is full of references to his songs (including the aforementioned bounties) and you are the first to mention at least one of them. It frankly made my day. :)I got a good chuckle out of it myself. I'll not spoil myself by looking through the files, and see what else I come across naturally.
My favorite ship thus far is the Industrious. I am very fond of heavy industry / industrial ships of this sort; both your mod and a number of the ships from Vayra. Also chucking rocks at the enemy is quite satisfying.Oh yea Vayra was a huge inspiration for me. I actually started off learning how to make mods by reading her tutorial. I have remade several of the free to use spiral arms ships I started off with but the Industrious was such a good looking one and fit my vision of having asteroid weapons it will stay as is. Oh and yea chucking that big ole asteroid and watching the impact make it's target spin out of control is so satisfying to me :)
Peppy's monofilament tow cable hullmod's mouseover dialog showing incorrectly for me.Hello there thank you for posting. That hull mod is a depreciated vanilla one that was left in the game. The reason it is so wonky is that it was written for an older version of the game and it was removed from the OX in v0.8. The code and description are still in the vanilla game and I thought it was an interesting hull mod so I sort of revived it. However by including it I directly referenced the game code for it so it comes up as your image shows because it is in an older version of the game code. It never really bothered me since it was just a visual thing and the hull mod works, so lazy ole me just left it as is.
Have a ton of mods so it might be my build, but reporting in case it's not.
Peppy's monofilament tow cable hullmod's mouseover dialog showing incorrectly for me.Hello there thank you for posting. That hull mod is a depreciated vanilla one that was left in the game. The reason it is so wonky is that it was written for an older version of the game and it was removed from the OX in v0.8. The code and description are still in the vanilla game and I thought it was an interesting hull mod so I sort of revived it. However by including it I directly referenced the game code for it so it comes up as your image shows because it is in an older version of the game code. It never really bothered me since it was just a visual thing and the hull mod works, so lazy ole me just left it as is.
Have a ton of mods so it might be my build, but reporting in case it's not.
I did try to re-writing the code and description recently and adding it to JYD to see if using the modern method fixes it but I was unsuccessful on my first pass. I did not spend a lot of time on it as some issues with my other mods came up and took precedence but I'll look into it further when time allows.
Personally I think its perfect. It's describing a tow-cable while also taking the *shape* of a tow cable. I thought it was a deliberate feature and just rolled with it.Heh I never thought of like that but now that you mention it it does. :)
Anywhoo, I did have a question concerning something else. In every single run I play the JYD ships completely take over every Independent market and prevent ships from another mod (Tahlan Shipworks) from spawning at all or even being selectable if I use an operator from Nex to "procure ships". Any idea why JYD ships are seeded so aggressively to the point of blocking out other stuff?I use Talahan and have not had any issues between them. I do have some JYD ships added to the Independent market as they were formerly Independents as per their lore. When you state that JYD takes over markets I am unsure what you mean. I think what you are referring to is using an agent to steal a ship from an independent market and you never get Talahan. I looked over Talahan's faction file for Independent and I think what the issue may be is there is a limiter on the hull frequency for the following ships:
Personally I think its perfect. It's describing a tow-cable while also taking the *shape* of a tow cable. I thought it was a deliberate feature and just rolled with it.Heh I never thought of like that but now that you mention it it does. :)Anywhoo, I did have a question concerning something else. In every single run I play the JYD ships completely take over every Independent market and prevent ships from another mod (Tahlan Shipworks) from spawning at all or even being selectable if I use an operator from Nex to "procure ships". Any idea why JYD ships are seeded so aggressively to the point of blocking out other stuff?I use Talahan and have not had any issues between them. I do have some JYD ships added to the Independent market as they were formerly Independents as per their lore. When you state that JYD takes over markets I am unsure what you mean. I think what you are referring to is using an agent to steal a ship from an independent market and you never get Talahan. I looked over Talahan's faction file for Independent and I think what the issue may be is there is a limiter on the hull frequency for the following ships:
Which means they have that % chance (i.e. 0.6 = 60% chance) of showing up whereas I have no limiters on JYD ships so they have an equal % chance as other Independent ships.
I do hope that I correctly understood your question, if not please clarify and I will try again.
You nailed it.Got it in one woot! :)
I just have really rotten luck then. Thanks a bunch and keep up the good work with the mod! It's my go-to for logistics and exploration in every playthrough.That is such a nice thing to say, thank you.
The visuals are very aesthetically pleasing and close to vanilla, but content is sooo much OP. I will have to disable this mod next playthrough to give other ships a chance :)I appreciate the nice compliment on the ship designs, thank you. As to the OP nature I respect your opinion but I feel they have their strengths and weaknesses but concede they are not as apparent as standard ships. I do hope you find what you are looking for in another mod and enjoy the game.
Love the asteroid thrower. It's just so in characterIndeed, it is a personal favorite and I am so glad to hear you enjoy it. It is unique to that ship which is why it is prevented from dropping. I initially made the mistake of allowing it to be looted and it was ridiculous seeing that big launching platform installed on a random cruiser tossing asteroids sometimes bigger than the ship itself lol.
I do hope you find what you are looking for in another mod and enjoy the game.
Lol OK, I guess I misunderstood. Yea the Fetching is quite powerful but can be taken out fairly easily, she's scratched and dented but she'll hold together long enough to get the job done. :)I do hope you find what you are looking for in another mod and enjoy the game.
Heeey, I've never said I'm not enjoying my current run. Why wouldn't I, when I have a "Quit hounding me" Fetching blowing up those pesky enemy capitals :D. The post was intended as a feedback, not a critique.
P.S. In fact I'm running with all of your faction mods, because I liked the visuals. Can't comment on OPness yet :DNice, thank you for the kind words. As to OPness, if you have some specific feedback I am open to it if you would care to share at some point.
Monofilament Tow Cable ("tow_cable") is still present present in those ship files:Hello there thank you for posting. That hull mod is a depreciated vanilla one that was left in the game. The reason it is so wonky is that it was written for an older version of the game and it was removed from the OX in v0.8. The code and description are still in the vanilla game and I thought it was an interesting hull mod so I sort of revived it. However by including it I directly referenced the game code for it so it comes up as your image shows because it is in an older version of the game code. It never really bothered me since it was just a visual thing and the hull mod works, so lazy ole me just left it as is.
It makes funny tooltip:Spoiler(https://i.imgur.com/mXtAsp9.png)[close]
Oh I definitely like the new skins and designs!Woot somebody likes them! :)
I think the last two really make them really feel unique.Ugh the Downtown and the Slim were certainly cursed. I spent a lot of time trying to salvage the originals but eventually just gave up and started over from scratch :) Or did you mean the Courageous and the Loyal (based on the image)? If that is the case then well thank you for that! I really wanted to bring JYD ships in line aesthetically speaking. I have it in their lore that they are comprised of several different former independent miners so having a varity makes sense but those two really stood out.
Does the Vicious have 4 large mounts though? For some reason I thought it only had 2 the last time I looked.No it has always had two, it's primary output is it's variety of medium mount types. I do not think I have touched that one since I gave it a front module but if you make a good case of that instead of all the mediums, I'll take it under consideration for the next update.
Hi, Thanks for the update. Is it normal that Bounty Board Portraits get blacked out after an update? I always install via completely deleting the old version and then putting in the new one. Now guys like Jim Walker are just a black square.Thank you for the report. I did change the bounties a little bit in 3.0 where they should show up staggered by player level but that should not effect portraits and in the latest one 3.0.1 did not address bounties other than a sprite re-work for one of the ships involved. Was Jim showing up in 3.0 and now not in 3.0.1 or did you skip over 3.0 and just install 3.0.1? I ask because their release dates are so close together.
Hi, Thanks for the update. Is it normal that Bounty Board Portraits get blacked out after an update? I always install via completely deleting the old version and then putting in the new one. Now guys like Jim Walker are just a black square.Thank you for the report. I did change the bounties a little bit in 3.0 where they should show up staggered by player level but that should not effect portraits and in the latest one 3.0.1 did not address bounties other than a sprite re-work for one of the ships involved. Was Jim showing up in 3.0 and now not in 3.0.1 or did you skip over 3.0 and just install 3.0.1? I ask because their release dates are so close together.
Hi again, sorry to have bothered you, but after going into the Bounty Board directly (where you accept new missions) all the avatars for the JYD bounties I already had accepted returned onto the map and encounter screens. I guess this had nothing to do with your mod and something just needs to refresh after an update.Hello again VikStahl. I replied to this post, or at least I thought I had, before posting the update but I see it is not in the thread. I appreciate that you fixed it yourself on your end but I did a little digging and did find an issue that could could be what caused your problem and thus the update. I wanted to thank you for taking the time to post. I most likely would not have noticed the issue myself because I have been starting new games while testing changes to my mods and have not actually played the game for any appreciative time in the last two weeks. Anyway, the fix is in for anyone else that was having that issue thanks to you.
I'm running CFT and JYD hulls in this playthrough and it has a very cool scrapper/underdog feeling. In-faction station defense battles (especially vs. the hivers) have a cool feeling--as if all the available mining\logistic ships are making a last stand.You have good taste in mods :)
New sprites are looking great!Thank you, I spent quite some time trying to correct the errors of the past. Glad to hear you enjoy them.
I did sorta have a soft spot for the old Courageous sprite, but the new one is also good!Me too, which is one of the reasons I've held off on updating it. At the end of day though, to be honest with myself, it looked nothing like any of the other JYD ships.
I do wonder if that hull should be considered a capital ship, though? It seems pretty comparable to the Legion to me.It does have that capital feel to it I agree. I left it at cruiser level so that it would give it an inherent detractor because capitals get baseline better stats. It has so much going for it I felt that making it a capital would be a bit too much. Plus it would be duplicative because the mod already has the Massive as a capital carrier. I checked the changelog and I see that I have not adjusted the Courageous since v1.9.8 so maybe it warrants a balancing look over when I get back around to JYD.
I'm a big fan of the Knowledgeable, so I'm glad it's getting a little bit of a spruce-up (granted, I have not really noticed something like this and I don't think I would have without you letting us know).Thank you for the nice comment. The Knowledgeable is one of the remaining sprites I used from Spiral Arms with only minor changes. It has been my goal to replace all the Spiral Arms ships but that is one I think is so nice I figured I would just give it a once over instead, glad to hear you like it.
I've been doing a CFT run as of late and played with a mix of JYD and CFT ships, and I got to admit it's a blast so far. Thanks for those two mods in particular.Well you have good taste in mods then :)
I might add some takes on CFT in its own thread in a while, but I want it to rest in my head a little.I would welcome that when you have the time and inclination. I do my best to keep my mods up to date but with six to juggle I rely on players such as yourself that offer observations. So enjoy your rest, I look forward to your post on CFT when you are ready.
The ship in this mod are hyper op.Good morning, thank you for your thoughtful and kind feedback. It is a shame I had not received it earlier as I have just released three back to back JYD updates and am working on one of my other mods atm. However, I do appreciate you taking the time to share your observations and will take them into consideration when I get back around to updating JYD. Oh and thank you for the kind word on Hivers, that was a nice bonus.
I haven't actually driven any of them yet, but I seen some in action.
I will just pick low-hanging fruit and use the Commanding as an example.
The guy have the logistic profile of a heavy cruiser and the ability of a carrier plus a battlecrusier.
It have more fighter bay per supplies than an astral while faster and tougher than the astral.
Flux stat of a conquest for less supplies while not having conquest's garbage weapon placement.
For just 29 DP it have 280 OP, 4 fighter bay, most of the weapon point to the front and a use outside of combat.
Do you really need any other ship? you can just spam this and crush any enemyDoesn't really looked into other ship yet but just a glance to other ship like massive tell me what to expect.
Okay. An Onslaught in stat + 6 fighter bay and you can fill every slot with missile. Even Recall device, a S tier carrier system. For the cost of mere 5 more dp. Thank you very much.
Vicious is a Onslaught with Good flux stat and even more bulk and a lot more versality and more missile. 50 dp doesn't begin to say its greatness.
Smart is the all mighty supply ship.
Atlas is 10 dp for 2000 cargo
Starliner is 10 dp for 1500 crew
Prometheus is 10 dp for 3000 fuel
Throw them all together and a salvage rig, a survey equipment and a main battle ship and a main carrier.
And you get a Smart. Feel free to throw it onto the battlefield.
Sharp....a Capital Apogee with none of the awkward weapon placement? It is a Double Apogee, isn't it? Both figuratively and literally. You don't double every stat of a ship and call it a new ship. And you slap on 2 fighter bay for good measure.
Peppy! A humble mixture of a Salvage Rig, a Colossus, a Phaeton, a Nebula and a OX.
As least this time it is a pure logistic ship.
Muscular is just a Prometheus 2.0. Thankfully.
Knowledgeable is Atlas 2.0. Just ignore the drone.
Industrious is......well, one of the tamer one. I never expect it have any kind of fighting capacity but it have. Despite being mostly truss and frame. It is a big boy missile ship.
Its have stat of a proper battle ship.
You cannot possibly justify this kind of power with this faction lore. As least in Hiver they can be overpowered, by the virtue of being a "last boss" faction.
People call mods like UAF OP. They had seen nothing yet.
Hey daz, Love your mod's, just wanted to put that out there.Hello there Toad, been awhile since I got a topic reply and it's good to hear from a fan.
Yes, some of your ships are strong but I only use them when I am playing other strong factions so they balance out like when I have hivers in my run.My mods reflect a different approach to gameplay than most. My faction mods all have strengths and weaknesses, just not the ones the standard game has. Not to get too much into it but essentially I wanted to offer options that other factions do not. As to JYD being a good anti-Hiver faction, all my mods are meant to be played at the same time, the Dazs extended universe experience if you will. :)
Did you remove the exploration hullmod? Because I dont see it in the hullmods folder but it is in the previous versions.Yes I had removed all hull mods from both JYD and CFT excepting the commissioned crews ones. They can now be found in a separate hull mod focused mod here: https://fractalsoftworks.com/forum/index.php?topic=25899.0 The reasons are on that mod page if you are interested in why I made the move.
I understand boundaries are best kept simple, but pretty much 75%ish the boundaries I've checked are scuffed. The one ship that made me do a double take was the Smart-class, so I went in and checked and... good lord. Is there a reason?Hello again Axelord,
Yeah, I see the post, I've been there before. Lessening the boundary points IS good practice, but having boundaries float off the hull, sometimes really far off the hull, isn't. It's a problem because you get hit when you really shouldn't be. The example in the post actually shows the boundary creeping INTO the hull by a small amount. I've checked a good many other mods for comparison and that's a pretty common occurrence, especially when looking at decorative features on hulls (like comm masts, cranes, small winglets, etc. etc.). I 'fixed' the Smart to my own liking, (https://imgur.com/a/z1OTt4S) and maybe it IS creeping a bit into the NonoSquare territory, but there's probably some middle-ground to be found. At the very least, tighten the point so the box volume is not 20% bigger than the actual sprite.When I made this mod I had no clue what I was doing and I believe I overcompensated when I was told my boundary lines were too detailed. Since your last post I have been going over the ships in JYD and tightening up the worst of them like the Smart. As I get time, I will go over them all and release a small update to address this. It isn't ground breaking or something that would cause a crash, just an old time oopsie that I really should get around to fixing :)
If you were to look at the boundary map of 90% of vanilla ships, without the sprite or name, most of the time you could pretty much still tell which ship it's for.I took your similar advice in your previous post and it was illustrated to me quite clearly that I was out of bounds. I appreciate the tip.
JYD is pretty much a constant mod for me, as it is unobtrusive, and doesn't do anything insane. It fills in the vanilla faction void, and do what it means to do very well. Other than boundaries, I haven't spotted anything else that seems off.That is nice to hear. I never intended for them to be some wildly exciting faction, quite the opposite in fact. I just saw a need for a mining focused faction that was neutral/independent. There were already some like HMI and Roider Union but I felt they got caught up in the politics of the sector more than I liked. JYD is set up to be an insular faction that is straight neutralist. They will not attack any faction other than pirates and ordo (well and Hiver if you like that sort of thing) unless they are attacked first. The reason they have so many ships is that I wanted them to address all needs if a player, such as myself, liked to role play and only use a faction's ships.
Cheers!Lol thank you. It was a long time coming and I am a bit ashamed it took me so long to fix it. I guess I should go over my other mods as time allows, who knows what kind of jank I'll find :)
Hello Daz, is there any possibility that JYD or any of your Unique faction modes (Special Circumstances, Hivers, etc...) will add support for the AOTD module Question of Loyalty. I find playing with JYD really fun and i wish it had unique faction interactions aswell.Hello there it has been a minute since anyone has commented on my mods and it is nice to hear from someone. :)
Hello Daz, is there any possibility that JYD or any of your Unique faction modes (Special Circumstances, Hivers, etc...) will add support for the AOTD module Question of Loyalty. I find playing with JYD really fun and i wish it had unique faction interactions aswell.Hello there it has been a minute since anyone has commented on my mods and it is nice to hear from someone. :)
I am happy to hear you are enjoying my mods. Personally I only use the Cryosleeper Module portion of AOTD so I am not familiar with that aspect but I'll certainly look into it and see if Kaysaar has an optional file or instructions for mod makers.
I have been jammed up with R/L things but I should have some time this week to look into it and I'll get back to you with either an update to the mods or a message here that I failed so stay tuned.
The AI seems to have trouble operating the Fetching missile cruisers... I have mine fitted with all kinetic/EMP missiles for long range suppression, but as soon as something's shields go down it wants to close distance to fire the built-in PD missiles at the target (because they're explosive, I guess). Very frustrating... is there another mod out there that would let me forbid the AI from using certain weapons or something?I had not considered that, ty for pointing it out. I can certainly give the Shard missiles a longer range to match the standard in the next update as they have the shortest range of any other JYD missiles at 1k.
advanced gunnery control, yes.Thank you for helping Bobamelius with your suggestion, that's going a little extra and deserves a smiley :)
Hope that helps but please consider not picking on my doggos. :)I know this is an old post, but have you considered when JYD enters into alliances with other factions, gets dragged into offensive wars, and starts hammering on YOUR gates with piles upon piles of drones, and you just sit there feeling like that scene from Matrix 3 where the drones attack Zion? :D
That is ok, I meant that comment as a fun end to the paragraph is was a part of :)Hope that helps but please consider not picking on my doggos. :)I know this is an old post,
but have you considered when JYD enters into alliances with other factions, gets dragged into offensive wars, and starts hammering on YOUR gates with piles upon piles of drones, and you just sit there feeling like that scene from Matrix 3 where the drones attack Zion? :DWell they are neutralists so they do not have many enemies other than pirate factions (and Hivers if you like that sort of mod ;D ). Alliances are tricky if you use JYD as a game controlled faction becasue that is goverened manily by Nexerelin since it does random events that effect faction relations.
Not a complaint or anything, just thought it was funny. I'd generally resolved to leave them alone, but then they started sending invasion fleets to my newly-built colonies, just because I'd peeved off Ludd - which they had allied with. I tried like 10 times to manually fight the battles, but there was just nothing to be done. I had to wait for patrols to amass to a suitably size, let them and the stations autoresolve against the JYD fleet, wait for them to slowly get whittled down, and then finally engage once they were of a more manageable size.Well yes I did sort of make JYD a tough faction in order to defend agasint all the pirate and pirate leaning factions that are out there. I guess a side effect outside of my control is how Nexerelin has them act. I had not considered that so thank you for pointing it out.
Still loving the mod, though. The Sharp, in particular, is very precious to me. They're the best capital ship an entrepreneuring pirate could hope for!Well that is good hear you enjoy it so much! Um the idea that you use thier ships as a pirate does make a sort of sense for that mindset so bravo!
I might just be really bad at outfitting ships. :PThe Sharp is a bit of a midline glass cannon that can output some excellent dps but I would not reccomend using it as the main capital in your fleet. Maybe use a beefy low tech ship to tank the damage and use the Sharp as a "wingman" that deals the pain. Just a suggestion, you do you you pirate scum! ;)
The Sharp is a bit of a midline glass cannon that can output some excellent dps but I would not reccomend using it as the main capital in your fleet. Maybe use a beefy low tech ship to tank the damage and use the Sharp as a "wingman" that deals the pain. Just a suggestion, you do you you pirate scum! ;)Hmm.
It's my precious! Nerf it and there'll be riotin'!. xD
Hello Daz,Hello there, I have no issue with translations to my mods. I consider them open source, which is why I do not compress them so people can easly read and or adjust them. I apprecaite you reaching out and acting as an intermediary and the more players who can access my mods, the more joy they hopefully bring, the happier I am. :)
Just writing to check, someone on Fossic has done a translation of the Junk Yard Dogs for their own use but thought to seek permission to upload and share it with other players. (His ID is Ni Sang Da Shu Jiang / Niisan Uncle Chan) They approached me to see if I could help ask for said permission since they have trouble getting english forum to work. I dont quite know the quality of the TL as I currently have trouble getting access to it from them due to they uploading it to a baidu drive, but thought I'd help relay the message at this point.
Hello Daz,Hello there, I have no issue with translations to my mods. I consider them open source, which is why I do not compress them so people can easly read and or adjust them. I apprecaite you reaching out and acting as an intermediary and the more players who can access my mods, the more joy they hopefully bring, the happier I am. :)
Just writing to check, someone on Fossic has done a translation of the Junk Yard Dogs for their own use but thought to seek permission to upload and share it with other players. (His ID is Ni Sang Da Shu Jiang / Niisan Uncle Chan) They approached me to see if I could help ask for said permission since they have trouble getting english forum to work. I dont quite know the quality of the TL as I currently have trouble getting access to it from them due to they uploading it to a baidu drive, but thought I'd help relay the message at this point.
Oh and a good WAAAGH! to you good sir.
All Orks is equal, but some Orks are more equal dan uvvas.Hello Daz,Hello there, I have no issue with translations to my mods. I consider them open source, which is why I do not compress them so people can easly read and or adjust them. I apprecaite you reaching out and acting as an intermediary and the more players who can access my mods, the more joy they hopefully bring, the happier I am. :)
Just writing to check, someone on Fossic has done a translation of the Junk Yard Dogs for their own use but thought to seek permission to upload and share it with other players. (His ID is Ni Sang Da Shu Jiang / Niisan Uncle Chan) They approached me to see if I could help ask for said permission since they have trouble getting english forum to work. I dont quite know the quality of the TL as I currently have trouble getting access to it from them due to they uploading it to a baidu drive, but thought I'd help relay the message at this point.
Oh and a good WAAAGH! to you good sir.
Thanks, I will pass the word over and let the TL'er know. In the meantime, yooz got some nice gubbinz yooz self, nice krump'in to yoo az well.
Hello Zangetsuke welcome to the JYD forum. I've valued your feedback for CFT so I know you are an experienced player but I am confused regarding your feedback for JYD. Yes they do have high hull and armor which is explained in thier lore of being a lowtech mining faction but they have drawbacks as well. They are a neutralist faction with all factions other than pirate and pirate allied factions and non aggressive by nature. I have played as them as well as had them installed while playing a different faction but in the dozens of hours I've played I have never seen them go on an invasion spree. May I ask what faction were you playing as and if you had attacked them first?
I played freely (free start with no planet) and founded my faction later. From what I remember, I just attacked them once to defend the last market of UAF to prevent them from being wiped and it was mostly afterward that I got an massive invasion from them (probably because they got such a large-scale territory in my Sector so they were ultra rich?) and defeating their 5 massive invasion fleets seem to have triggered another incoming invasion and honestly, I barely obtained my Orbital Works so it was kinda short on time to make a sufficient order for next month even if I got the money because even if I bringed a whole swarm of frigates, considering they destroyed my tier 3 station with alpha core and most of my patrols, it shouldn't have be sufficient to resist their next assault.I generally start off like that myself with no faction behind me so it is not that. I do not use UAF so I am unsure if that mod had anything to do with it, are they pirate aligned? When you state they have a large scale territory I am confused since they start off with 1 system, what size sector did you generate and how much of it was owned by JYD?
Were they not supposed to dominate like that? I don't know what got wrong with my run but even Hegemony to their richest peak wasn't that hard to repel (Hegemony got 15 markets at some time before slowly getting pushed back by JYD).They start off as neutral to the Hedgemony and in my experience the Hedgemony outguns them in my games.
Did I just get some bad luck run with your mod?Well Nexerelin does love to toss monkeywrenches into the mix that is for sure. You may have had numerous random faction relation adjustments (like weddings and such) not go your way.
Either way, it was a terrifying experience, if you want, I can give them another try to see if it was just a random bad luck as it's still a game with RNG features after all.Well that is your call of course, if you do I would certainly like to hear about it.
I didn't forcibly lose everything having Unofficial New Game Plus, these 5 intense invasion fleet have make me reach level max which allowed me to record my checkpoint so I can keep my blueprints, hullmods and credits progression to start a faster run this time.Silver lining I guess :)
I was considering bringing even more mods anyway seeing that my new computer runned well without any lags.Now that you mention that, what mods are you using? I ask because maybe you are using something I am not, though I do run a very mdoded game. If you are unsure how to do that, go to your starsector folder then to the mods folder and in that folder is a file called enabled_mods.json is a list, here's mine:
Now that you mention that, what mods are you using? I ask because maybe you are using something I am not, though I do run a very mdoded game. If you are unsure how to do that, go to your starsector folder then to the mods folder and in that folder is a file called enabled_mods.json is a list, here's mine:Spoiler"all_the_domain_drones+NewDrones",
"Diktat Enhancement",
"Everybody loves KoC",
"Mayasuran Navy",
Well let's start off with adjusted sector, I do not use that one anymore as I had issues with it but how large was your sector and how many systems did JYD get at start?It's Nexerelin who decide the number of spawns at the start and I let their recommendations by default (something which bypassed the base limit like 84/80 planets instead of 80/80)
Well let's start off with adjusted sector, I do not use that one anymore as I had issues with it but how large was your sector and how many systems did JYD get at start?It's Nexerelin who decide the number of spawns at the start and I let their recommendations by default (something which bypassed the base limit like 84/80 planets instead of 80/80)
From the Revanchist claims, there is 2 of them which are probably colony, by checking their numbers of current markets which got surprinsingly reduced to 9 since my last check, I suppose they started with 4 markets which are currently 2 ranks 7 and 2 ranks 6 in the same system Zenito (they got another one rank 6 but it's another system, probably a colony too).
Wah, Hegemony got back to 16 markets when they were inferior to JYD last time I checked and Carter have 13 markets now.
The top 4 factions right now are Hegemony 16, Carter 13, Machine Void 10 and an equality JYD/Church 9.
I don't know how but Legio Infernalis are already wiped out and I saved UAF 2 markets from JYD which started the previous two invasions, it's funny to see the difference from my old computer run where it was Valkyrian who dominated with 17 markets.
Ok yea I figured that was the case. It has been a couple versions since I used that mod but I was not sure if it still did that. Well good sir it seems Nexerelin did you dirty in that game :) If it does not respect the mod author's tailored conditions then some factions are going to start off stronger than intended and some will be weaker than intended. JYD starts off with a strong economy but is limited by having only one system that the pirates constantly attack. In a base game they are pretty chill and will moslty send out mining fleets unless they are picked on which, in the default game, is rare since they work to maintain thier neutrality through the game. (Except for Hivers, gotta swat those bugs 8))
I really connot do much when you have a mod that randomizes the factions like that so I apologize that I cannot be of more help. Play random games, win random prizes. ;)
There are unnoficial updates for mods that have been abondoned by their original authors. You can find them on the forum and/or discord just do a search on the mod name. As for SEEKER, there was an updated version on the forum by PMD but he was banned by Alex for using malicious code in the v0.6.2 version so it is no longer available.Ok yea I figured that was the case. It has been a couple versions since I used that mod but I was not sure if it still did that. Well good sir it seems Nexerelin did you dirty in that game :) If it does not respect the mod author's tailored conditions then some factions are going to start off stronger than intended and some will be weaker than intended. JYD starts off with a strong economy but is limited by having only one system that the pirates constantly attack. In a base game they are pretty chill and will moslty send out mining fleets unless they are picked on which, in the default game, is rare since they work to maintain thier neutrality through the game. (Except for Hivers, gotta swat those bugs 8))
I really connot do much when you have a mod that randomizes the factions like that so I apologize that I cannot be of more help. Play random games, win random prizes. ;)
Well, at least I got a come back out of this *** and can continu my run and will get my revenge on them now that I got my own production of ships and weapons.
By the way, I see you got mods like SEEKER and such, are you not playing the last version of the game? Or is there a updated version somewhere?
Well, at least I got a come back out of this *** and can continu my run and will get my revenge on them now that I got my own production of ships and weapons.There are unnoficial updates for mods that have been abondoned by their original authors. You can find them on the forum and/or discord just do a search on the mod name. As for SEEKER, there was an updated version on the forum by PMD but he was banned by Alex for using malicious code in the v0.6.2 version so it is no longer available.
By the way, I see you got mods like SEEKER and such, are you not playing the last version of the game? Or is there a updated version somewhere?
v3.4 released today - Save Compatible
-Obedient: Removed the civilian tag and increased the supply/mo and deployment to 10 - makes it analogous to an upgraded Mule as intended
-Changed the mount type of the Mining Plinker and Medium Asteroid Breaker Cannon to hybrid - Matches their energy counterparts (mining laser/mining blaster)
-Fixed an error with the naming of the Heavy Asteroid Buster Cannon with the correct Heavy Asteroid Breaker Cannon
-Renamed the variant for the Flea, Gnat, Botfly, Mosquito, Tick, and Heavy Drone wings from New to Standard which is the vanilla naming convention
-Fetching: Unlocked the two small built-in mounts and increased the OP by 5 to compensate - Kept the shard on the variant - TY Bobamelius for your commentary
-Shard Anti-Fighter Swarmer: Increased the range to 1200 to match the Drill SRM - Helps prevent AI shenanigans when used together
-Massive: Raised the deployment and supply use from 45 to 50 - Ty Zangetsuke for your commentary
-Heavy Drone: Fixed a misaligned mount and widened the missile arcs from 25 to 45
-After reading numerous comments on discord I changed the description for JYD from "A vanilla+ power level faction mod that focuses on exploration, mining, scrapping and survey"
to "A powerful neutralist faction mod that focuses on ships that excel at mining, scrapping, exploration and survey" - Apparently v+ doesn't mean what I thought it meant :)
@TheEternalCrusader: I looked into incorporating my mods into the AOTD module Question of Loyalty as you requested but as I do not use that mod, keeping compatabilty up would be difficult. At this time I will not be adding that to JYD but will keep my mind open to the possibility as I follow AOTD's progress.
I appreciate the Update and look foward to JYD and potentially your other mods to integrate in the future to AOTD's Question of Loyalty. For the Time being i'll just use my imagination to the Rank structure of JYDI am happy to hear you are enjoying the update. As to the AOTD integration, when I have more time I will attempt to integrate it. I am just a bit backlogged on mod updates and am working on TTE at the moment. As I stated previously, I do not currently use that mod so I cannot make any promises at this time but I will look into it if enough players request it. Thank you for the follow up and understanding.