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Messages - WarStalkeR

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Mods / Re: Fight For Universe: Sector Xplo (
« on: May 25, 2012, 11:45:36 PM »
Ah, the TimCORP.  How's the balancing for the two mods so far?
Upgradecap messed up TimCORP's fleets completely in unique manner :D Need to redo fleets he designed to match IDFs/Hierarchy's fleets :)

Mods / Re: Fight For Universe: Sector Xplo (
« on: May 22, 2012, 11:42:54 PM »
no new update this weekend :(
*goes to cry in a corner
Umm...when is the nest update, eta maybe?  I'm a bit lazy not to try to find when or if you said that, it's just been a while since came out.
Sorry to disappoint you so much, have a lot of work to do.

But there is good news:
* For now TimCORP ships and weapons already integrated.
* Upgradecap finished creating fleet sets for battles, so they will have 50/50 chance vs IDF or Hierarchy Fleet of same size.
* Now I need to integrate TimCORP in to scripts and missions, I probably will ask all of you to come up with names for mission.
* I also will do some cosmetic work on TimCORP's ships, add launch bays where they must be in code.
* Also I will create/modify graphics for weapons to keep all in TimCORP's style.

I can't provide ETA due the laws of korean random possibilities and quantum casualty.
And yes mission names. I need names for TimCORP's missions, I will give you list of missions and you try to come up with something awesome :)

Mission for Small Convoy Hunt.
Mission for Large Convoy Hunt.
Mission for Small Convoy Escort.
Mission for Large Convoy Escort.
Mission with bounty on 1st TimCORP Fleet.
Mission with bounty on 2nd TimCORP Fleet.
Mission with bounty on 3rd TimCORP Fleet.
Mission with bounty on 4th TimCORP Fleet.
Mission with bounty on 5th TimCORP Fleet.
Mission with bounty on 6th TimCORP Fleet.
Mission with bounty on 7th TimCORP Fleet.
Mission with bounty on Home Defense Fleet.

Don't forget to mention for what mission you gave name, because Mission: %NAME% sounds good, but it makes me wounder what mission it related to.

To better understand what difference between 1st - 7th fleet:
1st War Fleet - fighters and frigates.
2nd War Fleet - fighters, bombers, frigates, destroyers.
3rd War Fleet - fighters, bombers, frigates, destroyers, cruisers.
4th War Fleet - fighters, bombers, gunships, frigates, destroyers, cruisers.
5th War Fleet - fighters, bombers, gunships, frigates, destroyers, cruisers, battlecruisers.
6th War Fleet - fighters, battleships.
7th War Fleet - everything.

Mods / Re: Fight For Universe: Sector Xplo (
« on: May 20, 2012, 11:08:35 AM »
The Hierarchy hullmod greatly improves (read as 'nigh on immune') your resilience to EMP damage. In fact, your weapons and engines will probably never get disabled, judging by my skirmishes against the Hierarchy as the IDF. The Hierarchy ships always explode before their engines flame out. Which ends up looking really they have so much armor that the death-splosion doesn't do enough, so a mostly-intact husk ends up floating along. I kind of imagine, lore-wise, that the Hierarchy ships are virtually indestructable, they can be disabled, but never destroyed.
By the lore their ships can be destroyed, they do have a lots of armor, about 40% whole ship is pure armor. Their ships built in unique way, so even after begin completely obliterated by enemy weapons it doesn't explode off with it's own chain reactions. It means if you will destroy one of reactors in Hierarchy ship, other won't go off in chain reaction explosions, you will just destroy only this reactor. Same goes for everything. Even killing one of engines, other will continue to work like nothing happened. So by the lore for Hierarchy ship to be destroyed, you need to destroy all it's vital systems, that somehow will allow control of it. IDF have a little different story, by the lore IDF Biotrinium Composite Armor have exceptional Regenerative and Adaptive capabilities and used everywhere, basically rendering any IDF unit semi-organic, in addition IDF units and ships have great amount of backup systems, so basically when you disable something, backup is enabled giving time to repair the original.

Mods / Re: Fight For Universe: Sector Xplo (
« on: May 20, 2012, 09:14:31 AM »
As I remember it the IDF fleet would surround my fat self and (mostly from behind) bombard me with missiles as I attempted to do... something.  I guess anything is possible when you've got that much EMP hitting the engines- in any case simply adding the integrated PD mod pretty much dealt with that.

Edit: note that once you've managed to get your engines disabled/have reduced functionality it's pretty much over as you can take no preventative action against all the missiles smacking into you.
Installing AI PD hullmod on Hierarchy ships solves this problem, but yes, it destroys role-play for Hierarchy, you also can try killing missiles manually :)

Mods / Re: Tankfarer - WWII Mod
« on: May 20, 2012, 05:22:27 AM »
Planetary Battles in Starfarer!

Was thinking the exact same thing, but i decided (with the rest of yhe team) to Wait until he finishes the mutiple starsystems code so that it'll get easier. Did you try the mission, Warstalker? :D/quote]I even didn't had time to play my own mod ;D

If there was ability to increase size of sector, you could be able to create one with multiple stars & etc.

Modding / Re: Little modding questions thread
« on: May 19, 2012, 12:47:29 AM »
am I right in believing that

public class Corvus implements SectorGeneratorPlugin {

   public void generate(SectorAPI sector) {
      StarSystemAPI system = sector.getStarSystem("<insert the name of your star system");

Is only run once and won't be read further? Meaning that all spawn points must be defined from the start?
Well actually you can define spawn points from spawn points, from scripts & etc.

Modding / Re: Has anyone had any luck editing .class files?
« on: May 19, 2012, 12:46:22 AM »
I'm just asking because I found out I can open them with Eclipse.

They look weird though, I can't make heads or tails of them.

They're probably not meant to be edited by I'm just asking out of curiosity.
You don't need to do it :) You already have .java files :) Let's not Reverse Engineer something that we don't have permission for it :)

Mods / Re: Fight For Universe: Sector Xplo (
« on: May 19, 2012, 12:44:52 AM »
getSector() => returns current sector, where SpawnPoint function is called from.
getLocation() => returns current system, where SpawnPoint function is called from.
getAnchor() => returns current place, where SpawnPoint must spawn fleet.

And it's easy why these functions used instead normal location, sector and anchor. Alex tried to create as most as possible safe and stable working code, and he managed to do this, so basically you can't use directly protected variable that already used super. So basically Alex created special functions, that can get protected variables directly from super and called them getSomething() :)

Mods / Re: Fight For Universe: Sector Xplo (
« on: May 18, 2012, 09:04:38 PM »
First, I don't understand why you retrieve system and outpost, as you don't use it further? Is this just a copy&paste you forgot?
Probably yes. I was trying to do more advanced script with assignments, but then left it as patrol system only.

what is the Anchor returned by getAnchor()? How can I make it that it anchors say to a planet, a second IDF station I would have created, or even the enemy station, so to simulate a blockade?
getAnchor() receives location where to spawn from, like this: IDFMainSpawnPoint idfMainFleet = new IDFMainSpawnPoint(sector, system, 5, 5, idfstation); - the last one is anchor that will be received through getAnchor(). You can use any SectorEntityToken variable for getAnchor(), in this way you can simulate blockade, or make fleet spawn from planet.

Mods / Re: Fight For Universe: Sector Xplo (
« on: May 17, 2012, 09:33:02 AM »
Hmmmmmm D: why on my side its no work!
Right, when I installed 0.52.1a got same problem. It's because I've added some unrequited numbers. Fixed it. Download and overwrite original weapon_data.csv with what I've uploaded (link).

Modding / Re: ship sizes
« on: May 17, 2012, 02:56:33 AM »
The day when the player community crystallizes into a single fanatic monoculture about non-essential fluff like this is the day that I quit the game.
As always, great words my friend!

Mods / Re: Fight For Universe: Sector Xplo (
« on: May 16, 2012, 07:43:00 PM »
Every time I get closer to Hierarchy ship then 1000, I start hearing sound of Phase Inversion Emitter.

Mods / Re: Fight For Universe: Sector Xplo (
« on: May 16, 2012, 06:59:54 PM »
Didn't see any problem with Phase Inversion Emitter. It does takes 8 seconds to charge and 0.8 seconds to discharge, but AI always start fire If you're withing range of it: 1000.

then also i notice how hierarchy lack supplies.... since their ship require *** alot crewman, im at 319 supplies per day, and i literally depleted the station reserve in supply, its need MOAR
I probably should reduce crew amount required to operate Hierarchy ships.

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