This discussion of the luddic path prometheus has led me to an idea - what if the luddic path converted fuel freighters we basically suicide bombers? Give them some build in hull mod, something like "redemption contraption" that basically explodes the vehicle as if it was destroyed, but with a few changes - the explosion is much stronger, bigger in radius, and most importantly - pierces through shield overload? And also modify the prometheus AI to target the biggest ship - like your capital. That would combine well with the burn drive. And of course, the player wouldnt be able to use it - firstly because there is only one button for special system, and secondly because it would be just wrong to explode yourself. That would make pathers much more dangerous than they currently are - because right now they are one of the weakest opponents to fight, and resemble an annoying fly rather than a wasp that will make you cr*p in your pants once you see one.
And, of course, add pather phaeton and drum, with the same explosion device.
There's a mod called Luddic Enchancement (by King Alfonzo) that more or less does that actually!
Namely, an IED Dram and even a Prometheus Mk.2 variant that fires IED Drams as ammunition!