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Topics - Deshara

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Suggestions / uses for marines
« on: November 27, 2018, 07:06:10 PM »
I have a use for marines that would be super helpful for early-game players; having marines whose wages you can afford prevents crew from deserting due to insufficient wages.

Also; having marines in your fleet after a lost fight where you lost ships and then disengaged, losing you the ability to recover said ships after the fight, pops up a screen similar to the "ship recovery" popup that allows you to allocate marines to your lost & abandoned ships to secure their hulk from breaking apart, secure its orbit so it'll remain on the map as a salvageable wreck and then prevents other factions from salvaging said floating hulk until you've had time to recoup and come back, so that losing the XIV Onslaught you found at level 3 to getting caught out by twenty dozen Ordos at the same time isn't necessarily time to reload bc you're given the option (if you kept a platoon of marines on hand to secure your assets) to come back and get it later.

Also, an engage option similar to "harry their retreat" that's useable on expeditions raiding/bombing a colony where instead of engaging the fleet in a fight you commit your marines & ground-expedition forces to countering the enemy's assault and forcing them to engage you and if they can't engage / kill your fleet and get the "clean disengage" bonus for a won fight they have their operation disrupted, forcing them to peel off of a planet, in case your fleet isn't actually big enough to run the fleet off so you have a way to still get involved by giving the planet / faction time to get a fast reaction fleet there to defend

I enjoy the idea of answering distress calls and understand why it works the way it does RN, being a very early-game facing mechanic.
Buut, now that I have maxed out colonies and a giant revenant fleet clogging up my storage and a secured territory that cannot be threatened and enough money to never have to worry about running out of fuel and supplies, what I really wanna do is settle down with a phaeton(?) tanker and a couple escorts and answer distress calls. If there were a building that let you pick up distress calls from across the sector and monitored comm traffic to warn you what the expected time before somebody else gets to it to let me race to answer them, helping people out and dealing with ambushes and choosing not to help out my enemies and watching their fleet flounder and break as I eat heartily in front of them, I'd enjoy that a lot.

my cup runneth over with synchrotrons. I'm actually not super interested in building fuel facilities (I have more synchos than I have colonies lol), but nobody will offer me more $ than the base black market price so I've taken to just... pitching them out the window like an empty fast food soda cup bc the only thing they'd be worth to me is reputation I can use to curtail Sindrian expeditions.

Suggestions / cant see the AI cores over the icons
« on: November 27, 2018, 06:49:07 PM »
see title, it blends in a lot. I have to mouse over every industry one by one for the popout to see which have a core bc I can't see the icon

Suggestions / no industries require heavy equipment?
« on: November 27, 2018, 06:48:18 PM »
aside from one that I've found. I have one factory producing heavy machinery and every other industry everywhere I can plant them and my cup still runneth over with heavy industrial equipment even tho I've almost exactly built my faction to run on a machinery deficit as I could.
That's weird. Even if it makes sense to have terrestrial industries use static facilities that don't need to be moved or replaced ever, a factory still needs forklifts and shuttles and heavy industrial packing equipment and heavy industrial de-packing equipment and a big machine that goes "ping!" in the administrator's office any time they make a profit.
And, it does make sense from a gameplay perspective to not tie the operation of every industry in the game to a single commodity that's only produced by one of them, and in that way I agree, but then consider: no industry (except for the one that produces heavy machinery) is upgradeable.

So, my suggestion; make every industry that doesn't require heavy machinery upgradeable to an industrialized version that produces the same goods on a grander scale but adds heavy machinery to the regents needed and not in a cost-effective way (so the base-gameplay remains largely the same) so the player is given the option to construct a machinery-sink, and players who plant a techmine on every ruin they can find (Hi! It me) can run their capital as extremely over-industrialized as possible, requiring heavy machinery in every facet of life and generally just running their society in a way that would make Pather heads explode and drawing increased hegemony attention bc the resource-inefficiency of the industrialized productions means a player running an over-industrialized factory world profitably is probably using AI a lot.

General Discussion / spaceport feedback
« on: November 27, 2018, 06:37:04 PM »
does it kind of bug anybody else how spaceports are absolutely necessary? I'm trying to build a faction empire with one super-metropolis of manufacturing & military might, fed by a string of non-spacefaring low-tech colonies who feed the capital raw resources & are otherwise entirely self-sufficient (either farming their own food, or techmining ship supplies from ruins and using an AI-assisted administrator to run the colony's infrastructure to run entirely on naval supplies instead of food and domestic goods)

but as far as I can tell no matter what I do unless I build a spaceport on every colony all of my colonies might as well not exist and just endlessly build up a stockpile of goods that won't ever be moved
It feels like, if a colony has no accessibility bc of no space port my faction's High Command should field a military mercantile expedition to empty out its stockpile once a month
Otherwise, why require a player to build a spaceport if it might as well just be built by default when founding a colony?

Suggestions / thin atmosphere increase accessibility
« on: November 27, 2018, 06:31:53 PM »
it's already implemented for low gravity, it'd make sense for thin atmosphere since ships don't have to do an atmospheric entry

And, more specifically, you can build a colony to be self-sufficient (with a techmine) w/o a spaceport as long as you use administrators and AI cores by making your colony live off of ship supplies instead of food & domestic goods, but at the cost of nobody being able to trade with said planet ever.
However, if you founded said techmining colony on a planetoid like the Earth's moon where the gravity is super light and there's no atmosphere to speak of, and those two market conditions combined to give you the bonus that you'd normally need a spaceport for the game would be systemically implying that said colony is basically domestically living ship-bound bc the planetoid allows them to just land shuttles on the surface & live off of them (so long as you have an administrator being assisted by an AI to assist the non-ship crew polity manage said lifestyle)
Which would be really cool & atmospheric.

Suggestions / faction answers your distress calls
« on: November 27, 2018, 06:27:36 PM »
Idk if this is implemented and I haven't noticed or not but I ran out of fuel one system over from my capital and having to wait for rescue from the core worlds instead of my faction whose territory I am in is a bit lame

Bug Reports & Support / converted hullmod Harbringer
« on: November 27, 2018, 06:26:02 PM »
dunno how I got it, if it was produced by my shipyards or found by the techmines or if I salvaged it that way & dropped it off without noticing but I found a Harbringer with converted hanger hullmod in my capital storage. If I touch any of the other hullmods on it the hangers go away, so I'm cursing yet again this game's insistence on spending all of a ship's OP on bulkheads & hardened subsystems, but I can at least load it out with ion beams and broadswords and I can see why this loadout isn't meant to be allowed lol no clue how to reproduce it but it's there in RC10

Suggestions / military bases & HQ should recontextualize hostile raids
« on: November 25, 2018, 06:48:38 PM »
if I have a military base for the purposes of organizing fleet missions, then it feels like having one should add an option to the screen where you can bribe hostile raids for you to divert military ship production to construct a defense fleet to repel the expedition for you, at the expense of the safety of your non-military fleets who have to go without escorts & patrols keeping the system clear of poachers (and losing you a whole bunch of hulls for using for other purposes after the actual battle happens)
and if I have a HQ you should be able to do the same but skim hulls from all colonies, making raiding one colony require overcoming the military production of all your colonies

also I have a weird complaint; the way the intel screen reports on hostile raids is weirdly backwards in using negative language for player success. If a player repels an invasion fleet the game pops up to say the fleet has failed at invading, not that the player('s faction) has succeeded in defending itself.
I get that there are edge cases that technically justify this but having "FAILED" pop up on the screen when you succeed is... weird

Suggestions / Galatian Stipend just... ends?
« on: November 25, 2018, 08:35:17 AM »
that's odd. The game with and the game without it are two very different things. Either a player wasn't relying on it in which case it doesn't matter, or the player was relying on it in which case they just get dropped off a difficulty cliff.
It'd make a lot more sense to have it dwindle smoothly over time, so that the game gets a little harder each month until they're left completely on their own

Bug Reports & Support / autofit uses DTC
« on: November 25, 2018, 06:55:27 AM »
when ITU is objectively better.

Suggestions / mining lasers are useless
« on: November 25, 2018, 02:18:12 AM »
threw 4 mining lasers onto my falcon bc my new loadout doesn't require small guns, and noticed just not that all four, in optimal circumstances (with targeting core range boost), are collectively incapable of stopping a single salamander.
Which is fine, there's already too many small energy PD lasers that are useful, but, if 8 OP's worth of mining lasers cant stop a single salamander then maybe they should be like the mining drones and cost 0 (or one) OP?

Suggestions / Ill-Advised Modification Production
« on: November 25, 2018, 01:44:22 AM »
I've been running a Falcon(P) as my flagship all game. Never appreciated the fact that it had augmented drive fields built-in OP free, and noticed that it had reduced OP from a standard ship -- but less OP reduction than the cost of the built-in hullmod (which is a necessity for me, personally, gotta go fast)
so when I Restored my flagship and the free built-in hullmod not costed 24 OP again and I was refunded my 12 OP lost to the modifications, I was left in the red and had to scrap the build I'd been running bc now it wasn't doable.
And it occurs to me; if pirates can modify ships like this, and we can now custom-order ships from our very own personal shipyards... Could we order ships with ill-advised modifications, for hullmods that are essential to our play style and a touch of free OP in exchange for a loss of flexibility? Maybe having one IAM increases its production cost and increases the chance it'll be built with d-mods, and any more after that gives it the actual Ill-Advised Modifications hullmod that the mudskipper MK2 has that makes it constantly at risk of breaking down?

I'd order Kites with built-in expanded missile racks and ECCM nonstop. Idk what I'd do with all the extra OP, but, I'd appreciate the opportunity to make my fleet barely capable of functioning out of commitment to a very specific playstyle.
and I'd get to force my faction to fly them the way I like too and that would make me feel powerful

Bug Reports & Support / mashing the stop button stops you from stopping
« on: November 24, 2018, 06:18:10 PM »
a dozen Ordos are crawling towards detection range, I panic and jam S to go stationary & hide in my asteroid belt, fleet never stops and goes all the way out the asteroid belt w/o stopping and game over.

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