Starsector > Mods

[0.97a] Hyperdrive v2.5.2 - A fleet ability for instant long distance travel

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Compatible with all known mods.
Integrated with Version Checker.
Can be added to existing games.
Can NOT be removed from games in which it was already used, but it can be disabled.
Highly configurable. See the OPTIONS.ini file in the mod folder or use LunaLib to edit settings in-game.

This mod allows your fleet to "hyperwarp," traveling up to 15 light-years in mere seconds.
The goal is to improve the QoL involved in travel as much as possible without disrupting normal gameplay more than necessary.

Unlocking the ability:
If you want to have access to hyperwarp from the beginning of a game, you can edit the options file and set "unlockedByDefault" to true.
Otherwise, you will eventually be presented with hints about how to unlock it during the course of normal play.
Ok, but how do I unlock it?Disable any remnant capital ship.  Scripted events and station encounters may prevent the unlock event from triggering.

If you're trying to befriend the Remnants with the help of a certain special contact from Nex, then you can also unlock the ability by following her main questline.
Using the ability:
Move in the direction you want to go and activate the "Hyperwarp Jump" ability.
Warp distance is based on current burn level: 0.5 light-years per burn level.
Press "W" during autopilot to set your fleet to the correct velocity for warping directly to your destination.

Limitations and Disadvantages:
Can't be activated near non-allied fleets.
Requires 50% more fuel per light-year than conventional travel.
Reduces CR of all ships (like emergency burn).
Massively increases your fleet's sensor profile during usage and cooldown, also revealing your identity.
When certain enemy fleets detect yours from a distance, they may use their hyperdrives to intercept you (disabled for most factions by default).
Can't be activated in systems with a destabilizing effect, such as ones containing neutron stars.
Can't be used while in abyssal space, but it can be used to jump into it, so be careful!

Warping costs the same amount of supplies no matter how far you go, so long warps are more efficient.
Hyperspace storms can boost your burn level up to 30, maximizing warp distance.
Press "W" during autopilot to set your fleet to the correct velocity for warping directly to your destination.
Warping can be very dangerous to use in hostile space, but you can drastically reduce sensor profile using terrain, making nebulae safer warp targets.
Warping can be very precise. Use sustained burn and the S key for precise control of burn level (and therefore warp distance).
The distance mentioned in the course navigation widget above your radar is measured in light-years.
You can use this to calculate the correct burn level needed to warp directly to something.
Small enemy fleets that maintain contact with your own fleet are now more of a threat, as they can prevent you from warping.
In normal space, you can usually see fleets appear on your radar before they warp to you.

About HyperdriveThanks
Alex and the rest of the Fractal Softworks team, for this excellent game and it's outstanding modding API.
LazyWizard, for making this mod much easier to test using Console Commands.
kazi, for the guide on setting up Intelij IDE

All assets from this project may be used without obtaining explicit permission as long as...
No laws are broken and Fractal Softworks' terms of service are not violated
The original authors of any code or assets used are credited
Nothing taken from this mod is used for nefarious purposes

Awesome! Awesome! I love the concept of this. I'll be keeping an Eye on It!
Nice going Sundog!


--- Quote from: Soren on November 06, 2019, 12:42:14 AM ---Would you be willing to provide hooks to blacklist, modify, and replace this functionality on a per-ship basis? I can think of a number of ways I'd like to extend, change, bend, fold, spindle, and mutilate a feature like that.

--- End quote ---
I'm happy to add any useful hook that wouldn't be too taxing on system resources or require too much dev time, but I'm not sure exactly what you're requesting. Are you talking about, for example, creating a ship or hullmod that adjusts how the ability works? In that case, all of the settings available in the options file are also publicly exposed (and writable) in hyperdrive.ModPlugin. That's not ideal though, since the user's choices could easily be overwritten and those settings affect all fleets. I could provide proper functionality for that kind of thing if you want it.

The most useful means of blacklisting, I think, is provided by the API:

--- Code ---
if(Global.getSettings().getModManager().isModEnabled("sun_hd_hyperdrive")) {

--- End code ---

So does DME add anything you think this mod would interfere with in ways it doesn't already interfere with vanilla? Any fleets with custom AI I should watch to see if they might choose to jump at bad times?

--- Quote from: etherealblade on November 06, 2019, 04:51:13 PM ---Awesome! Awesome! I love the concept of this. I'll be keeping an Eye on It!
Nice going Sundog!

--- End quote ---

Have you tried my Karlsson Heirloom (very wip, kind of broken) mod in the Discord server? It offers something slightly similar. Mine is an ability tied to the presence of a super carrier in the fleet, but once you get your hand on it you can then activate a super cruise.

The super cruise allows you to travel at 30+ burn, at no fuel cost. On the other hand, you can't turn at all without disabling the ability, it has an extreme activation cost equivalent to a few months worth of supplies and rouhtly the fuel required to travel along a quarter of the sector width.

In practice it is only worthwhile for long stretches of travel across explored areas, or for emergency returns. Ressources wise, it is preferable to stormride so it really is for convenience for when you reached the late game, when travelling has become a thrill less chore and you can afford its use.

I have! It's very cool. I like how you made it most useful for long slogs, and I love the idea of giving the player a reward like that for completing a quest line. I tested it out a few months ago as part of preparing to work on this mod after Meso told me about it. It's on my list of potential compatibility conflicts to check for, but I haven't gotten around to testing yet. Both abilities override fleet velocity and do weird things with fuel consumption, so I'm certain to find at least a few things. In theory the KH super cruise ability should still be the most efficient method of long-distance travel even with hyperdrive available, due to the way it consumes fuel and (if I remember correctly) allows you to ignore terrain.


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