Fractal Softworks Forum

Starsector => General Discussion => Topic started by: Achataeon on January 06, 2016, 07:59:37 AM

Title: Quality of Life Improvements
Post by: Achataeon on January 06, 2016, 07:59:37 AM
It's kind of annoying to have to deal with the little niggles that pop out every now and then in Starsector, especially in that small moment where you wish there was an active ability for a certain situation or a bit of extra information to help you out. That kind of thing. I'm hoping that people would pitch in their thoughts about how to improve the little things in Starsector. So here are some of my thoughts:

As it is right now, waiting in ambush within a ring is a tedious job of constant clicking. Maybe an ability that toggles an "anchor" so that you'd stay in place relative to celestial bodies? Give us some way to make a proper ambush!

What's also annoying is during trading. Essentially, you'd need to guess how much credits you're actually earning because you don't know at what price you're selling your junk. Maybe some sort of price per unit indicator?

Checking out new ships in the market. Buying and selling ships in the vanilla game is relatively simple. You end up playing so much Starsector, you essentially memorize whatever ship is better and whatever ship is crap. But when you start putting in mods, comparing ships against each other basically means you have to physically jot down notes of which ship has better armor, flux capacity and all that jazz. Can we have a proper way to compare ships in game, in their manner of stats? Sort of like the codex but for ships in the market.
Title: Re: Quality of Life Improvements
Post by: Megas on January 06, 2016, 08:01:16 AM
Return sort by size class from pre-0.6.

I have pages of ships at my home base, and scrolling down to frigates and fighters is tedious.
Title: Re: Quality of Life Improvements
Post by: mendonca on January 06, 2016, 08:30:26 AM
As it is right now, waiting in ambush within a ring is a tedious job of constant clicking. Maybe an ability that toggles an "anchor" so that you'd stay in place relative to celestial bodies? Give us some way to make a proper ambush!

What's also annoying is during trading. Essentially, you'd need to guess how much credits you're actually earning because you don't know at what price you're selling your junk. Maybe some sort of price per unit indicator?

These two have actually been implemented in the dev version of SS. ( <--- Stopping in orbit ( <--- Unit Price

Title: Re: Quality of Life Improvements
Post by: Recklessimpulse on January 06, 2016, 09:01:24 AM
Well if asking for quality of life improvements, in vanilla this does not show up but in Mods with vary large battles some times the AI will try to re-engage endlessly even once all of it's ships are non operable so it can't field any but it feels it has enough ship in the ship pool that fighting would be worth it.
In short after losing a set amount of battles in a row (4?) the AI should be forced to go retreat otherwise your only option is to leave yourself and you get nothing for that despite nominally willing that fight.
Title: Re: Quality of Life Improvements
Post by: icepick37 on January 06, 2016, 09:14:21 AM
Return sort by size class from pre-0.6.

I have pages of ships at my home base, and scrolling down to frigates and fighters is tedious.
Yeah being to able to toggle various sorts would be awesome.
Title: Re: Quality of Life Improvements
Post by: Ranakastrasz on January 06, 2016, 11:57:56 AM
Return sort by size class from pre-0.6.

I have pages of ships at my home base, and scrolling down to frigates and fighters is tedious.

Just a better management system for large quantity of types in general. When the list has two or more pages worth of stuff, it is a pain. Ability to search for shiptype, size, characteristics, etc, etc, would be helpful.
Title: Re: Quality of Life Improvements
Post by: Doom101 on January 10, 2016, 02:44:42 PM
Return sort by size class from pre-0.6.

I have pages of ships at my home base, and scrolling down to frigates and fighters is tedious.

Just a better management system for large quantity of types in general. When the list has two or more pages worth of stuff, it is a pain. Ability to search for shiptype, size, characteristics, etc, etc, would be helpful.

I'm no coder, but how feasible is a search function similar to the NEI mod from minecraft? if you don't know what that is, basically it's a search bar that actively looks for anything you type in as you type it, and it looks at names of items, and their descriptions if they have it, so for SS you could type "Combat" and it would pull anything that says "Combat" anywhere in it's name or description.
Title: Re: Quality of Life Improvements
Post by: Ranakastrasz on January 10, 2016, 03:37:35 PM
Return sort by size class from pre-0.6.

I have pages of ships at my home base, and scrolling down to frigates and fighters is tedious.

Just a better management system for large quantity of types in general. When the list has two or more pages worth of stuff, it is a pain. Ability to search for shiptype, size, characteristics, etc, etc, would be helpful.

I'm no coder, but how feasible is a search function similar to the NEI mod from minecraft? if you don't know what that is, basically it's a search bar that actively looks for anything you type in as you type it, and it looks at names of items, and their descriptions if they have it, so for SS you could type "Combat" and it would pull anything that says "Combat" anywhere in it's name or description.
Probably don't include description, but name and ship classification would work. Descriptions have a lot of fluff, which would result in a lot of false positives. but allowing you to say ">1000 hull" or ">10k armor" or ">1 Large energy slot(s))
Title: Re: Quality of Life Improvements
Post by: Achataeon on January 10, 2016, 07:24:20 PM
Probably even add an option to "hide" ships not in the current sort. Having a million ships in storage just kills my game, turning it into a slideshow.
Title: Re: Quality of Life Improvements
Post by: Audiopulse on January 13, 2016, 03:42:03 PM
heres another one - i often run in situations where I am, lets say talking to some person at a station and would need to look some other data up: Tradeprices of that station, my fleet, etc.

Would be great if I could split my "PDA-screen" into two windows, one remaining at where im at while with the other i can access everything else at said station. Might also help comparing different ships even from different markets at the same station.
Title: Re: Quality of Life Improvements
Post by: Achataeon on January 13, 2016, 09:40:17 PM
He he. It's already the future and we still can't split our screens on our (Tr)ipads. Isn't the trade interface based on said device?
Title: Re: Quality of Life Improvements
Post by: Audiopulse on January 14, 2016, 06:48:37 AM
All is 'based' on Tripads. The whole menu that appears after docking ;)

I noticed that there are a number of occasions where youd like to look up info about certain ships etc. which would only be possible by ending a talk or closing interfaces. In some instances you cant even do that and can only hope you remember it all (as in right before a fight starts at deployment: "What was that other ship again?")

At least in stations being able to split your screen would solve any situation i could think of ;)