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Messages - Morrokain

Pages: 1 ... 104 105 [106] 107 108 ... 143
A few others have mentioned this bug in here, but I might as well mention it too. I've run into a bug with delivery missions where occasionally after arriving at the destination it will not turn in. I have confirmed it is the correct location and that I have the required number of resources and that there is no specific NPC I need to contact. This particular mission was to deliver Ore to a Sci-corps station, and I know that I have had the same problem when delivering to an Archean Order world. It does not happen with every delivery mission, but both times it has happened have been with ones where you only need to dock at the location, but not every mission where you need to dock is bugged like this.

Sorry! That is solved for the next update. It was an issue with the order of triggers from Rules.csv inadvertently skipping the turn in scripts. That, at least, wouldn't require a new game. (Though many of the next update's features would, so might be worthwhile to start one anyway)

^ Actually, no that can't be right because when the tag is alone it pulls in all the relevant ids just fine... so scratch all of that. Logically, it has to be an issue with:

		String param = spec.getParams();
if (!param.isEmpty()) {
for (String tag : param.split(",")) {

*Edit* Alright, giving it up for tonight I think. I tried to set up a debugger in my run configuration after copying the plugin to my project and setting up some breakpoints in performRightClickAction().

I can't open up the necessary port in localhost. Getting:

Error running Starsector-Debug: Unable to open debugger port (localhost:5005): "Connection refused: connect


My first guess at a quick pass:

boolean known = areAllKnown(ships, weapons, fighters);
at line 197 is probably returning true when it shouldn't be.

I'll give more info when I know more, but splitting between time doing this and rl work (working pretty late tonight, likely).

Ok, so based upon my understanding that returning true is definitely the case, and that comes from somewhere within these returning empty lists I would think:

		List<String> ships = getShipIds(tags);
List<String> weapons = getWeaponIds(tags);
List<String> fighters = getWingIds(tags);

I'm trying to understand what this does:

boolean not = tag.startsWith("!");
tag = not ? tag.substring(1) : tag;

First line isn't so bad- check to see if the tag doesn't have a ! operator in front? To lock out tags specifically I suppose?
What does the second line do, exactly?

Finally, as another thought:


These should return mod specs too right? (I know probably should assume yes, but trying to find out what could be wrong. Other than a couple places I don't quite understand, it seems good on the surface.)

Other than that:

		Collections.sort(specs, new Comparator<WeaponSpecAPI>() {
public int compare(WeaponSpecAPI o1, WeaponSpecAPI o2) {
return o2.getSize().ordinal() - o1.getSize().ordinal();

I don't understand, but unlikely to be the cause since it isn't present in getWingIds and that would return a wing in the fail case.

I'm going through the plugin to try and find out why, but using a comma separated list of strings does not work for MultiBlueprintItemPlugin for me.

It seems to have the right method for parsing the list:

What I am seeing in my campaign:


The one that shows up with ships and weapons only has a single tag in its param for the plugin.
When I change the other two to a single tag, they also then show the list of weapons and ships.

My first guess at a quick pass:

boolean known = areAllKnown(ships, weapons, fighters);
at line 197 is probably returning true when it shouldn't be.

I'll give more info when I know more, but splitting between time doing this and rl work (working pretty late tonight, likely).

EDIT* Forgot to add what I have in special items that cause the above screenshots.

Corrupted Phasetech Blueprint Package,archean_package,rare_package_bp,,40000,1000,1,graphics/icons/cargo/blueprint_hightech.png,ui_chip_pickup,ui_bp_package_drop,com.fs.starfarer.api.campaign.impl.items.MultiBlueprintItemPlugin,archean_bp,Partially hacked and defective production masterchip that enables heavy industry to produce basic but effective hulls and weapons utilized by the Archean Order.,281
Damaged Phasetech Blueprint Package,archean_package_tier2,ultra_rare_package_bp,,90000,1000,1,graphics/icons/cargo/blueprint_hightech.png,ui_chip_pickup,ui_bp_package_drop,com.fs.starfarer.api.campaign.impl.items.MultiBlueprintItemPlugin,"archean_bp,archean_bp_tier2",Damaged but mostly operational production masterchip that enables heavy industry to produce extremely powerful hulls and weapons utilized by the Archean Order.,282
Pristine Phasetech Blueprint Package,archean_package_tier3,"ultra_rare_package_bp, no_drop",,100000,1000,1,graphics/icons/cargo/blueprint_hightech.png,ui_chip_pickup,ui_bp_package_drop,com.fs.starfarer.api.campaign.impl.items.MultiBlueprintItemPlugin,"archean_bp,archean_bp_tier2,archean_bp_tier3",Fully operational production masterchip that enables heavy industry to produce the most powerful hulls and weapons utilized by the Archean Order. A fully operational masterchip such as this is extremely rare.,283

Btw - one thing I just fixed up there is that if you've got an extra space somewhere, such as <bp1>, <bp2> (note the space after the comma) it would consider the space to be part of bp2 and thus not work.

Thank you for the fast response, btw, and sorry about the bother. :)

(I know with enough time I could maybe dig in and understand that code class on my own but I really appreciate answers to questions that can save me a lot of time if someone is already familiar with it --especially new features like blueprints that may take some time to understand.)

Yeah, it's cool. I will say that longer-term it's probably beneficial to look at the code at least a bit before asking, just so you'll build up more of an understanding - this'll likely save you time in the long run.

A very fair point, and one I will consider more in the future. :)

I thought of spacing being the culprit and the special_items file, at least, doesn't include spaces in the plugin params. I'll look and make sure it doesn't need to be wrapped in quotes or something else I'm missing. Unless it also can't include spaces in the tags portion of ship_data or weapon_data. Those values do have spaces after the comma in the list, but I didn't think that was a problem since the rest of the tags seem to read fine.

Can the plug-in parameters of the special_items.csv file be a comma separated list, or can it only accept one bp tag? Someone reported one of my bp packages as coming up empty and I'm wondering if that caused it.

The parameters are just a string that gets interpreted by the item's plugin, so it could be just about anything.

In this case, if you look at MultiBlueprintItemPlugin (and that's the plugin class you're using, right?), you can see that it does indeed support a comma-separated list of tags.

Yes. Hmm, that's how I thought it worked... I double checked the spelling of the strings in the tags column of ship_data, weapon_data, as well as the entry in the relevant skin files- they all seem good. I wonder what could cause that?

I'm going to have to try and reproduce it (hopefully with console commands) later on to get some more info.

Thank you for the fast response, btw, and sorry about the bother. :)

(I know with enough time I could maybe dig in and understand that code class on my own but I really appreciate answers to questions that can save me a lot of time if someone is already familiar with it --especially new features like blueprints that may take some time to understand.)

The update is ready, but I am waiting on a modding question to be answered that will determine if I need to make a couple very quick changes to special_items.csv before I release it- to solve the potential blueprint package bug.

*Edit (I may be able to do some tests with Console Commands to verify otherwise but I'm not sure on that yet.)

Not in vanilla, but I believe Tyrador has such a weapon. That'd be the place to look.

Thanks, I wasn't sure where I had heard that was a weapon feature. I guess it will depend upon how resource intensive the script is.

(Re-posting this because it was a later edit of the old post and come to think of it- was probably a bad idea and should have been a separate entry :P)

Can the plug-in parameters of the special_items.csv file be a comma separated list, or can it only accept one bp tag? Someone reported one of my bp packages as coming up empty and I'm wondering if that caused it.

Has anyone tried multiple tags with blueprint packages?

Is there an easy way to have beams cause hard flux?

I haven't done this in my mod and I'm wondering if there is an example of that in unmodded starsector yet or if that has been added into the weapon file as a setting at all.

Can the plug-in parameters of the special_items.csv file be a comma separated list, or can it only accept one bp tag? Someone reported one of my bp packages as coming up empty and I'm wondering if that caused it.

Ohh, this would make a tiling "ground" type background possible, wouldn't it...

Hmm, that wasn't lost on me. That may have just made it more possible for me to mod in ground battles in the future. If so, I appreciate it! :)

I've read around a bit, are you planning on adding the rest of the blueprint later? I got an Archean phase-tech blueprint with nothing on it, wondering if it's either a bug or something not yet added.

Hm, what tier does it say? You are talking about a blueprint package? It is likely supposed to have some weapons and ships attached, unless you happened to have found single blueprints for them all already, which I would think is unlikely. So probably a bug, but could be inadvertently fixed in the upcoming update.

sickness thats sad please get well

Thanks so much for a fast reply, glad to know its not just me
Hope you get well soon and good luck in your future work

Thank to you both, I am finally starting to feel much better. :)


Thanks! I just got done digging through it and essentially made the same discovery. :) (see edit for details)


Ok, so Intel Procurement missions seem fine from a few test runs.

Bar missions, however, are not.

It seems to find the market in the description U.I just fine, and points to the correct system. No NPC is generated at that market, however, and a quest market doesn't appear either.

Are these also handled in ProcurementMissionIntel? Or are bar events separate?


Well, they work if the destination market is a non-faction market. It is probably another case of me overriding MarketPostOpen unintentionally, so I'll have to find the entry for bar mission turn ins in Rules.

As it turns out, bar procurement missions don't generate a quest marker or npc ever. They just complete when you dock at the market.

Right, yes, bar missions are entirely separate. You can search for "delivery" in rules.csv - or for some of the text - should let you find the relevant rules pretty quick.

I think I finally got it. Or, I'm at least very close.

The original set of rules in .8 relating to MarketOpenDefault fire the script "FireBest MarketPostOpen" but as I'm looking at it now the new rules for .9 instead fire the script "FireBest MarketPostDock"

The rule entries for turning in bar event missions are under MarketPostDock, as I think is crew leaving because of debt, and so forth, so I am assuming that after anything related to those rules is completed the next script fired is "FireBest MarketPostOpen" to go back to the original market menu?

My custom rules entries for Faction markets were ported from .8 and were still firing MarketPostOpen and so were circumventing the turn in scripts.

When I change those scripts to fire "MarketPostDock" the turn-in script indeed fires, but I am getting a nullpointer when redocking for some reason.

Still, progress...


Yup, I got it. :)

"FireBest MarketPostOpen" still needs to be fired from any "MarketOpen" Rules, but now instead of the "PostMarketOpen" rules firing "FireAll PopulateOptions" it fires "FireBest MarketPostDock" and the default of that set of rules fires "FireAll PopulateOptions" if nothing else, such as a turn-in from a bar event, is active.

Ok, so Intel Procurement missions seem fine from a few test runs.

Bar missions, however, are not.

It seems to find the market in the description U.I just fine, and points to the correct system. No NPC is generated at that market, however, and a quest market doesn't appear either.


Are these also handled in ProcurementMissionIntel? Or are bar events separate?


Well, they work if the destination market is a non-faction market. It is probably another case of me overriding MarketPostOpen unintentionally, so I'll have to find the entry for bar mission turn ins in Rules.

As it turns out, bar procurement missions don't generate a quest marker or npc ever. They just complete when you dock at the market.

Ahh I finally see what you're talking about - I'm sorry, it wasn't really clicking.

This code in ProcurmentMissionIntel will make it so that the contact will initiate comms when you dock with a market:

if (contactWillInitiateComms) {

What was confusing me is that this contact is still in the comm directory, and you can still turn in via the comm directory if you refuse the connection, so this isn't a case of the contact *not* being in the comm directory.

There's a 50% chance the procurement contact NPC will try to get in touch.

The rule commands you want to look for, then, are:

NPCWantsComms -> which returns whether any NPC on the colony (not in the comm directory, but added via market.addPerson(), which ProcurementMissionIntel does) wants to contact the player

PickCommsNPC -> which picks, and sets as the active person, one of the NPCs that wants to contact the player

... I'm not sure if this is actually helpful, but hopefully this'll at least point you towards what to look at.

Thanks yeah that was helpful! My own rules regarding the MarketPostOpen trigger also had a weight of 1000 under the " ==" condition so I'm pretty sure I was overriding the rule for NPCs wanting to speak with you at the market level.

That still doesn't explain how the NPC wasn't there though.

I am going to try and reproduce that now.

Buggy Mercenary Officer Hiring?
Cant seem to hire mercinaries of any of the new factions
Every time i talk to one i just have the 1st option that would be (in vanilla) "interesting, what are your skills" to press over and over
on the bottom of the test it says "IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 1,Size 1"
Tried reinstalling and turning all of the mods off, it didnt help
Cant seem to find anyone mentioning this bug in the replies
Am i the only one with this problem? Am i missing something?

Hey there, welcome to the forums!

Yes that is a known bug that is already fixed for the next update, sorry!

I have something I am going to try to solve the other known bug (some market procurement missions aren't able to be turned in) and if that works I may update later today. I've been fighting a severe illness the last two days and that has slowed me down considerably.

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