Starsector > Lore, Fan Media & Fiction

Biography of Blair Callisto


Just wanted to share a short biography I made for the character of my first (proper) game: Blair Callisto.

<removed link -Alex>

Hi there - would you mind posting it in the forum rather than as a link to an external site? A first post with a link like that looks a bit dodgy so I doubt many people would actually click on it.

I formatted it in Word so I'd have to redo it for forum posting, is there a way to post a .docx or .pdf in the forum?

Hmm - since your email corresponds to an actual order (and you appear to be a real person, rather than a bot :D), feel free to attach a PDF to the forum post. I still think the odds of someone clicking on a PDF (or a docx) are pretty slim compared to someone reading something that's directly inside the post, but that's your call.

Bit late, but: for my past fics I've used this tool to convert formatting to BBcode for pasting on forum, with a copy hosted on Google Docs.


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